《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 90 - Primo



Hiro’s POV:


“Ah… wait. But we have to destroy Angelwood Academy tomorrow…” I stopped as I realized that we were in the wrong. Facepalming, Alice shook her head sideways.

“What if we ask for a ‘free-day’ from Sedna? It’s not like with the two of them there, anyone else would be necessary. Killing flies isn’t our problem either,” Alice started thinking of plans, wishing to escape our duties. My heart was pulled in. With a smirk on my face, I grabbed her hand and pulled on it, teleporting away.

[Let’s break the rules. Only the two of us~ hehe,] I thought happily. She smiled at me, though a lock of her blonde hair was in front of her left eye. Pushing it aside, I gave a deep kiss on her thick and pink lips. Separating, I felt wonderful.

[And horny, but that’s fine, Fufu~] Feeling my problem, Alice quickly helped me out, and then we appeared in front of our destination. The entrance of this dungeon was a pyramid. There were strange markings and paintings on it, which made me remember of the Mayan culture. Long, green vines were covering this old pyramid, but other than the dust covering it, it looked brand new.

As we went close to it, the top of the pyramid opened up, creating a straight, dark tunnel into the ground. We jumped down and found ourselves in front of a completely dark hall. Still, feeling the world around us, we easily knew what was where. Suddenly, dim yellow lights lit up one by one, in a circle around us.

We saw sculptures of a guy, towering at fifty meters tall. The yellow lights were his eyes. “Interesting place. But there is no entrance… What are we supposed to do?” I talked to myself, causing the dimly lit hall to echo with my voice. The temperature was comfortable and the dim light felt good for the eyes. Somehow we felt slightly sleepy… which was clearly something that shouldn’t happen. Although we knew where this dungeon called Primo was, we didn’t know anything about its inside.

Since we started feeling more and more tired, we decided to fight it with our lust… as we started kissing, that feeling went away immediately and something else came in its place… At that, the statues started moving. Slapping their foreheads, they closed their eyes and the ground split open under us. While falling downward, I embraced Alice’s back, saying with a small laughter - “Hehe, we broke the system!”

After falling downward for five kilometers, we landed on an uneven ground. We found ourselves in a cave. Strange green crystals were protruding from its top and there were tiny lakes with green water. The whole cavern was covered in a dim light. At further places, we saw the same but with different colors. Using our mind powers, we sensed our surroundings. This cavern was quite large, spanning at a hundred square kilometers. There were numerous monsters around this whole place, while at the center of these colorful areas was a big lake.

Rin also came outside and stood alongside us. Looking at each other, we shrugged and got to work. Teleporting away, we killed the monsters in the area one by one. Since they were only at the middle stages of the World Realm, it wasn’t hard. In each area, there was a bigger lake in the center. When we killed every monster, which didn’t take more than a few minutes, new monsters emerged. Those lakes started whirling, and they turned into elemental looking monsters with different elements.


I can see where this is going… I thought with a smile. These mini-bosses weren’t a big challenge either. We left the Fire Elemental for the last. Out of curiosity, we took one of its attacks with one of our clones, and to our surprise, its fire was effective on us. After further examination, we realized that what damaged us wasn’t its fire as it was only the shell of its attack. What was truly ‘dangerous’ was its energy inside them. Such being the case, we knew that we had to be careful in the future.

The lake in the center started swirling and created a huge, eight colored elemental. Its body parts were of a different element each. Before it could do anything, Rin appeared behind it and spat a ball of darkness towards its back, destroying it in one move. That shitty elemental didn’t even drop anything… Though considering the difference between our levels, it was no wonder. Actually, Rin was already at the Temporary Law Realm when we fought with Anest. It’s just that she was way above her when it came to strength…

Two thousand Crypt was something that not even her mighty race could overcome. The lake started rotating in the opposite way, leaving behind a huge whirlpool. There were teeth-like boulders standing out of the water. Supposedly, we had to jump down into it. We looked at each other with helpless faces. Shrugging once, I stomped on the ground and made a surfboard appear under it.

Rin turned into her kitten form and jumped onto my shoulder while working together with Alice was a piece of cake for me. We moved downward in an ‘enjoyable’ way, evading the boulders. Upon reaching the sinkhole, we were surprised to see a throat… The design of this dungeon is interesting…

“Honestly, I don’t think that this is a design anymore… We are just moving downward in a monster!” Alice exclaimed while we fell downward. The following floor was something that made Alice’s words seem like the truth. They were… This was because we appeared in a huge stomach, which bottom was filled with water. Although that water was acidic, it didn’t matter to our bodies. Still, it smelled. It’s good that my dear Alice was here as she had such a nice fragrance all the time.

“Fufu~ You are making me melt,” she remarked while giving a kiss on my face. Raising my brows, I questioned her. “Aren’t we flirting too much? Maybe we should restrain ourselves slightly…”

Furrowing her brows, Alice answered. “Why should we? Those who aren’t in our places can’t understand our feelings! My love for you is unquestionable and I’ll show it through my flirting as many times as I want to! No one can stop the love of a dragon!” Laughing at her, I caressed the back of her hair, winning another kiss from her.

The last boss was at the eighth stage of the World Realm. These monsters were at the same power level. We killed these hordes of monsters in another few minutes, gaining a few pills, herbs, and trash weapons. At least, we could use them to turn the humans more powerful in our own world.

A loud scream resounded in this monster’s stomach and a Wraith appeared. It had a ragged black cloth covering its body, and there was a shining staff in its hands. The tip of its staff was releasing a blue light continuously. It didn’t have a face or a body at that. It looked like a levitating cloth… Even its staff was just levitating in front of it and we saw only a hazy blue outline of its hands, which were gripping its weapon. Since it was only at the very peak of the ninth stage of World Realm, we didn’t have to struggle.


Although it held its staff towards us and shot powerful balls of energy attacks, it couldn’t even penetrate our scales and Destiny’s Descent, much less our symbiotes. To our surprise, this boss dropped something quite good. It was a two-star symbiote. Although it wasn’t anything great, it would still increase Blank’s strength. As I reached my arm towards the egg, Blank rushed down my arm and turned into a gaping mouth. It jumped towards the egg, crushing it.

But it didn’t escape my eyes, that Blank also devoured that mass from the egg. We quickly merged to share the new benefits. Its effect also entered my mind, which was actually similar to Necros’. It increased the speed of our energy regeneration. Although it was nowhere near as good as Necros, still, we were happy with it. Suddenly, six portals appeared all around us, while the stomach started spasming and trembling. Seeing it contracting, we quickly jumped through one of them.

I’m not sure, but probably it would have crushed our bodies, which would have been terrible at such a place! The portal we jumped into, teleported us to a tunnel. Looking at its shape, I couldn’t help but remark. “Isn’t this a tentacle? Somehow I have a feeling that after entering through its mouth, we have to ‘kill’ its tentacles one by one.”

Shrugging once, Alice moved forward, saying that maybe it was like that. “So cold~” I chuckled upon seeing her little game and slapped on her ass. She jumped up in surprise but continued as if nothing happened. Rin rushed ahead to explore what was in front of us. She came rushing back in a few seconds, with a horde of monsters behind us. She was still in her kitten form. She stopped behind me, and then after standing between my legs, she roared ferociously.

Squatting down, I petted her head, earning a purring sound. Alice looked at us with envious eyes, while she turned Blank into a staff in her hands. Swinging it in an arc, a thick blade of Dragon Qi rushed forward, cursing the monsters and killing them almost instantly. We could still use our normal martial arts, but usually, we didn’t. We could also convert our stacks into the stacks of our basic martial arts.

Turning around, she looked at us with a proud face. Petting her head, I went past her and killed another horde of monsters. I’m starting to think that this dungeon was kidding with us. Although it was alright for us, I’m quite sure that normal cultivators would have a hard time here, seeing the number of monsters they would have to kill. Maybe this wasn’t so empty without a reason?

“And what if their numbers will be the same when we reach the monsters at our levels, or above ours?” Alice questioned me from behind. My brows twitched upon thinking that far.

“Ehm… we will struggle and live it through! Somehow,” I answered, feeling discouraged. “Your voice wasn’t too promising and encouraging, but fine. I believe in my mate,” she said deliberately, only to make me feel worse. Little devil…

Hearing my thoughts, she stuck out her tongue, which earned her a bite on it. Rubbing her tongue, she said. “You are quick… I knew what you wanted, yet you appeared in front of me and bit my tongue before I could pull it back. Seriously… going as far as using Infinis’ ability on your wife!? Aren’t you too evil?”

“No? Haha, alright. Enough of playing around. Let’s take this seriously.” Nodding once, she followed in my steps, while Rin continued to freeload on my shoulder. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the heart to make her work. Knowing my thoughts, she licked my face. With my spear in hand, we reached the end of this tunnel in a few seconds. A mass of meat and flesh formed in front of us, taking a humanoid shape.

“You call that humanoid? More like some kind of undead monster, or I don’t even know what to call it anymore…” Alice remarked with her brows furrowed as she flung her hair over her shoulders, upon hearing my thoughts.

“Do you want to fight?” I questioned her with my brows raised, not really feeling in the mood to get covered in this bloody shit. Making a disgusted face, she told me that she didn’t, and even Rin jumped over and nestled on her shoulder, rubbing her head on Alice’s silky hair.

“Great…” I muttered as I jumped forward and thrust my spear forward. Surprisingly, the monster teleported behind me and kicked me in the back. Checking it, I realized that it was at the first stage of Temporary Law Realm. Luckily, we were using our battle forms, and Blank was providing us with lots of defense anyway. The monster’s kick only tickled my back. Before I would crash into the ground, I spun in the air and turned Blank into a bow.

Pulling the string, I filled it with a large amount of Hydra Qi. The monster teleported in front of me, wishing to penetrate my chest with a pointy sword in its hand. I didn’t want that disgusting mass to touch me, so while using Space Lock and Bolt of Silence, I released my green arrow. It entered the monster’s body, making it explode and covering me in its flesh. With an annoyed face, I cleared my eyes, only to see that Alice and Rin were similarly covered in it.

Pointing at them, I started laughing at them. Alice’s brows started twitching as she shouted. “No pussy tonight!” Knowing that she had no way to resist me, nor did she mean it, I just continued to laugh. Using our energies, we turned clean in a moment and then started teleporting towards the base of this tentacle. A portal was waiting there for us, along with a sword, which was stabbed into the meaty ground under us. I pulled it out and after examining it, I found out that it was a really good piece. Especially considering that it was a metal, which was found only on six-star planets or above.

But something strange happened. Before stepping through the portal, Blank crept forward on my arm and covered the sword. Not knowing what was happening, I watched it. A few seconds later, it moved backward and I found out that the weapon was missing. Looking down at my body, I found very tiny pieces of metal shards covering Blank’s surface. As I touched Alice, half of them rushed up my arm and entered Blank’s other half.

“Interesting ability. I didn’t know of this. It seems like it can consume things other than symbiotes,” I said with a surprised face. Alice nodded and then went through the portal, with me in tow. We appeared in a similar tunnel. We quickly rushed through all of them and killed every monster there was. Three of them dropped weapons, while two of them dropped armors. Blank was turning tougher and tougher, and its defense was increasing continuously.

We wanted to get a good symbiote for Rin as well, but we didn’t have the luck to find a really good one until now. When we left through the last portal, we found ourselves in the cave once again. “If you want to enter the next floor, you have to find eight keys, in these eight areas,” a mechanic voice resounded in the cavern, telling us what we had to do. Using our mind powers, we found out that it couldn’t pick up on the presence of these keys.

“But this place is huge. How are we supposed to find it?” Alice couldn’t help but remark, feeling annoyed that we had to do such stupid things. After reaching the sixth level, I could create seven clones since I had eight heads. Meanwhile, Alice reached her final form, with three heads and four minds. She won’t grow any more than that. Only the speed of her processing capability would increase. There weren’t big differences among the True Divine Beasts. If they didn’t have more minds than the others, then they were working quicker, or they made up for it in a different way.

Since she could control four clones efficiently, the twelve of us started and Rin started searching the place. We started at the biggest lakes in the center of each area since it seemed to be the right thing. Luckily, this dungeon wasn’t a troll and didn’t send us on an infinite searching adventure… These keys were shining with a quite powerful light and their sizes were quite big, being twenty centimeters long.

When we found every key, we appeared above the swirling vortex. Eight holes appeared in the air, with eight different colors. After putting in the keys, and turning it in a circle, a gate appeared in front of us. But this gate looked very strange. Water was flowing out from the four gaps around it, not to mention that it was twenty meters tall and ten meters wide. Strange marks were covering it and fishmen statues were standing at its two sides, with flickering harpoons in their hands.

Not being sure of myself, I used a clone to open the door, while all of us stood far away from the door. A huge waterfall poured down on my clone, not shaking it even in the slightest. I flew through the gateway with it and found myself in an oceanic world. We quickly entered it with our real bodies. There were long seaweeds raising from the ground, extending into the sky, which was nonexistent. In its place were mountains reaching downward, entering the water.

[I don’t know what’s up and what’s down anymore…] I told Alice with a helpless face as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

[Believe me, I have no idea either.] She answered with a smile. Using our mind powers in this thick greenery, we felt lots of presences around us, and all of them were at the first stage of the sixth level. One of them rushed out of this lush, ‘jungle’ under the sea. There was a fishman, riding a seahorse, with a harpoon in his hand.

What the fucking fuck is this? I thought as I quickly swam to the side, with the help of my mind power. With a smirk on her face, Alice turned Blank into a whip and teleported behind the fishman. She coiled it around his neck. With the speed it traveled under the water, its head was torn off on the spot since Alice had more strength. Taking away its harpoon, she threw it after the seahorse and penetrated its tail. She coiled her whip around its body, incapacitating it completely. With Rin on her back, she sat on the seahorse and tamed it with a single touch.

The seahorse was visibly scared of her, so it obeyed any of her wishes. She sent her thoughts into its mind and told it to take her to the boss. Of course, she waited for me to catch another seahorse, in a similar way. The seahorses took us to a huge shark in but a moment, which was at the second stage of the sixth level. After conveying our thoughts to the seahorses, telling them that they must wait for us, they slightly backward and stayed there.

Upon noticing us, the shark immediately teleported in front of us and used its jaws to attack. Both of us turned into our monster forms, with our sizes being twice as big as the shark’s. It teleported behind us, trying to bite our tails, but we expected it, so we teleported slightly backward at the same time. In this form, we were the ones appearing behind it. Both of us snapped our jaws on its bobber, tearing it off completely. Its blood colored the water in red and filled it with the smell of blood.

We felt hunger! Not letting go of it, we moved our other heads forward and bit into its back. As long as we were holding it, it didn’t have a chance at teleporting away! Knowing that it would die quickly like this, it used a blade of water and tore off its own tail. It teleported behind Alice, wishing to take revenge on her back. Unfortunately for the monster, Rin appeared on its back and with a swipe of her paw, she split open the shark’s back.

Since it couldn’t teleport once again, we turned around swiftly and devoured the monster alive. With their large heads, they tore out large chunks of meat from its body, along with Rin. A few seconds later, only its soul was left, but after a few Bolts of Silence, that too was dead. Using Soul Eater, they devoured it, instead of storing it away. They had so many souls in their Soul Storage, that they didn’t even dare to count it. The war bore lots of fruits for them!

The shark turned into a round item, which started sinking towards the seabed. But before it could fall any deeper, Alice caught it between her fingers. “This item is called the Amber Compass. This is a part of a map, which would lead you towards great treasures. But be warned, the road is long and dangerous. Follow the lead of this compass, to find the next piece.” Such knowledge entered her mind, which was heard by me as well.

Alice looked up with excited eyes and a grin on her face. I felt equally excited. Although we will have to go through quite a lot of trouble to get those treasures, probably, but it should be worth it. If nothing else, then it should help us in passing time, and pressure us to move on and advance.

A cavern leading to a deeper place raised out of the sand covered seabed. We rode our seahorses and swam downward. We found ourselves in a deep sea ditch. Under us, everything was dark. The water was moving in here with a force I have never experienced before. From time to time, small pieces of stones flew past us, with a speed of five hundred kilometers per hour! Luckily, we weren’t mortals and this pressure was nothing to us.

Sometimes, we saw colorful lights rushing away under us, which were followed by even bigger sized light bulbs. But our senses caught all of them. There were huge catfishes and eels, which were chased by scale covered snakes! The flickering lightning around the eels didn’t bother those snakes. After asking the seahorses if they knew where to go, they rode the streamline and slowly moved downward. Knowing that they were afraid to move even deeper, we soothed them by killing one of those snakes with a single move.

Seeing it, they turned more afraid of us than those slithering shits and quickly dived downward. We went through that ever-growing darkness. The skins of these seahorses were see-through and their insides were giving off different lights. Alice’s was orange, while mine was pink… my favorite color… but that was the only one passing by! [Hahaha~ as if anyone would believe you. You are just liking it, admit it.] Alice started bullying me to take revenge with such words.

Not being stupid enough to answer, I stayed silent. In that complete darkness, only the insides of these seahorses were giving off some light. We were a patch of light. Well, and our eyes. Suddenly, we felt the ground trembling. But it was happening rhythmically. A few seconds later, we realized the reason behind it. At first, only a shining light bulb appeared higher up in the water, which moved forward. We soon realized that the thing, moving our way was a Naga!

The tremors were caused by its slithering lower body. It stood at fifty meters tall, with a long harpoon in its right upper hand. Yes. It had four arms, two on the left and two on the right. In its other hands were a whip, a shield, and a sword. The light bulb was on the top of its head. Its hooded head looked quite threatening. But there was a problem… this monster was much stronger than the others before. It was at the early fourth stage of Temporary Law Realm, with the strength of nine hundred and sixty Crypt. Even if we were to merge and use our monster forms, we would have only four hundred and five Crypt.

Although Rin was at the early third stage with eight hundred and sixty-four Crypt, fighting with such a huge difference in strength wasn’t her style. Unless we reached the late stage or the early second stage, we had little to no chance at winning.

So like the proud people we were, we quickly turned around and fled; while we started stuffing our mouths with World Crystals. Naturally, in our merged monster form. We could use the Law Crystals as well, but we wanted to keep those for the later stages. Luckily, we had many souls in our possession. While fleeing, our strengths were continuously increasing. The Naga kept whipping at us with its whip, leaving large gashes on our back.

Rin also disappeared temporarily. We tried teleporting, but no one could do it continuously. This was because after teleporting once, space would turn unstable at our entry point. If we were to teleport once again, then we would be swallowed by the gray thingy, instead of teleporting away… and that is something we didn’t want to happen. Not even Rin was an exception for this.

So we were left with no chance but to swim… unluckily, we were slower than that damned huge monster. Using the seahorses was also impossible at such a moment and they fled long ago anyway… Feeling pressured by the monster, our bodies started going through a small evolution, quickening our advancement. Reaching the late first stage, we turned around with a swing of our tail. The surprised Naga held up its shield, but it was still knocked back slightly. We continued to devour the souls and the World Crystals. The Naga made an enraged face because the tip of our tail wounded its stupid face.

We swam towards it and grabbed two of its arms with our front paws. It couldn’t use its shield and sword as a result. Although it penetrated our chest with its harpoon, what did it matter to us? With our quick regeneration, our internal bleeding stopped in a moment. Using our jaws, we bit into its arms and throat. This time, our poison was much more effective! Its movements visibly started to slow down. Knowing that it was in a bad position, it quickly released its harpoon and swam backward. Since our teeth were still in its arms, it couldn’t teleport.

Rin also joined the fray and jumped on its back. Using her sharp claws and teeth, she started tearing the monster’s back into pieces. Using our hind legs on the seabed, we propelled ourselves forward, pushing the Naga on its back. Or that was what we were hoping for, but it was still much stronger than us, so we stayed as we were pushed back instead… At that moment, it did something unimaginable, which made me question if it was a living being. It rotated its upper body in a circle…

We were shaken off by the monster, along with Rin. Using its whip, it struck Rin’s back and bashed a few of our heads with its shield. Following that was its sword, which cut off two of our heads. But we were at the Temporary Law Realm and our regeneration speed was much greater! In just two seconds, both of our heads grew back, startling the Naga. We pulled out its harpoon from our chest and standing on our hind legs, we held it between our claws.

We threw the harpoon towards its face as a reward. It wanted to teleport away, but with two of our minds, we prepared a nice Space Lock for it. Rin also appeared beside it and caught its lower body with her jaws. It looked down with a surprised face, which was a huge mistake. The right side of its face, along with its eyes was pierced and torn off. It rotated slightly as it fell to the side. In the meantime, we broke through to the second stage, reaching eight hundred and ten Crypt, which was more than enough to fight this shit.

We jumped at it while it was on the ground and bit into its left side. Our poison spread through its body, paralyzing it more and more. Feeling that it couldn’t even move anymore, we released it. We pulled out the harpoon from the ground beside its head and raised it up. With evil grins on our draconic heads, we thrust it downward and penetrated its heart.

To satisfy our wrath and bloodlust, we also tore off its arms, one by one, painting the water blood red. Although it wasn’t visible so deep in the dark water, its smell was more than enough for us. We stomped on the remaining part of its head and then poured our soul forces into a single, huge, soul attack. As our attack stuck, its body literally exploded. Slices of meat landed on our body, especially on our protruding spikes. Using a few of our heads, we ate them in a good mood.

[Fish are delicious~] Alice said happily. Although we killed it at the second stage, we started the fight at the first! Such being the case, we were rewarded handsomely! Falling back to all four, we moved our heads in the middle towards the thing on the ground.

In the place of the Naga’s corpse, which slowly disappeared was a black prism. Upon touching it, it entered our bodies, along with the knowledge of what it was.

This thing was really nice!

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