《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 97 - Our World is a Love Nest


Our World is a Love Nest

Alice’s POV:


After making love, I wanted to teleport away, but before I could do so, Hiro pulled me back into his embrace. Falling to the ground, he coiled his arms around my back. I buried my face in his chest, feeling warm and cozy.

[What is it? You big bear…] Feeling happy, I questioned him, knowing the answer. Kissing the top of my head, he just stayed silent and caressed my back. Playing a music he loved in his past life - and still does - he plugged my ears, along with his. I closed my eyes happily, focusing on the tunes and the art the musician left behind.

Nine minutes later, I opened my eyes and raised my head to kiss my husband. Reciprocating my feelings, kissing me deeply and hugging me strongly, he thought, [AWW! I’m just loving you so much!]

[Fufu~ I know~] I thought happily as I gave another kiss on his face. Honestly… I felt so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake up. But I had to. Lying there for who knows how long, we finally managed to stand up from the dirty ground. Pulling a leaf out of my hair, Hiro caressed my face and then we teleported away.

Appearing in front of Rose, she was surprised enough to jump back with a fearful face. “Haha, what are you afraid of? Only we or Rin could appear in front you like that,” laughing heartily at her reaction, I remarked on her behavior.

Scratching the back of her head, she looked aside. Clearing her throat, she said with a small stutter, “I-I was just surprised… alright? I forgot that I’m in your world.”

“Oh? Is that so?” Raising a brow, I questioned her. Pointing at a group of low-level cultivators, only a few meters away, and then at the house, they were building, I added. “Then why can you command the humans in our world to do your things? Why do you even need another house? Right beside the other one… If at least you made them build it somewhere else for a change of scenery.”

Slapping her forehead, she shouted, “Guys! We are moving!” Conjuring a meter thick smooth rock, she pointed at it, indicating for the humans to step on it. Upon doing so, she made the rock fly into the air.

Shaking my head sideways, I said before she left, “Just don’t bother those poor souls too much. Release them as quickly as possible…” Nodding, she flew away. Seeing the guys eyes, they seemed to be happy to help her.

Well, she was not only a beauty, she probably offered some kind of reward in return for their help. Such a lazy girl… Embracing my back, Hiro asked. “So… how does this bond work? I mean, Rose’s looks changed quite a lot compared to her original body, along with her personality. But we can still see her other half. Is it supposed to lead to a new ‘half’, another alternative, or maybe her ‘other half’ would never bother with these slight changes.”

“I mean, if you were to grow horns and a few scales on your sides permanently, I could still find you as sexy and beautiful as now. Tiny changes in your personality would be fine too. I never defined the personality of my other half in an exact way. Just a person who is thinking alike, with similar morals, etc… You being as perfect for me as you are is another thing.”

Placing my hand on his face, I caressed it, saying, “Aww~ Do you want to seduce me? It sounded more like that than an explanation… but I get your point. We will find out once Rose meets her other half. And I don’t think that her personality changed a lot as she is mostly the same as before. Playful and more emotional than lets others think.”


“*Khmm* I didn’t intend to seduce you,” clearing his throat, holding back himself, he replied to my first question. “Now… let’s plan things out more carefully. Who will we help in finding their halves?” Raising a finger, he said. Raising another one, he added, “How will we spread this belief and the news of our ability. Lastly… are we supposed to follow everyone and show them where to meet their halves?” Raising his third finger, he closed them all.

“Hm… I could say that we will help only virgins, but what about those who like more experienced women or men, not minding if they had their way with other men… or women. This makes me believe that we should have something different as a filter.” I commented with a thoughtful face.

“In that case, we could go as far as to let only like-minded people join our kingdom. We would be naturally more united in that case and I wouldn’t mind helping such people. Although this is a bit narcissistic, I don’t care,” Hiro replied, grabbing my sides.

“And how do you intend to find out if people were like-minded?” I pointed out the problem, raising a brow.

“Hmm… in case we keep it a secret, we could set up a small personality test for the people who want to join,” after thinking about it for a short time, my dear replied.

“Now then… we could spread the news through our Academy. Hard work would have its results anyway. It will probably take a long time for people to start coming, but their numbers would grow as time passed by anyway. Just like your readers in your past life… Haha~” Making him remember that he wrote a novel, I laughed at him.

“Now that I think about it… I can’t seem to remember anything from it… and a few memories of mine are surely missing. Like, I have no idea why I died. I guess it was a part of reincarnation,” shrugging it off, Hiro commented, agreeing with my thoughts about the spreading of our new cult!

“About your third question… unless we turn much stronger so that we can sense numerous sectors easily… yes, we will have to show them their halves personally,” not having a solution to that, replying, I gave a kiss on his face.

“Since we have spent so much time here anyway, shall we manage the humans in our world? And the monsters as well. The wyvern has turned into a lesser mix of our race by now. Maybe we should create more such monsters. But what is the best of all?” Knowing it all, we said at the same time that we could sense everything in our world.

This meant that we were not only able to see a line connecting the people in our world but we were also able to see their pairs! But there was a slight problem with our plans. What about those who had a family by now… Luckily for us, we knew who had it and who didn’t have it.

Closing our eyes, we felt everybody and everything. Our whole universe was like a mass of pink lines. Surprisingly enough, fifty-seven percent of humanity wasn’t in a homely relationship, not counting singles, children, and young people.

Although we didn’t intend to tear them apart, they would do it by themselves most likely. Especially if we advertise our intentions. Using our world, we talked to them after a long time.

“Hello, humans! We have interesting news for you. I believe that all of you will be happy to realize the chance we are going to offer to you.” Greeting them, I piqued their curiosity with my words. Staying silent for a short while, I noticed that almost everyone focused on my next words.


[Those who didn’t should be destroyed. Not focusing on the words of my wife!] Hiro remarked jokingly.

Feeling slightly weird to open up my heart to a whole universe and show our belief to them, I sucked in a breath of fresh air. Breathing out, I continued, “As we believe, every people have their other halves. I mean your soulmates, those who you can live with in a perfect sync. I’m sure that many of you had different experiences, but that was only because of your luck or inattentiveness.”

“Why I’m telling this to you is because of thanks to an outside help, we are able to see your halves. We don’t wish to tear apart families and relationships. But if you believe in us and want to take part in what I said, then raise your arms to see the light of a new day.”

As I finished talking, Rose and Hiro started clapping like idiots. “These were your beliefs originally… why was I the one who had to tell it? Just because I am a woman and I have a soothing voice, it doesn’t justify your cause.”

“It does,” Hiro and Rose said at the same time, smiling with stupid faces. “Where did you even come from? Go back whence you came…” looking at Rose, furrowing my brows, I pointed my finger at her.

“Eh? But I was just joking…” not realizing that I was doing the same, she was about to apologize. But seeing me laughing at her, she realized that she was off.

“What now? Do you not know us?” I questioned her. Shrugging her shoulders, she sat on the ground. Meanwhile, I was surprised to see that most of the people raised their arms. Not the ones with a family, except for a few of them… but not every single wished to join this either. Maybe once they see how good it will become for the others, they will feel the need to find their other halves.

“If you go to the guild and register yourself, you can do this later as well,” sending my last words into the humans’ heads, I teleported everyone to their other halves. Leaving them alone, in separate places, I believed that it was only a question of time before they started loving each other. Seeing the reactions of gay, lesbian, and people with mixed gender were quite interesting. We decided to not look at them as it didn't interest us. On the other hand, Hiro was caught up in observing a few lesbian pairs...

“This is just so not romantic… seriously. They just appeared in front of each other,” I shook my head upon realizing that we could have done better.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t really matter. They will just feel awkward for a while. Let’s leave them alone for now. They can leave anytime and meet again.” Hiro said, embracing me from behind.

His arms around my waist, kissing the back of my head, we stood there. “If you do this, you will seduce me…” I said upon feeling him caressing my sides, sometimes moving towards dangerous places, arousing me slightly.

“Oh? What is this supposed to mean?” Touching me, he leaned over my shoulder to look at me. I turned the other way without saying a word, as a shudder ran through my body. We are so terrible… Not bothering with my thoughts, he kissed my neck and then pushed me to the ground.

A few hours later, feeling content, we left our own world. There were a few pairs who warmed up quite a lot by now… but most of them were still taking it easy. That was the normal way, I guess.

[What are you talking about? We too spent months together before even kissing.] Hiro pointed out, making me remember that we didn’t jump at each other when we met.

Oh, indeed. But I felt the vibe between us as soon as I saw you! I said as I gave a kiss on his face.

[Is that so? Even though we were children and you didn’t really feel anything at that time? Hahaha~] Laughing at my futile attempt to spice up things, he pointed out the truth. Well, I did like him, but only as a like-minded boy. We were kids, it was natural that I had no such feelings…

Kissing my forehead, he whispered with a chuckle, “Haha, don’t worry. You don’t have to justify yourself in front of me. I find it perfect how we’ve got together and I’m sure of your feelings for me. That’s all that matters.” Feeling touched, I stole his lips for a long time before separating, saying. “Let’s get to work!”

Nodding, we called out Narihi and Poirlion from their world. “Oh, you two finished? You had your fun… it seems,” with a knowing smile on her face, Narihi remarked on how long it took for us to return.

“Mhm. It was great,” nodding, I replied with a smile.

“You are no fun. I thought that you will feel embarrassed…” Narihi, the evil Hydra, spilled the beans, showing her true colors.

Shrugging my shoulders, I answered, “Maybe when I was younger. Now I believe that it is a part of our lives and our nature. There is nothing to feel embarrassed about.”

“Your words are true, though I still have hardships when it comes to these things,” nodding, she agreed with me.

Raising a finger, Poirlion talked, “Alright. Enough of your girls’ chatting. Where do you intend to go now? Back to our world, or do you want to look around in this world?”

Seeing that he was hiding something, I wanted to look for the answers in his mind, but he talked before I could do so. “While you were having fun, we looked around in the nearby areas. After asking around, it turned out that we can’t use the portal unless reaching the seventh level or gain access.”

“Oh? And how do we do that?” Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Hiro questioned.

“Well, we would have to join one of the academies and earn the rights by showing off… Also, a tournament is going on today. It is the semi-finals, so not much left. The winner can surely leave through the gate of the Abyss,” Poirlion explained our possibilities.

Waving a hand, Hiro remarked, “Nah, we don’t need more tournaments, do we? We would have to barge in to win anyway… but I won’t join another academy… then what should we do? Shall we stay here, cultivating?”

“Hmm… we should have asked Elena. Maybe she knows about an unguarded portal and we could have had some fun,” I added my thoughts, feeling sorry that I didn’t ask her at that time.

“But we can still ask her,” using the stone we gave her, Hiro sensed her whereabouts. As it turned out, she wasn’t too far away.

“Do you want to ask her for information?” Poirlion asked as he put his hands on his hips. Nodding, we teleported towards Elena and were surprised to see a huge arena appearing in front of us. A busy city was below us, with low and high-level people below us. There were even stronger people than us. In the center of the city was a huge castle, while the arena was not far from it.

“It seems like she is also a participant,” Narihi muttered to herself.

“Or she is just watching,” kissing her face, Poirlion added. Reciprocating his feelings, Narihi returned the favor no his lips. Do we look like that all the time? I thought, feeling weird upon seeing such a scene.

Seeing the looks on our faces, Poirlion laughed, saying, “Yes, you look the same way.”

“Eh? Can you read my mind?” I said feeling surprised.

“No? I just know you quite well by now… we spent a lot of time together, after all,” raising a brow, he replied. Both Narihi and Hiro chuckled at that. Sighing loudly, we flew towards the arena but were stopped by a few cultivators at the early stages of the sixth level.

They were of different species, but the strongest one was probably some kind of Griffin. Their symbiotes were covering their bodies and they wore dark purple tabards. There were tiger paws in the center of the tabards, showing that they were uniforms.

“Halt! Those without a ticket or a noble rank can’t enter!” Shouted the Griffin guy. He looked human-like, except for a few feathers on his body and the two white wings on his back.

“Hello, we are coming from another world. Is it possible for us to use the gate?” With a bright smile on my face, I asked him kindly. His proud behavior diminished in front of me. Scratching the back of his head, he said, “Greetings. And… I don’t know, I’m sorry. What kind of world do you come from?” Looking at us, he asked curiously.

Seeing that he wasn’t that bad, Hiro replied with a smile, “We come from a cultivator world. Could we ask for a small favor from one of you? We really want to know if we could use the gate. I mean, the restrictions should be only for the people from your world.”

“Cultivator world? Fine. I’ll go and ask someone, but stay here. I still can’t let you in. I know that you are stronger than me, but if you don’t want to cause trouble for us and probably yourselves as well, wait there.” Nodding, he replied.

“Alright. By the way, I’m Hiro, he is Poirlion, and they are Narihi and Alice, my wife.” Pointing at each of us, Hiro introduced everyone. To show off their relationship, Poirlion and Narihi hugged each other.

Chuckling upon seeing that, the guy also introduced himself, “Nice to meet you, in that case. I’m called Skeiron. Skeiron Greywing, though my name probably doesn’t tell you anything, hahaha-” Seeing us shaking our heads sideways, he laughed.

“Is that some kind of ‘noble’ family name? I mean, you mentioned nobles or what before…” Hiro asked curiously. Seeing him nod, he continued. “Do you know of a good place where we could enjoy ourselves until then? Or if you know a girl called Elena, that would be awesome as well.”

At first, he just nodded, but upon hearing ‘Elena’, his eyes opened widely. “EH? Elena? How do you know her? Wait… are you talking about a long, black haired be-” he suddenly turned mute, not continuing it. Knowing what he wanted to say, we nodded.

“Oh… I do know her. She is a mysterious girl, but I know her. She is very talented… if not for the work, I’d surely cheer for her. But I’m sure that she is going to win even without that, hehe.” Scratching the back of his head, he laughed awkwardly.

Clearing his throat, he continued, “Hm… in that case, I might be able to take you in as she has got a noble rank. If she will invite you as guests, then no one can say a word. Maybe you should try contacting her.”

Nodding, we did as told. Using our mind powers, we found the presence of our stone. Not hers, though… Elena is really a master of hiding if not even we can sense her. The worst was that without sensing her, we can’t contact her. So we made the stone tremble to gain her attention.

“What is it?” Her voice resounded in my mind, almost startling me.

“Hello, can you let us in? We are here, in front of the arena. Skeiron is also here with us. He said that he knows you,” I replied to her question.

“Oh. You want to watch me fighting, or what?” She questioned me with a tinge of curiosity in her voice.

“It would be surely fun, but not really. We have something to talk about… it’s related to the limit on accessing the gate to the Abyss,” after telling the truth, I stayed silent.

“Haha, okay. Tell Skeiron to let you in. We will chat more once I’m done… because I’m standing in the middle of the arena at the moment…” Laughing, she answered with an unbothered voice, pointing out her position. “Oops?” was all I said as I broke the connection between our minds.

“She said that you should let us in,” Hiro talked to Skeiron at the same time as I to Elena. Nodding, he told us that we better not lie or we will be punished. Thanking for his warning, we teleported to the arena. When we teleport, we have to connect two dots in space. That isn’t hard, but anyone at or above the sixth level can sense the two points. So sneaking in without anyone noticing was impossible.

Appearing in front of the entrance, we entered the arena after talking things over with the gatekeeper. The arena was filled to the brim, but using our senses, we were able to find a few empty places. Luckily for us, we needed no more than one chair. Sitting down, we watched Elena’s battle carefully. She was truly strong… she won the battle quite easily. The arena went into an uproar and many people started clapping and whistling. The usual stuff.

There was a big and luxurious pavilion in the arena, which was at the highest point. A tigerman stood up with his arms raised. The crowd turned silent instantly. I can’t sense his exact strength. Somewhere at the ninth level, I thought after trying to feel how strong a top-notch ‘king’ was.

“I hereby announce that the champion of this year is Elena Syracia. Servants!” Waving his hand, he sat down. A few people walked down from his pavilion and gave a ring to Elena. It probably had some good stuff in it…

Seeing Elena receive it with a smile, the crowd shouted excitedly once again. After bathing in glory, she left the arena by turning into a dark cloud and disappearing. I felt someone tugging on my shoulder. Turning around, I noticed a person standing behind me, who was covered in black clothes from head to toe. There was a black mask on her face as well. I knew that it was Elena, even without trying to sense it.

We stood up and followed in her steps without saying a word. Meeting up with Poirlion and Narihi in front of the arena, Elena led us towards a restaurant. The people in there were quite weak, being only at the third or fourth level.

Going straight to the second floor, Elena sat down at a table on the balcony. Since there were only four chairs at a table, we shared the same chair once again. Dred turned into a snake and coiled around Elena’s neck. Taking off her mask, we saw the expected face under it. Noticing it, the people nearby started whispering.

A young boy stopped beside our table nervously, asking. “W-What can I serve you with?” After quickly running through the Menu with our mind powers, we ordered fries with schnitzel. It was the best~ Following our example, Narihi and Poirlion asked for the same, with Elena in their steps.

“What is it?” I couldn’t help but ask aloud upon seeing her surprised face.

“Well, most people don’t order what you did. I was starting to think that only I know what is good food,” she replied with a smile, making us laugh.

“So? What did you want from me? Access to the portal, right?” Raising a brow, she questioned.

“Yes. Can we go through as outsiders? We should have nothing to do with your rules,” leaning forward, I replied.

“Haha- yeah, you should have nothing to do with it. But there is a problem. Can you randomly go into a city and kill everyone legally just because you came from a place where it is allowed? It is the same with the portal. The laws still apply to you, even if you came from another place. And before you ask, no. I don’t know about another portal,” she said seriously, looking into our eyes.

She wasn’t lying. Sighing, I said feeling helpless, “Haah- alright then. Do you have anything for us to do in that case? We would be bored. Even a dangerous place where we could play would be good.”

Chuckling, she raised a brow. After making a thoughtful face, she said with a smile.

“Hmm… I could use some helping hands.”

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