《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 106 - Birth



Alice’s POV:


Every building in the city was coloured pink… [These damned idiots!] I shouted angrily in my mind, wishing to get my hands on Gaia and Anthony.

“A-An interesting color to choose. Khm- but it isn’t my-” clearing his throat, Bayezinth said. Interrupting him, Alice shouted, “DAMN IT! Stupid Gaia! Of course, we didn’t pick this color! It was spotless white! But our co-leaders pulled a stupid prank!”

Walking through the gates, we realized that not only the buildings, even the streets were pink… My brows twitching, I roared as I turned into my true form and flew towards our house. Sensing their presence, I burst my way towards our room. Kicking the door, it flew through our room, crashing into the wall on the other side. A bucket of water fell on my head, as Anthony and Gaia started laughing as they rolled on the floor.

“A-Alice… I’ll punish them, okay?” Hiro appeared behind me, hugging me. But this one time, not even that helped. I felt more enraged than ever before. I punched the wall, destroying it in one move.

“Hey, you don’t have to kill them, okay?” Hiro said as he grabbed my breasts, whispering, “Calm down. Oh~ This is really soft.” His stupid behavior diverted my attention, sending away the dark clouds. Sighing loudly, I relaxed my stiff body and looked at the troublemakers.

“Ugh… we will be sorry… Damn it! Why didn’t your Blood Magic work?! We will have to spend our lives like slaves! Worst is that now I feel the need to serve them and I look up to them! All because of my blood,” Gaia mumbled silently, cursing at her bad luck, and blaming Anthony’s failure for her fate as a blood servant.

“Actually, you said that you would turn into our blood servant even before meeting him,” Hiro pointed out the truth,

“Oh, that? I wanted to scam you. ARGH! Stupid blood! I can’t lie to you!” She cursed as she grabbed the sides of her head, realizing that she spurted out everything.

“Hmm~ I wouldn’t have minded if you just stayed silent, but for such things to come to light! It seems like I’ll have to teach you how to behave,” I said with a grin on my face, cracking my knuckles. I decided to punish them in numerous ways.

Gaia started creeping backward on the bed they stole from us, fearing a beating. “Stop there,” I commanded her, while Anthony didn’t say anything. As I stopped in front of the bed, I grabbed their arms and pulled them off of the bed.

“You will clean the whole city with a toothbrush. You can’t use magic. And you will do it wearing nothing but underwear. Gaia can wear a bikini… Ah, what else~ You can’t damage and destroy any of the buildings. Oh, and lastly! I’ll ask an artist from our world to paint you, while you stand naked. It will be fun to have such an erotic picture,” I told them my plans with a happy smile on my face.

Unbreakable control was the best. I didn’t like to abuse our control over them, but if they can’t behave, I’ll punish them gladly.

“Eh? You can’t be so cruel, can you? Cleaning it will be terrible enough. Even if we are strong and quick, it will take weeks! You don’t have so much time, do you? Look, we will just clean it with our Mind Powers in a moment and then forget this whole thing,” Gaia begged me with a pleading face.


“Do it now,” I commanded, not bothering with her whining. But seeing that Anthony was strangely silent, I felt slightly worried for some reason.

“You, what is it that you are hiding?” I asked Anthony, not using my control over him.

Sighing loudly, he hung down his head as he replied, “It’s a small problem. Since you left, we killed a few more faction leaders. One of them was my enemy. But the problem lies in that he was the little brother of a cultivator at the later stages of the ninth level. A Universe Realm cultivator, just like us… At this point, everyone knows that we are the strongest power on the first level of the Abyss. But if that big brother attacks us, we might be in for a fight.”

“The city being destroyed would be our smallest problem. If he comes, the other people at the eighth level would surely join as they lost a lot with the creation of this city. And before this settles, people won’t dare to come here. No one would want to affiliate with a dead group. Thanks to my bond with Gaia and to our crazy arts, we might be able to kill him, even like this. But it will be a dangerous fight.”

“Maybe we should retreat for now and come here when we break through to the second or the third stage,” he said with a sorry look on his face, making me frown. Even if they liked to play these kinds of pranks, they were serious when necessary. I believe that they’ve lived for billions of years. It was natural that their minds deviated a little from the normal ways and they liked to bully others. Their personalities were completely understandable.

“What? I heard fun,” Bayezinth said with a smile on his face, appearing behind us, Sugine under in his arms.

“Who are you?!” Gaia and Anthony jumped up into a defensive position, pulling me behind them.

“OOOH! You want to fight?! It would be fun!” Opening his arms wide, he shouted with a smile on his face.

“No, they won’t fight with you, you stupid dragon. He is Bayezinth, a shady guy from the bottom of this pit. They are Anthony and Gaia Blackwood, a married couple,” I introduced the opposing sides.

“Why are you bad mouthing me all the time? I was so nice to you, as a fellow Dragon God,” Bayezinth asked with a face, which showed how much he was hurt… Looking into his eyes, I realized that he was trying to play a prank on me. Showing my middle finger, I turned around and told the two idiots to do their work.

Clicking his tongue, “Tch, your eyes are the same. I forgot that it won’t work on you,” Bayezinth said with a tinge of dissatisfaction in his voice.

“Why do you people want to annoy my wife? Do you need a beating or what?” Hiro remarked out of nowhere, with clear annoyance on his face.

Appearing in front of him, “Oh? Will you? Aren’t you just a little lizard?” this stupid dragon asked with a smirk on his face, provoking my darling. What the hell is going on? He keeps picking a fight with us, I thought as a feeling of worry filled my heart. I didn’t want to see Hiro being hurt and I’d stand beside him if this stupid Dragon were to attack.

“This lizard might be bigger than you in the future,” not fearing him, Hiro replied with a smile. Their faces were almost touching as they kept eyeing each other.


“Hahaha, I don’t doubt that. You have a strange past anyway,” he replied as he turned away, laughing.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I questioned him as a feeling of curiosity seeped through my body.

“Earthling… Haha, you don’t need to know it now. Your life would be more boring like that,” hearing my question, he just laughed at us, not telling anything.

We looked at each other with suspicion, pondering about his meaning. How did he know about the Earth? It was just a random planet in Gaia’s world…

“I’ll take care of anyone who comes here, as long as I spend my vacation here. No one should bother me while I’m with Sugine!” He exclaimed as he left the room.

[It seems like this will stay as a mystery for the time being,] Hiro said in my mind, shrugging his shoulders. He had a past life and he doesn’t remember everything. Maybe things haven’t been as they seemed all this time, but we will find out about it along the way.

“Shall we start cultivating? Or do you want our child at first?” I asked Hiro, adding another question with a smirk on my face.

“Ugh… would be nice to do the latter. But the better genes we have, the stronger our child will be. I’ll love him or her either way, but if he or she can have a brighter future, then I’ll do all I can. We should stabilize our position here at first. And I hate relying on others’ strength, so let’s train. Let’s protect each other and the things we find important,” he replied, pulling me into his embrace.

“Mhm,” I mumbled silently, hugging him as he kissed the top of my head. “What do you think? What is Bayezinth doing with Sugine?” I asked him as I pressed the right side of my face against his chest and listened to his beating hearts.

“I don’t know. But he seemed to be all over her, so I’m sure that he wouldn’t do anything bad to her. He is a pretty good guy,” he answered, placing his hand on my face, smiling at me. “Geh, you are a sugarboy as well,” I hit his chest gently, turning away with a blush on my face. Unluckily for me, he knew my real feelings either way.

Replacing our bed with a new one, we left our house to check on Gaia and Anthony. They were cleaning the houses and the streets obediently. “You are really good at this,” I ridiculed them as I threw my blonde hair over my shoulder.

“You are such a bully,” Hiro remarked, closing his eyes as he laughed. Entering our world, we sat down on top of the ocean and started pondering about the last two laws. But for some reason, nothing came to mind. We were just sitting there, feeling happy in each other’s company. Using our world, we sensed Rose’s location and the progression of her pregnancy. She had four months left at most.

[This will sound silly but… why don’t we have sex and try to use that stupid ability? This is our last chance to find a use for it,] Hiro questioned me, feeling weird that he asked if I wanted to have sex with him. We just did it most of the time. We did it because we loved each other and wanted to do it. We did it because we lusted over one another.

This time, it came out of nowhere, so it felt strange for the both of us. “Pleasure me, in that case,” I said with a smile on my face, leaning forward to kiss my mate.


In the middle of everything, a thought entered our minds. In a way, life was space. If we stopped being, our space disappeared. Space was cruel and sometimes lonely, just like our lives. But if we filled it with content, it was still worth to see. To strive on to live and bear the weight of our emotions, relationships, and the tragedies of our lives.

My life with Hiro was like a dream, which sometimes made us question our reality. Feeling Hiro inside me, looking into his eyes, I thought, although that’s how we feel, I believe that it is all because of our self-confidence. I’m repeating myself, but if you don’t know yourself, and you don’t accept yourself, you can’t taste true happiness and take joy in your life. You will just think about your past and the bad events.

But people died sooner or later. For one reason or the other, it didn’t matter. For death was the other half of life. They were always beside each other and walked hand in hand. But even if you died, a new life always began in your stead. Your children or a life somewhere else, unrelated to you. In the end, all of us were just a part of this infinite circle of insanity. And every person who fought to reach the top was fighting to climb out of this cycle.

What was outside of it? It was something only the Abyss and the creators knew. We felt an epiphany as our minds broke through. We understood the four major laws and the connection between them. After enjoying ourselves a little more, we had to leave our world because we felt a powerful presence outside.

Leaving our world, we found Bayezinth, holding the throat of a random guy. He was kicking and punching Bayezinth, whose scales were too hard to feel anything. Raising his right hand, he shot a ball of energy towards the guy at the late ninth level, destroying his body. He was none other than the cultivator Gaia and Anthony were worrying about. After storing his soul, we entered our world.

Except for the heavenly tribulation, we spent the remaining four months, before Rose’s childbirth, cultivating. On the eighth level, called Universe Founding Realm, we had to convert our World Energy to Universe Energy. But we were surprised to experience something very strange. Upon devouring the souls at the eighth and ninth level, our energy transformed much quicker than we thought.

It was great that we had Gaia’s Babel helping us to cultivate. Although she didn’t want to give it to us, after hearing that I might add one or two things to their punishment, she handed it over with a smile. It was a wonderful toy, which could be carried around even in your hand, so long you didn’t wish to use it. After four months of continuous cultivation, we converted ninety percent of our energies. If we were to get our hands on a few more souls, we might break through in less than a year.


Although four months passed in our world, in the outside world, it was no more than five days. We teleported to Rose’s and Hei’s house. Knocking on the door, we heard hurried steps. Opening the door, Hei looked at me and then at Hiro. “Eh? You just knocked on the door!?” He asked with wide opened eyes, visibly surprised.

Flicking his forehead, “Of course, we can knock. We just didn’t feel the need to it before,” I replied as I entered the house.

“Hahaha, but you still can’t wait for me to invite you in, can you?” He remarked, laughing at my bad manners. They were alike when it came to these kinds of things. We didn’t feel the need to knock on the door. We were close friends and shared everything. Just like how Rose opened the door on us many times, we did the same. Still, we just laughed at those moments like fond memories.

“I can’t, it seems. How is Rose?” I questioned him, turning on my heels to face him.

“She is fine. Her body is very strong, thanks to you. I’m quite sure that she will give birth soon enough,” Hei replied with a stiff smile.

Stopping beside me, Hiro said, “You suck at acting. Man, you are all nervous. Don’t worry. She will get through it in a moment.”

“Is that so? I hope that your words are true. My son keeps moving around inside her. He seems to be very strong for his size,” Hei said, scratching the back of his head.

“Oh? So it will be a he. I was just about to ask now,” I remarked, feeling happy for some reason. I need a daughter. She would be so cute, I thought in my mind, biting my nails.

[What?! No! How am I supposed to let any man touch her? I’d feel bad, but it would be a part of life. Our child should be a boy. I’d rather see him holding a harem than to see even a single guy touch my daughter,] Hiro refuted my thoughts, making me worry about the same thing.

Stopping in front of their room, I turned around. Looking at Hei and Hiro, I said, “You will stay here. I’ll go in.” Both of them nodded and sat down outside. It felt weird that Hiro wasn’t standing beside me… Entering the room, I found Rose lying on the bed, eating chocolate. If not for her pregnancy, I’d steal it away…

“Hello, Alice. Did you finish your training? I haven’t seen you in a long time and was missing you,” Rose said with a sweet face, holding her hand towards me.

“Oh, now. What will I do when you will leave to do the same? You’ll take even more time,” I replied, sitting down on the side of the bed. Placing my hand on her belly, I caressed it gently. I felt a kick from the other side, surprising me a little.

“Can we start?”I questioned her with a smile on my face. Seeing her nod, I used the law of time around us. Her amniotic fluid left her lower parts and flowed onto the towel under her. Hei prepared everything beforehand, like a good midwife. Looking through Hiro’s eyes, I saw Hei pacing back and forth anxiously, looking at the door every so often.

Unlike mortals, Rose had no problems with pain or anything of the sort. Using her energy, she just numbed her lower body. I cut up her stomach with my nails, making their son cry. Raising him out, I used Hiro’s Qi to heal Rose in a few seconds and left only a small hole. But when Hei heard his crying son, he charged through the door, only to see Rose, being split open…

“Seriously, why do you have a bond? You can feel her non-existent pain,” I remarked, shaking my head sideways, looking at his dumbfounded face. Rose cleaned her son with her Qi, while I held the umbilical cord between my fingers.

“Do you want to cut it? Since you came in,” I asked Hei with a smile on my face. His hands trembling, his face pale, he walked over. Grabbing the umbilical cord, his hand slipped on its slimy surface. Touching my hand accidentally, he dirtied me as well. Both I and Rose sighed loudly.

Looking into Rose’s eyes, “I’m sorry! But this is so stressing. What if I screw up somewhere?” He apologized honestly. Rose looked at him with a loving smile on her face, saying, “You can’t screw up. Just do it, honey.”

Sighing loudly, he closed his eyes for a moment before doing his job as a father. Using Hiro’s Qi, I healed the hole in Rose’s stomach and cleaned everybody. Their son was just looking around, observing everyone with curious eyes. I handed the baby back to Rose. Mothers should be the first to hold their children.

He raised his tiny, chubby hands, reaching towards Rose’s face. Upon touching it, he started smiling as if he had won on a lottery. “Hahaha, look at how much he loves you,” I remarked, feeling slightly envious.

“See? I told you that you were worrying for nothing,” Rose said as she turned to look at Hei.

Chuckling, he slumped his shoulders and relaxed his body. Waving his hands, “Yes, yes, you did. I just felt worried for you,” he said.

Sitting down on the side of the bed, he grabbed Rose’s left hand and kissed her in front of us. “Woah~ Quickly, take a photo of them,” I joked around, my hand in front of my mouth. Hiro stopped behind me, embracing me. After Hei held his son for a few minutes, he handed him back to Rose.

“Have you decided on a name yet?” Hiro asked with a curious face, his head tilted to the side.

Rose’s face turned stiff suddenly, making us raise a brow. “Ehm, the truth is that we did. But you might not like it. As the first descendant of our race, called Dre’Khan, would you mind if we named him Dreydon? People close to him will call him by his nickname, Dre. We will work hard to educate him to not bring shame on his race.”

Rose and Hei talked alongside each other, with hopeful looks on their faces. Hiro looked at me and as our eyes met, we started laughing. “Haha, don’t be stupid. You don’t have to set up standards for him. We don’t mind if you name him like that, but please don’t fall into the trap of having expectations for him,” I said with a smile on my face.

After making a thoughtful face, both of them nodded, understanding the underlying meaning of my words. It would do more harm for him than good if they treated him differently in the future. All because of a name. “And to begin with, we brought enough shame to ourselves. Why would we care about such things? Others have to care about their faces because they are weak. The strong can do anything,” I added arrogantly, making everyone laugh.

“Mama!” Dre shouted, looking at Rose.

Her face went pale and then flushed red. “Y-You said, Mama?! Say it again!” She shouted excitedly, holding him in her bosom. Dre shook his head sideways, making us laugh at the trio in front of us. Turning around, we were scared shitless upon seeing Narihi and Poirlion. I literally jumped back in my surprise.

“What the hell? When did you get here? You didn’t reply to my message either,” I questioned them with a surprised face. We tried contacting them when we came over, but they didn’t reply.

“Eh? But we were here the whole time… After Hei ran in, we too came in. You were just lost in the scene. Also, we didn’t reply because we were confirming something and it is time to announce it. I too became pregnant while you were training…” Narihi dropped the bomb, leaving me dumbfounded.

“For real?” I questioned her, looking into her eyes.

“Yes. And while we are at naming. We found out that we’ll be having a daughter. So do you mind if we named her Kana? Derived from Khan,” Narihi questioned with visible expectation on her face.

Shrugging my shoulders, “Although it is your choice entirely, I’d even agree and ask you to name her like that. I find it interesting,” I replied with a smile, showing my acceptance. They looked at Hiro for another yes.

“Hahaha, why are you looking at me? You can take her words as my words. You should know it yourself, as halves. Have you ever disagreed on anything?” he said, laughing at their stupid looks.

“But boy, your son is growing really quickly,” I couldn’t help but point out the truth.

“I guess it is because of his great genes,” Hei said with a proud face, caressing his son’s head.

“Alright. Now we will leave and… make children,” Hiro said as he stepped back, pulling on my hand. Rose winked at me, waving her hand, while the others were laughing upon hearing his remark.

Narihi and Poirlion left along with us, to leave the pair alone. Closing the door behind us, I smiled while thinking, Dreydon Shé and Kana Illimex. The guardians of our child and the ancestors of the race we created, Dre’khan. Now we need our own child, who shall be the descendant of the Ourichi family and the heir of Sawolond. The land of halves and soul bonded people.

“We shall leave behind an interesting legend! Hahaha!”

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