《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 61 - Finding symbiotic pieces of equipment!


Finding symbiotic pieces of equipment!

Alice’s POV:

Poirlion charged through the barrier with us in tow… Although we weren’t the first since there were cultivators at the sixth level, but among the fifth level ones, we were the quickest!

We used our mind powers, along with Poirlion to sense our surroundings. There was nothing we felt, even though we were able to sense anything in an area of three hundred million kilometers. “I found it!” Poirlion said as he charged towards the supposed position of a planet.

The planets are the holders of every good, so it is natural that the first thing we have to do in this case is to find a planet! Since thanks to the white pill no one is able to read our minds, we spoke to Poirlion without any restraint. “How many planets did you sense?” I questioned him curiously. The cultivators at the sixth level have teleported to their destination as soon as the barrier was released, so we had nothing to fear.

“There are three planets. I was able to sense at least half of this whole sectors so there might be other planets as well. If only these damned high-level bastards wouldn’t have come… We could have taken away everything good!” Poirlion answered with a click of his mouth. “Tch.” Of course, he was annoyed by such a thing. If not for them coming, then he could have been the strongest at this whole place, meaning that he could have taken away every treasure!

It was really nice of him that he said ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. A few minutes later, we finally arrived at our destination. It seems like that this sector is going to be quite powerful in the future! From the memory crystal, we have learned that there were numerous powerful clans around this place, such as Panore, Mariton, and Yakine clan.

These clan had core members who were at the seventh level! Maybe some of them were here without us knowing. We landed on a seven stars planet, which had a circumference of one billion and eight hundred million kilometers! It was a huge planet. None of us have seen something like that before, though Poirlion might have.

This planet was probably a swirling mass of lava and hell not long before, yet there it was, a completely new planet with greenery and plantation on it. At least monsters weren’t on it or else we would have had to leave. I can only wonder if the creators of the universe do these things themselves? Or how does this whole thing work? I’m the kind of person who likes to uncover the things around me and I don’t like if something in my surroundings is unknown.

We landed on this new planet, which was creepily silent. The high-level cultivators were probably here way before us, so we quickly got to work. The best thing was that we didn’t have to get to work! We landed in a forest, which had many rare herbs in it. Those herbs would be perfect for us to concoct pills, which would help us in improving our souls by a large margin.

“This place is wonderful! It’s full of rare herbs and just look at the ground! World Crystals are all over the place as well!” I said silently but happily. All of us started collecting World Crystals, which littered the ground, along with rare herbs. Thanks to this place we wouldn’t be penniless anymore! Poirlion was picking up World Crystals and herbs as well by using his mind power, just like us.


I walked over to him and patted his back to catch his attention. He turned around with his brows raised as he questioned me. “What is it? Her highness?” He finished his sentence with a smirk on his face as he addressed me with such a title. Is he doing this out of the fun? Just you wait, you bastard!

“Here, take this. I know that you paid for us because you wanted to, but I don’t feel right before giving it back to you,” I explained my feelings about this to him while looking to the side, not really looking into his eyes...

This was bothering me as much as it did Hiro. He put his hand on his hips and kept looking at me with his brows raised and then he dared to laugh loudly, wave his hands, turn around and leave me there just like that! “You’re going to pay for this! You bastard! Hear me?! I’m not going to forget this!” I shouted after him as I kept shaking my hands in a threatening manner. I quickly ran up to Hiro and hugged him to soothe my unhappiness.

“Hiro! He is so mean to me! He must be punished in the future!” I said as I rubbed my face on his big chest. He patted my head, but he didn’t buy my little play. Well… we are connected so it isn’t surprising. Fuck… I’ll get revenge for this in the future! What was even crueler was that Hiro went over to Poirlion, put a similar amount of World Crystals into Poirlion’s hands and then came back. Poirlion put it away without saying a word, but he dared to look at me with a smirk on his face.

“Damned bullies! All of you! You think that you can play around with me just because I’m smaller than you!? Just you wait! Once I turn into my true form, you are going to pay!” I shouted at them, but Hiro put his hand on top of my head and after patting me, I was left there dumbfounded and calm. I pouted upon realizing that I was defeated by a pat… as a damned dragon! My face probably turned into a smug grin upon thinking of Hiro’s faces when I’m going to… Heh-

A shudder ran through Hiro as he looked back at me and gulped loudly. “What are you looking at dear? I told you that you are going to pay~” - I said and then I turned towards Poirlion as I pointed my finger at him and then continued - “and I’m not going to forget about you either! Bastard!” He laughed at me once again. Laugh all you want, but I’ll be the one to laugh in the end!

I stopped playing around and I started picking up the World Crystals and herbs as well. After turning over a huge stone because I felt a small undulation from under it, I found a pit under it, with a huge crystal in it. It was a Law Crystal!!! I’ve struck it big this time! Feeling its energy, Hiro and Poirlion appeared behind me in a flash. “Quick, put it away!!!” Poirlion whispered excitedly and I did as told.

Just as I put away the Law Crystal, a hole appeared under it, which lead downwards into a cave! “Should we go?” I whispered curiously as I coiled a lock of my hair around my finger. Hiro nodded and then jumped into it. I followed after him, with Poirlion in tow and then we sealed the place. If the surface had many things, the underground would have even more! I’m sure that we have collected a few hundred thousand World Crystals, but what welcomed us in the cave, was something else!


It was filled with light, even though it was underground! It had millions of World Crystals covering its walls, its ceiling and even the ground we stood on was littered with it! This was a treasure trove! The Law Crystal was useless for any of us at the moment, but if a person at the sixth or seventh level were to find out about it, we would be done for… It can help the person in understanding the laws of the universe because that is its origin. If the laws are very strong at a place, then they condense into a Law Crystal.

With the help of such a thing, the person could probably advance a stage at the sixth level, or get to the peak of it at the higher stages of the seventh level! Such a thing was of tremendous value! Using our mind powers, we started collecting the World Crystals. We put everything into our own world as it was perfect for storing anything, which wasn’t alive.

Just as we finished taking away everything, a group of cultivators appeared through the hole. “Well well, what do we have here? A few mice? Hand over everything you have and we might spare your lives!” One of them who had a scar on his face shouted. That scar was quite fresh and his clothes were covered in blood. It seems like he had a few rounds before us…

None of us said anything as all of us turned into our true forms. There were four at the second and third stage, while two were at the seventh stage. Idiots… they have no chance against Poirlion and we can take care of the weaker ones as well. Seeing our true forms they were startled for a moment. All of us were two meters tall and eight meters long. We didn’t want to destroy the cave to make everyone see us, so we used smaller forms.

Suddenly their clothes started moving and they turned into full body armors. They were symbiotic armors… It’s not hard to get weaker ones, but getting good ones was much harder. Theirs were quite good, but nothing serious, though luckily for us, Poirlion could have taken care of them even like that. Not so surprisingly, a blue liquid-like mass flowed out from under Poirlion’s scales as well and covered his body.

It hardened on his body and it was clearly of a much better quality symbiotic armor. Long weapons grew out from the hands of our guests. “Be careful with the high-level one. This is going to be very hard…” The scar-faced guy said to his group. Idiot... you are running into your death. He quickly jumped towards Poirlion, along with the other guy at the seventh stage. Poirlion swung his sharp wings to welcome the incoming attacks.

We used our Descent abilities to defend ourselves and whipped our tails towards our enemies. One of them was stupid enough to try taking it on, while the others jumped out of our range. The idiot was able to defend against my attack, but Hiro’s tail came from above, which crushed him into a bloody pulp.

Both of us shot two Bolts of Silence towards the guy’s world, which was a soul attack. We might be weaker and they might have armors on, but they weren’t so much stronger as to take on our tails head on, along with our soul attacks.

Just as we looked up, all we saw was Poirlion beheading both of them in a single move with his wings. Soul Energy was infused into his attack as well, so along with their heads, their worlds were cut into two halves as well. Ehm… yes. I didn’t expect anything less. He was at the ninth stage and he was a three-star divine beast. Killing these losers was nothing for him. He spat a ball of Draconic Energy towards the two cultivators who were at the third stage and they were nowhere close enough to dodge it. They were blasted into pieces along with their symbiotic armors.

Only a woman at the second stage was left in front of us who was shaking in fear upon seeing her friends die so quickly. Their guts, bones, and corpses littered the ground. “P- Please-” She wanted to plead for her life, but Hiro cut into her words by biting on all of her limbs with four of his heads. He tore the woman into pieces and I’ve got to eat her upper body which was the most delicious.

We quickly cleaned up the place, along with Poirlion and not even a speck of blood was left. Thanks to our World Energies, even the smell of blood was cleared out. We transformed into our Battle Forms and left the cave. The lush forest we descended on before, was nowhere to be seen. Quite a lot of corpses were on the ground and instead of the forest with tens of thousands of tall trees, only the empty ground was steaming from the energies which were released in a battle.

“Hey… what’s with that cave? How did we not feel anything when such a battle took place above us?” I questioned as I stopped beside Hiro with my brows raised. After thinking about it a bit longer, in the end, we decided to go back into the cave and look around more carefully. Now that I think about it. How the hell did a battle with so many cultivators in it, get decided in such a short amount of time?

Could it be… that there was a formation? Thinking so much, we quickly jumped into the cave and after carefully looking around, we found a hole with a diameter of twenty centimeters. Using our World Energies, we quickly enlarged it. All of us jumped into it one by one. After falling for about a minute, we finally reached the ground. “That was deep…” I whispered silently with a frown on my face. Something was fishy here.

“Yes, but be careful. A battle is taking place not too far away from us.” Poirlion whispered as he turned towards us and put his finger in front of his mouth. We nodded, indicating that we understood his meaning and followed after him. We stuck our heads out from behind a boulder and saw two cultivators whose strength, none of us were able to sense. One of them had a deep wound on his chest, while the other one had his right arm missing.

“Yakine, you bastard! Do you think that you can take away these Symbionts!? You are dreaming!” The guy with the wound on his chest shouted loudly. So one of them was from the Yakine clan? That was one of the strongest clans at this place as we’ve got to know it from the Memory Crystal.

“Hahaha, you can’t stop me Mariton!” Yakiton laughed evilly and then shouted his answer with a provoking smile - “I’m stronger than you! Once I kill you, I’ll leave with all of these Symbionts!” The wound on Mariton’s chest started healing with a visible speed and in a few seconds, it completely disappeared. Yaktion’s arm also started growing back with a visible speed, but naturally, regrowing a limb takes more time compared to recovering from a wound.

Mariton jumped towards Yakiton with his Symbiont weapon. He swung it in an arc, cracking space in front of him in the process. They were probably at the sixth level and considering that they had the same name as the clans, they were probably their young masters… Yakiton raised his weapon and defended against the attack, which was infused with soul power and then teleported behind Mariton and swung his blade at his back.

Mariton also teleported further away to evade the attack and swung his sword towards Yakiton as a blade of energy flew towards him in an arc. Yakiton deflected the energy attack, which seemed to have a psychical form and Mariton’s attack flew towards the stone tile at the center of the huge cavern. There were a few eggs on it, which were about twenty centimeters tall. As the attack struck the formation, which was around the eggs, the formation was broken into pieces. Seeing those eggs, my mind went black and greed quickly filled my everything.

We need those! Those were Symbionts and probably very powerful and rare ones! There were four eggs around a single one, which was at the center. The one at the center was colorless and it seemed like an egg which was made of glass. Only a swirling mass of cells was inside it. The other three were dark purple, black, and dark green colored. Yakine and Mariton kept on battling when Yakine was lucky enough to land a strike on Mariton’s body who turned his head towards our hiding position for a moment. He crashed into the walls of the cave, leaving a hole in it.

Yakine quickly rushed after him, fearing that he would recover. This is going to be dangerous, but we had to try! Hiro quickly made a clone and jumped towards the stone tile. He took away every egg and appeared beside us in a moment. All of us quickly flew up the hole and up to the surface. “We should leave the planet as well! Quickly!” Poirlion shouted anxiously in our minds and we thought the same thing!

We jumped on his back and quickly flew out of the atmosphere, towards the barrier of this sector. Ten minutes later, when we just entered the atmosphere of planet Hebluna, we heard a shout from behind us, which seemed to shake the whole universe! “WHO DARES TO STEAL FROM ME!!” We heard Mariton’s voice. Not wanting to look suspicious, we quickly went into a restaurant and ordered a dish.

We felt a powerful aura rushing through our beings. They probably sensed every person in the new sector and this sector as well. We started eating as if this whole thing would be irrelevant to us, exactly when everyone else continued to eat. “I wonder what happened in the new sector? What was stolen from the young masters?” Hiro said loudly, with a wondering face.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure that the offenders are going to die!” Poirlion exclaimed with a righteous face. The others in the restaurant also started chatting loudly and guessing about the things that happened in the new sector. After being done with eating, we left towards another Star Formation and left this sector behind.

We were teleported to a planet called Tuchore and appeared there in a flash. We couldn’t help but slump down to the ground and breath out a sigh of relief. We were saved, for now. But there are numerous problems which could arise in the future!

Every symbiont had a unique aura, just like the cultivators. If we were to use them in front of Yakine or Mariton, then we would be found out immediately! Our hearts were beating crazily upon thinking what could have happened to us if we would have been found out! We left the formation, made a little house on the outskirts of a forest and took out our newly gained possession.

“Beautiful!” I said in a low voice, feeling happy that we were able to get away with such treasures. Hiro and Poirlion nodded upon hearing my word. It was time to divide what we have gained! “So? Which one do you want?” I asked with my brows raised while looking at Poirlion. He scratched his head with an embarrassed face as he answered.

“B- But you were the one who found that cave, and Hiro was the one to take them and---” Hearing his bullshit, I quickly stopped him.

“What are you talking about? Are you an idiot? We’ve been owing you for a while. At least we can pay you back this time. Also, it’s not like we can use more of them at the same time… Aren’t we a family? Just point at one of them already!” I said with exasperated hand movements. I wanted to consume one of them quickly, but he was blocking me in doing so by his stupid whining!

He scratched the back of his head and looked at my face. Upon seeing my expectant face, which made it obvious that I couldn’t wait to pounce on one of them, he picked up the black one as he said. “I- I’ll take this one in that case.” He quickly put it to his mouth and the upper half of the egg opened up and stuck itself on his face.

We saw him gulping down something and then he blanked out. “You take the dark purple… I’m not into girly colors,” Hiro said while pulling on the sides of his mouth. I answered with a nod while saying ‘alright’ and then I copied Poirlion’s movements. As I put the egg to my mouth, its upper half opened up and suddenly jumped on my face. It felt terrible, but I had to bear with it.

I felt a mass of cells climbing into my mouth and down my throat. Its taste was very similar to sperm, but the feeling itself wasn’t unfamiliar. It also felt like Hiro’s sperm... As it reached my stomach, my mind blanked out and I collapsed to the ground. I appeared in a dark space and in front of me was a dark purple colored swirling mass. I walked over to it and touched it.

It quickly coiled around my body, my soul, and seeped into my cells. It was building itself into my whole being and information about its abilities were also creeping into my mind. This- this is truly wonderful!!! These symbionts can’t live by themselves only in those eggs, sleeping eternally. If they feel a living being close to their eggs, then they’ll try to attach themselves to that being.

In other cases, I’d destroy such a being, but these were welcomed anytime! Once they attach themselves to living beings, they climb into their targets’ bodies through any hole they can find. Afterward, the symbionts build themselves into their targets’ cell structures, giving a powerful defense, weapons, and abilities at the same time.

There are weaker and stronger ones among these symbionts as well, and just like most of the things, these are rated by stars as well, counted from one to five and there are also legendary symbionts, but those are usually in the possession of cultivators who are at the tenth level. It’s not hard to get one and literally, everyone above the fifth level has one.

You can try to use these symbionts at the lower levels as well, but usually, it would come with your mind and body being consumed by the symbiont. You would be overtaken by it! I soon opened my eyes and looked down at my body. My mounds, my abdomen, my legs, my arms, and every crook of my body were covered in a dark purple colored hard and tough shell. I felt that even my organs were covered in it!

It’s probably even harder than my scales themselves, which is no joke! There are also legendary metals, which might be able to contend with these symbionts, but those were very rare. Also, the downside of using metals would be that you can’t change the shape of your weapon and you can’t regenerate it either, as quickly and easily as these symbionts can.

You wouldn’t gain an ability either! Using these symbionts was the cleverest thing to do. Who would bother with metals when you have such things?! I sat up exactly at the same time as Hiro did. Poirlion was already standing while looking down at us. Hiro was covered in a dark green colored armor, which was almost black, while Poirlion’s was so black that it was consuming even the light around him.

We smiled at each other and laughed happily. “What did you get?” I questioned them with a smug grin on my face. Hiro stole the knowledge about my symbiont from my memories and nodded with a wondering face and I also followed suit. “Stupid Hiro! You are stealing knowledge!” I said with a happy smile on my face. After getting such a good treasure, I couldn’t restrain my happiness.

“Mine is called Mortus. It is a being of the death element. It has heavy energy consumption, but it provides me with a huge increase of my attack power and it also adds a lot to my defense!” Poirlion explained the abilities of his symbiont proudly, with his chest stuck out. He also showed it by growing a long black sword in his hands. It was completely black and it was sucking in the light around it, just like his armor.

It would be perfect for assassins as well… His whole body was covered in the same kind of black armor, and it seemed to be really tough and hard. Naturally, I wouldn’t question its defense! Hiro asked him about the ability it gave and with a smug face Poirlion explained it. “Heh- It’s a skill called Death Shot. Mortus would collect a huge amount of energy and infuses my soul power into it. Upon releasing it, I’m a hundred percent sure, that anything that is at the same stage as me, is going to perish if hit!”

We nodded upon hearing his words. That was indeed good! “What should we do with the last? I questioned them,” which to Poirlion answered by saying that one of us should consume it. Hiro quickly looked at me. He wanted to give me more protection and defense, but my words quickly changed his mind.

“Do you really want me to swallow something so similar to your sperm when it’s not yours?” I questioned him with a small smile with my brows raised as I flicked my hair over my shoulders. His face went pale as he shook his head sideways and quickly took it away from me and consumed the other egg.

We can consume numerous symbionts, but we can use only one of them at the same time. Now Hiro will have a chance to use two. Who knows which one is the better? A transparent layer of mass covered his whole body, while he was unconscious. It felt weird for me. It was like as if I’d have a big nothing on the other side of my bond…

That glass like energy slowly hardened on his body and then it started turning into the same dark-green color as before. What…?! When he was done, he sat up while he was trying to catch his breath with sweat all over his face. Probably his body was the same, though I wasn’t able to see that because of the dark-green colored armor covering his body.

“So? What is it?” Poirlion questioned while leaning forward. He was visibly so curious that his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. Hiro smirked while looking at us one by one and then he started explaining the abilities he has gained…


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