《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 71 - The age of gods has returned


The age of gods has returned

Hiro’s POV:


The problem was that we have seen the news, which said that the whole world shook not long ago and that every planet and colony experienced this problem. After thinking about the cause, we soon realized that it was us. Our hot night probably caused a nice effect on this world. There were reports that a few times, loud moans resonated through the whole world. That was probably when Alice orgasmed…

Alice covered her face with her hands, feeling the shame, she was supposed to feel. Her face went flushed, while I embraced her and hugged her into my bosom. “Uuu- Hiro! T- This is terrible! How can we delete this from their memories!? Although they didn’t see me, but I was heard! Well, not continuously… but even those moans are more than enough!” She whined unhappily, while she was rubbing her face on my chest. She was so cute while being embarrassed. No, that’s wrong. She was cute all the time, but she was much cuter at these times!

Fufu, my Alice is the best! Though she was just faking it… she just wanted to rub her body on mine. Sensing the world around us, we listened to one of the reports.

“There was a catastrophic event last night, which continued on for hours! The whole universe shook, which caused a lot of damage to the buildings and there were a lot of accidents as well! Luckily, no one was seriously hurt, thanks to the good security measures.”

“Is this the doing of false legends from the past? Did gods return? There are hundreds of such questions on the internet, and the scientists don’t have an explanation about the happenings either. Marshall Troy Watson also admitted that it wasn’t the doing of the military and that it was probably related to those three monsters appearing. What is the truth behind this occurrence? That is something everybody would like to know! But fear not because we are working hard to find out! Watch the next episode to know more!”

Heh… like they would know more. Well, the top authorities know who we are, but I don’t think that they would dare to question us. Or so I would have liked to believe, but boy, I was wrong. As we left our dormitory room, an ‘invisible’ guy stopped in front of us and behind us. Their full-body clothes broke the light around them, making them invisible, but it didn’t work with us. Feeling the light elements, we were able to see them as clearly as daylight, not to mention our mind powers, soul forces, and that this was our world…

We just had to select a method to see or feel them. Controlling the light elements, we made them visible, which caused surprise to appear on their faces. They jumped backward, into a defensive position. They probably knew that it was pointless and futile, but that’s human instincts for you. It doesn’t matter if it’s pointless, as long as they are alive. But that might be one of the reasons why humans are so powerful.

I waved my hand and questioned them with a smile - “What do you want?” They slightly calmed down and after seeing that I didn’t intend to fight. After looking at each other and nodding once, one of them talked. “W- We came hoping that you would share with us, what you did with the world…” He said with a stiff body, feeling completely restless. His legs were also trembling. Were we really so fearful for those who knew the truth behind us? Well, I can understand it.


“Do you really want to know?” I questioned them and after seeing them nodding, I started. “Well, it was nothing much. We were simply having se-” as I said that much, Alice quickly put her hands on my mouth and covered it as she shouted.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? You are betraying me! You foul creature! Don’t give me out to these stupid mortals!” She was facing the other way, but I knew that her face was red. I smirked upon noticing her reaction and since I was also very clear on her feelings, I couldn’t help myself. My sadistic feelings raised in me, wishing to blow her little cover. “Please! Don’t destroy my purity!” Alice pleaded while looking into my eyes.

Her strong refusal made me laugh. What these mortals didn’t know was that she didn’t give a fuck about them knowing it. She would proudly stand up anytime and declare that we had hot sex. She was just throwing a tantrum in front of them, out of fun.

“Hahaha, alright my love, anything for you. Let’s say that it was our doing and that it was a small accident. We will do something about it the next time so you don’t have to worry…” I explained everything in a vague way, not really telling them anything. Realizing that I didn’t intend to talk anymore, they nodded and then left. It’s not like they could do anything to us and they probably knew it as well. The soldiers knew that we were ‘unbeatable’ for them.

This much information should be more than enough considering how little they know about the real way of the world. An evil, conspiring smile crept onto Alice’s face as she put her hands together. She was behaving like a child, conspiring plans. But we had only so much time to play. Once we go back, we will have to work hard and serious!

We started walking towards the stadium and upon stopping in it, everyone looked at us. I saw that their legs started trembling and then suddenly all of them kneeled down. What?! I questioned in my mind, not knowing what was happening. We looked at each other only to realize that both of us were as much surprised. The guy and the popular girl from before, who was beaten up by us, were also here, kneeling in front of us. After reading their thoughts, we were surprised to find out the truth.

W- What is with this pressure? I can’t stand in front of them! This aura or what? They feel as if they would be our gods!? B- But I don’t want to kneel! One of them thought and after checking the others, we found out that everyone had similar thoughts. Could it be that the knees of the soldiers were shaking because they felt like kneeling before us, but since they had more powerful minds and bodies, they were able to resist that feeling?

[Haha, this is interesting. Though… what are we supposed to do at such a time?] I questioned Alice, hoping that she had something in mind, but she shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what to do either. We were restricting our auras so much already, or else these puny mortals would be crushed just because of our presences. We can’t restrict ourselves more than this… We would have to die or leave to do such a thing.

“Ehm… could you stand up?” Alice questioned them, which was followed by a few grunts. They were barely able to stand up with their still trembling knees. We looked at each other helplessly, realizing that our school life has come to an end. Well, it was more than enough, but it was really sudden. It seems like after inheriting this world, we turned into ‘gods’ for the mortals, which caused our auras to change into a much more pressuring one. Well, they also thought of such things as we heard it.


They looked into our eyes for a moment, but they quickly turned away upon eye contact. “*Sigh*, I guess our little fun here has come to an end,” I said with a sigh escaping from my lips as I put my hands on my hips.

“Fufufu~ no problem my love. I was getting bored of this anyway. We have been away from our real life long enough,” Alice said while giving a kiss on my face. Her tail was out and she was swaying it happily.

“You know… I was born on this planet, hundreds of years ago. Now the thing is… that we should upgrade this planet, don’t you think?” I stated the truth with a small smile on my face, which caused everyone’s face to turn into a surprised one. I waved my hand and the ground started trembling and shaking. The mortal humans started falling because they didn’t have the strength and power to stand in the middle of an earthquake…

I slapped my palms together and enlarged the whole earth by using earth magic. I had to spend my own energy since this place was lacking in that. I created new mountains, which were much taller than the Himalaya, new lakes, oceans and I even added a new continent, other than enlarging the ones from before. I created forests and jungles, which had trees, as big as on a four-star planet.

Just as I finished, I saw a few airplanes appearing above us. ‘The Marshall’ was on it as well, standing in the door of one of those vehicles. On one of them was a camera-like thing facing towards us. Using our world, I was able to sense that we were being broadcast live!

“Haha~ hey, Alice. Look at that. We are becoming famous,” I said with a small laugh as I embraced Alice and then started waving my right hand towards the camera. I felt really stupid, to be honest, but it was alright. Being stupid and playful like a kid, was necessary. I never understood why would anyone want to grow up into a serious and boring adult. Why couldn’t adults play, why couldn’t they enjoy everything freely?

Now others would say that it was because they had more serious things to take care of and that they had to be serious, but I call that bullshit. They simply forgot what it was like to be a child. I, on the other hand, didn’t do so. No matter how much time passes by, I’m always going to have this playful and childish side of mine. I can be serious when necessary, but why would I get stuck in stupid seriousness all the time?

“Ugh… I don’t like that camera thingy…” Alice remarked unhappily, while she was biting her lips and tried hiding behind me. To be honest, I hated attention in my past life, so I didn’t feel too great either, but I had to bear with it to make a good show. We flew into the air and stopped in front of the Marshall. His eyes opened widely upon seeing us doing such a thing. His face was so hilarious, that I had to laugh.

Upon stopping in front of him, I saw that his knees started trembling. Feeling curious, I released a tiny bit more of my aura, which caused him to fall on his knees and his head to hit the ground of the aircraft. “Ehm… Sorry? Could you stand up?” Alice questioned him with a sorry look on her face, while I released my aura.

He looked up, straight into our eyes, and after slowly standing up, he asked - “What- What are you? When you appeared, you mentioned the ‘old legends’. Did you mean those legends about gods?” He questioned us and after seeing us nodding, he continued. “I suppose you are one of them, in that case, right?” We didn’t do anything as an answer, letting him believe in whatever he wanted. “In that case, I pay my respects.” He finished his words as he bowed slightly with his fists cupped.

“Huh?” I couldn’t help but react so stupidly because I didn’t expect such a move. Could this be because I released more of my aura? Well, now that I think about it, he was an Asian guy… he probably bowed because of their customs. Just because China and such countries didn’t exist anymore, it didn’t mean that their customs and culture were lost. I didn’t restrict my aura any longer and released it completely. I used our world to sense everybody inside it. As my aura spread through the whole world, everyone slowly kneeled to the ground under the pressure of my aura.

Ehm… okay? This is quite weird. Well, they are kneeling because of the pressure of our auras, not because they are willing. This is so stupid… [Should we tell them more?] Alice thought while looking at me with her brows raised. I shrugged my shoulders and told her to go on. We told them how this world was created and by whom. Everyone in the world made one surprised face after the other. As Alice finished her explanation, I released my aura and everyone stood up.

Naturally, we also told them that we were the new owners of this universe. They didn’t know too much about the outside world, but we were going to change that. Poirlion and Narihi appeared beside us in a flash. They seemed to be quite close to each other, but they didn’t seem like a couple. They stood close to each other and there was a visible vibe between them, but nothing more, for now…

It’s not like we turned into lovers in a single day. [Hehe, it’s been so many years. Do you still remember?] I questioned Alice, as I felt nostalgia filling up my heart.

[Don’t ask such stupid questions… you know that I remember every bit of information about our relationship. I’m very happy that, for some reason, you knew where to go to find me. I can only wonder how the hell did you know it in your past...] Alice answered as such, also making me remember a few things from my past. I guess we'll find out about it eventually.

I clapped my palms together, which caused a tremor to go through the whole world. Small hills raised out of the ground, on every planet, which had habitation on it. Those were going to be the ‘information buildings’ for these mortals.

The Marshall looked at me in awe, while his mouth was opened widely. Behind me also rose up such a small hill. I created Durinium metal and made buildings on top of these hills. Durinium was stronger than what these mortals had since it was a level four metal. For some unknown reason, the planets couldn’t be bigger than a four-star planet. Something was restricting it, no matter what we tried. And this was the case with every cultivator!

We made six clones of ourselves and started teleporting through the whole world, placing a single memory crystal into each information building. There were only a few thousands of planets which had habitation on it. It wasn’t weird to see a relatively low population since it hasn’t been long enough that the humans overtook most of the planets.

As we finished, we appeared at our original place once again and announced through our world - “Alright. Now I advise all of you to enter that building and touch the crystal in the center of it.” I said, and the whole world resonated with my voice.

The Marshall looked at me with his brows furrowed and then asked with a meek face. “I- I’m sorry for asking, but… should everyone use flying vehicles?” He was nothing like a proud general in front of us. Auras were not only physically stressing on the body. It also strongly affected the weaker beings’ minds! With such a difference between us, even the most trained and steel-minded soldier would turn into a meek child.

“Why would you feel sorry for asking? And the answer is no. On the right half of the hill, the gravitation is turned around, so you can simply levitate upward till reaching the hill. On the left half of the hill, the gravity is very weak, so you can simply jump downward and levitate to the ground. There is also a restriction… you can’t go there with flying vehicles… I’m of the opinion that if someone doesn’t dare to enter it just because of such a thing, then that person isn’t worthy to know more about what lies beyond this little world.”

“Though… I’m just remarking it, but you could gain strength like ours, or even greater! Well, it’s not like any of you could catch up to us, but in time, you could do miraculous things!” I explained the truth behind these information buildings. Mad, crazed, excited, and fearful faces appeared on the mortals’ faces. But the majority of them wished to experience true strength and leave behind their mortal shells.

“Oh, by the way, you won’t be able to feel the Universe Energy because this world doesn’t have it. At first, we will hold a voting, to see how many of you wish to leave this world. I’m warning you beforehand! Your world is peaceful and you don’t have wars anymore. But that’s different in the outside world!”

“You could be killed, raped, murdered… anything could happen outside of this little paradise you created. So only those who don’t feel content with their lives here should vote with yes! We will tell you what comes after the voting… You have one week to check out the memory crystal and then we will hold the voting. If you aren’t interested in this whole thing, then rest assured, you can continue living your life here, as peacefully as before.” I explained everything to them, while new ideas were already forming in my head. This is going to be fun! After thinking about the things for a moment, I added another thing.

“Oh, yes. I need someone who can control, create, or modify these virtual reality games and worlds… Raise up your hand if you can and you are willing to help.” After finishing my sentence, I sensed a few thousands of people raising up their hands in this whole universe. That’s quite a few. I guess not many people have access to it. Or they simply don’t wish to help us…

[That would be really sad! We would have to discipline them!] Alice threatened these poor mortals in her mind. Luckily, no one heard it, or else they would have been terrified, probably. As I finished my words, all four of us disappeared from this place and entered our original, small world. We also teleported there those, who raised their hands.

They all looked up from the ground and started examining their surroundings. They made surprised faces upon seeing our beautiful world and that they were at a completely different place than before. The Universe Energy couldn’t enter their mortal bodies since they weren’t in the Foundation Realm. Their pores were dirty, smelly, and closed. They probably barely felt anything of this energy even if they felt it. They didn’t fall on their knees because we stood far away from them, with our auras completely restricted.

“Shouldn’t we go back to Genotin Academy? It’s been a long time.” Narihi said as she threw her green hair over her shoulders. I looked her in the eyes, and then she suddenly bowed slightly as she said - “I apologize for interrupting your thoughts.”

“Huh?” I let out a stupid voice as I raised my brows. “Haha, what are you talking about? I don’t care about such things. You are also of the same race as me, so talk as much as you wish. By the way, yes, we should. We also thought about it and after being done with this thing, we will do so. You can stay here or teleport anywhere until then. I’m sorry for the inconvenience…” I answered, telling my honest thoughts about this. She was a hydra, and I had a familiar feeling while being in her presence. I also had a superior feeling… but that was pointless.

She smiled upon hearing my words and then nodded as she said - “I thank you for your kind words. We will stay in that case, right? Poirlion?” She answered and then also questioned Poirlion with a cheeky smile on her face. What’s with this…? Do we look like that all the time?

[I don’t know… but in that case, we are really worthy of the idiot couple title. Hahaha,] Alice remarked through our bond, with a small laugh. Poirlion shrugged his shoulders as an answer and then after making two wooden chairs, they sat down.

“*Cough* Sorry for the wait,” Alice said with a small cough to catch the mortals’ attention and then continued. “We need your help in making a virtual reality world with our settings. Here, catch these,” She explained as she threw a memory crystal towards each one of them. About half of them had ‘holes on their hands’, and dropped it in their nervousness. Luckily, these crystals were not only hard enough to bear the fall, but they were also easy to replace.

The truth was that we could make as much of these as we wished since we were at the World Realm. Creating these simple matters was as easy as breathing for us. Just like the other memory crystals, these had our mind powers in them as well. Upon touching it, our mind powers entered their minds and knowledge flooded into them. They made slightly surprised faces and then after looking at each other, one of them stepped forward with a fearful face.

Before he could say anything, Alice said - “Could you not fear us so much? It’s not like we are going to eat you… Although in our monster forms we ate -” Alice wished to continue with her soothing, but I had to cover her mouth upon realizing what she wanted to say.

[Alice, the first half was enough… say no more, could you?] I told her in our mind. She licked my palm while turning towards me and looking into my eyes. It caused my body to twitch, but I quickly focused on the matter at hand and told the guy to speak. Though… I couldn’t help but rub my palm as I felt something rising in me...

He nodded and then started - “Ehm… We have a very similar concept already. It’s a game called Immortal’s Path. The users can train their bodies by cultivating the energy of the world and find treasures, skills, etc. It’s a very popular game, except that they can’t feel pain and the monsters are also quite easy to kill. Especially if they fight in groups. We could simply copy that game and modify the settings and then turn every character into level zero in the copied version. Though we will have to remodel a few things and create these abilities you thought of.” He told me such things without even stopping for a moment. It seems like he understands his job, which I am happy to hear.

“Great! Is it doable in a week? When Hiro lived here, it could have taken much more time than that, thanks to the procedures. If there are such problems, then please tell me,” Alice said as her mouth turned into an evil smile. She wished to crush anyone who stood in our way. I chuckled upon hearing her words and I couldn’t help but feel the same.

The guy who stepped forward nodded as he said. “Yes, it’s doable in two days at most. Hopefully, we aren’t going to have problems with the procedures. Copyrights and such things can take a while…”

“Oh? Don’t worry about that. Just do it. I dare anyone to step up and blame you for doing our bidding. Hehe~” Alice laughed evilly, already forming evil plans in her mind, wishing for someone to start a dispute. The guy gulped loudly as he nodded and then turned around. He turned back while scratching his head, realizing that he had no idea how and where to leave.

“Pfft Hahaha~ Sorry! I- I’m not laughing at you!” Alice started laughing upon seeing his reaction. He visibly felt bad. Even I felt bad for him. Alice cleared her tears and then said - “I’m- I’m sorry… You’ll be rewarded as my apology, in case you wish to start your life as a cultivator. Well, you’ll know more about it after touching the memory crystal, which we left behind in those flying islands. Now go!” She told him with a composed face and after finishing, she waved her hand. Everyone disappeared from their places as a result and returned to their original places.

Well, it was worth for the guy. He was laughed at once for something much better. We would make him a weapon… We turned around to look at Poirlion and Narihi, who were chatting all this while, completely oblivious to us. The worst is that I can see us in them. Well, the more the merrier! We appeared in front of them. At that time, they noticed us and waited for us to start speaking.

“I suppose you are going to stay in our little group, right? Although it would be sad, but you could also leave alone or with Poirlion...” Alice questioned her, them, but she shook her head after hearing the second half and then answered.

“No, no. I’m new to this group and since I’m owing you, I might as well stay and try contributing something to you. You are also better than I imagined. And I also…” - she didn’t finish her sentence as she looked at Poirlion. She probably wished to say that she enjoyed his company, but she couldn’t do so because she could ‘offend’ us. ‘You don’t enjoy our company? Only his?’ We could question her, but we didn’t care about such things. We haven’t been together for long enough and although I have a familial feeling when I see her, but nothing more than that.

It’s kind of the same as with Poirlion. [To not be unfair… let’s make them into equals.] Alice said as she started reading her mind. I was curious as well, especially after feeling her curiosity.

Wa! What should I say? I can’t tell them that I enjoy Poirlion’s company, but I can’t say that I enjoy theirs either. They would see through my lie! It’s not that I can’t enjoy their company. But I didn’t spend any time with them! How am I supposed to lie to the god of my race!? L- Let’s stay silent. Hopefully, he is going to be nice to his subject. The other hydra god was quite an asshole… Poirlion also told me that they aren’t bad. I wonder how the outside world is like. It’s been such a long-

What? Other Hydra ‘god’? Does that mean a Twelve Headed Hydra? [Hey, Alice! You hear that? I can hear some fun! She also said that he was an asshole!] I thought as a small smile spread on my face.

[Yes, dear!] She thought excitedly. If we could find a worthy opponent, that would be great! After hearing her thoughts, I shrugged my shoulders, while Alice said. “Listen, we know that you know nothing about us and that you spent most of your time with Poirlion, so it’s likely that you would enjoy only his company, though this doesn’t even matter. We just wanted to tell you that we are going to leave and ask a single question before doing so.”

Alice moved her hands while explaining, meanwhile, Narihi’s face turned into a surprised one as she thought. What? They are indeed much better than I thought. Poirlion really said the truth. Well, I believed him, but it was still different! I guess I can trust them for now, but I still better be careful. The other Twelve Headed Hydra was much worse… He kept using his power and commanded every hydra he found! It’s good that I was able to escape from him into a far away galaxy…

[I guess we won’t see that hydra for a while. But we can always ask about him from her!] Alice said with a slightly sad face. She wanted to fight someone equally powerful, but I have a feeling that the other hydra was way above us in strength…

“See? I told you that they are great! They have their stupid habits as well, and they can be quite idiotic at times, but after getting to know them, I can proudly say that they are good ‘teammates’, who you can trust!” Poirlion said with a proud face.

Alice went over to him and slapped him on the neck. “What about stupid habits?” - and after another slap, she continued - “Who are the idiots?! Stupid dragon! I should discipline you more! Hahaha~” Alice started laughing, while Narihi was left with her mouth opened widely as she thought - What? After such words, she is just joking with him? Another True Divine Beast would have killed him for such words!

I chuckled upon seeing the scene and hearing her thoughts. Poirlion scratched the back of his head as he said a small ‘ouch’ and then asked with his brows raised - “So? What did you want to ask?”

Alice crossed her arms in front of her, while I answered. “Well, you know that we came through that formation to enter. Now the thing is that we can leave our world, teleport out with you in tow, and possibly meet with that bear Harbinger once again. Probably, we would have to break that formation as well, which is very unlikely to succeed. Or! We could leave through the way Narihi entered. Which one should we do?” I tilted my head to the side after finishing, waiting for them to answer.

Both of them were at the sixth level, so they could easily teleport anywhere, but that wasn’t the case with us… “Ehm… let’s leave through where I came from. Poirlion told me how you came here and going back up would be quite dangerous for you. Although leaving through Angelwood Academy could be just as dangerous, but as long as we can get through like travelers, it’s going to be alright,” Narihi said as she stood up with excitement clear on her face.

“Okay. To be honest, it feels as if Gaia would have played the biggest prank on the leaders of Angelwood Academy. HER treasure trove was hidden under THEIR base. She was probably a troll, wasn’t she?” I answered and then couldn’t help but remark on Gaia’s hilarious actions. She was surely a troll. Only such a people would hide their treasures under the foot of their enemies.

“Ah… yes. I had the luck to meet with her when she was still alive. She loved playing pranks on the students. When I met with her, she gave me a quest for a good reward. When I brought back what was necessary, she actually stole it away without my knowledge. I was looking for that thing for a whole day before going back to my room, only to find the stolen item there, along with the treasure she promised me and with a stupid note!” She started squeezing her fingers and her face turned angrier while she was remembering it. We should have met with her…

“*Chuckle* It seems like she was indeed a troll. Anyway, let’s go then!” I said as all of us teleported to the place Narihi came from. In front of us stood a gateway, which looked very similar to the gates of the Abyss, but it was still different. Much… warmer? And calmer. I guess. It was time to leave!

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