《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 77 - The Wrath of True Divine Beasts


I thank Tom Selgimüller for his patronage. The gray path be with him!

The Wrath of True Divine Beasts

Hiro’s POV:


After Hearing Weston’s story, Ellery also told it to the girls, not knowing that both Narihi and Alice knew it. Rose was the only one not knowing it. While telling her story, Ellery noticed that neither Alice nor Narihi reacted upon hearing it, which naturally made her remember that they were both bonded…

Her eyes opened widely upon realizing something, which she shouldn’t have realized. By the time she has done so, I and Poirlion were sitting at our original places, back to back with our pairs. Without saying a word, Ellery grabbed Alice’s shoulders with a suspicious face, while her mouth was twitching from time to time. “W- What do you want?” Alice questioned her with a stiff face, knowing that we were probably busted.

She pulled Alice to the side and saw my back and tail, swaying there unhappily. “WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU GAVE US OUT!” She shouted, making Alice and Narihi laugh. Ellery shoved Narihi aside as well and saw Poirlion’s back. “TH- THAT WAS A RARE KIND OF WOOD! YOU CUT A HOLE IN IT!?” She shouted with a red face, feeling enraged. Ellery quickly covered her body, feeling shameful of showing it to us, even though none of us cared. We weren’t humans. We didn’t care about other women once we have a mate.

I guess she didn’t understand the difference. Rose, on the other hand, didn’t react to it. She was still leaning on Alice’s chest, with a smile on her face. “Why are you not angry?!” Ellery shouted at Rose, who turned towards her with the same smile and said. “Well, I knew about it anyway. That was also the reason why I climbed into Alice’s embrace. By doing so, Hiro saw only my shoulders and the left side of my face and Alice’s arms and legs also covered me perfectly.”

“I spent more than a month in their company, be it bathing, camping, cooking, living… I know them better than you! Hehe,” She finished her sentence with a victorious smile. Truth be told, her words were indeed true. Ellery spent most of her time in her room when she was with us, while Rose was living with us. The difference is big. She knew that we were sneaky and she knew more about us. She also knew that I was completely indifferent while looking at her body, but I guess she still didn’t like the thought of me, seeing her continuously.

I didn’t have to mind Poirlion either since he was different than us. He had to close his eyes and concentrate on Narihi to see through her eyes. I wouldn’t let that to happen! No matter what, Alice was mine only! No male can see her naked! Poirlion only heard them… I, on the other hand, saw Ellery’s body continuously. Her tits are nowhere big enough for my taste, so-

[Please, would you shut up and stop examining another girl’s body? I can hear you, you know? I can feel that you have no such feelings as a male should have upon seeing a random naked female, but it’s still bothering me. I’m happy that you have eyes only for me, but please stop sizing her up…] Alice cut into my thoughts and also stopped me.

As you wish, my dear. I thought in my mind, which was naturally heard by her as well. Meanwhile, Ellery opened her mouth widely upon realizing what Rose’ words meant. “Y- You actually knew about it all this time and you didn’t tell me? Well… I too knew about their bond, but I forgot about its use, but still!!! Rose has betrayed me and you two…” - She exclaimed while pointing at me and Narihi - “you two bastards!” She stomped on the ground angrily, forgetting to cover herself.


“Narihi~ What should I do? Should I play a prank on her? Although Hiro isn’t looking anymore, but I could tell a lie. Fufufu~ If you catch my meaning,” Alice questioned Narihi, which caused a smile to slip onto my face as I started chuckling. Considering what I have just heard from Weston… it wasn’t the best time… but I couldn’t help it.

“You do realize that I can see even your *cough* from this angle, right?” Alice questioned Ellery with her head tilted to the side as she put her finger on her chin.

“Nooo!” Ellery shouted out as she quickly ran out of the hot spring while covering her butt. Rose, Narihi, and Alice started laughing upon seeing her reaction. They were so evil… I also told Weston what happened, to make him understand why was I laughing. His face turned darker and darker upon hearing that I saw Ellery naked, so I also told him how we were with women, other than our mate. He quickly calmed down and said with a sigh.

“*Sigh* I’m happy that she has such friends. Although this prank was a bit evil… but I know that she wouldn’t mind it too much. You know… she never shows it on her face, but she is also very worried about her mother. Since coming back, she came to me daily to ask about her mother. I’ve never told her that it only made me feel even more terrible… I had to tell my daughter every time, that I wasn’t able to save her mother! How would you tell your daughter such a thing? All I know about Helen is that she is tied up and guarded continuously.”

“Although I’m stronger than them and I could crush their clan, but as long as she is captured, I can’t do anything. They don’t dare to touch her, fearing that I’d lose my sanity and kill them on the spot, not caring about my wife. But they dare to blackmail me! I have to send them a hundred thousand World Crystals each week! Although I’m a member of Genotin Academy and I also have a good yield, but it takes almost everything I have to satisfy their demands!”

“What I’m trying to tell you is that now that you are here, at least she isn’t thinking of her mother so much. I’m already more than grateful for that. If you could even help me out somehow, then I’d be eternally grateful to you,” Weston said to us while looking into our eyes, one by one. Both of us nodded and told him not to worry. We left the hot spring and then entered our own room. Ellery was funny enough to ‘clean’ it up and make every furniture disappear. Our room was completely empty. There were only the walls, the ground, and the ceiling.

We laughed upon seeing it and entered her room. After doing so, we also crept into her bed. After hiding our auras completely, we waited for her to come since she went to her father for some reason. Maybe she was asking about her mother… Poor Ellery. We heard her door opening and then we felt her creeping into her bed, but as her legs entered the cover, she noticed that she kicked something, which was the top of my head, by the way…

[Why me?] I questioned Alice, which made her chuckle.

“Why does my blanket chuckle?” Ellery questioned, but my ears picked up on her angry voice. Her face was probably twitching.

“*Chuckle* I don’t know,” Alice answered, while barely being able to hold back herself from laughing out loudly.


“This blanket is so STUPID!” Ellery shouted as she kicked with her leg, but this time I evaded. The bed broke into two and the blanket flew into the air. All three of us fell to the ground. We fell on our backs, while Ellery fell on her butt. She made an angry face for a moment, which soon turned into a smile and then she started laughing loudly, along with us.

“Hahaha~ Thanks for making me laugh. It’s been a long while…” She said while wiping her tears from the sides of her eyes. She sighed loudly and then said with a sad face. “My father told me that you said that you wanted to help. I didn’t tell you before because I didn’t want to use you. Do you think that you could truly help?” She asked with a hopeful face as she unconsciously put her hands together.

“Don’t worry. We’ll take care of things somehow. One way or the other, those dwarves are going to die for sure!” I told her with a smile, while Alice put her hands on Ellery’s. Ellery smiled with a visibly better mood. We left her room and entered the mortal part of our own world. We teleported to a planet randomly and then laid down on top of a huge tree. It was night and there were millions of stars. It was a truly beautiful sight.

Alice’s hair was sprawled out under her and her skin seemed to be really smooth and beautiful. She turned her head towards me and our eyes met. She smiled at me and then asked. “When should we make children?” I almost choked after hearing her sudden question, which came on the spot, so I wasn’t able to learn about it beforehand.

“*Cough* That was sudden… Hahaha~ *Cough* Uhm… I don’t know. Maybe after reaching the eighth level? We should be able to provide our child with enough protection at such a level and we could also turn these mortals into a nice and trustable army until then,” I offered up, after thinking about it seriously. She didn’t say anything as her head moved towards me and she sealed my lips with hers. Our squelching kisses soon turned into a loving, hot night.

The next day, I awoke with Alice in my arms. There was a blanket on us, which we put on ourselves out of habit, but there was a problem. The mortals, who were using some kind of flying machine, something similar to a Jetpack were flying next to us. They had grins on their faces upon noticing us waking up.

“It seems like our ‘gods’ had a wonderful night, didn’t they? Hehe,” One of them laughed creepily. I yawned loudly as I put my head back on the tree. As I closed my eyes, the humans around me turned into bloody pulps and fell to the ground in the form of liquid. Their blood and bones splattered and fell to the ground. Alice opened her right eye as she moved her right hand, which was on top of my chest, upwards. She started caressing me as she questioned me with a smile on her face. - “That wasn’t the best ‘good morning’, don’t you think?”

I shrugged my shoulders as I sat up, uncovering half of Alice’s body. My morning wood raged on after seeing her, so after satisfying myself - [Ourselves] Alice chimed in - we left our world. Although sleeping wasn’t necessary for such high-level cultivators, but most of them still preferred doing it. It not only quickened energy restoration, but it also refreshed the cultivator. Especially after long days, weeks, or even months of continuous cultivation.

We went towards the room where we talked yesterday, which was - as it turned out - the dining room. Ellery and Rose were sitting there, and each of them was munching on a rod of chocolate. To Ellery’s dismay, we quickly stole it away from her hands and ate it before she could do anything. She was left with her mouth opened widely, while Rose started laughing, which soon turned into her tragedy since we stole hers as well. They stood up angrily as they slapped their hands on the table and shouted.

“WHAT THE HELL! LOOK! THERE ARE MANY MORE! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE OURS?!” Hearing their shouting and noticing the bowl of chocolate, we took it away as well. There was no chocolate left! For now, we simply stored it away since we had to keep some for later as well.

“Why do you need so much?!” Ellery questioned us with her brows furrowed. After making a thoughtful face, I answered honestly, already barely being able to hold back myself from doing it immediately.

“Well… I could totally cover Alice’s body in it and then eat her up… Ah! I can feel enlightenment! It’s here~~~ I can feel it!” I said as I put the back of my hand on my forehead and looked upward. Rose covered her red face as she started shaking her head sideways, while Ellery conjured a ‘ball’ of stone, which had a diameter of three meters, and threw it towards me. The room was spacious…

I stepped to the side with a composed and serious face. Just as the stone flew past me, the door was opened and Weston entered through it. His body was struck, but he didn’t budge. Ellery put her hand on her mouth as beads of sweat covered her forehead. The stone cracked and broke into two halves. Weston was standing there, while tapping his feet on the ground, with an angry face. “E.L.L.E.R.Y! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” He shouted angrily. Rose straight laughed. Weston closed the door behind himself, but just as he was about to move forward, Narihi swung the door open, hitting his back.

Her strength was much greater… Weston fell on his face and slid on the smooth and clean ground a few meters. We couldn’t hold it. All of us started laughing, while Narihi ran up to him and helped him up. It seems like Poirlion liked helpful women. Who was also a masochist… Interesting taste! Well, I’m not going to judge him. I would never mind such things. Weston stood up while rubbing the back of his head. After our comical morning, we sat down at the table. Weston’s first question was… “Where is the chocolate? It was hard to find cacao! Ellery? I told you to stop munching on it all the time! Now, what am I supposed to offer as a dessert?”

Ellery looked at us with her eyes and mouth opened widely and then at her father. “B- But father! It wasn’t me! They took it all away!” She exclaimed while pointing at us. Rose almost fell off her chair, laughing, while we were pulling on our necks.

[We are busted… Well, let’s say this!] I thought and then said - “Ehm… let’s count it as our payment for helping you. Hehe,” I laughed awkwardly while scratching the back of my head. Weston also laughed awkwardly and told me that we can eat as much as we wished to. Alice buried her face in her palms and then we stopped this comical morning and started talking about the matter at hand.

“So. Talking seriously. Please tell us about the exact details surrounding Helen. Everything you know,” I said with a serious face. Weston’s face lit up with hope and after nodding once, he started speaking.

“Alright. This Krun clan is a clan of dwarves as I told you before. Their leader is only at the first stage of the Temporary Law Realm, so I can take care of him. Once he is killed, I can massacre the whole clan by using my family. But my problem isn’t this. The problem is that Helen is held captive with someone always guarding her. Her energy is sealed and her body is tied. Although one of my stronger guards is always using his mind power to keep the health of my wife under surveillance, but once I’d move towards the Krun clan… They would immediately hold a knife to her neck and prepare their soul force.”

“At such times, Krun Dezor, the clan head, always contacts me and tells me that one more step and my wife is going to die. I tried sending hired people, but they were also caught somehow. After slapping my wife a few times as a punishment, I stopped asking for outside help. Truth be told, I’m very much afraid that you would be caught as well.” He furrowed his brows while making a nervous face. We understood his problem, but since he didn’t know the reason of why the hired people were caught, we had to be careful.

“How did those people try entering the clan?” Alice questioned him as she leaned forward. Weston made a thoughtful face and after thinking for a bit, he answered.

“Well… they always used a transforming pill, to turn into dwarves. They never failed at getting through the gates, but the problem came afterward. There are three gates in the clan and they have to check in at each gate. At the third one, they always failed at getting any further. The guard had some kind of orb in his hand and after looking at the hired people for a few seconds, he always suddenly laughed and killed them on the spot. Unfortunately, I can’t teleport to my wife either since Dezor also made a huge Space Lock Formation around it. As long as it’s there, I can’t teleport in and save my wife!”

Hearing his explanation we nodded. This meant that the problem was with that orb. We just had to do something about it. Not having a better idea, for now, we left the gold family with two Transforming Pills in our hands and flew towards a nearby planet, called Krun planet… How surprising. I guess owning a planet wasn’t a big deal. No one came with us because no one had as many resist against mind tricks as us. We were immune to almost everything, so we had a good chance at getting past that orb. On our way, we turned into dwarves…

I looked quite ridiculous with my body-builder dwarf body, which was only a hundred and forty centimeters tall. Not to mention, my big nose and beard. I wanted to shave it off, but dwarves liked beards, so we would just catch more attention without it. Alice… MY DEAR ALICE! WHERE ARE YOU!

[Don’t shout for fuck’s sake! I feel terrible enough! I’m never going to use this shit again! My mighty form… this is terrible!] Alice made a pitiful face while saying. She was on the verge of cry. Her body was only a hundred centimeters tall, but she had a muscular body. Her boobs turned into chest muscles, her plump, taut, and round buttocks turned into two garlics… considering their shape. The only thing left of her was her beautiful, blonde hair and her green eyes.

[I can’t wait to turn back into my true form… This is the biggest crime ever! I’m offended! These dwarves have no way out! I’m going to kill all of them! No one can escape from the clutches of death! My paws and jaws shall tear everyone into pieces!] She kept thinking such things in herself, while her bloodlust was rising continuously. We started breathing in and out steadily, wishing to calm down. We soon arrived at our destination. After entering the atmosphere of the planet, we didn’t use our mind power.

It would only make it obvious for others, that we were searching for someone. At such times, it was better to look for things manually. We flew through the air and after finding a city, we landed on the ground. After stopping a random dwarf, we asked for information. He told us everything nicely and even asked us if we wanted a drink. We told him that we had things to take care of and then left.

We soon found ourselves in front of a huge gate, towering at a hundred meters. There was a guard standing in front of it, but he didn’t even stop us from going through. At the second gate, we were stopped. “Halt! Only clan members can enter. What is your reason for coming here?” A dwarven guard asked as he pointed his spear towards us. It was only a one-star symbiote.

“Hello. We are here to apply. We want to become members of this great clan!” I said with a smile on my face as I stuck out my chest. The guard nodded happily and then the other guard led us towards the member registration house. We soon arrived at the third gate under his guide, but all of us were stopped.

“Halt! Oh, Thrall. What brings you here? And these are?” One of them asked. There were twenty dwarves and all of them were above the fifth stage of World Realm. But we could still take care of them easily.

“Hehe, I brought some fresh meat! They want to become members of our wonderful clan! Or so they said,” Our guide said with a proud face. Maybe he can die quickly for helping us…

“Hmm? New members? Alright. Comer here, let me inspect you. One of them at the back said and then came forward with an orb in his right hand. He focused on us and after furrowing his brows for a short time, he shrugged his shoulders as she said. “Interesting. I found nothing… these people are empty headed. Hahaha! You can go through.” He started laughing at us for not finding anything in our heads. So that orb had a similar effect compared to what we had.

The only difference was that it could be used limitlessly, probably. What they didn’t know was that they didn’t find anything because they were able to read our thoughts. We too were thinking of things like - I hope that we won’t get caught. - or - What does that orb do?

If they would have heard such thoughts, then we would have been busted as well. So that was the reason behind the failures and since all of them were killed, Weston wasn’t able to gather information about this orb. He had no way to prepare. We went through the gates while being visibly calm. It was unnecessary to turn stressful at such a time. There were a few buildings along the path and after reaching one of them, our guide wanted to walk alongside the side of the building. Since we were completely covered and no one was seeing us, we moved.

We were walking behind him and since we wished to make things sure, we merged. We silently turned into our monster forms behind him and opened our jaws. He turned around and all he was able to do was say a - ‘huh?’- before we bit on his upper body. Alice was controlling our body, while I used seven of my minds to completely disable his mind. With our powerful soul force, seven Bolts of Silence and Hydro Minds were more than deadly. His body and soul were destroyed on the spot without anyone noticing. Thanks to our perfect energy control, there weren’t energy fluctuations either.

[Perfect assassination, hehe~ I always wanted to be an assassin.] I thought happily, while Alice gulped down his body and then licked up the blood from the ground. There weren’t any traces left of the dwarf. We turned back into two dwarves and then walked towards a slightly different way, but we were stopped…

“Hey! Who are you? I’ve never seen you before!” A dwarf with a muscular body, big red beard and hair asked. Even his eyes were red.

“Ah, we are new. The guard at the second gate pointed us towards the member registration house and then he left. We are on our way there.,” I said with a smile on my face.

The dwarf in front of us frowned as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. A few other dwarves also noticed us. “But the member registration is that way…” He pointed a slightly bit towards our right while saying. I scratched the back of my head and then with a shrug of my shoulders I told him that we probably mistook it.

The dwarf shrugged his shoulders and after 'shooing' us towards the ‘right way’, he left. With a bittersweet taste in our mouths, we left towards the member registration building. Rin was left in our own world all this time. Nor Ellery, Rose or Weston saw her. After stopping beside the member registration building, we secretly called her. She appeared silently and after mounting her, we disappeared and then appeared beside the right building.

The Space Lock Formation made domains, and temporary laws useless. But Rin wasn’t using the laws. She wasn’t teleporting. She was using her racial ability. She was simply moving beyond space and matter! Rin jumped back into our own world, but at that time, we couldn’t help but slap on our foreheads… we could have used her ability from the start! Well, we are here anyway… At least we were able to try what is it like to be an assassin. Such a wonderful goal…

[But I was much cleverer in my past life! Why am I so stupid?] I couldn’t help but ask Alice. Her answer couldn’t be any truer… [It’s because, in this life, you are thinking only of one thing. And that is me. I’m also suffering from the same symptoms. I guess this is the only real downside of being each other’s halves. But considering the pros, this only cons can go to hell!]

[We will do something about this stupidity of ours in the future. I was never stupid and I don’t like being that. I should remember things more easily.] I answered, but Alice felt that I was agreeing with her. Feelings and words might be different. And the meaning of our words might be different than what they sound. If not of being bonded, then Alice could have easily misunderstood my words.

Using our soul force, which was more powerful than what the people inside the building had, we sensed everything clearly. There was a stair, leading downward and Helen was tied to a chair. In front of her stood two dwarves, who were at the early eighth stage. Rin I thought in my mind and she appeared. Our plan has changed. The guards weren’t as weak as we hoped them to be. Rin is going to be crucial in this mission!

Not wasting our time, we jumped onto Rin’s back and released our transformation. After entering into our battle forms, Rin teleported straight into the catacomb, right behind the cultivators. We contacted Weston to come closer to the planet, along with Narihi. The dwarves turned around and released a huge amount of energy towards us, on the spot. Using Twelve Chains of Bane, Destiny’s Descent, and Blank, we held up our newly formed shields and defended ourselves.

The balls of energies pushed us backward slightly, but nothing more. Rin released the binding on Helen and then teleported away with her. Weston quickly received Helen, who also awoke.

“Don’t come here! You must protect her! Narihi will take care of Drezor,” I told him by using my mind power. Narihi appeared in the atmosphere of this planet in her true form, with Poirlion in tow. She had dark green scales covering her body and she had nine heads. Poirlion was also in his true form. Drezor crashed through the floor and stopped in front of us, while Rin also arrived.

“YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!” He shouted at us. Narihi quickly flew towards us, wishing to help us before it would get too late. He was only at the first stage of the sixth level, which meant two hundred and forty Crypt! Even in our merged monster forms, we had only a hundred and thirty-six! But we would surely stay alive at least. We jumped into each other’s body and transformed on the spot. His attack struck our chest, which exploded upon contact.

Adding his skills to his strength, not even our three-layered defense was able to stop his attack. But what was it to us? Although three of our hearts were crushed, but it was just a fart. Upon transforming, we used our full body size to lessen the damage. If we would have turned into a - three meters tall - Hydra-Dragon, then we would have been killed on the spot. But like this?

Although his attack crushed three of our hearts, they were already recovering. Narihi also appeared next to us. After pouring our mixed energies into our body, it completely recovered in just a moment. Drezor’s eyes opened widely upon seeing it and his face also turned terrified after seeing Narihi. She was only three meters tall in her monster form, but the aura and strength she was exuding were more than terrifying. Since we were still in the formation, no one was able to teleport either.

Wishing to pay him back, we used our soul force. His body was stronger than our, but our soul was stronger than his! Using Bolt of Silence, we attacked his soul and then we also used Soul Eater to chip away on his soul. He screamed out in pain as he felt a small part of his soul being taken away. At that time, Narihi also jumped at him, along with us. Our jaws snapped on his small body, which was quickly torn into pieces. Large chunks of meat flew through the air and smashed into the walls of the catacomb, while his blood splattered on our bodies, on the walls, and on the ground.

[That’s much better. Let’s go~ hehe] I laughed in my mind after saying. Narihi killed Drezor’s soul, but before it could fly away, we used Soul Eater and devoured his soul. It took a whole minute, but no one was there so it was alright. We stepped advanced to the late fourth stage in one go! Only a few hours of cultivation would be enough for us to reach the fifth stage. Or… we could devour more souls! We left the catacombs and crushed that Space Locking Formation. There were no more cultivators at the sixth level. Only our side had such powerful cultivators.

Rose didn’t come since she too was only at the early stages of the World Realm, probably thanks to Ellery and Weston… Yet we had to struggle to collect those pills… Poirlion, Narihi, Weston, We, and Weston’s family arrived at the place. We wished to clear the whole planet and destroy it in one go. After activating everything we had, we used Twelve Chains of Bane on the closest person. We swung our tail in an arc and a huge blade of energy flew through the air. No one was able to stop it as it cut everyone into two halves. Considering our skills, we were about as strong as someone at the late ninth stage and we haven’t met such a cultivator yet.

After using our tail attack, we used our wing, paws, breath, everything we had. The force behind our attacks started stacking up and the pressure in our body was tremendous. Alice was collecting the souls continuously, while I kept massacring. We were getting more powerful while killing. Who needed more!? At the tenth move, I felt that the next one would be too much, but at that time, we broke through to the fifth stage. The burden lessened on our bodies greatly and we were able to use the next moves. Cracks were appearing in space continuously.

Narihi’s attacks had similar effects, while she also locked space here and there, making escape impossible. Poirlion wasn’t as proficient as her, but he was still massacring the dwarves just fine. Weston was releasing sun-like golden balls of energies, which upon explosion, destroyed everything in hundreds of kilometers. We also upgraded our Soul Ring from time to time because it was getting filled up continuously. As I reached the twelfth move, I told everyone to quickly leave. Rin also finished tearing off a head and then went back into our world. Everyone teleported away, just in time.

I used our breath attack to release a swirling green ball of energy towards the center of the planet. Before reaching it, it exploded in the air. Narihi quickly appeared behind us and teleported us away. Looking at our creation from afar, it was beautiful but deadly. It was like a star going supernova. A huge green light lit up in dark space and even the light of the stars seemed to be just flickering dim sparks of light. As the light slowly dimmed out and disappeared, I saw something wonderful.

That gray thing was spreading through thousands, no, hundreds of kilometers, devouring everything in its path. Now there was truly nothing left of those stupid dwarves. They call this mass genocide, I suppose? Well, I don’t have a problem with dwarves, but this clan must have been exterminated. “T- That’s beautiful!” Narihi sent her thoughts towards us. “Is this the true strength of my god?” She questioned while looking into our slit eyes.

“No, this the strength behind our merged forms and behind our bond. But fear not, we aren’t that bad even while separated!” I answered her honestly. I couldn’t do something like this alone. Alice was necessary for it to work.

“It’s still wonderful. I fear that not even I could do something like this, even though I’m already at the sixth level. You must be stopped before releasing your final attack for sure…” She remarked with a slightly envious face. She was back in her human form, with Poirlion beside her, While Weston has gone back to his Gold planet with Helen in his arms. She would probably stay weak for a few hours after so many years.

The shockwave of our attack also reached us, which was so powerful that it threw us backward. Not bad! But this attack was a suicide without Rin’s ability or without reaching the sixth level… As we saw how space was slowly restoring, Narihi held onto us and teleported back to the Gold planet. It was also time for the earthlings to start their votings! Hehe~

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