《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 95 - Crazy Lust or Despair?


Crazy Lust or Despair?

Alice’s POV:


Looking through the portal, we saw not only Elena and a human but both of them had another portal at their places. This made us realize that everyone was connected. This time, it talked again… For some reason, the Abyss is annoying me… I thought unhappily, especially when I felt that throbbing feeling in my lower parts. No one ever blocked me from mating!

“I see that the first test was too easy for you people… But fear not because I’ll make you work hard for that wish! Ah, let’s see… I know! Every third person will have the chance to choose their opponent. On your left or on your right, your decision. The person who wins will move on! Those who get an orb in their hands are people with an opportunity to choose their enemy! Those who won’t be picked will be paired up with the remaining people by me.”

As it finished its words, an orb appeared in our hands. Looking at Elena, we shrugged as we turned away, towards the human. Jumping through the portal, we found ourselves in a snowy, mountainous area. “I see, so you want to kill me. In that case, I’ll swear eternal hate towards you two!” The guy shouted something random with his hands on his hips and a just face.

Raising a brow, I remarked on his words. “What are you talking about? We somewhat knew the girl on our left, so we naturally picked you.” Still making that offended face, he turned his head to the side. My god… such a personality. I hate these kinds of people. Getting offended by random things, taking everything upon themselves.

Looking at Hiro, I saw him slightly trembling. I naturally knew of its reason as my lower body felt similarly excited. Furrowing his brows, the guy introduced himself before attacking, “Hello. Since you are going to die by my hands, I shall introduce myself. I’m called Mutoto Baltazar Pelieaduse.”

What the fuck is that name? I thought as I quickly merged with Hiro upon seeing him jumping towards us. But we were surprised to see that even if we merged, our strength didn’t increase. Luckily, we could control twelve clones in both cases and our body was stronger when we merged, so it was still a tiny advantage.

[I don’t know, dear. But I couldn’t pronounce it for sure…] Hiro remarked as we stepped to the right to evade his finger attack. He didn’t use any weapon. He just jumped at us with his finger pointed forward. But feeling the energy in it, we knew that we had to evade. Using our tail, we coiled it around his left leg. Jumping into the air, he made a somersault as he pointed his finger towards us in the split of a second, releasing a powerful line of energy.

It was really tiny, but again, its force was great. Smashing his body into the ground, we created a clone of us. His attack penetrated the heart of our original body and it spread through it, causing many internal wounds. Using one of our minds, we started healing it, while we attacked with this clone of ours.

As he landed on the ground, his back was opened widely, leaving us with a chance to strike. But in the next moment, we felt freaked out. His back split open, and a long tongue shot out of his body. The sharp looking teeth on his back weren’t too promising either. There was such a great force in his tongue, that we couldn’t free ourselves! Our clone was pulled into his back. As his jaws started moving, our clone was devoured in but a moment. Only its blood sprayed out of the mouth on its back…


“You are creepy as fuck…” Alice remarked in the guy’s mind. Not wasting our time, we created ten clones of us, while we started rebuilding that missing one. We used two to jump towards him, while the others started using ranged attacks. Destiny’s Descent covered our bodies, while head, tail, breath, paw, and wing attacks followed our steps.

We swung the staff in our hand towards his side, surprising him greatly. Not having enough time to move, his side was struck, making him fly through the air and crash into the walls of the arena. Our attacks followed after him, crashing into the same place, creating a huge dust storm. Snapping our fingers, every matter cleared out of space.

We were surprised to see him falling out of the wall with no more than a missing arm. Standing up, he dusted off his elegant clothes and looked at us with a very annoyed face, which split open, show us a mouth… “What the fuck are you?” I couldn’t help but ask. Inspect! Hiro thought and a table appeared.

Name: Mutoto Baltazar Pelieaduse

Level: 6??

Race: Jawy

Threat Level: 5

Oh? Our Inspect thing worked quite well on him? And even the table is different… I thought upon seeing it. Probably it was because Elena was born in a world with an RPG system, while both we and this guy were from different kinds of worlds.

Just as we dismissed the window, we saw him in front of our face, with his jaws opened widely. Before his dirty tail could coil around our neck, we punched forward and thrust our tail into his stomach. As his face was struck, he flew backward, making our tail penetrate his throat. Our clones sent another round of attacks towards his body, leaving him with a tattered body. Although he started recovering, it was still far away from our recovery speed.

Not waiting for him to recover, we jumped towards him, with six stacks. Since we still had a few from outside, we didn’t have to fight for long. Just as he stood up, he saw the incoming staff. His eyes opened widely and some kind of worms shot out of them. Not bothering with it or even with this body we might lose, we finished our attack.

The energy exploded, but strangely enough neither the arena nor space was destroyed here. Luckily, this wasn’t true when it came to the guy. Partly…

“How the hell are you still in one piece?” I couldn’t help but question him. What about us or turtles having great defenses? This guy was a monster… With its upper body missing, it stood up once again. Tentacles raised out of his lower body, forming a human-like upper body. He didn’t have skin or anything at that, only muscles. But this time, we released our curse on it as well. As Twelve Chains of Bane started taking effect, his new muscles started turning gray and his strength was disappearing.

Our original body also suffered a similar fate after those worms entered our body. Well, it would restore in a few seconds once we stop fighting… Using our other clones, we used our fists to punch him in the face, stomach, back. Under the onslaught of our attacks and his weakening body, his upper body exploded into a bloody mist. Using our legs, we also kicked him and then used soul attacks to kill this guy.

Seeing that his soul was about to fly away, we quickly caught it and put it into our mouth, devouring it. Unfortunately, we still didn’t know what was our real strength. We felt a slight grow in our body, but it disappeared once again. It was as if we were in some kind of dream… But that should be impossible since we took the white pill when…


[Hey… but it was probably made by this guy. Could it be that this is the true test? And now that I think about it. How were we able to merge?] Hiro chimed in, adding his thoughts. Looking around, we finally realized and as we did so, the arena disappeared and we found ourselves at the entrance.

“Oh, you were the first again. You are too good…” The Abyss talked to us once again. We decided to call it the Abyss since this thing is its ruler anyway. Learning from our mistake before, we decided to not reply to it.

“Why not? I can hear your thoughts anyway. Unless you stop thinking, you will never escape me. Oh, wait. You won’t do it even if you stop thinking… Anyway, move forward. You can take anything from that building for now. But you still can’t satisfy yourselves.” It added cruelly at the end, like a retarded remark. But it was terrible news for us! We thought that we could do it since it was just a dream before…

I clenched my fists, wishing to touch my mate, but I knew that it was better if I restricted myself. Unlike in our dream, that raging lust was still present in our bodies. “Well, I forgot to tell you that the more tests you go through, the more you will suffer from your first test.” The Abyss said upon hearing my thoughts.

I’m starting to understand what true despair is. Maybe we should have trained ourselves before. I thought, earning a pet on the back of my head from Hiro. [Look at the bright side. We don’t have to go through other things. Who knows what tests the others have got.]

Feeling his warm hand, I only felt worse. Knowing it, he quickly pulled it back, leaving me unsatisfied. I’ll sooo jump on you once we are done here, I remarked before moving forward. I felt Hiro’s eyes on my ass, which only made me even more excited. Closing his eyes, he quickly caught up to me. I grabbed his hand to at least feel him if nothing more.

We arrived at the earlier mentioned building. Opening its creaky, old, wooden door, we saw nothing but a dust covered dark room. How funny, it said that we could take anything from here… was what others would say at such a time. But we thought otherwise. Not bothering with the things here, for now, we quickly stored away everything. I’m not sure, but for a moment I swear that I heard a sound like - “Ugh…”

I hope that these are worth much, you foul creature! I thought, cursing the Abyss for the restriction it put on us.

“Oh? My apologies for cock blocking you while you are in a competition, which others could only dream of attending.” With a ridiculing voice, the Abyss replied this time. I was walking on a blade. This thing could kill me or Hiro any time.

“No. I could even kill only you and leave your lover suffering for eternity. Without you. But you don’t have to worry, young girl. I’m way older than you think and I’m closer to all of you than you think. Your words are truly amusing to me. I have nothing but this to enjoy…” Surprisingly, it opened up to me a little bit, telling me a few things about itself.

Fuck you then. I hope that this was similarly amusing. Feeling grumpy that it was enjoying our situation, I couldn’t help but swear at it again. A loud laughter echoed through space, making it tremble. After asking what were we supposed to do, it said that we just had to wait for the others. Two of us in a room, with raging lust in our pants, waiting silently… Do we really need that wish?

“You do.” It replied again, almost laughing. Deciding to calm our hearts with our love, we left the house and sat down on the grassy plain. In our usual position, we closed our eyes. Hiro caressed my hair, making me feel slightly better. We didn’t even notice that ten minutes passed by and we were teleported to a big hall.

Opening our eyes, we noticed that there were only about forty people left, some of them looking at us. Standing up, we dusted off our butts and looked around. The hall was about fifty meters tall and was made of gray stone. There were forty-two columns, with each having a different statue on it. Those statues showed none other than us, the participants. Hearing a loud creaking noise from behind, we turned around, only to see the walls opening.

Looking at Elena, we walked up to her. “Do you have some kind of test other than that dream world?” I questioned her as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

Raising a brow, she nodded, looking around. Noticing a guy, she pointed towards him. Surprisingly he was the guy we ‘killed’ in our dream. “Look at him,” she said.

Corpses of legendary beings kept appearing in front of him. Dead Dragon Gods, etc... He clenched his fists as his body kept trembling. He probably wanted to devour all of them. In our battle, his regeneration speed increased after eating our clone, so I’m quite sure that he had that kind of ability. I could imagine that he wanted to devour them to gain strength. Looking at Elena, I couldn’t help but think that she had a very similar ability.

“What is your test about?” I questioned her out of curiosity, hoping that she would reply. Elena raised her brows and turned away with a smirk on her face, leaving only a few words behind, “I won’t tell you, you perverted dragon.”

Furrowing my brows, I looked at her back for a few seconds before I started laughing loudly. It seems like I was found out~ I thought as a smirk formed on my face. I was always proud of my relationship and love with Hiro. I won’t back down and will feel proud of my emotions! That’s the way of a True Dragon God!

Giving a kiss on the side of my face, feeling much better and relaxed, Hiro slapped my ass, whispering in my mind, [Alright, let’s go, you bad dragon.] With a smile on my face, hand in hand, we went through the doorway. But something terrible happened…

My dear, most loved Hiro disappeared from beside me. I was left all alone. Focusing on myself, I couldn’t feel him. Our souls were fused! How was this even possible?

“Fused or not, souls are souls and consciousnesses are consciousnesses. Everything is true, yet everything is a dream. However big or small might you be, remember the next thing. You’re never the biggest and you are never the smallest. You may lose the light, but you can see it in the dark. Search for the gray, to find a colorful day; and submerge your eyes into the skies to find what lies behind the lies.”

“Those are my words for you, young lady. Hahaha~ I just thought of something. Think about this until you reach the end of this maze.”

“It lasts forever and you might have too much or too little of it, either way, you will run out of it eventually. What is it?”

I kept looking around, feeling panicked without my mate. This time he wasn’t beside me. I didn’t feel the warmth of his souls. His emotions, his being. I hated this! The worst of all was that this damned Abyss made something changes in my body. That unbearable lust appeared once again and I was barely able to stop my hands… from touching myself.

Is this what it’s about? It is testing our wills. All of us were similar in strength, so what would be the point of such tests? Instead, it wanted to play with our minds and make us fall through continuous trials. But if this is what you want, I shall stand up against you. I never felt doubtful when it came to Hiro. I’m sure that he trusts me just as much as I do him.

You don’t have the necessary qualifications to test our bond! No one can beat us! I thought seriously, pointing my messages towards the Abyss. It lasts forever and you might have too much or too little of it, either way, you will run out of it eventually… Those were your words…

Energy? No, that feels stupid… Life? But it is definitely not something that would hold forever unless we reach immortality. Thinking that far, I couldn’t help but furrow my brows. Looking up with a new idea in my mind, I realized the answer. Time…

Not waiting any longer, I quickly ran forward. Not only in front of me but even above and behind me, the roof started coming down. Time… so funny… I thought unhappily as I transformed into my battle form. Turning in on a corner, I saw a monster. Swinging my staff in an arc, I smashed its body into the wall, crushing it.

Law of Belief, you shall guide me out of this maze for I believe in myself and my own path. Or to be more correct, our path, I thought as a smile formed on my face upon thinking of Hiro. This test only made me remember him. I couldn’t love him more than before, so I just felt happy upon feeling that lingering feeling of love in my heart. It was always present. It felt completely natural.

Even if he wasn’t beside me at the moment, I knew that I’ll meet him soon enough. Not even the Abyss can break us apart. I soon left behind the roof which kept coming down in layers. The maze was completely dark, so seeing a white light after killing another monster, I felt hopeful. Turning on the last corner, I found myself in front of a luxurious hall.

“Haha, you found out. Yes, it was time. Well, you didn’t run out of it this time. But is this true when it comes to your mate as well?” It questioned me with a ridiculing voice.

Shrugging my shoulders, I didn’t say anything. My faith in Hiro couldn’t be shaken. Not even his corpse in front of me made me think differently. This place was irrational anyway. Leaving behind his mangled corpse, I felt it. This feeling was something beyond our fusion or connection. I just knew it.

“Interesting. Let’s see what will be your next step…” It remarked before I felt a sudden lust flooding my body. Even though I fought it back numerous times already, it came again. But this time, no matter how much I thought about Hiro’s caring love or anything at that. It didn’t disappear. Panting heavily, feeling my whole crotch turning wet, I sat down, feeling weak in the knees.

Random, good looking guys appeared in front of me, stark naked. “Choose one and your lust shall be satiated as much as you want.” The Abyss said as I felt a great feeling overcome my lower half.

Smirking, I stood up, laughing, “Hahaha- as if your stupid trick would ever work. I have no one but Hiro. No other guy can touch me.”

“Oh? Is it like that? But look at him on the other side. He is enjoying himself very much with other women.” It talked again, showing an image of Hiro, having sex with other beautiful women. But I knew him better. No matter how lustful he felt, no matter what beauty he saw. He loved only me and he would stay beside me.

Waving my hand at the water screen disappeared like smoke. Those guys walked towards me, wishing to be a bit more forceful. I swung my staff in an arc, but I realized that Blank disappeared. I was left with my fists alone. This much will never stop me. My body may shake, but my will is brave. Stupid Abyss.

I punched the closest guy into the face and then kicked another one into the stomach. I couldn’t use Hiro’s abilities, which annoyed me a lot. Still, I wasn’t a True Divine Beast for nothing! Jumping into the air, I made a roundhouse kick, beheading the last guy. “Oh, that was nice,” The Abyss remarked, adding, “It seems like my tests are futile for you…”

Just as it finished its sentence, Hiro appeared in front of me, similarly naked. He reached out his arms towards me, shouting ‘my love’. He ran towards me, but I didn’t move. I believed. I believed that if I were to see him again, I would feel it. And this wasn’t that moment. This wasn’t Hiro. Kicking this thing into the stomach as well, it flew backward, falling on its back.

Making a despaired face, it sat up, crying. “W-What is it Alice? What happened to you? Don’t you remember how we feel towards each other? Our feelings? Did the Abyss change you?”

Sighing, I just ignored this mimic as I sat down. Suddenly, the whole hall turned completely dark. I was left all alone in a complete darkness with no one beside me. Well, I still had my lust…

I felt a pair of arms coiling around my neck from behind. Smiling, I accepted those arms. “You are back,” I said, knowing that it was Hiro. Although I didn’t feel him yet, I still knew that it was him. How? I have no idea. I just felt it in the bottom of my heart. Sometimes the world was weird and made no sense. Sometimes your logic didn’t apply to things and you just had to accept it as it was.

“Mhm. What were your tests?” He questioned me as he gave a kiss on my right shoulder. Smiling, I leaned on his chest as I turned around to look into his eyes. That was it. Those eyes. I knew that world. That world which was lost in them.

“Let’s see. I had to find out a riddle and then escape a maze. After this, I had to ignore your corpse and many other naked guys while feeling the most powerful kind of lust. It even showed me a picture where you were having sex with other beautiful women. And to top it all off, I had to realize that after all this, the one appearing in front of me wasn’t you. Only a mimic of yours. Although its behavior was like you, it was still different.” I replied as I gave a kiss on his lips.

“Oh? Then you had to live through the same things. Seeing you with other men was the worst of all…” He said and I felt his hands tighten around my waist.

As a shudder ran through my body, I whispered sadly, “It must have been terrible. But! At least you knew that I would never do such a thing.”

“Yeah. I just had to ignore the sight, though it was annoying me a lot…” He replied, giving another kiss on the back of my head.

“Well, now. How cute. I don’t have any more tests for you after this. What begins, but has no end, yet ends all that begins? What is it?” The Abyss interrupted our reunion, but at the same time, our feelings appeared once again. I was once again connected with Hiro. I felt his soul, his emotions. It was simply incredible. We felt so happy, that we almost forgot about the restrictions put on our love life…

[Ah~ Now it is much better. I can finally feel you! I felt so terrible.] Hiro remarked happily in my mind. Feeling the same, I didn’t say anything. After thinking for a short time about the answer, we said at the same time. “Death.”

“Argh… fine. You pass. But you still have to wait for the others,” it replied with an unbothered voice, almost slipping at the start…

We appeared in a huge and empty arena. “You can do whatever you want to. But note that if you do perverted things and the others accidentally finish their tests at the same time, you will be seen.” The Abyss remarked calmly.

[Ugh. It’s really hard on me, but after so much, I shall bear with the remaining part. If not for our Law of Belief, I’m sure that this test would have been much harder.] Hiro thought, feeling stiff… at those parts.

[Well, I could use some helping hand… but I shall wait. Also, could it be that it gave this law to us intentionally?] I couldn’t help but question Hiro.

[I don’t know. Maybe it is liking our plans and wanted to help. Haha~] Shrugging, he kissed my neck cruelly, as he started laughing.

It tickled me… at numerous places…

A few minutes later, people started popping up. But five more people later, the Abyss talked.

“Alright! There are seven of you left. I trimmed down the numbers really well! Hehe~ Well, since this is still a contest for a wish from me, you should show me how formidable you are. So the seven of you will have to fight against each other. Naturally, bonded people are in pairs… sucks for the others, what can I say? But none of these two pairs could attack each other, so it would be even more unfair to them.”

Elena and Dred were also here, unsurprisingly. She looked at us and after sighing loudly, she nodded once. I can understand her pain. She was so close to asking for almost anything, yet she had to help us. But Audrey was also alive, so she couldn’t complain.

“I have a question!” Surprising us, Elena still shouted.

“Yes, your friend will stay alive. She has exactly one million years left. If she can break through, then it will increase. But I’m honestly dissatisfied with your little agreement…” Without even hearing her question, the Abyss replied, explaining everything clearly.

Looking at Elena from the corners of my eyes, she looked back and nodded with another sigh, mumbling. “I’ll spank Audrey for this once we get out…”

Chuckling at her words, I merged with Hiro and made twelve clones of ourselves, surprising the others present.

We were four again three, not counting our clones… this was way too unfair. A Tiger God, a World Tree and strangely enough, the Dryad from back then was also here… Wasn’t she killed? The World Tree was a unique race, similar in strength to ours.

Cracking our knuckles, we smiled. There was only one thing separating us from our dream.

This battle.

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