《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 67 - Chasing the monsters


Chasing the monsters

Richard Cross’ POV:


As I heard that melodious and beautiful voice in my head, I quickly rushed back towards the gates. To my dismay, I found every member of my team, sitting there, tied up. I feared the worst, so I quickly rushed and stopped next to them, but after checking more than five of them, I realized that all of them were alright. I have no idea how they did such a thing.

I’ve never heard of a twenty men team being knocked out and appearing at a completely different place in a few seconds… Just what are they? Are they another race, which was slumbering up till now? Maybe we went too far with our explorations? I shouted loudly into the nothing before me, questioning who were they or what were their reasons, but all I got as an answer was the same laughing voice in my head as she told me that they are on a ‘vacation’ and that I should tell my superiors that they have nothing to do with us.

What should I do with so many men? I couldn’t help but think to myself as I put my hands on my hips while looking at this group of unconscious people. I’m not going to blame them because I’ve heard about what has happened in space. The news and videos spread quickly and just as I finished watching the video, I heard the sirens going off. Upon thinking of unidentified objects, I was sure that we would be up against those three since they disappeared a few kilometers away from here.

I contacted my superiors and told them word by word what the female voice whispered into my mind. It felt so weird. I felt like an ant in front of a goddess. Her aura alone prompted me to kneel down in front of her when she talked to me, yet here we were, trying to find them. Maybe we have touched things we shouldn’t have had to. My superior told me that I should proceed with caution and that if I were to find them, then I should be peaceful with them.

After so many explorations, we humans, have learned that there were things, which were better untouched. The mysterious ‘bermuda triangle’ also came to limelight in the past fifty years. We channeled energy into those ancient looking formations on the seabed, which caused the whole planet to shake and everything inside it disappeared. Up till now, no one was able to solve the mystery behind that place.

Maybe these beings are related to something ancient. I have no idea about that, but I’ll be sure to be careful with them. I don’t want to cause a catastrophe. After seeing that they were immune to an N grade cannon, I can’t help but fear them. Since they were new to the planet, I’m sure that they’re going to get their hands on NanoCo. In that case, all I have to do is to look at the data of those who have newly implanted NanoCo. I thought in my head as a smile slipped onto my face, knowing that my idea was going to work.

As the captain of the police station in this city, I had access to the identifiers of NanoCo. The system could easily list the newest members, so all I had to do was search for new people, with a young looking, and long, blonde haired female with two bulky males. My team finally awoke and after freeing them, I told them to return to their original positions. Feeling anxious to find out more about the truth behind these creatures, I rushed back, using our transporting car.


In a few moments, I reached the police station where I quickly rushed into my office and accessed the data. Just as I sat down, the Marshall also contacted me and after a detailed explanation of the things, he also started looking at the newest members. There were a lot of children, but after filtering the place to the close by cities, most of them disappeared. I didn’t find anything for three hours, which made me think that this method wouldn’t work when I suddenly saw three new faces appear in the system!

The NanoCo always mapped out the whole body of the user, which made it easy for us to identify anyone. The girl was a heaven shaking beauty. I’ve never seen a human as beautiful as her. Not even the genetically enhanced women who paid loads of credits to increase their beauty were close to her. The other two guys were also very handsome. I was very popular with the girls, but these two shamed even me, which made me feel a bit sad and inferior, but I’m going to stay alive…

The Marshall also contacted me and told me that they found them. I guess they thought that I’d sit back and wait for them to do the work? But I wasn’t like that! I loved mysteries and what I loved, even more, was solving them! I wouldn’t stop before finding out the truth behind these creatures! They installed the chip into their bodies in a building called RetroNet. Interesting choice… Thanks to the NanoCo. we knew the exact position of who, where, and when installed them. We would also acquire information about their looks, body structure etc.

They seemed to be complete humans for a few minutes until I saw it… I’ve never seen something like that. Their bodies suddenly transformed. Something hard and small grew in place of their skin, I guess those were scales, and their ribs opened up as more hearts appeared in their bodies. An unknown material was also lurking inside their cells all the time and it covered even the NanoCo sometimes. The end of their spine also turned into long tails and horns grew out of their heads.

I felt my mouth watering. I’m a hundred years old already, so I know how it was in my time. I loved reading and I always dreamed of seeing mythical creatures. I was a shut-in loser at that time. Who would have thought that with the new inventions, I’d hoard loads of money and then later credits, which made it possible for me to lengthen my lifespan and enhance my looks!

From then on, I was a completely new human. I could live up to five hundred years easily thanks to this new bacteria and maybe it’s going to increase even move in the future! I’ve earned most of the money I had by playing on Virtual Reality games and selling my characters to rich children. I was able to buy a genetic enchanting bacteria, which made it possible for me to get over the others in a short time. I also started learning martial arts and when Horizon College came to be, I was able to learn even more and graduate with flying colors. Sometimes I’m still wondering how did I turn into a self-confident and popular guy.

I quickly left my office and using my car, I went straight for the RetroNet building, while I also changed my clothes into casual ones. It was better to look normal. There was a cafe in front of that building so I entered it and ordered a cup of coffee. Looking through the windows, I was able to see them. I’ve never seen such beings, but they looked fucking good! I felt like I was back to my childhood! They had scales covering their whole bodies, with tails, wings, claws, and crown-like horns!


They soon left the building with smiles on their faces. They were back to their human forms and after tasting so many women, I couldn’t help but gulp upon seeing that goddess. I don’t know what was this feeling inside my chest, but I felt the need to kneel down. The longer I was looking at them, the stronger that feeling was. I quickly turned away, fearing that I’d make an idiot out of myself in front of everyone.

A few seconds later, I turned back to look at them, only to see all three of them disappearing from where they were. My eyes almost popped out upon seeing such a thing. I rushed into RetroNet where I found an old guy, looking at a scale with greedy eyes. I felt the same kind of greed upon seeing that scale. He finally noticed me as he quickly put the scale behind his back. That scale was able to fend off an N grade cannon… That was a national treasure! Maybe we could create new armors after recreating or cloning them!

“Hello, what can I help you with?” He questioned with a small smile as sweat started appearing on his forehead. I took out my identifier as the Police captain as I held out my hand. Knowing what I was asking for, he started protesting.

“No! I asked him to give me one of his scales! This is a way for me to increase my lifespan! You can’t take it away from me just like that!” Feeling his pain, I nodded and told him that the government is going to pay for his new bacteria. Hearing that, his face turned much happier as he handed over the scale, though with an unwilling face.

“Do you know anything else about them?” I questioned him with my brows raised, but he shook his head as he said with his arms raised.

“No. Nothing noteworthy, though I know their names. The beauty is called Alice, while the brown haired one is called Hiro. They are lovers, possibly… I don’t know anything about the third one. He was quite weird. He was coming in and out of my shop and sometimes he randomly disappeared and then reappeared. I can’t fathom their abilities!” He explained everything he knew with exasperated hand movements, which made me think that he was still hiding something, but it was alright.

It seems like I can talk with them as long as I’m not too flashy. Using my NanoCo, which had captain rights, I searched for their location. They were already in the next city, called Waren city, while this one was called Malchow. I don’t get how did they appear there so quickly! Not even my car was as quick. Maybe they were teleporting?

Using my car, I quickly went to Waren, where after looking at their position, I felt surprised. They were in Horizon College! Were they going to attend school? My question was, them?! They turned my men unconscious without even touching them. Then what do they want to do at such a place? Ugh… damn my face. I am a talented one, so my face is well-known there. If I go there then I’m going to cause an uproar among those stupid girls.

In the old times, they weren’t as bitchy as now… I bought a hoodie on my way and wore it. I entered the college incognito and then went towards Audrey, who was the receptionist. I attended this college, so I knew every teacher and worker here. I also took place in a few explorations, but I got bored of it, so I retired and took the position as the captain of Malchow city. It wasn’t the best place, but it came with a very good payment, along with a lot of perks! It was completely calm before these three came, but I didn’t mind it!

“Hello, Audrey…” I whispered as I put my finger in front of my mouth. I had my way with her as well, so I hoped that she wouldn’t start shouting or something upon seeing me. Her eyes opened widely as she recognized me immediately, but she held down her voice.

“Richard!? What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you ever since… ever since that day…” She finished her sentence with a small blush on her face as she turned sideways. She had a slightly plump body, but she was by no means fat. It only accentuated her big sizes. She was quite hot in my opinion. Like a sexy secretary or teacher! But after my shut-in, boring life, I didn’t intend to stay with a single girl and get tied down.

“Ehm… yes. Sorry about that. I’m here for work. Have you met three strange youngsters? One of them was a blonde girl, while the-” I wanted to describe their looks, but she held out her hands, while she was nodding.

“Yes, I saw them. They left only a few minutes before you. They are in the 255th and 226th room. Did they do something wrong?” She questioned as she tilted her head to the side, with curiosity visible on her face.

“No, not yet,” I answered her shortly, not telling her anything.

“Why did you leave just like that? I thought that I meant something to you…” She questioned me seriously with an unhappy face. Tight spot!

“Ehm… Sorry, but it was only a one-night action for me. I’m not looking for a relationship yet,” I answered her question honestly. I’ve learned it long ago that at times like these, it was better to be straight! “Also, could you give me a key to the 257th room? I’d like to be close to them,” I added as I remembered that I should stay in their close proximity. The more I know, the better it is.

Her face turned dark as she stood up from her seat and slapped me on the face as she said - “So I was only a one night action for you? You bastard! Here! Take your damned key!” She shouted as she threw a key towards my face. I caught it and I quickly went towards my new room. The day was slowly coming to an end as it was twilight. Days were so short here compared to a few of the planets we have explored… I tried listening in on their conversations, so I put my ear on the wall with a glass. Sometimes old methods were the best!

They were completely silent at first, but that soon changed. I started hearing muffled moans. Are they having sex? I couldn’t help but think. I heard such voices many times, so I wouldn’t be mistaken about it. Alice’s voice was getting louder and louder as they went on, but after a while, every sound stopped. It was like as if they would have entered a soundproof room out of nowhere…

After hearing nothing for more than half an hour, I went out of my room and started hitting their doors, hoping that they would come out. I shouted while hitting the door, but nothing happened.

Weird… what the hell are they doing? They were clearly having sex, yet I can’t hear anything. Have I grown deaf or what? No… I can hear my voice so that’s impossible… I thought as I went towards the teacher’s room. I didn’t find Raimund there, so I went towards the stadium. He was training his body, just like usually. Upon seeing me entering, he stopped his body training and walked up to me.

“Hi! Richard, right? It’s been many years since you left school. What brings you here?” He questioned me as he cracked his neck and extended his hand for a handshake. He was panting slightly and his body was covered in sweat. He didn’t smell good, but I took his hands nonetheless.

“Hello teach! I’m here for official things… I’m not going to walk around the bush. Tomorrow you’re going to have three new students-” I started my explanation, but he cut into my words.

“Yes, I know about it. Audrey has notified me already. Did you come here to tell me such a thing? Haha!” He laughed stupidly with his hands on his hips. I’ll be honest. I don’t like him. He has always been the kind of person to think like an idiot. He always cuts into other people’s words and he is also very rude. I look up to his hard-working nature, though he is a loser, but I was one such person in the past as well. Maybe I don’t like him because he makes me remember my past?

A shudder ran through my back as I looked at him. “Please don’t cut into my words… and naturally, no, I didn’t come here for such a stupid reason. Please don’t be an idiot. So, I’d like to ask you to don’t be such an asshole tomorrow as you were when I was a student. I’m telling you this to help you and maybe a lot of humans out as well. I’ll also pretend to be your student tomorrow. You don’t have to know anything, just do as told.”

I told him with a frown and a serious face. Upon hearing my cruel words, his mouth opened widely, along with his mouth. “A- Asshole? What the fuck!? You-” He wanted to shout at me, but all I did was take out my identification as the police captain, which made him shut his mouth. The Marshall also gave me a temporary title, which would help me in moving freely.

I’m sure that his men were also here without my knowledge. There were Shadow Corps, who were very skilled in hiding. They could probably enter my room and take away things without me noticing anything, while I’m inside… The secret weapons and technologies are only strengthening their abilities. I also told Raimund to stay silent about this little thing and don’t tell anything to the class either. Knowing who my ‘classmates’ were, I sent an authoritative message for each of them and told them briefly a few things.

They wouldn’t know anything about Hiro, Alice, and the third one. All they learned was that I was here only temporarily, on a mission and that they should do as if I’d be air. Seeing my mail, all of them complied with my commands. I went to sleep, but it was already midnight, so I wasn’t able to sleep for long. The next day I woke up early and went to the stadium. Finally, I was able to see these wonderful beings from up close.

All of them had perfect, smooth skin and while the guys were handsome, the girl was a goddess… A bulge appeared in my pants upon seeing her once again. I just couldn’t help it. I felt like a virgin. The other guys beside me had the same kind of problem, while the one, called Frank also started badmouthing Hiro, trying to look stronger in front of Alice. It’s good that I know their names. That old man helped me out a lot. I’ve also sent that piece of scale for further examination. I can only wonder what the results are going to be.

When the time for their little exam came, I was left with my mouth opened widely. They had unfathomable abilities. On the reaction and agility test, I wasn’t able to see even a single one of their movements. It seemed like as if they had appeared at the right places, evading every bullet like as if it would have been nothing! Their strength was also much more than what any of us have, but considering that not even a scratch was left on their scales after a fire from an N grade cannon, I was left wondering just how much strength they truly had.

Then it was time for their combat exams. Hiro was the first to fight with that idiot Frank who didn’t have an ability to judge who was on his level and who was above him. He was laughed out by Alice and beaten up by Hiro. What was the worst was that I, once again, didn’t even see Hiro move. Frank was simply punched or kicked here and there, probably… while Hiro appeared at random places.

It was the same with Alice and that third guy. Afterward, Raimund announced that they were going to be our new classmates and then he wanted to start the lesson, even though he was beaten up by them. Shame was visible on his face. I didn’t like him, but even I felt slightly sorry for him. He also held back his true personality as asked and did only the most necessary things. It also saved him from being beaten up like that Frank.

In the end, all of us stood up and waited for our teacher to start the lesson. Hmph… I could beat him in a few moves. I wonder how those three feel themselves at the moment.

--------------------------- Alice’s POV: ------------------------------

These little mortals were so cute. Sadistic feelings were continuously arising in me. I didn’t feel the need to crush them, to kill them, to torture them. I just thought of them as little toys, which I wasn’t allowed to break, though that was only as long as the person in question didn’t offend me. For example, that Frank guy… I’m still considering if I should kill him or not, but he can stay alive for now.

“A- Anyway, stand in formation! Let’s start the sparring lesson…” ‘Teacher’ Raimund shouted awkwardly after our entrance exam. He still had that awkward and bothered face on. I wouldn’t want to hold a lesson after being beaten up by one of my students either, especially not after being clear on that there were two more such ‘students’, who could beat me up anytime.

“*Growl* My goddess, why did you stop me? I wanted to beat him up much more! He dared to be disrespectful with you and he even ridiculed your mate, my friend, along with these other lowly bastards. Even though I didn’t kill him thanks to your command, but he should have been beaten up much more!” Poirlion sent his thoughts to me, feeling unhappy that I commanded him to hold back his wrath.

“No… You can’t.” I told him clearly once again that he wasn’t allowed to kill them. The other students also stood up and stood in pairs. Was that the custom? A few of them were quickly got to work as they started sparring with each other. Good! Fighting with living, breathing, and thinking enemies were the best way to learn how to fight! It seems like this college at least wasn’t a complete trash.

I looked at Hiro and realized that we were supposed to search for a pair. The problem with this was that we would never hit each other and even trying to do such a thing would be terrible. I looked at Poirlion, but he quickly shook his head. He wouldn’t hit me either… “Now what the hell am I supposed to do?” I questioned them with a frown while looking at their faces. They were looking sideways, fearing my eyes.

“I’m sorry my love,” Hiro said with a sorry look on his face as he stopped in front of me, but I gave a kiss on his lips and told him that it was alright. After looking around, I found a guy looking at us. My memories told me immediately who was he, even though he had a hood on his head. His body shape and body structure were that of the police captain.

I waved my hand upon seeing him with a small fake smile. He made a startled face and quickly walked towards another guy who didn’t have a pair. I guess that Frank was replaced by Mr. Police-guy. [Did you see that, Hiro?] I said as an evil grin slipped onto my face and I appeared in front of the captain who barely stepped twice. His face turned into a fearful one as he stepped back. We were quite sure that we’d be found out, but for it to happen this quickly…

Though it’s not like it matters much. “Hello~ I don’t have a partner. Would you mind practicing with me?” I asked him nicely with the best smile I was able to make as I tilted my head to the side and put my finger on the right side of my chin.

[That’s not really convincing… I’d rather say no to such a request.] Hiro remarked as he stood face to face with Poirlion. Now that I think about it… I hope that Poirlion isn’t going to hit my mate! Should I punish him?

[Let me enjoy myself…] Hiro quickly stopped me upon hearing my thoughts.

“Ehm… my pair is him…” The ‘captain’ said while his eyes were darting all over the place with sweat covering his forehead. He is so cute~ I want to bully him. It’s time to read!

Wawa Wawa!!! I’m sure that I’ve been found out! What should I do? She clearly wants to fight me and I have no chance against her! She isn’t going to eat me, right? Haaah- Whatever… I can’t escape this time! I hope that she is going to go easy on me.

“Yes, I’ll go easy on you~” I couldn’t help but make it clear that I heard his thoughts. His startled face was worth money. I chuckled upon seeing his eyes. The guy who was supposed to be his enemy, disappeared from where he stood because I knocked him unconscious and then put him into a corner of the stadium… Naturally, I was so quick that he didn’t even see me move from my place because he was also looking downward.

“Well… now only I’m left as your partner, right?” I asked with a wide smile.

C- Can you hear my thoughts? He thought in his mind and I quickly nodded upon hearing it. Ah~ That face was so good. I like this place very much! [I told you that this vacation of ours is going to be enjoyable!] Hiro said through our bond as he and Poirlion took a position with a serious face on. Both of them were smiling. I better play quickly or I might get swept off…

“So you know everything. *Sigh* Are you offended? I swear that I don’t intend to have any enmity with you and the other humans don’t want such a thing either. That attack with the cannon was also only because-” He started explaining how they thought that we were mindless monsters and that he has been looking forward meeting such mighty creatures like us. He didn’t lie, but it was enough of talking…

Using my newly grown tail, I coiled it around his right leg and threw him into the circle where we were supposed to fight. Since I was too quick, no one saw my tail, which I hid by the time they looked towards me. I jumped towards the ring and stopped in front of him.

He quickly held up his arms and shouted that he surrendered with a fearful face. “There is no such a thing, Mr. Policeman~ Don’t you want to play with me?” I questioned him as I started cleaning my nails without looking at him.

“A- Although at other times and with another meaning, I’d say yes, but not in this way…” He said fearfully while looking to the side.

That was a bad idea… Hiro appeared beside him and with a slap of his palm, knocked him unconscious. Well, that’s going to hurt when he wakes up, but he should be happy that he can still wake up after saying something like that! “You took away my toy…” I remarked as I looked at Hiro with a frown.

“I’m sorry about that, but no one can tell such things to you in my presence! I’ll let you use my toy tonight~ Hehe,” Hiro answered with a sorry look on his face, which quickly turned into a perverted one.

“Now that I think about it, you could train with Poirlion in the future and I could also use the gained information and experience!” I said as I realized that they could do such a thing. Fighting against each other was not only a terrible feeling for us but also pointless because we would know what the other wants to do…

“Teacher! Can we leave for today? We have something urgent. I said while waving at Raimund to catch his attention. I thought that we should visit the treasure chamber. This lesson was quite boring anyway… and beating up everyone just to make myself feel better would be ridiculous. I don’t have a god-complex… I just wanted to bully someone sometimes and these unknowledgeable mortals were perfect for that.

“Y- Yes. You are very powerful anyway…” He quickly nodded with an almost happy face while he thought things like - Yes! They are finally leaving. I have no face left at all thanks to them! If they leave then I can gain it back by making these students work hard and laugh at how they can’t hold their ground! Hahaha! I’m the best!

We left the school grounds and went towards the Bermuda Triangle. We sensed that there was a powerful formation, which was a treasure chamber! The memory crystal contained information about them. We had to find only a single one of these formations, which were spread across the universe and then we could enter the treasure chamber. One of the people who came with Gaia was a dragon divine beast and she lived in China, at the peak of the Himalaya.

That was the other entrance to the treasure chamber, but we decided to visit the one below the Atlantic Ocean. We appeared there in a flash and we indeed found a formation, which was none other than a star formation! And a huge one at that. I wonder where is it going to take us. We started filling it up with our energies and we soon felt that familiar feeling of nothingness before appearing in a dark and misty place.

As I stepped forward in anticipation, the whole world around me was abruptly lit up in the light of World Crystals and Universe Crystals! What this place held other than crystals? We had yet to find out!


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