《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 54 - The Universe Is Ever Changing And Evolving


The universe is ever changing and evolving

Hiro’s POV:


The universe kept shaking and I had no idea what the fuck was going on! My inherent memories didn't have anything about this either! The voice which seemed to penetrate everything started explaining.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sure that most of you have no idea who I am, so I'm going to tell it to you. I'm the creator of this universe and you are my subjects. You don't have to be afraid because of this shaking. There are going to be big changes my universe because I decided to bound my soul with another such person. She is very lovely~"

"Our universes are going to unite and become one big universe. Now the thing is... that her universe has a completely different structure than mine. She doesn't have levels and sectors in her universe to separate it. This is important because mine is going to transform into such a universe."

"This is thanks to that my universe is very young, while hers is much older, which means that her system is going to be the dominant one. I'm sorry for this inconvenience, and I'm sure that quite a lot of you are going to die in this new chaotic and huge universe, but if you are strong enough, then you are going to live."

"Now, just to make it easier on you. I'm going to tell you a little thing. Firstly, be careful with the clans and schools in her universe because they are very old and ancient, maybe even older than my universe itself. So my first advice is for you to don't offend them. Secondly, since the sectors and levels are going to disappear, the whole universe is going to shuffle."

"It might happen that a sector which was a mortal world before, appears right next to a sector which was in the eighth realm. I'm sorry for this, but since her universe is dominant, I can't do anything about this. But fear not because this isn't such a bad thing."

"My universe was still lacking in many things because it was young, but now that these two universes are going to mix, I'm sure that you are going to see many new things and many new treasures. Oh, I almost forgot. Now the number of Harbingers and True Divine Beasts are going to double, though I don't think that you are going to meet too many times with the second one even like that..."

"My good news for you is that we have decided to teleport everyone into a temporary place, where you will have to fight against monster to survive. If you are powerful enough, then you are going to live, otherwise... you have no place in this new universe. Of course, you won't have to kill something overly powerful. Only a generic monster, which is at the same level and stage as you. Let the game begin!"

As he finished his sentence with a shout, a divine light shone down on all of us. We quickly embraced each other with Alice, hoping that we wouldn't be separated. The whole universe started shaking and I think that I saw a big 'boom' before I saw everything turn into darkness. I couldn't feel Alice. W- What!? Using our bond, I tried sensing her presence and to my happiness, I was able to. I felt a sigh of relief, but I was still nervous.

[Alice, where are you? Are you alright?] I questioned her anxiously with a despaired face. This felt so wrong. I was alone! Without her! I felt like a lost little girl, though I have no idea how it feels… I felt so empty, so hollow. My other half was missing, which felt terrible.


[Hiro! Fuck this shit! I was so scared for a moment. I thought that I lost you. I swear that I've seen a huge explosion before we were teleported. Just what's happening?] Alice answered back grudgingly, with a similarly worried tone. She felt the same as me, which made me somewhat happier.

[I have no idea, my love, but I want to meet with you as soon as possible.] I thought, still feeling anxious, then I asked: [Are you also in a weird and completely dark space?]

Alice answered by saying the same thing. [Yes. Everything is weird and dark as you said. Hahaha] She tried to lighten up her mood, but I felt her sadness, her loneliness. For soul bounded people separation was a terrible fate!

[Something is happening.] I sent my thoughts as I saw a yellow light shining down from up above. Soon a monster which was in the middle of the ninth stage of World Founding Realm appeared in front of me. It was a big bear with a thick hide.

[I've got a tiger as my enemy.] Alice said through our bond. I told her my enemy as well and activated my battle form. I quickly made short work of it. Such a low class, average monster wanting to fight against me? Hmph…

Alice also killed her with a single move. We heard a robotic voice after killing the monsters, which turned into pills. "If you swallow that pill, then you will be teleported out of this darkness to a random place. If you wish to select a planet, then you need more points to do so. Since you are at the mid-ninth stage of World Founding Realm, your next enemy is going to be at the peak of it. Do you accept the challenge?"

[Is this thing serious?] Alice asked with a deadpan tone. Her face was similarly bored. Killing these trash were nothing for us.

[Yeah... it seems. Let's accept the next round. I don't want to be teleported randomly.] I answered her anxiously. I wanted to touch her already. I wanted to feel her warmness! We were always touching each other with our tails or with one of our body parts, yet I can't even see her now.

"I accept!" I shouted. Soon a huge lizard appeared in front of me. [I've got a bear this time...] Alice said unbothered. We killed the monsters once again in a single move. [Hahaha~ This thing keeps spawning trash!] Alice said with a small laugh.

The robotic voice spoke once again: "You have enough points to teleport to rural planets, which are devoid of life. Do you wish to teleport or do you accept the next round?"

[...... I bet that if we were to accept being teleported out, we would be screwed up.] Alice said upon hearing the voice. [Let's go for the next round.] I agreed with her thoughts of accepting the next round. "I accept!" I said once again.

"Your next enemy is going to have ten points one Crypt of strength." The robotic voice announced as a yellow light shone down once more. The lizard from before was at the peak of the ninth stage. An alligator looking monster appeared in front of me. It had a visibly thick and tough armor covering its body. I activated the penetrate and pierce runes on my spear and thrust my it towards its core. It seems like these monsters were created by dungeons, so all of them had their cores in the center of their bodies.


My spear thrust through its back, blasting its armored back into pieces and penetrated its core. Its blood turned into a stream of energy as it turned into numbers, which were my points. I guess this score depended on many things... I had eight hundred thousand and seventy-three points at the moment. [I have two hundred more~ You lost! You lost! Hehe!] Alice started joking with me.

I looked through her eyes, only to see her hopping around. [Alright, missis rabbit.] I started mocking her. [A dragon rabbit!!] Alice answered jokingly with a small laugh.

"You have the possibility to select and teleport to a planet which had life on it before the mixing and the shuffle or you can also challenge the king tier and kill a monster with ten points five Crypt." The robotic voice spoke, once again, but this time it was, strangely enough, more respectful?! I guess.

"I accept..." We both repeated this process and killed our enemies easily. We challenged every tier there was after the King tier, called Emperor, King Emperor, God, Almighty. What's up with these names? They are ridiculous... Naturally, the almighty meant an enemy which had twelve Crypt of strength, but after transforming into our monster forms, we killed it with a single swipe of our tails. We had twelve points and six Crypt of strength in our monster forms. These trash monsters had no way to fight against us.

"You have successfully completed every challenge. You have the rights to select any planets as your destination and you are also going to get a badge, which is going to identify your potential. I advise you to wear it because it might decide between living and dying in the future." The robotic voice wasn't as robotic as before because it kept talking in a human-like voice, in a friendly way.

An enormous map appeared in front of me, which contained the whole fucking universe. I- I had no idea that it was this big. I know that now it is a mix of two universes, but even if you take only half of it, there are millions of galaxies and star fields, but like this? I don't even dare to look at this monstrosity. [That's something...] Alice remarked as the same map appeared in front of her too.

"Do you have some recommendation?" I questioned the not so robotic voice. It answered while speaking fluently and normally, like a dungeon... "Since you can't use these points for anything else, then I'd recommend you to select planet Swion 808 in the Tiara Star System. It is a very nice planet and it had many powerful clans. It's also easy to gain resources at that place as long as you are at the fourth level."

"Although it's a planet from Her Highness' universe, but you should consider going there by all means. Also, it's still at a good place because only low-level sectors appeared beside it. You are going to be the strongest in that whole region and you'll be able to easily advance. There are quite a lot of cultivators who have gone there already."

[That was a nice explanation.] I remarked in my mind, which caused Alice to chuckle. "Hey, and do these badges have any meaning? Should we hold onto them in the future?" I questioned it further, out of curiosity. "For now hold onto them because, with its help, you can easily join clans or sects. Of course, if you don't intend to, then you can throw it away anytime."

"Although others would kill to get such a badge and get the chance to join a powerful clan, but you aren't cultivators who are in need of such things," it answered by explaining everything clearly. Strength truly comes with a lot of respect! While I asked this, Alice asked another question. Now we are clear on another thing.

The universe is going to be chaotic for quite a long time because those Harbingers have stayed on their original planets. The problem with this is that those who are teleported randomly from this place might become the food of those monsters in a very short time. Imagine a huge group of... let's say - Space Founding Realm cultivators (2nd level) appearing in front of a level six Harbinger. They are going to die on the spot!

But not to mention Harbingers, whom we don't even know, the basic monsters alone are enough to cause havoc in such a situation. It might take months for the universe to settle down and for every cultivator to find the right place to stay. Now the real problem was that no one is going to know, how the map of the universe looks like and getting lost in such a huge universe isn't a hard thing to do.

"Can we take a map of the universe or something? It would come in handy..." I asked the dungeon. "Since you have enough points to buy one, you can..." or so it said. [That's great!] Alice shouted happily. "Then we are... wait, now that I think about it, you kept saying you. How do you know that I'm in connection with someone?" I questioned as I realized. It kept referring to both of us when it talked.

"Hahaha- it's because I can sense any kind of connection. I'm talking with millions of cultivators at the same time and since I can sense your connection, I know that you are almost like a single person, so that's why I was referring to you as you." It said with a small laugh. (AN:\I can't do anything about English you-you...)

"Fine... So we would like to get a map of the universe and go to planet Swion 808," I said, already feeling restless. I want to meet with Alice! I want to touch her! Simply feeling her through our connection is nowhere near enough to me! [Hiro~ I also need you.] Alice also started whining, just like me.

A yellow light shone down on us and soon everything turned black. A moment later, a stupid blinding light appeared in place of that stupid darkness. Soon the image in front of me cleared out. See? Even our eyes are telling us that the middle path is always the best! Unluckily, Alice wasn't beside me. I quickly looked around me, but she was nowhere to seen.

I felt my heartbeat quicken up and I felt despaired and restless. I'm sure that my face was also in a terrible shape. I tried feeling her presence and I was able to. She was also on the planet, but she was on the other side of the planet. I quickly flew towards her and she was also flying towards me. We arrived in front of each other in a few seconds.

Upon seeing her I felt slightly better, but I needed to touch her. In a flash, we appeared in front of each other. We quickly held onto each other's hand and embraced each other tightly. "Hiro! Ahh~ It's so much better. I swear that this is the biggest relief I've ever felt in my life," Alice shouted upon feeling the warm of my body with relief clear in her voice.

I smelled her hair, kissed her forehead, her lips. We put our foreheads against each other as we kept looking deeply into the other's eyes. "Uhh- a shiver ran through my back when I felt you missing from beside me," I said as we coiled our tails around the other's waist. To be honest, I had no idea if there was anyone around us. Both of us thought only of each other and felt only each other.

"This felt like a tragedy. I don't ever again, want to feel this..." Alice said with a sad face while we kept hugging each other. She coiled her legs around my waist to feel me as much as she can. After feeling her warmness, my restless heart soon calmed down. We released each other, but I was still holding onto her waist while our tails were coiled together.

We separated our heads only to see a huge city, which was very similar to the cities on Earth, except that it looked even more modern. Of course, I have no idea what's happened to the Earth since I left. This could be that planet too if not for us, knowing that this wasn't that planet.

Although the realms have disappeared, but the levels themselves and the sectors stayed the same. The only difference was that if we were to leave this sector, then even a level seven sector could be beside us, for all we know. Naturally, that wasn't our case because the dungeon has explained it clearly to us. There were quite a lot of people inside the city, and we have seen more and more of them flying over here.

I guess they were returning to their original places. We have gained quite a few curious looks, but no one said a thing about our tails as if it would be perfectly natural, even though all of these people were humans. [Interesting...] Alice thought before I could. When the divine, yellow light shone down on us, a map of the universe was loaded into our minds.

But that wasn't entirely true. We knew only the sectors' and planets' places and names themselves, not how they look like or what in, or on them. I saw a random guy passing by who was only at the third stage of World Founding Realm, so I stopped him. "Hello, can I have a question?" He measured us up, then spotted the badge we have got from this little game on our chests.

His eyes went wide and his forehead became sweaty as he responded. "Y- Yes, your mightiness!" What's with that title? Whatever... "Do you have a memory crystal or an information building or something like that on this planet? We came from the other universe, so we have no idea of what are the things here," I said, not hiding anything about our background.

Even though the lord of the universe said that it's unlikely that we are going to meet True Divine Beasts... yet two of them are here and at the same time at that... I better be careful, these are real monsters! I don't know if they took hierarchy as seriously in the other universe as here, but if they did, then I better be very respectful! Though I've never seen such a beauty! He thought as we used our mind-reading ability on him.

"Ah, yes your mightiness. There are such buildings in every city. Do you wish me to show it to you?" He said with his head bowed down, not daring to look into our eyes. What's with this place? How can anyone take respect so seriously? I put my hand on his shoulder and I felt his whole body stiffen for a moment. Nooo!!! Please don't kill me! I was as respectful as possible! He thought... What!?

"Hey... you don't have to be so stiff. I don't know about your customs, but I don't care about things as respect, though I'm going to be mad if you start ogling my woman. I'm Hiro and she is Alice, by the way... How do you know our race?" I said with a small smile. Although I wasn't supposed to know that he knew our race, but it's unlikely that he would notice it, thanks to his nervousness.

"Ah, Yes, milord! To be honest, it's basic knowledge here. We learn those things in the mortal schools. About the monsters, the phases of cultivation, the divine beasts, etc. Although we don't have information about such mighty races as yours, but at least we have information about the names and types of your races."

"I knew your race because you have human bodies with simply a tail out, which is impossible if you are a beastmen. The minimum for us to look at you as beastmen is that you should have at least ears on top of your heads." He explained everything to us in a clear way. I'm not into these titles, but the helpfulness it came with was indeed good!

"Does that memory crystal have something about your rules... or something like that?" Alice questioned him curiously. His body stiffened, while I checked out his thoughts out of curiosity. She talked to me!!! Now, what should I do? If I look at her, he might kill me for 'ogling' his woman, but if I don't look at her, then she might think that I'm disrespectful!

In the end, the poor guy decided at bowing down as he answered. "No, my mistress. We learn the basic rules in mortal schools, so the memory crystals don't contain it, but if you wish me to, then I'm going to explain it to you." - "I'm not YOUR mistress, no, to begin with, I'm not a mistress... where the hell, do you get these titles from? Just call us Alice and Hiro... but thanks for answering." Alice retorted on his words.

I didn't even look at his thoughts because the sweat that was pouring down on his body, made his fear clear. Is it seriously that bad here, or is this guy being bullied by others? "Hey... now seriously. Is there anyone bullying you or why are you so afraid?" I couldn't help but ask him.

"Y- Yes... I'm a very average cultivator and there are numerous geniuses who keep bullying me. I've developed my fearful habit because of them. They beat me up and make me serve them as a daily activity." Eh? Seriously? It would have been better if I didn't ask. He unexpectedly started continuing. "To be honest, I was on my way towards them. Before the change has happened, they wanted to make me do something."

[Are you thinking about the same thing as me?] Alice thought with a small smile on her face. [Of course, I do. Hehe~ let's make this place into a chaotic one!] "Oh? Then lead us there. We want to meet with them." I said in a commanding voice. I bet that he is thinking that I want to join those bullies, but he is wrong, though I want to become a bully indeed.

"Y- Y- Yes!" He said with a shaking and terrified voice. He flew into the air and we followed after him. We soon appeared in front of a long wall. We flew through the gates, after this guy. He had short black hair, a skinny body, and he was about a hundred and seventy centimeters tall. We were still inside the area of the city, but the place we have just entered was a huge villa.

We appeared in the courtyard where sat a group of youngsters who looked to be about twenty-three years old. Upon seeing Alice they made lustful faces without bothering to hide it. I saw that one of them was about to open his mouth to shout, but another one pointed our badges and he quickly shut his mouth. There were also a few female cultivators among them, who made envious faces upon seeing my little angel.

"Hey, you trash! Would you mind introducing our guests?" One of the females spat out her venom. [She is dead meat. I don't like her.] Alice said as I felt her Dragon Qi moving around. She was preparing for battle. "Shut up, you bitch... we came here to play because we were in the mood for it, alright?" Alice said with a venomous smile. "How dare you?" The girl shouted as she spread out her arms.

These people were at the eighth stage. There were thirteen of them and some of them were at the early, while some of them were at the mid or peak of it. I don't know about rules, but we were in need of a residence, so we might as well kill some stupid people. We are unfair you say? Well, we are no heroes, but since this guy had the luck to came upon us, we might as well help him out.

Although I too look down on him slightly because he doesn't dare to fight back because he would rather live his life as a toy for these guys than to lose his life gracefully. In my opinion, that is stupid. Well, maybe my thinking is wrong, but who can prove it to me? Alice pulled out her bow and made a clone of herself, while I also pulled out my spear and made five clones of myself.

If we look at the fighting potential of each race in our humanoid bodies, then I'm sure that my race's replicants are the most powerful. "Seems like they want to die." One of them said with a snort. We activated our battle forms, which startled them greatly. To be honest, this whole situation is so stupid, but we can get a house in a good spot of the city, freely!

I jumped towards them, while Alice blasted the guy's head who spoke, into pieces with a Dragon-shaped arrow. I pierced the heart of another one, who was the closest to me. I made a somersault to evade the person who charged at me from behind. My clone also arrived at her back and cut her in two halves.

Five of them wanted to charge towards Alice, but after using six Hydra's Head at the same time, they were quickly reduced to a bloody pulp. "W- Wait! Let us go! W- We are going to leave alright?" One of them shouted upon seeing that more than half of them was dead because Alice also shot three Dragon Arrows. Her targets tried to block it, but their weapons broke, along with their arms and their upper body was crushed.

I turned into my monster form since this courtyard was really spacious and quickly bitten on them. There were only three of them left, but I had six heads. I presented all three of them with two-two ferocious heads, with razor sharp teeth. I tore their bodies into two pieces. Alice also transformed into her true form as she said. [Hey, give me too!]

I presented her with two upper bodies because they were more delicious and with a female's lower body. We quickly ate up all of the corpses in the courtyard in a few gulps. We turned towards the 'bullied guy' who lead us here, while blood was still dripping down on our chins. A six-headed Hydra and a two-headed dragon looking at you like that surely weren’t a pleasurable feeling.

His knees were trembling as he fell to his butt, with his eyes shut and his arms put above his head. We kept looking at him, and feeling that nothing has happened, he slowly opened one of his eyes, then the other one. Alice made a weird, laugh-like sound. [Scaring the humans is still as fun as ever! Hehe] She sent her thoughts and I couldn't agree any better.

We transformed back into our human forms and stopped in front of him. "What's your name?" Alice asked him about his name with a small smile, which seemed to radiate. H- How beautiful. Even though she is so ferocious in her true form. *shudder* So she is a Dragon God, while the guy- Hiro is a Twelve-Headed Hydra. I better serve them. Maybe I too can become more powerful!? "M- My name is Morgan Ferrell."

"Well, then hello Morgan! It’s time to explore this new universe!" Both of us said with a small smile, feeling our excitement.

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