《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 76 - Reunion and Chocolate for the Dragon


I thank Jake Hughes for his patronage. The gray path be with him!

Reunion and Chocolate for the Dragon

Alice’s POV:


We could have left and gone towards Ellery’s place, but it was quite late already, so we decided to go tomorrow. Before going to sleep, we remembered what we did in our own world not long before. Ever since getting to know that we were heard by everyone, we always had sex outside of our own world, but last time it wasn’t like that. We made love in our own world.

Wishing to find out if we caused a catastrophe once again, we closed our eyes and sensed our own world, looking for any kind of information about such an occurrence. To our happiness, we found nothing. The only thing I can think of is that the fusion wasn’t fully completed at that time and we that was the reason why my voice… slipped. “Slipped you say. You probably gave a good symphony. But at least they heard your moans only when you orgasmed, hahaha!” Hiro started ridiculing and bullying me, but he quickly corrected everything by giving a kiss on my head.

“You bully!” I shouted as I jumped on him. After another wonderful night, it was already next day morning. I opened my eyes in a very good mood while lying in Hiro’s arms. We gave each other a good morning kiss and we had to merge for a moment to hold back ourselves from doing it continuously. We had serious sex addict problems… But we didn’t want to get cured of it!

We went towards our class where we found about half of the class. As time passed by, more and more of them appeared. In just ten minutes, everyone arrived and that was the time when Elder Genotan appeared as well. Upon spotting us, he furrowed his brows but didn’t say anything. Though a small ‘hmph’ escaped his mouth, but nothing more.

“What are you looking at! Stand in pairs already and start fighting!” He shouted angrily. He was such a tsundere.

“Idiot woman! Why are you smiling at me!” He shouted with his arms opened upon noticing me. I couldn’t help it. I remembered my words from last time… Seeing my panicked face, he too realized what I was thinking, so after slapping his palm on his face he quickly ignored me.

[Good. It seems like we have a way to destroy this guy instantly. Nice job, Alice,] Hiro thought happily. A victorious smile spread on my face, to Genotan’s displeasure. I better be careful of how I use this weapon.

Hiro was paired up with another guy at the seventh stage, while I also got a similarly powerful opponent. After both of us won, we left class. Not wishing to leave without telling them anything, we contacted Narihi and Poirlion.

“Hey, lovebirds. Do you want to come?” I asked them jokingly.

“You have been such love birds for a much longer time…” Poirlion remarked, trying to defend himself. I chuckled upon hearing his message. After not hearing a response, he asked - “And where do we go?”

He didn’t even answer my original question. Probably they would come anyway… “Well, to a friend of ours, who we haven’t met ever since the universe has changed,” I explained it to him shortly.

“Yes… and none of you said anything about that to me. Even though you knew that I was closed into that formation!” Narihi added with a grumpy voice.

“Ah, yeah… sorry about that. I forgot because of your face when you were entranced so much by Poirlion,” I retorted, making her go silent. Now I’d like to read her thoughts… but she isn’t here!


“Ah… Okay, then it’s my fault… But I couldn’t help myself. It was love at first sight!” Narihi answered with an unusual shamelessness. She seemed to be more opened about when she had to talk about their relationship. I guess she wasn’t embarrassed about showing her feelings in front of Poirlion anymore.

“Also, we are going with you,” Poirlion chimed in, finally answering our question.

[Even though you were the one stopping them from doing so?] Hiro thought honestly and to my displeasure, his words were indeed true.

“Then come to the star formation. We are already here,” Hiro said as he pinched my ass. I rubbed it because it stung… We were here so quickly, thanks to Rin. But Poirlion and Narihi could teleport, so they appeared here in the blink of an eye. We felt envious of their ability to teleport. Once we reach the sixth level… I measured up Narihi, who had a more womanly aura surrounding her. Feeling my eyes, she looked into them with a slightly fearful face.

“W- What now?” She asked with a stiff face. I leaned closer to her and after sniffing her once, a victorious smile appeared on my face. She was caught red handed!

“M- My goddess. I would greatly appreciate if you could stop bullying my mate-” Poirlion started, which made me laugh. Upon hearing my laugh, he also stopped. I waved my right hand as I turned around and told him that he can calm down and that I’m not going to ‘bully’ her anymore.

Hiro felt curious, so he checked out their thoughts, which caused us a great surprise. I respect her very much, but only I can bully you! Tonight I’m going to be your master once again, okay? What should we use this time? The whip? Or we could… Poirlion thought such things, which left us with our mouths opened widely. I turned my head around with a surprised face on, which made it clear to him that I heard him. He covered his face with his palm and shook his head sideways while thinking that I shouldn’t have heard it.

All Hiro did, was that he started laughing and paid for the fee. The guard at the formation allowed us on it and then after telling Narihi our destination, she teleported all of us to the right place, instantly. Like that, we didn’t have to travel from formation to formation. In front of us, appeared a two-star planet. It had many cultivators below the fifth level, but there were also quite a lot above it. Still, most of them were at a single place. We quickly teleported there since that was Ellery’s place.

Huge golden walls appeared in front of us, covering an area of two hundred thousand square kilometers. We used our soul forces and sensed everything this planet had to offer. After a quick check, we realized that almost everyone had golden energy in their bodies. Probably this was his planet. I could even imagine that this was just a dead planet and he formed it into his own. Not to mention terraforming, we could easily create planets as well.

There were a few cultivators walking on top of the walls, who were at the fourth level. Upon noticing us, standing there, they shouted. “Hey! Trespassers aren’t allowed on this planet! Leave before I notify someone!” His words almost made me laugh. Not caring about him, I contacted Ellery.

“Hey, we are here, yet your guard wants to send us away. What kind of welcoming is this?” I questioned her. Since I was able to sense her, I knew that she was in her room. Upon hearing my message, I felt her leaving it in a hurry and flying towards us in the form of a lightning.


“Hey! Can’t you hear me!? Alright! I’m going to-” Just as he was about to finish his sentence, he saw a golden lightning flickering through the clouds. It struck the ground, right in front of us and turned into the shape of a human. It was none other than Ellery.

“Miss! Be careful! They are-” He wanted to shout, but Elley snapped her head towards him as she shouted. “Shut up you idiot! They are my friends. Do you want to get punished?”

Beads of sweat started pouring down on his forehead upon realizing that he screwed up. We weren’t angry at him. He was just a poor guard doing his job. If anything, we felt sorry for him. Nah… that’s not like us. I smiled at him while waving my right hand as we left with Ellery leading us. He was such a cute ‘boy’. I couldn’t help but tease him as I pressured him with my aura, which made him fall on his knees on the spot.

[Honey, you are so evil. He was just doing his job…] Hiro rebuked me, but even he found it funny.

[I’m sorry~ Am I going to be punished? I’ll be, right? But his fearful face was simply cute~ hehe,] I said jokingly with a tingling feeling in my chest. No, this wasn’t the effect of my instincts. I stopped feeling that way. I was simply playing a bit with the poor human.

[You can bet on that. I’ll punish you as much as you want me to. But don’t tell me that you too turned into a big M? It’s shameful enough that Narihi is like that, even though she is a proud Hydra! I- It’s hard to imagine her on her fours while begging Poirlion to whip her ass… Well, I’m not going to judge her sexual preferences. It’s different for everyone,] Hiro offered up his punishment, which made him remember Narihi’s case. As a result, he couldn’t help but think about what the hell were those two doing.

Even now, while they were flying behind us, they were smudging behind us… They thought that we didn’t notice them. The worst was that I found ourselves in them…

“You brought some weird friends. What are you up to? Are you gathering a group of perverts?” Ellery sent her thoughts straight into my head, forgetting that her mind power was nowhere near powerful enough to hide it from them.

“P- Pardon me, but we aren’t-” Narihi started, but upon noticing Ellery’s unbelieving eyes, she stopped talking, which was followed by her mumbling. “Alright… we are perverts.”

“They aren’t weird. They are just in love! You know nothing, you young hatchling!” I protected them this one time with a proud face and my chest stuck out. Ellery made skeptical eyes and then moved aside with a shrug of her shoulders. Behind her, their huge golden castle appeared. It was seriously large. It towered at a hundred and fifty meters tall. It was completely made of gold.

It covered an area of fifty square kilometers. It had golden trees and golden grass in it, which looked really… ugly. Who the hell would want a completely golden colored place? A golden castle is one thing, but for even nature to be golden… That’s not our cup of coffee. I felt my brows twitching, while the people behind us had the same kind of reaction. Noticing our looks, Ellery’s proud face started twitching.

“W- What’s the problem?” She asked with a slightly unhappy voice, while the left side of her mouth was twitching.

“Ah? Uhm… nothing. It’s just so beautiful that we were felt too surprised…” Narihi saved the day by saying so. I put my hand behind my back and showed her my thumb, indicating that she evaded the question nicely.

[This better not backfire at us in the near future…] Hiro remarked, raising a stupid flag of failing. His instincts were always spot on… and mine were screaming at me for the same thing. This is going to backfire… the question was when?

“Ah! You think so? That’s good then!” She said as she put her palms together, completely buying Narihi’s words and then she continued - “Stupid Rose wasn’t liking it. She said that the castle was one thing, but even nature? She just doesn’t understand it!”

I put my right hand on my forehead, feeling a headache. “Alright, don’t stand outside, come in!” She said with a smile on her face, wishing to guide us and show us her place.

Can’t we correct our mistake and tell her what we think? I thought, but Hiro told me that it would be wrong at such a moment. We had to find the right timing! Lying wasn’t our style anyway. We entered the castle through the huge doors, which were opened by two guards. They stood there with respectful faces on, while looking at Ellery. Ellery was also at the fifth level, but that wasn’t surprising. The fourth level was easy to leap through in case you had a nice background like her.

Her father simply left her with enough Energy Converting Pills and all she had to do was to consume them… Since it’s been more than a month, it was natural that she was able to convert her energy completely. But advancing at the fifth level was different. She was still only at the bottom of the first stage. If she were to know what we have inside us and that our souls were at the fourth stage of Baby Soul, I’m sure that she would be left with her eyes and mouth opened widely.

While she was leading us around, she was explaining everything to us. There were housings for the guards, for the family members. Everyone here knew how to use the golden energy, but those people had to make an oath! I couldn’t imagine such a life… well, it’s not like I was born to serve. I was born to rule! After turning a corner, we found ourselves in front of a huge double door. Ellery knocked on it twice, like a refined lady as she opened the door. She had a cheeky smile on her face. It seems like she loves her father. We need such a daughter! Well… later.

We heard steps from both behind us and the door. Just as the door was opened, Rose and Max also appeared. Rose jumped into my neck, which surprised me slightly. I spun once, with her, hanging on my neck, but she was taller than me, so her toes were touching the ground. Such a failure! “Helloo~ you love birds! It’s been such a long time that I’ve seen you! We thought that you were lost!” She said happily, which soon turned into a sad face. I patted her head, which was once again weird since I was shorter than her.

“Oh? Ellery and? Who are these people?” The guy with blonde hair and golden eyes, standing in the door, also talked. He had a lean body, with blonde stubble on his face, which had sharp, manly features. He furrowed his brows upon noticing our group in his doorstep.

Ellery gave a small kiss on his face as she said with a bright smile. “Father, they are my friends who you heard of. She is Alice, Hiro, and they are…” She started introducing us, but she realized that she didn’t know Poirlion’s and Narihi’s names. “Ehm… I’m saying they are…” She emphasized it this time, with her brows furrowed, but Poirlion and Narihi were only looking at each other. They probably didn’t even notice her. Hiro couldn’t hold it in and he started chuckling. I put my right hand on my mouth to cover my voice and I used my tail to nudge those two.

Poirlion and Narihi snapped up their heads and looked towards Ellery. They quickly introduced themselves. Poirlion started scratching the back of his head, knowing that he should have been more attentive. Ellery’s father also chuckled upon seeing this little scene and then he spoke - “My name is Weston Gold and you are welcomed to stay here as our guests.” He finished his introduction with a small bow and cupped hands, like a refined Chinese gentleman.

“Come with me, I’ll show you to your rooms,” Ellery said with a smile, which suddenly froze on her face and then she said - “Wait… thinking about it twice, it’s better if we don’t let you into the rooms. You should go to your own world to sleep,” Ellery said such cruel words while looking at us and biting her lips.

I opened my eyes and mouth widely as I spread my arms, saying - “What the fuck? Is this how you treat your guests? You are so cruel! And just to be clear, they” - I pointed at Poirlion and Narihi as I continued - “are just as perverted as us.”

“Well, I don’t know about that, but you-” She started speaking, but Weston interrupted her - “Ellery! That isn’t how I educated you. Should I discipline you?” He rebuked her with a serious and slightly angry face.

“I’m sorry…” She hung her head down sadly.

“Eh? You don’t have to take my words so seriously, I was just joking with her. We would sleep in our own worlds anyway…” I tried defending her, but Weston shook his head sideways, telling me that I was wrong. I bit my lips, not knowing what to do.

Weston coughed once and then said with a serious face. - “*Cough* Sorry for the scene, but sometimes she is a bit too free minded.” He nodded once after finishing his words and then he continued - “Alright. Come inside.” He opened the door and we found a nice room inside. There was a table in the center and there were sofas and chairs around it. In the back, there was also another door, which led to a study room. Although we weren’t able to see it since the door was closed, but we were able to sense it.

After sitting down, Hiro was the first to speak. “I’ve heard that you came from the Earth. That’s very interesting because I’m the same…” While Hiro said that, Weston’s eyes opened widely, along with his mouth. He made a truly surprised face.

“Seriously? And where did you live?” He questioned while leaning forward in his curiosity.

Hiro scratched the back of his head and then said with a stiff face. “Well… Most likely, you won’t know where my country was, but it was called Hungary, in Europe.”

[Please don’t shoot the joke, please don’t shoot the joke!] Hiro started chanting in his mind, hoping that he wouldn’t hear it anymore, but to his dismay - “Hungry? Hahaha! That must have been a nice country!” Weston said with a laugh while hitting the table.

[He shot the joke… Fucking great!] Hiro thought grumpily. I chuckled upon feeling him. Rose was sitting next to me and I saw it on her face… She just covered it, trying to hide his embarrassment after such a stupid joke. She felt embarrassed in Weston’s place and Ellery was no different. The only ones laughing were obviously….

“Hahaha! Indeed!” Poirlion laughed, along with Narihi. Max was sitting there, completely mute and unmoving, but the pain was visible in his eyes. Finally noticing that we weren’t digging his joke, he coughed awkwardly and stopped laughing.

“You came from China, right?” Hiro asked with his brows raised, trying to put the conversation back on track.

“Ah… yes. I was born in China. It would be nice to visit it, but I wasn’t powerful enough to enter that world at that time… Oh, wait. You probably don’t even know of it,” He said with his brows raised, also asking Hiro.

“But, I do know everything about it,” Hiro answered, which slightly surprised Weston, but he continued nonetheless.

“Oh, in that case, it makes things easier. So, where was I? Yeah, that selection. I wasn’t able to enter that world because I was only at the eighth stage of the World Realm. Not to mention getting a key, even traveling through the Abyss would have been dangerous… Now that I’m at the third stage of Temporary Law Realm, I could at least enter the other universe. But as it turned out, exactly those two universes mixed. It was a real surprise…” He made an ironical face after finishing his explanation.

So he actually hasn’t been to our world, even though he knew where it was. Hiro didn’t know if he should tell him or not. Weston won’t be able to enter it anyway unless he makes a blood bond with us. But we wouldn’t do such a thing with him, just to let him enter it. After thinking so much, Hiro decided to stay silent about it. Maybe he will tell him later, but surely not now.

“But wait… you, your face seems to be familiar. Narihi…” Weston furrowed his brows and focused his eyes on Narihi while putting his hand on his chin and making a thoughtful face. Narihi was stronger than anyone here, which wasn’t surprising. She was also the oldest, probably. I guess the age thing was incorrect when it came to my ‘other half’ belief. But thinking twice about it, it was logical. What about the guys or girls, who liked older or younger men or women?

Weston’s age wasn’t surprising and even his level was miraculous for a human. No matter in which age he lived, he probably didn’t reincarnate earlier than a thousand years. Reaching his level and stage in such a short time was already more than a genius could do. It was no wonder that there were many cultivators under his rule, wishing to serve someone who had a bright future. After thinking a bit more, Weston’s face lit up as he gained enlightenment.

“Ah! I know you! You were one of the people entering, but then you went missing… What happened?” Weston questioned her curiously with his head tilted to the side.

“Yes, I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones. Long story short… I was trapped by those three bastards. They are going to pay for what they have done. But I’ll have to catch up to them,” Narihi said while gritting her teeth.

Just as she finished talking, the door was opened and a group of people came in, with trays on their hands. They started filling the table with delicious looking food to our pleasure. But Hiro’s eyes soon bulged upon seeing that magical food, called chocolate. He loved it in his past life as well. That feeling was so long before, that I wasn’t able to recreate it in my mouth, so I didn’t have an exact idea of its taste, but I knew that it was going to be wonderful!

Before they could put everything down, Hiro already moved his tail and snatched away a whole rod of chocolate and put it into his mouth. Following his example, I did the same. I held it in my hands, like a magical treasure. Its wonderful smell permeated through the air and entered my nostrils. I sniffed deeply, already loving its smell. Hiro had put it into his mouth long ago and he was sucking on it with a blissful face. I licked it once and felt a wonderful, sweet taste on the top of my mouth. After licking once again, I couldn’t stop myself from continuing.

But instead of licking, I put the whole thing into my mouth. My whole body twitched as I felt it’s wonderful taste. We coiled our tails together in our happiness. “You love chocolate, it seems…” Weston said with a smile on his face. Hiro nodded and told him that it’s been a long time that he ate it and that he was missing it dearly. The worst was that we could have simply entered our own world and buy it. Or just take it away… Ellery laughed upon seeing our reaction. Everyone started eating and talking, while everyone kept chatting and talking about the things that happened to them.

Time quickly passed by and the sky turned dark. Weston slapped his hands on the table to gain attention and then he said. “Alright, guys! A nice bath would be perfect to seal the day. I have a nice hot spring as well. Do you care to join?” Hearing his question, all of us made pleasured faces as we agreed. “Then let’s go!” He said as he stood up with a smile on his face.”

I coiled my arm around Hiro’s and then we followed Weston’s lead. We soon reached a spacious hall, which had two doors on it. One of them was for women, while the other one was for men. That was the time when I realized, that I was supposed to separate from Hiro!

[M- Maybe I shouldn’t go with the girls. We could make a hot spring for ourselves somewhere…] I quickly offered up, not wishing to part from Hiro.

[I- I feel the same, but we can’t turn back at such a moment. We would turn party killers…] Hiro answered and I felt his heart breaking. But instead of being sad, he quickly started thinking for a solution and it came immediately. I quickly took a liking to his idea, so I didn’t whine anymore.

As we turned around, we noticed that Poirlion and Narihi had similarly unhappy faces, but after telling them our idea, they also smiled and entered. I quickly turned Blank into a towel, while Hiro did the same on the other side. Both of us were first to enter. After finding that big, wooden wall, separating the two sides, we cut a hole in it, which had the shape of our backs. After sitting down with our backs touching, we coiled our tails together, forming a knot.

Just as we finished, Poirlion and Narihi entered the two different sides and did the same as we. Soon I saw Ellery and Rose entering. Rose had a really nice body. She had long, slender legs, with sexy curves. Her boobs were also quite large, which was a real treat to the eyes. “Hehe, I always wanted to have a nice girl’s bath only,” She said with a smile on her face as she sat down in front of me. I opened my legs and let her rest her back on my chest. Her long hair turned wet after entering the water and it sprawled out on my right shoulder as she rested the back of her head on it.

Well… that was a surprising move, but I didn’t mind it. Ellery stood there, completely naked, in front of me, with a pitiful face. She didn’t have a place, even though she too wanted to get touchy… “*Sigh* You big babies, what’s with you? Come…” I said with a sigh as I extended out my left arm. She leaned on my left side and put my hand on her belly. I swear that we looked like a group of lesbians… even though there weren’t such people among cultivators. As Hiro’s memories told it, it was only a genetical mutation.

Knowing the history of that world, it was no wonder that there were such things as homosexualism. But outside? There weren’t gay men and lesbian girls. Narihi was sitting on my right with her arms and sides also touching me. We were like a pile of women.

“Alice, your chest is really big. It feels so squishy and soft!” Rose remarked and I felt Hiro’s lower body part twitching as a result. Narihi chuckled because she probably felt the same reaction from Poirlion.

“We can hear you crystal clear!” Poirlion shouted through the walls and then all three of them laughed. Narihi answered by making a formation around us. She sealed our sounds. Feeling curious about their past, I asked Rose at first. “Hey, Rose. What was your childhood like?” I questioned her as I pulled a lock of her red hair to the side.

“Hmm? My childhood? What should I say… I was born just like everyone else, obviously. Hahaha~ My parents were mortals, so I didn’t have a background to support me, but I didn’t mind it. My father was called John Banks, while I inherited the name of my mother. I lived my life as a mortal for about… ten years? I think. And that was the time when I first started cultivating,” She explained while making a thoughtful face.

“And what made you start cultivating? What was your reason?” I questioned her in my curiosity.

“Fufu~ The world I was born in, had schools and such. We had to learn the basics at first and when we reached the age of ten, everyone had to start cultivating. They always told us that we would die after living only a few years and that we surely don’t want to look like them. They said that because everyone there was old and wrinkly. As young children, we didn’t understand their words. We simply thought that we will quickly turn so wrinkly if we didn’t cultivate. That being the case, we worked hard.”

“But as time passed by, we also started maturing and realized what their words truly meant. I was only at the first stage of Foundation Realm at that time, while a few people were already at the second or third. I wasn’t alone, but seeing us, being left behind, I felt discouraged. Hehe. But then, there was a case. My parents had an argument with the parents of one of my classmates. They told us that our animals ate their plantations and they were asking for redemption. Since none of them were cultivators, they didn’t have real strength.”

“What they were told us, wasn’t even true. There was a storm and that was the cause of their damaged plantation… The problem was that the son of those parents was already at the third stage. He was a real genius in our class. One day, he came to our house and after beating up all three of us, he simply left with our money. That was the time when I decided to stand up and fight. It’s been hundreds of years since I left home. My parents are probably long dead, which fills my heart with sadness…” She said as a drop of tear trickled down on her face.

I strengthened my embrace around her, feeling her pain. It was surely terrible to leave behind her parents and then live all alone, all by herself. Having no one to rely on. If not for Hiro, then I’d have had such a fate as well. A ridiculing smile crept on my face. Such was the life of cultivators. Leaving behind everything to reach the top. We were fighting for the invisible top. We were fighting to reach the top, to find out what was behind this matter of reality we were living in. Cultivation was also a means to get over the others.

The first cultivators probably started cultivating only to get over the other mortals. Just like in Rose’s case. And then it grew bigger and bigger, along with the size of the disputes. As they started knowing more about the universe, they also started getting more and more interested in it. They wanted to find out what was the truth. Though these are only guessings of mine, but it’s very likely. After soothing Rose, I looked at Narihi. Knowing that it was her turn, she spoke.

“Well… I don’t have such things behind me. You probably know how divine beasts are born. We are just like True Divine Beasts, but with much less strength. After being born in a forest, I lived my life there for a few years before completely outgrowing it. I was a natural born predator and no monster could fight against me. That’s how I slowly started growing up. We too have bits of memories in our minds, supporting us. I wasn’t born an idiot. Naturally. Ah! Pardon me… I didn’t mean it that way,” She slapped on her mouth as she realized that Rose and Ellery were humans, who were born ‘idiots’.

But everyone understood her meaning, so we just simply laughed at her words. “Anyway, after leaving that forest, I took my way towards where Universe Energy was thicker and then started cultivating. We, divine beasts, have natural instincts. We have that superior feeling in our bodies. It’s natural for us that we want to cultivate, that we want to get over the others, that we want to be stronger than anyone! What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t need such reasons as yours to start cultivating. It was natural to me.”

“When I felt real strength seeping my whole body, I felt the need to gain even more! I wanted to get stronger and stronger. Naturally, I don’t have parents and I didn’t know what love truly feels like. But luckily for me, that changed. Although only Alice knows it, but I met Poirlion not so long before. However stupid it might seem, but it was love at first sight. We felt a strong pulling towards each other and I didn’t want to resist that feeling.”

“Your nudgings from time to time also helped us, hahaha,” She said while looking at me with a smile on her face, also thanking me for ‘helping’ them. I told her that it was my pleasure. “Truth be told, I didn’t have anything truly interesting in my life. I’ve been cultivating, fighting, battling all this time. As a Nine Headed, three stars, divine beast Hydra, I had it quite easy against my enemies. Oh, but there was a case.”

“What?” I asked in my curiosity as I saw her go silent for a while.

She looked up, straight into my eyes as she said. “Well, I know that you two are different, but I was very skeptical when I met you. In reality, I wanted to get away from you two as quickly as possible because I’ve met two True Divine Beasts through my life. Although my age the same as Poirlion’s, but I’m stronger because I spent a quarter of my life beside a Twelve Headed Hydra… His aura helped me in training much quicker, but it was a terrible life.”

“That’s the dark side of my life… Luckily for me, he was looking at us like stupid servants, so he didn’t take our bodies, but he made us serve him. There were male and female Hydras as well, serving him. We had to do all kinds of tasks for him and if we didn’t obey him, then he beat us up or robbed us of our energies for a whole day! It was terrible! A day without Universe Energy felt as if I’d be dying of hunger!”

“His name was Zrovin, The Sovereign… and he was at the seventh level at that time. Probably he is even stronger since then. When he sent us out, he always made us take an oath. We also made an oath that if we were to leave without his command, then we would die. We couldn’t leave and we couldn’t escape! But one day, he made a mistake, which was also my day of escape!”

“I was able to trick him with my words while making the oath, which not only got me released from under his oath, but it also made it possible for me to leave without any repercussions. He was a shitty evildoer… After leaving, I went as far away from his place as possible and then I found Genotin Academy. I’ve been there for a few centurions. I also met another True Divine Beast there. The Turtle God. She is a bitchy, bossy, asshole as well. That’s why after meeting with two such creatures, I felt very skeptical with you.”

“Especially after knowing that I couldn’t do anything against you in your world, I felt despaired. If you wished to, then you could have made me take an oath and then my servitude would have started once again. Don’t misunderstand me. I had that obeying feeling while being with Zrovin as well. But I knew that I didn’t like him and that feeling of wanting to obey his wishes, slowly turned into disliking and hating. I didn’t want to take any of his orders! I feel different with Hiro at the moment.”

“You’ve got a good mate. He is worthy of my respect and I’d gladly serve him. I don’t feel the need to fight my instincts while being with you guys. So if you need my help, then come to me anytime!” She finished her story with a bright smile on her face. Honestly speaking, I felt surprised after hearing her last words. So she actually liked Hiro as her leader. Now I also understand how divine beasts' mind work when it comes to this ‘ruling’ feeling. As long as they find the True Divine Beast worthy, they would serve him or her.

“It must have been rough. I can understand your side of the coin as well. I don’t know how it makes you feel when you meet a True Divine Beast. I mean, I, as a Dragon God, can’t imagine my life serving anyone. I’d rather die than obey...“ I said with an unhappy face while thinking of such things as serving.

“Haha, well. When it comes to humans or other such lesser creatures, I too feel the same, but when I see Hiro. I have this swelling feeling in my whole being. This feeling that I’m seeing a true ruler. Someone who is worthy of my respect and someone who is worthy of my service,” Narihi explained how she felt. I nodded upon hearing her. I guess it was in their instincts.

“I’ll leave your story last if you don’t mind,” I said while looking at Ellery. She shrugged her shoulders as an answer and then made a curious face. I moved slightly since I felt my butt to be sore. “Ah… you girls are so clingy. Even though I’d never let a man touch me, here you are lying down on me while being naked…” I said with a grumpy voice. They chuckled upon hearing my words and told me that they weren’t males. No, that was right behind me! Though they didn’t know about the hole behind my and Narihi’s back.

“What should I say… I had the simplest life. I was born and then after falling asleep, I immediately met Hiro. You all know that he was reincarnated from that Earth of his. He doesn’t remember a few things, for example, how or why he died. But he knew where to go to find me, for some unknown reason. After we met, we started growing up together. We had the same kind of vibe you had,” I said while looking at Narihi. She nodded, indicating that she understood.

“Hiro always believed that everyone had another half and he knew that I was that person. As we grew, our feelings also grew, just like our bodies. Fufu~ From that point on, it’s just history. We entered dungeons, participated in a small-scale war and such things. I can’t say that we have too many things behind us, and I definitely can’t think of anything bad in my life. I also know how it feels to have loving parents, thanks to Hiro’s past life, so I’m different even in that aspect… The best thing that has happened to me was meeting Hiro.”

“Although you might don’t understand how good it feels and I can’t pour it into words, but it’s truly wonderful. Knowing that there is always someone who you can rely on and that someone is also there protecting you, loving you, through your whole life and even after your life… It’s simply beyond anything I could wish for. Whatever kind of creature we might be, we are always going to seek fulfillment, which comes in the form of bonds. Bonds with other people. And Hiro is all I truly need. I hold you all dear, but you could never fill the hole that would be left in my heart if Hiro were to disappear.”

“I hope that you can understand it one day because it’s wonderful to love,” Rose and Ellery had their tears falling and they jumped at me while crying and sobbing. I didn’t know that my words were so touching… for them, at least.

“Hey! I’m turning all snotty! Stupid girls!” I shouted as I felt someone cleaning her nose on my shoulder in a sneaky way. Little bastard! It was Rose or Ellery…

After calming down, Ellery also told her tale, but I knew it already because the guys were also talking about such things. When they entered, Hiro told our tale as a start, which got them in the mood, which was followed by Poirlion’s. He didn’t have anything fancy in his past either. He was born, he fought, he lived… After entering the Abyss, he went through countless battles and he advanced quickly. From then on, we also knew everything about him.

While Wiston’s case was more… complicated. When he started, his voice was slightly trembling, which reason of, Hiro didn’t know.

“I lived my life on the Earth at the age of the Tang Dynasty, in China. I was just a regular soldier and then I’ve got reincarnated. There was nothing particular about my past life. I died in a battle, which was also usual… After that feeling of darkness, I found myself in the body of an infant, which was truly weird. I was proficient in hand to hand combat and I was also good at using weapons and then I was suddenly born into the body of a ‘useless’ infant. I felt bored through my childhood…”

“Originally, I thought that I was born on the Earth again since even my parents, ridiculously enough, gave me the same name as in my past life. But I soon found out, that it wasn’t like that. I saw my father flying into the air without the help of anything! That was when I realized that I wasn’t on the Earth anymore. I always dreamed of flying and such things, so I immediately got interested in cultivating. While I was growing up, I barely met with my father and mother. They took care of me and protected me, but nothing more.”

“Quite cold… though in my age, in my past life, my parents were also very strict and I had to train seriously to serve our dynasty head. Anyway, I grew up just like all of you. I fought battles, I fought for my life as well sometimes. That was the time when I met her. She was beautiful,” Weston said as his eyes turned misty. While listening to it, Hiro feared to hear a tragedy…

“My wife, Helen, is a wonderful woman. I love her very much and she blessed me with two children, though there are problems with one of them… but he is still my son and I love him just as much as I do Ellery. I felt terrible in the old universe because I knew that my young children are out there, fighting in the wild against those cultivators and they might lose their lives. Luckily, my name was enough to protect them. Honestly, when Ellery talked about being friends with you, I felt scared. Scared that you would hurt her, but after getting to know you, I know that my fears were groundless.”

“But I had a problem. I had many enemies as well and Helen was only at the first stage of the fifth level. One day, she went out and to my dismay, she was captured by that bastard Krun clan! They are a clan of Dwarves and although they don’t have the strength to fight me, but ever since capturing my wife, they have been blackmailing me!” He growled angrily as he smashed his fist into the bottom of the hot spring, causing a tremor to run through it.

I and Hiro, felt our wrath rising. We always respected those who loved each other dearly and we hated such cases where people were ‘ugly’ enough to break them apart. If such a pair were to be our enemies, then we would rather kill both of them than to tear them apart.

“My life was terrible without Helen, but at least Ellery returned to me. God bless this mixing… I’m trying hard to find a way to free Helen and get her back, but anything I do fails!” He put his palms on his face, while his tears started falling upon reaching that far. That was the first time that I saw a man cry. Hiro didn’t have a reason to, but I felt the need to help him. He wasn’t faking it. He truly felt sad and terrible and he was daring and brave enough to cry in front of two men.

That alone was worthy of respect. Both Poirlion and Hiro stood up and put their hands on his shoulders and then said while looking down at him. “Fear not, Weston Gold. Because help has come…”

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