《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 84 - The Law of Belief


The Law of Belief

Alice’s POV:


“What happens if we hold it in and go beyond it?” I questioned Hiro with my head tilted to the side. Your smiling face is worthy of a painting, though I suck at it. Hiro thought before answering.

“Haha~ That’s the way, Alice! Let’s think about what can we do other than normal things! Anything crazy in mind?” Hiro gave a kiss on my lips in a good mood, while questioning me.

I wonder what should we do with these two souls at the Temporary Law Realm… I thought, not really knowing what to use them for. We could use it to further our cultivation. Along with those dinosaurs’ souls, we had four souls at the third stage of Baby Soul. After converting it into energy, we would surely reach the eighth stage. Raising my head, I noticed something.

Rin was lying next to Hiro’s legs. He sat down beside her and started stroking her stomach to her happiness. She even turned into her cub-sized form and bit his fingers playfully. She was a cute kitten. Honestly… Hiro didn’t really like cats in his past life, but this one, he loved!

“Hey… what is this stealing!? You made me think of ideas, while you started playing with her? You were just using your words to make me fall!” I cried out grumpily and took away Rin. I grabbed her sides and pulled her into my bosom. Rin’s cute little paws landed on my bust and she actually laid down on Hiro’s ‘pillow’!

“Rin! That’s actually my place…” Hiro said with a pitiful face, which made me smile. Rin opened her eyes and made a much more pitiful face. Hiro was defeated on the spot.

[Cute furry little animals… the bane of the souls!] Hiro exclaimed with a slightly annoyed face. I started stroking her back, while her paws ‘fell’ into my soft bosom.

Were my tits really that soft? I couldn’t help but press my fingers against them. Bouncy… Wait… why do I find this sexy? Is this because of Hiro? For fuck’s sake...

While the petting and thinking continued on, Hiro turned into his monster form and started stacking our martial art. When he reached nine, I stood up and merged with him. Another three moves later, with twelve stacks in our body, we felt tight. We were filled to the brim with energy.

It was already more than what we could take continuously, so after turning into a cub-sized form, we jumped onto Rin’s back. She took us to the place where the other monster at the sixth level was. We turned back into our normal form. Upon noticing us, the troll stood up and prepared for the battle. This would have been a fun fight… but before it could do anything, our powerful soul attack stopped it in its place.

Rin didn’t wait until the end of this as she quickly disappeared and entered our world. We whipped our tail towards the troll, but there was a problem. It was only halfway through when we felt that if we were to finish this attack, then we would explode on the spot. So instead of holding it in and making the thirteenth stack, we turned all of our energy into a huge, thick, staff-like energy.

That column flew through the air, horizontally. It flew past the stupid monster and it not only made the troll perish from the ranks of the living, which was recorded, but it also smashed into the walls. I guess we can't try this out before gaining more strength.


Upon doing so, a huge explosion happened. The green light of our will shone and pushed away the darkness of the Abyss. A thick mix of our energy spread through our surroundings. While bathing in the epicenter of the explosion, we felt wonderful. It was our own energy. It didn’t hurt us. It loved us! It flickered and coiled around our bodies, dancing in circles. We felt so mighty and powerful… as if… we would be true rulers, Sovereigns!

Out of nowhere, pieces of information started flooding into our minds. Something, which shouldn’t happen before the sixth level. Eh? Wait... what? What the hell is going on? I thought questioningly, not knowing what was happening.

Under the effect of that huge energy stream and our understanding of ‘art’, or maybe the way of life, we started learning some kind of law. What was it? We had no idea, but luckily, we didn’t have to wait for long before finding out. A message was appended to the end of this strange law.

“My children. You are still so young, yet you understood the true way of life. The laws the creators set were never there to follow but to break. Haha~ But don’t turn too unruly. Life is worth more than you take it to be. But I know that you two understand it more than you seem. This is my little present for you. A Unique Law, which I named as the Law of Belief! What does it do? You had this belief of… as long as you believe in something, it will happen, right?”

“Now… in case you truly believe in your own beliefs, you put your heart and soul into what you do, this law will increase the chance of it happening. You could say that this is a passive treasure~ Haha! Now my children, hear the Abyss’s words!” It was a young female voice, which sounded playful. Just as her ‘thoughts’ finished in our minds, the Abyss shook and a powerful aura rushed through it.

Even we fell on our monster butts and probably no one had the strength to stand. Her voice resounded once again… which was a male voice this time… “Creatures of the Abyss, hear my voice, the voice of the Abyss! Move your asses and let’s start the next game! Let’s see who will be the next one to reach the rank of a creator! Hahaha~ Let the pathways flow with your blood!” The whole place trembled and shook. That aura was so terribly powerful. I didn’t like this!

I didn’t want anyone to be above me! Reaching the top has always been a goal of ours, but now that feeling only got stronger in us! [Right? Hiro!] I questioned him and he naturally agreed with me. [We will beat even this!... person. Or what?]

“Hahaha, come if you can~” This time a genderless voice resounded in our heads, startling me for a moment, which was followed by something ridiculous. Our merged form was dispelled by a sudden force and we were turned back into our human forms. Both of us landed on our butts. Standing up, I tried shouting and asking for an explanation, but he or she… said no more.

Stomping on the ground, I continued - “I’ll call you ‘it’! And I bet that you are a stupid voyeur!” I shouted after it, but it didn’t react anymore.

“Maybe you shouldn’t shout such random things after someone like that…” Hiro remarked with a helpless face.

“Ah… right. I’m sorry. I just wanted to poke it until it would talk again. Unfortunately, it didn’t take my bait!” I said with a saddened face, realizing that I was in the wrong. This always worked on Hiro and this time was no different. He knew that I was just faking it, but he still couldn’t refuse that feeling in his heart.


“Evil dragon… But I’m sure that it’s very old and wise. Did you really think that it would eat your childish taunt?” Hiro actually started bullying me, even though I made the winner ‘pitiful’ face! My tantrums aren’t working. What to do… Well, he still can’t resist my charm, fufu~

I pushed my body against his front, while I started drawing circles on his chest with my pointing finger. My pheromones filled the air around me, and while looking up at him with upturned eyes, I questioned him. “Hiro~ Why are you bullying me? Your dearest wife! Even though I would do anything for you.” He naturally couldn’t resist my body and that hard thing rising up between my legs was a proof of it.

“Hmm~ What is this?” I questioned him while moving my hand towards his weapon. I felt it twitching for a moment, but before I could reach him, he quickly turned around. He coughed awkwardly with his hand in front of his mouth.

“Ah… let’s go. We should finish these missions anyway,” He said while moving his right hand in front of himself. Thanks to our bond, I knew what he did. He actually adjusted his weapon in his pants and after another awkward cough, he started walking with a red face. He was so defeated. He couldn’t win over me. Women’s body, a powerful weapon indeed.

I can’t leave him alone, can I? After sighing loudly, I caught up with him and grabbed him from behind. Pressing my boobs on his back, his whole body stiffened and he stopped in place.

A tiny 18+

His sword was in my hand. “Hiro~ What is this? Could you explain yourself?” I whispered into his ears while standing on my toes. My warm breath tickled his ears, along with his heart strings. I felt a strange feeling in my heart. I wanted to use his penis and shoot his sperm all over the place. “I’ll control your load, alright?” I whispered with a sadistic smile on my face.

I was standing behind him with my arms coiled around his body. It felt quite stupid that I actually had to create an elevation to stand at the right height… Out of fun, he turned Blank into a zip at that place. I slowly unzipped it, while I felt his breath turning more and more ragged. “Do you want my hands to touch you?” I questioned him with a small chuckle. He just nodded as an answer.

As I unzipped his monster and released it from its cage. With his penis in my hand, I slowly started stroking him. I gripped it more and more strongly as my speed also increased. At some point, he even found it to be slightly painful, so he covered it in scales. That new feeling was quite weird in my right hand. Since I had the possibility, I turned even wilder and gripped it even tighter! Upon increasing my speed, I felt him start moving his hips unconsciously. I too started swaying it forward and backward. A bursting feeling filled his lower half, which filled my heart with a feeling of epiphany and anticipation.

I felt his penis twitching. The walls of his urethra hardened and I felt huge loads of sperm rushing through it, under the grip of my hand. His sperm shot out of his penis, flying through the air, landing only meters away. While his lower half was filled with a feeling of hotness, my heart was beating rapidly. I- I’ll get a kink for it. Now I want to fire more with his weapon! I thought excitedly, while my head started clearing out. Hiro turned around and gave me a large kiss.

“Thank you a lot. I feel much better. Once we have the time, I’ll satisfy you as well,” Hiro praised my hand job and then turned towards the troll’s cave. With his hand being held out towards me, he said with a smile on his face - “Let’s go!”

Taking it, I followed after him.

Those great walls had large, ten meters tall, hollowed out parts in them. It was the result of our attack from before. Doing something like that at our level was a defying of the laws of nature in itself. That hollow was at least a hundred meters deep! After such an attack, there were no monsters nearby. Everything and everyone ran away, probably. “Let’s see… I believe that I’ll fucking find something good here!” Hiro suddenly exclaimed out of nowhere and walked into the cavern with a smile on his face.

I followed his back with my eyes, with a strange look on my face. I understood his thoughts, but it still looked weird from an outsider’s perspective. Soon, I had to hold my head and bury my face in my palms because his words actually came true. “A- HAAA! I told you! Obviously, this wouldn’t work with impossible things, but as long as there is even a tiny chance for it to happen, it will! And I truly believed that a monster of this level would leave behind at least one thing in its damned cave!” He exclaimed happily from the cave. I shook my head and went after him.

In his left hand was a herb. A rare one. In his right hand was a Memory Crystal. The herb would be perfect for concocting a pill. After consuming it, we would probably reach the late eighth stage if not the early ninth!! Our speed was ridiculous… The Memory Crystal was something even better! It was probably someone’s possession from our school. It held the details of two quests. One of them was completed, while the other one supposedly wasn’t. We had no idea how old this mission was nor did it matter.

What mattered was that we learned something new! The map in it, told us of a place, called the one-star trading room! We didn’t know what it was, but its name sounded more than interesting, and since it wasn’t far away, we decided to go there. After mounting Rin, it didn’t take more than a few seconds to arrive at our destination. Sometimes I found her abilities questionable… In front of us was an enormous dome with doorways standing tens of meters tall. On the ceiling, there was a strange crystal, which was changing color.

This wasn’t the usual dark, foggy and creepy place. It was colorful and even the weather felt warm. Interestingly enough, as soon as we stepped through the doorway, we lost every strength we had. We felt like mortals. At least we could still turn into our monster bodies. But our basic strength was still that of a mortal. There were a few people inside. Some of them were sitting in a circle, laughing and chatting, while other were standing in front of holes.

Those hollows were empty… but strangely enough, I soon saw one of those holes lit up and a black pill appeared. There were only three cultivators at the ninth stage of the World Realm, while the others were at the early stages of Temporary Law Realm. Upon noticing us, a few of them looked at us with their brows raised, but most of them only shrugged us off and turned back to continue chatting. There was a hole on our right, only two steps away, so we also sneaked towards it, stopping in front of it.

At that time, a light covered our bodies and strange things flooded our minds. Texts appeared in front of us, saying that we had two hundred and twenty thousand AP. But what was AP? [Attack power!] Hiro thought proudly, but even he knew that it had nothing to do with it. I laughed at his words, but I had to stop because texts appeared in front of me.

“New participant sensed. Abyss Points collected: Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand. Do you wish to list them?” I thought of the word ‘yes’, and a long list of monsters appeared, with points beside them.

Common Abyss Troll(low): 90 000 (One level and two stages above. Legendary performance)

Bane Spider(mid): 80 000 (One level and two stages above. Legendary performance)

Common Abyss Spider(late): 10 000 (Two stages above. Godly Performance)


The list continued in such a way in front of me. After looking at Hiro, I asked if he saw texts in front of me, but he shook his head. Looking through my eyes, the second time he nodded and he too quickly listed his own killing statistics. He actually had the same amount of points everywhere. Since we didn’t want other to know of her, we summoned Rin in her cub-sized form and hid her with our bodies.

A light shone around her body and she too started looking with her eyes strangely, as if she would be looking at something in front of her. Suddenly, she reached out with her right paw, and a black pill appeared in front of her. She didn’t gulp it down but stored it away. [She could really teach us a few things about this place… only if she could talk!] Thought unhappily upon seeing that she was handling this system so easily. Hiro’s past life luckily kicked in and he started thinking of words like:

“Status; Inventory; Shop; Trade…” I also repeated his thoughts and lists of texts started appearing in front of me.

Status listed how many monsters we killed in total and how many points we had. After focusing on the Bane Spider line, it suddenly changed.

Bane Spider (Temporary Law Realm; Middle First Stage)

Killed: Three versus one.

You were at the late seventh stage of World Realm.

#1 You partner had the same strength.

#2 Your partner was at the late ninth stage of World Realm.

Killing the monster: 5000 points.

Strength difference: 75 000 points.

The time necessary to kill it: 2 000 points.

Fairness: - 2 000 points

It actually told everything in a detailed way, explaining why did we get as many points as we did. This thing… I like! Except ‘Shop’, the others didn’t work. A long list of things appeared in front of us, with prices beside them. The most expensive thing was only three hundred thousand AP. We actually had quite a lot of points, but it was only because we killed two monsters, which were way above us in strength. We should farm until we can…

The best was that there were even images beside the items. After finding that black pill, which was at the third place, costing a hundred thousand points, I focused on it.

Pill of Destruction

Necessary AP: 100 000

Effects: The consumer will gain a burst of strength for ten minutes. The more the consumer attacks, the more damage it will cause to its body. When the ten minutes are up, this pill will repair every damage, and further the consumer’s cultivation. (Effects are heavily dependent on how powerful attacks the consumer uses)

It’s description sounded interesting. We didn’t know how much it would truly give, but after seeing Rin taking out another one, we were quite sure that it was the right choice. Both of us took out two of those pills and stored them away. After looking everything over, we realized that there weren’t too many things which we found worthy to buy, though, at the bottom line, we found something good.

Storage Hiding (1 Day)

Necessary AP: 1 000

Effects: Hides away the contents of the consumer's storage space and world for one day.

(Can be stacked!)

Since we still had twenty thousand points left, we bought one of them. It would be stupid to buy more because we had our racial storages, which worked just fine. If not for wishing to hide our race and these pills, we wouldn’t have bought even these. A small light shone around our bodies. We looked at Rin and we couldn’t sense her pills anymore. She already bought it… We turned around, with excitement in our hearts, ready to leave.

After we were out of range, we took out those black pills and stored them in our racial storages. On Rin’s back, we reached the entrance of the Abyss in around two minutes! Rin had unbelievable abilities while being here! She could teleport outside as well, but not such distances as here, not to mention that I felt like she knew everything about this place. A few examinees were on their way back. They stepped to the side, with their heads bowed down.

Interesting… Not saying a word, we went past them and stopped in front of the portal. They were still in the same position, but I felt fear around their bodies. It wasn’t surprising since our auras weren’t restricted. Cold sweat was pouring down on their backs and foreheads. I moved my tail and put it on one of the guy’s chin. After raising his head up, I said - “No need to get so stressed out. We don’t kill randomly. Fufu~ Just do your own things.”

He made a surprised face upon hearing my playful voice. I felt his body slightly easing up. We turned around to leave, but before we could step through the portal, he shouted after me. “I am amazed by your strength, Miss!”

I turned around and looked deeply into his eyes. He meant it. I raised my brows, asking - “Even though you didn’t even see me fighting?”

He shook his head sideways and then told me that he was there when I cut out those girls’ eyes. Ah! So that’s why they were so afraid of us? I thought upon realizing everything. I already forgot about those people. I smiled a bit and then left through the portal while waving my hand. We found Aiko on the outside, meditating.

“Oh? Are you back so soon? Don’t tell me that you already finished your missions? How many did you take?” She opened her eyes and immediately started bombarding us with questions. What the fuck?

“Good day to you as well… and we took five missions. All of them are finished,” Hiro answered her, while those three also appeared behind us.

“Ah… Good afternoon? What time is it? Whatever! As always, you are damned cheaters, I see,” She said with a helpless face while shaking her head sideways.

Feeling curious, I questioned her. “Since when are you an elder of the academy?” Suddenly, her slit eyes opened widely and her face turned sad. Ugh… Did I just ask something I shouldn’t have asked?

[It doesn’t matter, Alice. Even if you did, you couldn’t possibly know about it beforehand.] Hiro soothed my heart, though I too knew of that.

“Ah… It’s a long story and a sad one,” She closed her eyes and shook her head sideways. My curiosity was piqued. I’ll see the end of her tale! But not forcefully… only if she wants to tell me. After staying silent for a few seconds, her face lit up as she pointed at us, while looking at the other three, exclaiming. “Do you see these bastards? Make sure to check out the girl’s body! Just look at those melons!”

I gritted my teeth angrily upon hearing her words. [This bastard! I’ll make her pay!] I told Hiro while thinking of good words to strike back. One of the three was a female, while the other two were guys. Except for the female, who was looking at me with admiring eyes, the guys turned the other way with slightly flushed faces. Could it be that these are cherry boys? In that case, I’ll gladly be their matchmaker!

“Hey, you two. Are you virgins?” I asked aloud, with a serious face. Hiro slapped his own face and then buried it in his palms. What now? I’m just curious…

[For fuck’s sake! There are other ways to ask this…] Hiro exclaimed, half laughing already.

“W- What? M- Miss… What are you asking us?” The same guy as before talked, with a red face. His eyes were opened widely in his surprise. The other one wasn’t too talkative.

“Are you?” I pressed on, not backing away! His face turned completely red, but he nodded shamefully nonetheless. How small the world is! “That’s good then! Make sure to keep it until you find someone you can truly love! Believe me. It’s worth it!” I told him proudly, unbothered by the looks I’ve got from Aiko.

“I- I’ll keep it in mind!” He almost whispered his first words, which turned into a small shouting in the end.

“I’ll have to contact the director… A Pervert Cult is being formed!” Aiko cried out suddenly while making a serious face. She soon couldn’t hold it and started laughing at me.

“Laugh all you want, I’ll find you a soulmate as well! Stupid, old cat!” I shouted, making her turn enraged. Before she could touch us, Rin took us away.

“What’s your name?” I questioned the boy through my mind power since he was still in range.

“Ah! Miss! I’m called Valin Persad! It was my pleasure meeting you!” He shouted back respectfully. This boy made me laugh with his seriousness. Somehow I had a feeling as if I’d be talking with a child…

[I’m starting to think that you look at every virgin boy as a child…] Hiro remarked while chuckling. He knew that I didn’t feel anything towards them. Honestly… I was terrible. I was looking at them as toys! The toys of a dragon!

[Yes, you evil dragon. God save them from your claws!] Hiro just had to chime in and add his thoughts, even though I knew of his thoughts and opinion. Waaa! Why are you bullying me!?

“Why do you a-” Valin wanted to ask something, but at that moment, Aiko shouted after me, interrupting him. “Come back you bastard! I’ll teach you who is old! Why can’t I sense you! Just you wait… once we meet again!”

I laughed at her and broke our connection. We returned to Babel and after finding Galen, he took care of our things quickly. Always getting past these lines. He is really useful. He soon came back and gave us one fucking billion World Crystals! We couldn’t even use so much!

“W- What’s with this amount?” I questioned with my mouth agape.

Waving his hand, he answered. “Oh… the director decided everything by herself after seeing your results. We had no saying in it. But I’m sure that you don’t mind it. I probably earned this much only after thousands of years! Of course, she said that she wouldn’t give you this much monthly. This is a one time amount. From the next month onward, you’ll get fifty million, separately. You have to know that you’ll have the second highest salary in the whole academy, even if considering the cultivators at the seventh level!” He exclaimed with great vigor, being even more excited than we were.

I guess we were handled really nicely. This was all thanks to our performance. I didn’t know if this amount contained what we were supposed to get for our missions, but I don’t care. It was more than enough anyway. “Do you know of a place where I can get Dragon Root?” I questioned him with my brows raised. If I were to get my hands on one, then I could use this Abyss Ginseng, which we acquired from the troll’s cave to concoct a pill.

“Dragon Root? I know of a place… There isn’t much time left before the war, but it’s not far away, so I’m sure that you can get back in time,” Galen said with a frown on his face. He explained the details to us, but before leaving, we took our way towards Narihi and Poirlion. They were waiting for us in a park. Small trees and tiny lakes were all around it, while the Universe Energy was gathering towards it. This place was truly wonderful.

“What’s up, you masochist?” I questioned Narihi with a smirk on my face while sitting down. Friends were always there to make fun of you, so I couldn’t be any different, could I?

Her face stiff, she answered - “Eh… Ugh~ Your damned mind reading. Since when do you know about it? Wait… don’t even answer it. It’s probably better unknown. So? Where do we go?” Evading the theme, she turned around the conversation towards us.

I furrowed my brows, saying - “You are no fun. I wanted to tease you. I bet that this is because of you!” I shouted at Poirlion while pointing at his face.

“Eh? Me? Why? I was just sitting here silently…” He raised his hands and started flailing them in front of himself in protest.

“You bad dragon, it’s enough already. Behave yourself…” Hiro said gently, contradictory to his words while stroking the back of my head.

I closed my eyes for a moment in bliss, and then answered Narihi. “We are going to a nearby planet. It won’t take more than a day, so everything should be fine. How much time passed by since we went to the Abyss?”

“One and half a week. Did you go to somewhere else other than what the maps told you? Those places supposedly don't have time problems… though luckily for everyone, as long as you keep counting the days in your memory crystal, even if a year passes by in the outside world, you still won’t get kicked out. It would be quite unfair otherwise…” Narihi answered my question and also pointed out how kind the academy was.

I shook my head sideways, telling her that we did go to other places. You never knew if you went through a part of the Abyss, which had different time flow, so you might spend only a day inside, yet one and half a week passes by in the outside world. This could even increase to months! Such being the case, we just had to count the days and save it in our memory crystal as a proof.

“So we have only three days left? Alright,” I answered her with a nod when something came to my mind. Leaning forward, I questioned her with a curious face. “By the way… Have you gone through your ‘puberty’? Narihi.”

Her eyes opened widely for a moment and her eyes saddened. What the hell is wrong? Am I asking only sad questions today?

Sighing loudly, she answered - “I did…”

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