《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 78 - The Earthlings' Game


The Earthlings’ Game

Alice’s POV:


Narihi took us back to the Gold family’s residence. After sensing our surroundings, we went towards Ellery’s room since everyone was there. I slowly opened the door and after poking in my head, I saw that Helen was laying on the bed with Ellery in her embrace. Naturally, Weston was also there, holding his beloved wife. Rose was just sitting in a corner silently. She was taken… Not wishing to interrupt them, I wanted to leave, but I was noticed.

“Wait! Miss Alice, right? Ellery told me everything. Would you mind coming in?” Helen shouted after me, with her arm reaching towards me as I was about to close the door. Hiro grabbed my hips and pushed me into the room and then he too entered, with Poirlion and Narihi in tow.

“Please call me just Alice,” I said as we went closer to her and stopped in front of the bed. She sat straight up from her half sitting position and after bowing, she said - “I thank you sincerely for saving me. Although I’ve been unconscious for many years, but I can imagine the things my daughter and husband went through. I thank you for saving them from that suffering.”

All four of us smiled upon hearing her words, which felt good. Acknowledged work was the best kind of work! Though this wasn’t a work, but something necessary. [It’s all the same anyway,] Hiro thought with a small chuckle. “No problem. We not only helped out a friend but we also gained something good from it. So it was truly our pleasure,” Hiro answered with a smile on his face. Even though his stupid left hand was caressing the base of my tail… After considering our position, I made it disappear.

[Oh! But why? It felt so good…] Hiro started whining as a result, but I didn’t want to make weird faces in front of such a ‘lady’.

“I’m still wishing to reward you handsomely!” Weston interrupted our chatting as he sprung up from the bed. Ellery followed him and then she even came to us. After giving a hug to the both of us, with a smile on her face, she sat back down, next to her mother.

S- So childlike! She is like a little girl. Now I feel like a mother… I thought, not really knowing what to do with such a feeling. [I’ll make you know in the future~ hehe,] Hiro said with a creepy laugh, but I felt excited. We should stop flirting while talking with others…

“That was cute of you, Ellery. Haha~ My daughter is still a big baby!” Helen exclaimed with a small laugh, but her face was visibly tired.

“I- I’m not! I just wanted to show my thanks to them…” Ellery tried defending herself, but it was just a futile attempt in front of her mother. Feeling curious about this ‘brother’ of hers, I wanted to ask her, but I didn’t feel the moment to be right, so I told them another thing.

“We have a matter to take care of. If you don’t mind, then we are leaving. You will be able to find us in the garden,” I told them with a serious face. After seeing them nodding, Hiro and I turned around and left. Rose, Poirlion, Narihi and everyone else in the room also followed after us. After going into the garden, we entered our own world and went to Rin’s place. I was missing her furry body! I wanted to pet her. It’s not like this voting must be done immediately.


Like usual, she welcomed us in her cavern by jumping on us and licking us all over the place. I fear that she thinks that we are lollipops… “Do you want to come with us?” I questioned her while scratching her neck. She loved it there the most. And behind her ears.

“*Roaaar~*” Hearing her happy answer, I rubbed my head on hers. Hiro gently slapped her ass. Rin jumped up and stood ready to mount. Hiro laughed upon seeing her reaction. He jumped on her back and then extended his arm for me to hold. He helped me up on Rin’s back and we teleported to the Earth. I couldn’t help myself from turning Blank into a whip in my right hand. I felt like it. Of course, it wasn’t for Rin. I dare a human to step up against us~

We appeared on top of the flying mountain we made. There were a few people on it, camping… We knew that they have touched the memory crystal, but they later came back with tents. Well, I do admit that the view is wonderful from this place, not to mention at dawn! The sun breaking through the horizon looked truly beautiful. I guess the brave ones came here for that reason. Upon noticing a huge black panther appearing, everyone freaked out. But after noticing us on Rin’s back, they stopped running like mad and stopped in place.

Using our world, we talked. “Hello, everyone. Your time is up. I hope that all of you have decided on an answer. I’d also add that in case you want to turn into a cultivator, you will turn into our subject. Of course, it will come with benefits for you and for us as well. Once you accept, I’ll tell you the perks you can get. Now, those who want to turn into cultivators, raise up your hands!” I exclaimed as I finished my sentence. Hiro’s tail was poking my back! What kind of ‘god’ is he?

[A perverted god, who gets turned on while his dear wife is making a speech and her wonderful fragrance is entering his nostrils. Such a being I am. Hahaha,] He answered as such in my mind and then gave a kiss on my neck. I felt a bolt of electricity running through my spine, reaching my tail. Although they were far away, but I heard a few males gulping loudly upon noticing my probably erotic face. [It is truly erotic~] Stupid Hiro remarked and then blew hot air on my neck.

[You are destroying my image…] I couldn’t help but remark. Finally, I focused on the results. Feeling our world, I sensed that most of the humans wished to turn into cultivators, not counting babies and children. About two-thirds of them, which was a very good result, considering that they were living in peace and unity. We will reorganize our world and make a separate place for those who wish to stay mortals. You could say that that will be the mortal sector, except that they will be able to come and go without any problems. We will tell them about the new system of their world soon enough.

“Oh, quite good. I’m satisfied with you!” I exclaimed and the whole world resonated with my voice. The mortals made relieved faces. They were probably worried that I’d do something bad. The threads on the internet, talking about the forthcoming doom of humanity because of our wrath was also a proof of it… I’m not even that bad. I’m an understanding dragon!

“Before getting to the next part, I’ll tell you the perks, which would come with turning into our subjects. Firstly, if you can collect the necessary kind of herbs, then we’ll concoct pills for you. Secondly, if you can collect the necessary metals, then we will make weapons for you. Lastly, and probably most importantly, depending on your hard work and talent, we will reward you with cultivation and skill books! Later, we will have another thing added, but that’s irrelevant to you since you will have to work hard for many years to have a need for it.”


I explained everything. What I mentioned last time was none other than World Crystals. A cultivator at the eighth level can create as many of it as he or she wishes. That’s also the reason why these super academies never run out of World Crystals. The directors can easily supply a whole academy. All it takes for them is a few hours at most and it would be enough for the academy for weeks! Since we have many, we might ‘rob’ the school until then and collect even more of it.

From now on, we will store the World Crystals intended for these mortals separately. If some of them were to reach the fifth level, then they can fight for it! We don’t really know what’s going to happen once they reach the fifth level. Hopefully, we will be able to create life forms, which are more powerful than cultivators at the fourth stage. For now, all we can do is use Soul Eater, rob people of their souls and create powerful monsters out of the animals.

After telling what would they get as rewards, I felt that many of them started shouting in their happiness. Creating our old weapons, and those weak pills would be easier than breathing. We can make them in bulks, so supplying these few billion people wouldn’t be hard. Genotin Academy alone had a bigger population than our world… What we expected also happened. Knowing that we were able to sense them, a few hundred million humans quickly reacted and also raised their hands, wishing to turn into cultivators.

We remembered all of those, who voted with yes. We quickly teleported those people into our original, little world. While those who dared to try to play their little game with us had to face a punishment. After hearing about the rewards, they wanted to serve us? We don’t need those kinds of boot lickers. I swung my whip in the air and after a loud clicking sound, every such person turned into a bloody mist. There were such persons on this flying island as well. The mortals freaked out upon seeing such a scene.

This move not only created the right image for us but it also cleared out the trash. In the future, they probably wouldn’t try such things. Interestingly enough, every person who had access to those virtual reality worlds voted with yes. [It’s not so surprising. People who like such things are usually nerds, geeks, and such… I too would have voted with yes in their place.] Hiro remarked while we teleported back to our own planet. Our planet was already as big as a four-star planet, so these people had more than enough place on it.

Not wishing to bother with those who voted with yes, I told the details only to those who were here. [You are such a good talker and they also like listening to your voice. Go ahead and talk more~ Haha.] Hiro laughed while biting the top of my right ear. This foul monster! I’ll punish him once I have the time. Hearing me, he naturally answered - [I’m looking forward to it.]

“A- Ah… Sorry, but my husband is a pervert. I might sound bossy, but you lot must be controlled with a strong grip. Humans can be too unpredictable, but I’m sure that you know yourselves.” I told them with a chuckle and then I went to the point.

“A week before, we asked a few people to create a virtual reality world. We also told them the settings. Now the thing is that all of you are going to enter that world. Temporarily. Everyone is going to start off equally to make it fair. In that world, you’ll have a few things.”

“One: All of you will be at the eighth stage of the Foundation Realm, which is the lowest realm. But you know it from the Memory Crystal and it’s more than what you have now, anyway.”

“Two: All of you will have one skill, called the Descent’s Palm. It’s a simple palm attack.”

“Three: All of you will start from level zero, with the same strength and age, but depending on your real body, your talent might be better.”

“Four: You will have one day before starting the real deal to select a weapon and armor of your choice, which is also in the game.”

“Five: You will not have health points, mana, and such things. After starting off with the same amount of strength, skill, and age, you will have to cultivate and train your body as much as you wish. It will be your decision how much you fight against monsters and how much you sit in one place cultivating. The game system is supposed to have Universe Energy. You will have to cultivate that. Were you able to do it?” I questioned the responsible people and they nodded as an answer. Seeing that, I continued.

“Six: You will feel the same kind of pain in the game, as in reality. If your leg gets torn off, then you will feel it. It’s going to be painful, but you will have to get used to it. So no, the feeling of pain isn’t going to be ‘nerfed’.”

“Seven: Since you are completely new to this world and since we aren’t evil, even if you were to die, you can continue living. In case you get killed in the virtual reality, you can’t login back for a whole day. You are probably going to be left behind like that, so try not dying.”

“Eight: Since luck is also a big part of life, there will be a random number generator for each monster. Once you kill a monster, it might drop a better weapon, armor. It could also turn into pills, and such. There are dungeons and you will have the chance to acquire skill books in those places. Naturally, the danger is also bigger.”

“Nine: We don’t want to wait for years, you will have only one week to play this game. Ehm… we will provide your body with a bit of… energy, so you won’t have to log out for things like nutrition and… *cough* shit.”

“Ten: This is all to see who is the best among you. The better you perform, the better your rewards are going to be in reality. You will turn into the ‘elites’ of humanity and you will also get a feeling to the world of cultivation. Since these settings show only who is the quickest, we decided to do another thing. After the week is up, we will hold a championship among all of you and you will fight with the cultivation and stage you reached…”

“I’d note that you should be careful because you will have to face the Heavenly Tribulation after reaching the peak of the Foundation Realm. The top three will gain our personal care, while the other top ten, hundred, and thousand will have nice rewards waiting for them.”

“Oh, and just to spice up the things, we are also going to join. Naturally, with the same kind of settings. But we aren’t going to take part in the championship. Attacking us in the game is allowed and we aren’t going to hold a grudge.” Hopefully… I thought with a chuckle while stopping with my explanation for a moment.

[Your face slipped. Now no one is going to attack us… You failed me, Alice!] Hiro exclaimed in my mind, even though he had the same kind of evil face.

[B- But I can’t help it. I can’t lie to them about such a thing. Attacking me? A dragon? Or you? My mate? I’d naturally kill them on the spot! But I wanted to test them…] I explained myself, which made Hiro laugh.

[Hahaha! I know, dear. No problem. We can still enjoy ourselves.] Hiro thought while he gave a kiss on my lips. There were only a few mortals in our surroundings. Most of them were all over the planet, far away from us. And I don’t think that these short-sighted mortals had the ability to see us from kilometers. We could even have sex while being in the open!

“You are the most perverted dragon ever…” Hiro said aloud and then hugged me at my waist as he exclaimed. “Aww! I’m loving this dragon so much~”

I started caressing his head, which was next to my waist. I pushed my fingers into his rich, brown hair, and chuckled upon seeing Rin. She was playing around with a big cactus, even though we were sitting on her back. After laughing loudly, I waved my hand and made the ‘VR Pods’ appear at the same place. I stole most of them from random humans, but I didn’t care. They are going to get it back anyway. I teleported the humans there and we also moved there.

“Hello people~ Before starting, I’ll announce how this world is going to change,” I told them with a smile while waving my right hand and then started talking to the whole world. “The last news for now. The children and those who wish to stay mortals will be separated into a Mortal Sector. We will get some top-notch spaceships for you from the outside world. Using those, you will be able to travel back home daily. We don’t wish to tear families apart.”

“The rest of the universe is going to be a huge sector for the cultivators. The further you go from the mortal realm, the stronger monsters you will find. On the other side of the Cultivator Sector will be our own, private world. I know that this would hit your economy heavily, but you don’t have to mind it too much. We will take care of food. Growing the necessary plants doesn’t take more than a second to us. You will just have to redistribute the working people.”

I finished my explanation for now and then looked towards the candidates. I waved my hand and each of them appeared in front of a VR Pod. Using our own energy, we will be able to ‘feed’ all of these humans with energy, so in truth, nutrition wouldn’t turn into a problem. The world is probably going to be chaotic for a while, but thanks to our powers, no one is going to die of hunger or get to the streets. This was just a slightly inconvenient and sudden change.

“Enter one of these pods, search for the game called ZZZ and then enter it… we named it like that to make searching easier. Please don’t turn retards and forget it. In case you do… you can come and ask… You will have time until tomorrow to try out any kind of weapon or armor in the game. Here is your food,” I said as I swung my arm in an arc and a green light swept through their bodies. Even their skin turned smoother from the pure energy, which filled up their bodies.

I heard lines like - “Is- Is this how it feels? This is wonderful!” Knowing that I reached my goal, I continued.

“Now, admins set the world to the testing grounds. We will meet tomorrow~ Enjoy yourselves until then.” After finishing my explanation, we teleported back to our house under the ocean and then reorganized our mini-universe. After lots of sex, a day quickly passed by. Somehow we felt excited to start this stupid game.

I can’t help but admit that we, True Divine Beasts, had a superiority complex. We always liked showing off and being at the top. But we were like that. We couldn’t change on that, nor do we wanted to. Accepting yourself was a must! If you can’t even trust and like yourself, then you had no place in the world of cultivators. Everyone was selfish and self-loving which was kind of… ridiculous.

I noticed that almost everyone was out of their pods, waiting for us. It was no wonder. Four hours in the Virtual Reality meant one hour in reality. This meant that one week meant twenty-eight days in the Virtual Reality. That much should be enough for them to make a clear difference. Cultivation is also set to be quicker than it is or else no one would advance even a single stage… They were playing on a cracked server you could say.

We appeared in front of a guy, who was made responsible for taking care of our things. Feeling our crushing auras, he fell to the ground, along with the people around him. “Ah… sorry. I’ll go further,” I told him as I teleported out of the crowd. Even though I wanted to talk face to face, but that was impossible like this.

“If everything is ready, then let’s go~” I told them and without saying anything, everyone laid down in their pods. We also took our places in one such machine. Rin laid down in front of our pods, wishing to ‘protect’ us. Not like it was necessary, but her efforts made me laugh. I’ll pet her once we finish this little game of ours. But now we had to build up our own world! Showing the mortals their other halves was an important goal of ours as well and we also had to create a safe place for our child.

As the machine connected to my mind, I felt its slow procession, which probably felt like a flash for these mortals. But to me? Hiro was able to enjoy it with six of his minds, making it even better. Actually, this machine couldn’t handle more than a single mind since those weren’t physical. We didn’t have more brains. It was something beyond the knowledge of these mortals. This meant that our other minds could stay awake and do anything. That being the case, we made clones of ourselves.

After notifying Ellery and the other with our clones, we went back to Genotin Academy. Our world was also moving with our clones. For the time being, we would simply take the classes and meditate. This was the best part. We were able to take care of our own things here and in the outside world as well. We could even have sex when we wanted to! Weston didn’t come back with us because he wanted to spend his time with his wife until she would recover.

Upon entering, our names were automatically filled out with Alice and Hiro. We appeared in a white space and there were weapon racks with different kinds of weapons in them. [It hasn’t been long ago that we acquired Blank and the other symbiotes, but holding a metal weapon feels so outdated and weird.] I couldn’t help but remark upon feeling the metal handle in my hands.

[Ya think so? It’s truly weird. You go with a staff. I’ll go with a spear.] Hiro agreed with my statement and then told me what to pick. I guess I was still a female in the heart. I had to face the problem of indecisiveness. Luckily for me, Hiro always helped me out at such times. I picked up a staff, which had a so-so feeling in my hand, but it should do it. After selecting it, we thought the word ‘start’ and we disappeared from the white space. The first thing we did after spawning was that we looked at the map.

[Go to Xeron city. That’s the closest to us.] Hiro told me after a quick check of my position. Sorry mortals, but our cheating bond was working even here. The only thing which was similar to a virtual reality was this map. Nothing more. As it disappeared, I looked at my surroundings. There were many humans in the city, but none of them dared coming close to me. I chuckled upon seeing their reaction.

The city was made up of white stones, though it didn’t matter to me since I quickly left it behind. [This stupid human body. Although I look the same as in reality, but my body is much weaker. We don’t have mind powers either… My dragon body! Everything is gone! I’m the same as a stupid human!] I thought grumpily as I left the city. A few mortals also came after me. They probably wanted to fight with monsters.

Although they had a map, but they had no idea how powerful the monsters were. Where were the monsters? They didn’t know of that either. They had to be careful if they wanted to stay alive. There was a clear path towards every city. On my way, I started seeing footprints. Honestly, we have no idea what kinds of monsters they made. We left it to them. We just told them how powerful the monsters should be. I didn’t have to walk for long to see my first opponent, which was a big lizard. How interesting…

I gathered my energy into my mouth and then I used Dragon’s Breath. Just because it wasn’t a basic skill, it was still useable. Although it was much weaker since I had to use Universe Energy instead of Dragon Qi, but it was more than enough. The lizard noticed me and charged towards me, but my attack struck its body. It flipped in the air upon contact, while I also jumped towards it and crushed its head with my staff in one swift move.

In its place, an Energy Recovering Pill appeared. How lucky for me~ haha, I thought with a small laugh as I picked up the pill. It took only five more minutes to finally meet up with my mate. Hiro welcomed me with a sweet kiss on my lips. “Hello, dear~” I told him with a smile on my face. After hugging for a short while, we went towards a forest.

We started slaughtering the monsters one after the other, gaining many pills, weapons, armors. Since we always emptied our reserves and then filled them up, our Energy Veins also went through tiny evolutions. With our thicker Energy Veins, we sat down in a city and started cultivating. That was how our days passed by. Killing, cultivating. After noticing our circle, there were people who started following our example, but there were also those who wished to go their own ways.

Twenty game days later, we were already at the early eighth stage of the Space founding realm. The next person after us was only at the peak of the third stage, even though we had the same starting point. We weren’t that lucky either. The remaining eight days quickly passed by and while we also reached the Domain Space Realm. The following person was only at the peak of the fourth stage of the Space Founding Realm. It was a truly good performance, considering that he started cultivating only in these days.

There were many other people at the fourth stage, but this ‘Shi Chong’ guy was the quickest. Considering that he looked like a Shaolin in reality, it wasn’t surprising. The best was that using our clones, we were able to take care of our sexual life, our things, and we were able to participate in classes as well. As we have noticed it, there were things like betraying, stealing, and killing among the mortals, but that was natural. Us? No one was daring enough to even come close to us. How cruel.

After leaving the VR, the responsible people set the world to the arena we wanted and then everyone entered once again.

It was time for the mortals to play~

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