《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 111 - Dropping By


Dropping by

Hiro’s POV:


The next day, I woke up with a loud yawn, feeling something soft on my arms. Opening my eyes, I realized that it was my wife and my daughter. Both of them were using me as a pillow. Although Alice woke up, her eyes were still closed as if she was waiting for something.

Leaning closer, I kissed her pink lips and then proceeded to cuddle my dear daughter. Her hair has grown to be as long as Alice’s now. She was the spitting image of her mother. Aurora was still in Alice’s embrace, sleeping peacefully. Letting go of her, [I’ll be back in a moment,] I told Alice through our bond.

[Okay, dear] she replied with a smile on her face. Since being here, we have been attacked quite a lot of times by some monsters. This time was the same. Appearing outside of our territory, I saw ten monsters standing in front of Sawolond. Turning into my true form, I swung my tail, crushing one of them in an instant.

Using my Qi, I shot a Hydra’s Paws towards the remaining ones. The ones at the higher stages of the ninth level blocked it. But I appeared in front of them at the same time and tore off their heads. Releasing Destiny’s Descent with six stacks, the area exploded, killing the monsters. I devoured their souls and went back to the city.

Unlike a few months ago, it wasn’t empty. There were a few people walking back and forth, chatting or cultivating. We prohibited fighting in the city as that wouldn’t do any good for the buildings… Just as I was about to teleport back to my wife and daughter, I was called out to.

“Hiro! Come here please, there is another person who would like to see her pair,” Natasha shouted in my mind. She was a two-star, Hydra divine beast cultivator at the second stage of the ninth level. She came not long ago and after meeting her other half, she came back with him and joined us. As it turned out, her pair was the same, so now we have two Hydras in our city.

We were a little surprised when they stated that they would be ‘receptionists’ in our city. Whenever a new person came, Natasha or her husband Zul Kroth would notify us if we didn’t notice it… As I teleported to her place, I met another beauty. But it wasn’t surprising. Most people were handsome and beautiful at this point. If they didn’t like their looks, they were able to change their looks anytime.

The woman had long blue hair and a sexy, petite body. Thanks to her aura, I knew that she was a three-star bear divine beast, called Blue Janas Lion. She was at the fourth stage of the Universe Realm.

“Are you this Hiro, people speak of? Where is that Dragon? I heard that she is Hiro's wife,” she said with her chest stuck out, her face like a fucking bitch. ‘I won't help this woman, I can see that’ I thought as my brows twitched in annoyance.

“Yes, I am,” I replied with a deadpan face.

“I’ve heard that you can really make many people happier. Do it with me now,” she said with her nose pulled up. This snotty bitch…

“No. I don’t like your kind. Now go away,” I said, turning around to leave. Sighing loudly, I slumped my shoulders and hung my head as I walked towards our house. I knew what would happen.

“How dare you? I am from the Lionheart Empire! Our leader is a Lion God and I’m his confidant! Do you want to call his wrath upon your head? He isn’t at your shitty level. He is at the Eternal Dominion level!” she shouted after me, one had on on her hip and the other in an accusatory gesture. I rubbed my closed eyes as I felt my body spasming and twitching. After a few seconds, I couldn’t hold it and broke out in laughter.


“Hahaha, I can’t believe that people like you really exist! How did you even reach your current level without dying? Oh! I get it… you turned into such a shitty person when you reached your current level. Why don’t you remember your past instead? Learn some self-control and learn how to behave. Once you are done, come back and I’ll help you. Stay away from this place until then.”

Hearing my words, her eyes opened wide. “Don’t do it,” I said as I felt her aura rising and a ball of energy gathering in her palms. Truly believing in it, I added, “I believe that you are no idiot.” As I finished my sentence, I felt her aura falling and the energy subsiding. I turned around, waving my hand as I said, “See you later.”

“Did he just ignore me and my attempt to attack him too?” She muttered in a low voice behind my back, her face in utter disbelief. At this point, no matter even if my eyes were closed, I could tell how people looked or what face they made. I was one with the universe and everyone was just a part of it. Another cell in this huge body, another piece on this chess board. Other universes? In the end, all of them are one and are connected.

“You should be glad that he did. I’ve seen him sparring and you have no chance to hurt him. You might look down on me or him or anyone else, but you should take his words. Your behavior isn’t worthy of the level you represent,” Natasha said, her lips pulled to the side in her dissatisfaction.

Thanks to Blank and my scales, no one below the sixth stage of the Universe Realm would be able to hurt me, even if the person was a three-star Divine Beast. I went back to Alice and Aurora. They were still resting on the bed, their eyes closed. Stopping beside the bed, I leaned over them to kiss their foreheads. Just as I was about to lay down beside them, Bayezinth appeared in our room, with Sugine beside him.

“Hi! I found you. Your fame is spreading like wildfire- Ah, sorry. I’ll stay silent,” he started with a loud voice, but upon noticing Alice and Aurora, he closed his mouth and whispered. My daughter sat up on the bed, rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands. She was so cute. “Let Father cuddle you!” I said as I appeared behind her and put her on my lap to hug her.

“Mh- Father! You are crushing me!” she shouted at me. Realizing that I used too much strength, I loosened my arms around her.

“Who are these people?” She asked, looking at me while pointing at Bayezinth and Sugine.

“I’m Bayezinth, a Dragon God! The same as your mother and this is my girlfriend, Sugine,” he introduced himself. Leaning forward, his hand on his chin, he observed Aurora. “Are you a Dragon God too? No… Your aura is the same as when your parents merge. What is your race, little one?” he asked in his unbearable curiosity.

“I’m an Ourichi!” She exclaimed with a proud smile on her face. Alice opened her eyes at the same time, still laying on her right side, facing us. A smile formed on her face as our eyes met. Both of us felt like laughing.

“That is your family name, isn’t it? I asked for the name of your race!” Bayezinth exclaimed, thinking that Aurora misunderstood him.


“No. Her race is an Ourichi. The Abyss gave that name to her race because we were the ones who created her and there is only one of her kind. I’m honestly somewhat happy to see this kind of result. Now even if something were to happen to us, our daughter will always have something from us,” I said with a smile on my face, caressing the top of my daughter’s head.

“Hah! I’m sure that no one can beat my parents!” Aurora exclaimed with a proud face, while ours turned stiff. There was someone right in front of us who had a chance, for now… But unlike my expectations, Bayezinth just chuckled upon hearing her, not destroying her dreams.

“And what about you?” I asked, looking at Sugine with my brows raised.

“I’m sorry. The atmosphere so nice that I didn’t want to intrude,” she said with a stiff face, waving her hand. “Thanks to my dear, I mostly recovered from my personality disorder… and he also told me how you found me. So I thank you very much for that. I just wanted to tell you this,” she said, bowing down in front of us. Both of us felt surprised upon seeing such an outcome, but we told her that it was no problem nonetheless.

“For how long do you plan to pretend to be asleep, you lazy dragon!” Bayezinth exclaimed, poking Alice’s back.

“I’m not pretending that I’m asleep. My eyes were opened all this time. I’m just resting and don’t poke me, you stupid dragon. You are below me!” Alice exclaimed with a smirk on her face as she sat up, setting her disordered blonde hair right.

“Yes, yes. You are above everyone,” he replied, shaking his head and waving his hand.

“Yes! My mother is the best!” Aurora agreed with him, adding, “You are a good dragon for knowing this!” All of us laughed upon hearing her words.

“Alright. I’ll let you have your family time. I just came to announce that we will be staying here from now on. But give us a nice and big house!” Bayezinth said with a serious face, his chest stuck out.

“There aren’t too many people here yet and everyone is understanding. We aren’t kids, are we? Just pick a house nearby and don’t fight in the city,” I said.

“Do you want to travel?” I asked as I looked at Aurora with a mysterious face.

“Are we going somewhere?!” She shouted with bright and excited eyes. I guess she felt bored here and she knew that she would die outside. Yeah, we totally didn’t create Sawolond here for the sake of keeping her here at home as long as possible… I thought with ridicule and a feeling of remorse.

[We can admit our crime later…] Alice remarked in my mind, making me laugh.

“Yes. Mother and Father have an old friend they want to visit. Do you want to come or do you want to stay with the others?” I asked, placing my chin on the top of her head. She was just so cute. My daughter is an angel~ How could I let anyone near her?! Even if it’s her other half! I thought as a feeling of unhappiness welled up in me.

[I know, right? It’s frustrating to think about it! Well, it is still far away, so there is no need to worry about it] Alice remarked on my thoughts, feeling the same way. Of course, she would!

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I said, [Now that I think about it, it might be better to find that boy now. He definitely isn’t much older than Aurora and if I see him growing up alongside her, I could accept him easier. Imagine a random guy meeting her and falling in love with her in a few weeks! I couldn’t bear to see him near my daughter!]

[Hmm~ Your words are true, dear. What should we do?! ARGH! God, damn it! Haah- well, it’s not like she is at that age. Finding a boy would mean nothing but a friend for her at this time. But honestly, I thought that we would have a harder time. She listens to our words and has good behavior. Like an angel!] Alice replied, feeling happy.

[Ugh. Don’t hurry with this statement. She hasn’t hit puberty yet. I have no idea how she will behave at that time…] I remarked. We looked at each other’s stiff faces, hoping that we won’t have a hard time with her.

“I want to! I want to! Let’s go! When will we go? Can we go now?” She shouted with an excited face, increasing my sense of guilt. I felt terrible! She was closed into a city because of us… Alright. It is decided. I’ll let her go out later. I’ll personally watch over her! I thought. As Aurora finished her words, Rose, Narihi and everyone else appeared in front of us.

“Great. We were waiting for her reply. We too wanted to go but if she wanted to stay, then we would have watched over her. Let’s go in that case! Natasha, Zul Kroth, Gaia, and Anthony will be here anyway,” Poirlion said with an honest face.

[They don’t even know about Bayezinth, but I’m not surprised. He is way above them in strength, so they have no way to even sense him.] Alice remarked in my mind.

Hearing his words, we nodded and after telling Natasha about it, we teleported everyone away. Aurora was sitting on my neck, her tiny hands on the top of my head. I always wanted to carry my daughter like this! [Uu~ Me too! Stupid Hiro. But she likes to sit in your neck because you are taller. Unless I transf-] Alice started planning ahead, wishing to take away our daughter’s interest.

[No! And don’t forget that my monster form is taller. Just be glad as we are. She prefers being held in your arms and she prefers sitting on my shoulders. Don’t be too greedy, you dragon!] I rebuked her through our bond, not meaning it too seriously.

[Muu~ Okay. I’ll reflect on my actions. I also slept with her while you went out. I’m sorry, dear.] She said in a sweet tone, melting my heart.

[No problem. Don’t worry about it.] I replied as a bright smile formed on my face, feeling happy with my life. She meant it! Hēi was carrying Dreydon and Poirlion was carrying Kana. The girls were walking in front of us, feeling slightly down. We couldn’t help but laugh at their pitiful looks. As Aurora started to grow, she has started to get closer and closer to me. It was the same with Kana. Meanwhile, Rose and Hēi experienced the exact opposite.

Dre rather spent his time with Rose than Hēi when he wasn’t with Kana and Aurora. We didn’t let them cultivate up till now because they were still too young. If they had gained too much strength while being so young, it could be detrimental to their minds. But seeing their current mindset, we had been thinking about allowing them to cultivate.

“What is this swirling black mass? Is it safe?” Kana asked with a worried face, clenching her grip on Poirlion’s head. She seemed to be a little afraid of it.

“Don’t worry, Kana! I’m here with you and our parents too! What could go wrong?” Dre said with a smile on his face, holding his hand towards Kana.

Looking at Poirlion with a smirk on my face, I conveyed my thoughts with my mind power, “Must be nice, huh? Their little Romance starts early on! I can see their wedding years later! When do you wish to allow it? At the age of sixteen? Maybe eighteen? Hahaha!”

“Shut up, you bastard! At least, I know that she will be in good hands! I’ll make sure to teach Dreydon how to behave in my daughter’s company. But you? Heh…” he answered in the same manner, a smug look on his face. Alice and Narihi turned around and sighed while looking at us.

“What is it?” both of us asked at the same time.

“...” Not saying anything, they shook their heads sideways as they went through the gate, entering our original universe. It’s been quite a long while since we came here. It’s interesting how much different it felt to be here than before. Thanks to being at the ninth level, we felt everything throughout the whole universe.

People were moving busily, like ants doing their daily stuff. We were the same when we were younger yet now… it feels so different. Even though the world was so big and there were so many people in it, it felt strangely empty. I wonder how the Abyss feels. It is stronger than anyone else, I guess. It must be kind of lonely. Even though that bastard had its fun with us, I can’t help but accept its teasing.

Unless I get horny, I can pretty much control my lust too, and that is thanks to the Abyss.

“Oh, my. My face is all red! I am understood by another cultivator from the lot of you! And you can control your lust when you aren’t horny? Nice feat, indeed! But you two are still rabbits, instead of True Divine Beasts. I don’t even understand how do you manage to keep it hidden from Aurora. Because she doesn’t know about your rabbit-like habit!” The Abyss talked to me out of nowhere, surprising the shit out of me.

“It’s nice to hear your voice… Oh, wait. Not!” I replied as a feeling of grudge welled up in me. He was badmouthing me even now! Just you wait… once we get our hands on you, Alice thought in her mind, her brows twitching.

“What is it, Mommy?” Aurora asked, noticing the usual sign of Alice’s annoyance.

Turning around, a smile formed on her face as she replied to Aurora’s inquiry, “It’s nothing, honey. It’s just that the voice that told you about your race is a big, bad bully. Once Mother and Father get there, they will be sure to spank it!”

[That smile looks really creepy. Look, you are scaring Aurora! Hahaha.] I remarked through our bond, laughing at our daughter’s reaction.

Reading our daughter’s thoughts, I couldn’t help but laugh, I should never piss off mother. She seems to be more dangerous than I thought! But Father is calmer. Right. I’ll use him if necessary!

“Aurora, my dear. You shouldn’t plan to use your parents for anything,” I said, looking at her with upturned eyes, a smile on my face. It was kind of hard to look at her in our current position… but lengthening my neck wasn’t hard.

“W-What?! How?! You are even worse!” she exclaimed with a scared face. Grabbing her sides, I raised her over my head and pulled her into my embrace.

“There, Father will hold you in his arms!” I said as I hugged her to my chest. The spotless white dress we gave her, reaching her knees and the white shoes weren’t without implication… She was our little, pure angel! I felt her little arms coiling around my sides. She had no way to hug my whole upper body. I gave a kiss on the top of her head as I teleported everyone to Gold Planet.

[She has got your charm. Haha. I don’t think that I could refuse her if she was to ask something with pleading eyes. Maybe even a normal request would be hard…] I remarked through our bond, having mixed emotions.

As Rose knocked on the door, Alice replied, [Well, you didn’t want to restrict her too much anyway, neither did I. It’s better to let her do whatever she wants but state how stupid it is. If we were to forbid anything, she would just want to try it out even more. Anyway, we have our plans in case such a thing happened. Let’s meet with Ellery at first.]

Before we could go any further, Weston appeared in front of us, Helen beside him. They looked over our bodies, measuring us up before speaking. “It’s been a while. Where have you been up till now?” he asked, raising his brows.

“We went around the world, visited other universes, nothing much,” I replied with a smirk on my face.

“Oh? And what about Sawolond, the land of halves? Or so I heard. They say that its creators originated from this universe. You see, your ideals were very similar to what I’ve heard about this Sawolond,” he replied, leaning forward in his curiosity.

“And who are these children!?” Helen added another question, pointing at our children.

“Hahaha, fine. Yes, we made that place. You can come if you want to and this is our daughter, Aurora Ourichi,” I admitted, introducing Kana and Dreydon too.

“You have changed. All of you… You are more silent and what is this mystery I feel?” Weston muttered in a low voice, not really talking to us. Raising his head, he finally realized our current position.

“Ah! How rude I am. Come inside, please. I welcome you to Gold Planet! Ellery is in her room. If not for hearing someone closing the door, I’d have never noticed you,” he said in a hurried way, scratching the back of his head.

Waving her hand, Alice said with a chuckle, “Don’t mind it. We just came to visit and we are still the same inside.”

“Who is this guy?” Seeing that everyone was silent, Dre was the first to talk. Weston stopped in place, while all of us laughed, except for Rose and Hēi, who were shaking their heads.

“Yeah, we were introduced but he never did it. Should we call him ‘the guy’?” Kana followed in tow. I felt Aurora’s lips quivering on my chest. She was trying to hold back her laughter but failed miserably when everyone laughed up. Turning around, he looked at our children. Clearing his throat, he introduced himself and Helen too.

“You questioned us about what happened. Now it is our turn,” Rose questioned them, her head tilted to the side.

“You surely know that before you left, Ellery went to see the world and find her pair. I’m sad because I never noticed her feeling of envious. I mean, all of us had our ‘halves’ as you Hiro and Alice said, while she was lonely.”

“A few months later, there came a message from her. She said that she was in trouble. A young master of a local sect laid his eyes on her and after Ellery fought back with my technique, they wanted to get their hands on that too. Luckily, she was able to get away. Later I went out with Helen and destroyed that stupid sect. But Ellery has spent most of her days holed up, cultivating. She comes out to have dinner with us and she attends Genotin Academy too, but she seems to be dissatisfied.”

“I know that this might sound too much, but could I ask for the help of the leaders of Sawolond?” Weston finished his tale, turning around and bowing in front of us, followed by Helen.

“Why is he bowing down?” Aurora whispered into my left ear, putting her hand beside her mouth. “Haha, it won’t work on Weston, dear. But he is doing it because he is asking us to do something important to him and their daughter. But your question is a good one. We have spent quite a lot of time with Ellery when we were younger and we would like to help her. So not even Father knows why would he bow down!” I replied, referring to myself in third person.

“We thank you in that case,” Weston and Helen said at the same time, straightening their backs.

Waving her hand, Alice went past them and barged into Ellery’s room. She was sitting in the middle of the bed, cultivating. Whistling a tune, Alice grabbed Ellery’s hand and took her away. She took her through the Anchor and went to another universe. In the meantime, Ellery opened her eyes and kept looking around, panic visible on her face. Noticing that it was Alice, she calmed down at first until…

“You! Where have you been up till now?! You left along with everyone else and didn’t even tell me! Do you have any idea how bad it felt when I came back, only to see that nobody was there? It felt as if all of you betrayed me!” Ellery shouted as Alice stopped right above a city.

“Listen, Ellery. Firstly, it was you who left so suddenly and since you were away, we left right after. Secondly, we knew that you were missing the bond we have. But we wished to find a way to solve this problem. You see, we had the luck to be picked in a contest. After winning it, we wished for the ability of our dreams.”

“Now that the Abyss gave it to us, we can find you who you are looking for. So stop whining. I know that we haven’t visited you, but I wanted to have my own child. You know that I’m impatient. Now quickly, let’s capture this guy you like and then go back to your planet,” she explained everything in a compressed way.

[You could have used your mind power, you know?] I reminded her through our bond.

[Oh, you are right. But I can do it now!] She replied, sending the whole course of events we went through into Ellery’s mind.

Thanks to her quick processing capacity, she understood what happened in a moment. Her lips opened for a moment to speak, but she closed them in the end, staying silent. “Let it out. You can talk to me about anything. Or do you want me to read your mind?” Alice said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. It’s nice that I can look through your eyes, hahaha, I thought, laughing.

Looking sideways, Ellery kept silent, but her lips started quivering as a few tears appeared in the corners of her eyes. “Tell me,” Alice pressed on.

“Fine! I felt hurt! You left me there!” She shouted, being overly dramatic. Flying closer to Alice, Ellery hugged her as she continued in a low voice, “But I know that I was the one at fault. I was being stupid and envious of you. After seeing that even my parents bonded, I felt left out. Rose was the only one like me, but even she turned weird. But I know that I was the one who ran away, even though you were always nice to me. I’m sorry…”

“Hahaha, don’t worry about it. We too neglected you, so no need to blame it all on yourself. But now, you should go there!” Alice replied, turning Ellery away and pushing her towards the ground. Ellery crashed through the roof of a house and fell on top of her ‘destination’. Using space around me, I showed it to the others in the form of a screen.

Alice cleared away the dust, only to see Ellery sitting up on the lower part of her half, rubbing her head.

Turning around, she looked up at Alice with a pouting face as she shouted, “YOU DAMNED DRAGON! I won’t forget this! I’ll make-” she was interrupted soon enough as she felt a bulge under her.

Turning around, at first, she looked into her half’s eyes, and then towards his crotch. The poor man was visibly mesmerized by her, but he had no excuse. Ellery was sitting there with a dumbfounded face look on her face. “Sleep well,” Alice whispered into her ears as she appeared behind her and knocked her out.

“Do you have anyone important here?” she asked the guy. Shaking his head, his messy brown hair flew through the air. His panic was clear in his golden eyes, which were the same as Ellery’s. Holding up his arms, he exclaimed, “N-No! I don’t have anyone here. I’m living alone!”

“That’s great then. You too will come with me,” Alice said with a bright smile on her face. Knocking him out with her energy, she brought both of them back. She appeared in front of us, two bodies levitating beside her body.

“Let’s have some fun with these two,” she said with a smirk on her face, licking her lips.

“Mother is scary!” Aurora shouted, not being able to hold it back anymore.

Sighing, I shook my head, thinking that this whole reunion was strange and stupid. But I still enjoyed it. Chuckling, I followed the others and went towards Weston’s garden. It’ll be fun when they wake up, I thought with a smile on my face.

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