《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 113 - The First of My Kind


The First of My Kind

Aurora’s POV:


Mother took everyone back to our house. I really loved when people were afraid of them. Their faces were so fun to look at. I poked Mother’s chest, showing that I wanted her to let go of me. Doing as I wished, I landed on our sand covered beach. I closed my eyes for a moment to enjoy the sky blue ocean and the fresh air.

Lately, I’ve been feeling weird. Wherever I went, it felt as if the world turned livelier than before. People were smiling more. I really don’t understand why, but I have a feeling as if it had something to do with me. I always felt so vigorous and full of energy! I opened my eyes and turned around to look at Kana and Dre behind me.

“Do you guys want to hunt? Rin will come with us!” I asked aloud. Hearing her name, she appeared behind me. She was like my shadow most of the time, always lurking behind me. I think that it was Mother’s and Father’s doing because ever since I started going out, Rin has been with me.

After making a thoughtful face, Dre nodded as he said, “It sounds good. What do we hunt this time? Bear? Wolf? Snake? Or something weaker? Ah, but are you alright with it, Kana?” he asked, his expectation clear in his dark green eyes. I was the only one who had pure purple eyes. Sometimes I instinctively felt as if I was some kind of pack leader of wolves… it was a strange feeling.

Considering that they always listened to my ideas didn’t help either, though all of us liked to hunt. It was hard to fight such a monster since most of them were stronger and much bigger than us. Father said that the monsters on our island are the weakest creatures, prepared for us.

Tilting her head to the side, Kana shrugged her shoulders as she replied, “I don’t mind. You know that I like to catch those furry animals!” She ran back to her family and asked if she could come. Poirlion and Narihi were a little strict, compared to our parents, but they still let her come with us. She just had to ask.

I had a feeling that Mother and Father would request me to do the same if not for the fact that I always tell them if I go somewhere. It’s nice that I can do almost anything, but it is not like I’d do anything too stupid. I wonder how is it for other races.We should meet other kids of our age too sometime.

Kana rushed back, the tints of purple shining in her golden eyes. “We can go now!” she exclaimed, hugging me. I always felt happy when the people close to me hugged me. I don’t know about strangers, but I’d rather not get overly familiar with them. Dre stepped closer and followed Kana’s example. “Let’s go,” I said with a chuckle, after standing there for a few seconds.

“Careful, honey,” Mother’s loving voice resounded in my mind, filling me with happiness. Looking back at my parents one last time, I followed my friends. Entering the forest behind our house, we ran for a few minutes before my senses caught a presence. A moment later, Kana and Dre stopped, noticing the same presence. In terms of cultivation I’ve caught up to them by now, reaching the mid fifth stage of the Foundation Realm.

The difference wasn’t too big, but I always had a feeling in me that it would just keep growing. I might be little and know even less about the world, but I can think well enough. Luckily, neither Kana nor Dre is an exception when it comes to this.


Squatting down, we looked at each other as I started whispering, “I think that it is a bear. It has a big body. Should we do the usual?”

“But we tried your plan last time too,” Kana chimed in, pinching Dre’s left arm. The last time we met a bear, we dug a big hole for it and then lured it into the hole. Before it could escape, we attacked it with our energies, killing it.

“And? Wasn’t it effective?” he asked, raising a brow.

“It was, but we turned so dirty and tired because of it. We also had to do it with our hands. Do you have no shame? Cultivators should fight their foes, not dig holes for them… like our parents!” Kana exclaimed and I couldn’t help but nod, agreeing with her.

“Hey, while we're at it. Do you have a strange feeling of bond with your parents too? It’s something strange. Every fiber in my body and even my blood turns so relaxed and happy when I’m around them,” I asked, feeling curious.

Tilting her head to the side, “I love my parents, but I too have a similar feeling towards your parents…” Kana replied with a thoughtful look on her face.

“Same here,” Dre added.

“Are my parents the strange ones?” I muttered in a low voice, having even more questions.

“They did say that their blood is in all of us,” Kana remarked, causing realization to dawn on me.

“It must be their blood! They have something weird in it!” I exclaimed, forgetting our surroundings. I covered my mouth hurriedly, but feeling the incoming presence, all I could say was, “Oops?”

The monster rushed through the thick bush and roared upon seeing us. It was a bear, just how we thought. It swiped it large paw in an arc, wishing to hurt us. Bad bear! We quickly jumped back to evade. I controlled the Qi in my body and led it towards my palm. As my Qi rushed through my arm, a mix of white and black scales grew on it, and my nails turned into claws.

Out of surprise, I raised up my hand to look at it, losing control over my energy as a result. But before anything could happen, my parents appeared in front of me. Father put his hand on mine and blocked my attack with it. I felt scared for a moment, but I soon realized that my worries were for naught. He just raised my hand, not even bothering with my ‘attack’, and checked out my arm.

“Black and White? How come? None of us have white scales…” he muttered, looking at me with his brows raised. Squatting down, he hugged me as he asked if I was alright. “I am, but this feeling is strange. I feel much more powerful all of a sudden. I think that my body has changed too,” I said, looking down at my body.

I felt my organs, my cells, my muscles, crawling in my body, changing and mutating. My bones popped as my body structure changed. My wings grew out and my whole body was covered in scales. Most of it was black, but a few lines of white scales ran up on my arms, around a circle on my chest, down to my legs.

Raising my hand, I knocked on my teeth, resulting in a metallic sound. “Is this your battle form?” Mother muttered, looking at me with her brows raised.

“So pretty! I want such scales!” Kana exclaimed, running over to me. She started feeling up my smooth scales, her eyes bright. Looking at Dre, I saw the same glint in his eyes, but he restrained himself. Chuckling, I held out my left arm. Smiling, he followed Kana’s example. I felt like I was being shown as an exhibit…


“Wait! What about the bear?!” I shouted, realizing that there was a threat. “Oh, that? Father is overpowered, you know?” he said, patting the top of my head with a smile on his face. Stepping to the side, I saw the same mighty bear lying on the ground, trembling in fear. It didn’t even dare to move in my parents’ presence…

“Never mind…” I mumbled, looking down. This is so unfair! We were trying to kill this monster with cunning and our strength yet they just appear and this shit falls to the ground! Well, it is pointless to compare myself to my parents, I thought, furrowing my brows. Looking up, my eyes met Mother’s. I knew it just from the look on her face. She has heard my thoughts.

A smile formed on her face as she said, looking at all three of us. “I know that you are young and competitive. It’s nice to be like that. But you shouldn’t compare yourself to us or anyone at that. People are different and that is even truer when it comes to you three. You are a new race, so we don’t have an exact idea about your potentials, though I believe that you have boundless futures. But even if it wasn’t like that, you wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

“Why would you want to compare yourselves to others? Aren’t you all unique, in a way? It’s your understanding and personality what makes a difference, not your race or your origin. Make sure to remember that.”

Looking at each other with Kana and Dre, “Yes!” we exclaimed at the same time. But in the next moment, something strange happened. A human shaped shadow formed in front of us, turning everything silent in the world. It was the same person who told me about my race! What was it again? The Abyss? I thought, questioning my memories.

“Well, well~ Hello, little monsters!” the shadow spoke with a stupid tone, making me question if it was friendly or not.

Sighing loudly, Mother hung her head as she asked, “What is the Abyss doing in our world? And for you to appear at such a moment.”

I knew it! I was right! I thought with a smile splattered across my face.

“I wonder~ You see, your child is something entirely new. But everything has a good and a bad side. That’s what I call balance. You have had your solitude as cons and such things. Well, it didn’t apply to you thanks to your bond, but it is there most of the time… But as you can see, your daughter doesn’t have to experience any of those bad points.”

“And to be honest, after looking at her future, I know that this won’t change. There is only one such creature in the world, other than her. It’s a rare sight to see it appear, but it has a mission to finish. I’ve decided to do the same with your daughter. From now on, she will be similar to the other one and she too will have a mission.”

“I won’t spoil the fun. I will tell her what it is, but you will have to find out otherwise. Oh, and your mind reading won’t work when she is thinking about it. Obviously, talking about it will be the same. I’m sorry about this little game of mine, but you see, it wouldn’t be fun to me otherwise. Go and find out what happens when the colors mix~” it said, turning into a black mist before completely dissipating.

“Asshole, arsewipe!” my parents shouted at the same time, having an unusual deadpan look on their faces. They must have been utterly enraged.

Tilting my head to the side, I looked at them with my brows raised. I haven’t heard of those words before… only from Kana. I think that these must be swear words. Her parents do it more often. In the next moment, my eyes opened wide as information flooded into my mind. It was nothing much. Just a few sentences, but it was enough for me to understand. It wasn’t a must for me to finish it, but it served everyone’s interest…

Well, I have enough time, I thought with my brows furrowed, my head downcast. My parents and my friends looked at me with worried faces. “Is it something bad?” Father asked with a frown on his face, visibly unhappy.

Shaking my head, I soothed them, telling the truth, “It’s not bad. It could be really hard, but it will be fine. Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t endanger my life either.”

Hearing my words, they sighed out of relief. Now I understand why my parents hate the Abyss… I thought, feeling displeasure from this sudden ‘mission’. The worst was that in fact, I was very short on time. With my current age, it would be more than hard to finish it!

“Don’t worry about it, little one. Since you didn’t start out at the same time, I’ll help you out. I will change a little of the other one’s fate. It will win you a few billion years, so you will be surely fine. Hahaha! Just make sure that it won’t get to me!” the Abyss whispered in my mind.

“You aren’t that much of an asshole, it seems,” I grumbled with a pouting face, feeling much less burden on my shoulders.

Straightening my back, “Father, Mother. I’ve been living peacefully up till now. Although I didn’t wish for it, now I have a goal and I need strength to reach it. I’ll protect all of you, okay? I’ll work hard from now on. I hope that you will help me on my path,” I said with a serious face.

“Of course, dear. We will guide you,” they said with smiles on their faces. Hearing my parents’ words, I felt safe and happy. Nodding with a smile on my face, I hugged them.

After saying those words, a strange feeling of awkwardness filled my heart. My parents were looking at me without saying anything else, making me feel awkward. I bet that they are talking through their bond, I thought with a frown on my face, pouting. I felt a pair of hands coiling around my right arm. Turning around, my eyes were met with Kana.

“What happened now? Are you in trouble? What was that strange shadow?” she asked, her concern visible in her eyes.

I shook my head as an answer, patting her left shoulder. Seeing that she wouldn’t budge, I spoke, “Haha, why are you so stubborn? I told you that it’s nothing bad. Will you help me and come along with me?”

Frowning, she made a serious face for a few seconds, before her mask broke, and a bright smile sprouted on her face. “Of course! But it wouldn’t be so much fun if-” she didn’t finish her sentence. Turning towards Dre, she looked at him from the corners of her eyes, faking something… Does she want to show her annoyance or what? Am I this bad at acting too? I thought, seeing how obvious she was. She made me remember to her mother, Rose. Kana seemed to be similarly clumsy and shy at times…

“You aren’t thinking of leaving me out, are you?” Dre asked, his eyes and mouth opened wide.

“You don’t have to be so surprised, I wanted to ask you just now,” I said with a chuckle. A smile formed on his face as he nodded his head. Stepping closer, he hugged me and Kana, saying, “That’s good then.”

A big hand touched the top of my head and ruffled my hair. Turning around, I looked at my father, my brows raised. A smile formed on his face as he said, “Treasure your friendship. Although you can tell anything to us, I know that you will keep a few secrets for yourself. If you find your burden too heavy and you don’t want to tell it to us, your friends will be your best support.”

“Yeah, you can count on us!” Dreydon added, letting go of us.

“Yes, yes. Enough of these dramatic speeches, though I appreciate them,” I said with a smile on my face, feeling weird. I just couldn’t stop grinning.

“Oh, my~ Our daughter is so happy, just look at her,” Mother said, showing her white teeth, her hand on the side of her face.

Father looked at her as he said with his brows raised,“Dear. Please don’t take tropes from my past life… Our life has been like that more than what’s necessary.”

“Fufu~ but you can’t complain, can you?” she said, showing that strange smile. I’ll have a little brother if this goes on… I thought, shaking my head. Seeing the look on my face, Father cleared his throat, his face a little red.

“Uhm, let’s not bother the kids. Just call us if you need us. We will be sure to respond,” he said with a serious face, the goofy grin nowhere to be seen. Even the feeling of his aura changed! I need that kind of control over myself… After looking into the eyes of my parents, both of them disappeared.

“Well, now that we are alone, we should focus on training our control and explore our abilities,” Kana remarked, her hands on her hips. Nodding our heads, we’ve got to work.

------------------ Hiro’s POV: -----------------

We teleported back to our house, leaving Aurora, Dre, and Kana. Although Rin was with them, they were always within our senses, so it was unlikely that she’d have to do anything. There was a bed on the right side of our room, with a holographic television in front of it. It was good that we were able to use the technology of the humans in our world.

On the left side was a simple table, three very comfortable armchairs around it. It surely wasn’t the norm, but we didn’t care about it. We never wanted a big house. We were perfectly satisfied with a small and cozy home. Other than our room, we had a bathroom, a kitchen, and Aurora’s room connected to another bathroom.

I sat down in one of the armchairs, leaning back in it. Alice sat on my lap, doing the same, the back of her head resting on my shoulder.

“What about this mission the Abyss gave our daughter?” Alice asked, closing her eyes. I coiled my arms around her chest, kissing her face.

“I don’t know. What is even stranger… why would it hide everything from us? For what reason?” I replied, snuggling up to her. Her breathing intensified as her heart rate rose.

Still having a calm look on her face, she said, “I hope that our daughter won’t be overburdened. We will have to work hard to find out what is it that she has to do. This stupid Abyss is playing with us all the time. At least, after helping so many people to find their halves, we know that we aren’t the only ones. It’s always annoying everyone…”

“Yeah, it does. But I have an idea for its reasons,” I said, thinking about that possibility. The simplest one was that it was bored, so it spent its time playing with strong people. Another possibility was that it wanted to show its superiority, but this sounded really stupid. A being living since the beginning of the time wouldn’t care about such things. It didn’t have to prove its strength either. There was one more possibility. It wanted to give something for people to do.

Most people were chasing solely strength, not thinking about anything else. Reaching godhood? Turning into a creator? Being on the top? Is it really everything people can think of? Maybe it was just doing these random games to give some other ideas and reasons for people to exist. Considering that we had a real goal and dream, unlike most people in these universes. If not for Aurora being such a unique creature, I believe that the Abyss wouldn’t have bothered us.

Feeling and hearing my thoughts, Alice agreed with me, “That might be the truth. But we won’t find out until we complete its stupid game. I’m sure of that much,” she said with a chuckle. Feeling her heart rate slowing down to the norm, I couldn’t help but squeeze her boobs.

“Ahn~ Are you teasing me? You perverted Hydra,” she said, turning around. She rested her knees on the sides of the armchair and stood over me, looking down at me with a smirk on her face. She rolled her tongue around her pink lips, resulting in a light coating of glistening saliva. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she leaned forward as she whispered into my right ear, “You see, it’s been a long while that I was able to release my voice. I didn’t want Aurora to notice us.”

“But it’s only the two of right now. There is no one here. What will you do with your loving wife? I wonder~ hehe.” Finishing her sentence, I felt her tongue entering my right ear. The blood in my body rushed towards my lower half and my heart rate rose, along with a feeling of crazed lust. I too have been holding back because of Aurora, not to mention that she was sleeping between us most of the time. I was very happy about that fact, but it was hard to restrain myself.

A shudder ran through my body, feeling her tongue leaving my earhole. Her lips closed on the tip of my ear, increasing my excitement. I stood up with a roar, pushing her on the table in front of us, breaking the flower vase in the middle of it. Not bothering with the water flowing on the ground, I attacked my wife, free of restraints and worries about being found out. As I started kissing her neck, I felt her lust reaching the same height as mine.

Separating for a moment, we looked into each other’s eyes before we decided to indulge in pleasure.


It was dawn when I woke up. I was laying naked in our bed, Alice in my arms. One of our minds was always free since we always looked over Aurora. It might sound creepy, but neither of us wanted anything bad to happen to her. But we weren’t the only ones! Our friends were doing the same with Kana and Dreydon!

Using my mind power, I talked to our daughter, “Dear, you should come home. It’s getting late.” I closed my eyes and focused on her body. She turned around, looking for me. Seeing her scratching the back of her head, I chuckled as I reminded her, “Did you forget about Mind Power?”

Kana and Dre were sitting on the ground, meditating, when Aurora suddenly exclaimed in a loud voice, “Oh! How stupid I am! I forgot about it!” Both of them jumped up, visibly startled by our daughter’s shout.

“I’m sorry. I was just talking to Father. I should go home now. The sky is turning dark too,” she said with an apologetic face.

“My parents called me not long ago too,” Kana said, followed by Dre. Frowning slightly, his hand on his chin, Dre stated his opinion, “But why should we go home so soon? We are having fun and just because it turns dark, doesn’t mean that we can’t stay longer...”

Opening my eyes, I looked at Alice beside me, whose brows quivered upon hearing those lines. Well, Dreydon is a boy, so it is understandable that he would be more rebellious, but I’m sure that the girls won’t be like that, I thought with a wistful look on my face, waiting patiently for the results of their discussion.

After thinking for a few seconds, Kana nodded her head as she said, “You are right! We aren’t hunting anymore, so there is nothing dangerous either. Why don’t we camp outside? It would be so much fun!”

[Hahaha. That’s it for you. Look at our daughter. I don’t think that she would deny her friends at this point,] Alice laughed at my thoughts, kissing me on the face.

“But we don’t have anything prepared. We shouldn’t jump into this kind of thing so suddenly!” Aurora said, making us wonder for a second. But before we could feel happy…

“Mother, Father! Can I sleep out? Please?! I’d be very happy if you brought us a few tents too,” she asked with a wistful look on her face, her fingers clasped. She looked like someone who was about to pray…

Making a clone of myself, I appeared with it a few meters behind them, hiding my body and presence. I’m quite sure that they won’t be able to refuse me now! She thought, not surprising me. [It’s kind of bad that we are getting used to this…] I said through our bond, making Alice laugh. Our daughter was a real little devil…

Sighing loudly, Alice stood up from our bed. Blank turned into clothes on her body. Looking for a few tents in our world, she picked a big one, which would be enough for three kids to fit into. Both of us appeared in front of the kids. After looking at each of them, my eyes stopped on our daughter as I said, “It’s not nice to conspire against your parents, but I’ll still let you stay with your friends. I too was a kid once, so I know how you feel. My only wish is that you remember not to overdo your plans.”

Switching to Dre and Kana, I added, “I’ll ask your parents to let you stay too. I believe that Poirlion would drag Kana home otherwise…” Seeing me looking at them with a frown, both Kana’s and Dre’s face lit up as they realized what I was waiting for.

“Thank you, godfather!” they said at the same time, rushing over and hugging my sides. Grr, they are ‘attacking’ me intentionally! It’s not fair to use your children power! I thought, causing Alice to laugh once more.

“Are you not going to disapprove of my thoughts? Even after hearing them?” Aurora asked, her eyes and mouth opened wide in her surprise.

Alice looked at me with a smile, before turning towards Aurora to reply, “I know that it would be hard to refuse after two of your friends stated their approval and you are still young. It would have been more than surprising if you would have come home as we asked.”

“The nights can be cold, so I brought you three blankets too,” she said with a smile, raising Aurora into her bosom, hugging and kissing her.

Her eyes turned a little blurry as she hugged her mother. “Thank you,” she whispered in a low voice.

“Aww~ our daughter is so cute! Father can’t restrain himself from hugging such a cute daughter!” I exclaimed, taking away Aurora and hugging her tightly. Alice looked at me with a clear grudge in her eyes, feeling unhappy with me.

[Why did you break the mood! I felt so good!] she whined through our bond, making me laugh. Seeing her look, Aurora laughed at her.

“You little devil! Are you laughing at your mother’s bad luck?” Alice said, waving her finger. Kana and Dre laughed at the scene we made. Our friends appeared at that time, ready to take back their children. After persuading them to let the kids stay, we said goodbye and left them there to have their first night out. I was a little sad to see them growing up, but I felt happy at the same time. I knew that Alice felt the same and it was likely that our friends weren’t any different.

Lying down in our bed, which felt strangely empty without our daughter between us, we looked at each other. Even if she had a room of her own, she stayed with us most of the time.

“Let’s find out what the Abyss is planning,” Alice said with a smile on her face.

Nodding my head, I leaned closer to kiss her. Since we were again free to do anything, we decided to use our time productively...

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