《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 92 - An RPG world? A legendary creature?


An RPG world? A Legendary Creature?

Hiro’s POV:


“What is this?” I couldn’t help but ask, feeling surprised. A strange excitement rushed up my throat, leaving a ball in it. In my past life, whenever I thought about it, I couldn’t decide. Where would I like to reincarnate if I could choose? A Xian Xia world, or an RPG world? Both of them was really interesting to me, leaving me without a final decision.

As things turned out, I was reincarnated in a Xian Xia world. But I always wanted to see this kind of place and now it was in front of me! Well, let’s see if it works. Status!

Name: Hiro

Race: Twelve Headed Hydra (Mixed)

Level: 624

Class: Cultivator

(10t) Health: 130 000 / 130 000

(10t) Mana: 97 000 / 97 000

Titles: The Sovereign; Bonded; Lover; World Traveler;

(10t) Strength: 24 300

(10t) Vitality: 26 000

(10t) Agility: Incompatible

(10t) Will: Incompatible

(10t) Intelligence: 24 250

(10t) Wisdom: Incompatible

(10t) HP Reg: 5 000 / s (+50 000/s Racial)

(10t) MP Reg: 4 000 / s (+10 000/s Symbiote)



“Oh… it’s not working completely. I guess it’s because we are coming from a different world,” Alice said upon seeing my table, while Narihi and Poirlion were looking at us with unknowing faces. It seems like our bond works even in such cases. Alice also checked out what she has.

Name: Alice

Race: Dragon God (Mixed)

Level: 624

Class: Cultivator

(10t) Health: 130 000 / 130 000

(10t) Mana: 97 000 / 97 000

Titles: The Sovereign; Bonded; Lover; World Traveler;

(10t) Strength: 24 300

(10t) Vitality: 26 000

(10t) Agility: Incompatible

(10t) Will: Incompatible

(10t) Intelligence: 24 250

(10t) Wisdom: Incompatible

(10t) HP Reg: 5 000 / s (+50 000/s Racial)

(10t) MP Reg: 4 000 / s (+10 000/s Symbiote)



She was visibly the same as me. Her health regeneration would be weaker originally, but thanks to our fused souls, we had no such differences anymore. The only real difference between us was our minds. Nothing more. Strength was showing how many Crypt of strength I had. How the others came, I had no idea. They could be wrong as well…

Although it didn’t really work with us, I still felt excited just seeing it! Closing my eyes, my strength and senses were still the same. Nothing changed, except for the system this world had. Looking at the compass, it was pointing towards the… sun? With an unbelieving face, I teleported to the sun of this planet. Seeing that the compass was still pointing towards it, I flew into its insides.

Never seen a sun from the inside before… It was an interesting sight, I guess. Reaching its center, I saw a strange black orb. It didn’t look special. I made a few clones of myself, just in case, before touching it, though nothing happened. Turning around, I teleported out of the sun, but upon doing so, the sun shrunk to the size of a fist. This planet still had another two suns, so I didn’t care about this. A small climate change… and almost anyone could fix it anyway.

I went back close to the fist-sized sun, with Alice beside me. She explored the planet, but she didn’t find life on it, so she came to me. Narihi and Poirlion were also looking around in the nearby areas, meaning a few sectors away. I tried grabbing the mini sun, but my hand went through it. Looking at the black orb in my left hand, I moved it towards the mini sun. I was very much surprised to see it exploding in my face, destroying the planet and everything in our surroundings. We were lucky that heat and such things had no effect on us for a long time.


The black holes appearing all around us scared the shit out of us, but we didn’t leave immediately because… the mini-sun that exploded, turned into a huge stellar map spanning through kilometers. Looking around, I memorized one-half of it, while Alice had the other. We didn’t like black holes because their other halves were never leading to other places… but to that damned gray matter. The problem was that this time, we were on the receiving end. So seeing it flooding everything, none of us wished to stay here.

Grabbing Alice’s hand, I teleported away. Looking at it from afar, we were surprised to see a gray ocean in space… it was an interesting sight nonetheless. If not for us being at the sixth level, we would have died there. Well, Rin could have taken us out, but still…

Looking at the compass, it was pointing towards the gate of the Abyss. But it was inside the dead zone, so we had to look for another entrance. The range of our teleportation wasn’t that big, so we had to jump quite a lot of times before finding a planet with life on it. Using our senses, we felt that most of the people were only at the level of third level cultivators.

The planet was a three-star one, with a huge desert and little to no water on its surface. We appeared in front of the biggest city. It had fifty meters tall, compressed sand walls. There were quite a lot of people on the top of the walls and upon noticing us, they started shouting something about ‘survivors from the desert…’ Not caring about them, we went towards the huge double gates. Since it was still closed, we went through it.

The power of laws! Haha! I thought, feeling happy that I could do such things. Soldier looking people ran towards us, with bags in their hands. In those bags, I felt pills and other such things, which had healing effects. “Welcome back, great adventurer!” One of them shouted as he stepped forward. Embracing Alice’s waist, I looked at her, not knowing what was going on. After asking the same question aloud, the soldier looked at me strangely.

“A-Are you by any chance, not from this planet?” He asked, stuttering while speaking. I guess our auras were a bit too much for them.

“No, I have no idea what you meant by that ‘survivor from the desert’ nor do I know what is this place. I just wanted to ask someone about an entrance to the Abyss,” I told them what I wanted in a straight way. Their stupid faces said it all… they had no idea what I was talking about. “So? What is this place?” Alice questioned him while looking around.

Gulping loudly, the guy spoke. “Miss! This is a planet called Destron. There are terrible monsters lurking under the sand and even more dangerous monsters in the air. We are trapped in these cities, without any chance to leave it. Those who left through the gates didn’t get further than a hundred meters before being devoured… that’s why we shouted that you are survivors. Anyone who is powerful enough to walk in these deserts is worthy of our respect!” Saluting and hitting his spear on the ground, he finished his explanation.

Closing her eyes, Alice sensed this whole area. There were indeed monsters lurking under the sand and all of them were at the fourth level. Or… four-hundredth if looked at with the levels of this world. They mostly ranged from the early to the mid stages. “Do you mind if we kill them all?” Alice asked with a smile. Wiping the sweat off of his forehead, the soldier said that it was impossible. He provoked the wrong person…


My dear dragoness snapped her fingers and a huge wave of soul attack spread out of our bodies, sucking away the life from everything that wasn’t an ‘intelligent being’. Saying “Done” with a smile on her face, she coiled her tail around the guy’s waist and threw him out of the city. He landed outside while screaming in terror, fearing his death. Seeing that nothing was happening, he finally shut his mouth and stood up, clearing his butt.

Rin was so cruel… she appeared behind him and nudged his back. Turning around upon feeling something his back, he jumped up at least a hundred meters into the air, straight back into the city. I held my face, trying to hide my laughter. Catching him in mid-air, Alice put him down in front of us once again, asking. “So? Do you believe me now?” Without any sign of disbelief, he nodded his head vehemently, fearing that the same would be repeated.

“Now comes my most important question… do you know anything about other planets with people who are much more powerful than you?” Alice asked while caressing my back with her right hand. I couldn’t help but hug her and rub the side of my chin on her face. Rin appeared next to us, in her full size and copied my movements. I scratched her behind her ears, while the guy from before kept stealing terrified glances at Rin.

“N-No… we don’t know about such a place,” he answered with a stutter. Clicking my tongue, I swung my arm downward, and a divine looking green light smashed into the planet. It was my energy. A tremor ran through the planet and trees started growing out on this deserted planet, along with many rivers and even an ocean formed on it.

Naturally, we didn’t wait for the process to finish. After saying that they were free to go anywhere from now on, we teleported away. “Playing gods? Hehe…. Well, you have to learn some etiquette to turn into a good ruler in the future.” Poirlion remarked on our show off, with a stupid smirk on his face.

“I’m shitting on etiquette. I’ll be a father, not a ruler. The others can go and do what they want to!” I replied to him and then teleported once again. Ten minutes later, we finally found a planet with life on it. Sensing the average strength of the people, we didn’t even bother with stopping there. The Amber Compass also turned around and pointed towards another target, which was probably the closest entrance to the Abyss.

Following that direction, we realized that the living beings were getting stronger and stronger. Soon, we saw the weirdest thing in our lives. The planets disappeared. There were none in front of us. Instead of planets, we saw a huge patch of ground in space. It was more than hundreds of kilometers thick, with huge mountains and oceans on it. There were a hundred suns moving back and forth above that large land, which went completely against physical laws…

The land itself was unmoving. We tried to sense its size, but we weren’t able to. I’m quite sure that our senses didn’t cover even a hundredth of this enormous land. Although the side of the land was quite messy with huge storms, Vulcans, and waterfalls, above the land was a clear atmosphere. We flew through the storm and looked around. The climate was pleasant. Well, anything was pleasant to us… Snow was covering this place and the people we sensed in a radius of ten kilometers were at the fourth and fifth level.

Seeing a few houses, we teleported to them and knocked on the door. We heard footsteps nearing the door. Upon opening it, we saw a lioness. She had a humanoid face, but her feet turned into paws. Tilting her head to the side, she asked, “Hello. Who might you be?”

“Hello. We are just travelers. Could you serve us with some information? We are looking for an entrance to the Abyss,” Alice asked politely with a smile on her face. I grabbed the back of her head and brushed my fingers through her hair, making her smile.

“The Abyss? Accessing it is restricted… but go towards the fourteenth sun. The nearest entrance is that way,” she replied, but her words caught my attention. “Wait, restricted? What do you mean by that?”

She made a face as if we would be idiots, but after seeing that we really knew nothing, she invited us in. Saying that we were alright here, she explained. “I can’t see your stats, but I can see that you are from another world… Right?” Seeing us nod, she continued. “In our world, only people with real strength can access the Abyss. Going there is something to be proud of. Above the seventh level, anyone can go, but below it… you can go only if you are better than the others!”

Frowning, I questioned her. “And how do we know if we are ‘better than the others’? Are our stats enough?” Nodding, she told us that people gained strength here by training, learning, and meditating. Those who were hardworking had more stats on the same level as others. We asked if the amount of strength we had was good enough and she answered with a yes.

“Hey~ but you are really strong at your level. Don’t you need another woman? I’m fine with being the second~” She said playfully, creeping me out. I didn’t need anyone but Alice. Thanking her, I quickly turned around and fled before she would get herself killed. Alice didn’t appreciate her question… if not for helping us, then Alice would have killed her by now.

But in all honesty, we just wanted to know where the gate was. We had things to do here. The map we saw before fleeing had a big x on this land. We weren’t coming this way randomly. Using our senses, we found the portal leading to the Abyss, but there were powerful culti… No… not cultivators. What should I call them? Seeing that many of them are training their bodies, I’ll just call them players… I guess, I thought as I realized that I was wrong. I knew that I was ignorant as this world was just as dangerous as ours. But I really didn't know what to call them.

The people in front of the gate were surely above the seven-hundredth level. With their norms… A hundred levels mean a realm or level in our world, while ten levels mean a stage. Seeing that we were on the six hundred and twenty-fourth level, it was truly accurate. A few of our minds were always cultivating, so even if we ‘didn’t do anything’, we were still advancing.

People with similar strength and talent were all around this place, so I’m quite sure that there were schools around this gate. Well, we didn’t intend to join any of them. We could just sneak in and quickly rush through the gate! But before that…

We flew towards the place that was marked on the map. We had to travel for two whole days, even though we were using teleportation. But the end of this land was still nowhere to be seen. Luckily, we didn’t have to travel that far… A twenty kilometers tall mountain appeared in front of us. We teleported to the top of it where we found a temple. It was visibly old, almost crumbling. Entering through the doorway, we found a stairway leading deep into the mountain. Following the stairs, we found ourselves in front of a sinkhole. After looking at each other, shrugging, all of us jumped down.

A completely dark, circular hall was awaiting us. But something was wrong. A creepy, dark shadow moved towards us on the ground and intertwined with us. Looking down, we noticed that our skin was starting to rot away. Using my Hydra Qi, I stopped the rotting and Alice was the same. But Poirlion and Narihi were much worse off. They quickly teleported out of the mountain, fearing that they would die without doing anything. Looking towards a corner, I saw a pair of shining green eyes. It was completely the same as ours.

Our body was shining with a green light, while there was something darker than the black in the corner. Let’s see if this works… Inspect?

Name: *Unreadable* Elena

Race: Un1d#?tifiabl3:::

Level: 6## *Your inspect is malfunctioning*

Threat Level: 5

I couldn’t read this girl’s stats. I guess people could evade being inspected and such things… That and the ‘malfunctioning’ inspect wasn’t helping either… She was at one of the stages of the sixth level for sure, but I couldn’t see her exact strength. [Although her threat level is five, I don’t think that she is a mortal opponent. I’d say that her strength is similar compared to ours. But we are two!] Alice remarked upon seeing the result.

“Elena, is it? Why are you attacking us?” I said as I swung my arm and cut off space in front of her, breaking that shadow which was trying to suck away our life. It was lucky that we were the best when it came to regeneration. Rin suddenly appeared behind us and roared into the nothingness. Alice turned around, but she saw nothing.

“Is something wrong?” Alice asked with a concerned face as she petted Rin’s head. Looking down, Alice noticed that the shape of our shadows looked like panthers, which surely wasn’t normal… Not to mention that we were in the dark. Why did we have a shadow?

“Dred! Come back~ They aren’t here for us, it seems,” The girl in the corner shouted and our panther-shaped shadow merged into a single one, which after a panther appeared. It rushed back to the corner and it looked almost the same as Rin. Except for that Rin had scales on her body, while that ‘Dred’ had some thin green lines on his body, which were screaming of poison.

Using one of my minds, I conjured a mini-sun and moved it towards the corner. A breathtaking beauty with black hair was standing there, petting the head of her panther. [She is good! If not for having me, I’m quite sure that you would fall for her body…] Alice remarked in my place, admitting the beauty of this girl. She was my type indeed. But it didn’t matter. I had only Alice in my mind, so however beautiful she might be, I’m always going to stay faithful! Alice is my everything!

[Awww~ Come here for a kiss you big bear. Hehe,] Alice said upon feeling me and hearing my thoughts. Leaning over, I kissed her deeply, feeling proud of myself and our unshakeable relationship.

“Are you done with flirting? I’d be glad if you left because I’m waiting for others… in case you don’t want to get caught up in my mess, leave now,” The girl called Elena said without any emotion on her face as she turned around and disappeared… Not finding her anywhere, I focused once again into that corner where I found a small patch of darkness. It seemed so empty and threatening…

“Elena…” I muttered to myself before saying aloud, while looking into that corner. “This one time I’ll not look for trouble, but don’t you dare to attack my wife another time.”

I heard a chuckle resounding in the hall, but she said no more. Using our senses, we found a path leading even deeper into the mountain. We crushed the wall and went towards our destination.“Poirlion, come to our position,” I told him as we reached the end of it. They appeared behind us and the first thing they did was question us.

“What was that thing? Why was there a shadow in the dark? We didn’t even sense anything!” He grabbed my left shoulder from behind, bombarding me with questions. They were in a good shape by the time they returned, but they still had a few dark patches on their skin. This could have been an interesting battle… Hehe, I thought with a chuckle, not knowing whether to go back and have a go at it or just leave her be.

But endangering my dear wife’s life for something like… wait, what if we ask her for a ‘friendly’ fight? It would be surely fun! [We can do it later, but at the moment she is waiting for someone, so let’s wait with it…] Alice thought while also telling Poirlion and Narihi that Elena was probably another monster of our caliber. Hearing it, their eyes opened widely, feeling surprised by such news. Such abilities and that ability of hers… it was like the exact contrast of our regenerating and healing abilities.

We should do something with this… If even Poirlion and Narihi were forced to flee, even though the difference between us and this Elena was most likely small, creating a similar technique would be wonderful. The mountain started trembling and shaking and huge waves were coming from the hall behind us. We should hurry up and see what was happening. On the end of this corridor, we found a room with holograms in it. Thanks to the humans’ knowledge in our world, I was completely familiar with how it worked and how it was built.

Activating the system, a person without a clear shape, sitting in a throne appeared. “Hello, adventurer. This is a record which was made not long ago. I’m the Anchor between the worlds. If you are here with a clear goal, that means that you know about the map. I’m sure that you have memorized it, so here is a missing part,” it said as a piece of our map appeared. After thinking about it for a fraction of a moment, we found where was it supposed to be.

Memorizing the connected part, we realized that it was a flying island above the ground. A few seconds later, it continued. “This much time should be enough. If not, then just go away you slow wits… Anyway, although it seems like a simple flying island, it isn’t as simple. Not even someone at the tenth level can see or sense it. You need that black orb you have to gain access to it. I placed them all around the universes for numerous ascenders. You were one of the lucky ones to be selected.”

“But you should also know that everyone chosen is exactly as powerful as you. There are so many people… and there are many of you who are exactly as powerful as the other one. To get into the island, all of you have to arrive at the flying island, with the black orb in your hand. If any of you dies, the orb will also disappear and that means fewer people to enter, though this is true only before reaching the flying island.”

“If you are that dragon hydra pair, then yes… both of you can enter… Seriously talking, this little game of mine is held every time when I start the race for the next creator position. This video was made for you people at the sixth level so you probably don’t know about how it works anyway. Don’t worry, you’ll have your chance in the future… I’m holding this game for many people on each level but at different places.”

“The rewards right? That is always the most important. Placing in the top three will garner great benefits. But to pique your interest a bit more, I’ll tell you that the winner will have the luck to wish anything from me. Race change, talent increase, weapons, symbiotes, armors, knowledge, instant strength boost? Your choice, so fight and strive on to get out on the top. One last thing. Although you started when you were exactly as powerful as the others, you can turn stronger than them if you work hard!”

As it finished its words, the system turned off and the room turned completely dark and silent. “Alice…” I muttered silently as I turned towards her and grabbed her shoulders. Our faces lit up as we shouted. “WE HAVE STRUCK IT BIG!” If we could ask for an ability to see a line connecting the other halves of people… we could mess up the world and create our kingdom! “Hahaha~ This wonderful, honey!” Alice exclaimed, hugging and kissing me.

Now there was only one problem. To reach our goal, we had to be the best.

And if our opponents were really as good as it said, then we had to work hard.

Harder than ever before!

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