《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 53 - Meeting once again


Meeting once again

Alice’s POV:


“That’s a nice roar for you!” I said happily upon hearing the dragon’s roar. Since it was in a cave, it only amplified the dragon’s roar, making it very loud. “Shall we go in?” I asked as I threw my hair over my shoulders. I looked at John, who had a pale face. This dragon was indeed at the peak of World Founding Realm, with ninety-eight percent converted.

“Y- Yes.” - Said John with a stuttering voice. “Don’t worry, dragons aren’t biting, unless you anger them~” I said with a playful look on my face. I started advancing in the cave as I started humming happily. I somehow loved when someone feared dragons! Hiro quickly followed after me, with John in tow, but John had a really unwilling face. As we were advancing, the cave was getting more and more spacious.

It soon turned into a spacious cavern where we saw a huge dragon. Its body was seventy meters tall and three hundred meters long. It was a huge monster, but we were even bigger in our monster forms! Upon seeing us, it turned towards John and roared at him. Afterward, it wanted to charge towards us, but as I released my draconic aura, it stopped in place. It slowly, literally crept over, and put down its body down in front of me.

It even turned its head downwards, making its surrender clear. Its eyes seemed to be happy, but I’m not sure because dragons don’t have facial expressions. It stretched out its long tongue from its mouth and moved it towards me. It didn’t touch me and had a look as if it would be waiting for my acceptance. I nodded stupidly… but I shouldn’t have done that… It quickly licked my whole body, and I became covered in its spit.

“Pfft, haha, that’s it for you, Alice! It loves you!” Hiro laughed at me. I quickly used my Dragon Qi to disperse this spit on me. “Don’t lick me again! Okay? It was a one time reward!” I said as I made a threatening move with my fingers and a not so happy face. Its answer was a sad sound or growl… “Uhmm~” I completely forgot about John who was still standing behind us.

I started patting the dragon’s snout and indicated for John to go in. “Let him take a little thing alright?” I said to the dragon, and strangely enough, it nodded its head. “Do you understand me too?” Hiro questioned the dragon curiously, and he has got a positive answer. “And do you understand John?” Hiro asked another question. The dragon turned its neck backward and looked at the person in question. “Say something~” I said to John with a sadistic smile. I was in a good mood!

“E-Ehm… H- Hello mister big and nice dragon!” He said fearfully. Where he stood, a simple flick of the dragon’s tail would be enough to kill him. Not the best position if I do say so myself. The dragon looked back at us and shook its head sideways. “It seems like it understands only us, though I wonder if it understands me only because of our bond?” Hiro said, half questioning as he put his hand under his chin.

“Whatever, it understands you too,” I answered happily. Hiro was still curious about a thing so he immediately asked the dragon about it. “You feel a strong connection towards Alice right?” - the dragon nodded positively - “And what about me? Do you feel a strong connection towards me?” - it nodded sideways - “or just a friendly one?” - this time it nodded positively. It seems like that it isn’t respecting Hiro as much as me, but it does look at him in a friendly way. “Good for you, he is my mate, so respect him!” I said seriously as I educated it.


At this time, we heard a loud and happy shout, coming from the back of the cavern. “Hooray! Yes! This is a powerful skill book!” Hearing John’s shout, annoyed the dragon and it smashed its tail on the ground, right next to John, who almost crapped his pants. It clearly wasn’t happy that there was a human too. I secretly patted the dragon, but I scolded it with a serious face, falsely. “Hey! Don’t scare the humans!” The dragon had happy eyes as it felt my patting.

John ran back up to us, in his hands was a green colored book. Its title was Rejuvenation. It was a skill book, which would quicken up the process of healing. We weren’t in need of that so he can take it all by himself for all I care. He quickly handed over the herbs and then said. “Do you need a ride back or do you want to come back alone?”

“Hmm, you can go back alone,” Hiro answered him with a thoughtful look. As soon as he heard that he charged out of the cave with a - “Thanks!” - and left the place. “Do you want to come with us?” I said as I looked at the dragon. It rolled on the ground happily upon hearing my words. “Hey! This isn’t how a dragon should behave! We aren’t dogs!” I scolded this dog-like dragon. It quickly stopped its rolling and stood proudly! Except that it hit its head into the roof of the cavern. “I- I didn’t see *chuckle* it, okay? *chuckle*” I said, trying to hold back my laughter.

It turned its head downwards with sad eyes. We left the cavern, and it quickly made a hole for itself as it followed after us. “Now there is only one question. How are we supposed to take you with us?” Said Hiro as he started thinking, but the dragon soon surprised both of us because it turned into a small dragon which was small enough to be put on our shoulders. It quickly climbed on my right shoulder and licked my face happily.

“Ehm… that’s also a way.” Hiro said awkwardly and then continued his sentence. “It seems like other beasts don’t have to wait till the fifth realm to turn their bodies into smaller forms like us…” We boarded our spaceship, with our new little pet and flew back to Posnoth. We flew back to our mountain and made a nice, and big cavern for our new pet. We hollowed out a good part of the mountain and grew lush, and soft moss on the ground.

We also grew some trees to make it into a more lovely and comfortable space. The little dragon jumped down from my shoulder and turned back to its real size. It shook its red scales and laid down on the ground happily. Its tail was swinging in the air happily. “Now there is a single question left, what name should we give to it?” Hiro said. Oh, I indeed forgot about that. Unfortunately, it can’t stay with us for too long of a time, but for now, it’s going to be a good pet, so we should name it!

“What name should we give to this dragon? Maybe Naermag, The Red!” I said. Dragons had weird names. Maybe I too should select a draconic name for myself?! “It listens to you anyway, so let’s call him as Naermag.” Hiro approved of its new name with a shrug. At this time, we felt our communication stele shaking. We took it out, and we heard Ellery’s voice on the other side! I immediately became happy. It’s been quite a long time that I heard her voice. We too forgot to contact her… I feel sad about that.


“Hello~ Who is the new person in the fourth realm?! Me, and Max!” She said happily. Hearing her saying that, I was surprised. After counting it, I realized that we have indeed spent quite a lot of time in this realm, but it was still weird because they weren’t as quick before. Since the planets were bigger, a single day was four times longer than on a mortal planet. This means that a single day here was 1536 hours, which meant that a single day on these planets was equal to sixty-four on a mortal planet.

The time wasn’t flowing differently, we simply had to wait for a single day to pass by. One day here was equal to four days in the third realm. This meant that they didn’t even take a year to advance four stages? Did they have a fortuitous and lucky event? “I’m really surprised. How did you advance so much in such a short time?” I asked her curiously.

“Fufu~ my father has descended not long before. We were only at the seventh stage originally, but he found a good treasure, which would make the time quicker around us. He said that it’s from the sixth realm! With the help of it, we were able to quickly train and reach the fourth level!” She answered me happily. Ugh… Such a treasure is a really great thing. “And did he leave it with you? I think that you should hide it well or else someone might-” I wanted to say, but she cut in my words to deny it quickly.

“No, no! He brought it back with himself. Such a thing would kill me in the future without real power to back me up. I fear that not even my father’s image could protect me.” Hearing her words, I approved of it. “He was right in taking it back. And where are you right now? Come to planet Posnoth! You can join Silverleaf school. We are also attending it!” I invited her to join our school. I also sent her the planet’s location.

“Okay! At most a day and I’ll be there!” She said happily. Her spaceship is still faster than ours… Whatever. We still can’t beat her when it comes to such things. We spent our times by concocting pills and consuming them. In these two days, we converted another percent of our energies, reaching ninety-five percent of conversion. I- I have a weird feeling… This whole level is about converting energy.

What if Ellery’s father has given her enough pills to reach the next level in a straight line!? That can’t be, can it? It is weekend so the entrance exam was probably passing by at the moment. Although we don’t have dates, but at least we knew when a week or a year has passed by. Seven days is a week, no matter where you go… We took out Naermag and after riding it, we flew towards the place we had our entrance exam and appeared there with a lightning-like speed.

-------------------------- Ellery’s POV --------------------------

It’s been quite a long time that I met those two idiots, but I missed their stupid faces. The were a real stupid couple, but they were my good friends, and I liked to see their little plays, though they did see me in shameful positions numerous times… We arrived at the receptionist at the gate and he pointed us towards where the entrance exam was held. He said that it’s about to start so we better hurry up. We reached the place where we found a big crowd. A few moments later, we also saw some people appearing in the air.

They had proud faces, and they started directing us. We took the first exam which was to check our ages. Max has gone past without a problem, but the guy who checked my age started caressing my brown hair. He even touched my face and was about to touch my chest with his dirty hands. Mine weren’t as big as Alice’s but I still had a medium sized chest, and this bastard was about to touch them! I quickly slapped his hands away and jumped back.

“How dare, you bitch!? You should be happy that I’m touching you! I took a good position in the championship too, you don’t know who you are dealing with!” He started shouting his nonsense, and he was the one to be upset!? But suddenly at this time, we all felt the air trembling as a huge dragon appeared above the walls of the school. It wasn’t Alice. She looks much more different and… high class? Considering her race that is no wonder, and to begin with, this dragon had red scales, but it still had a tremendous aura.

I felt an even stronger aura radiating from its top, which felt familiar, I noticed the people on its back and realized that it was Alice and Hiro. They looked around and upon seeing me, they appeared in front of me. I wasn’t even able to see their movements, it was as if they would have teleported. They have advanced a lot this time as well… Fufu~ but I had the advantage this time! My father has left hundreds of billions of peak-level energy converting pills! It’s enough for both me and Max to reach the next stage in a few months, depending on our training speed!

Alice came forward and hugged me happily. Cruel thoughts about this stupid guy were already raising in my mind. “Hello little sister~ Let’s leave out this stupid exam, I’m sure that we can take you in without any problem!” She said with a smile as she held onto my hands and started pulling on them. The other newcomers had terrified faces upon seeing the dragon. Even I felt afraid of it, but they couldn’t decide to fear Alice, or respect and wonder about her beauty. She was only becoming more and more beautiful…

“W- Wait, Alice! I have a problem!” I said as I smirked when I looked at the guy. He was sweating buckets, and his face was really terrified. It seems like they did make a name for themselves. Good! The more he is afraid, the happier I am! “What kind of problem do you have?” She said raising an eyebrow. I think that this sadistic feeling is all because of her! This is a really good feeling! Now I’m in the control of this stupid guy’s life, and he knows it!

“This guy, here… He wanted to touch my chest, and he even started caressing my face, and my hair!” I said, and Max also came to my help. “It was indeed like that, I wanted to help her, but you have arrived exactly at that moment, though it’s not like I could have done much.” He finished as he looked downwards, sadly. We are still only in a bodyguard and a master relationship, but I- I think that I have some feelings for him. I’d have never thought of such a thing before.

Alice frowned upon hearing us, and she looked at the guy with a cold look, which was enough for him to fall on his butt. Alice released her bloodlust, which sent shivers down my back, and even my knees started shaking, and I saw that some of the newcomers have also fainted. Hiro appeared before the guy, coiled his tail around his neck and raised him into the air. That idiot wasn’t even able to move, thanks to Alice and Hiro’s energies.

“You dare to raise your hands on my adopted sister!?” Alice said with a threatening look. The guy was barely able to talk, but he started stuttering nonetheless. “I- I wouldn’t dare to! I- I swear that I’m never going to touch her again, okay? P- Please! L- Let me leave!” Upon hearing him say that I saw Alice’s face turn even darker. They don’t like these crawling kind of people… especially not after doing something like him. “You surely won’t touch her again.” Said Hiro with a dark face.

I didn’t even see what he did, but the guy was cut into two halves. His corpse fell to the ground, lifeless. The newcomers stepped back in fear. Now that I think about it, it seems like it’s a known fact, that they aren’t humans. I wonder if they know their real races. “Anyone else who wants to bully our friends?” Alice questioned with a cold smile on her face. Even that face of hers was sexy. She is so unfair.

The others shook their heads sideways, terrified, and even the examiners followed suit. “Alice, let me take the exam. I don’t want to go around these rules, and sorry for saying this, but knowing you, you might forget to mention something important…” I said with a sorry look on my face. I can’t help it, I can trust in them almost in everything, but when it comes to these official things, they can’t be trusted!

“E- hehe- hehehe, O- Okay. It’s indeed true… We aren’t too good with these rules.” She said as she started fiddling with her fingers, and stood back on Hiro’s side. I saw that many boys had similar ‘reactions’ upon seeing her cute behavior, but they didn’t dare to show it clearly, fearing Hiro’s wrath. They chose wisely! After everyone was done with the age checking, it was time for the second exam. We had to take three hits from a second stage cultivator.

It wasn’t such a hard thing to do, but knowing those two, I think that, they have done something ridiculous when they came. They were sitting in the air behind us and were looking at our little exam in a bored way. Those who were before me and Max in the line, stood to the side to make way for us. Eh? Well, I’m not really surprised. I stood opposite of my opponent, and Max has done the same with his.

But something was off. Our opponents were shaking, and their eyes were darting back and forth among us two, and Hiro and Alice. Oh, I get it… He was fearing for his life. Their bored eyes also looked quite cold. If I wouldn’t know them, then I’d think that they are about to kill someone. Our examiners swung their weapons towards us as if they would be playing. I swear that I could block these strikes with my hands…

After he was done with three strikes, he heaved a sigh of relief as he nervously looked at Hiro and Alice, and saw that they aren’t moving. Max’s opponent has done the same. Suddenly Alice started laughing. “Hahaha, what were those strikes? You are making it easy for them! She could have stopped it with her hands! Don’t tell me that’s all that you can do!?”

“N- Not, Elder Alice!” They shouted back nervously and stood in position to strike once again. “I’m not elder… I’m not even old…” I heard Alice’s mumbling from behind me, which made me laugh. This time, they used their strengths and struck with force behind their attacks. Finally! This is an attack! It was hard to defend from the third one, but we have successfully taken the exam. They looked at us pleadingly.

They wanted us to leave… We walked over to the other side, and they started continuing with the exams. After half an hour, everyone has finished. “Come, Ellery and Max, sit on Naermag!” Alice shouted as she patted the back of their dragon pet. We sat down on its back, and we arrived at a place with a lightning-like speed. This dragon was indeed very quick! We followed Alice and Hiro into a building and they picked up some memory crystals from a table and handed it over to us.

We scanned them and learned the rules of this school. A little bit later, the others have also arrived. As the examiners came in, Hiro asked them if there is anything more to do, and they answered - “Yes, we have to allocate their housing.” Hiro said with a small chuckle: “Sorry, but we have no idea about such things, so you will have to wait for them to tell your places.” Hearing him say that, the elder quickly told us where we can find our house.

We knew where it was, thanks to the memory crystals. Alice also threw over two badges, and we pinned them on our chests. Alice told us where we can find their house and then left with Hiro. We flew towards our new houses, where we found many cultivators. The place was very lively, and it was like a village. Before we entered our house, I heard something interesting.

“Hey, hey! I know what is the race of the champions! I was there for their auction, and Elder Alice told it to a cultivator at the seventh stage!” Hearing him say that, many crowded around him, out of curiosity, and I too followed after the crowd. I was curious what they know. “She said that she is a True Divine Beast and that she is a Dragon! Can you imagine that?” Said the guy excitedly, but I’m sure that he would crap his pants if he were to see their real forms.

They are especially fearsome when they are eating… “And what is a True Divine Beast? I’ve never heard of such a race.” Said a guy curiously, but another one answered his question. “I’ve heard read about them in the library of this school. They are said to be monsters that are even stronger than three-star divine beasts, and that they are the kings of their own races! I’ve read that their subjects are usually listening to their orders and that they can’t hurt their kings!” The guy started shouting at the end of his sentence, excitedly.

I couldn’t help but mumble to myself - “What do you know…” - as I turned around to leave, but I was heard. “Hey, you! What do you mean by that? Don’t you think that you are thinking way too much of yourself, even though you are just a newcomer?” I wanted to refute his words because I didn’t mean it in that way, but at this moment Alice appeared in the air above us, with Hiro in tow.

“Ellery, Max! I forgot to ask you about something. Do you want to come with us to the guild? We are also inviting another friend.” She said as she looked down at me with inquiring eyes. I looked at the guy who now had a white face and answered him - “I meant that you don’t know their real strength, but I do. I’m not cocky, you know?” - then I answered Alice as I flew up to her with Max beside me.

“We are going, but we will have to start training when we come back.” As I finished my sentence, Alice questioned me. “Just how much pills do you have? If you have enough for us… then we could trade, what do you say?” I laughed at her words as I answered. “Haha- don’t worry, I’ll give you the necessary amount of pills free of charge. We are adopted sisters aren’t we~”

“How good for us,” Hiro said with a small chuckle. We left on their dragon mount, which I took a liking to. It was indeed a good way of traveling! We soon arrived at the guild. After entering it, a red-haired woman jumped towards Alice and hugged her while laughing happily. “Haha, I congratulate you for winning the championship. But to be honest I expected that much.” She said. So that’s why they are well known…

“Ellery and Max, this is Rose. Rose, this is Ellery and Max!” Alice introduced us with a stupid laugh. “Hi.” We greeted each other. I don’t really know what to think of her because I don’t know her, but if she is good friends with Alice, then she can’t be a bad person because they would never become friends with people who they don’t like, and they wouldn’t seek their company either. “Shall we take up some quests?” Asked Hiro, not knowing what to do.

“Wait, I have to register to change the color of my Guild Badge.” I quickly said and left with Max towards the receptionist. It was a woman, and she looked at Alice and Hiro a bit fearfully, then welcomed us politely. What the hell did these two do? Everyone is fearful of them, though… now that I think about it, I wasn’t any different either. Before getting to know them, I too feared them. We were quickly done with this little change and then we went back beside Alice and Hiro.

But as we reached them, we felt something great and mighty, something tremendous! The whole universe started shaking and the energies started swirling in the air. Then everyone heard a voice, which penetrated our souls, our deepest parts. It was very powerful, more powerful than anything I have ever heard even considering my father!

"Hello, my subjects..." Came a voice which reached the deepest parts of my soul. I felt fear!


(AN: This is the point where major changes are coming. Let’s say that this peaceful universe has come to an end! Let me show you how this universe is going to unfold! Hehe~)

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