《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 86 - Blood is Our Bond


Blood is Our Bond

Alice’s POV:


The next day we met in the park at the same place. All four of us were grinning like idiots because everyone was happy and satisfied. Not waiting any longer, we were teleported to the Star Formation by Narihi and Poirlion. After telling them our destination, which was a planet called Tynor, they took us there in the blink of an eye. We should really reach that damned Temporary Law Realm.

Just as we appeared on Tynor, out of nowhere, we were contacted by Ellery and Rose. “Hello~ Where are you guys?” She asked, but before we could say anything, she was already talking. She just asked it out of custom... “Mother has completely recovered and I’ve spent these weeks with her. After thinking things over, I decided to join Genotin Academy. Naturally, I’m not allowed to do so before the war... Father said that I can’t risk my life for something like the academy!” This time as well, I wanted to answer, but Rose also started her speech.

“Hi~ I too thought about joining, but I’m not sure if my talent is good enough. Although I’ve reached the fifth level easily, thanks to Mr. Weston, I’m not too proficient when it comes to cultivation…” Rose also told us her plans in a sad and discouraged tone.

“Oh, that sounds good. Also, don’t worry Rose. I don’t like lying, so I’ll be honest. I know that you are quite slow… but fear not because you have our support! We’ll find you a way~ hehe,” I answered them with a chuckle, also soothing Rose.

“You’ll find a way, you say? I don’t want to take advantage of you even more...” Her reaction was quite strange. I felt sorry in her voice. Did something happen? Her tone was really weird. I’ll inquire about this once we meet face to face…

[Alright, stop thinking about it. We’ll talk about it when we meet. Let’s go.] Hiro interrupted my thoughts and after grabbing my hand, he pulled me forward.

Galen showed us the exact location of the treasure through a memory crystal, so we knew where it was. Honestly, somehow I have a gut feeling that there is something wrong with Galen. His happiness was too weird and there was something wrong with his eyes as well, though I don’t know what. Is this my female intuition or what?

[Hahaha, female intuition. Good joke~ But I have to agree with you. He was really suspicious.] Hiro remarked with an unbothered face, after laughing at my thoughts. Stupid Hiro. You are always laughing at me. I thought, but he didn’t say anything. Still, a smile formed on his face.

This planet was a five-star one, but it didn’t have life on it, other than the monsters. Suddenly, Rin appeared from our own world and flew beside us. She looked so strange while flying… a flying panther… “You should get a pair of wings, you know?” I asked her while rubbing the top of her head. This was followed by a big surprise. A pair of wings grew out of her front shoulders, leaving me with my mouth opened. It was a pair of black, reptilian wings

Poirlion looked at us with his brows raised, questioning us. “What kind of evil arts are you practicing that Rin mutated? She isn’t even an Abyss Panther anymore…”

Hiro laughed, while I, furrowing my brows, suddenly remembered a question of ours. My face lit up in my happiness as I asked him. “Oh, yes! Poirlion… how did you know at that time that Rin’s egg was an Abyss Panther’s? Supposedly, she is as rare as we, True Divine Beasts are. So how come that you knew of it?”


After making a thoughtful face, he answered. “Well, before entering the Abyss, I was also the member of smaller dragon clan. Its leader was called Igron Flameheart. As you know, I’m a three-star Water Dragon, while he is a similarly powerful Fire Dragon… His skills are really explosive, while mine are more fluent. Wait, what am I talking about? Sorry… Anyway, he is much older than me. When I was with him, he was at the later stages of the seventh level, though he never told me exactly how strong he was.”

“I’m sure that you remember that when I first met you, I told you that I’ll brag to him about meeting you. Now… that was because while I was in his clan, he was teaching the dragons that they should be very respectful if they were to meet the Dragon God. It was also one of his dreams to see the true form of her majesty. He told me that he could also easily break through to the eighth level if he were to meet her highness and that he would serve her.”

“So… since he was so old and powerful, he had a few Memory Crystals, which were full of knowledge! Naturally, I’ve read over everything and there were numerous rankings of companion monsters as well. Although there was more than one list, and they were slightly different, the Abyss Panther was always in the top seven. How good they were as companions were also dependent on their masters’ style. Considering your attack power, I’m sure that Rin is the best choice for you.” Finishing his explanation, he licked his lips and stayed silent.

“Could you store it in a memory crystal? I mean your knowledge of these things. Although we have a shit ton of knowledge about the Earthlings’ technology, which we also intend to use in the future, we are lacking when it comes to these things. I guess we are too young,” Hiro asked Poirlion for a tiny thing, but he didn’t forget to flaunt our talent and young age. I chuckled upon hearing him, while Poirlion took out a Memory Crystal.

He kept grumbling and murmuring, saying that we were the unfair bastards. After storing his knowledge in the crystal, he threw it towards us. Upon touching it, we learned everything he knew. Finally! Monsters, ranking lists, schools, academies, a few clans he or Narihi knew of, and even Narihi’s knowledge of the Abyss was here! “Thanks! You are a good dragon! I’ll reward you… somehow,” I exclaimed unwittingly, but then I realized that I had nothing to give them.

“Haha, don’t mind it, your auras are more than enough and we are friends anyway, aren’t we?” Narihi laughed at my words and soothed my mind, though I wasn’t panicking…

The Abyss had different levels… How many?

That was unknown even to Narihi. Before each level, there was a Trading Room where cultivators could buy strange and mysterious treasures for the points they collected. There were also more such places as you went deeper and deeper and the resting room was no different. Also, anyone entering these trading rooms would turn into a mortal. The god of the Abyss was the one to supply those trading rooms with treasures. A shudder ran through my back upon thinking of that creature.

I want to get as powerful as it is! I thought, but Hiro’s eyes saw further than mine.

[Don’t be so short-sighted. We should turn even more powerful!] Hiro interrupted my thoughts and encouraged my ideas of being on the top. This could be easily misinterpreted…


The worst was that it even knew of our beliefs, which meant that it knew what we were thinking of. Wait… now that I think about. We have this white pill, which provides us with a chance to read minds. Could it be that it’s actually from that thing and not the creators? Such ideas raised in my head, though these were only speculations of mine.

[Don’t worry, Alice. I’m sure that we’ll find out in the future. I’m also sure that our own worlds can be upgraded and developed into something more! And the key to that is probably in the Abyss.] Hiro remarked, agreeing with my thoughts. The gears started turning in our heads and ideas flooded our minds.

But we didn’t have time to think because we arrived at our destination. There was an ocean all around us and only a small island could be seen below. “Be careful. My instincts are screaming at me… and I’m not one to question them!” Hiro exclaimed, beckoning Poirlion and Narihi to come back up and move slowly.

“Wouldn’t it be better if I were to teleport in, pluck the herb, and then teleport out?” Narihi asked with her brows raised, not really understanding our problem.

Frowning slightly, I explained the problem. “Because there is a trap… probably. Although it’s well hidden, I feel something faintly. Maybe… a formation? I’m quite sure that as soon as any of us touches the ground, it will activate. Or maybe even going close to the island would be enough. The only problem is that I have no idea how big its area of effect is or what it does.”

Hearing my words, Narihi also frowned. After a few seconds, raising her brows, with her hands on her hips, she questioned. “Who sent you here? I’ll teach that person a good lesson once we get back! Causing trouble for Hydras!? That person surely doesn’t know-” She started threatening our enemy while shaking her pointing finger, but she was stopped.

“Stop. I don’t think that you are at his level. Although he is probably the weakest elder, I’m sure that you can’t beat him before stepping into the seventh level, as the difference in your strengths is astronomical.” Hiro said, with his hands raised up, waving at Narihi.

“Uuff! I want that herb, so I don’t want to leave! I’m also sure that there is a defensive mechanism of the formation, which means that if I were to start trifling with it, it would activate. Just what are we supposed to do?” I questioned no one, in particular, feeling annoyed that we couldn’t take the herb, even though it was in front of us. At that time, Rin’s nose started moving cutely. I patted her big head, but she didn’t react like usually. Instead of purring, she turned towards us and started pushing everyone away with her head.

“Do you want to pick it up? Can you do it?” I sent my thoughts towards her. She stopped pushing us aside and then made a nodding movement. As we left the planet, I felt strangely insecure and worried. I didn’t want to leave Rin there… Thanks to our good eyes, we saw her turn into a dark cloud and fly towards the herb, which was in the middle of a clearing.

She didn’t even reach that place when a sun-like light shone around the planet, covering it completely. I flew towards formation, but I was stopped by it, upon crashing into its surface. It was like frozen space. Narihi tried teleporting inside, but she couldn’t. Space was frozen and locked, and even the time was slowed down. The formation started constricting slowly. The clouds completely disappeared as it passed through them.

This formation was destroying everything that was inside it. Under the effect of slowed time, Rin finally reached the herb. Opening her jaws, a black light shone and the herb disappeared. She stored it away. Turning around, I saw a dangerous glint in her eyes. She disappeared from where she was and a few seconds later, she was already right next to us. Although she made a roaring movement, there was no air, so she just stayed silent. It looked really funny. Knowing that she wanted to roar because she was asking for our praise, I hugged her around her neck, feeling happy that she was alright.

Meanwhile, Hiro started patting her head. If not for knowing that Space Lock had no effect on her, then I’d have never let her do this. Abyss Panther was actually a creature, which couldn’t be killed unless their enemy was too quick and powerful for them. I swear that she was even more disgusting than us. Since cultivators didn’t have to sleep, she could keep lurking behind her target for an eternity, walking in the darkness, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Space Lock couldn’t stop her, formations didn’t work on her. Such was her kind. The perfect, uncatchable assassin. But I still felt worried for her as she was like a daughter to me and I didn’t want to see her being hurt. This knowledge was also from Poirlion’s memories. I guess it came at the right moment, or else I wouldn’t have let her do what she did. The formation slowly closed off and there was nothing left in its place. The planet completely disappeared. Not even a speck of dust.

Hiro’s grip tightened on my hand. He was angry and that dangerous glint was still present in Rin’s eyes as well. I felt a strong bloodlust coming from her body. “Which Elder?” Was all Narihi asked with a dark face.

“Galen… but I’m sure that there is someone else moving the threads. Last time when we were on the Crazed Run, we killed a group of cultivators. Later, it turned out, thanks to Jason Gold, that one of them had a big sister, who was at the later stages of the sixth level. Although the students had to take an oath to leave, the elders didn’t. It’s also possible that not all of them were happy with us. But for one of them to try killing us seems to be a bit too much,” I explained the past events objectively.

“Wait… could it be that the cultivator you killed was Anest’s little brother? If we look at the time, then it should be…” Narihi raised an idea and as she kept talking, her face turned more and more ridiculous. With a helpless face, she asked - “Were you?!”

“Was he a new student?” I questioned her and she nodded as an answer. I couldn’t help but facepalm upon realizing that the world was so little, even though there were billions of cultivators in this academy. Death cases are daily. A little brother dying isn’t something rare either, probably. We never thought that it would turn out that a guy we killed randomly was Narihi’s past friend’s step brother. I started laughing in pain when the pieces fell into their places.

“This is all nice and good, but this formation was made by someone above the sixth level. And Galen is also a part of the picture. He was probably rewarded for pointing us towards this trap…” Hiro said with a frown on his face, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“And what if Anest somehow learned of it from one of the elders, and then asked Galen to kill you?” Poirlion asked with his brows raised, with his hand under his chin.

Finding fault in his words, I interrupted him. “No, that doesn’t seem right. Why did she not come and attack us immediately? In her place, I’d have attacked the offender immediately. If she didn’t attack, even though she knew that we were the killers, then there was only one explanation. And that is that she couldn’t. But why?”

Snorting loudly, Poirlion answered my question. “What do you think? You two are the hope of the academy. After seeing your performance, every elder knew that you alone could kill thousands of cultivators at the same level as you. That alone made you worthy to raise. If she were to kill you, then-”

“Then what? Do you think that after losing us, they would kill even a cultivator at the late sixth level? They would punish her at most. She surely wasn’t held back by such a reason.” Hiro impeded Poirlion’s reasoning.

“So who the fuck should we kill?” I asked the most important question. All three of them looked at me and laughed heartily. Rin was the only one who rubbed her head on my face and then roared angrily. I scratched her behind her ears, making her purr. Cute~

“Well, probably one of the elders, other than Galen is behind it. If not more… hopefully,” Hiro added as he put his hand on the top of my head and ruffled my hair. While adjusting my hair… Narihi questioned him. “And why do you think that another elder wanted your death as well?”

With a smirk on his face, Hiro replied. “Why, you ask? Who would be happy if we were to die? Two True Divine Beasts in one academy? Don’t you find it too… threatening?”

Narihi’s eyes opened widely as she realized the possibilities this attempt at killing us held. Her face darkened as she looked downward, clenching her fists. “Could it be… that Anest is also a traitor? That a few elders are going to revolt in the middle of the upcoming war? It would be very dangerous… I know that our academy has something hidden, but who knows if that isn’t the case with Angelwood Academy as well?” Narihi murmured to herself, thinking aloud, and then continued loudly. “We should sneakily contact director Sedna. It’s best if she prepares for anything unexpected.”

“Yes, but we shouldn’t return before the war starts, or else the elders would notice us. Galen is also like a chewing gum on our soles. No matter where we go, somehow we always meet ‘by chance’. I’m sure that this time would be no different. Let’s go to Ellery’s place for the time being,” Hiro advised in a bad mood while thinking of that traitor Galen. This is why we hated these boot lickers. Once you flail a flag of greater wealth and opportunity in front of them, they’ll instantly change sides. But Galen made the biggest mistake of his life!

“Oh, by the way… I wonder how did our present go,” I asked Hiro as I remembered our little prank at Angelwood Academy. “That dear formation we left behind, surely exploded. I can only wonder about the caused damage, unfortunately!” I exclaimed in a much better mood upon thinking of that. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance at finding out what were the results. Not knowing what were we talking about, Narihi and Poirlion questioned us.

They laughed upon learning of the prank we did, and then we left towards Ellery’s place. The guards didn’t stop us this time. Before greeting anyone, we went straight towards Weston’s room. We found him sitting on his bed, with his legs crossed and a pile of World Crystals in front of him. Helen was sitting back to back with Weston, also cultivating. I furrowed my brows upon sensing a strange vibration in the air. Could it be?

I started focusing on them when I felt a strange, thin connection. I opened my eyes widely and looked at Hiro, who was similarly surprised. We were able to see their bond! Because when I looked at Narihi and Poirlion, I saw theirs as well. But what happened in these few seconds? The only thing that came to my mind was our own world. Both of us shut our eyes to sense our insides.

We soon found out that a Wyvern reached the Space Founding realm, while the humans also advanced quite quickly. They had pills, weapons and such to rely on, so it wasn’t surprising. Other than that, nothing changed. This made us realize one thing. The more powerful the monsters were in our own world, the more powerful our souls would turn. We were able to sense their bond because we had more powerful beings in our world and this also improved our soul sensing abilities. If this continued on, we might be able to rip someone’s soul out of their body without even fighting!

Bodies are working like signal interrupters. As long as there is a body, it’s very hard to attack a soul, much less destroy it or rip it out. That’s why usually in battles, everyone is trying to destroy their opponent’s body. Naturally, attacking a soul is still possible, but unless the attacker has a powerful soul attack, like us, they can’t do too much. Hitting something blindly is hard… But if we can sense it so clearly, then we might be able to not only attack our target’s souls immediately but even rip them out! We felt excited upon realizing our possibilities in this attack.


After making a clone of ourselves, we teleported in front of the Wyvern, which reached the second level in such a short time. Upon noticing us, it immediately fell to its stomach, with its head bowed down. It was interesting to see the difference between human and monster submission. Humans would never kneel down so willingly, while this Wyvern respected us without any condition! [Yeah, it just knows who are the bosses.] Hiro remarked with a chuckle. Well, it also fell to its stomach because of the pressure it felt from our auras, but still…

“You are growing nicely, hatchling~ Should I reward you?” I questioned it with a smile on my face. I chuckled upon seeing a hopeful look appear in its monster eyes. Hiro opened the Wyvern’s mouth and stuffed it full, with all kinds of pills. It gulped loudly and then closed its eyes to start cultivating. After going through a tribulation, it would naturally cultivate more quickly.

Thinking of another thing, Hiro patted its head, gaining its attention once again. “Listen, it’s really not a problem if you refuse, but do you want to drink my blood?” Hearing his question, the Wyvern actually turned really happy, I think. It didn’t really have facial expressions… But upon seeing it start licking its mouth, we were sure that it wanted to go through with it.

“You do know what are the consequences, right?” Hiro questioned it once again for confirmation. Seeing it nodding, Hiro cut his palm and put his hand inside its mouth. The wyvern started licking it off. The wound closed in just a moment, but such an amount was more than enough. “Have a nice evolution…” Hiro remarked, turning around, and dissolving. I also patted the wyvern’s head and left in the same manner.

We focused back at Weston and Helen, who were already sitting at the side of their bed. We were also talking to them, while we took care of our own things. We told them what happened and the possibility of a revolt. Weston told us that he will notify Sedna and left immediately. Helena also left with him, with hand in hand.

We stood there thinking for a few seconds when the door was swung open and I felt a pair of arms coiling around my neck from behind. A sudden force smashed into my back, but I stood with an unshaken stability. Naturally, it was Rose. “Are you a child or what?” I questioned her while turning around. She rubbed her face on the back of my head. She was truly strange… I want to peek at her thoughts.

Waa~ Alice is back! I love her aura and fragrance so much! I could rub my body on her the whole day! She talked to herself with a happy tone.

[Hm… I’m not really into lesbian things and it’s also a deviation, but I could watch you two ‘rubbing’ your thi-] Hiro started talking his random shit, but upon hearing my shout through our bond, he stopped.

I’m so terrible… How should I tell them what I did? Rose started thinking of something, but since I didn’t want to hear her problem like that, I stopped listening.

[Yeah, let’s try leading her towards it. She should tell it herself to us.] Hiro agreed with my choice. Looking around, I realized that Poirlion and Narihi were gone. I wanted to ask where they were, but after using my mind power, I soon found them in one of the rooms. At least they entered their own worlds...

“Eh? Where is everyone?” Rose asked with a surprised face, upon realizing that only we were left in the room.

“Nowhere… so? How have you been?” I questioned her as I ruffled her hair.

Seeing my strange behavior and facial expression, she asked. “Did you read my mind? I know about your ability… Honestly, it would make things easier-” She started talking, but I interrupted her, telling her that I stopped reading her mind when it came to that part. Sighing loudly she continued.

“Uh… You should have simply read it and then I wouldn’t have had to tell it to you,” Seeing my furrowed brows, she shook her hands in front of her and then continued. “Okay, okay. I know. I must be brave enough to tell you my own things. I hope that you won’t hate me for it because that would be my doom…” After hanging her head down and sighing loudly, she looked back up into my eyes, with a serious face.

“Do you remember when we lived together for about a month?” Seeing us nod, she continued. “At that time, I did something… bad. One night when you were sleeping, I woke up and managed to cut your finger. Honestly, I had no idea what effects it had, but I was hoping that it would enhance my cultivation speed. I gulped down only a few drops of your blood before healing it. As you can sense, I’m already at the second stage of the World Realm, which is more than what I could ever imagine. Especially in such a short time…”

“Ever since I drank a few drops of your blood, my cultivation speed increased, along with my basic strength. I don’t know how your blood works and I didn’t find anything about it even in the libraries of this old universe. When I see you, my mind gets filled up with the feeling of love and respect. You are like a god in my heart. That’s why I’m so clingy… I always feel happier when I’m close to you.”

“ Now the thing is that… nowadays, tiny scales started growing out on a few parts of my body. Although I don’t have a tail yet, I’m quite sure that I’ll grow one because I also feel something moving at the end of my spine from time to time. Nowadays when I touch that part, I feel a slight protrusion. I’ve been going through a slow mutation ever since then.”

”I have no idea what’s happening to me, but I didn’t want to tell you this. I just couldn’t hold this terrible feeling inside anymore. I felt the need to tell you how much of a bastard I am. I guess I’m no different that the others… I’m just a greedy, power hungry, girl.”

“So that was my secret, which kept pressing my heart. I feel so terrible for doing it. You have no idea how many times I cried because of it and even last time… you were so nice to me, yet I’ve done such a thing. Although my heart would break, I’d understand if you’d never look me in the eyes anymore and-”

Seeing her eyes turning misty, I put my pointing finger on her lips. Realizing that she should stay silent, she did. I massaged my eyes while thinking. Those who drink my blood will turn into dragonkins, while those who drink Hiro’s will turn into Hydrakins… The Wyvern’s future was the same. But there is a catch. Those who drink our blood will fall into servitude under our rule. That’s why Hiro asked the Wyvern twice if it really wanted to drink his blood. Naturally, it came with huge benefits when it came to strength, but they would also lose a part of their freedom.

Rose had the same kind of problem. At least this doesn’t really change our servants’ personalities. Rose was still the same. The always playful and easy going one.

I chuckled with a smile on my face and brushed her red hair to the side. Looking her in the eyes, I replied. “Actually, I don’t mind it. Honestly, this is nothing bad for me, but you have to know one thing… Those who drink our blood will turn into our Blood Servants. This means that you’ll turn into Dragonkin since you drank my blood. That’s why you are growing scales and you’ll have a tail as well, along with a pair of smaller horns.”

“The downside is that you’ll turn into my servant. I’m not saying that I want you to serve me, but you’ll want to do it yourself. You’ll feel obliged to do so because of my blood in your body. Your feeling of love and godly respect towards us is exactly because of this. You’ll seek my presence, my commands. You might even turn hungry and wish to drink some more of my blood. You’re almost like a vampire, I could say…” I explained everything to her with a serious face and I couldn’t help but remark. “Finally I understand why were you so touchy all this time!”

Instead of being sad, all she asked with a worried face was - “So are you not angry with me?” I shook my head sideways and told her that I didn’t care about this. In her place, I too would have tried to gain more strength. Probably. Well, not this way, but everyone is different and it’s not like this was bad for me. Seeing my answer, she jumped into my neck happily.

“Yaay~! I’m not being hated by Master Alice! Hahaha~ I- I don’t know if this is because of your blood, but I feel wonderful and happier than ever before, now that you told me that you aren’t angry with me. You have no idea how much it was pressuring my heart! I kept crying through the nights when I thought of your refusal and hateful face. Honestly, I’d have killed myself if you refused to look at me after this… probably,” Rose said while still clinging to me and looking me in the eyes, with her arms coiled around my neck. Her laughter was coming from her heart.

Raising my brows, I answered her honestly. “Well, I didn’t know that you had such strong feeling towards me. In my inherent memories, blood servants aren’t fans of their masters this much. Take off your clothes~” My eyes turned into slits as I said with a commanding tone, with a creepy smile on my face.

“Eh?” She let out a stupid voice, but her hands started moving nonetheless. “Wait, what? What am I doing? But… Hiro is still here!” Rose started complaining while taking off her clothes.

“Hm? Me? Don’t mind me. Although I’d have been excited to see you in my past life, I have eyes only for Alice now. Just do your thing…” Hiro replied with an unbothered face, as he sat down in an armchair behind me, with his arms crossed.

Seeing her stark naked, I examined her body as I walked around her. Her big breasts had a few scales covering their outer sides. Her red hair was still the same. Her plump bottom also had two tiny patches of scales. Scales were also covering her back, along with the line of her spine. There were scales along the line of her collarbones as well and on the outer sides of her legs. “Well-well~ What is this here?” I questioned with a small laugh as I saw a few scales above that part.

She quickly covered it in her shame, but my command ‘stop’, made her stay as she was. “W- Why are you doing this to me? Is this my punishment? And look at Hiro! He is observing my body just as much as you do! Don’t you find it wrong!?” Rose tried defending herself by pointing out Hiro’s fault. Unluckily for her, I was clear of his feelings completely. I felt everything he felt through our fused souls and bond. And he didn’t feel shit…

[Objectively looking, I could feel sensual feelings for her if I were to look at her body like that. I mean, I’m still a male. But if I don’t look at her like that, which I don’t, then I can simply ignore her womanly charms. Even though she has such nice breasts…] Hiro expressed his thoughts about this thing, in a detailed way. As I went behind Rose, her body turned completely visible for Hiro. This was her punishment!

“Nooo! Please tell me that you won’t do such things anymore!” Rose pleaded with misty eyes.

“Hmm~ No, I don’t intend to. I just want to see how much you have evolved,” I said as I touched the end of her spine. Under my finger, I found a smaller protrusion. I started pouring my energy into her body and it wasn’t stopped! Her subconscious let me in! This is… interesting! Her tail started growing out with a visible speed, while two, five centimeters long horns also grew out of her forehead. They curled backward slightly. They had the same color as her skin.

Her originally gray eyes had tints of green in them, making her eye look very unique. I went in front of her and grabbed her left breast and focused on what I felt inside. Her muffled moan didn’t stop me from observing her, thoroughly! Her organs didn’t really change, but she had a tiny, additional heart in her body, beside the original one, which turned slightly bigger. I’ve never seen something like this. That tiny heart was helping in pumping the blood into and out of her big heart. Strange…

I trickled down my finger on her breast, then her stomach, and stopped right above her scale covered crotch. Poking her once, I pulled back my hand and clapped once, saying - “You can dress up. Now you are in your full form, thanks to my energy. Let’s show the world what my blood servant can do. Haha~” I told her jokingly with a laugh, but she seriously answered with a ‘yes’ and a smile on her face…

Whatever… Smiling, I ruffled her hair and said. “You can do whatever you want to. Now I must concoct a pill, break through, and then kill the bad guys~”

Suddenly, Hiro sprung up, opened Rose’s jaws and poured his blood into her mouth. She gulped loudly, with an unbelieving face.

Hiro smirked, saying - “Let’s see what becomes of you with the mix of our blood in your body.”

I chuckled at his words and we left to our own worlds, leaving behind Rose, with a flabbergasted face.

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