《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 70 - The Anchor among the Universes


The Anchor among the Universes

Alice’s POV:


Once Poirlion leaves, he wouldn’t be able to return to this world. It is laughable how we will be able to expropriate everything for ourselves once we get strong enough. After reorganizing the mini-universe and the two separate worlds, our own world was finally complete!

It’s been three days since the exam started. We should go back quickly, but we have a few things to take care of. After becoming the owners of this mini-universe, we learned how it feels to have living beings in our own universe. It’s really weird. We feel as if every mortal would be only an extension of our body. Like our cells, but outside of our bodies. We felt all of them, we were able to control them. We could kill any of them without even using anything.

It is really weird and to be honest, I don’t know how to pour this feeling into words. This might sound cruel, but they felt as if they were our ‘property’. [What should we do with the Universe Energy? Should we turn my old world upside down? Or should we teach them at first and then break loose the dam?] Hiro questioned me as he held onto my hand gently.

[I don’t know, Hiro. I think that we should teach them how important it is to find their soul mates and such things. We should also make them learn some real combat and make them ready for the outside world. We could turn them into our little soldiers in the future!] I advised as my mind started spinning with new ideas and how to use these humans.

[Uoo! Great ideas! We could create our own clan, or with so many people… maybe an even bigger organization!] Hiro said as our merged minds started working on full throttle. Although we had two bodies, our minds were still in the same state.

It was alright that Gaia and her friends worked hard on creating this world. We also respect their decision and if the mortals wished so, then we would leave them be. We would tell them everything and let them decide about what to do. It didn’t really matter to us if they were cultivators or not. Although creating a clan of our own, with faithful members would be nice, but we weren’t dying to make it… It would also come with a lot of work and trouble with its downsides as well.

“*Clears his throat*” Poirlion cleared his throat at that time to gain our attention. Oh… he was here as well. I’m so terrible! I completely forgot about him! We turned around with our bodies being stiff. He was standing behind us with his hands on his hips, with his brows raised. He was tapping his right foot on the ground, making it clear that he was waiting for an explanation.

Hiro started explaining - “Ehm… I’ll make it short. We used Soul Fusion and as it turned out, there was a hidden present in the blood I drank, which also contained the technique. As it turned out, that ‘present’ was none other than this whole mini-universe and a lot of soul force. You probably noticed that in our little battle, your soul force was… ‘shrugged off’ by us. That was also because our soul stepped into the third stage of Baby Soul,” Hiro said as he started fearing the expected reaction.

“WHAT!? F- FUCK! DAMNED! Ah! Why am I even caring anymore!? I’ll simply remember you as cheating, unfair bastards. Both of you!” He shouted as he grabbed onto Hiro’s shoulders and started shaking him, but not wanting to repeat himself, he actually released him and then started mumbling in himself. Hiro looked at me with a questioning look, not really knowing what to do. In the end, we decided to not bother with him.


But since he was in our mini-universe, we could do anything with him! I pointed my finger at him and made him fly into the air. I started rotating him in a circle, which made his head spin. “S- Stop it! I’ll stay quiet!” He shouted with a pleading voice. Not wanting to torture him, I quickly put him down on the ground. This was so much fun! He looked up at me, while kneeling on the ground to regain his vision, and looked into my eyes.

I saw envy there, but not the bad kind of. It was only a natural and healthy envy. He didn’t hold evil intentions in his mind. He was simply envious of our strength. He was a three-star divine beast. He wasn’t supposed to be much weaker than us while being at the same stage, yet now? After merging, we could even beat him! It probably hurt his pride. But I saw another kind of feeling in his eyes as well. The feeling of unconditional respect and worship. After separating, our auras returned to be the same as before.

But we could switch between them anytime. Hiro could have the same kind of pure and perfect draconic aura, while I could also have the same kind of hydriconic aura. This meant that both of us could ransom the same kind of effect from both hydras and dragons. Hiro had a draconic aura at the moment, just to show this new ability of ours to Poirlion. He hung his head down and sighed loudly after looking away from my eyes.

“*Sigh* Would you let me cultivate? I might break through to the next level… I’ll have to work hard if I don’t want to stay behind!” He started talking silently, which quickly turned into a committed one as he looked back up into my eyes once again. Without saying a word, I pointed at him and he disappeared from where he stood. I teleported him to separate world Gaia and the other had. It had a nice place, called the Paradise where the Universe Energy was the thickest.

The first evolved humans were taken to that place. Gaia and the others sealed the Universe Energy temporarily and tested how they would react after feeling a slightly more focused amount of it, but the expected happened. They didn’t feel anything even after years to come! That being the case, Gaia and the others commanded them to reproduce and then banished them from their private place, back to the Earth.

Before leaving this place, we had a little thing to do… We will have to get our hands on a new family member! We felt hilarious after becoming the owners of this world because we were able to sense everything in it, except the things in the last chamber. We were also able to sense the place, which was created as a fake entrance with keys and maps, for the others to enter. What was hilarious wasn’t this but that we felt someone to be inside it! Only a single girl was in that whole place, sitting in one place.

She was at the sixth stage of the sixth level, which was called Temporary Law Realm. We quickly teleported there, while we switched our auras into a Hydriconic one. We appeared in a misty place, with fog covering the ground. There wasn’t much light, but it was more than enough for such high-level cultivators. Just as we appeared, the girl teleported up from the ground, into a defensive position, while a blood-red colored, four-star symbiont crept out of her body. It turned into a shield and a short spear in her hands. Interesting choice…


She had long green hair, reaching her large bust, which was almost as big as mine! She had full lips and a slim body. Her ass was also curvy… Her face was like an angel’s, with small and thin brows and a thin nose, except that she had scales covering her chin and the outer sides of her arms. Probably her sides, and the sides of her legs were covered in it as well. She also had a tail swaying behind her, which ended in a spear-like shape. It seemed to be really threatening! She furrowed her brows upon noticing us.

We felt as her soul force and mind power rushed through our bodies. Her eyes opened widely as she fell to her knees and looked up at us as if we were gods. I can’t deny that it felt good. “M- My gods! Wait… two of them!? What’s up with this!?” She started, but it quickly turned into a mumbling as she realized that something was wrong. I chuckled upon seeing her thoughtful face and then switched back to my draconic aura. I didn’t want to confuse her, but this only did so even more.

She sprung up from the ground and took a defensive position. “W- What are you? Why did your aura turn into a draconic one? Are you some kind of mimics? You’re going to pay for shaming the god of our race!” She shouted as she teleported towards me. If not for being the owners of this universe, then it would have worked, but that wasn’t the case… We felt how she moved in our space and appeared behind me.

Hiro was already facing her as he made her kneel on the ground with a thought. She was smashed into the ground. Her back was facing upward, while her whole front was pushed into the hard ground, breaking it in the process. It wouldn’t hurt her at such a high level. This ground was probably like cotton for her. We were the same…

“Calm yourself. We aren't mimicking. I’m a Twelve Headed Hydra and she is a Dragon God. We can simply switch between these two because we have a very strong bond. You could say that she is your mistress!” Hiro said as he released the binding on her and controlled her body to stand up into a salute. He was just having fun controlling her. Though she knelt before out of her own will. We felt weird if someone kneeled down in front of us. We would never do such a thing even if the creator of the universe were to appear, so we are always thinking about things like - ‘what are we supposed to do now?’.

“A- Are you telling the truth?” She questioned Hiro with a stiff face, while she was looking back and forth between me and Hiro. We nodded upon hearing her question and then made an oath to make her believe us. She opened her eyes widely upon realizing that we were telling the truth and then she quickly wanted to kneel down again, but we stopped her using our almighty control. We were able to control anything and anyone in our own world and we also knew the whole history of our own world.

We could easily query the whole history through the Universe Energy, through the laws. They contained every information there was to know and we would be always updated about everything there was to know. Now we also knew what the humans thought about our appearance and we also knew what has happened to this girl, called Narihi. She entered this place, along with other high-level cultivators a few decades ago.

Gaia and the others left behind powerful formations, traps, and little games in this place, which the others had to get through or solve to reach the treasure chamber. From the ten people who entered, only three left and Narihi was the trapped victim. She was closed into a formation, which she didn’t have the strength to break, but we could come and go as we wished.

She was a three-star hydra divine beast and she was decoyed by those three. She has been staying here ever since, meditating because she didn’t have anything better to do. This place had Universe Energy, so she didn’t feel bad, but it was probably boring as hell.

A shudder ran through my back upon thinking how it would feel to spend tens of years all alone, doing nothing. Her only luck was that cultivators could meditate through tens or even hundreds of years without noticing the passing time, so she didn’t have to suffer from solitude that much. She tilted her head to the side upon realizing that she wasn’t allowed to kneel, which probably also raised a question in her head.

“Please forgive my rudeness, but how can you control my body? Controlling my energy or aura is one thing, but controlling my body is something unheard of!” She exclaimed as he looked at Hiro with curious eyes. She was a real seductress, but Hiro didn’t have even the slightest bit of reaction upon seeing her. He had eyes only for me.

Hiro smirked upon hearing her question as he also answered it. “Well, it’s because the place you are in is in a mini-universe, which was created by someone called Gaia. The thing is that she is dead and this place has changed owner, which in this case, is us…” - Narihi was furrowing her brows while listening to Hiro’s explanation, and she even made a despaired face upon hearing his next words - “So that’s why we can do anything with you here as long as you are here, though don’t worry. We came with good intentions,” He finished his sentence with a small smile.

Even though we were only at the second stage of the World Realm, while she was at the sixth stage of the Temporary Law realm. But after hearing that we came with good intentions, her face turned into a hopeful and elated one.

“T- Then, are you going to release me from this place!?” She ran up to Hiro and almost grabbed his hands as she also put her face close to his, but before doing so teleported slightly backward.

“H- Hey… stop. Yes, we are going to, but could you tell me more about how you came here?” Hiro said with a stiff face while looking sideways. She realized her mistake after looking at me and then stepped back with her head hung down as she mumbled ‘sorry’ in a small voice.

“I- I don’t know what to say. I thank you very much! Truly! Who would have known that my god would be the person to save me! My race is truly the best! Hehe,” She said narcastically with a small laugh. Hiro shook his head sideways as he held onto his forehead. Narihi quickly continued her explanation as she put her hands on her hips. “So… I was, am, a member of Genotin Academy. The first director was called Gaia, but since you are the new owners of her world, you probably know about the whole history behind her. It’s a quite well-known and legendary tale about her.”

“She told the director about this place, which had a few treasures for cultivators at the sixth level and then the director held a small race among every cultivator who was at the sixth level. Gaia also provided us with twelve compasses, which always pointed towards the twelve keys and pieces of the map. We fought in bloody battles to get our hands on the compasses. After years of searching, the lucky ones realized that our universe didn’t have every piece of it. After entering the anchor, oh, pardon me, the Abyss, they told that they were led towards other portals at the first level of the Abyss.”

“They told that they entered a low-level, shitty universe, with stupid realms and separators between the levels. They also entered a universe, which had weird windows and stat points or what… and it was probably even older than ours. After returning from those places, the twelve lucky ones were ready to go. Naturally, all of them were at the peak of the ninth stage, which was unfair to us… So in the end, a lot of us took up our weapons and fought against those cultivators. We were able to kill them, and so, I also got my hands on one of the keys.”

“Afterward, we only had to put together the pieces of the map. Those white pieces of papers turned into a map, which showed where the entrance is. What was the most ridiculous, was that it was under the main building of Angelwood Academy! We almost exploded from rage after realizing it because we had to fight for the pieces of the maps as well… From then on, you probably know my tale as the new owner…” She explained everything in a detailed way, with a respectful face on.

I don’t know if it was only because she was in our mini-universe or if it was because Hiro was a Twelve Headed Hydra, but her respect was true! Though… I’d bet on the second one. “Thank you very much for answering my question. Since what Gaia did with the pieces of the map and the keys wasn’t in this world, we didn’t know what has happened out there. We were simply curious…” Hiro said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Just as he did so, we felt how Poirlion’s aura exploded and reached a much greater height. He stepped into the Temporary Law Realm!

“Well, to be honest, we were taking the entrance exam for the school when one of our friends,” - Hiro started as he teleported Poirlion right next to us - “Poirlion went through his puberty… After a few twists and turns, we accidentally stumbled upon the real entrance of this well-hidden, dead world and after meeting Gaia’s expectations in a few things, we unexpectedly inherited her legacy.” Hiro explained our story as well in a compressed form, but it was more than enough.

“Oh, but if you want to leave, then you will have to promise secrecy…” I couldn’t help but remark. Hiro was thinking along the same lines. Narihi shrugged her shoulders and did as told right there, right then.

“W- What? How did I get here? Ah! My goddess! I reached the sixth level! Hahaha! Your perfect aura is a heaven sent miracle! I advanced much more and much quicker than in the past!” Poirlion at first made a confused face and after looking around, he spotted me as he started rambling about his breakthrough. I grabbed the top of his head and turned him around in a circle.

He finally noticed Narihi, who was standing there, right behind him. She crossed her arms in front of her big bust as he looked at Poirlion, but strangely enough, the room turned deathly silent as their eyes met. I felt something similar in the air. Something very unexpected! It was the feeling of love at first sight! Not the stupid one. The kind like ours! I almost laughed upon realizing it, but I didn’t want to spoil the mood, so we actually teleported back into our own tiny world and left them there without them noticing.

We kept observing their reactions through our own world. “A- Ah… Hello. Who might you be?” Poirlion questioned her with an entranced face.

“Huh? Ah! I’m called Narihi, the Binder, and you?” She tilted her head to the side as she also asked for his name. Hehe~ I like where this is going! We will really have to lead these humans towards the right way!

“Me? Uhm… my name is… Poirlion, the Massacrer,” He was barely able to spit his name out. He was clearly thinking hard to remember it. Divine Beasts were born with titles in their inherent memories, which also referred to their ‘occupation’, or abilities to say. True Divine Beasts had the same kind of title. The Sovereign… We were called Alice, the Sovereign, and Hiro, the Sovereign, but we didn’t use those titles as they were bothersome and we didn’t find ourselves strong enough for such a title, yet…

“Hehe~ Nice to meet you,” Narihi said with a small blush on her face as she turned to the side, fearing that her eyes would meet with Poirlion’s. They were so cute. I couldn’t help but help them out… Using our world, I pushed her body towards Poirlion. She accidentally ‘stumbled’ why standing in one place as she fell into Poirlion’s arms…

“A- Ah! I’m sorry!” She said as she was about to quickly stand back up, but Poirlion actually didn’t release her as he also made a ‘like’ motion with his hand in the air. I guess we were busted… Well, he knows us that much. They stood there embracing each other and then they sat down on the ground as they started introducing themselves, talking about themselves. They were warming up to each other with a visible speed. Not wishing to peek on their privacy, we left them there.

We had other things to do anyway… on one hand, we could train, while on the other hand, we could also play with the humans. “What should we do dear?” I questioned Hiro as I gave a kiss on his face and then on his lips. He hugged me into his chest with a bright smile on his face. He always felt happy when it was only the two of us, just like me.

While hugging me into his chest, he put his chin on the top of my head after kissing it as she answered. “I don’t know. What should we do? We could do those two, or we could also enjoy ourselves,” He said and then put his mouth right next to my left ear as he whispered, seducing me with his deep voice - “What do you say?”

I- I’m such a pervert! I turned soaking wet just from this alone!? I was totally drenched! I’m such a lustful creature! I teleported into our bed in my shame and hid under the blanket, with Hiro in tow. It quickly turned into a passionate day? Night? We didn’t know, nor did it matter. It was so wonderful with our merged minds! My heart and legs are still trembling when I think about it…

Afterward, we sat down back to back and took out a lot of World Crystals. After reaching the second stage, our own world has got two planets as well, numbering at three. These were supposed to be mortal level planets, but since we were bonded and merged, they were planets of the seconds level. We started cultivating with consuming hundreds of thousands of World Crystals in a few hours. We were able to reach the middle of the second stage in such a short time. Others would have taken hundreds of years…

We were so quick only because we had billions of World Crystals to consume, so we could pour energy into our bodies and enlarge our energy veins endlessly. “Now the question is… how should we call our new martial art? I mean, they merged into a single one and I’m not going to use our original one which is weaker,” Hiro said as I sat down on the sofa, next to him, with our sides touching each other and he embraced my back. I snuggled up to him, enjoying his arm around my back as I answered.

“Well, we could choose one of them and call it like that, or we could mix their name like… Twelve Chains of Bane?” I questioned him after coming up with a name on the spot. He shrugged his shoulders and said that it was alright. We stayed there, like that for a few minutes before realizing that it was already next day morning. We went back to the Earth, into our dormitory and left from there, towards our ‘combat lesson’.

We were supposed to learn something there, right? Well, we were thinking differently. For example, things like…

What kind of mess should we make? I wonder…

But there was something wrong!

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