《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 66 - News and the start of our school life?


News and the start of our school life?

Hiro’s POV:


As we landed on the Earth, which I haven’t seen for a long while, we escaped from the sensors by using our own World. We could easily distort reality around us, which would make it impossible to sense us. It doesn’t matter what kind of sensors the mortals use because none of them would be able to sense us if we wished so.

Just to spice up the things, we transformed into our humanoid forms before ‘escaping’ so they knew that we had humanoid forms. Thanks to our unrestricted mind powers, we were able to sense literally everything in this world. We sensed how their faces moved, changed, we sensed how the air vibrated in that soundproof commander room as well. Nothing was able to escape! We had a lot of fun in listening in on their conversations and ‘seeing’ their facial expressions.

We aren’t head over heels for becoming gods, but playing around a bit with these mortals would be still funny. I smelled the air, which was, strangely enough, cleaner than in the past, but it was still more polluted than any of the planets with life on them outside of this world. I had mixed feeling about this place. It felt good to return, but it was also weird in a way… I didn’t like living here as a mortal, but visiting it as a cultivator was much better!

“Hey… now that I think about it, what are we supposed to do with Poirlion? He has scales all over his body and he doesn’t have anything to cover….” Alice said aloud while looking at Poirlion’s scale covered humanoid form with her brows raised, but upon seeing him taking out a pill and gulping it down and transforming into a human, she didn’t continue. Ehm… yes, there was something like that, but we forgot about it again.

We’ve got to know about these things when we were on that championship. It’s been so long ago. At least, that’s how it feels… Poirlion was still similarly tall like me and he had a burly, muscular body. His blue hair turned black, while his cold-blue eyes stayed the same. He had a sharp and handsome face. As expected from a three stars dragon divine beast. He was quite the lady killer, I guess.

“Ehm… we can go in that case,” Alice said as she stepped forward with us in tow. She was a beauty with two bodyguards. Or at least it looked like that from the outsiders' perspective.

[Fufu~ but one of them is also my mate~] She answered as she stopped at the entrance of the city in front of us. We were in Europe where Germany was supposed to be, but I have no idea what was the name of this city. I didn’t know the name of every city in my past life and it could have changed since then, to begin with…

“Such a small planet. Are there really no monsters, nor universe energy? What kind of life are they living?” Poirlion questioned me with his brows raised, not understanding how could anyone live without Universe Energy and cultivating. I simply shook my head sideways as I didn’t bother to start explaining it to him.

I stepped through the city gates, but upon doing so, the sirens went off and the gates closed. The reason of it, I didn’t know. “What? What’s with this thing? Ugh… we should gain some knowledge about this place. We never had walls around cities in the past. What’s with this?” I questioned with my brows raised, feeling surprised about seeing something like this. We disappeared from where we stood and appeared on top of a building close by, only to see a group of humans appear at the gates.


They came by cars, which actually levitated above the ground and their speed was five hundred kilometers per hour. Nice! It had propulsion under and behind it. The humans jumped out of it after stopping and jumped over the city walls. Except one of them, which had dark green, all of them had dark blue suits. The dark green one had more physical strength than the others. It was easy to get an exact idea about these mortals because they weren’t able to stop my mind power.

The green one could punch with the strength of four hundred kilograms, which was surely not something humans could do in the past… while the blue ones could do so with two hundred and fifty. It seems like you have to be some kind of captain to gain more strength. I think? “Quickly, look around in the area! I’ve been contacted by my superiors that there were three unidentified creatures entering this planet! The gates sensed unidentified objects, which means that they should be nearby! If you can find them, don’t fight them! You just have to notify me!” The guy in dark green suit shouted as he also jumped into the forest.

Alice tugged on my clothes as she said with a pleading face. “Hiro~ Please, let’s play with them!” Her shining big eyes struck my heart. I had no way to say no, so all three of us jumped into the forest after the humans, without any of them noticing.

“Don’t hurt anyone. No matter what,” I said to Poirlion through our mind powers. He told me that he didn’t intend to do such a thing, so I felt at ease. Both me and Alice created clones of ourselves and then appeared in front of the twenty-some humans with our backs facing them.

“Captain! I’ve found them!” All of them shouted at the same time. I’ve sensed a little chip in their bodies. I guess it has something to do with why they are talking into the air. Realizing that all of them found us, all of them stayed silent unmoving. “How is it that all of you are seeing them? What do they look like?” The captain asked anxiously because we didn’t appear in front of him, so he was the only one not seeing us.

The face he made was truly funny. “Ehm… there is a girl in front of me, she has long blonde hair and-” one of them started explaining Alice’s looks from behind as he kept on walking closer to her, in a careful manner. After saying that she had long blonde hair, we knocked all of them unconscious with our mind powers. They are going to be out cold for about ten minutes.

Using nature magic, we tied them together into a nice bundle and then left behind a little present for the captain. “Hey~ Come back. Your people are here, fufu~” Alice whispered into the mind of the captain, who made a terrified face but quickly ran back nonetheless. We were back to the top of the building where we stood before. The captain made a surprised and then despaired face upon seeing our present. He ran up to his men and checked for their life signs and then heaved out a sigh of relief upon seeing that all of them were okay.

“What do you want from us!?” He shouted into the nothing in front of him.

“Haha~ Alright, don’t worry. We’ve come to play around a bit and visit my old past. Tell your superiors that they don’t have to fear us and that we aren’t going to do anything bad unless we are provoked to do so… They are going to wake up in ten minutes.” I projected my thoughts into his mind. He kept making surprised faces, one after another. We disappeared from our position and left towards a park where we sat down on a bench.


There were humans walking in the park, with their dogs, children, girlfriend or boyfriend. This city was quite big… we’ve seen quite a lot of airships flying by in the air above the city. The most eye-catching one was pulling a projected screen behind it. Well… that’s not something we had either… It was playing the scene about Alice and that failure of a cannon. Upon noticing it, the people in the park started loudly chatting about the video.

Some of them made scared faces, while some of them made curious ones. There were also those who said things like - this is probably a film trailer or something like that - even though it was in the news… Not caring about it, I declared our first and most obvious problem. “So what are we supposed to do here without any money? I mean… if we want to have a peaceful vacation, then we should get some money.”

Alice frowned upon hearing my words, along with Poirlion who remarked that we have billions of World Crystals, but after I told him that it was useless here, he stayed silent. “I think that we should check things out at first. Maybe things aren’t like in the past and we have an easy way to gain money. Or we can win a lottery as well, though with a bit of… cheating,” Alice said with a thoughtful look on her face, which seemed to be inviting my lips. After stealing a kiss from her, I answered her, while she bit on her wet lips.

“Hehe~ What you said is true. Let’s look for information at first.” She suddenly jumped on me and pushed me into our own world. Poirlion also left temporarily. A few rounds later, we appeared once again, which caught the attention of a few mortals as some of them started pointing at us while talking. All three of us disappeared from the park with our lightning-like movements. We came out of an alleyway and I sensed our surroundings. I was searching for the shape of a laptop or PC.

I quickly found a place, which made more of it in a single place and that building seemed like a place where we can use it freely. I hope. After walking towards it, we stumbled upon a building, called Retro Net. We quickly entered it and in front of us were a few computers. They were the same as in my past. A small smile slipped onto my face. A very old looking guy with glasses was sitting behind a counter, looking at a newspaper, which seemed to be just as old as himself. He looked up at us and then spoke.

“Hmm- you seem to be very young. It’s rare that youngsters would come here. Are you by any chance interested in old things?” He questioned us with his brows raised as he leaned forward in his curiosity.

“We could say that,” I said with a mysterious smile and then continued. “Or we could say that I need a way to connect to the internet~” He frowned upon hearing my words and then started laughing.

“Hahaha! Youngsters these days are funny. Why’d you come here for that when you could use your NanoCo? Take a seat if you want to do it the old way, though I wonder if you can use it,” He said with a provocative smile on his face as he went back to reading about the news of how the first spaceship successfully reached a new planet and such things. Well… since I was interested in it, I also read it with my mind power in a moment.

“I’m leaving until you are done. I have no idea what is what, so it’s better if I stay in my own world and it feels weird here,” Poirlion said as he left the little building and returned into his own world. Alice sat on my lap and I quickly started looking for news about the history.

I learned that there were these NanoCo, which were made in year twenty forty-seven. The first generation implants sometimes malfunctioned or caused damage in the cell tissues, but as they improved, they turned more and more advanced and quicker. In the end, computers were abandoned and everyone started using these. I’ve also got to know, that they weren’t using money any longer.

They were using credits, which we could earn by working, naturally; or we could earn it by fighting in the Arena to the death or just normal duels. People with good fighting abilities could be also picked out to become soldiers, explorers, who had to explore new planets, kill the monsters on them and such things. That seemed like an easy way to earn money - for us - but naturally, it came with dangers as well - for the mortals.

So they have advanced so much? This alone would have made my life much more interesting in the past… The old guy stood up and came behind us with heavy steps. “How to earn credit? Are you in a tight spot or what?” He questioned me with his brows raised upon seeing the article I was reading on Wikipedia. Wikipedia was still alive! It almost made me laugh upon seeing it.

“Old man, do you believe in fantasy?” I questioned him with a mysterious smile as I stood up. We’ve also found a place where we can get these NanoCo free of charge! The sirens went off when we tried entering the city because we were unidentified objects. Everyone had a NanoCo, which was used to identify as well on top of the infinite possibilities. Since it was vital for everyone to have it, it was distributed freely.

Upon hearing my question, he laughed loudly as he answered - “Hahaha! You, youngster, have no idea about anything! I was seventy-two years old when they invented these strength and life-expanding bacterias! Luckily, I was a rich person, so I was able to afford it at that time and expand my lifespan, but time overcame me even like this. What I want to tell you is that when I was a child, I would have never dreamed of the things you have in front of you! You find these things to be natural, but they were only fantasies in the past! So yes! I believe in fantasy!”

Eh? He is really old in that case. I found out that it was year twenty-one thirty-six… a hundred years later plus our life up till now. Interesting. “Then stay silent about this, hehe~” I told him as I activated my battle form. His eyes bulged out upon seeing my scale covered body and then he fell backward in his surprise. I used my tail to catch him, while Alice also transformed.

“Did you know that I lived on this planet before reincarnating? If you had read novels in the past, then you should know about the cultivators’ mythology. That is real outside of this world, which was created by one of these cultivators!” I started bombarding his mind and common sense with pieces of information, which were unknown! He kept changing faces and his mouth was turning from ‘O’ shape into a smile and then back, while his eyes were darting all over the place.

I’ve said only this much, but his forehead was already covered in sweat. We didn’t intend to hide away on this planet. We came here on a vacation and we wished to smash common sense!

“S- So… are you those monsters who came to the planet? I saw it in the news online.” He questioned us with slightly fearful eyes and a stiff face, but he still looked to be quite calm.

“Yes, we are. But don’t worry. We are on a vacation, so we don't intend to hurt people randomly. *Chuckle* It's been a hundred and thirty years that I've lived my life here, so would you care to keep our secret? I could have stayed silent about it as well, but I've decided to tell it to you. You're going to be the first person on this planet, who I'm going to trust with this 'secret' of ours. Let's see if humans have improved in other things as well, other than technology. Like holding secrets..."

I said as I put my hands on my hips. The old guy kept looking into my eyes for a few seconds, searching for something, but after not finding it, he laughed loudly as he held onto his stomach. "Hahaha! That's truly a twist of fate! I would have never thought that I'd hear of such things. And seeing your scales, I can't help but believe you. Alright, I'm going to keep your secrets, but would you let me touch your scales? I want to feel them." He finished his sentence with a hopeful look on his face.

I held out my arm for him as he started poking and then rubbing the scales on my arms. He put his fingers under his chin and after hitting his fist on his palms, he ran behind the counter and came back with a few toys. Like a driller... I started laughing upon seeing him put it on my scale. He started the driller and tried to drill a hole into my scales, but not even a scratch was made.

“Bwhahaha! This guy is crazy! Just look at him!” Alice started laughing upon seeing this scene. After realizing that it didn’t work, he looked at me as he said. “I can’t break this! I want a scale for myself! Can you give me one?” He made a pleading face. I’d want one for myself as well in his place, probably.

“Eh? Were you trying to do that? Listen, my scales could defend me even against two hundred and seventy thousand tons! Do you think that this little driller could cause me any harm? You should have asked me before trying such a ridiculous thing. *Chuckle* Here…” I explained to him why his little toy didn’t work on me, which caused his eyes to open widely and then I pulled out one of my scales. In its place, another one grew only in twenty seconds.

“O- Oh… thanks,” He said as he received that piece of scale and looked at it as if it would be a treasure.

“Well, now could you get us these NanoCo because we are in need of it. I have no idea what has happened to this place while I was gone. Although I probably know more than anyone here about this world’s true history, but I can clean my ass with that information at the moment.” I immediately asked for my payment after giving him what he wanted. He opened his eyes widely for a moment and then nodded.

“Okay. But you need to go through a small surgery. It takes only five minutes per person, so you’ll have to come with me-” He wanted to continue, but I cut into his words.

“Well, that’s nice and all, but your knives, needles, lasers, or whatever you have, aren’t going to work on us… Even if we release our scales, our skins themselves are much tougher than you mortals’. So we’ll have to implant them ourselves.” I explained why it’s useless to try implanting it into our bodies. He nodded upon hearing my answer and told us that he can bring only the chips as well. We told him that it was okay like that and then he left.

Half an hour later, he came back with three small chips in his hands. We called for Poirlion and he appeared out of nowhere in front of the old guy. “W- What the hell!? Can you teleport or what?! There hasn’t been a breakthrough in that even though the engineers and physicians have been focusing on it for tens of years!” He questioned as he stepped back in his surprise with his mouth opened widely.

“Although what he did wasn’t teleportation, we’re going to be able to do it in the future!” I explained it to him as I stuck out my chest proudly. “Ah! By the way… what’s your name? Haha… My name is Hiro and she is my wife, Alice and he is called Poirlion.” I finally introduced us as I pointed at everyone with an awkward face. He made a thoughtful face and then he also smacked his forehead as he realized that all of us forgot to introduce ourselves.

“Hehe- My name is Clifton. Clifton Wade. I’m glad to meet you.” We shook hands awkwardly and then he questioned us with his brows raised and his hands on his hips. “And how do you intend to implant it without anything?” He questioned us as he tilted his head to the side with his white brows furrowed.

I smiled evilly at him as I used my claw to cut a hole into the side of my head and then I put the implant into it. Controlling my cells, they quickly accepted the alien matter and it connected to my brain as it was supposed to. Afterward, my high regeneration took care of everything as the missing meat and skin, grew back in a few seconds. I burned the chunk of meat, which was in my head originally by using fire magic.

His face was worth money! Alice and Poirlion have done the same. It felt weird. It felt similar to my parallel minds, but it was much more alien and it was much slower… I’d have thought this thing to be very quick as a mortal, but as a cultivator at the fifth level? It was like a snail. But it was probably much quicker than what these humans could control, so in only two seconds, I’ve downloaded and read the whole history in the past one hundred and thirty years.

I’ve gained knowledge of the virtual reality, the Arena, the wars, the explorations, the new planets, the galactical nations, etc. The best part was that there weren’t any schools like in the past! Mortals could download information from authentic websites into their brains, which made teachers and such things unnecessary. No more maths, no more history, literature and such classes! They should have done this when I’ve lived for fuck’s sake!!!

[Don’t worry my love. I can feel your pain. It must have been really boring.] Alice soothed my mind with her melodious voice as she started caressing my back. The best girl ever! Clifton looked at Alice as he raised his brows and then said.

“Is she the dragon? I have to tell you, that you’ve got your hands on a real beauty… Even my old bones can’t help but think of perverted ideas upon seeing her.” I didn’t know if I should be angry or if I should laugh and cry on such a statement. Since he didn’t mean it in an offensive way, I did the second.

“Yes, she is the black dragon and I’m the hydra… Perverted old man!” I remarked while mumbling, but he, strangely enough, heard it.

Huuh, man! If I would be young! Just look at her spotless skin, her silky blonde hair and those eyes! Eh? His eyes are turning angrier by the moment… It’s better if I don’t look at her. I guess he doesn’t like it. Man, but who would have thought that I’d meet with such beings? And I have his scale! Once they leave, I’m going to sell it and then gain tons of money! I’ll be able to buy the newest life-expanding drug!

I can’t die here after living for so many years! I have to see what the future holds! I’m sorry you two… but I’m going to sell you off! You probably don’t know how it feels when death is creeping up on your back. It feels terrible and I have to stop it! I can only thank you! I hope that they aren’t going to get hurt… Clifton thought in his mind. In the past, I’d have been angry if I would have heard such thoughts, but now?

All I can think of is that he is a little mortal. Let this scale of mine be his reward for providing us with a place to gain information. “Now if you don’t mind, we are leaving,” I told him, while we were already walking towards the door. A small smile crept onto my face as I felt Alice’s hand in mine.

“But where are you going to stay?” He questioned us as he raised his brows, but after telling him that we had a world of our own and that we could stay in there, he opened his mouth as widely as the door. He stood there, spacing out of his head, as we left his shop? Game house? I don’t know what should I call it…

“If he were to be a cultivator, I’d have killed him…” Alice said with a small frown. She had the same feelings about this old guy as me. I kissed her hand and then left towards another city. It would be wrong to stay here because we’re going to be looked for by the police. Although there weren’t schools like in the past, but there were schools of the modern kind!

Since soldiers and explorers were necessary in these times, along with engineers, architect and such workers, there were combat schools! In those schools, the students would learn how to fight with their enchanted bodies and how to fight with the exoskeletons, which they would get only after taking their first exam successfully.

“Hehe~ I can’t wait to learn how to fight.” Alice laughed in herself while she kept imagining her short school life. We are going to quickly graduate… probably. We moved towards the outer parts of the next city where Horizon College was found. We could go to college instantly if we take the entrance exam successfully. Why are we taking so many exams? We’ll have to stop doing such things!

The city was full of skyscrapers and the streets were becoming more crowded as we were nearing the school. In front of us, huge closed stadiums appeared. Classrooms and such places weren’t necessary. The school had martial arts of their own and the students could download them anytime. From that point on, it all depended on how they were able to use and utilize it. These schools were practical. No on cared about theory. That was for the engineers and architects.

There was only a canteen nearby and the dormitory for those who wished to stay there. Not everyone had the credit to travel back and forth, so most of the people stayed in those dormitories. We entered the school grounds and went towards the receptionist. Thanks to our mind powers it wasn’t hard to find it…

“Hello, what can I help you with?” The middle-aged woman questioned us as she looked up. She was probably doing her paperwork in her mind. These chips were indeed convenient, though I could overload them easily.

“We’d like to take the entrance exam,” I answered her seriously, which caused her to frown slightly and she questioned with her brows raised.

“In the middle of the year? It’s spring…” I smiled at her as I nodded. She sighed loudly and after a closing her eyes for a few seconds, she started questioning us.

“Your name? Your ID number? Your birth place? Your mother’s name? Your home address?” We easily answered the first two, but we had problems answering the other three…

“Can we leave them blank?” Alice questioned as she tilted her head to the side. The receptionist woman frowned again and she questioned us, unsure if we were telling a joke and wasting her time. We told her that we weren’t, so in the end, she told us that we can, but if we were to get hurt, then we won’t have a place to be taken to. Hearing that, we felt happy. It’s not like we’d get hurt.

“Alright, you are done here. Tomorrow, you can go to the next class, which is going to start at ten o’clock. I’ll notify the teacher as well. I ask you to look over the rules until then. You’ll have to take your entrance exams there.” The receptionist explained with a small smile and then we’ve got two emails in our minds. A payment request. We’d have to pay five thousand SOV, which was the money of this whole nation. It was quite a lot of money… but most of the people still went to such schools.

If we don’t pay in ten days, then we’d get a fine and if we wouldn’t pay after another twenty days, then they would start taking away our stuff. I wonder how are they going to do that… Hehe~ “Can we apply for the dormitories?” I questioned the receptionist woman before turning away. She answered by giving us three keys and then told us that we’ll have to leave if we were to fail the entrance exam, but I gave back one to her, which caused her eyes to open widely. She looked at me and then Alice and after shaking her head sideways with a small sigh, she indicated with her hands for us to leave.

We left towards our rooms and after looking at the numbers on the keys, we entered the 255th and 256th room. Poirlion was next to us. Everyone had a single room since the school had a lot of space. There were indeed a lot of students… “Hey, Poirlion. You’re being very silent. What’s up brother-in-law? Haha~” I questioned him since he was very silent ever since coming here.

“What, you ask? I have no idea what are these things or where am I. I also don’t know what are these mortal schools. And in this room, there are beds, I can see them. But what are these little pits with a lot of water element inside the pipes under them and there are big cubes, which have a lot of fire element inside them. What am I supposed to do with these things!?” He finally stopped being silent as he kept throwing answers towards me. I chuckled in my mind upon hearing his questions as we laid down on our bed with Alice.

“Hahaha~ Sorry, but we had to get information about this place. The water element thingy is called faucet, which is to provide the mortals with water, while the other one is called gas stove, which is to provide the mortals with a fireplace to cook on. For now, you should meditate, sleep, or surf on the internet… I’ll notify you when it’s time.” I explained everything to him and then advised him to look for more information on the internet.

The sky was dark gray by the time we settled down and after a long and silent foreplay, we made love to each other for a few hours before calming down and then slept. I think that a few of the students started hitting our doors a few times shouting that we should stay silent, but I’m not sure because my mind was quite messy. The next day we woke up in each other’s embrace. Alice’s naked body was hugging my head into her bosom, which felt really plump and squishy.

“Hello dear~” Alice said upon noticing me, waking up. This time she was the first. I greeted her as well with a kiss on her lips and then after looking at the clock in my NanoCo, I realized that we were almost late! I’ve never been late in my past life and I’m not going to change on that! We rushed out of our doors while Necros and Infinis have turned into clothes on our bodies by the time we reached the door. Poirlion was also following after us in a moment.

There were more stadiums on the school grounds for all three classes, one being martial arts lesson, the other one being Exoskeleton Fighting Arts and the last being Simulation Grounds. All of them did what their names told. We went towards the first stadium. It was very spacious inside and there were seventy students inside, along with the teacher. Upon noticing us, the teacher indicated with his hands for us to go near him. Five minutes later, which felt like an eternity, he finally started talking.

“Alright! It seems like everyone is here. Here are three new students. If they take the entrance exam successfully, then they are going to be your new classmates. *Chuckle* I have no idea where were they up till now as we are almost at the end of the year, but let’s hope that they are geniuses and that they can catch up to you.” The teacher was obviously trying to ridicule us, which was very much to my displeasure, though I knew the reason of it. Naturally, most of the students started laughing. Laughing at me was one thing, but at Alice? I’m going to beat up everyone!

The curriculum also contained psychological training, which was to make our minds more resistant to such things. Maybe the test has already begun? Seeing our unmoving faces and that we didn’t make any reaction upon hearing his ridiculing, he nodded once and then said. “Alright, the first part of the exam was a success,” He said not so unexpectedly.

It was written in the rules book as well. The first part would be a psychological test, the second one being the strength, agility, and reaction speed, while the third one being a combat test. He waved his hand and four students rushed off and went through a door. They soon came back while dragging two machines. One of them was obviously a machine made to test punching strength, while the other one was to test our agility and reaction speed. While they were dragging it, we quickly looked for data about it on the internet.

It would be bad if we were to accidentally crush this little thing. From the data on the internet, we’ve got to know that these bacterias wouldn’t provide humans with too much additional strength unless they worked for it. Upon infection, it would increase these mortals’ strength by twenty kilograms on average and then after training with those bacterias in their bodies, they could reach one ton of punching strength. That was the top strength, which only a few people had!

In my past, I’d have thought it to be very good, but now? I found it to be trash… We had more punching strength at the second stage of the Foundation Realm than the strongest person here… Why would I think that this is cool? We had to be able to punch with a hundred and twenty kilograms and we couldn’t graduate before reaching two hundred and thirty kilograms of punching strength.

“Here, punch once, big guy. Be careful not to break the machine! Hahaha!” One of the guys who brought out this machine started ridiculing me. Should I step on his head? I should… He had only a hundred and forty kilograms of punching strength yet he was so proud of himself.

“I’m fearing the same thing,” I answered with a smile, but before I could punch, Alice appeared in front of the machine and punched it. The machine slid backward and wrote ‘unidentifiable’ as a result. Everyone went silent and while they were doing so, I and Poirlion reached the same result as well. In the end, the machine was almost back to its original place. Their mouths were opened widely, which made me feel better.

“Did it go wrong of what? It should be able to sense anything under ten tons…” The teacher mumbled in himself, but he didn’t question us. “I’ll have to check it out afternoon…” He continued his mumbling and then after realizing that we were waiting for him, he looked up. “Ah, sorry. I was thinking to myself. Alright, let’s test your agility and reaction speed and then we can start the last exam.” The teacher shook his head to regain focus and then said.

I pulled back the big and heavy machine with a single finger, while I was smirking at the guy who badmouthed me before. The teacher started the machine, which started shooting rubber bullets. None of them were able to hit my body, even though I was a big target… Alice and Poirlion also evaded everything with ease without breaking a sweat. The class was left with their mouths opened widely. This is starting to be a bit repetitive…

“Ehm… Alright? Then we are on to the last exam, which is the most important. Combat exam! Is there anyone who would like to challenge any of them?” The teacher said and then questioned the student as he put his hands on his hips.

“I don’t believe that they had so much strength! I challenge you!” The guy who ridiculed me last time looked at Alice and then challenged me. Ah, so is this what it is about? That was a bad idea…

“Okay, come at me,” I answered him as I took a position. He rushed at me while he was looking out for his legs and his vital points. At least he wasn’t a complete noob. When he was only two meters away from me, I appeared behind him and kicked him in the back, trying hard not to kill him. He flew through the air and landed on the floor face first. He grunted upon landing, but he quickly jumped up from the ground.

He looked at Alice, who only raised her brows and then laughed at him. Seeing this, the guy turned even angrier. How did he get past that psychological test? I can only wonder… He charged at me once again and kicked with his right leg. I grabbed it upon seeing his incoming leg. Seeing that, he jumped up with his left leg and tried kicking my head with a rotating kick, but I simply caught his other leg as well and threw him towards Alice.

He landed in front of her legs. She chuckled upon seeing it as she thought. [Hey~ Aren’t you being too cruel with this little boy? Finish him already. I want to have fun as well.]

[Okay~] I answered as I appeared beside him. He barely stood up when all he saw was my incoming fist. I hit his nose as he flew through the air and landed on the ground with a loud thud. His nose also broke in the process. He should be glad. I’ve have killed him if he wouldn’t be a mortal!

I looked at the teacher, who made a strange face, while the other students kept silent before they started mumbling things like, - “but Frank was the second most powerful in the class!” - or - “How did he beat Frank? I didn’t even see his movements! He was too quick!”

“Ehm… alright, welcome in Horizon College. Someone else?” The teacher said awkwardly with a stiff face. The ‘alpha girl’ stood up proudly as she pointed at Alice with her finger and then shouted. “I challenge you!” The girl jumped out of the crowd of students and stopped in front of Alice.

She was about to say something, but Alice appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye and slapped her on the face, which made her fly through the air and land on the ground with a loud thud. [UOOOO! A bitch slap! Nice one, my love! Hahaha! That was worth seeing!] I shouted in her mind upon seeing such a scene. Everyone stayed silent and even the teacher was spacing out. This whole scene was simply ridiculous!

“So? What about me?” Alice questioned the teacher after getting bored of waiting. He quickly nodded with fearful eyes, thinking that not even he could do such a thing. “W- Welcome…” The teacher answered as he hung his head down and then indicated for Poirlion to select someone or for someone to challenge him.

After our production no one dared to stand up against him, so he had to beat the teacher. The poor guy was smashed into the ground with a simple flick of his fingers. After ten minutes of resting, he stood up and announced that our entrance exams were successful and that we would get scholarships. That’s what I call nice! I feel as if I’d been in a stupid play...

“Would you introduce yourselves? My name is Raimund Juber. I’m your combat teacher.” He introduced himself and he visibly felt ashamed upon mentioning that he was our combat teacher. Any of us could have beaten him up without even moving, though he didn’t know about that.

“My name is Hiro.” “My name is Poirlion.” “My name is Alice~” All three of us introduced ourselves in a good mood. Some of the boys started whispering at the back while sneaking glances at my wife.

“Would you say something about yourselves?” Raimund teacher questioned us as he looked up with hopeful eyes.

After making for a bit, Alice said out aloud as she threw her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Hiro is my husband and I’m a dragon. I also hate these stupid introducing moments. I don’t care about any male, other than Hiro. Could we move on already?” Upon hearing her words, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, while all the teacher could say with his stupid face was…


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