《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 74 - When Your Heart Stops Beating (Contains 18+)


When Your Heart Stops Beating

Alice’s POV:


Hiro jumped towards Hitoshi, who transformed his symbiote into a tower shield. Hiro willed and Blank formed into a spear in his right hand. He jumped into the air and thrust his spear forward. His spear struck the top of Hitoshi’s shield, which caused it to break under Hiro’s strength. Blank was a legendary symbiont, so that wasn’t surprising.

Hitoshi quickly jumped back with a surprised face, but Hiro was already waiting for him. Upon landing, Hiro sent a black mass through the ground, right under Hitoshi, which transformed into a clone and jumped out right behind Hitoshi. With the force he jumped backward to evade Hiro’s spear, he turned in the air and slashed with his shield, which turned into a sword while he swung it. Hiro’s clone ducked down to evade the strike, but the top of his head was still shaved hairless.

Hiro’s clone tapped the top of his head with a smile on his face, but it quickly grew back. While Hitoshi swung his sword in an arc, Hiro jumped towards him with his original body, with a somersault. His spear turned into a thick staff. While holding onto its handle, Hiro swung it down towards Hitoshi, who turned around, only to see the incoming strike. Using his superior strength and the incoming strike, he jumped into the air and turned his sword into a staff as well. He held it up horizontally and as the strike struck, he was propelled into Hiro’s clone’s chest with both of his feet.

Luckily for Hiro, just that alone wasn’t much since he had tough scales covering his body. Hiro’s clone fell on his back, while Hitoshi stood on Hiro’s chest, but not for long because another clone appeared and used Destiny’s Descent to strike. Hitoshi made a surprised face upon seeing another clone appearing and that it also attacked him immediately. But he still jumped to the right to evade the incoming attack. A four meters tall Hydra, made of Hydra Qi rushed towards Hitoshi, who sadly had to realize that this attack would follow him till the end of the world.

He used his martial art as well to defend himself and to attack. His symbiont was probably a three-star one, and it was completely white, giving him speed. It was probably of the wind attribute, while his martial art was like a dark shadow, hovering around his body. He turned into smoke and disappeared from his original place and then reappeared behind Hiro. Expecting it, Hiro turned around and swung his short sword in an arc, thinking that it was a good choice at that moment.

Hitoshi used a mind attack on Hiro, but thanks to the white pill we took, he had to realize that it was useless. With a smirk on his face, Hiro’s short sword scratched Hitoshi’s neck, who quickly jumped back to evade the fatal blow. Hiro and his two clones stood shoulder to shoulder, looking at Hitoshi, who raised his hand up to his neck and pulled his finger along his wound. He raised up his finger and found his own blood on it.

“Not bad… you are indeed much better than me. I can’t help but admit. But don’t think that I’m such an easy opponent,” Hitoshi said and then licked off the blood from his finger. A green light shone above his wound and it quickly recovered.

“I wouldn’t dare to,” Hiro said with a nod, knowing that he had to be careful. Hiro and his clones turned Blank into shields in their left hands, with long spears in their right hands and waited for Hitoshi to attack. The first round was Hiro’s win.


Hitoshi turned into a black smoke and flew towards Hiro, who welcomed him by roaring loudly, which was followed by the appearance of seven huge Dragon heads, which flew towards Hitoshi’s shadow cloud with their jaws opened widely. Not wishing to risk it, he turned back into a human from a cloud and made a thick wall of darkness appearing in front of him. Hiro’s clone, on his right, stomped on the ground and made thick walls of earth grow out of the ground behind Hitoshi, while his other clone shot a Hydra’s Wings towards Hitoshi.

The dragon heads bombarded Hitoshi’s wall one by one, which caused it to break after four strikes, he was surprised to see that another three were flying towards him, while the Hydra’s Wings were like shadows, escaping his vision and senses. Hiro’s timing was perfect, which made it very hard to sense the other attack.

Hitoshi turned his symbiote into a hammer and spun on his heels. The incoming Dragon heads were smashed into mirror-like pieces, but Hitoshi didn’t let down his guard. Even though it was like that, the Hydra’s Wings were too quick for him to do anything about them. Two wing-shaped blades of energies struck his body, but he was still quick enough to cover himself in that smoke-like energy. Two deep cuts appeared on his arms, which caused him to start bleeding heavily, especially after Hiro’s typical devouring started.

The remnants of his energy entered Hitoshi’s body and while he was trying to restrict it, he was attacked by three Hydro Minds at the same time. Hiro lengthened his tail and swung it towards Hitoshi’s head, but before it could reach him, he regained consciousness and jumped into the air. Hiro’s tail struck his ankles, which broke upon contact, along with Hitoshi’s symbiote. But at that time, Hitoshi also shot a ball of darkness towards Hiro, which had a huge amount of energy in it.

Hiro was using his three layered defense, like always, but it was still broken through. That dark ball crushed his chest on the spot, along with four of his hearts, but what did it matter to my honey? He stood up from the ground and he didn’t have to spit out his blood since it was flooding out of his chest. There was an ogre-fist sized hole in his chest and his insides looked to be a mess. His racial ability kicked in and started regenerating him with an incredible speed. Hitoshi’s eyes opened widely upon realizing that his attack was futile.

The hole disappeared only in four seconds, though Hitoshi didn’t intend to wait anymore as he jumped towards Hiro. Hiro’s clones covered his original body and released two Destiny’s Descent. It took a large amount of energy out of him, but it wasn’t a problem since Necros’ ability was amplified by Blank, making his energy recovery ridiculous. Hitoshi turned into smoke and divided into three ‘clones’. That was truly surprising since cloning skills were very rare. But we soon understood that it was nothing of the sort.

Those two clouds turned into shadow-like, formless humans. Hiro’s attack struck them and destroyed them on the spot. That skill was only good to defend against attacks like these. Hitoshi spat out a mouthful of blood, probably because his body was burdened by the sudden energy consumption. His face turned slightly pale and after looking at Hiro’s original body and seeing that he was already completely recovered, he couldn’t help but furrow his brows.

“Tch… you are indeed a True Divine Beast. I admit that you are worthy of such a beauty as her... Okay, let’s stop playing around!” Hitoshi clicked his tongue and after complimenting me, while looking into my eyes, he turned back towards Hiro and told him that it was time to stop playing around.


[Ya’ hear that? You were called a beauty. I told you that anyone would call you a beauty~ hehe,] Hiro thought with a small laugh in his mind. I felt happy hearing his words, but he should focus more on the matter at hand, though he still had four more calls… It’s not like this battle was about me, though Hitoshi probably tried showing off, but that was all to it. Males liked showing off in front of women, but it was true the other way around too. Not me, though. I don’t need other males to look at me the way Hiro does. All I truly need is his love and body. I want him all for myself. I want to possess him forever and ever.

[And you can do so. Fufu, alright. I’m off to finish this. I bet that he is going to show his real talent,] Hiro remarked and then focused on his battle. Hitoshi breathed in deeply and then breathed out long. He opened his eyes, and a bit more color returned to his face. His eyes were completely black and they were sucking in the light, making him look creepy. He clapped his palms together while shouting ‘HA!’ loudly. The whole space around Hiro turned into a large, dark cloud, while Hitoshi also disappeared.

This attack should have been stopped before being cast. [I think so… well, I can’t do anything about it. I wanted to see what can a real genius of his level do. I hope that I’m not going to lose as a result, haha!] Hiro laughed stupidly, but I wasn’t fearing him losing. He still had more clones to use and his clones used only two moves as well, making him standing there with only two stacks. His next attacks would be much more powerful.

“Don’t cry if you lose after this, in turn, I won’t hold a grudge either if I were to lose. In that case, you are truly worthy of my respect, no. To be more exact, you are already worthy of it because of making me use this.” Hitoshi’s voice reverberated through the dark cloud. Many shady, shapeless humans took form in that smoke and stood all around Hiro. Not wishing to take it easy, Hiro called forth all of his clones. Seeing seven of him standing there, Hitoshi remarked that he was a bastard cheater, which made Hiro laugh.

Well, although this guy was annoying, but he was still a bearable person, though I wouldn’t seek his company for sure… Those shapeless shadows ran towards Hiro, with spears, swords, axes, hammers, halberds, and such weapons in their hands. Hiro turned Blank into a Glaive in his hands since it had a long reach and it also provided the wielder with a huge attack power.

Those shadows soon reached Hiro and started bombarding him and his clones. Hiro and his clones were swinging their weapons continuously, trying to defend themselves. Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared. It had four arms with four weapons in hands. Its upper body started rotating like a wind blade, creating a deadly zone. These shadows were able to cause just as much damage as Hitoshi in his normal form.

“Let’s see how you fight against this,” Hitoshi said proudly, but his tone seemed to be tired. This technique probably took a lot out of him.

Seeing the blades closing in on him, Hiro raised his brows and then decided what to do. His clones stood around him in a circle and used their third and fourth moves. After each of his strikes, space was cracked at a few points where the epicenters of his attacks struck. That black smoke started seeping out of our world into that nothingness, which probably wasn’t good for Hitoshi. But that swirling darkness wasn’t idling by. It reached Hiro and his clones and upon doing so, it cut one of his clones into mincemeat.

Seeing such a thing broke my heart, even though I knew that it was only one and that it would end in a moment. [Don’t cry dear. How am I supposed to let you fight after me?] Hiro soothed me through our souls. Feeling his calmness and happiness, I was immediately affected because of our fused soul. After I calmed down, Hiro roared out with an inhuman voice and used Space Breath, which had a much wider range than before. An invisible, but very powerful aura flew through space and left nothing in its path.

The dark clouds were sucked into it quickly and only a single, small patch was able to escape from the whole cloud. It turned into a mutilated body. It was none other than Hitoshi. He was breathing heavily, with his body covered in sweat. His arms and legs were missing, not to mention his skin. It was in tatters, with large chunks of meat were missing from his chest. His teeth were nowhere to be seen, along with his hair and even one of his eyes was missing. He was in a truly terrible shape.

Realizing that Hitoshi lost, everyone stayed silent for a while and then started muttering, which soon turned into clapping.

Hitoshi’s mind spread through the place and sent a message to everyone. “I admit my defeat. Not like I have to… You, True Divine Beasts, are really monsters of the highest caliber,” He stopped for a while and after sighing, he continued - “*Sigh* Even though I worked really hard all this time. Sometimes life is simply unfair…”

Upon hearing his thoughts, the others made thoughtful faces, which soon turned into envious ones. It was true. Sometimes life was unfair and some people were lucky, while others weren’t. We were the former in numerous aspects. Not to mention our unfair race, we are even lucky enough to be the other halves of each other, turning us into the most powerful pair in our own league.

“Well, I’m sorry about that, but I can’t do anything about it, hehe,” Hiro said with a small laugh as he put his hands on his hips. His unfairness was made even clearer when we saw his mincemeat clone moving. The pieces of meats crept into a pile on the ground and after melting into a black puddle, it started taking the shape of a human. Hiro looked towards that clone of his and after pouring a huge amount of Hydra Qi into it, a sun-like green light shone, which blinded everyone for a moment. When our eyesight returned, all we saw was that Hiro’s clone was standing there, completely recovered.

Elder Genotan praised Hiro’s ability - “Well now… that’s an interesting ability.” - he said while nodding. But then he snapped his head towards Hiro and opened his eyes as he started pointing out all of his mistakes - ”But you were wrong at a few points. Firstly, you should have summoned your clones immediately. We aren’t low-level cultivators who would stand there in surprise just because another clone appeared. You have to go all out from the start. You should leave only powerful attacks as trump cards, not your clones. Also, you should have used your mind power more in the battle. Both of you… What the hell were you even doing? And also...” His lecturing continued on for at least two minutes.

This is why we came here. We can find opponents freely and fight with them to hone our own skills and to turn every battle we fight more colorful and fluent. We were quite good at fighting because our attacks were at least well-connected, but we still had much to learn. We wouldn’t bother with attending schools like these otherwise. Just who the fuck would want to go to stupid schools, like the ones on the Earth. It was boring as fuck. Sitting in one place, learning about useless things, which were unnecessary when it came to working.

Although there were things which came in handy, but let’s be honest. Most of the things they taught in Hiro’s past life were useless when it came to real life. Well, it was also true that Hiro hadn’t been to any countries before, so maybe it was different in other countries. But in his? It was like that… and he wasn’t alone in thinking that! [Stop thinking of that shit. I feel like spitting…] Hiro rebuked me, which was a first. Of course, he didn’t mean it. I chuckled upon hearing it and then stood up with a somersault.

Hiro was standing right in front of me by the time I landed and our lips exactly touched as I stopped. Perfect sync, indeed. As I opened my eyes, I saw Hiro’s eyes burning with love, though mine were the same. I started swaying my tail in my happiness, but that stupid ogre just couldn’t hold back himself from interrupting us. “Alright, stop you idiot couple. We don’t want to see you copulating, now, do we?” He questioned while looking at the others.

To our shame and to his fail… the students stayed strangely silent and no one dared to look at him or us. Everyone was looking at the clouds, the trees, the ground, while some of them even started whistling. Did they want to watch us? ... No chance! That is never going to happen! No one, and I repeat, NO ONE can see me like that, other than Hiro.

[Even though we were caught by Ellery already?] Hiro though jokingly, which made me remember that time at the third realm… [Hahaha, but don’t worry. I wouldn’t want others to see you either. I want to hold you as my own for eternity. I’m sure that there are pairs and ‘halves’, who would want to do such things since there are many kinds of humans and I don’t know too much about the other races either. But I’m not like that…] He quickly explained himself, which was needless since I knew him better.

[I know dear. By the way, we should look for ways to contact Ellery and the others as well…] I said as I went past him, towards the battleground, while I also caressed his face with my tail. Hitoshi left to his own world to recover.

Realizing that he was the only one who didn’t want to watch us copulating, Genotan shouted while shaking his head sideways - “Let’s pretend that I didn’t see this… Tomorrow you are going to work much harder. Idiot perverts everywhere!” - which was followed by his mumbling - “Why can’t they be like us, ogres?”

I turned around and looked towards Hiro with my brows raised while thinking - [What about ogres being perverted, sex maniac rapists? Your world was full of such things…]

He made a helpless face and shrugged his shoulders while thinking - [Well, I don’t know how it came to light, but probably not everything is true. Maybe that was created by the perverted humans? Though, I have nothing to do with that. Moral of the fable is that we shouldn’t judge different races depending on how I’ve got to know them through the novels I’ve read… Let’s be careful of that in the future…] False information was indeed terrible. It could easily mislead anyone!

I turned back and my opponent was already standing in front of me. “C- Can’t I admit defeat? I haven’t seen anyone turning into such a shape as Hitoshi…” He asked Elder Genotan and then me, with a slightly fearful face - “You aren’t going to be so cruel, are you?”

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!? DO YOU WANT TO ADMIT DEFEAT!?” Genotan shouted at him and after appearing in front of him slapped him on the face. My supposed opponent’s head flew through the air without a body. Well… now he isn’t going to fight with me, I suppose? Naturally, he wasn’t attacked with soul force, so he would recover in a few days, along with Hitoshi, but this was still a shameful way to leave.

“ANYONE ELSE WISHING TO GIVE UP?” Our dear elder shouted with an angry face. I swear that I saw his greenish, bluish scales turning reddish for a moment.

[No, it was just your imagination. Hehe,] Hiro started teasing me, with a smile on his face. I knew it without even turning around. I showed him my middle finger behind my back, which made him chuckle loudly.

“WHAT IS SO FUNNY!?” Genotan shouted like a military commander upon noticing Hiro. He appeared in front of Hiro and put his face VERY close to Hiro’s.

“Stop! He is my mate! Don’t steal his lips!” I shouted anxiously, fearing that Hiro would be stolen from me. I heard that everyone started chuckling, while others laughed loudly, unable to hold it back. Genotan turned around and looked towards me with a red face as he said.

“W- What the hell are you thinking of!?! Idiotic woman!” He disappeared from where he stood and appeared at his original position.

[Nice save! I bet that this was the first time that he was shamed by a student, though you didn’t do it on purpose. You should think more before you talk next time… Hahaha! I swear that you are as crazy as me…] Hiro laughed in his mind in a good mood. A smile slipped on our faces. He was in a good mood because of what I said, while I was in a good mood because I saw him being happy. I didn’t need more than that. I would bring down the stars for him if that would make him happier.

[Ugh… you are destroying me, Alice! Now I want to have you! In that way…] Hiro’s heart melted upon hearing my thoughts and his love took the shape of lust. His mind, in turn, affected me on the spot, which was terrible. I was about to have a fight… Feeling his strong feelings for me, an unbearable lust took over my body. I wished him so much as he wished me. This fusing was truly bad at times…

[W- Why can’t you go and fap somewhere!? I- I can’t fight like this!?] I said while realizing that I was in a terrible position. Genotan’s nose started moving as he started sniffing.

“What is this fragrance?” He mumbled silently and then looked at me. He slapped his palm on his forehead and then pointed at us, and then towards a random way, indicating for us to leave. Well, there is going to be a tomorrow too… I thought, but honestly, I felt happy.

“Don’t you dare coming back tomorrow! I don’t want to see your faces! The panther is welcomed though. She didn’t do anything…” He shouted after us, while we left on Rin’s back. I couldn’t care any less about his words at the moment. I was itching, I was craving Hiro.

“RIN! QUICKLY!” I shouted in a low voice while holding onto my middle parts. Hiro’s warm body was touching my back, which only made it more unbearable. Our lustful feelings were ‘stacking’ upon each other, making it more and more powerful by the second. Now I understand why this fusion is so dangerous… I felt horny many times through my life, but this? This was something else. I felt like this only after I was teased and edged by Hiro for long minutes. My thighs were trembling, along with my arms, and I felt my breath turning ragged, while I felt my chest to be too small.

I swear that even my hearts were beating irregularly. Thanks to Rin, we teleported to where our places were in just a moment and then all three of us entered our own world. It was slightly trembling, but nothing big. It wasn’t noticeable for these mortals. “I don’t know what is this, but this feeling is wonderful. Our souls are giving out such powerful signals… I swear that I could one-shot someone at the sixth level at the moment if someone were to obstruct our path!” I said while Hiro jumped on me, feeling this unbearable lust.


Although 18+ but I advise reading at least the last few lines! It is important.


I was already back in my human form, with only my tail swaying in front of Hiro and as Blank and my scales stopped covering my body, my love juices flooded onto the ground. That feeling of wanting was making my consciousness hazy. I wanted Hiro so badly! As I turned completely naked, Hiro grabbed onto my ankles and spread my legs widely. My private parts were completely visible for him and I felt a throbbing feeling in my pussy. We didn’t even need foreplay because I was like a river. I was soaking wet.

We were out in the open, at the beach, we created in our own world. I squeezed my fists, crushing the sand between my fingers, feeling anxious. I couldn’t wait! I saw Hiro’s penis closing in on my vagina, which made me feel a great anticipation. He grabbed his penis at its shaft and placed it at the right place. Yes, yes! I want that! I thought anxiously, while he inserted the tip of his penis, which was followed by him, pushing it deeply inside me, slowly. His cock rushed through my vagina and reached my deepest parts, while I kept gritting my teeth.

I felt incredible and I orgasmed on the spot just from that alone. My body started spasming and twitching, while I felt Hiro loading his sperm into me. My pussy was so damned wet that I feared that I would turn into water. My vagina tightened up as that warm feeling rushed through my whole body, reaching even the tips of my toes. Hiro put his arms next to me and breathed heavily. We were like wild beasts in heat. The worst was that we had no idea what was happening, though it felt fucking wonderful!

I looked down and I saw how Hiro’s penis was inside me, which excited me even more. I looked up, only to see his deep, green eyes, looking into mine. I was lost in those eyes, but I soon returned as I felt him start moving inside me. He pulled his penis outwards and then thrust it into me quickly. That friction, that rubbing feeling. My vagina tightened up so much, that Hiro couldn’t help but grunt.

He put his chin on my right shoulder and I felt him breathing on my neck irregularly, which only caused me to get even more excited. “K- Kiss me. Kiss my neck. Love me, mark me!” I whispered between my moans and breaths. Hiro obeyed and licked my neck, which caused a bolt of electricity to rush through it, up into my brain and then down into my crotch. That craving feeling not only not decreased after orgasming but it even increased! After licking my neck, he put his lips on mine and pushed his tongue deeply into my mouth. I was so vulnerable…

“J- Just what is this feeling!?” I shouted while my mouth was filled with Hiro’s tongue. I felt out of my body!

“Mhn~ Chu~ I don’t know,” - Hiro mumbled - “But I can’t stop loving you!” and then exclaimed loudly as he thrust his penis into me. He started moving inside me quickly while embracing my back and hugging me into his chest. I started kissing his neck, which caused him to get overly excited. His movement speed only increased inside me, and I was literally orgasming with each of his moves.

When we reached the top, we felt our hearts stopping. I looked fearfully at Hiro, not knowing what happened. His eyes were just as fearful as mine. We didn’t know what was happening and we didn’t want to lose each other. That would be terrible! Our hearts stopped beating! But we were alive…

“Now my children, you are beyond the bond…” Gaia’s voice resounded in our minds.

Just what was happening?

(AN: Is this a cliff?)

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