《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 96 - Can you make your dreams come true?


I thank BlackStarLine, Peaceang Goreng, and Crushow for their patronage. The gray path be with them!

Can you make your dreams come true?

Hiro’s POV:


Nodding, we jumped towards our opponents. The battle wasn’t worth mentioning. Although it was a little bit hard, we defeated all of them quite quickly. Their biggest problem was that they didn’t know about our agreement with Elena. Even before we attacked any of them, they started fighting among themselves.

Combined with Dred and Elena, we just backstabbed all three of them, killing them in no more than thirty seconds. With our speed, such a long battle meant quite a lot of movements… That damned World Tree kept rooting everyone…

Looking at Elena, we realized the problem. Did we have to beat her as well? Truly believing otherwise, the Abyss appeared in front of us, saying, “I know about your agreement and an oath is an oath. Even though your battle would have been so funny… Go and wait outside with the others,” waving its hand, Elena disappeared.

Its shapeless form divided into two and took up our looks… “You are so funny,” Alice remarked with her brows furrowed.

“What? You don’t like your own looks?” It replied with Alice’s clone with Alice’s playful and provocative face. It was really like Alice… to the finest details! Clapping its hands, it questioned us with my clone, “So? What do you wish from me? Winners?”

Isn’t this too anticlimactic? I couldn’t help but think with my brows furrowed. Everything seemed so simple…

Making a questioning look with my clone's face, it replied, “Why should it be any other way? You learned perseverance and you believed in each other for all I know. No matter what I showed to you, you didn’t even question your faith in each other. Believe me, even just a single moment of wavering and you would have lost your chance to win. Do you think that it’s as easy as you say?”


“Some people were ejected out after I asked that riddle. They didn’t know the answer… just how stupid they were? All of you were similarly strong, just as you two thought. Why would I test your strength? And to be honest, this last test was only to filter out those people. They had nothing worthy as a wish. Like… turning stronger, increased genetic potential and unstoppable charm? Although Elena and Dred had something good in mind, they made an oath, which I’ll hold up by all means.”

Hearing its explanation, we felt slightly surprised, but it was understandable. Pointing at us, it added, “But you… you have something in mind to change the world. I know that you don’t want to share it with everyone, but I’m curious about this dream of yours and I’ll see how things turn out. Naturally, I won’t meddle in your affairs, so don’t expect me to do anything. Even if you were to die, then that would be the end of your tales.”

Nodding, I told it that it was fine and waited for it to finally do what it had to. Seeing us stand there silently, it started laughing with our clones before waving his hand and disappearing. The world started closing in on us, like rolling cubes. In just ten seconds, our surroundings disappeared, along with us.

Appearing at the supposed center of the flying island, we looked around, only to see every participant flying nearby. They were eyeing us with curious, envious and threatening looks. Closing our eyes, we took a breath of fresh air. We broke through to the seventh stage… Only three more before stepping into the next level called the Eternal Law Realm.

Feeling our new ability, we opened our eyes to look at each other. But I almost jumped back in surprise upon seeing Alice. Holding her face, I moved mine closer to examine her eyes. Doing the same, we talked at the same time. “Y-Your pupils have the shape of a heart…” Quickly dismissing this ability, our pupils turned back to slits. Sighing out of relief, we activated it once again to look at the people present.


Seeing something interesting, we just chuckled as we turned around and teleported towards Elena. She was also eyeing us with Dred, but from the other way. “Thanks for helping us. You would have been a serious opponent,” Alice said as she created a small block of diamond in her right hand and gave it to Elena.

“This has our will in it. As long as you have this, we can find you and you can find us. Visit us if you wish to. We might do so in the future, hehe,” chuckling, she patted her back.

“Sure, though don’t expect it to happen now. I have serious matters to take care of, now that the bear is dead…” Elena replied seriously. Seeing that we were about to offer our help, she held up her palm, saying, “No. I don’t need your help. Now we are equal. I don’t want to be indebted to you. And it’s not like I can’t take care of my matters. Now that the king is dead… hehe,” laughing evilly, she turned around and teleported away.

Her goodbye echoed around us even after she left. Shrugging, we also told Rin and the others where to go. Narihi’s words still surprised us. She told us that they were surrounded by a few people, who wanted to get back at us for taking away their prizes… Although those tests were dreams, the high-class souls we devoured were still real.

And I bet that if we were to lose in that dream, then we would have been ejected just like the others. With our newfound strength, we killed all those losers and devoured their souls, stepping into the early eighth stage. We almost laughed at how quickly we advanced through the sixth level. But I thought about many things in my past life, so the laws weren’t problems.

Looking at Narihi and Poirlion, we saw a clear pink line connecting them while using our ability. It meant that they were each other’s halves. Quite a funny way to show their connection… Hey! Abyss! You are very uncreative! I shouted in my mind, but it didn’t reply.

We shall be your entertainment for now. But your days on your throne are counted! I tried another time, but it never talked again. Shrugging, we looked for a silent place. Finding a forested mountain, we entered our own world. Looking at Rose, we could see a pink thread leaving her body, going out of our world, pointing towards somewhere far. Telling her that we won, we commanded her not to bother us, no matter what.

Leaving her at her own house, walking on the shore of our beach, “Let’s sunbath, dear,” Alice advised as she grabbed my hand and pulled on it.

“Then… let’s say that we won’t have sex while being on the beach! We have been holding it back for so long. I can’t help but imagine what will happen once we get into it…” I replied with a provocative smile on my face.

Alice rubbed her thighs together, before looking sideways, nodding.

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