《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 103 - Tides and Conceiving


Tides and Conceiving

Hiro’s POV:


After declaring the place as our land, floating texts appeared in front of our eyes.

#The Land of Sawolond has been created.

#Owners: Alice Ourichi; Hiro Ourichi

#Size of Area: Fifty square kilometers.

#Leaderboard rank: 1st.

#Number of Members: 8

#Income: 5 000 000 points per Month. (2 Days left till payment)

Raising a brow, I looked at Gaia to question her about this. “How come that other high-ranking people aren’t here just to gain free experience?”

“Haha, it’s because they can’t turn into leaders on this level. Unless they want to serve someone weaker than them, they won’t gain anything. Actually… I was never the leader of the area my academy had. It is an elder at the peak of the seventh stage. But I can still come here and ‘accidentally’ crush the other groups. The reason why every group is still standing,” Gaia replied, winking at me. But I still had a question.

“This is still not good enough. What about if they just get a weakling as the ‘ruler’, but in truth, a high-level cultivator would rule?” Alice asked in my stead, her head tilted to the side.

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Anthony replied, “The Abyss isn’t that simple and stupid. You heard it talking not long ago… If people were to try such a thing, it could easily cost them their lives.”

“Oh. Are the penalties that serious?” Alice asked, her brows raised. Placing my right hand on the back of her head, I brushed my finger through her blonde hair. Looking at me from the corners of her eyes, I saw love in her eyes. Stepping closer, I hugged her tightly before giving a kiss on her lips.

“Meh… What are you doing?” Gaia questioned, placing her hands on her hips.

“Ah, sorry… I just saw her and was lost in her. Hehe,” loosening my embrace, I replied her with a stiff face.

[There is something else that is stiff, other than your face…] looking at me with that provocative smirk of hers, Alice said in my mind.

[N-No… there isn’t. It’s just your imagination,] I replied, releasing her and stepping back.

Turning towards me, she looked into my eyes provocatively. Sticking out her chest, she continued her show. Ugh… you damned dragoness!

“Fufu~ I can feel your love,” she said aloud, laughing at me.

Pointing at my face, I said, “The face when you love your wife and she is the most beautiful woman for your taste as well…” Alice blushed a little, causing me a great surprise.

Clearing his throat, Anthony caught our attention, “Stop your love fest here. Go to your own world… Also, people are coming. Be careful.” Just as he finished his sentence, the ground started trembling. The mountains around us, the lakes on the two sides of our territory, and the forest behind it.

A group of ten appeared, glaring at us. But instead of saying anything rash, they just looked at us silently. Or more like… they were eyeing Anthony and Gaia. “We apologize for intruding. Goodbye,” the woman in the middle replied, gritting her teeth, she bowed before turning around to leave.

I was left with my mouth opened widely. “That’s it? Where is the fight? Where is the pretentious showing off of their clan? Eh? These people are boring…” I said, feeling down that I couldn’t take pleasure in beating them.

[Oh~ but you can take pleasure in something much better,] Alice chimed in again, interrupting my thoughts, provoking me. This little succubus… [Haah- but I love you] knowing my thoughts, she just chuckled upon hearing my words.


“What did you expect? If a person at the ninth level were to take away your territory, would you mindlessly attack that person?” Anthony questioned me, raising a brow.

Shrugging my shoulders, “you are right… but it’s still no fun,” I replied.

“Go and have fun somewhere else, you pervert,” pointing downward, Gaia replied. I rather didn’t look to the place she was pointing towards.

“You are saying that, but what about this place?” Pointing at our city, I questioned her.

“We will defend it. The next few days will be like that anyway. Oh, right…” making a thoughtful face, Anthony said with a sudden realization on his face. Seeing his grin, a shudder ran through our backs.

“Mind if I implement a few of my… traps?” He asked as an immense amount of bloodlust oozed out of his body. Seeing a smirk on Gaia’s face, I didn’t feel sure whether I wanted it or not…

“Haah- just do it. But make sure that you don’t kill the real guests. Only halves will have a place here. Others will be sent away. If anyone asks what does our territory do, tell this to them. We will work on advertising ourselves… later…” I replied, waving my hands.

Alice grabbed me at my waist from behind. Sneaking her hands forward, she crossed her fingers over my belly. Her boobs pressed against my back, she stood on her toes to whisper into my ear, “come with me.”

Cold sweat ran down on my body, as I felt her hand moving downwards. Quickly disappearing, we had our way with each other…

----------- 18+ ------------

Her hand entered my pants and fondled my rod. Moving towards my balls, I felt even more excited. With my balls in her left hand and my penis in her right hand, she started caressing my shaft.

“Ah, stroke it stronger,” I said as I felt her grip tightening on me. Blank returned into my body, leaving my crotch visible. How clever…

“Fufu~ Are you enjoying this?” Alice whispered into my ears, her warm breath tickling my ears. Feeling an unbearable lust welling up in me, I had no way to restrain myself. Turning around, I grabbed Alice’s head and kissed her deeply. Pushing forward, she fell to the ground, her eyes opened widely. Not sparing her, I placed my left hand on the side of her face, pushing her towards the ground.

Licking her collarbone, I moved upwards on her neck, reaching her left ear. [Are you playing hard? Oh well, I’m loving it~] Alice remarked in my mind, panting heavily in excitement.

“I’ll own you today. And I’ll impregnate you,” I whispered, turning on my inheritance. Not saying anything, her face red, she spread her legs. An incredible aroma permeated the air, driving my mind crazy.

I put the tip of my penis into her. Releasing her head, I wanted her to look into my eyes. Feeling my lust, I was quite sure that I’d come inside instantly. She was ovulating. We were quite strong. We had strong people to help us… and I wanted to make my wife into a mother, and myself into a father.

Still looking into each other’s eyes, I penetrated her pussy. Gritting her teeth, she coiled her legs around my waist. “Ahn~” she moaned, feeling me moving inside her.

Embracing her upper body, I pressed my face into her soft bosom, kissing her breasts. Biting her lower lips, she shut her eyes tightly, trying to hold back her moaning. It was very cute. Moving upward, I kissed her deeply, still moving inside her. With so much excitement in my lower body, it took no more than a minute for me to come inside her.


Loading my sticky white sperm into her pussy, I felt fulfillment even in the deepest parts of my heart. Breathing heavily, we made love for a few hours, before we finally stopped, feeling that it would be enough.


Cleaning up the mess we made, we sat down on our bed, feeling satisfied. Alice between my legs, I coiled my arms around her waist. She leaned her head on my shoulder, sighing loudly.

Closing her eyes, she asked, “What do you think? Will it conceive? “

“I don’t know. We can only hope,” I said as I kissed the top of her head, caressing it.

“And what about this hidden piece? It was surprising, to say the least… “ she asked, opening her eyes, frowning.

“I have no idea. It played a prank on us again, it seems…” I replied, shaking my head to the side. Looking down, I saw Alice’s breasts from above. She wasn’t wearing anything, except for my shirt. It was a beautiful sight to behold. But holding back my flamboyant behavior over her body, I focused on our conversation.

Chuckling, she looked at me with upturned eyes, saying, “You are hopeless…” Sticking out my tongue, I mocked her. Giving a kiss on her forehead, we thought about the possibilities this skill held.

Since having this ability, whenever we came… some kind of law entered our minds. It was always different. But thanks to our hazy mind, we never bothered ourselves with it. After so much lust, we felt similarly good like before, but our minds were clearer the reason why we were able to comprehend the law. There was a problem however, unless we comprehended the law at the same moment, it disappeared from our minds.

“That’s it, I guess. If we feel very good and can stay sane enough to comprehend those laws, then we can cultivate even quicker than before. It’s like a super bonus to the laws we have from our inherent memories… We have nothing to do but cultivate, feel lots of pleasure, and stay sane at the same time,” Alice mumbled silently, enumerating our to-do list.

“You are saying that, but thanks to our fused souls, we go crazy over each other all the time. You can’t even talk usually, then how do you want to comprehend anything? But if we don’t reach a set level of pleasure, it won’t happen… It is still playing with our self-control and self-restraint, even after we won. Isn’t this super evil?” I questioned Alice, waiting to hear her agreement with me aloud. Of course, this bastard never forgot to play with us.

#Special Ability: Comprehensive Moments

#Description: This ability is a side-effect of the exclusive ability, called Find Love. Love comes in many shapes and forms, sometimes at the most unexpected times. Such is the way of the laws. You might realize something in the most unexpected moments. But if you don’t understand it quickly enough, it can just slip away. Like your love. So grab the chance to comprehend more.

#Possible activation: The highest form of pleasure, The highest form of stress, When feeling very tired, On the brink of death.

Reading the description, we facepalmed at the same time. Possible activation, is it? At least, we have other ways to activate it… I thought with a frown on my face.

“We have? Like what? Dying? It’s not like the idiot couple tasted such a feeling too many times. Stress… I don’t know, when are we stressed out? We love each other, we are very happy, we don’t have to worry about anything too stressful in particular… Our lives are like a dream. Except for new things we explore and each other, and our friends, we have nothing in our lives. Of course, I’m very happy with this. Just saying…”Alice remarked, pointing out the truth.

Caressing her silky, blonde hair, I couldn’t help but nod. That chasing rainbows feeling welled up in me once again. A weird life… that’s what I call our common past with Alice. A weird, but very happy one. Hugging her tightly, I kissed her neck. Since we were quite sane this time, we were able to comprehend the eternal law of space.

Was space really expanding? In our opinion, it did nothing of the sort. Even the word ‘space’ was nothing but an illusion. Space was stagnant. It didn’t grow, it didn’t constrict. It was what we believed it to be. Every universe, every spot in those universes were connected in one way or the other.

Space was more like a definition for the size of our dreams. If we had small dreams, space was small. If we had big dreams, it was much greater. But in the end, it was always connected to that gray matter beyond the reality. Space is dreams, dreams are space. Simple as that. And all of this was being moved by the infinitely circling finite time. Our dreams changed, the events changed, but the basic concept was always the same.

Such was the understanding of space in our minds. We felt that we could easily reach the sixth stage of the seventh level now, so long as we had enough energy to break through. It was more of a physical question at this point. I always laughed when I heard things like ‘abandoning the physical world and our worldly feelings’. It was ridiculous. No matter how old you were, you always wanted to enjoy your life. And that would never change.

Sex is a wonderful example of that. We were indeed more into it than we should be… but we didn’t mind it. We were who we were. If people didn’t like us, they could leave anytime. Instead of obeying others’ will and forcing themselves to do things you don’t like, people should focus more on their own dreams. On what they want.

They didn’t reach it and blame it on luck? Maybe they just didn’t try to do it from their hearts. They didn’t believe in themselves, which is basically… a betrayal of their own dreams.

“Fine, fine! Stop, you melancholic thinker, haha,” turning around, Alice pressed her hands against my face, silencing me. She kept laughing joyfully, leaving me mesmerized upon seeing her happy face. Sitting back down on her legs, I placed my hand on her face, caressing it. Leaning forward, closing our eyes, we kissed deeply. Embracing her, it once again turned into lovemaking. But this time, it was very slow, gentle, and loving.

Twenty minutes later, we left our world and looked for Gaia and Anthony. We had a park in the city, they were dallying there on a bench. Anthony was resting his head on Gaia’s lap. Seemed like a good idea. Shamelessly sitting down on the bench beside them, in the same manner, we stayed silent for a few seconds before talking.

Clearing her throat, Alice asked, feeling a little awkward, “What happened while we were away?”

Looking upwards, I saw Gaia turning towards us to reply. “Nothing much. We set up our little traps. If anyone dares to attack, they’ll be in for a nice surprise. A few cultivators at the eighth level entered the Abyss and went to the center of their territories. Afterward, they met up with a few other leaders. I expect them to visit us soon,” she said calmly.

We didn’t panic either. They were here with us and would help us if needed. Feeling curious, I talked, still resting in Alice’s lap. “When we turned into the owners of Land of Sawolond, texts appeared in front of us. There were two we aren’t sure of, one of them is ‘Income’ and the other one is ‘Leaderboard’. Could you elaborate them?”

“Hmm? Income is obviously what its name says. Firstly, tell me how much it is,” Gaia said, looking at us.

“Ten million and we are the first on the leaderboard’ Alice replied shortly.

Raising a brow, visibly surprised, Gaia continued.“Oh? That’s a lot, though no surprise. So… you can create roles in your territory and set how many percents would be shared for each role. For example, you are the leaders. While we are simple members. The default is forty percent for the main leaders and sixty for the remaining members. You have to know that this is still a tremendous amount… as there are no groups who gain as much as you, with so few members.”

“At the moment, you would get four million points per month, meaning two million for each of you. Meanwhile, the remaining six million will be shared among the six of us. Rose, Hēi, Narihi, Poirlion, and us. This means exactly one million for each of us. As the numbers grow, we would gain less and less. Normally…”

“But that isn’t the case for now. The member number is a multiplier as well, as long as it doesn’t go above one million. Being the leaderboard number one means our territory is the strongest on this level. The higher you are on the leaderboard, the more you get. And as long as the number of members doesn’t go above one million, we will get more and more. You have to know that other territories have many billions of people.”

“Even my academy has about fifty billion on its territory, regularly… Of course, you can change the percentages for the better or the worse. The only regulation is that you can’t go above sixty percent. You can also create roles, for example, co-leaders, management people, etc… and set the amount they would get. You just have to think. The Abyss knows everything about you anyway.”

“Oh? That’s quite interesting,” Alice replied, feeling surprised. The first thing we did was to…

Create Co-Leader Role, create Manager Role. Co-Leaders’ income should be twenty percent. Managers’ income should be fifteen percent. Main Leaders’ income should be twenty percent. We commanded in our heads, and the similar texts appeared in front of our eyes, telling us that we created a new role and set their income to a given percent.

Twenty was perfectly enough for us. It would be shared between two for eternity. While the other twenty percent would be shared between six people. Maybe it was still way too high… Meanwhile, the remaining would be left for the simple members. We planned to have numerous managers, who would decide who can come to us. Maybe we should add soldiers as well, I thought, placing my hand on my chin.

[It’s fine to do it later. No need to hurry with it. We can always change these numbers and the remaining would be divided among us anyway,] Alice replied in my mind.

Anyway… Set Gaia Blackwood, Anthony Blackwood, Rose Shé, Hēi Shé, Poirlion, and Narihi as Co-Leaders.

“Oh? How nice of you. You gave such a role for us,” Gaia said with a smile, acting all nice. Why did I feel so wrong in her presence? Shady woman!

“Narihi, Poirlion!” Alice said suddenly, almost startling Gaia and Anthony.

Leaving our world, they stood in front of us. Raising a brow, Narihi asked for what we wanted. “Could you pick a family name? Or something…” Alice asked, furrowing her brows.

“Oh, thanks for the position… and we decided on one. It will be Illimex!” She declared proudly, sticking out her chest.

“Eh? So quickly? Don’t you want to think about it some more?” Alice questioned, raising her hands. Rose and Hēi left our world at the same time.

“The truth is that we pondered about our name for a good while. We wanted to ask you, but you were working hard on your… child,” Hēi replied with a stiff face.

“Oh? Will I be a grandma then?” Raising a brow, Gaia questioned. Standing up, Anthony hit the back of his head into the bench, and looked after Gaia with an angry face, rubbing the back of his head.

She stopped in front of us and put her hand on Alice’s tummy. “No! It's only mine!” I shouted as I sat up, pushing away her hand. Everyone looked at me with their brows raised as if I was an idiot. “Khm- It was just a bad dream,” clearing my throat, I commented on my outbreak.

Sighing loudly, Gaia shook her head sideways, saying, “Just do it already. See if you will be a father or not.” Doing as told, I quickly placed my hand on her belly. Alice intentionally didn’t use her energy to feel it, this whole time. I was looking for the answer hopefully, preparing for the worst.

Unfortunately, no matter how long I was looking for the sign, I never found it. Although I tried to prepare for the worst, it still felt crushing… What about the law of belief? Where is it now?! I thought as a feeling of wrath welled up in my heart.

“Not even that will do something impossible. The Law of Belief helps you in reaching possible things. Having a child between two True Divine Beasts isn’t one of those. You can’t have a child. There might be a way, but you will have to find it yourself,” the Abyss replied and then disappeared.

All of us were left flabbergasted. “I’m so sorry,” Rose and Narihi said at the same time, with visible concern on their faces.

“But why can’t we have children?” I questioned the Abyss, waiting for an explanation. But it never came. I felt a hand touching my back. Knowing who it was, I turned around to hug her. Feeling Alice’s embrace, I sighed loudly.

“Fine… We know that there is a way at least. This is just a simple setback.

“And what do you plan to do?” Sitting on the bench beside us, Anthony asked.

“Find a way, of course. It just said that we can’t have it normally. I believe that there is a way. And what is the place which has ‘impossible’ things?” I questioned him. Realizing the truth, Anthony told me that it was the Abyss.

“We will go and train now. We need more strength to roam freely,” I added as I stood up, holding Alice’s hand.

“Ah, wait. They came just now. You might want to talk with them,” grabbing my shoulder, Gaia stopped us. Nodding, we teleported towards the front gate. There was a group of twenty, all of them being at the eighth level. It’s likely that they wanted to win with numbers. But they came at the wrong time. I was in a hurry and I had no intention to play around with these idiots.

“Land of Sawolond... is it?! We came here to talk with the master of this place. Go back boy, and ask for a meeting,” a handsome guy shouted proudly. At the same time, knowledge entered my mind about the formations around this place. Gaia sent it into my brain. It was nice, but I wasn’t sure whether we needed it or not.

“You are talking to him… boy…” I replied, frowning. After standing there for a short time with a surprised face, he started laughing. Seeing my serious face, he stopped. Clearing his throat, he looked at me with a stiff face.

“What is it? What did you come here for?” I questioned them, as I released my bloodlust, showing them my annoyance.

“Could we talk to those people at the Universe Realm?” he asked, meaning the ninth level.

“No. And I don’t have time for you. If you want to attack or let’s say… if you dare to attack, then don’t try talking. If you don’t intend to, then go and fuck off. If you want my help, then say what you want. I’m all ears,” I replied, tapping my foot on the ground. I’m not the patient kind when it comes to these random people.

Seeing them looking at me with unsure faces, I got annoyed. “What now?! Do something already!” I shouted, feeling a little out of character. My soul force burst out of my body, grazing theirs.

“You have a monstrously strong soul for your stage…” the same guy said, clear wonder on his face.

Seeing me looking at them angrily, they made thoughtful faces. I started counting down from three. As the seconds passed by, sweat started appearing on their foreheads. If I reached zero and they still didn’t decide on what to do, I would attack them myself.

[How angry you are. Haha,] Alice laughed in my mind, though she still felt a little down. But both of us believed in ourselves.

As the words ‘one’ parted my lips, a woman teleported towards me. Anthony appeared in front of me and blocked her. Focusing on the formations around us, I poured my soul force into them. This was a unique creation… which used Soul Force. Gaia and Anthony filled all of them to the brim and if an alien soul force touched that formation, it exploded.

I was standing exactly out of its range. Meanwhile, the others present weren’t… I sent my soul force towards the formation and upon contact, it exploded. The soul force spread towards the sky, rushing through the bodies of the cultivators present. Their eyes bulged as they grabbed their chests and started sweating profusely. Under the assault of the soul force, the had no way to move.

As Anthony kicked the woman in the stomach, she fell into the same trap. Alice merged with me and we transformed into our monster form. Quickly using another three attacks, we released our martial art with nine stacks. It exploded amongst them, destroying their bodies in but a mere moment.

The last remnants of the Soul Force formation crushed their souls, killing them. Not caring about the appearance of some floating text in front of my eyes, I grabbed Alice’s hand as I went back to our city. We had to train and then get my wife pregnant! With my child, of course!

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