《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 58 - Creating our own world! (Fifth level)


I thank BioShout, Saleh Salehi Nezhad, and Azoth Viz for their support! The gray path be with them! :D

Creating our own world!

Hiro’s POV:


All three of us landed on our backs and hit our head into the hard stone under us. Luckily, it was nothing for cultivators at our levels. We quickly stood up from the ground. Alice swung her right arm upwards and a hole appeared in the ceiling, which had a diameter of two meters and it led up to the surface.

We quickly flew through the hole and a huge plain appeared in front of us. All of us sighed out in relief as we sat on the grassy plain. "Haaah- It was lucky that you came! See, my goddess? You can never know! You are my lucky star! Had you not come to me, then I'd have surely died!"

Poirlion shouted with beads of sweat on his forehead while he kept flailing his arms. Those three probably were about to jump at each other's throat and none of us intended to watch it from close up. Even the residual effects of one of their attacks would have been enough to kill all of us. Poirlion might be at the fifth level, but those were probably at the ninth! Such a difference was immeasurable!

"Hahaha, it seems like in the end, I still left with you!" Poirlion said while laughing happily. Knowing that he has just escaped his fate, thanks to our visit, he surely felt happy.

"Haah- yes... the Abyss is truly a place for the strong. I'm sure that Arachne has also died." Alice said with a small sigh as her head drooped down. Pazahir, Fleudor and the other demons have also flown out of the hole and landed not far from us.

"That's for sure. Probably that whole district is going to die out if it hasn't done so by now. Since they were able to break those stones so easily and smash the whole Abyss, they were probably at the ninth level! Such strength! I don't dare to think of their might!" Poirlion said with admiring eyes.

To be honest, I had a weird feeling. He didn't even look at Alice the way a man would, which I'm happy about, but also skeptical. I know how beautiful Alice is and I have no doubt that any man would at least check her out, but Poirlion wasn't like that. He was devoid of any emotion while looking at Alice other than respect. "Can I have a question?" I asked out of curiosity.

"As her highness' mate, of course! You are also in the family now! Hahaha!" Poirlion said with a laugh while he leaned forward with a curious face.

"Well, you know... I know that this has nothing to do with the happenings, but I'm curious. How is it that you feel only respect for Alice and you clearly didn't even look at her body itself?" I asked my question with raised eyebrows as I also leaned forward, on my arm.

He made a thoughtful face, but he didn’t laugh at my question. After some thinking, he started explaining. "Hmm. I also find her beautiful, but I have a familial feeling upon seeing her. As if she would be my mother or sister? Something like that... Of course, this is on top of feeling a lot of respect for her. Her draconic aura also makes it easier for me to cultivate. In her presence, I could probably break through to the ninth stage in at most a few days!"


"Of course, I know that you wouldn't stay sitting in one place for such a thing and I wouldn't want that either.” As he finished his explanation, he stood up from the ground with us in tow. "If you don't mind, then we are leaving. We have to find out where we are." Pazahir said as the other demons stood alongside him.

"Okay," I answered him with a shrug of my shoulders. It's not like we had anything to do with them. There were two suns around this planet. One of them was blue, while the other one was yellow. Your usual color. It also had two moons. I guess I’ve got used to it by now.

I wasn't able to see more from this perspective and our mind powers aren't strong enough to reach even moons, which are far away from the planet. I saw a few mountains further away, but this area of the planet was mostly covered in forests. This was a planet at the fourth level, so these trees had heights over ten thousand meters.

It's quite ridiculous how huge the plant life is. These trees are taller than the fucking tallest mountain on the Earth! Poirlion closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them after sensing our surroundings. His blue eyes were radiating a dim blue light. He was quite similar to us in that. "Alright. Where do you want to go to?"

"The closest city, or the city with the most powerful cultivators, though only a few of them are at the fifth level and I was able to sense someone who is stronger than me. That person is possibly at the early sixth level or else I'd have never sensed that person's presence." Poirlion questioned us with raised brows as he crossed his arms in front of him.

"To be honest, I don't feel like walking around naked... Only my scales are covering my body which is comfortable and all, but I'd rather wear some clothes." Alice remarked as she looked down on her body. Hot... [You'll get me soon enough, but for now. You should wait.] Alice remarked in a happy tone as a smile crept onto her face. [I know.] I answered her with a small chuckle.

"Then let's go to the closest," Poirlion said as he flew into the air with a blue aura covering his body. It seemed like as if the world would be slightly distorting around him. Interesting... After flying for a few seconds, we arrived at an island. The city laid on the shore of the ocean.

It had a beautiful beach with blue waters and small waves. This is Hawaii! There were normal sized hills and mountains around the city, which had lush forests on them, with smaller caves and waterfalls. Thanks to our mind powers, we were able to sense everything. I'd never think that there is an entrance to such a hellish place as the Abyss after seeing such a nice place!

We flew into the city, towards a clothing store. "Hey, by the way, before we were teleported, all of our items have disappeared from our bodies. Do you have any idea of its reason?" I asked as I suddenly remembered about our case.

"Hahaha, yes. It's because every time you enter the Abyss. Anything that is on your body is going to disappear."

"If you enter with items on yourself, they are going to turn into 'drops', which are dropping if their original owner dies. You might have become treasure chests, depending on what kind of items you had on your bodies at that time. You can bring anything out, but taking something in is only possible with storage spaces."


Hearing his explanation, I smashed my forehead into a wall, next to me and said with a small sigh... "Seriously... *sigh* It doesn't matter that much. We will have to get symbiotic weapons and armors anyway..."

Alice entered the shop with me in tow, but Poirlion didn't move. "I'll wait outside. I'll look around this nice place. When you are done, just contact me." - Was all he said as he flew into the air.

I shrugged my shoulders and closed the door. Most of the buildings were made of wood and this was no different in that. The shop owner was a middle aged woman with dark green hair and brown eyes. Leaves were covering her whole body along with a few, very thin branches.

I'll be honest. Her attire left little for imagination because those leaves and branches covered only the necessary places... She had a sexy body. She was a Dryad! The whole building had a nice fragrance. It smelled like nature. Of course, I don't mean the brown nature... That's only for mortals...

"Hello dear customers, my name is Incana," She said with a big smile on her face as butterfly-like animals with colorful and shining wings flew up from the table around her and started flying around her while some of them also landed on her body.

"Hello, I'm Alice and he is Hiro." Alice introduced both of us out of custom with unbothered eyes. "It seems quite peaceful here. What about the universe? I mean two of them have been mixed together..." I couldn't help but ask. Everyone is back to their old lives or what? Wasn't this whole thing supposed to be chaotic?

"Fufu~ Yes, this is a peaceful place, but what are you talking about? The mixing has been more than a month ago. Do you even know where you are?" She questioned us with her brows raised. Seeing us being silent she continued as she shook her head. "Alright, it seems like you were off to somewhere... This planet is called Wuetis which is in the Eiredis Star System. There are quite a lot of new places discovered. This planet is literally at the end of the universe... It takes weeks for spaceships to reach even the closest planet from here."

What.the.fuck? The end of the universe? Seriously? Just where the hell did we arrive at? This Abyss is truly ridiculous! A month has gone by in the outside world while we were inside it only for a single day! "A- Alright... Thanks for the information. We happened to fall into the Abyss and after getting out, we had no idea where we were..." Alice blurted out our situation, though it did not matter.

"The Abyss? What's that?" She questioned as she tilted her head to the side. Surprisingly she didn't know, even though she was from the other universe because ours didn't have Dryads. "Ah, nothing," Alice said as she waved her hands and then moved towards the clothes. Incana shrugged her shoulders and then she remarked that we should be careful if we leave because it’s still very chaotic at the popular places and that only these godless lands were so peaceful.

We didn’t react on that because we expected that much. A month wouldn’t be enough for such a thing to settle down! After some fiddling, Alice picked out a white blouse, along with a black bra... Ugh. I can see where this is going! She also picked out a black skirt... [Do you want to seduce every guy on the road or what?] I couldn't help but remark.

[Fufu, no. I'm buying these only for later use. Only you'll see me in that~] She answered back with a small laugh as she looked back at me with a seductive smile on her face. I felt hot.

I also quickly picked some clothes. "Do you need help?" Incana said as she suddenly appeared behind me while she was about to touch me, but I quickly evaded her. "Hmm~ Such a faithful male. I can only wonder about your taste~" She said with a seductive voice, which had no effect on me. I raised my eyebrows while Alice also came out of the changing room.

She had a simple black, knitted dress on her. It coiled around her body tightly which accentuated her figure. The dress wasn't too short, but it wasn't too long either... Not even that could hide her huge tits, which only made the view better. "Nah, that's what I call a beauty," I said as I looked at the dryad with a smirk and then back at Alice with lustful eyes.

Incana pouted as she turned around and went back behind the counter and put her elbow on it as she leaned on her arm. [Hmph! You bitch. Next time you shouldn't sniff around my mate because I'm going to kill you!] Alice fumed through our bond angrily as she gave a threatening look to Incana who made a startled face for a moment.

"E- Eh... Alright... don't look at me like that. We could have shared in the fun," she said with a playful look. I felt a chill run down my back. I don't like 'used' women, especially not like these... Why can't they stay with their first partner... I don't get it. Seeing Alice's look, she stopped with her idiocy.

"You are no fun~ It costs two thousand gold coins," she said with a small smile. It wasn't too expensive because these weren't made from materials which mortals used. These clothes wouldn't tear even from our strengths. Of course, that's not going to be the case for long, but it doesn't matter. We have to get by using these till getting our hands on symbiotic armors.

After paying the money, we left the place. Poirlion has returned by the time we came out, even though we weren't in for long. Alice isn't the type who can't decide what she wants to wear. She is similar in that to me. If I do something, usually I also decide quickly and firmly.

"Woah! As expected from a Dragon God! She looks good in anything!" He complimented on Alice's looks. I started reading his thoughts out of curiosity only to hear this… Hmph. That's it for you! She is a dragon and she is such a beauty. Dragons are indeed the best! At least her mate isn't a useless trash either. He too is a reptilian True Divine Beast so he should be a Hydra. Hehe, our relatives! He is worthy of her highness! Kneel before the might of my goddess you plebeians!

Was what he was thinking and his last thoughts were when he turned around and looked at the bypassers with a frowning face. These stupid mongrels! They don't know that they are in the presence of such a dignified creature as a Dragon God! Ah! If only they would know! But she hid away her tail so they can't notice it. What is that?! A LUSTFUL LOOK!?!

He thought that upon spotting a guy who was sitting in a restaurant. He noticed Alice and then his face turned a lustful one. If not for Poirlion, I would have never noticed him, probably. He went up to the guy and covered his voice. All we saw was that he smashed the guy's head into the table in front of him. After 'cleaning' his hands, he came back with his chest stuck out proudly.

I- I shouldn't look, but this guy is fun to listen to. That's it for you, you little fucker. If not for me, being in a good mood and in the presence of her highness, then I'd have eaten you. Maybe I should come back at night? I'm sure that she is going to mate with Hiro anyway. I might as well spend my time with eating!

[Bwahaha~ Hiro! Stop reading his mind. He is ridiculous. I'd have never imagined that such things were going on in his mind.] Alice thought in her mind and a small laugh slipped from her mouth - “*Chuckle*”

"Did you find something that is to your liking?" Upon hearing it, Poirlion questioned her.

"*Chuckle* Haha, n- nothing. I just thought of something funny." Alice continued on, trying to restrain herself.

"Oh, alright then," he said with a small nod. Now that I think about it, he's just said that we are going to mate? Well, he is a dragon so he should know about their habits, I guess... [We are in heat every day once we find our mates~ so it's all because of my instincts.] Alice said playfully as she grabbed onto the base of my tail.

[Don't you dare!] I shouted unhappily. All she has done was a movement. She pulled her pointing finger alongside my tail, which caused a shudder to run through my whole spine and body. That felt weird…

Yes, they are going to mate for sure! She is inviting him into bed! I'm sure that they are also soul bounded. That's not an unusual thing for dragons with a mate. Poirlion thought as I ran out of the possibility to hear more of his thoughts. I can read only up to five seconds, but since I was using it continuously even when he wasn't thinking, I quickly ran out of time.

"L- Let's go. We should cultivate and reach the World Realm," I said as I started escaping from these crazy dragons.

Alice kept caressing me all over the place and who knows what that guy was thinking?! I better leave! Alice quickly caught up to me and after coiling her tail around me, she landed out of the town in a clearing at the same time as me. Poirlion also appeared behind us in just a moment. "Could you give me your pills? I'm going to help you out with a little thing or else you aren't going to finish it till today evening." He said with a wink while looking at me with his hands extended out towards us.

Alice quickly handed over our pills. This is going to be great~ Poirlion used his World Energy to control the pills and after separating them into two equal sized piles, he started compressing them into two pills. What he was doing wasn't pharmacy. He simply used his World Energy to compress the energy inside these pills.

In ten minutes, all of our pills have disappeared and what we found were only two pills which were radiating with a very powerful light. If it would be night, I'm sure that they would light up at least ten kilometers of area. They were like two tiny suns.

"Here. Now you don't have to miss out on... *Cough* - Make her happy!" He said as he patted my shoulders and then jumped into the forest as he shouted back. "If you need me for anything, then just shout my name!"

"What the fuck?!" I couldn't help but swear upon hearing his words. "Exactly that my honey~ Fuck!" Alice said with a playful smile as she licked my face, which caused a shudder to run through my body. I couldn’t hold it any longer. After a quick round, it was time for us to take it seriously!

Both of us gulped down a pill and we felt a tremendous amount of energy inside our bodies. We kept rotating it with high speed and we felt as our Space Energies were slowly converted into World Energy! We soon reached a hundred percent of conversion!

We finally reached the peak of the fourth level, but before we could break through, we had to take on the tribulation! Dark clouds quickly appeared above us and we activated our battle forms to take the lightning on. Flickering bolts of lightning rushed through the black clouds, which were probably seen by other, but we didn’t have to care about it since Poirlion was close by.


Suddenly two bolts of lightning struck down, and we stopped them with our bodies. The first was the weakest, we didn’t have a reason to fear it… Then came the second. Although it was more powerful, but we didn’t care too much about that either as it crashed into our bodies. It felt a slightly bit painful, but it also tickled us. Against the third one, we used our Descent abilities. There came the fourth and fifth, with much more power behind them, but there was nothing we couldn’t defend against!

We crushed those stupid bolts of lightning with our attacks, while their residual energies seeped into our bodies. Our auras were surging and we felt them raising and raising until suddenly, it finally happened! Our auras collapsed and fell back into our bodies. We felt as if a gaping hole would have appeared in our chests, but we knew that it was nothing bad.

Our energies started spreading inside our bodies. I wonder what's going to happen now that we are soul bounded. What is our world going to be like? I felt a hole in my chest, which was only becoming smaller and smaller. Soon that hole felt as little as a speck of dust, then it all broke loose!

It exploded inside me. I felt it spreading inside me until it grew to the size of fifty thousand cubic kilometers. Suddenly an explosion came from outside of my world. It was another world of the same size. It was Alice's! I saw her sitting with legs crossed in the middle of that nothingness.

I was doing the same. She opened her eyes to look around and she also noticed me. [Hello there, haha] I laughed in my mind as I said, upon seeing her 'crash' into my world. Instead of one, two planets started forming in our own world, which was about the size of the Earth. But before it could continue to form, it once again moved.

The two planets crashed into each other. Pieces of hard stones and lava also flew into this darkness. In space, it quickly froze and turned into 'little' stone shards, compared to the planet that is. A single planet appeared in the center of our world, which was about twice as big as the Earth.

We used our earth magic to form it into a perfect sphere. Using our magical powers, we also cooled down its surface. The planet soon turned into a huge ball of stone on the outside, while the lava in its core slowly started rotating. We helped it out with a bit of magic. After its magnetic field was created, the small meteorites around it started rotating in its orbit.

To make it look better, we pulled in the Universe Energy from outside. It filled up our world with a crazy speed. We used fire elements to make meteor shaped lava pools in space and after they cooled down, another ring was made around our planet. Using water magic, we filled it up with it in the holes. Water rushed through the whole planet.

It filled in the holes, the caves, and many other places. Although this new planet was supposed to sprout lava and smoke for hundreds of thousands of years, but it wasn't hard for us to quicken that process either. We were in control of every element. Creating a planet was a joke!

The water was a beautiful blue and it covered the whole planet! It looked like a water world! At some places, where the water was shallow, we used nature magic to grow corals. Although we can't create intelligent life, but we can create plant life! After spotting a few good spots, we used them up!

Firstly, we created a few small islands and grew forests on it, which were as big as in the mortal sectors, or slightly bigger. We grew a big tree in the middle of the main island, which was at the center of it and controlled the tree branches to grow into a nice and cozy tree house.

On the beach, which had sand on it after a little help, we also made a sand house and another wooden house on it. Why would we be stuck with a single one? When we come here, we'll be able to try out many things~ After making glass out of the sand, we made a glass house out of it. I mean it literally. A house, which was made of glass. We put it at the bottom of the ocean where it was shallow so that the light of the newly forming sun would reach it because while we were doing this, the sun of our own world has also started forming by itself.

It became blue, which I was happy about! Our whole planet was clear and beautiful! At other places, we also created small deserts with oases and yellow lights around it, which worked thanks to energy crystals. We made them as easily as breathing with so much energy inside our bodies.

It's going to be very nice at nighttime! We also added a volcano which had lava inside it. We can bathe in it in our monster forms. We are immune to any kind of heat or cold, but we can still feel it. Sometimes feeling the hot lava on your body can be a real bliss~ We don't like cold places that much so we didn't create such a place.

Though it's going to happen by itself in the future... but that's going to be slower. If we need snow, then we can do such things anytime. [Should we do something else? We have nice oceans, house on a tree, on the beach, under the ocean, in a volcano, in a desert in an oasis, oh! I know! Hehe~] Alice started thinking about the places we might haven't used before.

We landed in the ocean and using our World Energies, we made a formation, which turned the gravity upside down. Using earth magic, we created another island, which flew into the air thanks to the formation! I feel like a child, but creating such things is so wonderful in my eyes! If someone doesn't like doing such a thing, then that person is simply boring!

Who wouldn't want to create a world of his own? - or in this case our own. The sun has completely formed just as we finished. After making a formation on top of the flying island, it started producing a small amount of water, which was enough for a small river to run through its grassy surface.

We are going to build a big villa or castle on top of it! Just to make it classier. After being done with that, we had to continue with breaking through to the next level. We weren't there yet! We had to form our souls and place them into the world we have just created in our bodies.

This would make us unkillable as long as this world isn't destroyed! Of course, that's not such a hard thing because soul attacks could destroy such a world in one shot! From this point on, we will have to use our soul force with all of our attacks or else we can't kill anyone. As long as a cultivator’s world is in one piece, he or she will be able to recreate his or her own body, anytime.

Although it would take time, but anyone could do it nonetheless. All this while, we were cultivating through our chakra points, which would bear its true fruits now! The more balanced we are, the more stable our world is going to be, which comes with more soul force than the average and it also comes with more powerful soul force! We would once again gain a little more strength compared to the average cultivators.

[Little more?] Alice chimed in hearing my thoughts. [Alright... much more. But that's how we have been all this time, hahaha~] I couldn't help but laugh. Being unfair feels great! We sat down back to back on our little beach, in the sand as we closed our eyes and started concentrating on our seven chakra points. Thanks to our balance, it wasn't hard to create our Soul Embryo.

Feeling our own souls, we were powerful enough to slightly control it. We started shaping them into the form of embryos, which was only the first step. Our souls soon took up the form of an egg. That's how we looked like when we were ‘embryos’. This was only the preparation where we started sensing and learning our 'new world' or souls in this case.

Now we had to enter the real stages of soul cultivation, called the Infant Soul, Baby Soul, Young Soul, and Mature Soul. All of them has seven stages, and after going through all of them, we would reach exactly the first stage of the eighth level! We started cracking our Soul Embryos. It was similar to how we were born. We had to break open that shell, that egg, which was holding us in.

We kept bombarding the shells of our eggs and both of us broke it through exactly at the same time. The shards of those eggs turned into soul power and entered our tiny souls. Alice's had the shape of a cute and tiny dragon, while mine had the shape of a Hydra, but there was a thick line connecting our souls.

That was our bond! Our souls dissolved into energy and covered the whole world we have just made. If our bodies were to be damaged by using soul force, then this world would be also damaged, but if someone were to simply thrust a knife through our hearts without soul force, we could restore our bodies without any problem, thanks to our souls here.

So actually, the only difference now was that we didn't only need to pour World Energy into our attacks but we also needed soul force for it to work. It's nothing complex. We just had to draw force from our world! Feeling our new found force in our bodies, we left our own world, for now.

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