《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 109 - A family [Descendant]


A Family


Hiro’s POV:


Entering our original world, we spread our auras. Thanks to Poirlion’s guidance, we knew the exact location of the dragon tribe. Teleporting there, we were met with a beautiful view.

An area of three hundred square miles is what greeted our eyes, in the far distance, towering mountains stood majestically, with snow-capped peaks jutting through the clouds. Below them, large hills dotted the horizon with a vague outline of a fairly large lake off to the east. A large forest dominated the western half of the area, whilst the central and southern area were flat plains, crisscrossed with rivers and small streams, leading from the distant mountains in the north. Some ended up in the eastern lake, whilst others continued through the forest to an unknown place.

Although there were no buildings to speak of, we sensed hundreds of presences under the ground and within the lake. “Hello, dragons! My name is Alice Ourichi, a dragon god, and I came to visit you lot! I hope that you won’t find me a bother,” Alice conveyed her thoughts, using her mind power.

A muscular guy, who looked to be the age of thirty, appeared in front of us. He had red eyes and red hair. Red scales covered his a good part of his body. He looked at Alice with a frown on his face. Just as she stopped using Cosmological Constant to hide our auras, the guy’s eyes shone with a strange light.

Bowing down in front of Alice, “I welcome your Highness, Alice! How could your highness be a bother? If anything, it is my pleasure to meet you! If you have any wishes then please allow me to fulfill them” he said.

“Poirlion, come out of our world!” I said, using my mind power. We set the speed of time in our world to normal for now. As he appeared in front of the red-haired guy, the latter’s eyes opened wide in surprise. He looked back and forth between us until Poirlion broke the silence. “Hello, Igron. It’s been a long time…” Seeing this awkward silence, I read Igron’s mind.

AH! My old friend is here. But I should behave in front of her highness. I don’t know what her personality is like… what if she was to say that I’m unworthy of life! I should keep a calm face, but what am I supposed to do now?

Such aura, such might! She must be at the ninth level. Even being near her has good effects on me! If she was to stay for a few days, I could definitely break through to the next level. No! I shouldn’t be selfish in the presence of her highness! Hmm… but I could always serve her, just as I planned to. In that case, I could stay around her, gain her favor, and increase my strength.

But what’s up with Poirlion? His aura is so much different than before… It’s much more powerful and pure and what is even weirder is that his aura isn’t that of a dragon’s! And who is this guy? A Hydra… hmm… he is just as powerful as her highness. I better be careful with him.

Hearing his thoughts, I turned towards Alice, whose brows were twitching. She didn’t like the treatment I received. Holding her hand in front of Igron, she raised a finger at every point. “Firstly, you don’t have to be stiff and stuck up the ass. We don’t care about positions and such, but there is one thing, which leads to my second point!”


“He is my mate, my husband, the father of my child and I’m bonded with him. So I request you to treat him the same way as me. I know that I’m the one intruding here, so we can always leave if we aren’t welcome.”

“Thirdly, I have heard your thoughts. But don’t worry about it. It’s just a habit of ours when we fall into these awkward situations. You see, it is useful to break the ice between people we don’t know. Naturally, I’d understand if you were to feel offended by this.” Rolling her fingers into a fist, she finished her ‘introduction’ with a smile.

Igron’s face was as white as a sheet of blank paper and I couldn’t help but laugh at his wide opened mouth. Just like me, Poirlion didn’t restrain his feelings and openly laughed at him. “I-I’m sorry, Igron, but you should see your face!” He said between his laughter.

Both of us stopped and cleared our throats. Closing his mouth, he gulped loudly. “Please pardon me for my-”

Interrupting him, “I told you to take it easy,” Alice said with a smile.

“Hahaha, don’t try to use your common sense on these idiots. They are nothing like True Divine Beasts. Not just their personality but their strength,” Poirlion said laughing. Switching to a serious face, he added, “because their strength is way above any True Divine Beast…”

“I-Idiot?! How dare you call her highness-” not believing Poirlion, he shouted at him. But Alice’s voice silenced him.

“Idiots? Damn you, stupid dragon! I’ll teach Kana the ways of a dragon and I’ll tell her how stupid her father is!”

“What?! No! Don’t badmouth me in front of my daughter! What if she believes it?” he asked with a panicked face, making us laugh at him.

Sighing loudly, “Alright. I understand. Then how should I call you?” Igron questioned us.

“Alice, Hiro, and Poirlion are fine,” I replied, pointing at each of them. Nodding his head, he asked if we wanted to come inside. We reacted similarly and followed in his steps. He walked into a tunnel in the ground, which led to a beautiful cave. It had a rather shallow lake in the middle, while shining crystals littered the walls, lighting up the cavern. There were a few trees as well, which didn’t need light to grow.

But what made me raise a brow was the pile of gold in the corner, which had a dragon’s shape pressed into it. A few armchairs appeared in front of us, thanks to Igron. “I apologize but I rarely have guests and I’m in my true form most of the time. This is all I can offer you at the moment,” he said, scratching the back of his head, feeling ashamed of himself.

I sit down in one of them, while Alice took her place in my lap. “We are fine with it,” she remarked smiling. Crossing her fingers, Alice leaned forward saying, “I’ll be honest with you. We came here for a reason. We don’t care about ruling others and rather focus on doing our own things. So we don’t need your servitude.”

“You see, we have a territory on the third level of the Abyss, called Sawolond. You might laugh at this, but every person has another half. Their soulmate. The person they can love from the bottom of their heart. Hiro is that person for me. As fellow dragons, we thought about inviting you to come and join us. Naturally, you can refuse it without any repercussions.”


The frown on his face showed his interest in Alice’s words. “What are the downsides?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Hmm- except for that many of you wouldn’t be strong enough to leave the city, nothing. But we will give you the location and you will be able to find it anytime. We are leaving now” Alice sprung up from her place, finishing her short explanation.

“What? Won't you stay? I apologize if I offended you by any chance-” interrupting him for the third time today, Alice soothed him. “No. We didn’t intend to stay for long. We have two children in our world and I too am pregnant. I wish to speed up the time of our world and spend my time there.”

“I understand. I’ll visit you in the future, for sure. But like you said, we aren’t strong enough to go there. But I might leave this clan earlier and go with you now.”

Hearing his words, I shook my head sideways saying, “No. You shouldn’t leave these dragons alone. You have been their pillar for many years now. We just came to tell you about this possibility.” Hearing my words, a smile formed on his face.

Nodding his head, “In that case, I’ll stay for now” he said.

Not wasting our time, we went back to Sawolond. Looking at our empty city, we felt weird. It was so silent here. It felt rather peaceful.

“Oh? You are back so soon,” Anthony asked, appearing in front of us.

“Yes, though we still have to visit another place. An old friend of ours called Ellery. We haven’t heard from her for a long time now. She is the daughter of Weston Gold, a student from Gaia’s academy,” Alice replied.

“Don’t you want to progress with your pregnancy before that? These kids are growing like mushrooms,” he remarked as his mind power entered our world to check on Kana and Dre. By this time, they looked like three-year-old kids. If we were to wait any longer, our child would have to grow up with an age gap.

“Indeed. Well, we haven’t seen her for a long time now. A few more days wouldn't hurt anyone,” Alice said, agreeing with him.

Entering our world, we kicked out our friends and sped up time to five hundred times the original. This meant that only one day would pass by in the real world, while we would spend one and a half years in our world. Thanks to being at the ninth level, we didn’t even have to worry about losing some of our lifespans. At this point, we were practically immortal unless someone killed us…

We spent our time cultivating and food gathering… Just like Rose and Narihi, Alice too started devouring anything edible. Whenever I was a little late with her next meal, she snapped at me. But she knew what she was doing, which only made her even sadder than she was supposed to.

With approximately two days left before she would give birth, she broke down, saying how sorry she was. After lots of caressing and soothing, she calmed down.

On the big day, we didn’t notify anyone. We wished to surprise them with our daughter in our arms! In the meantime, we also decided on a name for our her. Aurora Ourichi. Seeing Alice’s amniotic fluid, my thoughts were interrupted.

“Do it, honey,” she said with a smile, holding my right hand.

“But I don’t want to cut up your stomach…” I replied, shaking my head sideways. Furrowing her brows, the side of her mouth twitching, “Should I call someone else?” she asked.

“Why? You don’t feel pain anyway. Why don’t you just give birth normally?” Still refusing, I asked.

“But that is more dangerous. We aren’t mortals. What if I crush her? You know that it is dangerous to give birth unless we do it like this,” she said with an annoyed face. Switching to a loving one, “Do it for me, please?”

“Geh, it’s even harder like this,” I grumbled, pulling my finger along the line of her stomach, cutting her up… It felt wrong, no matter what.

But hearing the cry of our daughter, my heart skipped a beat for a moment. Raising her up, I quickly cut the umbilical cord and healed Alice. Unlike others, who gave their children to the mother, I rather laid down beside her and held onto her.

She was my blood. A living being I created. It filled my heart with a strange feeling of happiness and love. Seeing Alice’s possessive look, I sighed loudly as I let go of our Aurora’s back and let Alice hold her.

Coiling a high-quality, soft, white towel around her, Alice pulled Aurora into her embrace. Seeing my wife’s caring face, I couldn’t help but lean over and kiss her forehead. Aurora had purple eyes, unlike ours. We had no idea how it came to be… Her face looked very similar to Alice’s, but how will it change as she grows is unknown to us.

But there was something weird. Her aura…

I’m not surprised by it, but our daughter is a real freak, though I won’t tell her that. She was already at the first stage of the Foundation Realm at the time of birth! Dre and Kana had reached the same stage by now, but this result was still unheard of.

Her eyes kept moving back and forth between me and Alice until she closed them. She was so cute… I wanted to cuddle her, but I was afraid of hurting her frail body. She too had a human body, which made me question whether or not she will have some other forms. I’m quite sure that they will be powerful, though it didn’t matter much to me. I just wanted her to have a long and fulfilling life. Like me!

Not minding me, Alice pulled Blank into her body, leaving her stark naked. Just as Alice put Aurora on her tummy, she leaned forward and put Alice’s right breast into her mouth. Feeling that only her nipple was in Aurora’s mouth, she had to move her around a little bit. After correcting the connection, the first breastfeeding passed without any trouble.

Closing our eyes, we fell asleep with Aurora between us. The comfy, soft bed only helped in this… I opened my eyes about half an hour later, only to see our daughter climbing back and forth on all fours. She climbed up onto Alice’s belly, kneeling over her chest.

Poking her breasts with one finger, she started playing with them. I broke out in a fit of laughter upon seeing it, waking up Alice. Yawning with a long face, she stretched her arms. “Oh? Are you hungry again, dear?” Alice said with a blissful smile on her face.

While Alice fed Aurora, I couldn’t help but… “Shouldn’t we make sure that both of your breasts will have the same amount of milk? If you breastfeed more in the early times, you will have more milk. But since we don’t have twins-” Hearing my monolog and roundabout explanation, Alice just grabbed the back of my head and pushed me towards her chest.

Sighing loudly, she chuckled saying, “Haha- I have two babies. One of them is a pile of old bones…”

“I’m not old!” I exclaimed, biting her nipple. Raising up my body, I said, “Look, I’m really just helping out so that you can switch nipples when one of them starts aching.”

“Are you an idiot? I’m not a mortal. Why would I ever feel pain from breastfeeding? At least try to come up with a plausible reason…” she said, knocking on my head.

“I’ll, Alice-sama~” I replied, joking with her.

“Ugh- don’t use Japanese words, you aren’t from there,” she remarked, furrowing her brows.

Seeing Aurora closing her eyes to sleep, I looked into Alice’s eyes with a feeling of love welling up in me.


“What? But I didn’t even say anything!” I exclaimed, holding up my arms.

“Hahaha, don’t take me for a fool. We won’t do anything now. What if she wakes up?” she questioned me, waiting for an answer.

“Noo~ But we haven’t done anything naughty for three days. It’s different when we cultivate since our minds are muddled… but I’m wide awake now! For three days! I know that you want me, you can’t hide it, you perverted dragon! Or do you want to show our daughter your perverted side once she wakes up? It’s better to do it quickly until she is sleeping!” I soothed her mind, not backing off. I will smooth talk her into it, no matter what!

“But I’m, I’m not as you think,” she replied with a red face, turning away.

“Oh, my God. Who the hell blessed you with so much cuteness?! You are trying to seduce me, aren’t you? Here, I’ll help you out” I said, moving my hand towards her lower half. She grabbed my wrist hurriedly, knowing that once I touched her, it was my win.




“No!” I repeated her.

“Yes!” She said with a smiling, meaning that she won.

“Oh, how nice of you,” I followed up, using the lack of her focus to touch her.

“Ahn~ Damn you. Why the best spot? Haah~ and I’m so damned horny. If only I was mortal, I wouldn’t do anything of the sort for days!” She exclaimed, releasing my hand.

“You can’t win against me,” I whispered into her ear, biting the top of it. Feeling a shudder running through her body, reaching even her lower half, I attacked her lips.

We spent a few days like that in our world, doing everything sneakily. Aurora never caught us! But unlike Kana or Dre, she didn’t talk, she didn’t walk. All she did was eat and sleep. Like a normal child. This made us believe that she would grow slowly, like a normal human.

But considering her potential, we weren’t surprised. Not to mention, that she needed much more time before being born than Dre and Kana. After the last breastfeeding session, she fell asleep again, which we used to… play.

Leaving our world, we met up with our friends. I was lucky enough to hold Aurora in my arms, while we introduced her. “Dre!” “Kana! Come here!” Rose and Narihi shouted at the same time, causing their voices to run through the whole city. They were careful enough to control their voices and not direct it towards Aurora.

A few seconds later, we saw them running towards us. Dreydon was holding Kana’s hand, pulling her while running. Keeping up with him, she laughed with a bright smile on her face. She had short, white hair and golden eyes, with tints of purple in them. They grew really quickly… and it was strange to see children of their age running with such a speed.

“Oh! Another little sister?!” Dre shouted upon seeing Aurora, jumping up.

“Yes! She is called Aurora Ourichi. Be nice to her, okay?” Rose replied, squatting down and raising him up, Narihi doing the same.

“Is she my sister?” Kana asked with shining eyes, pointing at Aurora.

“Hmm~ Something like that,” Narihi replied with a mysterious smile on her face.

“Awesome! Dre! What do you think? Can we play with her?” Kana asked in an excited voice.

Showing a thumbs up, “I’m sure!” he replied.

“About that. Be careful for now. We have spent four days in our world before coming out. She seems to be growing slowly, so be very gentle with her,” I remarked, telling them the truth.

Appearing behind us, “Oh? Who is this cute bomb?” Gaia asked. As Anthony appeared behind her, a strange glint flashed in his eyes. It seemed like envy!

“Why don’t you try to have a child as well? It seems like you really want one. It might be because you are a new race, but you can have children easily,” Alice said with a smile on her face, teasing them. But unlike we believed, Gaia said that they might have a go at it later.

After saying goodbye, we went back to our world, while the others stayed outside for now. A few weeks later, it was Alice’s turn to hold our daughter. We switched in every hour! I felt a little sad as I gave her to Alice, but I knew that she would in the best hands.

“Of course, I’m her mother…” she remarked in a low voice. Aurora was still hairless and except for her chubby body, she looked the same as when she was born. Well, she did grow a little, but it was nothing much.

Aurora turned in Alice’s arms, towards her chest. Poking it, my wife knew what she had to do. This was a habit of hers. Whenever she was hungry, she poked Alice’s breasts, instead of crying. It was kind of weird, but I understood that she wasn’t a human child. Why should she have the same habits?

Another half an hour later, we found ourselves indulging in pleasure. We just couldn’t stop it… Aurora was sleeping again, so it was fine. But there was a problem. When we were almost about to come, she woke up. She sat up on the side of the bed, rubbing her eyes. Seeing this, “Stop now! She woke up!” Alice whispered, her eyes opened wide.

But that burning feeling of lust in my waist… I couldn’t stop now that I was on the edge! “Haah- dear. Don’t mind it. She doesn’t understand it either way,” I whispered into her ear, exciting her even more.


“Hey. Let’s be honest. She hasn’t talked ever since being born. She has been silent all this time. I think that she will grow up with a normal speed. Which means that we can do anything now,” I explained myself, not stopping.

Gulping loudly, she looked at Aurora, who was looking at us with a curious face. Finding a stuffed animal we made not long ago, she crept towards it and grabbed it. Seeing her playing with her toy, I happily finished our round.

Alice couldn’t help but moan in a low voice as I pulled out. Looking at Aurora, she was still playing with her toy. It was as big as her and had the shape of a dragon! She sat on it and babbled incoherent words. More like, she gave out sounds. But that was still more than anything before! Stars in my eyes, I rushed over and raised her into the air.

She was always so silent, so I was happy to hear any kind of reaction from her. “What’s up, Aurora? How come you gave out sounds?” I asked with a smile on my face, joking.

“What was I supposed to do?” She asked back, freezing me on the spot.

“Eh?” Both of us said at the same time.

“D-Did I just hear her talking coherently?” I asked, looking at Alice. Aurora was looking sideways, focusing on… as I turned there, I saw Alice’s boobs.

“I too heard it…” she replied, breaking my thoughts.

As I handed her over to Alice, I asked, “Since when can you talk?”

But unlike what I was hoping for, she never replied. She nibbled on her food with a happy face. Feeling content, she closed her eyes and relaxed in Alice’s arms. A few seconds later, I heard her breathing turn stable as she fell asleep. Alice carried her to our clean bed and placed her on it.

Sitting down on the side of the bed, I put my hand on Aurora’s little head. “She can talk, can’t she?” I asked Alice, still looking at our daughter.

Sighing loudly, “I think so,” she replied.

“I’m sorry. It was my fault. I’ll be more careful from now on,” I said, rubbing my eyes.

“But why would she stay silent?” Alice talked to herself with a frown on her face, her hand on her chin. “Does she not like us? Or is there something-”

Hearing her words, I interrupted her. “Don’t talk bullshit. She surely has her reasons. Once she stands ready, she will talk. We should just do our jobs as a parent until then.” As I stopped talking, Alice leaned closer to me, stealing my lips.

“Thanks. Now I feel better,” she said, her hand on my face.

“What should we do now?” I asked, looking into her eyes.

“Let’s just cultivate. We can watch over her and do something useful at the same time,” she replied smiling. Gently and carefully raising Aurora, I placed her in the middle of the bed. We sat down with our legs crossed, facing each other and got into cultivating.

But we knew nothing at the time of what the future would hold...

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