《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 56 - A gaping dark pit!


A gaping dark pit!

Hiro’s POV:


I looked around myself only to realize that everyone except us was naked. We too were naked, but we had scales covering our bodies completely, though, after another look, I've realized that demons too had scales on their private parts, at least...

Fleudor has a nice body indeed, but I don't give a fuck about it. [I'm always proud of you~ Fufu] Alice sent her thoughts into my head while she gave a kiss on my lips with her beautiful smile. [You are the best.] Was all I said.

Morgan Ferrel started speaking through the monitor. "Hello, you rats. I wonder if you liked my little trap. I've been preparing it for quite a long while and now it finally bore fruits." His face was getting darker and darker while he kept smashing his fists on the table in front of him as his eyes turned red with his last smash.

"Are you the corrupted dungeon?" Alice asked with raised brows. When he told us his race, we knew that he lied, but we didn't care about it that much. We should have... I tried using our mind reading ability through the screen, but it didn't work. It seems like we have to see him in person.

"Hahaha, yes, I am! And now that you are here, all of you are going to die. Thankfully, you let me go at that time, so I had enough time to prepare this little thing for you. Without any weapon, not even you can get out of here!" Morgan, the dungeon, was laughing madly with his red eyes.

Having a body at the fourth stage was nothing weird, but... "Wait, how did you leave the area of your dungeon?" I questioned him as I realized that there was something off. "Oh, that? It's simple. Since we don't enjoy the 'protection' of the creator, we can do anything! What protection! That's only restricting us! Everything and everyone should die, but us!"

It shouted with a mad face, without any reservation. "Are you done? You are going to die anyway, you know?" I said with a provocative small smile. Is this guy an idiot? Our real weapons are our bodies themselves... So what if he takes away our weapons? We are even stronger without them in our true forms!

"Hahaha, you think that I don't know what are you thinking about? Yes, you have your true forms, but you won't be able to use them! I was able to gain quite a lot of metals from the fifth realm, called Choronrinium. You see, it has a very interesting property."

"Although it's quite easy to destroy with your strength, but thanks to its property, it can easily regenerate into its original shape, which is, this small maze you see. I'm sure that your bodies aren't small enough to fit into it, hehe" Like a stupid villain, he actually explained everything by himself!? What's with this idiot?

If I'd be a villain, then at least I wouldn't tell to my enemies anything, making it harder for them to get by. He is only making things easier for us... "You are such an idiot..." Alice mumbled in herself silently, but Morgan has heard it.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! YOU BITCH! I'LL LET THE IMPS DEVOUR YOUR BODY!!" He shouted with a red face while he was smashing the table, which in the end, broke into two halves. He kept panting heavily. This dungeon was truly crazy... but it was a mistake to threaten my woman. No one can touch my property!


[Right!] Alice shouted in my mind with a happy smile on her face. We are each other's property and we had, have, and will have only each other. We don't need anything more. "You shall see why you should never anger a-" Both of us said at the same time with different endings. "Dragon! - Hydra!"

We laughed lightly as we entered the dungeon. "YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, DAMNED DIVINE SHITS! I HATE YOU THE MOST!!!" It shouted through the screen as it put its face into it. I was able to see its pharynx! I can't call it him anymore. This thing is totally crazy...

The walls of this dungeon were silver colored. I smashed my fist into it, but all I was able to do is a huge dent, which quickly turned back into its original shape. I smirked upon seeing this. This much is alright, especially if we can advance even further in our cultivation. After a few seconds, the maze turned into completely dark once again.

All we could see was the light behind us. The walls also radiated light, but strangely enough, that didn't reach further than five centimeters. It was like as if it wouldn't be radiating the light but sucking it in! Could it be? Alice put her hands on the surface of the metal and a little more light appeared in the maze.

Interesting... So if we want to see, we have to cover these walls because without doing so, not even we can see and our mind powers aren't working either. "This thing really sucks in a dungeon. It not only sucks away the light but even your mind power and it also breaks the space laws around you if you want to fly."

Alice said as she put her hands under her chin with a thoughtful look. I couldn't help but also hold onto her chin and kiss her lips. [Tasty~] Alice remarked in my mind while her happily swaying tail quickly coiled around me. "I guess we will have to use earth magic," I said with a small shrug after thinking over our possibilities.

It's not like we had too many of them... Since we were the ones to fight mainly, the demons were using their energies, to grow earth or moss on the surface of this metal. As they have done so, our eyesights have returned and we became able to use our mind powers too. I bet that this is a world law. If we were to be at the fifth stage, we could easily crush it.

As we turned in at a corner a monster with the height of two meters appeared in front of Alice, with its tongue split into four parts, ready to pounce on her face. "Kya!" Alice shouted out of surprise as she put her arms close to her chest cutely and used her tail to behead the monster.

All it was able to do is - "Bruu?" - give out a deep growling sound from its body. Alice quickly turned around and hugged me strongly. "Uww~ Fuck this place! Why was I not able to sense it?! This place is stupid! I'm going to destroy that idiot dungeon!" She shouted with a pouting face while she was rubbing her face on my chest. She was marking me...

I patted her head and caressed her back which caused her tail to sway happily from left to right. Cute... She wasn't able to use her mind power here because she didn't wait for these slow demons to cover the walls. Stupid demons. They are so slow! Because of them, my dear was startled!


"*Growl* Build those walls quicker," I said with a small growl. I know that we are in the wrong, but do you care about such things every time? We are no saints... Not even in the slightest.

“Okay..." Pazahir said as he shook his head sideways, but then he made an understanding face as he looked at Fleudor.

Such monsters started appearing one after the other, coupled with those we have killed before. These monsters were at the ninth stage, all of them. As we were advancing only more and more of them started appearing. Thankfully for our powerful skills, we easily killed them. It seems like this dungeon can respawn these pests infinitely.

After turning to the left at a crossroad, we saw a big nothing and darkness in front of us. After covering the walls, that darkness turned into a pit, which led downwards. Not again... I used nature magic and grew thick tendrils down the walls. I continued on to do so, but even after five kilometers, nothing happened. Even our eyesight had an end in such a dark place.

"We have to climb down. I wouldn't bet on jumping down..." I said with a sigh and a frown while my hands were on my hips. This place is no good.

“Alright, let's move," Alice said, not wanting to spend her whole life in this dark place. I felt the same way. She jumped into my neck while I started climbing down.

"What? She can be a lookout like this!" I said as the demons were looking at us with skeptical eyes. We quickly reached the end of the tendrils, so Alice used nature magic to grow them further down. After climbing downwards for another five kilometers, the tendrils which we held onto, started shaking. Suddenly it snapped and one of the demons almost fell down.

Luckily for him, I coiled my tail around his neck and held him up. "T- Thanks..." He said with a small stutter with a pale face. I felt that our tendrils also started shaking, so I quickly threw him towards the other side of the pit and as he grabbed onto a tendril, I was also able to catch one before ours have fallen off as well.

We continued our ways downwards as the light was slowly disappearing, our mind powers were being restricted and the tendrils were also falling off one by one. "I'll use one of my clones. Even if it dies, it might worth it. There are only fifteen tendrils left. Soon we are going to fall and we don't know where..." I said, but before I was able to, Alice made a clone of herself and jumped down.

"I can't use so many bodies anyway. It's better if I sacrifice one." She explained as she gave a kiss on the top of my head. Her warm thighs were coiling around my head, it felt great~ Yes, warm because she pulled back her scales at that place, so that my face won't be rubbed off...

We kept climbing down, while I also looked through Alice's eyes with one of my minds. She was falling into the nothing which felt creepy and my heart was also sad. This is like an abyss. Soon Alice landed on the ground or that was how I thought, but it was a huge spider web instead of the ground.

She got stuck in it and even her strength wasn't enough to escape from it easily. She used light magic and it worked! Her surroundings were lit up, only to see something terrible. Hundreds of seventy meters tall spiders were creeping towards her and all of them were at the peak of ninth stage. This isn't right. We aren't on Swion 808 planet anymore. I'm sure of that.

I don't know where did that dungeon teleport us, but this place isn't right. Alice started struggling as she covered her body with Dragon's Descent which lit up the whole cavern. Such a huge amount of energy naturally produced light. After burning away those damned webs, she was finally able to move.

[Let's bet on this. I'll divert them away from the hole while you all jump down, but make sure to not touch even a single thread of these webs!] Alice shouted through our bond while her legs slightly tightened around my head. The problem wasn't the monsters or these webs themselves.

But I have a feeling that there were monsters at the fifth level here. I don't know what's this place, which makes me fear it, but fear is good. It makes me more alert than casually. This place was no fun. "Alice is going to lead the monsters away. Jump after me, but make sure to don't touch even a single thread of web after landing."

I explained and then I jumped down. Alice quickly burnt up the webs under the hole, so that none of us are going to fall into it and then she jumped towards a random way. She ran for two minutes while she was slashing at the webs with her claws and her energy armor.

The spiders were still quicker since she had to cut so many webs. Soon she reached a cliff, which seemed to be an endless abyss. Looking back, all she saw was a horde of spiders which were about to bite her. Using her Dragon's Descent, she shot a huge dragon towards them.

It thrashed around as it crushed the spiders. "*Screech*" The spiders kept screaming and screeching while blood was splashing everywhere and their bones were flying through the air. "Ha!" Alice shouted as she released another dragon. She controlled those two, while she also made earth walls behind the spiders which tried to escape.

Meanwhile, we landed on the ground and looked around ourselves. Alice had her eyes shut and she was mostly concentrating on using her clone with both of her minds. I was the one responsible for looking out for her and I'd never make a mistake in doing so. She is more important to me than any of these demons here. I don't care if they die as long as Alice is alive.

I know that I'm 'dark' or 'evil', but I'd never choose some strangers over my one and only love. So this was what Morgan planned? He didn't want to kill us. He teleported us to a weird place where the monsters would kill us. The monsters he made didn't have blood, but these had and we could also use all of our abilities.

This place is real and the monsters are also real and alive. They aren't going to respawn like in dungeons, but they are also harder to kill. Thanks to Alice's scouting, we knew that the other way was a small cave, which was going upwards. I don't know what this place is, but I'm sure that going down is the worst thing to do.

Maybe the upper levels or floors of this place is a way out for us. Why the hell did we climb down!? Though, probably there was no other way out. Is this why Morgan told us everything? It seems like these dungeons which are affected with Chaos energy, aren't so stupid. We were stupid for believing ity words.

Maybe that teleportation has already sealed our entrance to this place... We quickly ran towards the small tunnel and entered it. Alice was done with killing the spiders, but a much bigger one, which was about two hundred meters tall, appeared in front of her. It was the queen. I think. Many small spiders at the sixth stage also encircled my dear.

I felt sad. [Don't feel sad. I still have five of me and that clone is also going to recover in at most a few days. Who cares about it? It's not like that clone of mine is going to die a painful death. I'll simply dissolve it before it would die, alright?] Alice soothed me with her melodious voice. Her words weren't a lie, she could indeed do that.

[*Sigh* Alright. But I'm still sad.] I thought a bit grumpily and unhappily. She opened her eyes and gave a kiss on my forehead as she leaned over. The tunnel was high enough for her to stay at her place, though I was also supporting her from behind, with my tail. She focused back on her clone, completely.

The mist was spreading through the cliff, which made it impossible for her to see what is behind her in that chasm. Behind her was also a huge and thick stone pillar, with a diameter of at least a kilometer, but the gaping hole between her and that stone pillar was at least twenty kilometers.

She could jump it over, but for what reason? We still can't fly because space is way too stable and strong here. The laws we know aren't enough at this place. This means that this world was made by someone above the fifth level. It has different laws, which we can't control before reaching at least the sixth stage.

What was worst, was that the queen spider was at the first stage of the fifth realm. A World Realm cultivator has fifty Crypt (225k ton), which means that we have no way to contend with it even if we are in our monster forms. The technique was one thing, but such an overbearing difference in strength was a completely another thing.

Alice quickly jumped down into the abyss, not knowing what to expect. We were running up in the tunnels. Luckily for us, it was devoid of webs. After running for twenty kilometers, it turned into a chamber where we found a fucking dragon at the early fifth stage laying on the ground in it!!! It was sleeping. I know that Alice is probably its god, but somehow I don't want to test it!

We tried to creep away as silently, but it opened its eyes. "What are you doing here rats-" it spotted Alice and stopped talking. Please, please be a good dragon! "My god! A dragon god! Hail my goddess!" It shouted as it stood up on all fours and then put down its head in front of Alice.

[I'll control your clone. Come and talk with it.] I said to Alice because her help was necessary here. Why can't we meet with a Hydra? Alice opened her eyes, while I turned into a big breasted Alice with one of my minds! This- this is new! I should have tried this before! I started laughing while falling into the nothing under me. Green, red, blue, yellow and many colorful eyes were staring at me, through many holes on both of my sides.

I think that falling down this place wasn't the best way... All of the monsters in front of me were at the fifth level and above. I heard a voice shouting as the whole place around me and the air was also shaking.


I suddenly crashed into the ground and before me, appeared a huge world, with a sun in the sky. There were huge mountains which were more than a hundred thousand kilometers high and valleys which were seemingly endless. I also saw many dark holes in space, which seemed to lead into even deeper places.

This- This place was hell! But I didn't have time to see more because the origin of the voice flew towards me. I was barely able to even perceive its movement as it swept past me, in Alice's body. I felt that her clone has died. It was dead without even me being able to look at what was it that attacked me.

I think that I saw a black cloud like thing, but I'm not sure. I wasn't even able to turn around before I died. [Sorry Alice, your clone is done for... We mustn't go towards that way. That's for sure.] I remarked through our bond. Her body has surely turned into a black mass, so I didn't have to fear her body, lying there in that cold world all alone.

[Nah, it doesn't matter. At least we have seen what is at the bottom of this level. I wonder what this place is.] She responded with a shrug as she started caressing my hair. While this has happened, the dragon looked at the demons and shouted. "KNEEL BEFORE MY GODDESS YOU PESTS!" He looked at me, but it didn't have a hostile look in its eyes like when it looked at the demons.

"What are you? You clearly aren't a dragon, yet I feel a connection with you too. A similar one like with my goddess..." It questioned me as it moved its head in front of me and sniffed me. "He is my mate and we are soul bounded so be polite with him and love him!" Alice said with a small smile as she put her hands on her hips.

"Oh! A mate! Alright! I congratulate you for finding your partner my goddess. I'm really happy that you took your time to visit such a lowly being as me." It said with sad-looking eyes. It doesn't have facial expressions so I can't tell... The demons also kneeled down, thanks to the pressure on their bodies, which was caused by the dragon's aura.

Although we were immune to it, but we too felt its huge aura. That alone could easily kill us if not for Alice being able to suppress it with a single thought. "Well, you know, I'm glad that we met with you, but we didn't come here intentionally. Also, woops~" Alice said as she lifted the draconic aura in this cavern.

"I'm sorry for acting without your command, but they didn't give you enough respect!" The dragon said as it whipped its tail on the ground, which strangely enough, didn't cause even a single crack or shake. After trying it out, I wasn't able to cause even the slightest crack on these walls. What is this?!

"Hahaha, don't try cracking it. This is the Abyss, only cultivators above the seventh level have a chance to do something like that." The dragon said with a laugh upon seeing my move.

"The Abyss? What is that? The truth is that we were lead into a trap. We have no idea where we are or where to leave this place," Alice said with a frown on her face upon hearing the word 'Abyss'.

That doesn't sound good... "Lead into a trap!? WHO DARED TO!?! I'M GOING TO DESTROY THAT BASTARD!" The dragon shouted upon hearing her words as it thrashed around with its tail.

"Nothing..." Alice shook her hands and then she said as her face lit up. "Oh, yeah. What is your name? My name is Alice and he is Hiro."

"The dragon god wants to know my name!? This must be celebrated!? Hahaha! My name is Poirlion! The Massacrer!" It said while it kept swinging its tail sideways happily, like a dog.

[Heh- You make similar expressions when I *beep* you.] I said jokingly. [What are you censoring it for? Yes, and what? It feels good. I can't help it.]

Alice responded with a shrug of her shoulders and then she backflipped from my neck and landed on the ground behind me and then she embraced my chest from behind.

"Fumu, you have a strong bond. That's good. Make my goddess happy!" Poirlion said with a slightly threatening voice.

"Don't worry. I couldn't be any happier than I am. Our bond is probably the strongest in the universe. Anyway, could you answer my original question and were you also teleported into that testing grounds when the two universes mixed together?" Alice answered while she gave a loving kiss on my neck while I held onto her hands on my chest and then she also put up her next question.

"Mix of the universe? Did such a thing happen outside of here?! Uh, wait. If you don't know where you are, then I better explain it to you at first. This place is called The Abyss, which is the playground of high-level cultivators. You can see such weak beings as me only here and that too, only because this is close to the entrance."

"In this place, we are like the pests. There are many of us here, but we too are here only because we can train quicker here. The lowest level you can see here is the sixth and that too is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a chasm not too far away from here. If you would jump down, you would see hundreds of thousands or even millions of monsters at the fifth level."

"Naturally, all of them can talk just like me. We use the world around us to speak as I don't have vocal cords... There are also Harbingers which might be here to escape from the humanoid cultivators or they might be here to become more powerful. We don't like them either, but unfortunately, they are very powerful and it's hard to kill them alone, though you could naturally do such a thing if you are on the same level."

"I can only marvel at your might, my goddess! Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. This place is an eternal battleground. Once you enter, you can rest only at these high up places because, deep down, there is nothing but slaughtering and oceans of blood. I mean it literally. Of course, it comes with rewards. This place is nothing like the dungeons."

"You can advance here very easily compared to outside, but this is a place only for the top predators. Normal humans can easily die here, along with elves, demons, beastmen, and halflings. If you kill a monster or the 'intelligent' races here, they are going to turn into soul pills and many other kinds of treasures. You can literally get anything here, but it depends on what level the monster you kill is at."

The eighty meters tall dragon, with blue scales, and spikes on its back explained our situation in a detailed way. Alice moved around my body and I embraced her from behind. I was getting in the mood for it in such a weird situation... I'm such a pervert...

[You are, we are. It doesn't matter, honey~] Alice remarked as she kissed my face.

[Argh! But this is all because of you! Your body is simply too sexy. You can seduce me so easily, even though I had such a strong resistance to such things in my past life! This is because of how much I love you...] I whined in my mind, but I wasn't sad about it even in the slightest.

“Hahaha, my goddess really loves you!" Poirlion was laughing feeling honestly happy upon seeing our strong affection.

I- I like this dragon! "I'll be honest with you. I like you, my good man! I mean your personality... obviously." I couldn't help but remark, but I realized what I said, so I corrected myself quickly.

"Fufufu~" Alice laughed at me while she was caressing my face with her tail. I quickly bit on her tail. "Auhn~"

"I also like everyone who is close to my goddess! Hahaha!" Poirlion laughed as he said, which only made my words even weirder…

"*Cough* So back to topic. So this Abyss is a place for high-level cultivators, where everything or everyone you see is your enemy, but the natural energies are much thicker here and you can also gain many rewards after killing others, right?"

I questioned the dragon with a compressed explanation of this place. "Right! But like I said, the lowest level of the monsters at this place is at the early fifth level. You probably can't sense my strength, but I'm at the eighth stage of the World Realm. In a few hundred years, I should be able to enter the Abyss."

"I say enter because this place we are at is actually only the 'resting room', like in the dungeons. Sometimes I see a few high-level cultivators come up here and all of us have to hide away so that we won’t anger them. It has happened two months ago, that a cultivator who was probably at the eighth or ninth level appeared here."

"I think that he was cursed or something like that. The thing in his body, which was probably a curse was so powerful that a few hundreds of thousands of monsters died in his surroundings. I was also almost caught up in it. As I heard it, a world can be found about a hundred kilometers deeper and that's the first level of the Abyss. Don't ask me how many levels there are because I have no idea."

"I don't know who created this place either, but it was probably someone above the tenth level because there are cultivators of such levels too. Of course, I'm not powerful enough to go so deep. I'm so excited to become powerful enough to reach that place! Oh, right. You need to find an entrance, right? Come, I'll help you out in that." Poirlion finished his tale about this place, which interested all of us.

Even the fearful demons, who were afraid of speaking all this time, kept quiet and listened to Poirlion's words. This- this place is interesting! Unfortunately, we are still far away from exploring it... For now, we have to get out, but before that. We have a question! The things that were in our storage spaces didn't disappear!

We took out the black egg with green stripes as we asked about its origin. "Poirlion, can we have another question? What is this?" Upon seeing the egg in my hands, which was as big as my upper body, he opened his eyes widely as he literally charged in front of us to look at it closely.

"M- MY GODDESS!!! How did you get such a thing!? THAT'S A TREASURE!!! QUICKLY BOND IT WITH YOUR BLOOD!!!" Poirlion shouted in an excited voice almost making us fly into the air just from the shockwave. "W- We have bonded with it long ago, don't worry," Alice said as she quickly dodged Poirlion's spit with me in tow.

"I- I'm sorry. Anyway. The thing you are holding is a lifetime treasure. Hey, wait! I too have questions about this mixing universe! Well, I can wait for it... So what you hold in your hands is a companion, a monster mount! Although I can't use it like that, but I too would appreciate such a companion greatly!"

"The name of that monster is Abyss Panther! It's originating from this place!!!"

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