《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 52 - Hosting an auction... or what


Hosting an Auction... or what

Hiro’s POV:


We left the arena, flew back to our house in Silverleaf school and went straight into our room. “Shall we look at what’s inside? I hope that she hasn’t scammed us or else she is going to suffer my wrath once I grow up!” Alice said with a threatening look. That would be indeed ridiculous if the director would have given us empty storage rings… I don’t believe that she is such a troll. She has left as soon as the battles have finished, so we didn’t have the chance to ask what’s inside the egg.

We quickly bonded the rings with our blood and scanned what is inside it. In the two rings altogether, we found about four hundred and fifty million peak-level pills, which would be enough for us to reach about ninety-four percent of conversion, but it’s going to be really hard to advance from that point on because more than fifty million would be necessary for a single percent! Elvor Filia’s part was also inside this ring. We didn’t forget to charge her!

A peak-level pill was equal to a thousand low-level pills, but even like that, we had to consume a huge amount of it. We also found what Tanya gave us in the first ring as a present. It was a little black pyramid, and as we touched it, information flooded into our minds.

Its name was Pyramid of Unmaking, and it was indeed a good treasure! With its help, we can slightly control space! Since it was an ability of cultivators at the sixth stage, it was really powerful. Its effects were similar to our Space Breath. With the help of this little pyramid, we can call forth the same effect, but instantly! If we were to attack our enemies from two ways with this… Hoho!! We can kill anyone easily! “Why are you thinking ‘Hoho’? What are you? Santa Claus?” Alice said upon hearing my thoughts.

Hearing her saying that, I chuckled at her words, but didn’t say anything. There was also a book in the second ring, which we have got for winning the challenge rounds. Those who took better places also got a few things, but nothing serious. Unfortunately, this thing was worthless to us. The title of the book said - Dark Arts Cultivation. We weren’t in need of cultivation books as we were better in it than the directors themselves…

“Should we auction it off or something? We could use it to gain herbs.” Alice said with greedy eyes. “Hm- It’s indeed a good idea. Since we have made the ordered weapons and armors, there aren’t many who buy new things. Of course, we have a little income, but they aren’t bringing in as many herbs as before. We could use it collect some herbs. Maybe we can get enough for another percent.” I said as I put my hand under my chin, and thought about what Alice said.

We left our house and flew towards the Societal Cross building, where we put out a note about this. But as we entered the building, we have found many students looking at us, murmuring. “They’ve won every match in the championship! Even Radcliff has surrendered against the blondie!” - “Her name is Alice, you idiot.” - “Yes, but they are both, equally powerful!” - “I took my entrance exam with them! My generation surely is powerful!”

We heard such lines. They used wind magic to cover their voices, but that didn’t work against our new little Pyramid of Unmaking. It wasn’t only good for us to attack, it also had some passive perks, like disabling the wind barriers or space barriers! [However you look at it, we are like some kind of creepy stalkers who are listening in on everyone’s conversations and privacy.] I said to Alice. [Why did you have to put it like that? Even though we are barely using even our mind reading ability! Only when we are battling!] Alice answered as she threw her hair over her shoulders.


Her fragrance hit my nostrils, but I suppressed my rising feelings. We went towards the bulletin board and put our little note on it, saying: Those who want to get their hands on the cultivation book which we have won, on the championship, collect as many herbs as they can because we are going to auction it off. The more herb you bring, the more chance you have to gain the Dark Arts Cultivation book. You have two weeks from now on!

We didn’t have to use dates, that’s also the reason no one counted in which year we were. We simply left a little of our energies on it, and everyone would be able to sense how old it is. Two weeks should be enough for them to collect a lot of herbs! The rules are going to be stated when they come, hehe… [Don’t laugh so creepily. You are just as greedy as me.] Alice said with a small scolding, which was followed with her giggling. Just as we reached the door, we have seen literally everyone charging towards the bulletin board.

Being famous indeed have its perks. [Hey… We forgot to tell where the auction is going to take place.] Alice said through our bond as she suddenly stopped. I facepalmed, then turned back. Alice followed after me closely. As we opened the door to enter we saw them charging out. I guess they were flying to collect as many herbs as possible.Upon seeing us, they stopped. “Uhm… I’m sorry, but we forgot to mention the place. Let me add it…” I said awkwardly as I went back to our little advertisement and wrote the place of the auction it, with the help of my mind power.

We are going to hold it in our faction house. As the cultivators have read it, we saw their eyes going wide, and they started speaking things like - “So they are the leaders of The Lawless!?” - “It seems like that is the case!” - “Uh, I’m still only a second-grade member! If only I could ask to become a first-grade member! It’s really hard for me to collect so many materials, and now this!” Hearing the last comment I chuckled as I answered. It’s rare that I answer to random talks, I think.

“If that’s so, then it’s better if you hurry up because we might leave in half a year's time or even less!” Upon hearing my remark, they started bustling and speaking loudly. We quickly turned around and left, again… We flew towards our faction house, where we checked if we had any orders. There were quite a lot of piled up, so we started doing that first. Two days later we were done with everything, and then we started cultivating.

We found a nice cliff, which had a mild climate, but the shining sun, penetrating our skin felt great. The weather was similar to when I died in my past life. Strangely enough, I don’t have memories of how it has happened, but it doesn’t matter for now. Alice sat on my lap, but she was facing me. She coiled her legs around my back and started meditating.

This position is really erotic… Thanks to her, sitting on my lap, she was higher than usually, so her breasts were right in front of me. I couldn’t help but put my face on her soft bosom. Somehow I didn’t feel lust, but peacefulness. I wanted to fall asleep, but I had to cultivate before doing so. I took out my half of the pills, and I too started eating them like candy, just like Alice. I felt a hot, burning energy rising inside my body.


It started filling me completely. My energy started rotating quickly, my heartbeat increased and I felt a great amount of World Energy rushing through my body. Not only the pills energies were rushing through my body, but also the energies of the world. I felt it entering my body and then leaving it. This process was repeating itself as more and more of my energy was converted into World Energy. I was also converting the World Energy into Hydra Qi, slowly filling up myself. I needed fifty percent of World Energy to convert into a single percent of Hydra Qi.

This was also the reason why was I much stronger than normal humans’. Alice was doing the same thing, except that she was converting her World Energy into Dragon Qi. Our auras were rising continuously as we were devouring those millions of pills, without stopping. If not for the fire burning inside our stomachs to dissolve the pills and convert them into World Energy, we would have been filled up long ago. It was about one and half a week later, that we finally finished consuming such an enormous amount of pills.

We were still in the same position. We both opened our eyes and looked into the other’s. I gave Alice a kiss. She raised from my lap and sat down beside me. The wind was gently blowing, rushing through her beautiful hair, raising it into the air in the process. She was so enchanting. I laid down, and put my head on her laps. She started caressing my hair, which I liked very much. She used nature magic to grow a tree behind her, then she leaned on it with her back, and closed her eyes.

I felt myself slowly falling asleep, and I also felt her fingers slowing down. I think that her fingers stopped when I fell asleep or more like when we fell asleep. I slept really peacefully on her laps. When I came to, it was nighttime. Alice also awoke moments after me. We looked up towards the starry sky and gazed into it deeply. We saw through the thin clouds, straight into space.

[There is still a long road before us, Alice.] I thought in my head, melancholically. [Yes, but it doesn’t matter because we are going to reach its end.] She sent her thoughts back. I got up from her lap and embraced her tightly as I kissed her forehead, then her lips. I started moving downwards slowly…

After a wonderful bonding, we flew back to our house and spent our time leisurely. What I really missed was music. It’s been a really long time since I last heard some. If I can find Earth, then I’ll be sure to take a phone and a headset, even if I have to steal! Though I’m not sure that the Earth is in the fifth realm, but it might be there. We’ll learn about it in the future anyway.

The remaining time has quickly gone by and it was time for our little auction to start. We flew towards our faction house, only to see a huge crowd. Everyone was shouting and trading. It was like a market. Most of the cultivators at the higher stages were buying herbs in bulks to get more than the other, while the low and mid-stage cultivators were selling them for things like Silverleaf points or if they had larger amounts of herbs, then they sold it for skill books.

Upon seeing our arrival, they quickly traded as much as they were able to. I took out that little book to show that we had the prize. “I welcome everyone on this little event. Firstly, those who participate will have to pay an entry fee. Secondly, those who participate, come into the faction house. I don’t mind spectators, but if you come in, then stay at the back and stay quiet.” I said calmly, and slowly so that everyone is going to understand it.

No one raised an opposition to my words, it’s not like they would dare to. We flew into the building and the crowd followed after us. In the end, four people came forward, while the others only came to spectate and stood at the back. The building was spacious because we designed it for a big crowd. It came in handy when we started selling our works. Thanks to that, the people inside weren’t crowded.

The four cultivators who stood to the front were all at the ninth stage, being at the peak of it. We also recognized them because they participated in the championship and reached high positions. One of them even fought against Alice but was quickly beaten. There were three guys, and a woman and all of them had eager faces on. I’m sure that they really want this little book.

“Before we start, I’d like to mention, that trading is allowed till the last moment. I know that I’m greedy, but if it can quicken up our advancement, then I don’t mind being greedy. The more the merrier they say.” I said with a chuckle at the end. “So you want to say that we could trade even among us four before finally buying that cultivation book?” Questioned the guy who was beaten up by Alice. His name was… Ehm, I’m not bothering myself with it. I won’t remember him anyway.

[A wise choice.] Alice said through our bond with a small giggle, while I answered the guy. “Yes. If you have a great amount of it, then we too can help you out in something as a favor.” Hearing me saying that, they seemed to be happy. After paying the entry fee, which wasn’t a small amount… we started this stupid auction like thing.

“Okay. Show me what you have!” I said, which made Alice laugh loudly. “Pfft, Hahaha- So- Sorry *chuckle* It sounded as if you would have asked them to do something ridiculous…” She said while still laughing. “I- I didn’t mean it in that way…” I refuted but it was for naught because even the other four started chuckling and laughing at me, thanks to Alice. [Just you wait, you little devil!] I threatened Alice while I grabbed onto the tip of her tail. “Ahn!” She shouted out weakly. “Take your herbs out for fuck's sake…” I said silently.

They slowly stopped laughing at me and took out the herbs they had. All in all, it was about a hundred billion, which would be enough for the two of us to advance one percent and reach ninety-five percent of conversion. But that would be the case only if we can get all of their herbs. Actually, the guy who was beaten up by Alice had the most herbs, but it was no wonder because it was her last battle, which meant that he was one of the most powerful cultivators.

Radcliff became a star among these geniuses only because of our armors, weapons, and thanks to our guiding. Of course, the final and deciding factor was his hard work. In the end, it always comes down to how hard you try. I pointed towards the supposed winner as I asked for his name. “What’s your name? Sorry, but I wasn’t paying attention to the championship… If they aren’t trading, then you are the winner as you have the most herbs.”

His face quickly turned into a happy one from his initial worried one. “My name is James!” He said happily. When he finished - “Can we ask about the things you intend to help us out with? I mean if it’s not good enough, then I’d rather sell my herbs to one of the for something worthy…” - Said the woman, who had the lowest amount of herbs, with a questioning look on her face. “It depends on. If it’s not something ridiculous then we can help you out. If you have something in mind, then tell me what you want us to do. You can do so privately too…” I answered her.

She came in front of us and used wind magic to cover her voice and then said: “I’d like to ask for your help in something. There is a guy who keeps annoying me by saying things like I’ll be his and stuff… The thing is that he is more powerful than me. He can’t beat me easily, but I can’t protect myself either. The last time he even dared to ambush me. Initially, I thought that I could beat him after obtaining this book, but it seems like that I won’t be able, so I’d like to ask for you help in cleaning up that trash of a human.”

“That’s all!?” We said happily. “Y- Yes… Would you do it for me?” We quickly nodded, then Alice said: “When we are done with this, we can immediately go and find him. Just hold onto our herbs, hehe.” Such an easy job! We would clear some trash for a lot of herbs, and she picked dragon roots and mandragoras, which meant that we wouldn’t have to suffer by eating billions of pills.

She went back to her place, and we saw the guy who had the second most herbs in his possession, trying to trade with the third one. James was also throwing his offers towards the third guy with a worried look on his face. He came up to us, and used the space around him to cover his voice then started speaking: “I also would like to ask for your help in something. I think that I’ve found a cave, where is treasure, but I can’t get it myself because there is a Dragon protecting it. It’s at the peak of ninth stage, and I have no way to beat it.”

“I know that this might be a big favor, but I’m willing to share the treasure with you if it can be shared or work as your servant for half a year. Oh, by the way, my name is John Berry.” Said John with a hopeful face. Hearing the contents of his favor, we became interested. It would be our first time to meet with a real dragon. Although it isn’t a divine beast, I think, but we are curious about how a normal monster would see upon meeting with us. I wonder if it’s going to surrender itself to Alice.

“We are in! We wanted to meet a dragon anyway. Now thanks to you we won’t have to search for it, so you don’t have to work as a servant… but if you could get more herbs for us freely, then we would accept it happily!” Said Alice with a greedy smile. Her eyes were dollars… “I- I’ll try hard.” Said the guy with a stiff face. “Sorry for asking it, but does she consume much? I was just wondering if such a high-class woman…” Maybe usually I’d be angry after hearing such a question, but I could hear it in his voice, that he didn’t mean it in a bad way.

I laughed at him saying such a thing. “Haha, can you hear that Alice? But my answer is no, she is only consuming much when it comes to strangers. You know, we aren’t the types of people to demand things.” I answered his question with a chuckle. “Sorry that I’m a cheap woman…” Alice said with a low voice. I gave a kiss on her forehead, while the guy went back to his place.

“Okay, since both of them had something possible for us to do, we have accepted their little ‘quests’. If you don’t have anything to ask, that is unfortunate, but James is the winner anyway.” I said as I appeared in front of James, and gave the book to him, then went back beside Alice. The guy who lost had a red face. To be honest, he probably had a bad personality. I don’t know why, but I had that feeling upon looking at him.

But my hypothesis was soon verified… “Yo- You damned bitch and you bastard! I’m a fucking genius even among these retards! I’ve reached the ninth stage in only a thousand and six hundred years! With the help of the Dark Arts Cultivation book, I could have furthered my cultivation greatly, yet you are giving it to this loser, who lost so miserably against you!” He started spouting his nonsense, but his first three words pricked my ears.

I appeared in front of him, grabbed his throat, and raised him into the air. My eyes went into slits as scales covered my arms. I had nothing to hide anymore because everyone knew about us not being humans anyway. “Badmouthing my wife was your worst choice in your whole life.” I quickly snapped his neck and he died on the spot. At this time James pointed out - “Killing in the school isn’t allowed… I hope that you won’t regret your actions.”

I shrugged my shoulders as I took over this guy’s possession and went back beside Alice: “I don’t really care. We have nothing much to take from this place anyway… If they want to kick us out, then be it.” - “Hm… that’s understandable, considering your progression speed. I’ve heard that it hasn’t been long that you came here…” Remarked James with a small grunt, and an envious face. At this time, one of the guys among the spectators, who was at the seventh stage dared to come forward and ask his question.

“S- Sorry for interrupting you, but we are all really curious about a thing. I hope that you don’t mind it. W- We would like to know what is your race!” He said as the others behind him made curious faces. Alice appeared in front of him with a lightning-like speed and put her tail close to his face. The poor guy almost crapped his pants from the sudden move. Alice started speaking slowly, in a joking tone. “Fufu~ You would like to know what are we? We are also Divine Beasts you know~ Except that we are above them.”

“Most likely you don’t know about this at the moment, but we are a race called True Divine Beasts. If you can find something about us, then you’ll know that you’ve met two of them. Since I’m in a good mood, I’ll tell you my race, but Hiro’s is going to stay a sec - ret~ I’m a dragon you know? Humans are really delicious when I’m in my real form~” She said sadistically as she clapped her tail on his face weakly, while her battle form was activated.

Her powerful aura was gushing out of her body, which alone was enough to paralyze these guys. Alice reappeared at my side in her human form and the guy who stepped forward fell on his butt with sweat pouring down on his body. “*Giggle* Sorry~” Said Alice, but she obviously didn’t feel such an emotion for the poor guy. “He just wanted to ask a question, you little sadistic demon!” I said as I hit her head with a karate-like hand-strike, but of course, there was no force behind my move.

“But his fear made my instincts flare up! He was screaming the word ‘delicious food’!” She said jokingly, but the guy’s face became even paler. I quickly tried to soothe him or else he is going to become a shut-in, coward if this continues on. “Haha, don’t worry, she is just joking. You don’t have to fear her. We are only eating or killing those who offend us. You simply asked a question so you don’t have to worry. Now let’s leave!” We indicated for the woman whose name we forgot to ask, and John Berry to come with us.

We left the building and flew into the air. Both of them appeared beside us. “I forgot to introduce myself, I’m sorry for it… My name is Helen.” She said. “John, we are going to help her out quickly because it’s quicker. Wait here for us, then we can go and do your thing.” I said. “Okay.” He answered with an unbothered face. Helen was leading the way and we were following after her. After flying for a few seconds which meant many kilometers we arrived at the northern parts of the school.

It had snowy mountains, which was a nice change of scenery because we haven’t seen any snow for quite a long while. We landed on a mountain and a ‘handsome’? - guy came out of his luxurious house. Upon seeing Helen he started shouting. “Haha! Have you come to realize who you belong to? Oh! And you also brought another beauty with yourself! But I don’t need the guy… why did you bring him too? Whatever, he can leave!” He said with a commanding voice.

This guy really thought that the world was his. Originally we thought that we are only going to beat him up if he is a bit crazy and we intended to kill him only if necessary. But it was necessary in his case!!! We quickly moved and killed this idiot. His eyes were still wide opened as he saw his own head flying. We had ninety-four percent of our energies converted which meant that we had eleven Crypt in our battle forms and twelve and half in our monster forms! We didn’t have enemies in this realm anymore!

“T- That was fast… Thanks for taking care of this trash for me! Here are your herbs!” Helen said as she handed over our herbs. We flew back to John and asked him about the whereabouts of that dragon. “We will need a spaceship. It’s on a close by planet. It takes at most half an hour with my spaceship.” John said.

We boarded his spaceship and flew towards the planet where he found the dragon. It indeed took half an hour, which we used to meditate. We followed after him and soon arrived before the cave, and as we entered it, we heard the roar of a dragon!

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