《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 65 - Finding and visiting the Earth!


I thank William very much for his Patronage! The gray path be with him!

Finding and visiting the Earth!

Alice’s POV:


From the memory crystal, we’ve got to know that this world was created by a woman, called Gaia, who was at the eighth level. Our world would increase in size as well and turn into a smaller galaxy in the future, though however big it becomes, it would stay devoid of life other than us. I can only wonder what’s necessary to be able to create life as well.

“It’s not like it matters at the moment, Alice. Haha~ But this came as a real surprise to me! I’d have never expected such a thing to be the case!” Hiro exclaimed loudly upon hearing the message Gaia left behind. Thanks to him, I knew that Gaia was just a myth, a legend on the Earth, but in truth, she wasn’t just a legend! The message was the following:

“Hello. I don’t know who you are or where you come from, nor does it matter... I ask you to listen to my little tale, please. My name is Gaia and I’m a cultivator at the eighth level. This portal leads into my world. If you are a low-level cultivator, then you probably don’t know that we can create portals into the Abyss, so this is one such case. At first, I just wanted to store my treasures in my own world, like every other cultivator.”

“But things have changed. I’ve got tired of this continuous battling, fighting, this struggling to stay alive or to reach the top, to get over the others. But I couldn’t leave because I had a school under my rule, called Genotin Academy. I had to take care of those young cultivators for the future of the universe. I don’t know what is the situation like when you hear this message, but in my time, the Harbingers were very widespread and powerful.”

“Luckily for me, I’ve met another cultivator, who decided to take upon himself my role as the new director. He was a good guy... Anyway, I told a few of my friends who were just as tired of this struggling as me, that I’m going to retire and return to my world. What was the funniest was that they decided to join me! I was hoping that I could create a universe or at least a world which didn’t have Universe Energy so that the humans in it would turn into mortals.”

“I was hoping that they wouldn’t fight, they wouldn’t battle against each other, or the other monsters. I was hoping that we could live peacefully. But we had a problem. We couldn’t create life. In the end, we decided to bond together our souls. It was quite a long process as about fifty of us bonded together. I bet that we were the first to do such a thing in the whole universe! Hehe~ We were a colorful company because there were demons, elves, beastmen and even a few divine beasts among our ranks!”

“After bonding, our smaller worlds, or galaxies - depending on our level - turned into a single one. We were able to create a mini-universe with a few galaxies. Now came the next problem, the life… We decided to make children… hoping that they would slowly increase the population, but it wasn’t like that.”

“Zeus, Thor, Aphrodite and so many of them… they all turned out to be powerful cultivators after inheriting our bloodlines. Although the Universe Energy was lacking, but they were able to sense it and cultivate it. In the end, we told them about the outside world. None of them wanted to stay in our universe, so all of them left. After thinking about a solution, we decided to do a ridiculous thing. We bought companion monsters, which were of the ape race. This wasn’t all.”


“We bonded our souls with them! It felt really weird… After a few thousands of years, they started evolving and turning into humanoids, since we were the superiors. It came as a real surprise to me! Although they were quite powerful cultivators as well, but their children! They didn’t have any energy inside their bodies! They weren’t able to cultivate. We can’t shut out the Universe Energy completely, so our children were able to cultivate with their high potentials, but these new humanoids were different.”

“They had low potentials and they weren’t able to sense the Universe Energy, which was so scarce. My husband Uranus and the other titans who were tired of battling felt very happy. Afterward, those humanoids, who didn’t have a bond with us, started spreading, evolving. They were very stupid at first, but they slowly gained more and more knowledge.”

“Many of us helped them out in that and sometimes even our children came back to look at how our creations were progressing. They liked playing god with these mortals, but none of us cared. Those mortals created legends, myths about us, about our children. Unfortunately, what I expected didn’t happen. They started fighting against each other, other than the small animals that we also added to our universe.”

“I felt very sad that they are fighting against each other, even though they were supposed to live next to each other peacefully! One of us, called Jesus, descended, trying to point them towards the right direction, but it was for naught. In the end, he simply returned to us, though the mortals started creating myths about him as well, just like from about all of us. Some of the clever ones used him as a means to create beliefs and control the masses by the will of the gods...”

“But to be honest, they were still much better, much different compared to us. They were like little ants, playing around, without any real strength. My children also visited from time to time to lead these little ants. I’m not going to deny, that they were funny to look at. We have taken away humans from the first planet, which they started calling the 'Earth' and relocated many tribes, to different planets. The mortals also started counting the time and they started inventing new things. I felt very intrigued upon seeing their little creations.”

“It was year A.C. (After Christ) five hundred and twenty-seven with their time counting when I made this memory crystal. If you can enter through the portal, then that means that we are dead, but it’s no wonder. We were very, very old. I know that my death was creeping closer to me and everyone else would die with me as well. A few hundred years at most… *Sigh* This is my tale and this is how I made a unique world! Now please listen to my words for you!”

“I know that cultivators are greedy and we have quite a lot of things hidden in my world. Since by the time you hear this, we're probably dead, you’ll be able to enter this dead world. My only wish is that you don’t eradicate the humans, living on those planets. I know that you are probably used to a completely different culture, but please! As payment, you can take away the treasures we’ve left behind.”

“To be honest, we have made a few keys and maps about a little treasure chamber we had and threw them through a few portals at the upper levels of the Abyss. I have no idea which Universe, sector or planet have them. That chamber might have been emptied out already, but those were only the small toys and if the people in question weren’t at least at the eighth level, then they didn’t have a chance to meet with these humans or to take away the real treasures.”


“Count it as your payment for not eradicating the humans. Although we could have hidden away our world better, but we've decided not to. We wanted to show our legacy to someone... and you are that person. Now go, find out what our legacy is. I really would like to see how these humans are going to turn out in the future, but unfortunately, that’s impossible."

"By the way, the lack of universe energy is going to feel weird at first, but fear not because you can get used to it quickly. I recommend filling your own world with energy before entering. I also left this world from time to time to fill my own body because it felt terrible…”

“That’s my legacy. I hope that you are going to appreciate our hard work and not destroy everything.”

That was the tale of this whole world or mini universe. They have done ridiculous things indeed. Bonding with companions? *Shudder* I dare not think of the process. Well, sex isn’t necessary, but the feeling itself that you are connected with a stupid ape is probably quite weird. Hiro had a thinking face on, as he stood there motionlessly. A small smile slipped onto his face upon realizing how the little myths he knew were connected to the truth.

“*Chuckle* Let’s go. I’m curious what date they are at and what has become of my past. I can only wonder if the Earth has turned into a futuristic one. Have they entered space more actively, or are they still on that single planet?” Hiro started thinking loudly, feeling excited to find out the truth. Even I felt affected by his excitement. Poirlion was switching between looking at me and Hiro with his brows raised, waiting for an explanation. Hiro turned towards him as he said with his hands on his hips.

“Well, I didn’t tell you before, but I was reincarnated from this Earth. I don’t remember the exact details of how I died, but I lived here before becoming a cultivator. I was one such mortal. *Chuckle*” Hiro finished his explanation with a small laugh.

“W- What? And you reincarnated as a True Divine Beast? T- That’s ridiculous! HAHAHA!” Poirlion answered with a surprised face with his mouth and eyes opened widely as he leaned back in his surprise and then he started laughing upon getting to know the truth behind Hiro’s reincarnation. I’m also thinking that it’s ridiculous, but I’m very happy about this suuuper! tiny chance because I was able to meet with the person I love the most. I couldn’t help but taste his lips as my mood turned for the better.

“Alright, enough chatting! Let’s go!” Hiro said, anticipating to find out what has become of his old world. All three of us jumped through the portal and we immediately felt that the place was lacking in Universe Energy. In front of us appeared a smaller galaxy, which was called the Milky Way. There were other galaxies as well. Hiro chuckled in his mind upon thinking how NASA tried to reach out of that little planet, yet here we are, standing in free space as if it would be nothing.

“I don’t know where that Earth is, but that galaxy is quite far away. If you don’t mind it, then I’d like to take you there,” Poirlion said with his brows raised, waiting for our answer. Without saying anything, we stood behind him. Understanding our meaning, he transformed and flew towards where Hiro told him to go. In two days, we reached the solar system and it didn’t take much to reach the Earth.

Surprisingly for us, there was a space station orbiting around the Earth. But not the kind of Hiro knew about. It looked to be very modern and there were a few spaceships as well. Thanks to our eyes, we could see them from very, very far away. “Well, considering how quickly they were developing in the later years, I’m not surprised about seeing such a thing. Not to mention that I have no idea how many years have passed by since then.” Hiro sent his thoughts to the both of us openly. Since we were in space, we had to talk through our minds.

“To be honest, we could sneak into the planet without anyone noticing it, but it wouldn’t be as funny, don’t you think?” Hiro started forming evil plans in his mind, wishing to play a prank on these mortals. I couldn’t help but agree with his words as an equally evil smile crept onto my face. Poirlion also chuckled in his mind as all three of us transformed into our true forms, without restricting our sizes.

Our bodies were a kilometer tall and four kilometers long. We looked like three huge mountains invading a planet. There were many such monster films on the Earth. I bet that these humans never thought that it would come true once!

---------------------------- Third POV: -------------------------------------

On the Earth, it was year twenty-one forty-six, which meant that it was a hundred and thirty years later compared to when Hiro lived. While he was missing, the technology of Earth has grown explosively. Although the Earth didn’t have high-level metals because it was a one-star planet, but that wasn’t the case with other, bigger planets.

In year twenty fifty, the first spaceship with a new kind of propulsion unit reached a three-star planet, which had metals incomparable to the ones found on the Earth. But there were problems. It was hard to gather these new metals because on these planets were dangerous monsters and beasts as well.

The old weapons of the humans were ineffective against the monsters which were found on these new two and three stars planets, making it hard for them to acquire the new metals in masses and it was also very dangerous.

Such being the case, they started focusing on improving their weapons, and their genetics. They were able to make serums, which increased their basic strength and rebuilt their muscles and bones. They also made powerful energy weapons and metal exoskeletons using materials such as Trinatimuz. Using these new weapons, exoskeletons and their powerful bodies, they were able to get in control of the newly explored planets.

After doing so, they started acquiring the new metals in masses. They were also able to create gravity without rotating the spaceships, thanks to a new invention. Using the new metals, the earthlings made spaceships, which were able to traverse even through black holes! Weapons, genetics, and traveling technologies advanced explosively, along with computers. There were virtual reality devices and no one used smartphones or such things anymore because everyone had built in computers in their bodies, called NanoCo.

It was also used to identify everyone. At first, the humans were working together to fight back the newly found monsters on the new planets, but after winning the wars, they started fighting over the new materials, even though they were abundant. In the end, in year twenty sixty-five, the third world war broke out. As a result, the Earth was divided into three big unions, called the Middle Union, which contained Africa and Europe.

The American Union, which contained the American continents and the Asian Union, which contained the Asian countries. Australia was also a part of the Asian Union. These three great unions ruled over the Earth. They were all equally powerful, so they realized that fighting against each other wouldn’t come with benefits, so they made a peace treaty. By doing so, the welfare continuously increased. After the increasing welfare, the population was quickly outgrowing the Earth, which caused the humans to be lacking in space.

Such being the case, they sent humans to the new planets in year twenty seventy. New cities arose, but controlling these newly formed groups was hard. On one hand, they were far away and on the other hand, they didn't listen to the orders as much as the earthlings wished them to. In the end, new unions were made on these newly explored planets.

Naturally, they were much more powerful than the ones on the Earth because the materials were close to them, while the earthlings had to travel for a long time to gain their hands on them and even then, only in a limited amount.

Since these new unions weren’t lacking in technology either, thanks to knowing everything the earthlings knew, they built space stations and spaceship fleets, with weapons. The earthling had to unite, fearing that these new unions would take control of them, so in the year twenty ninety-six, the Earth Union was made, but they were still weaker than these new unions.

The Earth also had space stations around it, with smaller space fleets. Although in war potential, the Earth was behind, but it had a bigger population and the technologies were also more widespread. Soldiers, commanders, admirals, etc. turned very important. The real problem came when they found new humans in year twenty-one ten. These humans were the beings, which Gaia placed on the different planets. These new humans were even more advanced, which prompted the original earthling and these newer unions to unite…

Such being the case, the Sovereign Union was born. Humans were such beings. They always fought against each other, when they didn’t have an enemy, yet when the time came, they united to fight them back. But it was alright like that. Humans were predators and no predator could live calmly and peacefully. Peace was only a dream, idiots chased. Living peacefully was boring and only a temporary solution, though wars were terrible as well. Humans wanted to fight, to battle!

The modern humans realized this and in year twenty-one twenty-one, the Arena was made. It was a virtual reality battlefield, where humans were able to indulge in battles and wars. Thanks to the Arena, true peace descended upon the humans. The newly found humans were in connection with other intergalactic humans as well and so, the Arena spread like wildfire through every galactical nation.

These human nations had a strong relationship with each other and since the humans had a place to release their bloodthirst, wars were no more. Although they didn’t unite into a single powerful galactical nation, but they were almost like that. Now, in year twenty-one and thirty-six, the welfare was the highest ever, the humans lived peacefully in each other's company. Naturally, there were still conflicts since sometimes only killing your enemy could soothe your rage.

Because of that reason, there were real battles as well where people could fight to the death. This happened in the arena as well and the virtual reality device would burn the loser’s brain into a crisp. Naturally, there were games with fantasy settings as well where humans were able to use skills and such things. These games were also very popular. If something new were to appear or happen, then all of these galactical nations would get to know about it only in a few hours at most. News easily spread even through space!

Even though these new technologies had very powerful sensing capabilities, but none of these were able to sense Alice, Hiro, or Poirlion, until they turned into their true forms. As soon as they have done so, the powerful sensors of the humans immediately sensed that something big appeared out of nowhere…

Helios Station

“Commander! Our sensors picked up on something new! We’ve got three signals. The size of these unidentified objects is a kilometer of height and four kilometers of length! Should we fire at them? They might be concealed pirates.” One of the personnel, responsible for the sensors, shouted loudly with a surprised face upon seeing the new marks. Although rare, but there were people who weren’t able to fit into the community and since there were such possibilities, there were those, who decided to become space pirates.

The smaller spaceships usually had similar sizes, so Hiro and co. could be easily misinterpreted as ships. Since they didn’t have anything to identify them, it was natural that they were sensed as pirates. Hearing the report, the commander made a thoughtful face and then answered the soldier.

“Try contacting them. If they don’t answer, then shoot them off with-” He wanted to continue his sentence while he was looking at the screen as well, but his eyes opened widely upon noticing that the supposed targets arrived in front of the Earth, with an unimaginable speed. Not even their spaceships could travel as quickly.

“W- What the hell are these!? Are these some kind of new spaceships? Contact the upper leaders! They should know about this!” Seeing such a scene, he started sweating, but he kept his cool nonetheless. The soldier quickly nodded and contacted the higher ups, only to get a report, that there was no spaceship, which could travel as quickly as those unidentified objects. “Send the data for further examination, also focus all of our sensors on these targets!” The commander shouted, fearing that he was up against something bad.

“Just what the hell are these? I’ve never seen something as quick as them…” the commander started mumbling in himself, but suddenly the soldier beside him shouted.

“Captain! The targets are moving towards us! No! They are already here! In front of our bases!”

“Don’t look around! Quickly! Use the sensors outside and project a picture!” The commander shouted angrily, seeing that the soldier wasn’t doing anything, only looking at the screen. Following his orders, a projected screen appeared in front the commander, whose mouth opened widely upon seeing his ‘enemies’. They were huge and mighty looking monsters, with huge bodies. They looked like monsters of legends and those which could be found in the new fantasy games.

“M- My god! What kind of monsters are these! They are visibly much more powerful than any of the beasts we have killed on those huge planets! I fought against many monsters when I was young, but I’ve never seen something like these creatures! Quickly send the data to the higher ups! If these creatures can travel in space freely, then they are probably very unique and powerful! Every help is necessary!” The commander shouted anxiously. His instincts were telling him that these enemies were no jokes, especially after considering their speed!

“Prepare the D grade cannons! We have to kill these monsters as quickly as possible!” The commander shouted his command and the soldier obeyed. Alice and the others outside, noticed a few cannons turning towards them, but all they thought was that it would be funny to take them on, head on. Since none of these humans could use soul force, it was impossible to kill any of them. Alice showed her belly for the cannon to shoot. Seeing the chance, the soldier quickly fired.

Five thick bolts of lightning flew towards Alice’s belly. Unfortunately for the humans, they were like farts. The bolts of lightning flickered around Alice’s body with no effect. Alice raised her right paw upwards and the bolts of lightning moved there into a single point. She scratched her belly which was covered in scales as she started growling while her whole body was shaking.

“I- It’s laughing at us!?” The commander shouted upon seeing the dragon’s reaction. “Damned monster! I’ve killed many similar kinds of monster when I was a soldier! You aren’t going to be any different!” The commander shouted angrily as he smashed his hands on the table in front of him, upon seeing that he was ridiculed by a ‘monster’.

“Look at their toys, hahaha! I can control the elements and they are using tools to collect a huge amount of electricity and use it as weapons? Ridiculous…” Alice sent her thoughts to Hiro and Poirlion upon NOT feeling the attack on her body.

A screen appeared in front of the commander and the highest ranking military leader, the Marshall was sitting on the other side of the screen. Usually, they were dealing only with clearing out the monsters on the different planets, so such a case naturally had a high priority. “Commander! Hold up those monsters! Reinforcements are coming!” He shouted seriously upon seeing the newest data, which were sent to him. He saw the result of the last attack as well.

“I allow you to use the N grade cannon! It could destroy even a planet! I don’t believe that monster wouldn’t die from such a shot!” The marshal commanded with a calm and sure face. He was sure that it would work. The commander opened his mouth widely upon hearing the grade of the cannon. In his knowledge, it was the second most powerful cannon. Only the X grade cannon was stronger than that, which could easily destroy even a solar system. It was a new invention, which hasn’t been used before.

He felt his mouth to be dry because even when wars were present, the biggest cannon he saw in use was an H grade one. Cannons went from A to N grade and then X. Or so he believed, but there was an even stronger one. “Prepare to shoot!” The commander shouted and the soldier obeyed. There were others in the room as well by the time all of these happened and everyone was looking at the screens anxiously.

Not fearing the shot, Alice showed her belly once again for the cannon to shoot. They were powerful cultivators. If the shot would contain an energy which could damage her body, she would feel it. They were very sensitive to any kind of energy and there was no way for these mortals to use anything which could threaten them. The cannon started collecting energy and focused it into a single point, while it was aiming at Alice’s body automatically.

Hiro didn’t mind this whole thing. They just wanted to play a prank on the mortals by appearing in front of them and ridiculing their weapons. The N grade gun was ready to fire after two minutes. It could probably kill a cultivator at the fourth level, which was no joke! But against Alice’s body? It was just a toy. The cannon released a thick white beam, which moved with the speed of light. It struck Alice’s belly who was still caressing it without any care in the world.

The soldiers and the commander were looking anxiously at the screen and even the marshal was the same. To their despair, they had to see, that after ten seconds of continuous fire, the cannon ran out of energy and stopped working. It would take at least an hour for it to work again and even then, what would it matter? ‘The dragon’ was still laughing there, without a care in the world, without even a scratch on her scales.

Everyone made despaired faces as the commander stepped back with sweat pouring down on his forehead as he said - “I- Impossible! This can’t be true!” Even the marshal leaned back in his chair with a dark face, thinking heavily about a solution. They thought that if they can’t kill these monsters, then they are going to lose many humans who were on the Earth behind the Helios Station.

Alice started playing around with the elements, creating fire, water, lightning, earth and every element while being in space, which broke the common sense of these mortals. All of them were looking at the screens with their mouths agape. Using her mind power, Alice projected a message into every human’s mind directly.

“Hello, people~ Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I don’t recommend trying to kill me in the future because you don’t have a chance to do so anyway. Do you remember the old times about gods and such beings? You should look into your history a bit more, hehe~ Well... see you next time and be good!”

Her projection was perceived by the computers as well so her whole speech was recorded. As she finished her words, all three of them flew towards the Earth with a speed, these humans or sensors couldn’t perceive. The sensor only felt that the big targets disappeared and human sized ones appeared, but after using their energies to cover their signals, they escaped the sensors. The mortals realized, that on the Earth, there were three such terrible monsters, without anyone knowing who were they!

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