《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 99 - Finding Love


Finding Love

Alice’s POV:


We cultivated for two days straight, reaching the late eighth stage. We knew that people would come sooner or later. We used our energies, so it was only a question of time for them to find us.

Elena stayed where we were, meditating and training her body. It was interesting how differently things worked in this world. Even if we were to ‘train’ our bodies, it would be pointless since we wouldn’t gain strength. We had no other way to increase our strength, other than cultivating Universe Energy. This was probably the Abyss’s doing.

Meanwhile, Elena had to do a mix of the two. A group of people landed in front of us, wearing the same kind of tabards as Skeiron. Using their senses, they identified us based on our energy. Actually, they didn’t come for Hiro since he never touched Thuurame.

“You, there! Please don’t resist and come with us!” Pointing at me, the guard captain said. At least, I believe that she had such a position as her tabard looked different. Since I didn’t intend to sit in a prison, I asked what did I do. She told me that I’m suspected of killing a noble. Nodding, I walked towards her, along with Hiro.

Raising a brow, she tied her long black hair into a ponytail, asking Hiro why was he coming. “She is my wife. It is natural that I’d go with her,” he replied with a confident smile on his face, embracing my back.

Heaving out a sigh of relief, she placed her hands on her flat chest. Haha, mine are big and round, you loser! I ridiculed her in my mind, not showing it on my face. I guess she thought that Hiro wanted to stop them or something.

Since all of them were at the later stages of the sixth level, we teleported towards the city. “I’ll go after you,” Elena’s voice resounded in my mind.

Appearing in front of a huge building, made up of white stones, the guard captain turned around to talk. “My name is Etis. You are suspected of killing Thuurame, a noble of Trigon. In case you have reasons for attacking and killing him, you might be set free. If you need me for anything, then ask the guards.”

Looking into her eyes, I nodded with a serious face. I think that she was a Nephilim, but I’m not sure. Her skin has got a tint of blue, so she could be a part of another race as well. Turning towards the tall double doors, she opened them. A huge hall appeared in front of us, with a few people waiting inside. Many of them had some kinds of cuffs on their hands, sealing their Qi.

[Mana.] Hiro corrected me. It doesn’t even matter… both are the same. I thought, looking at him.

[I know. I just wanted to bully you, haha,] laughing at me, he admitted his wrong doings.

One of the guards stopped in front of me and placed the same kind of handcuff on me. Although in normal cases, it worked perfectly, but not with me. Hiro could channel his energy into my body anytime, meaning that this handcuff was pointless. Though, they didn’t know that nor did they have to.

“I’m glad that you are so understanding. Now I’ll take my leave,” nodding upon seeing my nice behavior, Etis remarked with a smile on her face. After waiting in the hall for about half an hour, which we spent with meditating, I was finally called into the damned room. Two guards wanted to grab my arms to take me in, but Hiro stopped them before they could touch me.


Heh. Stupid ogres! I thought, looking at them with dissatisfaction on my face. Opening the doors, we were led inside. There was a tall podium in the middle of the circular hall, while a few people were sitting all around. Exactly in front of the podium, the circular balcony extended outward.

A woman, whose face was covered with a mask, sat there silently. Even her body was hidden, thanks to a cape. As she raised her hands, everyone turned silent, while the guards kept whispering behind my back, telling me to go to the podium. Doing as told, I had to separate from Hiro, as he wasn’t allowed to stand beside me. I felt really lonely, even though he was only a few meters away from me. I’m rather used to him, standing beside me.

Exactly before the judge started talking, Elena entered the hall through the doors, with a few people behind her. I recognized a few of them. They were none other than the onlookers, who had seen Thuurame’s advances…

The majority of the people were present when the case happened and saw that he tried to assault me. Thanks to this, we won the lawsuit in a few words. There were a few people from Thuurame’s family, who tried to interrupt the judgment, but they had no evidence to speak of. Since they weren’t nobles, Elena would take care of them once things calmed down. As soon as we left this building…

“I hereby declare that the person present, called Alice, was found innocent,” Nemesis shouted the final judgment, leaving no room to debate. Using my mind power, I asked her politely.

“Good day to you, Miss. Can I ask you if you are from this world?” Hearing my question, she faced me, though I couldn’t see her eyes from her mask.

“Why do you ask?” She asked with a serious tone.

“Do you know a woman called Gaia?” I asked, looking at her with a smile on my face. She suddenly stood up and appeared in front of me, surprising many of the people present.

“How do you know her?” This time, she asked it aloud.

“We are coming from the world she resides within. We are also a part of her Academy,” tilting my head to the side, I replied honestly.

“Do you know the way back?” Grabbing my shoulders, she asked vehemently.

“Eh? Of course, I know.” Raising my brows, I answered her. “But why are you asking? Isn’t it simple? I’m sure that you didn’t forget it either…” I added with a curious face.

“Don’t be stupid, of course, I remember! But the Abyss changes every hundred years! It’s best to leave it when that happens or you will have problems finding a way back! That’s how I was stuck here! I came to this place with a few friends of mine, but when we wanted to go back, the gate to our world was nowhere to be seen!” Shaking my shoulders, she replied. Realizing her strange behavior in the middle of her excitement, she let go of my shoulders and stepped back.

Clearing her throat, she said that she was sorry. But her words surprised me as I didn’t know about this aspect of the Abyss. But then thinking of something, I questioned her. “But how come you couldn’t find back? I believe that with your strength, you were able to explore the whole upper floor!”

“At that time, I couldn’t. I was only at the seventh level, so I was restricted… These days I did explore it, but I still couldn’t find that world!” She exclaimed.


Stopping beside me, Hiro embraced my back. “Isn’t it because those two universes mixed? You were looking for the wrong universe, probably,” Hiro asked, making me remember the most obvious thing.

“Two universes… mixed? Did the creators bond or what? That’s unheard of!” She exclaimed, her voice slightly trembling. She was visibly annoyed by her terrible luck. “Heavens! For such things to happen exactly when I was away! Ridiculous!”

“Tell me the way back! I’ll leave as soon as possible. I’ve had enough of this place!” Almost commanding us, she said. Being at the eighth level, I knew that it was best to follow her words quickly. She didn’t seem to be too patient. I sent the way we came from into her mind. She quickly teleported away, leaving us in a dumbfounded state, along with the other people present.

[Maybe it was best if we left this world soon. Or else they might blame her sudden leave on us!] Hiro pointed out a possibility.

“See? I told you that everything will be fine,” stopping in front of us, Elena said smiling. Staying silent, we just nodded.

“Honestly… now I’m feeling awkward…” Hiro voiced his feelings, just like usually. Placing her hand on her face, Elena mumbled, “Now I too…” But it was true! We had nothing to talk about! We could ask unimportant or personal things, but that wasn’t our style.

“Ehm… what if we just… leave?” Pointing out the most obvious solution, I said.

“Ah, great idea. Let’s go,” catching that thin thread which could save her from this conversation, Elena agreed instantly.

Doing as if we didn’t notice it, we just followed after her. Standing in front of the building, we told her that she could visit us anytime she needed. Telling us that it was alright, we teleported away. Stopping in the middle of a plain, we called out Rose.

She appeared in front of us, rubbing her eyes. “Mhm- What is it? I was sleeping so peacefully!”

Grabbing her shoulders, I smiled at her and said, “We will go hunting today!”

“And what do we hunt?” Tilting her head to the side, she asked curiously. I coiled my arms around her neck, whispering into her left ear, “A husband for you!”

“EH?” Feeling surprised, her eyes opened widely. “M-Me? B-But I’m no good! I am shy around men! Do you want to kill me? I-I would rather live my life alo-” before she could finish her protesting, I caught her shoulders and teleported away.

Even if this guy was in a different universe, it didn’t matter as long as we could make him meet Rose.

Two days later, we traveled to a far away place on this land and found a city. There was a palace in the middle of it, showing that this was the capital city of some kind of kingdom. From Hiro’s memories, I know at least that much about kingdoms…

But the people here were… weak. All of them. We sensed only a few of them who were at the third level. The common people were only at the first or second level. Seeing that this world has numerous kingdoms, I’m quite sure that the most powerful people are the king and a few of his or her servants.

Using our mind powers, we sensed where was the line was going. Opening our eyes, we looked at Rose.

“You are so creepy with those heart shaped pupils…” biting her finger, she remarked honestly.

“Grr… do you think that we wanted it to be like that! It was this stupid Abyss’s doing!” I shouted angrily, feeling pissed off. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck my body, even though the sky was clear of clouds.

“Fuck you! Abyss!” I shouted, showing my middle finger towards the sky, earning another lightning…

Before we would be noticed by too many onlookers, we quickly teleported away. [Hiro! The Abyss is bullying me! We must take revenge in the future!] I remarked, hugging my husband. Patting my head, he kissed my forehead, not saying anything. But I knew that his intentions were no better than mine!

Following the line connecting Rose and her dear partner, we found ourselves in front of a simple house, on the outskirts of the city. Using our senses, we felt only a single person inside the house, at the later stages of the second level.

“He is clearly here… but how do we make him meet you?” Looking at Rose with a serious face, I talked to myself.

“C-Could we turn around? I-I really don’t think that I’m up for such things,” with a slightly red face, she said meekly.

“I’ve got a solution,” knocking on the door with a smirk on his face, Hiro replied.

“W-What are you doing!?” Feeling frustrated that she couldn’t just run away, Rose held the sides of her head. Grabbing her arms, I pushed her in front of the door, while Hiro stepped aside.

“Coming!” A manly voice came from the others side of the door. Turning around, Rose looked at us with pitiful eyes.

--------------- Hei Shé’s POV ------------------

I was born on this land. The land called Ketarn. My talent was never heaven shaking, but I wasn’t bad when it came to training either. I was quite average, to be honest. When I was young, I was always a lively child, running around in the village I was born in.

I also entered the forest nearby, on a daily basis. My mother always told me to stop doing such stupid things, before I meet with a too powerful monster. I was about eight years old, when I snuck out again, along with a boy from the village.

But at that day, everything went wrong. When we entered the forest, a bear at the twentieth level attacked us, while we were only at the eleventh level. Our strength was nowhere near close to being able to fight that monster.

When it attacked us, I tried to defend my friend, Xu Min, but before I could do anything, he pushed me away. He was really brave. I saw him dying in front of my eyes. Seeing his upper body, begging me to run, I got on my legs and ran away as quickly as possible. That’s the dark patch in my life, which keeps haunting me ever since.

From that point on, my ‘average’ talent, turned below average. The worst off was that I had panic seizures from time to time. Sometimes it came randomly and sometimes it happened when I thought about my late friend. Even now, I’m here on my bed, thinking of such things… somehow I reached my current level, but I’m getting really old to do this.

I tried to fight on for the sake of my friend, to live a fulfilling life in his place, but I couldn’t escape from my shadows. Feeling my chest tightening up, my breathing turn heavy, I knew that another seizure was coming. But before it could happen…

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone knocked on the door, making me forget my past. I’m a broken man at this point… I don’t know what could change me and make me enjoy this life I have. Sighing loudly, I got up from my bed and went towards the door, shouting, “Coming!”

Feeling curious who was looking for me, even though I barely knew a few people, I opened the door. And oh how much I was surprised. A dragonkin girl was standing in front of my door, facing the other way. She was looking at a beautiful blonde girl and the guy standing beside her.

Turning towards me, I saw her face. She was a real beauty, standing at a hundred and sixty-eight centimeters tall. She had long red hair and a really sexy body. Her eyes were of the color gray, with tints of green in them. They were really interesting. Meeting her eyes, somehow I felt cold. It’s been such a long time that I even talked to a girl. But seeing her face redden, even I felt a little lost with my emotions. If I would be my old self, I’d surely jump on her with so much cuteness.

“Hello. Who are you, people?” I said, asking no more than necessary.

“Hmm? Are you into old men or what?” The guy with brown hair put his right hand on his chin, and asked the girl in front of me, his brows furrowed.

“Well, it isn’t my-” he started saying, but the girl in front of me stopped him, shouting, “No! It’s not as you think!”

“Then let me fix him up,” he said with a smile on his face, pointing his finger towards me. Thinking that I’d be attacked, I raised my arms reflexively, but I soon found out that I was wrong. A green light shone and a slight feeling of pain coursed through my body. Or… maybe it was something deeper than my body. Could it be my… soul? Feeling surer of my idea, I looked down, only to see something strange.

My wrinkled arms were nowhere to be seen. Instead, my skin was taut and clean. Raising my hands hurriedly, I touched the sides of my face. It no longer felt like an old man’s. I looked at the brown haired boy with an amazed face, and then at the girl in front of me. But things were strange. She was much redder this time, for some reason. Burying her face in her hands, she mumbled, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“P-Pardon me… I don’t know what you did… and I thank you for it… but who are you?” Having mixed feelings, I asked. I had no one to rely on anymore. Maybe I should go back to my family… if they are still alive. Living this lonely life wasn’t enjoyable at this point.

“Ah, sorry for our rudeness. I’m called Alice. He is my husband, Hiro. And this girl here is,” grabbing the shoulders of the girl in front of me, she said with a bright smile, “Rose. She came here to get to know you. I hope that you don’t mind her company!”

What’s with these people? Although they seem to be nice, they are weird! I thought, not really knowing where to put them in my mind.

Feeling my face to be stiffer than ever before, I replied, “Eh-Ehm… I see….” It felt weird to be young again.

“Do you like it? You’ve got a small upgrade of soul and a few hundred years in addition. Free of charge!” Spreading his arms, Hiro said with a smile on his face.

“Thanks…” I replied. I don’t like to talk too much. I prefer staying silent and speak only when necessary. Maybe that’s why my class is an assassin… If anything, then this is the only thing that I still enjoy doing. It is fun to be quicker than others and finish everything with a single move! Unless I fail…

Now what. Should I invite them? But I’m not that kind of person… to invite random people into my house. Then again… I’d seem bad if I just sent away my benefactors. I thought, not knowing what to do with them. After thinking about it for a short time, I decided to make an exception.

“Do you- Do you want to come in?” I asked with a smile. At least, my acting skills were still good… but hell… my body is really young again. This ‘Rose’ keeps making me feel… excited. Damned hormones! It was so much better when I was just an old man!

“Oh, we do,” Alice replied with a smile. At this point, I didn’t know whether I felt happy that actual people were interested in me, or that they were bothering my lonely life. Closing the door behind them, I turned around, only to see those two sitting on my sofa. Meanwhile, Rose was standing right behind me, facing them.

As I turned, I bumped into her back, but she stood stable like a mountain. I felt really strange as except for Rose, the other two had no aura surrounding their bodies! Were they skilled assassins, or what?

“Ah! I’m terribly sorry,” I said, rubbing my nose. The back of her head was hard… Placing her palm over my nose, she used healing Magic on it. It was really unnecessary as I wasn’t wounded, but I found her efforts cute. Wait, what am I talking about!? Looking into her eyes to find my answers, I felt weird.

As our eyes met, I felt something strange in my old heart. Or maybe young, haha… She seemed so… perfect? I didn’t know where to put this in my mind. Her behavior, her looks, everything felt so cozy to me. I felt as if I could truly enjoy her company. But thinking of my past, I felt my heart aching at the same time.

Grabbing my chest, I gritted my teeth. “A-Are you alright?” Catching me, she said with a concerned face. That feeling went away as quickly as it came. Her fragrance entered my nostrils, filling me with a feeling of calmness.

“Yes… I’m sorry,” I said, apologizing for almost falling on her. Clearing my throat, I stepped sideways, but I soon found out that those two were nowhere to be seen. “Huh?” I let out a stupid sound, feeling surprised.

“Eh?” Turning around, Rose did the same. “Where did they go?” I asked with my head tilted to the side, looking at Rose.

“I-I really don’t know…” she said, looking downward. Raising her head a little, she asked with upturned eyes, “Could you… tell me your name?” Oh, heavens, this girl is just too cute! She is exactly my type!

“Yes. Sorry…. My name is Hei Shé. And what brings you, people, here? Or better, where do you know me from?” Feeling suspicious, I questioned her. I won’t turn all lovey-dovey, just because she is cute! I mustn’t forget that there are weird people! Who knows if she came here only to fool around with my life?

Seeing my suspicious look, she shrunk away and mumbled with a red face, “I’m so sorry! I really don’t know what to say. It is all their fault!”

Not understanding her incoherent reply, I asked what did she mean. Sighing loudly, she appeared in front of my sofa and sat down on it. Pulling up her scale covered knees, showing her panties, ignorantly… Being the gentleman I was, I turned to the side, evading the view under her skirt. Well, it was just her panties, nothing much… though I’ve never seen any before… Sighing another one, she looked at me and started talking.

“Can I be honest? This is probably because of how much time I have spent with them… but I prefer getting things straight.” Seeing me nod as I sat down in front of her, she continued.

“Where should I start…” she said with a tint of red on her face. “Hiro and Alice were my first real friends. I lived an average life before, with my similarly average talent. But it happened at the time when I visited a dungeon, that I met them. It was just a quirk of fate. Really…”

“They were a couple by that time. And since then, I learned that they have been together ever since childhood. Both of them have a belief, saying that everyone has another half, who are perfect for each other. I felt really skeptical at first, but seeing them in such a perfect sync, I started to lose my doubts. Believe me, ever since meeting them, I’ve never seen them argue.”

“As you have seen it… they are quite weird from time to time,” laughing with a bright smile on her face, she remarked on those two. Interesting concept… but I’m not sure if I should believe it.

“Now the thing is that… they took part in a race, which was only among a selected few. They always believed in spreading this belief, so their wish was an ability. An ability, to see the halves of every person.”

“Ehm… and the person my line led to is…” turning completely red, she buried her face in her legs.

“Me…” I finished her sentence. I saw her nodding, still looking downward. Now I don’t know what to think. I too feel skeptical about this thing, like every normal person would. But she really felt like my type, even her personality… I liked shy girls. Just because I haven’t talked to a girl for a long time, it doesn’t mean that I never did.

Looking up at me with those upturned eyes, she was visibly waiting for a reply. But what was I supposed to say?

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