《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 72 - Return and spreading belief


Return and spreading belief

Alice’s POV:


We stepped through the portal, with Narihi and Poirlion in tow. In front of us appeared a dark cave, which was filled to the brim with thick Universe Energy. This felt like an important place… because the walls of the cave were covered in thick, smooth, clear, and shiny metal walls. There was a formation on the ground and the energy was the thickest at that place.

“Can I?” Narihi questioned me as she held out her hands. I raised my brows not knowing what she wanted, but after a moment of thinking, I realized. Poirlion grabbed onto Hiro, while I put my hands on Narihi’s. We stood there like idiots for more than ten seconds without anything happening.

“Could you… I don’t know… teleport already?” I questioned them as I tilted my head to the side. She released me, while Poirlion did the same and then both of them turned their heads downward as they started mumbling.

“W- we are sorry, but we can’t teleport…” Narihi said with a red face. I patted her head, which caused her face to turn into a surprised one. She blushed slightly, which looked really good on her baby face. If not for knowing that I was truly the most beautiful woman in Hiro’s eyes, then I could easily turn jealous in her presence. Her sizes were also quite similar to mine. I leaned closer to her face, while she leaned slightly backward as she muttered.

“W- What is it?” I felt our chest touching for a moment, which made me realize that I was too close. I turned around, only to notice that there were two hungry wolves behind us, hoping to see something ‘good’. I showed them my middle finger, so they quickly turned around and started whistling and making circles on the ground with their feet.

“Bastard males… Let’s find the way out!” Narihi said jokingly with a smile on her face. She probably also realized what they were waiting for. I chuckled upon hearing her words as I stopped next to Hiro and embraced his back. I looked at Narihi, who also stopped beside Poirlion. I saw that she peeked at us from the edges of her eyes, and then quickly turned back and looked ahead with slightly red cheeks.

[Look at that. She is cute! I want to destroy her purity!] I said to Hiro through our bond. Obviously, I meant that I wanted to make her and Poirlion into a pair. They were two halves, that was clear in my eyes. Well, even if I don’t do anything, it’s only a question of a few days, but the more the merrier! They have no idea how good, bonded sex feels either…

I’m sure that once they get there, they are going to bond their souls as well, which somehow makes me excited. I wish to see more pairs like that. Luckily, we will be able to do such a thing in our world! But that’s still a little bit further away. We followed after them and went up on the stairs. There was nothing more to see in that cave. After walking upwards for more than half an hour, which meant thousands of kilometers with our speed, we finally reached a pit. Only a single person could fit into it.

We jumped up from it, one by one and appeared on the surface. Besides that tiny pit, there was a huge and lavish looking palace, levitating in the air. It seemed like the house of gods. I could easily imagine that it was the main building of Angelwood Academy. Narihi stopped beside me and after touching my shoulder, nothing happened… She covered her face in her shame as she said.


“I- I’m so sorry! It seems like space is frozen on this whole planet, so probably no one under the upper stages of the seventh level can teleport. We will have to fly.” Not minding it, we simply nodded and then flew into the air. The higher level a cultivator was, the more that person was one with the universe. When cultivators reach the Temporary Law Realm, they gain the ability to teleport because they will be able to feel and merge their bodies with it. On our way, we met with many cultivators, who wore white robes, with an emblem on their chests. It looked like a pair of angel wings.

Such a shiny place… I bet that there is more darkness behind them, in their hearts. A school of hypocrites. This surely isn’t a place for us. Both me and Narihi were checked out by a few guys, but nothing serious happened. As we reached the Star Formation, a small group of people appeared in front of us. The problem was that… we knew two of them! They were Mariton and Yakine. Our symbiotes were obtained during their battle!

Somehow I have a bad feeling. Hiro’s hand tightened around my back, but knowing that it would be wrong to give out such obvious signs, he loosened his body and continued to walk with a smile on his face. “Let’s go. We can soon return home!” Narihi said happily with a smile on her face, completely oblivious to everything.

“Yes!” Alice also answered in a similarly happy mood, though she was just faking it. We stepped on the formation and quickly started channeling our energies. Mariton turned around with his brows raised and looked into our eyes. I saw it. His eyes opened widely upon eye contact, and then his face turned into an enraged one. He reached out with his hands towards us and he was about to shout something, but darkness already covered our bodies and we were teleported away. We left behind Tuchore and appeared on Heblune. We were back to Genotin Academy!

We jumped off of the Star Formation and flew towards the Zumn Reef. Well… we surely can’t go to Tuchore planet in the future. Narihi turned around while flying as she questioned. “Did you know that guy? He seemed to be really angry for some reason. Maybe I should have beaten him up?” Narihi asked and then offered such a good thing. Though it didn’t matter anymore.

“Yes… we knew two of them. And the next time we meet we will have to run away or kill them. Depending on when we meet,” I said with a not so happy face and then sighed loudly.

Narihi raised her brows as she looked at Poirlion and then asked. “Were they the people that you stole the symbio-” Poirlion quickly covered her mouth to stop her, even though we heard her crystal clear.

“It seems like you told her about every ‘adventure’ we had? Fufu, I don’t mind,” I told Poirlion with a small laugh and Hiro continued my words.

“Yeah, she is supposed to be a monster of my race. Since we are of the same race and she seems like a good person, I don’t mind it either. It’s also completely visible that you two are going to turn into a couple in the near future, so it doesn’t really matter. After having sex and bonding your souls, she will learn everything about us anyway,” Hiro started blurting out such things, with a completely straight face. His voice was also monotonous, like that of a machine.


I started laughing upon hearing his words, while Narihi and Poirlion had tomato-like faces. He was trolling them by saying such words in such a manner. Their reactions only caused me to laugh even harder. I flew beside Narihi and whispered into her ear. “You know… bonded sex is great!” - and then left her behind. My words were heard by Poirlion as well, and both of them stopped in place upon hearing my words.

Hiro followed after me and we quickly reached Zumn Reef. As we stopped in front of the old cat-woman, Aiko, she looked up and made a surprised face as she stood up. “What?! You are still alive!? Everyone disappeared after going in, and even after I entered, I couldn’t sense anyone! I thought that some kind of monster ate all of you!” She exclaimed upon noticing us. She appeared in front of us in a flash as she started touching us all over our bodies. “Hmm- you are real!” She said as she put her right hand under her chin.

“Y- Yes… we are real. Could you stop? Also, here is the necessary amount of World Crystals. Could you give us back what we had before?” I said with a stiff face and then questioned her as I tilted my head to the side. I didn’t like to be touched if the person wasn’t Hiro… I’m a proud dragon, no one can touch me!

“Oh, my. Yes. Sorry, I almost forgot about it,” She said as she took out our storage rings. We took out the necessary amount from our racial storages beforehand and stored it in our normal storage spaces. She gave us Poirlion’s storage ring, which held our things as well, while we gave her what we had to. She stepped back and spread her arms in an exaggerated manner as she said.

“I welcome you to Genotin Academy! Now you are officially members. Here are your badges, we don’t have uniforms since the creator of this school was a free-willed person. Hehe, though you probably don’t know her.” She made a nostalgic face as she started thinking about Gaia. It seems like she knew her as well. A few hundreds of thousands of years? It was nothing for high-level cultivators!

Just as she said so, Narihi and Poirlion appeared behind us, while holding hands! “FUCK! We weren’t able to see such a scene!?” I shouted out upon realizing that we missed out on seeing their love union! Narihi stuck out her tongue with slightly red cheeks and then quickly pulled it back. I laughed upon seeing her reaction, with Hiro in tow.

“Oh? So you are alive as well.” Aiko said as she examined Poirlion and as he eyes stopped on Narihi, her eyes opened widely, along with her mouth. “You were one of those who entered the directors’ world!? You have been missing ever since then! Those who came back said that you were killed by a trap?! How could this be?” She exclaimed and threw her questions towards her, one after the other. She also took away Poirlion’s part and nodded, notifying that we could leave if we wished to.

“Trap?! Bastards! They didn’t even dare to confess their crime? All three of them were a group of bastards who feared my strength and pushed me into that formation! I was sealed there for decades! If not for…” She started explaining in an enraged manner, but upon reaching our part, she stopped. She peeked at us from the edges of her eyes, but she didn’t say anything. Aiko looked at us with her brows raised and all we said was that it was a long story.

She simply nodded and then said - “Well, in that case, I welcome you back to the academy. Your loss was a great one, but now that you are back, we couldn’t be happier! We need more talents like you. Nowadays too many people join Angelwood Academy and we don’t have enough true monstrous talent in our academy! Only these ‘average’ geniuses, who aren’t even stronger than their peers. They are simply younger than the others with a soft dick!”

“If I’d have had even half the talent they have, then I would be still young! They are just lazing around, consuming World Crystals, wasting it away! Just you wait! I can only hope that you will mess up this place and make these lazy bastards work!” Aiko started raging as she started thinking about the problems of this school and how students weren’t doing anything. She gave us a memory crystal, and after touching it, we knew what this place was like.

Hiro didn’t touch it, which caused her to raise her brows as she put it away with a shrug of her old shoulders. “We are bonded, so it’s unnecessary!” I exclaimed proudly as I stuck out my chest.

“A hydra and a dragon? And True Divine Beasts at that? Now that’s what I call weird, but wait…” She said with her head tilted to the side and then after spotting Poirlion and Narihi standing hand in hand, she furrowed her brows as she remarked on them. “You two are a hydra and a dragon as well.”

After making a thinking face, she said - “Are you starting some kind of race mixing cult, or what? I’ve never seen even a single such pair, yet I’m seeing two at the moment. Hahaha, you see the weirdest things at the end of your life! Just like Gaia said!” She said as she started laughing in a good mood.

I went beside Narihi and I whispered as elbowed her into her side. “So? Are you his girlfriend now? Dragons are the best choice! Fufu~ Are you looking forward to bonding?” Her face was getting redder and redder after each sentence, which was simply too amusing.

I want to bully this girl! She buried her face in her hands as she muttered. “N- No, we haven’t decided on bonding yet. Why are you telling me such things? Hiro! Right? Can I call you Hiro?” She questioned meekly. Both of us nodded as an answer and then she continued - “P- please help me! Your mate is bullying me!” My eyes opened widely upon hearing her words and then I started laughing loudly.

Even Aiko, who was listening to our conversation started laughing in a good mood. “Haha, you are a funny group!” She shouted after a good laugh. Poirlion looked at me helplessly. He wasn’t in a position to protect his mate, though he didn’t even wish to. He too was just laughing at the back.

“Stupid bullies…” Narihi said while pouting. I find her to be a likable person, though it’s no wonder since she is Poirlion’s pair, which means that they are alike. Since we like Poirlion, it’s natural that Narihi would be a likable person as well.

“Alright, enough playing around. Elder Aiko. What are we supposed to do now?” Hiro questioned her seriously, stopping our little play. She thought for a moment and then took out a memory crystal. All of us touched it. It was containing the rules of the school. Schools weren’t like what Hiro knew of in his past life. Those light novels always talked about ‘schools’, yet literally, nothing happened there, other than showing off…

Since we joined the school, we had to attend classes where we had to find a worthy opponent and fight with that person with our full strength. We didn’t have to listen to stupid speeches and theories. What we had to do was fight! We would spend our energies, gain real combat experience. We would also have to leave the school and go on subjugation quests on this planet, or at nearby planets and solar systems.

Hiro felt happy about it. Just hearing such things was better than remembering any of his lessons from his past life. I wouldn’t want to sit in such boring schools either. Rules of the school… Rules?! There were no such things! The only rule was to respect the elders and don’t kill them without any trial. It was understandable since losing an elder would be bad for the school, but if an elder were to abuse his or her power, then that person should be eliminated by all means.

“Anything else?” Aiko said, while her tail was swaying behind her. I want to pat her, but I can’t. It would be rude and I’m not strong enough. Hmph… just you wait. Pat didn’t escape my claws either! You will be no different!

“*Chuckle* No,” Hiro answered, but he wasn’t able to hold back a small chuckle upon feeling my feelings. We said goodbye to Aiko and went towards our ‘housing’. It was only a place where we could go back into our own worlds. No one would bother with houses when everyone had their own worlds to go to. The difference was that there were different places.

If your performance was good in the class, then you would get to stay at better places where the Universe Energy was much thicker. Narihi had her place at a very good spot originally, but since the school thought that she died, someone other took her place. She could ask for another place anytime, but she wished to stay with Poirlion and us. Or so she said.

We looked for a good place and all of us entered our own worlds. We didn’t go to the Earth. They still have time to think, though as we have sensed it, there were thousands of them entering and leaving the information buildings. Those who touched the memory crystal would have a small part of our mind powers enter their bodies, so we could easily count the number of those who touched it. From the rough number of eight hundred billion humans, spread through the whole universe, a hundred billion humans have already touched it.

We came to our own world because of Rin. She has been asleep all this while, but she finally woke up. After she fell asleep, a black cocoon covered her body and she went through an evolution. As we appeared she also broke out of her cocoon. A huge black panther with green stripes appeared in front of us. She was two hundred and fifty centimeters tall and six meters long. She was nothing like a panther Hiro knew of.

She had sharp claws on her soft paws. Her originally cold blue eyes had a tint of green, but they were still blue. What was the most visible change was her fur and body… Her body was covered in thick, black scales, just like in our battle forms, but she was able to disperse those scales. Since we preferred a furry companion, she would use it only when we fought. She had short black fur, which felt really silky to the touch.

As Rin noticed us, she sprung up from the ground and appeared before us in a flash. How did she move? If not for being in our own world, then I’d have barely perceived anything. If I were to use Infinis ability, then I could easily follow her movements, but Rin was truly a miraculous monster! Rin stood on her hind legs as she put her front legs on my shoulders and rubbed her big and tough head on mine. I felt really happy upon feeling her soft fur and her love for me.

Rin licked my face and yawned happily. After doing so, Rin went up to Hiro and did the same. She was really devoted to us. We felt a strong and powerful bond between us. Hiro laughed happily and then he looked at me seriously. Understanding his intentions, I touched his hands and merged with him into a single entity. Rin sat down in front of us as she tilted her head to the side.

We cut off our right hand and poured our blood into a small bowl made of earth. “Drink it, our blood child. Turn into a creature, which can proudly follow us till the end. Come, take our presence,” We said seriously to Rin. She stood up and started drinking our blood. Our hand had grown back by the time she started drinking. Our regeneration speed was truly ridiculous in our merged forms. She drank all of it and then after licking her lips, she sat down in front of us. We separated and turned into two once again.

“What should we do now? Should we go now, or tomorrow?” I asked with my head tilted to the side, not really sure of what to do. I truly felt like peeking on Narihi and Poirlion, but that would be not only rude but even impossible. If they have bonded, then they probably did so outside, and then entered their new, own world, to do their thing…

“Hmm- I don’t think that it’s worth going today. Let’s cultivate till next morning and then go,” Hiro said after thinking about it for a while. I told him that it was okay and then sat down to cultivate. We also took out huge piles of World Crystals. Rin ran up to one of the piles and she was about to bite on the crystals if not for us shouting not to. Rin hung down her head with a ‘disheartened’ face. We laughed at her reaction and told her that she can eat them, but she should control its energy.

She was very clever and understood it on her first try. Like that, all three of us started cultivating. Until the next day, we were able to advance to the early third stage of the World Realm. We had seventy-nine Crypt, while Rin had a hundred and eight Crypt. She was at the fifth stage of World Realm, which meant that she had twenty percent more strength than an average cultivator. Such a difference was no joke! If we were to be at the same level, then she wouldn’t have a chance against us in our battle forms. But that wasn’t the case.

If she can keep up the advantage she has, then she is going to stay a very useful companion of ours. Over the night, while we had our daily sex, she went through an evolution after drinking our merged blood. Two horns grew out on the top of her head and her mind also split into two parallel ones. Just that alone was a huge boost. Normally, she would have turned into a monster at the first stage of World Realm, but her case was different.

She didn’t consume only a single Universe Crystal when she was born. Probably that was the reason why she advanced straight to the fifth stage. When she covered her body in scales, she also had a jelly-like layer under her scales, though hers were blue. Cold blue. At such levels, evolution didn’t care about things like blending into the environment since it would be pointless anyway. If you were more powerful, then you can kill your target anyway. If you were weaker or at the same level, then you were going to be sensed… There was nothing more to that.

We left our own world, only to see Narihi and Poirlion appear almost at the same time. Poirlion was holding onto Narihi’s waist with a gentle smile on his face. I stopped in front of them and looked closely at Narihi’s face with furrowed brows. She leaned slightly backward in her surprise. After sniffing once, I felt it on their bodies. My mouth spread into an evil grin and I looked at Poirlion while smirking.

Nooo!!! I and Hiro teased her numerous times! I’m sure that she wants to make us embarrassed! Poirlion thought as his face turned stiff, along with his whole body.

W- What? Uh… yes. You really did. Why did you have to joke with a Dragon God? Stupid Poirlion! Narihi shouted in her mind, which was followed by her body becoming stiff as well.

[Hoho~ Can you hear that, Hiro? It seems like we caught big fish this time! Hehe, so they bonded in the end! I knew it that they wouldn’t hold on for much longer!] I laughed happily in my mind. Every half would be great news for me. We must spread this belief and make other people find out what a soulbond feels like.

“W- What is it?” Narihi asked aloud with her brows raised and her head pulled back.

“Fufu~ it seems like you have had your night. So? How was it? It felt great, right? I told you!” I started bullying them. Their faces turned redder and redder, but suddenly they gathered their courage and stuck out their chests as they said. “Yes! We had! And it felt great! You were right. We are truly perfect for each other and I feel very happy now that I’m with Poirlion.” They said in turns with proud faces. I nodded with a smile on my face upon hearing their words.

Hiro stopped behind me and grabbed onto my tail as he started pulling on it while continuing on his way and saying - “Alright, you have had your fun. Now let’s go. We still have to find a worthy enemy, which might be hard.”

“Auhn~ Hey! Be gentler! I- I’m enjoying it, but… “ I said after yelping, but I didn’t finish my sentence because it wouldn’t be right to say it aloud. Rin jumped out of our world and stopped next to Hiro, who raised up his arm to scratch her behind her ears. Rin purred happily, while Poirlion and Narihi made surprised faces.

“Did it hatch? When? You didn’t even tell me,” Poirlion asked while he came closer to Rin and touched her side. Rin growled slightly, but she didn’t attack him. Probably because she knew that he was with us. “Stay!” Hiro said to Rin and she stopped growling. We could touch her, pet her. We could do anything with her, but others? Even touching her would be a stupid idea.

Wishing to have a test run, Hiro jumped on Rin’s back, with me in tow. I sat in front of Hiro, who hugged me from behind. Rin lengthened two patches of furs, which I grabbed onto. I felt great! Poirlion and Narihi made envious faces as they started walking on the ground and after having enough of it, they flew into the air and left us behind. Upon feeling our command, Rin jumped forward with a speed, which was much quicker than ours.

Four legs were still four legs… The air exploded around us as we went past the speed of sound. A smile slipped onto my face while feeling the air brushing through my hair. Trees and even our environment turned into nothing but a shallow dream and in a moment, everything around us disappeared and turned dark. No sound, no smell, no sensation. I turned around only to see Hiro’s equally surprised face. Rin was an Abyss Panther, but we didn’t know of her abilities!

In a moment, light returned, along with all of our feelings. I squeezed my fists, trying out if it was real, while Rin stopped. Her body was sucking in the light, making her into a patch of invisible darkness. But what was the weirdest was that we traveled through the shadows, through the darkness! Rin was able to teleport through the shadows! “Hahaha! Rin! You are the best.” I laughed happily while stroking her head, which caused a happy purr to escape her mouth. We jumped off of her back and looked around.

There were a lot of other cultivators around us, looking at us with raised brows. Many of them also looked curiously at Rin, who suddenly decreased in size and turned into a cub-sized panther. She jumped up from the ground and landed on Hiro’s shoulder, who scratched her behind her ears as a reward. I can understand Rin. I mean Hiro’s shoulders are much wider than mine. “Don’t be sad. She loves you just as much,” Hiro soothed me, though I knew it as well, so I wasn’t feeling down. Rin also roared after Hiro finished his sentence, showing her approval.

There were a few cultivators who similarly had companions, but they were nowhere near as good as Rin! Well, we fought a hard battle to get our hands on her, even though we didn’t know at that time that we would get a bundle of cuteness. This place we came to was a place for the newcomers. We had to find a worthy opponent and then fight with that person for victory! If one-half of the pair were to get too strong, then that cultivator had to look for another opponent.

Poirlion and Narihi appeared after us, which was surprised not only them but us as well. Hiro turned his head towards Rin, who welcomed him with a lick on his face. We were looking at her with our brows raised, realizing that her ability would come in handy!

They stopped next to us and Narihi questioned us with her brows raised. “How did you get here so quickly? I’m at a much higher level than you… and even if we are looking at the panther. It should be impossible for you to get here earlier than me, not to mention that I didn’t even pick up on her movements! When did you pass by us?” She kept throwing her questions at us, with visible curiosity in her eyes.

“Fufu~ That’s going to be our and Rin’s secret!” I laughed happily, knowing that they would be eaten by their curiosity.

“What? My goddess! Aren’t you cruel with your subjects? I’m really curious about it as well…” Poirlion tried his luck as well, but I didn’t want to tell them. Only for the fun!

Narihi looked at Hiro with her brows raised, who similarly shook his head sideways, which caused her to remark on his answer. “Your highness, won’t you tell it to me? We are of the same race so…” She said while she bit her lips, but Hiro’s laugh stopped her from continuing.

Ugh! Stupid True Divine Beasts! What about them being nice? They are just as terrible as the others! Narihi thought unhappily, while a grunt escaped from her mouth. We laughed upon hearing her thoughts, which caused her eyes to go into circles.

“Were you listening in on me?” She questioned with her brows raised as she crossed her arms. We laughed as an answer, which made it clear to her. “See? I told you that they are just as terrible! They aren’t even hiding it! They are laughing me in the face!” Narihi started whining to Poirlion, who also laughed at her reaction. She started pouting, but at that time, an Elder appeared out of nowhere. He looked like an eighty years old guy, with white hair and blue eyes. He also had a tail swaying behind him, and his body was covered in scales at a few parts. He was a demon!

We weren’t able to sense his exact strength, but he was surely at the seventh level. He looked around for a moment and then after nodding once, he said. “Hello, everyone. I see only three new faces, while… Narihi? Why are you here?” He questioned her with his brows raised.

“Ah… long story. Let’s say that I was trapped, and then I was freed,” She told him, not really telling him anything.

He shrugged his shoulders and then said - “Alright… But what are you doing here? Go and fight against people of your level. Do you want to bully the newcomers or what? Also, you” - he said as he pointed at Poirlion - “go with her. Could you show him the way, Narihi?” He questioned her with his brows raised.

Narihi stuck out her chest proudly as she said - “Yes! He is my mate anyway, so we are going to stay together!” I chuckled upon hearing her words. Did this possessive feeling come with the bond or with our races? I truly have no idea. Poirlion and Narihi left and the people present made respectful faces while looking at their backs.

“And now, you two? How is it that only the two of you came? Usually, a few hundred comes each week… Whatever, my name is Galen Parros. I’m responsible for the newcomers. If you have any questions, then you can turn to me anytime. What are your names?” He asked with his brows raised.

“I’m called Alice and he is my mate Hiro~” I said with a smile on my face.

Galen nodded and then continued. “Now look for an opponent and then stand in pairs. You can fight against each other as well if you wish. I’ll point out your mistakes.”

A smile crept onto our faces upon hearing his words and Hiro said with a smirk.

“Can we challenge all of them at the same time? Hehe, Let’s say that it was a mandate...”

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