《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 57 - Seeing something... rare!


Seeing something… Rare!

Alice’s POV:


"Abyss Panther? Mount? That sounds interesting!" I said to Poirlion, the dragon, as I tilted my head to the side. It puffed smoke out of its nostrils as it nodded with its visibly excited eyes. This dragon was seriously happy if anything good has happened to me. It seems like being a Dragon God truly has its perks!

"Now my goddess if you don't mind. Would you also answer some of my questions?" Poirlion said with wishful eyes. This dragon truly respected me so much... I- I admit that it feels good. The worship of humans and other intelligent humanoids feels weird, but the dragons' respect makes me feel good.

[Maybe it's because you are a dragon as well...] Hiro remarked in my mind with a smirking face.

"Yes. I guess this Abyss is completely cut off from the outside world, in that case, right?" I questioned him with raised brows and he answered with a nod as he said.

"Yes, usually cultivators can only teleport into the Abyss, but there are also quite a lot of holes in the universe, which connect the Abyss to the outside world, but even if it's like that. Nothing that happens outside affects this place."

"If two universes have really mixed together, then the real fun only begins when the cultivators here, return home. Hahaha! Maybe I should also go out and look at what is it like outside of the Abyss. I came here when I was at the third stage of the World Realm, and even as a Three Star Divine Beast, it took thousands of years for me to reach the eighth stage."

Poirlion explained his position so that I'll be clear about everything. "Alright, so you know, we are coming from the other universe. When the soul bonding of the two creators happened, the universe started shaking and trembling. Everyone outside of this Abyss was teleported into a completely dark space, where we couldn't do anything."

"A dungeon started talking and at first, we had to kill a monster which was at the same stage as us. Afterward, the strength of the monsters started growing after each round. In the end, the last tier was called the 'Almighty'. We were in the middle of the ninth stage at that time and we had to and we had to kill a monster at the peak which was beyond the ninth stage. After each completed round, we got scores, which we were able to use to select a place where we wished to teleport to."

"We had realms in our universe, and we didn't have too many big clans and sects since the levels were divided clearly. After this mix, everything became messed up since all of us were teleported all over the place. We selected a planet called Swion 808 in Tiara Star System, but there was a dungeon flood."

"We didn't have such things either... So after killing those creepy monsters, we were teleported here by the dungeon. We fell into its trap. After we climbed down a pit, we found ourselves at this place. We have no idea how the outside world is at the moment and I have no idea where we might get out of here."

"Even a high-level Harbinger could wait for us outside for all we know. We really need to get Energy Converting pills from somewhere and reach the fifth level." I explained everything in a detailed way to Poirlion. He put his paws under his chin like a human with a thoughtful face.


"So many things have happened outside? But you know, time flows differently here. This place has so many weird things inside it. You might get stuck in a formation which seals you for thousands of years before you regain consciousness and there are places where the time flows ten times quicker than in the outside world."

"There are also places where time is slower. Of course, those are also deeper in the Abyss. This 'resting room' where we are, is just a playground for low-level cultivators like us. The World Realm is a joke at this place. Also, I have a thing for you, my goddess! You know, at this place, you can collect the necessary herbs for Energy Converting pills like grass."

"Since I've been here for quite a long time, I have tons of it piled up in my storage space. If you can concoct pills, which of I'm sure, then you can use them up. Here." Poirlion surprisingly said such a convenient thing as he pulled out literally tons of Mandragoras and Dragon Roots from his storage space.

It was already worth falling into that trap! The information itself was a very good thing, I've also got to know one of my subjects, which is a three star Azure Dragon, not to mention that now we can also break through to the fifth level easily! I- I can't wait to create my own world!

[I know right!? Let's start concocting pills. I'm sure that Poirlion wouldn't mind your presence in his territory. Just look at his happy face. It seems like dragons truly welcome a Dragon God anytime!] Hiro said with as much enthusiasm as me.

"Fuck yes!" I shouted, but I quickly covered my mouth. Ladies shouldn't swear... Oops?

"Who cares about your swearing? You can do anything, my dear. Now let's start!" Hiro said as he was already grabbing onto the herbs. Poirlion didn't say anything as he laid down with a happy? - face... I also started concocting pills, while Pazahir, Fleudor, and the other demons already got used to Poirlion's presence, and sat down on the ground.

After a few hours, we have finished concocting pills and we had many billions in our possession and these were peak level pills! Although we lost the Binding Clock and the Stallion of Unmaking, which is a great loss, but I'm not so sad about them anymore.

"Let's consume them and reach the World Realm!" Hiro said happily, with an expectant face, but Poirlion quickly stopped us, also crushing our dreams. "NO! NO!!! STOP! Don't do it here! Listen, the only rule of the Abyss is to NEVER and I repeat NEVER to try to break through to the next level and even breaking through to the next stage can be VERY dangerous!"

"Once the monsters or the humanoids sense the undulations in space thanks to your breakthroughs, they'll immediately charge at you and devour you. I'm one of the strongest monsters at this place, but even I wouldn't be able to protect you from the horde of monsters which would come to this place. I advise you, by all means, to leave before trying to break through."

Poirlion started explaining the reasons with great vehemency and fear in his eyes. You have to know that cultivators at the fifth level have very long lifespans. Even at the first stage, they have ten thousand years, not to mention the ninth stage with fifty thousand years!

Poirlion probably left the Abyss only when he broke through and then came back to train and fight. If we could break through, we could not only create our own worlds but we could also finally start training our martial arts! Now it seems like we will also get our hands on a mount! I'm truly excited to advance, but we have to leave before that.


"I truly thank you Poirlion! Mark my words, I'll remember your aura. Once I reach a higher level, you can count on my help! Of course, if I can help you now, then I'm going to do so!" I said with a happy face. He said so many things to us and he is even helping us free of charge. I'm a grateful person. I also like to reward those who I find worthy.

But if I'm rewarded like this, then I'm also going to pay up. Of course, not with things like that... *cough* Only Hiro can touch me. "No problem, my goddess! I found it my obligation! Although it's not so rare to meet with a dragon at this place, but at most, we don't attack each other."

"Meeting with you was a truly refreshing feeling for me. I was also able to feel your wonderful aura. I think that I'll be able to break through easily thanks to you! So consider everything as done!" He explained respectfully.

"As you wish, but you can count on us, anyway," Hiro said with a small smile and then continued. "Now then, do you know about an exit? We should leave this place, for now..."

"Ah, yeah. Although it originally led to a planet which was at the fifth level, but things might have changed. I'll look out before you. Hopefully, it doesn't lead into space because then we will have to search for another entry point since you can't stay alive there, yet." Poirlion explained.

As he finished his sentence, his body suddenly started shaking and compressed to the height of five meters with a length of twenty meters. We will be able to do such a thing at the fifth level as well. How could we fight with kilometers high bodies? We are legendary monsters and that's why our sizes are so big in our true forms.

But we are perfect for combat, so we can compress our bodies or even enlarge them to our original size, depending on our enemies. There were three other tunnels at this place, other than where we came from. One of them was leading upwards, while the others were leading downwards. A shudder ran through my back upon thinking of moving downwards.

That place isn't for us, for now. We followed after him on the tunnel which was going upwards. Hiro knocked on the walls as he questioned Poirlion with his head tilted to the side. "What kind of stone is this if not even you can break it?"

"Hmm- it's called Abyss Stone. *Chuckle* The whole abyss is made up of this stone and it's very hard."

"Even cultivators at the seventh level find problems in drilling into it. That's why we, monsters, fight a lot for the better caverns. Mine is one of the best around this place! But the Abyss is simply infinite! This is only the perimeter of it. Although this too is huge, but I don't even dare to think of the size of the levels, under us. This is a terrifying place with eternal darkness."

"As you can see the stone is grayish here, but I've heard that it turns black in the lower levels from an elder of mine who was at the seventh level. She said that place is devoid of any light and you can't light it up either. The Abyss is an infinite pit of darkness, with oceans of blood and billions of high-level monsters, cultivators, and Harbingers."

"Also, I forgot to mention. You need Universe Crystals to awaken that Abyss Panther because it's a monster above the eighth level with the potential to reach the tenth level, literally as your pet... so you need high-level energy to make it hatch. Of course, it will have to grow up to such heights, but I'm quite sure that it can keep up with your cultivation speed, or at least not fall behind too much."

"Universe Crystal? Where can we get such a thing?" After hearing Poirlion's explanation, I quickly questioned him. "Hmm, it's quite rare, but it can be bought. It's easily accessible for high-level cultivators, but it's harder for us to get. You will have to collect a lot of money and visit an auction and buy it, or something like that."

"I'd advise you to visit the Golden Garden Auction House. It's run by high-level cultivators so you might be able to find a Universe Crystal there." Poirlion once again helped us out with knowledge.

"I'm sorry that we know so little and that we are bothering you with our questions, but we need to know these things," I said with a slightly downcast face, feeling a little sorry.

"Ugh- please don't feel sad, it's making me too sad! It was really nothing. It's been long that I was able to talk so much with someone anyway and such an important person at that! I'm glad that you visited me, honestly!" Poirlion said this while looking into my eyes and kept shaking his arms vehemently, while Hiro was patting my head.

"Okay," I said with a small nod as I held onto Hiro's right arm. "Be careful from this point on, it's not my territory anymore and we will have to advance quite a lot. Also, I'm warning you, that it doesn't matter where you entered because this entrance might take you to the other half of the universe. The abyss is also good as a channel to reach other places quickly in the universe if you know the way, that is."

Poirlion warned us as he started moving carefully. Although he could kill the monsters probably quite easily, but we could be easily killed if we were to be careless, so we tried to not draw the attention of other monsters. We were moving forward tens of kilometers, but only a few kilometers upwards.

It was a truly long way up. After walking for a day, something bad has happened. There were a few webs on the ground, but we were very far away from the spiders’ territory, so one of the demons thought that stepping on it wouldn't be a bad idea, but it was... "YOU IDIOT!" Pazahir and Fleudor shouted upon seeing the loser, who was also the one who was sneaking lustful glances at me for quite a long while.

[I bet that he screwed up because he was looking at you...] Hiro remarked grumpily. Poirlion also made an annoyed face as he clicked his tongue and then remarked on the demons. "Tch. My goddess, I don't know if they are your servants or what, but you should look for better ones. If not for your highness, then I'd have eaten them all..."

"We aren't her servants and we aren't losers, it was only Itron's fault because he kept looking at Alice..." Pazahir betrayed his companion by telling the truth with an angry face. "What!? You bastard! I wasn't looking at her! You liar!" Itron shouted back while he was cracking his fingers.

Did he seriously want to fight with Pazahir at such a place and at such a time? This guy is a retard... We should leave him here. I don't intend to die because of idiots.

[I think so. He also keeps checking you out which is annoying me to no end. Killing someone for such a thing would be weird even for me as that's a natural reaction for males, but he is even screwing up everything up thanks to that.]

[And that is no good. He should learn to control himself better at such a high-level.] Hiro said through our bond, with an unhappy and thinking face. He was seriously thinking if we should simply leave this guy behind and I couldn't help but think of the same thing. But before we had time to continue, hundreds of spiders started appearing which were at the peak of the ninth stage.

"If nothing big comes, then we will take care of it. If it does, then we will have to ask for your help. Argh!" Hiro said in a small voice, ans then stomped on the grouns unhappily. It's not like we had to shout as Poirlion would naturally hear our words.

"Okay. My attacks would also cause bigger undulations which would draw the surrounding monsters. If unnecessary, then I'd rather not move, for your safety."

Poirlion said as he prepared for battle, just in case. Using our Descent abilities, we killed the spiders with a few moves.

"Nice! I expected no less from my superiors! Hahaha." Poirlion used his mind power to communicate with us.

"You have one more chance I- what was it?Oh yes, Itron. I swear that another such failure and we are going to abandon you."

Hiro said as he shook his finger with a threatening look and posture. "..." Itron didn't say anything, but he had a dark face. We should just kill him already... If he dares to look at me just once more, I'm going to kill him. I'm not a human, nor am I a tame sheep if the person in question isn't Hiro.

I don't have any problems with killing others if they are bothering me and even Hiro has lost that restraint on him. He wasn't a human inside. He was the mix of a Hydra and a Human! It's not that he turned into a dark person... He simply doesn't care that much about killing 'pointlessly'.

Before we were able to leave this little clearing, Poirlion swiped us behind him as he took up an offensive position. "I'm sorry my goddess, but your health is above other things." He said with his mind power with serious eyes.

"Don't mind it. I'm an understanding person." I answered as we stood up, but our enemy also appeared at the same time.

The same spider which made my clone jump into the Abyss appeared in front of us, but this time it was also only five meters tall. Such a body size was optimal for monsters because we didn't have gaps among our scales and we were also able to use our sizes to our advantages.

*Screech* The spider screeched as it looked towards the demons and spat out its web, which flew through the air swiftly. Pazahir and Fleudor were almost at where we stood, but two others and Itron were still standing at their original places.

The web flew past them and they were actually cut into pieces. I guess it would have only stuck their bodies to the walls if they would have been at a higher level, but like this, they weren't able to resist the force behind the attack. I'm not sure what would have happened to us, but I'm glad that Poirlion swiped us behind him.

And this is only the 'trash mob' at this place? We are at the bottom of the universe! This is where the real contest of strength starts! "It will be alright, it's only at the seventh stage. I've been sparing her life for too long of a time." Poirlion said with his mind power. Her? Just as I thought that the upper body of the woman turned into a humanoid one as she shouted with raised arms.

"Wait, wait! Stop! I know that I'm not your opponent. You also want to help to leave those two without a fight, right?" She had long silver hair and eight black eyes on her forehead, while she had a spider body below. She was a Divine Beast!? Her race is called Bane Spider, which is a two-star divine beast!

At this place, even divine beasts are a usual view... So she is able to talk... yet she wanted to eat my clone! Damned bitch! If I were to be stronger... Whatever, I'm not, so I'll stop whining like a child.

"If you don't want to fight with me, then why did you come here? I haven't killed you before, but if you don't know your place, then I might as well teach it to you."

Poirlion said with a growl, unafraid of this spider. [Yes, that's how a dragon has to be. Prideful and powerful!] I thought in my mind, feeling proud of my race.

[Yes, yes. Let's be careful. Spiders are always so tricky...] Hiro remarked as he took hold of my hand. We aren't idiots, but we surely aren't the cleverest people in the universe either.

Naturally, we too can make mistakes and we too might forget an important detail. The least we can do is to look out carefully for them and to make sure that we don't miss a detail, which would cause our death. "Ksaaa~ Nothing, I just came for a little food for my hatchlings~" She said as she pulled the body pieces of the dead demons towards herself with a web.

She spotted me and opened her eyes widely for a moment, but she didn't say anything. We have to be careful of her. Pazahir and the other demons didn't dare to say even a single word. They were happy that they were alive. The spider-girl looked at the remaining demons as she licked her lips and then said.

"Do you mind if I take those too? Weak demons are rare, but they are delicious. Most of them don't come here before being strong enough to fight me back. That's truly sad. They aren't under your protection, right? I sensed that you swiped only those two behind yourself, which means that you are protecting only them, right?"

She said with a small smile, which made the temperature drop by at least fifty degrees in the room. Not even an ice pit would make us feel cold since our elemental bodies are complete, but the bloodlust she released was a different thing. Although we were immune to any kind of mind attack thanks to the white pill we took in Vertshadow, but that wasn't the case for the demons.

They were shaking and trembling in fear and Fleudor even fell to her knees while she was mumbling. "This is the end, we are screwed, this is the end, we are screwed..." Before she would go crazy, I asked Poirlion. "I- I know that I'm selfish, but I don't want to leave them behind so cruelly... that's not like me. Would you mind?"

"Nah, it's alright. She isn't going to push me because after you leave, I can take care of her anytime." After saying that - "Sorry, but no. Be happy with what you've got. Now leave!" - Poirlion shouted at her.

"How sad..." She said with an unhappy face as she turned around with a small - hmph - and then went back to her territory.

Bitch... "Let's move quickly. If she plans out something, it would become hard for me to protect you. Come sit on my back, just in case." Poirlion said, fearing for my and Hiro's safety. The demons naturally had to walk. They were walking under him fearfully. I pity them, but I'm not going to ask a dragon to let everyone sit on his back, especially not after helping us so much.

Once I leave this place., I'll have to fight something which isn't so much stronger than me. This place is hurting my pride. I'm being protected and carried around like a little girl. I know that this isn't a place for cultivators at my level and that I could thrash around at this place if not for my low-level, but that's not a good enough reason to make me feel good.

After a few hours, we finally reached a big cavern, which was an entry point!!! I felt happy! Finally, I could leave this place with Hiro! Once we grow up, I'll be sure to come back and create havoc! We were so slow because we were moving carefully and slowly. Maybe we could have got out of here easily if not for moving like that, but we might have died.

We can never know which one is the better choice. Feeling curious, I sent the image of how the place where we were teleported to, looks like. I mean, the dungeon didn't teleport us here through such an entry what we can see here. This one was a ten meters high, ten meters wide doorway.

A black liquid-like thing was flowing in it. I don't know what is on the other side of it, but we are going to find it out soon enough. Poirlion put his head through the doorway and then pulled it back. "Alright, it's clear outside. You're going to return to a cave. You have to move upwards only about a kilometer before entering the surface."

"Also, I didn't sense powerful monsters. There were a few at the early fifth level, so be careful, but most of them were at the fourth and third level, so it should be alright." I sent the images into his mind out of curiosity.

"Above the Arachne's territory? Hmm, that isn't an entrance. The dungeon must have used Chaos Energy to teleport you."

"What I'm sure of, is that Chaos Energy is closely related to the Abyss. Could it be that the evil dungeons have a connection with the Abyss itself?! Maybe it was able to access it and teleport you here directly because of that. The problem with your question is that it was made by a dungeon, so I can't help you too much in this matter."

"Like I said, it's probably the Chaos Dungeon's ability," Poirlion explained to us the possibilities he could think of once again. I hugged his leg slightly as I said. "Thanks for helping us. We should leave now." If he were to be in his humanoid form, then I wouldn't have hugged him, but like this, I was alright with it. Somehow I felt like as if I would be hugging a child.

Hiro didn't have a problem with this either. But Poielion suddenly surprised me as he stepped back and turned into his humanoid form. He had two long, curved horns on his forehead. Scales were covering his whole body, similarly to us, except that his, were blue. He had blue hair, with blue eyes. Everything he had was blue.

He shook hands with Hiro and then kneeled down in front of me as he said. W- What!?

"I thank you very much for your visit, your highness. It was my pleasure to accompany you and your mate. I'm very grateful for your hug. If you ever need my help, then-" He wanted to continue. I was standing there with a surprised face. The submission of my race towards me was truly no joke.

He was interrupted by the shaking of the Abyss. The demons ran through the portal, while a human and a dragonkin appeared in front of us, with their tremendous auras, while the whole Abyss kept shaking. The dragonkin was bleeding heavily, but he visibly didn't care about it. The human was flying alongside the dragonkin.

If not for them stopping for a moment, then I'd have never perceived their movements, they were simply too quick. "JUMP!!!" Poirlion shouted. Hiro grabbed onto my arm and jumped through the portal and he also pulled out Poirlion with his tail.

Before I went through that dark liquid, I saw something huge, something bright! It was, a green colored Phoenix, stopping in front of the dragonkin and the human!!! Was that a True Divine Beast!? Only those have green energies!


(AN1: You've probably noticed that I always use the single form when I talk about their fates, or lives, or deaths and I write our fate, our life, or our death. It's because they are connected and they are bonded. So that's not a mistake, just to be clear. It's to make you feel their strong bond.)

(AN2: Also, the "dungeon's" or the "... of the dungeon". I know the possessive grammatical laws. I intentionally use - 's - because it is a living being, with thoughts and feelings. The same is true about monsters and even the Harbingers as you've seen it in the chapter before this.)

(AN3: Thirdly, I'm going to answer why they can't stay alive in space under the fifth level, even though they aren't going to freeze to the death. The number of questions is only growing~ :D)

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