《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 69 - Beyond the Bond [Inheritance]


Beyond the Bond


Hiro’s POV:


“Soul Fusion? Let’s get it!” I said happily as I embraced Alice’s back and jumped toward the Grail. We didn’t fear such a thing as one of us getting over the other. People who aren’t in perfect sync can bond as well. Gaia and her friends were like that as well. If they were able to do such a thing, then we have zero chance to fail!

I am in perfect balance with Alice, so we don’t have anything to fear as long as we are there for each other! “Hey… Should we drink half-half of it, or is it alright if only one of us drinks it?” Alice questioned me as she stopped my hands, which were holding the Grail and moving towards my mouth.

I raised my brows and stopped my hands upon feeling hers on mine. “What are you talking about? This is only the ability, we can share it afterward. I’m sure that the process itself is a longer one,” I said as I flicked her forehead.

She slapped her forehead as well as she said with her eyes closed. “Ehm… yes. Sorry, I forgot about that. Tehehe?” She laughed as she weakly hit the side of her head with her fist and then urged me to drink the blood.

What can I say? It didn’t taste good, but I had to drink it! After gulping down that iron-flavored, dark red blood in my battle form, I, strangely enough, didn’t feel like puking. I guess my battle form provides me with a different taste as well. We didn’t know about that as… who the hell would leave knowledge like that in our inherent memories?

Knowledge started flooding into my mind like water. If we wished to fuse our souls, we had to split our souls into two halves and mix together one of the two halves. This meant that I would have half a soul, Alice would have another half and the bond between us would be our other halves. This would also come with the perk of being able to fuse our bodies, creating an even more powerful battle form, or we could also transform into each other’s forms.

What was the best was that we could share our cells, our everything! Alice would gain the abilities of Blank and Necros, while I could also use Infinis’ abilities since we could divide our symbionts’ cells and build them into our bodies! Not wanting to wait any longer, we quickly laid down on the ground and hugged each other tightly. We put our foreheads on each other’s, while our arms, legs, and tails were coiled around each other.

We even united our genitals, which caused Alice to moan once as she felt me inside her body. We were closer to each other than ever before. After doing so, we concentrated on our own souls and controlled them to split into two halves. Usually, this would cause people to die, but since we had a bond, we stayed alive.

This could also be used as a soul attack, to destroy someone’s soul and overtake his or her body. We were supposed to devour each other in such a state, but that wasn’t the case. Since we had a single world, our souls were next to each other. That originally thick line, linking our souls, was now like a log as our souls started growing. After reaching the second stage, our souls also stepped into the second stage of Soul Infant, but that didn’t matter now.

We moved our halves towards each other. My soul had the shape of a Hydra, while Alice’s had the shape of a Dragon, but those forms disappeared as they turned into a hazy liquid-like matter. At that time, suddenly a blood red wisp of line rushed out of my mind and entered our mixed souls. It was Gaia and the others’ soul in a single bundle!!!


Our souls started turning blood red colored, but we didn’t feel anything from it. That color quickly dissolved as something new connected to us, we were terribly happy after feeling it, but we can play with this little present later. We started mixing our liquid-like souls, which unexpectedly pulled in our other halves as well. Our souls took the form of a Dragonoid Hydra! We still had two bodies, two minds, but our soul was only a single one!

“Hahaha! This is crazy! I- It’s real! We really have our other halves! It seems like my belief wasn’t only a belief! It is real! You are my soul mate as well, Alice!” I shouted loudly in my happiness and kissed her deeply as I realized the meaning behind this occurrence. We were supposed to have only one-half of our souls mixed. In a case like ours, we were supposed to have only a single mind and a single body, with only one of us being in control, creating a single personality.

But that wasn’t the case. We were one yet we were two! Other than being closer to each other than ever before, we were still those two idiot love-birds. Our abilities, also merged into a single one, along with our martial arts. We could use them separately as well, but why would we? These new things were the real deals! We will have to decide on a name as well for it…

We opened our eyes, only to see each other’s eyes. I looked deeply into Alice’s eyes as love and lust flooded my mind, my heart. Before, I felt when she was lusting, when she was angry, when she was happy when she was sad, but I only knew about those feelings. They were able to affect me, but that was only because of my love for her.

But now? I straight felt them! This feeling was euphoric! I felt Alice so deeply in me that I feared that she would get lost in me. We were two, we were one, two halves become one! That’s how I felt! We shared literally everything we had!

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I spread Alice’s lips with my tongue, not caring about our surroundings or the place we were at. She attacked even more aggressively as she pushed her tongue into my mouth even more quickly and forcefully than me. After such a bonding, the next thing to overcome our minds, no, maybe only our mind… was sex. We wanted to have sex so much!

“H- Hiro~ You are inside me anyway. Quickly, move!” Alice urged me between our kisses while panting heavily. She was so horny and since our souls were fused, I felt the same kind of terrible lust. I was literally going crazy over Alice’s body. I was panting heavily, trying to catch my breath because we didn’t stop kissing even for a single moment.

“Mnm~ Y- Yes. Go deeper honey. Melt my pussy with your hot rod,” Alice whispered those dirty words into my ears, which only increased my excitement.

“WAAAH!” I shouted out as I turned her on her back. Her beautiful blonde hair was sprawled out under her body. She smiled at me and felt happiness, probably no one ever before felt. She touched my chest with her palm and then she started pulling it down towards my crotch and then she touched her own clit, while I held onto her dear face. I started moving my hips inside Alice, which caused her smiling and loving face to turn into a lustful one.


She spread her legs widely to welcome my penis inside her and then coiled her legs around my back, helping me in my movements. Feeling my penis in her deepest parts, she moaned out loudly and since we were connected so deeply, I felt what she felt, which caused me to grunt after each move.

It was so fucking good. Her hotness, her wetness, her tightness, while she felt how my hot and hard cock was rubbing on her folds, touching and attacking her best spots with each movement. “Ah! J- Jesus! Am - Am I going to orgasm!? So quickly!? W- What’s with this bond!?” Alice shouted out upon realizing that she was about to orgasm only after a few moves. Not wanting to miss out on feeling her orgasm, I also quickened up my pace, which caused both of us to come with a huge blast.

I shot my load into her, which was bigger than ever before as it immediately spilled out of her womb. No human can shoot so much semen in one go… I felt my cock to turn even harder upon feeling her creamy and hot insides, which started spasming and trembling and then tightened up. Her pussy turned into a fucking pump! Her hole was literally sucking in my whole penis, causing me to have a feeling as if I’d be out of my body.

“AAHH! JESUS CHRIST! THIS.IS.BEYOND.EVERYTHING!!!” Alice shouted as her whole body trembled, her body stiffened, while her legs coiled tightly around my back. After twenty minutes of orgasm, she actually lost her consciousness. I felt my other half to be dark, yet warm. It was a strange feeling. After a few seconds, she slightly regained her consciousness. That was the time when I couldn’t stop myself from continuing.

Her pussy started tightening upon feeling my movements, while she started groaning and moaning in a very low voice. I raised her upper body into a strong and tight hug as I sat down on my butt. She gained back her consciousness completely as she coiled her arms around my back and her moaning also intensified. Suddenly she leaned backward as her face appeared in front of me.

Her eyes snapped open into two beautiful green slit eyes. She looked deeply into my eyes, seeing every crook and cranny of my soul. Even our movements stopped after our eye contact. I felt my lust dissipating temporarily and a kind of wanting taking its place. This feeling was beyond worldly feelings such as sex. We wanted to merge.

As Alice stood up, my semen spilled out of her hole, splashing on my lap, covering my whole crotch. Knowing that it came out of her pussy just now, excited me greatly, but I quickly calmed down. She was still looking down at me with those serious eyes without any movement.


I stood up as well as I reached out with my hands towards hers. We intertwined our fingers and kissed deeply as we started merging into a single entity with ten minds, for now. My body turned into a puddle of black liquid, just like Alice’s and then we transformed into a single creature, with strength, much greater than anything we ever had. We had two NanoCo in our body. We could have pushed them out of our body, but since we weren’t going to stay in this form forever, we weren’t going to.

Since we were merged, Blank, Necros, and Infinis turned into a single symbiont, which spread through our whole body. Since they only merged, we didn’t blank out this time. Once we would separate, both of us would have all three of them in our bodies, as a single symbiont!

Our strength increased to be the same amount as what we had in our monster forms, meaning eighty-three Crypt, even though we were in our human forms! This meant that our merged humanoid form had twenty-five percent more strength than what we had before. After transforming into our battle forms, large horns and protrusions grew out of our scale-covered body. In our battle forms, our strength increased by thirty-five percent, meaning ninety Crypt!

Feeling happy about our newfound strength, we decided to see what our true form held in store. We transformed with a loud roar into a twelve, dragon-headed Dragon-Hydra hybrid! Thanks to Alice’s bonus, I was able to sustain my true form. Our strength increased by fifty percent, reaching a hundred Crypt! At the early second stage, we were close to being as powerful as someone at the peak of the fifth level! I dare to say that we could beat even Poirlion!

Suddenly Poirlion appeared from the way we came from. He was a little beat down, but he was alright. I guess he wasn’t able to finish his battles as easily and quickly as us. Well, that’s nothing out of the norm since we weren’t your usual monsters…

“W- What are you?! Are you my next enemy or what!? Is this place kidding me!?” He shouted loudly with an enraged face as he took a defensive position. He probably didn’t realize that we were the monster in front of him because after we fused, our clear auras also mixed together, creating a monster which was above the True Divine Beasts!

[Well, now that’s an interesting reaction~ fufu,] Alice thought as she started laughing in her mind.

[Hey… what do you say? Should we test our new body?] Such a thought appeared in my mind and I didn’t even have to say anything or send my thoughts to Alice, for her to notice it.

[Hehe~ Let’s have some fun. We can apologize afterward!] Alice thought happily, feeling excited upon hearing my thoughts. We still have to be careful because Poirlion was at the early ninth stage, which meant that he had a hundred and fifty-six Crypt! Not even we had that much, but luckily for us, our skills had tremendous might!

As a three-star divine beast, Poirlion’s skills would probably provide him with twenty Crypt, while ours would add at least forty to our base strength. At the fifth level, a skill like that was equal to a heaven shaking treasure. Even True Divine Beasts would kneel before the might of such a skill! Poirlion transformed into his monster form to fight against his ‘enemy’. His speed was indeed very quick, but as Infinis activated its ability, he quickly slowed down.

Poirlion’s eyes opened widely upon feeling our familiar ability, so he hesitated for a moment. Not wanting to hurt him, we didn’t use our skill while he was being careless, so all he got was a powerful swipe of our tail, which smashed into his head. It knocked up his dragon head, which made him shake his head to regain his focus on our battle. He growled angrily upon realizing that he was hit. There was six hundred and seventy-five million tons of strength behind our attack, or one hundred crypt, which was by no means a small force.

Such a hit probably even shook Poirlion’s mind! He quickly rushed towards us once again as he flew into the air with us in tow. He whipped his tail towards us, but using our double-layered Descent abilities, stacked upon our hard and tough scales, along with Blank, we were able to defend ourselves. All we had to do was swing our tail towards him in the same manner.

Naturally, upon noticing the mix our descent abilities, he was surprised once again, but this time he learned from his mistake from before. Our tails struck each other, which ended in a stalemate and then we quickly turned in the air and flew towards him with our huge mouths, spread open widely. We used Hydro Mind on him, to make his movements stop for a moment and upon reaching him, we almost bit into him if not for him recovering quickly enough to evade it.

We wouldn’t have bitten him, but he didn’t know about that. “ROAAAR” - Poirlion roared loudly as he spun in the air and sped towards us. Before he could reach us, we landed on the ground and took up a defensive position. He crashed into us frontally, which caused us to roll on the ground, along with him. He was on top of us, luckily for him, but before he could bite into our stomach, we used our leg to kick him off.

He flew into the air after our unexpectedly powerful and quick kick and then he was smashed into his side with our tail, though in such a position, we weren’t able to swing it with great force. He landed on the ground with a few of his scales on his side broken, while we didn’t have even a single scratch on our body. We won the first round! He growled in a deep voice, knowing that he lost. He was probably preparing to use his abilities as well and get serious.

Not wishing to make this into a bloody battle with our only family member, we suddenly dissolved our huge monster body into a puddle of black liquid, which soon took up our original, humanoid shapes. Poirlion’s draconic eyes opened widely as he took up a defensive position.

“Hahaha! What’s up Poirlion? Do you not remember your dear ‘god’?” Alice questioned him with a small laugh, which also made Poirlion realize that we were indeed Hiro and Alice. He turned back into his humanoid form as he stopped in front of us. His nostrils moved, which indicated that he was sniffing us… His eyes opened widely once again. I fear that his eyes are going to stay widely opened if this continues!

“W- What?! What was that!? How is this possible?! Y- You were able to fight… with ME!? And how the hell did you turn into a single monster?!” He started questioning us with an unbelieving face as he kept flailing his arms.

“Fufu~ We have gained something good. Something that is better than soul bonding. It’s called Soul Fusion! Using that, we can merge into a single, genderless entity, and we can transform into our battle forms and monster forms as well, but with much more strength! While our punching or smashing strength increases by twenty-five percent in our normal monster forms, it increases by thirty-five percent in our merged battle form and fifty percent in our merged monster form!”

“I’m sure that you believe me if I say, that it was more than worth falling down! I wasn’t angry about you, pushing us down anyway, but after such a reward!? I’m even thanking you!” Alice finished her explanation as she smacked Poirlion’s back, which caused a loud bang on his back. She didn’t restrict her strength…

“Ugh… you could be a bit more gentle with your family, couldn’t you?” Poirlion remarked with a stiff face as he started scratching his back. It probably tweaked…

“So, now you can turn into a single creature?” Poirlion questioned as he stopped scratching his back and looked at us with his brows raised. We nodded as an answer, which caused beads of sweat to appear on his forehead as he wiped it off only to start murmuring things like - “Even though you were so unfair already…”

After thinking so much, he snapped up his head as he grabbed onto my shoulders to question me - “Wait!? And what about the symbionts!?!”

I smirked upon hearing his question and both of us released our newly merged Legendary Symbiont, which caused his face to turn into a despaired one as he shouted. “THAT CAN’T BE!? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SO UNFAIR!? YOU WERE SO MUCH STRONGER THAN US, NORMAL DIVINE BEASTS, YET NOW YOU ARE EVEN MORE SO?! F- forgive me, my goddess, but YOU ARE DAMNED BASTARDS! BOTH OF YOU! UNFAIR FOUL CREATURES!”

We couldn’t help but start laughing upon hearing his outrage. Not caring about his whining in the back anymore, I hugged Alice tightly and put my chin on her shoulder as she rubbed her face on my chest. I smelled her hair, while she put her arms around my back, just like me. We closed our eyes and stood there silently for at least five minutes before separating. Not even Poirlion’s words reached our ears in such a state. This was only a world for the two of us. We were happier than ever before. This Soul Fusion was truly worth it!

“Shall we leave?” Alice said as she held onto my hand and kissed it with a bright smile on her face.

I put my hand on her face as I answered her with a yes and then we simply disappeared from where we stood, along with Poirlion. There was a hidden legacy in that blood I drank before. As we’ve got to know it, this was a ‘dead world’ since its original creator and owner died. But the thing was that… it was no longer such a world!

In the Grail of blood I drank, there was something more, something deeper. It was the merged souls of Gaia and her friends. This means that we not only inherited their technique but even their world! This huge world and universe were added to our own world, creating a mini-universe in us. The best was that… our soul jumped up to the third stage of Baby Soul, which should be possible only if we were to be at the first stage of the sixth level!

(AN: If you forgot the stages, then scroll to the bottom and click on the link. It’s going to make you remember them.)

Before this, we couldn’t fight with cultivators who were at the sixth level because they could have simply crushed our souls with a single attack, but now that our souls improved, we could fight against even cultivators who had Baby Souls! After inheriting Gaia and her friends’ world, we could teleport freely in this universe, just like in our own world, though there were a few restrictions.

We still can’t enter the last chamber where the real treasures are, before being powerful enough to kill the monster or before reaching the peak of the eighth level. Gaia was such a high-level cultivator, and we can’t get in complete control of this world before our souls and strength reached the same level. The more powerful we turn, the more we can control this new mini-universe in ourselves.

We teleported back to the Earth, along with Poirlion and stopped for a moment, to think about how to design this place. Deciding on it quickly, we placed our own, small world, above the separate world we were in before. Like that, Universe Energy would flow through our own world, straight into the separate World, which would also collect it. We might remove that formation in the future and make these mortals taste the real world, but we’ll see about that in the future.

When that red wisp of energy merged with our souls, a message was left behind in it from Gaia.

“Hello, inheritor. If you hear this message, that means that you have also fused your soul with someone. Originally, we didn’t intend to leave behind such a huge world, thinking that our inheritor would be way too powerful in the future. But after considering everything, we decided not to leave the fate of these humans in random bypassers’ hands, so we turned it into a legacy.”

“In the blood, you drank, we also had the remnants of our souls fused into. Your soul is probably going to advance a lot this time, but let that be our present for you. You’ll learn how it feels to have living beings in your own universe and they are also going to be connected to you. I ask you to make the right choices and lead your newest subjects in our place. Hehe, I so would like to see your face when you reach the peak and realize your own self.”

“I’m sure that you have no idea what I mean, but you’ll learn about it in the future. Go on my son, or daughter, or maybe a monster? I don’t know who are you, but show the universe the power of our legacy!”

“Show them what is beyond the soul bond!”

Soul Stages: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5pHaRU7dyQiYVVxQWpVQWY4eGM

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