《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 79.1 - What's happening to our World?!


What’s happening to our world?!

Richard Cross’ POV:


Change… that was the only word describing this mess. After I was knocked out, a few days later those two appeared once again. That was the time when everything changed. I knew that they were strong and more powerful than any of us, but never in my dreams did I think that they were this powerful.

Just a snap of their fingers and everything changed! Flying mountains appeared, freaking everyone out. They told us that we had one week before voting on some kind of cultivation and Universe Energy, and such bullshits. We, humans, didn’t even understand what was truly going on! But this wasn’t true when it came to those people who liked reading those old things, called novels. I too had some memories of those things. Although it felt unpleasant, but I had to make myself remember of my past and the most basic things the novels said.

It was always like a fantasy… who would have thought that one day it would turn true? Well, supposedly it depended on our votes, but somehow I don’t believe that they would just leave us be. And then again… those flying islands! They said that we had to fly up to that by standing in front of it? It sounded so wrong! We were prohibited to use flying vehicles and thanks to their performance, no one dared to disobey. I wasn’t any different. Such being the case, I too went towards the island, wishing to know more.

I couldn’t help myself. Those old memories and my fantasies of super power were coming back to me. As I stopped in front of the levitating island, I was propelled upwards! Honestly, it scared the shit out of me. But before I could fly out of the atmosphere, my flight slowed down and stopped when my feet were in front of the island. It was truly weird. There were other humans as well who came and everyone had similarly surprised faces. Although those two left, but our world was in a chaos!

There were long lines in the dome, which was made up of an unknown metal. Its quality was visibly better than any of the metals we had. Humans were coming in and out of it. Using my authority, like many others… I got ahead of the common people, cutting off the line. The interior of the dome was completely clean and smooth. There was a red diamond-like crystal in the middle of it, which was put on a one and half a meter tall altar.


It didn’t take long for me to reach it. I quickly put my palms on it, feeling excited to know more about our world. As I touched it, knowledge flooded my mind. Knowledge, which was worth lives in my opinion! Cultivation systems, the things we had to know if we were to turn into such people. Its consequences, its advantages, and disadvantages, the most basic things we had to know. And all it took was a moment! I was left flabbergasted when I realized the possibilities this new world hid.

If I could turn into a cultivator, I could fly freely. I could smash mountains with my bare fists. I could release my inner desires completely, not caring about public opinions. I could indulge in anything I wanted to do, as long as I was strong enough! I thought excitedly. There were many scenes put into this Memory Crystal where such ambitious people like me were killed. They didn’t mislead us. This new world would come with many disadvantages. I could start babbling about equality and peaceful world…

But I know it better than that. People will probably turn greedy and selfish when they find treasures. I’m sure that they will fight to get their hands on it and once we get used to it, it will only turn more instinctual. The real, outside world was also such a place. But my chance was now! Everyone would start from the same point, meaning that I had a good chance at becoming one of the strongest people! Just how cool would that be? The women I could get my hands on…

Just thinking of my possibilities, I felt excited. Unluckily, I was pushed aside by a guy, who couldn’t wait anymore. Well, it was understandable since I was just idling by in front of the altar, holding up the line… I left the dome through its other side and looked down at the edge of the island. I felt fearful. Am I really supposed to jump down here? I thought as I started sweating. Raising my right leg, I hung it above the nothingness below me.

A young teenager rushed past me and jumped straight down while shouting excitedly. Was I getting old? Seeing his falling speed slowing down, I braved up myself and jumped down. After falling for a good while, my falling slowed down. In just a few minutes, I reached the ground. The island was really high up in the air… probably around two thousand kilometers. With new knowledge in my head, I retired for the day. Looking at the Internet, I found many articles about these strange events.


After reading through a few of them, I felt happy. Although there were people saying that this new world would be too dangerous and that we should stay as we were, but most of them told that we should vote with yes! Most likely, they too realized the possibilities it held. As more and more people learned of the truth, more and more of them joined our side! “YES! Useless masses! Finally! You have decided on the right thing!” I shouted happily while jumping up and down. I couldn’t wait for that moment to come when I could shed my mortal shell!

One week later, they came back and held that stupid voting. Naturally, our side won! Honestly, I didn’t feel bad for the conservationists. But to my surprise, they didn’t have to die or anything of the sort. They were simply placed into a separate area where the Universe Energy wouldn’t go and it was also easy to return home. It was really convenient, but the real surprise was the test they held! We had to enter a virtual reality game, which was almost the same as reality.

We felt pain, we felt the energy, we felt that strength. I, personally, felt great! Especially knowing that those we were only at the lowest realm possible! I know that it will take many years to reach even the second level, but the others won’t be quicker than me either! I performed quite good in the game, though the best were those martial artists… I should have practiced those Dao shitty things. I thought slightly unhappily, knowing that I would never be the strongest. But I can still reach the top and be one of the best!

I was ranked at the #749th place, meaning that I was in the top thousand! Considering our population, it was a very good accomplishment. Our new rulers also rewarded us handsomely. In the storage ring I’ve got were pills, good quality weapons, a full body armor and such kinky things. When we left the pods, most of the people around me were losers. I couldn’t help but quickly wear my armor and show it off! Seeing their envious glances, I only felt even better!

Most of us, who were at the top, felt that way. We were proud of ourselves! After they let in the Universe Energy, I immediately sat down and started cultivating. I didn’t even know where I was teleported as I didn’t look at my surroundings nor did I care. Those who wanted to stay at the top had to be ambitious! Although we went through a virtual reality where we had to do the same thing, but I soon found out that sensing the Universe Energy wasn’t as easy!

It took a few hours of trying to finally feel it. I immediately started cultivating and one day later, I entered the first stage of Foundation Realm. I was also one of the lucky people, who saw how our gods were cultivating. Knowing what I had to do, I left the city and went towards a jungle. Just as I imagined, there were powerful animals! Using the weapon I was rewarded with, I killed the monster easily, which only filled me with more confidence.

I repeated this process daily, but I soon had to realize that a few monsters were getting out of hand. They were advancing too quickly! I even had to escape once! Luckily, those monsters were put into another place. I don’t know what our gods are experimenting with… but I guess it’s something I can’t understand at my level. Truth be told, originally I didn’t want to accept them as ‘gods’. But after seeing their miraculous abilities continuously and how easily they changed our whole world, I had to admit that they were indeed like gods.

A few humans also created a website, which was called The Guild. Everyone shared their knowledge on that website, making it easier for the less talented people to advance. The best was that… when I wanted to take a break and return to the Mortal Sector, the girls were flocking towards me! My skin turned smoother and softer as I progressed and I was more and more handsome by the days!

This is what I call life! Although it was dangerous since we could lose our lives anytime, but after a few weeks, most of us got used to it. I have great hopes for my future!

And for that! I can only thank our gods.

Alice and Hiro!

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