《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 62 - Legendary Symbiont!


Legendary Symbiont!

Hiro’s POV:


Since Alice didn’t start, I was the first to explain my new abilities. “Well, the first one I consumed is called Necros. It does not only increases my defense and attack power, just like Poirlion’s but it even increases my energy regeneration speed! It’s perfect for me because using seven clones at the same time is very energy consuming… Now thanks to this little thing, I’ll be able to regain my spent energy very easily!”

“I’ll literally become an almost unstoppable freak, who can’t be stopped if my enemy isn’t much stronger than me! Hahaha!” I explained happily and then continued on. “Since symbionts are advancing just like us cultivators, Necros is the same at that. But what it differs in, is that it can also collect Universe Energy and fill me up with it. Like this, I don’t have to use one of my minds for such a thing.”

“Ugh… you are going to be so unfair. I love you!~” Alice said happily as she appeared next to me, with an unexpectedly quick movement. If not for know the ability of her symbiont, then I’d have been startled of how she became so quick. Poirlion kept looking at us waiting for us to continue. “A- Alright… don’t look at me like that. I’ll tell you~” Alice said with a cheeky smile as she turned to the side and the stuck out her chest as she started explaining.

“Mine is called Infinis. It also consumes quite a lot of energy, but thanks to my race, that’s not going to be a problem. I have even bigger reservations than Hiro and I too can recover my energy while in combat, albeit surely not as quickly as Hiro’s symbiont. Now, the best thing about Infinis is its ability! It can fiddle with the time around me and around my enemies. It doesn’t have a long range, but as long as my enemy is within five kilometers of an area around me, my enemy will turn slower, while I’ll turn quicker!”

“Infinis was the reason why we were in the cave for such a short time, yet it was much longer outside. Its aura spread out to about ten kilometers, but it didn’t go through the surface. While we were quicker inside the cave and spent at most five minutes inside, it took about thirty minutes outside! The best is that not even cultivators who know the laws of the universe can evade this ability! Once Hiro blocks our enemies, even a single mistake from them can be enough for me to quickly kill our enemy!”

Alice explained happily. I was also happy, everyone was so fucking happy! I’d have never thought that we would be able to gain such powerful symbionts. Upon hearing her words, Poirlion exclaimed out loudly. “God! All of these are five-star symbionts and of that, I’m sure of! We’ve struck it big! I- I can only thank for her highness for uncovering that cave and for my brother-in-law for taking all of these eggs!” He started while looking at Alice and finished while looking at me with a euphoric face all along.

His face suddenly turned a little darker and fearful as he remarked. “But be careful with this. You should never use these in front of Mariton or Yakine clan members! Others wouldn’t hurt you, they would be at most envious. No one would kill you for owning something like a symbiont because if they were to kill you, then the symbionts would die with you as well. But that’s not the case with Yakine and Mariton. I’m sure that they would kill any of us out of wrath and for the reason of taking revenge!”


We nodded upon hearing his words. We thought the same thing. We can use these anywhere, except in front of those two guys! I’m sure that they would kill us. After finishing our little talk, Poirlion looked at me with inquiring eyes. There was still a single symbiont we haven’t mentioned. The transparent one. Alice didn’t read my mind either, wishing to hear it from me. Their greedy and wishful draconic eyes were looking at me with great fervor.

“A- Alright… don’t look at me like that. I’ll tell it to you.” I said as I raised my hands in front of me. Their faces were almost about to touch me. I don’t mind Alice’s, but I’d rather not kiss Poirlion… “So, this symbiont is called Blank. Its aspect is that it doesn’t have any, but it makes this thing into a real treasure. It has only a single ability and that is that it can consume and combine every other symbiont!”

“If I’d have taken your symbionts, then I could have used all of them at the same time and the best part comes now… for the same amount of energy! Using all of them at the same time wouldn’t have cost more energy! I could have used every ability you have on the cost of the strongest one, with the other abilities combined. From now on, I’ll be a symbiont sucker…”

“If I find a symbiont, I’ll be sure to consume it. Any kind of stupid bonus or ability might come helpful in the future!” Hearing my words, Poirlion and Alice held onto their sweaty foreheads as they leaned back with their wide opened mouths. Poirlion started walking around with a thoughtful look on his face. Only an idiot wouldn’t understand the potential of my other symbiont. I’ll call it Necros because it was my first symbiont, but I’ll be sure to combine tons of them into my body!

Poirlion stopped walking around as he looked up, straight into my eyes, with a serious face. “Y- You have gained something which is of tremendous value. I’ll be honest. If I’d have known that it has such an ability, then maybe I’d have lost my mind and would have taken it away from you, even though I’m a subject of her highness. S- Such a thing… It is a priceless treasure! I’m sure that it’s a legendary symbiont!!!”

He exclaimed loudly and excitedly. Just thinking about how Yakine and Mariton would look if they were to learn about what was stolen from them, just because they fought over who to take all of these. Instead of them, we took it and shared it. Idiots… Both of them were humans, unlike us, they didn’t know when not to get too greedy. Probably they were so stupid because of that. Humans’ greed and instincts were indeed terrible in some cases.

It’s good that I’ve lost my humanity... Alice sat on my lap and coiled her tail around mine as she gave a kiss on my face. She started humming one of my songs from my past life. Ah, right… we should look for that Earth, though it’s not so urgent. Alice was clearly in a very good mood. Who wouldn’t be? This thing was probably better than winning the biggest prize in a lottery!

Even I felt like as if I’d be out of my body. I was all sweaty and my heart was beating crazily from the excitement I felt. In the end, we couldn’t help but sit down and try breathing calmly and steadily since our breaths were ragged as well. Feeling my embrace, Alice started calming down. “We are returning to our world if you don’t mind. We’ll meet again tomorrow.” I said as I called Necros back into my body and Alice also called back Infinis.


Poirlion nodded and he also disappeared as he went back into his own world. As we returned to our own world, we took off our clothes and used the symbionts to turn into clothes! This is the other thing why symbionts are the best! We don’t have to spend our money on clothes anymore. They won’t tear, they won’t get worn out.

The symbionts can turn into literally anything on our bodies! Although it’s a living being, but it’s controlled by the mind of its host. Alice turned them into pants, bras, skirts, leggings, shoes, anything! She started playing with it. Although it was dark purple when it turned into a full body armor, but it was able to change its color to anything.

Since Alice was sitting on my lap, between my legs, upon feeling her hot body, I couldn’t help but have sex with her in my happiness!


(AN: I’m going to send an exclusive scene for those, who write a nice review on my novel. It doesn’t have to be all five stars or such things… I don’t mind criticism, but be constructive and give me bits of advice if you have ideas about how should I improve. If it’s to my liking and you have given me good enough examples or pieces of advice, then I’m going to send it to you even if you gave me one star… *Sob*

Naturally, all of my Patrons have access to it without doing anything. To be honest, I just wanted to give you guys a possibility to gain access. After writing your review, send me your email in a Private Message.> Sorry, but I’m in a playful mood, so I thought about this little game~ :D)


------------------ Yakine’s POV: --------------------------------------------

Mariton was careless for a moment and using his mistake, I was able to land a strike on his back because he looked towards a boulder for a moment. Idiot… you should never look away when fighting with me! He crashed into the walls of the cave and stopped in another cave. I quickly teleported after him and thrust my sword towards his head.

He rolled towards me on the ground and with a spinning jump, he flew off the ground and kicked me in the chest. The bastard even made a blade on his heels, so I’ve got wounded on my chest and I had one of my arms missing. It would take a few minutes to grow it back. He teleported after me, but I expected it, so I welcomed him with a kick to the stomach. His stomach got penetrated by the protruding blade on my sole.

He spat out a mouthful of blood while I quickly used a Temporary Law to crack the space around him. Seeing the darkness opening up around him, he quickly teleported further away, but a piece of his back was swallowed by the gray energy. I quickly teleported to him, but I was welcomed with a thrust of his blade, which pierced my heart. His soul force entered my body, which caused my world to tremble. I had to get away! Using my blade, I swung it towards his neck in an arc.

He jumped back, but his neck was grazed and my soul force also entered his body. Since it was very close to his brain where our souls were, he had to concentrate on it for a moment to disperse my soul attack. Not missing the chance, I appeared in front of him and thrust my sword towards his head, but he unexpectedly grabbed onto space in front of him and crushed it. In front of me, a hole appeared, so I quickly jumped backward. My arms were consumed by that damned energy and a large chunk of my world was also consumed. Looking around, I realized that he was gone!

Fearing that he would take away the eggs, I quickly teleported after him into the other chamber, where the eggs were. When I appeared there, the eggs were nowhere to be seen. Seeing Mariton, I knew that he took them away so I quickly teleported in front of him and I was about to pierce his heart with a nice amount of soul power infused into my attack when I noticed that he wasn’t moving and his face was dark. I stopped my attack as I started thinking. With my quick thinking, I realized that we were played! This must be Panore’s doing!

She came here as well, it must be her! “ARGH! That bastard Panore! It was her doing, right?! Let’s go quickly and catch her!” I shouted anxiously, fearing that bastard would be able to get away. Mariton stayed silent and only shook his head sideways as he kept squeezing his fists. He finally said something, which surprised me greatly!

“It wasn’t her, I stopped in the middle of our battle because I thought that I sensed somebody. Since I was focusing too much on our battle, I wasn’t able to pick up on their presence, but at that time I became sure of it. Thanks to your idiotic attack, I wasn’t able to catch their auras, but I’m sure that I saw two pairs of green eyes and there was a blue one as well. You kept blocking me, so thanks to you! YOU IDIOT! I WASN’T ABLE TO CATCH THEM!!!”

In the end, he started shouting wrathfully as space started to crack around him. I teleported slightly backward, fearing that he would attack me suddenly, but instead of that, he roared out loudly as he shouted - “WHO DARES TO STEAL FROM ME!” - Along with his shout, he also released his aura and it swept through this whole sector, along with the neighboring one. I quickly followed him, trying to pick up on the presence of the symbionts, but it was nowhere to be found.

We didn’t sense anyone who was moving between the sectors either. There were cultivators only on this and in the other sector. There is no way that someone would be quick enough to get back in such a short time, which means… that the robber is still in this sector! Suddenly Panore appeared in front of us. She looked perfectly healthy, not like us, but she too had some blood on her, which was obviously not her.

“What happened you stupid mongrels?” She questioned us provocatively. Our clans hate each other because all of us want to rule the whole area, but we are in each other’s ways.

“What did you say? Bitch!” I shouted angrily with a wrathful face upon hearing her provocation. Even though I knew that she was only playing with us, but I wasn’t able to swallow such a remark. Me?! The young master of the Yakine clan!? No one dares to speak disrespectfully to me!

“Hahaha~ You are as stupid as ever. So? What was stolen from you, you losers?” She kept on with her annoying provocation, but not wanting to fight with her when she was in a much better shape, this time I didn’t react to her words. This bitch… though she is quite the beauty… Once I become stronger, I’ll be sure to take away her virginity! This old whore!

Noticing my lustful looks on her body, she frowned slightly and made a disgusted face as she turned her head to the side. Hmph… just you wait, you prideful wench. “Symbionts…” Mariton told her the truth. Seeing that we were truly down, she realized that it wasn’t something small. Those had very powerful auras. I’m sure that they were at least four if not five-star symbionts!

We too had only three-star ones. Usually, only cultivators at or above the seventh level had such symbionts. My father also has such a symbiont. It’s truly wonderful! Sometimes I get the feeling that I should ambush him, but I’d die for sure… Symbionts can react automatically and they don’t trust anyone. Of course, it would be pointless because the Symbiont would die along with him, so I can only dream of such things as owning a four-star symbiont.

That’s why I’m so angry. I kept dreaming about it for such a long time, now FOUR of them were almost in my hands, yet all of them were taken away. How could I ever swallow such a thing!? I’ll be sure to gut the robbers once I find them! “Let’s go and kill everyone on these planets! I’m sure that the robber is among these bastards. All trash must be eliminated!” Mariton said with low growl after some thinking.

He was clearly just as angry as me. To be honest, he was even worse than me when it came to personality. He is the kind of person who is always there in the back, plotting evil things. I wouldn’t want him as my enemy… I nodded upon hearing his words and teleported to the surface of the planet. We heard Panore’s protesting that, we shouldn’t do such things and that we were too evil, but we didn’t care about it.

In a few minutes, we cleared out the whole planet and looted every cultivator. We have gained a tremendous amount of herbs, World Crystals, and even a few rarer things, but nothing which was worth as much as those symbionts. “ARGH! FUCK IT! JUST WHO THE HELL TOOK IT!?!?!” I shouted loudly as I held onto the sides of my head and pulled on my hair. I felt greatly annoyed. THEY WERE THERE! IN FRONT OF ME! If only I’d have shared them with Mariton!!! FUCK IT!

All of us returned to our clans. Green eyes, right? That’s what Mariton said. Two pairs of green eyes and a pair of blue eyes. I’ll be sure to catch such a group!

I didn’t tell my father what has happened on the planet. Although his help would be good, but I’d be greatly shamed and I’m sure that my brothers would ridicule me as well. Once word got out that a few rats robbed us successfully and got away without us knowing who they were, we would become laughingstock! Everyone in the school would laugh at us, so we must deal with this thing in secrecy.

Unfortunately, I’m sure that the robbers have taken those eggs already, so I have no way to get my hands on them, but I can still take revenge on them and provide them with a lot of suffering!

-------------------- Hiro’s POV: -----------------------------

We came out of our own world in a very good and happy mood. Who wouldn’t be happy after such a night, a day? Whatever… Poirlion also appeared in front of us exactly at the same time. I guess he was looking out for us. “Morning~” Alice said with a bright smile upon seeing him and I also seconded her.

“I see that you had a good night… her highness~” That bastard once again remarked. Can’t he just shut up and do as if he wouldn’t know?! Why does he have to know about the habits of dragons?! I thought while gritting my teeth, which caused him to laugh at our reactions. He suddenly turned serious as he said - “We should try out the ability of Infinis, don’t you think?”

Alice quickly got excited upon hearing his words and called upon Infinis. Her clothes turned into a dark purple colored, full-body armor. I can’t deny that it matched her! It looked really good as it also curved around her sexy figure. I couldn’t help but feel slightly excited. Sensing my feelings, she looked at me with a smirking face. I was caught red handed…

She didn’t say anything as she activated Infinis’ ability. I felt myself becoming slower than I was supposed to. Of course, it was because she wished so. The symbionts didn’t differentiate between bond or not bond… It cared only about its host life, but even like that, she could set me as a friendly target in its consciousness, making me immune to its ability.

I moved next to Alice as quickly as I was able to, but upon stopping, her pointing finger was in front of my nose while she was yawning with her eyes closed. She opened her left eye and looked at me as she said - “You are so slow honey~” As she finished her sentence, she appeared behind me. I was able to perceive her movements, but I’d rather not fight her. I don’t know for sure, but probably I was able to sense her because of our bond or else I’d have been hit! Though this ‘attack’ of hers was a hug from behind, which I didn’t try to evade.

Feeling her large chest on my body, I started getting even more excited. Nooo! I have to concentrate. “Yes, you have to~” She whispered into my ears, which caused a shudder to run through my body.

Poirlion also tried moving and instead of his usual speed with which we weren’t able to perceive him, we clearly saw his movements this time. Me as well, since Alice released its slowing effect on me. Poirlion jumped out of the area, the symbiont affected. As he stepped out of its area, he suddenly seemed to move quicker than his original speed!

“Hmm… so it’s like that? It slows down the time inside its area of effect, but the host becomes MOSTLY immune to this effect. But those who are out of the area, don’t lose speed, making them seem quicker than they are. Considering that it took ten minutes for Yakine and Mariton to notice the missing eggs, probably that was the case with them as well. I guess they sensed it to be only a few seconds before finding out that we were gone, but in reality, they spent much more time in the cave.”

“Since we have left it long before, we were able to reach the neighboring sector without being noticed and we weren’t slowed down either. Probably only the cave had such a slowing effect because Infinis filled it with its aura.” Alice said as she held onto her chin, thinking about the uses of her new ability with serious eyes. She looked so cute.

“Or maybe Blank also increased its effect?! You bastard! You stayed silent about it?!” Upon realizing that I stayed silent about this little bonus, she hit the back of my head with a slap, but only without strength. She found out since she was looking for a clue, in my head as well.

“Hehe~ Yes. I didn’t tell it to you and you didn’t look for it either before. The truth is that it still has an ability, which is that it also enchants the acquired abilities. It’s not a legendary symbiont for nothing! The best is that I can use that enchanting on friendly targets as well and decrease the effect of the hostile ones… which means even quicker movements for us!” I said proudly as I stuck out my chest.

Hearing my words, Poirlion appeared in front of me and grabbed onto my shoulders and started shaking me while shouting that I’m so unfair and that ‘her highness’ should have consumed that symbiont, and that he didn’t expect such an underhanded method from me. Alice quickly came to my help as she kicked his ass, which made him fly through the air and land on his butt. I mean it. Literally.

As he crashed into the ground, he made a sad face. He was almost about to cry… “Her highness kicked me! She hates me!” Upon hearing his little play, Alice, knowing this bastard’s personality, ran over to kick him again as she shouted - “Do you think that I’m going to be tricked by you once again!”

The poor dragon was quickly defeated as he flew into the air and probably stepped into the orbit. After our little play, we grouped up together to talk about our possibilities. “So? My goddess? Where should we go?” Poirlion was the first to ask and Alice couldn’t help but welcome his smirking face with her fist. Unexpectedly, Mortus appeared from under his skin and covered his face.

So that is why she felt his ass to be so hard? Mortus covered it! Alice looked at him with a pouting face and then answered his original question. “I think that we shouldn’t haunt ourselves with our fate. I’m not the kind of idiot to commit a crime and then stay close to where it happened! We can simply leave this place and probably we are never going to meet with those idiots!”

Hearing her words, I nodded with a satisfied smile, and while patting her head, I said. “Good, good. Let’s go now. We can surely find a good place other than this.” Poirlion also nodded to show his agreement. We swiftly moved towards an information house where we learned about the Star Formations on this planet. One of them lead to a new and popular galaxy, called Ara Astraeus, in which we would be teleported to Shelt Sector onto Slore planet.

It is an eight-star planet, with a powerful school on it, called Genotin Academy. Its director was at the middle eighth stage and it also had many geniuses and elders, real ones… not young cultivators… We’ve also learned that it’s at war with the school on this planet, called Angelwood Academy. They fought seriously, to gain control over these areas and unexpectedly, the Guild was also present!

It seems like the Guild is still powerful enough to quickly regain back its original system and glory. We used the Star Formation and teleported to the other galaxy to join it! Poirlion decided to come with us. It’s not like he would want to leave Alice because he would cultivate much slower without feeling her aura and we haven’t been together for long enough to get bored of each other. He still had that respectful face, but at least he was much more at ease in her presence.

The whole Slore planet was under the control of Genotin Academy. It had a tremendous size with a circumference of four billion kilometers! Just thinking about it was mind-blowing! The Earth would be like a speck of dust beside this monstrosity!

It was time… to join the adults’ life!


Chapter 63 - Visiting the Abyss!

Chapter 64 - The Fall

Chapter 65 - Finding and visiting the earth!

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