《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 70.1 - What Is It Like To Find Your Other Half?


What Is It Like To Find Your Other Half?

Third person POV:


Upon appearing, and noticing Alice and Hiro, Poirlion started jumping in his happiness, telling them that he was able to break through. He also complimented Alice’s aura and thanked her that he had the possibility of staying in her company.

Poirlion looked at them like a family after being together with them for such a long time. When Hiro and Alice were traveling on his back, for a whole month, he had the time to get to know them. It was nothing surprising and his instinctual feelings for Alice were only strengthening their bond. Alice felt like a big sister to him and like a mother when it came to scoldings. Poirlion felt happy that he would be able to stay stronger than Hiro and Alice for a longer time. Seeing Poirlion’s never ending happiness and his childlike behavior, Alice grabbed the top of his head and made him turn around.

Poirlion’s and Narihi’s eyes met. Both of them opened their eyes widely for a moment and the room turned completely silent. Poirlion found his mouth to be too dry and he couldn’t help but lick it. Narihi’s looks were simply perfect for his taste. He found her even more beautiful than Alice. Everyone had different taste. Some people like plump women, while others might like skinny women and the variants were ever changing.

Narihi also found Poirlion’s looks to be very much to her pleasure. Whatever people might say, but the first thing which made them stop was a beauty or a handsome guy of their taste. They opened their eyes widely because they were surprised to see such a perfect match for their taste. Both of them gulped loudly, which echoed in the silence of the room. Alice and Hiro kept observing them in their curiosity.

Poirlion felt his heart stirring, just like Narihi. They felt a weird connection between each other. They felt as if they would have been made for each other! Narihi almost reached out with her hands towards Poirlion, unconsciously. But before doing so, she noticed her hand, which was about to move and stopped feeling so much engrossed.

“A- Ah… Hello. Who might you be?” Poirlion questioned her while feeling completely entranced by Narihi’s beauty. That feeling of wishing to get to know her welled up in his heart and chest. He even forgot that Hiro and Alice were standing behind him. All he was seeing was Narihi.

“Huh?” Narihi made a startled face upon realizing that she didn’t even know what was asked of her. After quickly thinking of a few possibilities, she randomly answered him, hoping that she was answering the right question. “Ah! I’m called Narihi, the Binder, and you?” She tilted her head to the side while asking for Poirlion’s name. A smirking face slipped on Alice’s face because she felt happy after noticing that there was a visible vibe between them.

The chance of such a thing happening was ridiculously low, but miracles always happen through the people’s lives. The only problem was that they were always hurrying and running, never stopping to notice it. They simply left, thinking that it was just a small thing, yet it could be a small miracle. Life was too accelerated for people to notice such things. Maybe all of them have met their other halves, but they have never stopped to truly think about how they felt, or what they saw.


Rarely did people stop to think about their lives and about their reasons. Maybe… they simply slipped away and never noticed that they met with their other halves. Maybe… finding their other half wasn’t that hard? They were simply rushing too much!

“Me? Uhm… my name is…” Hearing her question, Poirlion even forgot his name and after finally remembering it, he answered. “Poirlion, the Massacrer:”

Hearing his answer, Narihi felt happy that she was able to find out about the ‘mysterious’ guy’s name. She chuckled happily and greeted him formally, fearing that she would screw up her image. “Nice to meet you,” She said with a small blush on her face. But that was natural. When we met a new person, we always tried showing them our best image and we tried hiding who we were in reality.

To her dismay and surprise, Alice pulled on her body by using their world. Narihi was using all her strength to control her body, but it was for naught. She simply fell towards Poirlion, without being able to stop herself. It was also a natural reaction that she was reaching out with her arms, trying to stop her from falling face first on the ground. Luckily for her, Poirlion was close to her and after appearing in front of her, he caught Narihi in his embrace.

Narihi felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in her heart. The side of her head stopped exactly at Poirlion’s heart. She was able to hear his quickly beating heart. His chest felt warm and hard, yet it felt cozy. It made her feel happy. It made her feel safe. It made her… feel home. She unconsciously coiled her arms around Poirlion’s back, feeling happy that she was able to embrace him ‘accidentally’. She was like a lost child, meeting her mother after hours of crying.

Poirlion felt similarly. Narihi’s warm chest and soft bosom felt great. Well… he wasn’t thinking of such things… yet. He felt another kind of softness and warmness. The softness and warmness of Narihi’s heart. Both of them started smiling unconsciously, feeling happy in each other’s embrace. Narihi would have liked to stay in such a position, but she realized that she was almost kneeling. In such a weird position, it would feel wrong for her to stay in that half kneeling position, embracing Poirlion.

“A- Ah! I’m sorry!” She exclaimed after realizing her position as she tried standing back up, but she felt that Poirlion’s arms strengthened around her. She realized that he didn’t want to release her, which made her feel happy. But she still stood up and continued on hugging him with a smile on her face and her eyes closed. Poirlion was doing the same. They didn’t know what came to them. They would never go and hug someone out of nowhere and they surely wouldn’t stay in such a position for such a long time.

Yet they were doing exactly that at the moment. Poirlion remembered what happened and realized that it was Alice’s doing. He put one of his arms behind his back and made a ‘like’ motion with his hand for Alice. He heard her chuckling as an answer. While Poirlion put one of his arms behind his back, there was one less arm, coiling around Narihi’s back. She felt wrong. She felt cold after the warm body part disappeared from her back.


Her soul and heart stirred upon realizing that she was embracing a completely strange guy. She didn’t know anything about him, but she couldn’t care any less. After thinking of a few things, she decided to not care about it. If she felt happy and safe, then why would she try struggling and fighting against it? She didn’t have such powerful instincts as Alice had either. It came easier for her to accept a man who was hugging her.

Poirlion put his right arm back around Narihi’s back, which made her feel warm once again. Poirlion put his hand on the back of her head and pulled his hand through her long, silky hair. They felt peaceful and happy. But that feeling of things happening too suddenly swelled up in their minds. “Would you care to tell me more about yourself?” Narihi whispered in a low voice, feeling awkward to ask such a question after such a long embrace.

Poirlion’s hand stopped moving and twitched. He didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, the situation was only turning more and more awkward. “E- Ehm… what should I say? Things like… what I like?” Poirlion asked with a red face. Upon realizing that they felt the same, Narihi started laughing.

“Haha, it seems like you feel the same way as me… We were a bit sudden,” Narihi said as she turned her head upward and Poirlion answered with a nod of his head.

“Yeah, but I couldn’t help it. I’ll be honest with you. Your beauty took my breath away and I had a sudden feeling of wishing to get to know you. It’s kind of weird…” He said with a small chuckle, feeling that awkward mood slowly disappearing. Sometimes honesty was the way out of such situations.

“Uuu! Don’t even say it to me! I too felt so weird. I never hugged a man before, yet here I am… I too had this sudden feeling,” She said while covering her red face. Meanwhile, Hiro and Alice disappeared and left them there.

“Hahaha, don’t worry. Let’s say that we were equally sudden and that we felt equally awkward,” Poirlion tried smoothing things out, by making her seem equal with him. Though it was true. That was the best decision in such cases.

They smiled happily and as their eyes met, they couldn’t help but quickly turn away for a moment. They weren’t familiar with sexualism and such thing, unlike the mortals of the Earth. They were more… innocent when it came to such things, both of them being virgins. After standing there for a few seconds, they kept looking into and then quickly evading each other’s eyes. In the end, they stopped escaping and started eyeing each other. Their faces unconsciously started moving towards each other.

Both of them closed their eyes and when their lips almost touched, they suddenly heard a loud moan, rushing through the whole universe. They snapped their eyes opened and pulled back their necks with startled faces. They didn’t even notice how quickly time was passing by. “What was that?” Narihi asked with her brows raised, not knowing what was happening and trying to fake her embarrassment, which she was feeling after realizing that she was about to kiss a ‘complete stranger’.

“Ah… I don’t know,” Poirlion said with a slightly red face as he started scratching the back of his head.

A few moments later, another moan ran through the whole universe and resounded in their ears. “Ehm… I have a guess what is going on…” Poirlion said with a flushed face.

“What could it be?” Narihi asked densely, not getting his meaning.

“Do you really want me to say it aloud?” Poirlion asked with his brows raised as he put his hands on his hips. “Well… your dear god is copulating with my god.” He said with a serious face.

“Huh?” Narihi made a surprised face. After realizing what his words meant and looking at his serious face, she started laughing loudly. “Hahaha, are you being serious?” Probably even she didn’t know what was so funny.

Poirlion chuckled upon seeing her reaction and then nodded once. “Well… they are an idiot couple, but they aren’t like how I imagined True Divine Beasts to be. I have never met any of them before, but they are a good pair. They too can be evil and dark from time to time, but you can be carefree around them. It’s not like we are perfect... The only thing you should watch out for is not to badmouth any of them seriously, though joking is okay.” He explained the most crucial things about Hiro and Alice.

“Well… I have a different experience with True Divine Beasts since I’ve met a Twelve Headed Hydra and a Turtle God as well before. Both of them were assholes… But if you say so. I guess you wouldn’t stay with them if they would be bad people.” Narihi said with a slightly unconvinced face, but then she made up her mind and tried believing in Poirlion.

“You can bet on that! Haha,” Poirlion said with his chest stuck out and then laughed loudly. While Alice and Hiro were making love, these two, started chatting, not caring about the background noises…

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