《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 43 - A new journey


A new journey

Alice’s POV:

We left planet Posnoth with our spaceship and flew towards a new planet which we haven’t seen before called Snexerus. This was a planet which was even closer to the center of the galaxy and the volume of this planet was bigger than any other planet we have been to before. There were quite a lot of intelligent beings on this planet because there were numerous dungeons. Snexerus had three suns and two moons. The three suns it had were close to each other so there were nights though short.

We landed on the dark side of the planet which was really beautiful in the blue light of the moon. Yes, it was blue because two of the three suns were blue! I’ve always wanted to see a blue sun in reality! Life was quite scarce on Snexerus because the sun heated it scorching hot making it impossible for plants to grow. This was a dry planet, covered with deserts. We were following Wilhelm who was showing us the way. I guess he has been to this place. After a few seconds, we reached a dungeon which wasn’t under the ground!

This was something new for us as we haven’t seen anything like this ever before. It was a huge sand castle reaching thousands of meters into the air and I didn’t even dare to count its periphery or area. The sand was compressed into hard sandstones which made up this whole dungeon. I was really curious about how it’s going to look from the inside.

“Come inside. This is a good place to gather metals as the monsters aren’t too powerful on the lower floors and the bosses are dropping quite a lot of materials.” (Wilhelm)

“Wait I have two questions. Firstly, you said that at the ‘lower floors’? Secondly, what is the name of this dungeon?” (Pat)

“To you first question yes, the lower floors because you have to move upwards in this dungeon and to your second question it’s called the Tomb of the Fallen Scorpion!” (Wilhelm)

“That’s quite a baleful name..” (Hiro)

“Y- You are just imagining things..” (Wilhelm)

“You aren’t very convincing. Where the hell did you bring us? If something were to happen to Alice because of you..” (Hiro)

“No, no don’t worry. It’s not such a hard dungeon.” (Wilhelm)

Aww~ How protective. My mate is protecting me. Fufufu~ (Alice)

Anytime. (Hiro)

We followed after Wilhelm while we were secretly chatting with Pat. Since he had weaker mind power than ours, he wasn’t able to detect us.

“So why is he trying to get a weapon from a random faction when he could have asked you to make one for him?” (Pat)

“Haha, you know the best thing is that faction is ours. We made it incognito so no one knows that we are its creators. He is actually trying to get enough materials so that he can give them to us later. We originally came to a ‘vacation’ to escape from the workload we have.” (Alice)

“I can barely wait to see his face when we tell him to hand over the collected materials since it’s going to fall in our hands anyway..” (Hiro)

“Hahaha- seriously?! Stupid human! Alright, I’ll keep your secret so that I too can laugh at his face!” (Pat)

“Good.” (Alice)

The poor guy didn’t know that we were preparing to laugh at him. We are so evil… though this is nothing serious. This can’t be called evil considering the things that you can find in this universe... There are many weirdos walking among us... I and Hiro too are someone like those but we are still on the better side, however, I look at it. In my opinion, my personality isn’t so terrible, is it? And it’s not like others have to take my little pranks or jokes too seriously.


We entered the interior of the dungeon and a huge hall welcomed us with twenty meters tall sand sculptures. All of them looked like as if they would have been carved straight out of a huge stone except that they were made of compressed sand. There were quite a lot of humans and beastmen too in the hall creating parties and groups. We have seen some of them fly in from outside and join some of those groups, parties. The parties had about three to five members while the groups numbered at about twenty to thirty. This is an interesting scene as we have never seen such groups in the dungeons before.

Those lower realms are really boring... This fucking looked like a war preparation! Maybe we should reward Wilhelm for bringing us here!

What do you say, Alice? Should we reward him for bringing us to such a good place? I’m sure that the people aren’t gathering so many cultivators and creating such big groups only to stand here! (Hiro)

Haha~ okay I thought of it a moment before. Let’s make him into a grade three-member since he too has helped us out at that time. (Alice)

“What are they grouping up for?” (Pat)

“It’s because this whole dungeon is like a Warfield. We have to battle through the floors to reach the door on the other side, then go up a floor and battle through once again, and this back and forward processes are repeating as you are going upwards. The higher you go the lesser the floors are but the more powerful the monster are. The minimum number of cultivators to battle through at least half of this dungeon is about two hundred people.” (Wilhelm)

“But there are about a thousand cultivators here… and why is it that the highest cultivator I can see here is at the seventh stage? Wait no, he is just as powerful as someone at the seventh stage.” (Hiro)

“You can sense even such high-level cultivator’s strengths?! You are a real monster..” (Wilhelm)

“Ehm. Yes, I am you know?” (Hiro)

“.. Anyway, that Societal Cross building isn’t for a show you know? I’m sure that you have never been to that place - *chuckle* (Alice) (Pat) - ?! What are you laughing at? Ah doesn’t matter. So there is notifications and news about such events. Do you see that guy?” (Wilhelm)

He said as he pointed towards the guy who was at the peak of the sixth stage with the strength of someone at the seventh stage. He was about two meters tall and he had a huge two handed, double edged battle axe in his hands. He had blue hair with red eyes. It had a weird contrast in my opinion but my Hiro was the best~ I want to shower him with my love all day.

“He was the one who advertised and organized this event. He wants to finish this dungeon and reach the end of it. The Tomb of the Fallen Scorpion has a restriction on it because only cultivators at the sixth stage can get into it. This is also related to its history which can be viewed there.” (Wilhelm)

He said as he pointed towards one of the walls. There were lines of texts carved onto it and we were able to read it easily from where we stood. We have perfect eyesight not like mortals so seeing even to thousands of kilometers wasn’t a problem for us not to talk about seeing something which is so close to us.



In the past, thousands of years before when I was a weaker dungeon and I was only in the second realm I’ve seen a battle among two divine beasts. One of them was a one star Sand Scorpion while the other one was a three-star divine beast called Deathwing Spider. They were two friends before I dropped a powerful treasure. Both of them forgot about their friendship and fought a hard and long battle against each other to get the treasure.

After a long struggling, the Sand Scorpion died in the end so the treasure has fallen into the Deathwing Spider’s hands. After seeing that tragic scene where you cultivators forget your true friends, comrades and fight to the death with each other only to become more powerful than the others I’ve decided to change my name to the honor of the Fallen Scorpion.

Shall his name Ra-s-khem-Ka be eternal and I welcome you to the dungeon of the Fallen Scorpion! Unity be with you!


Interesting. So this dungeon has become like that because of such a scene. (Alice)

Yes but it’s nothing surprising. Among these people who could be called friends? They might be working together at the moment but what if a treasure were to drop? I’m sure that it’s going to become hell in a very short moment. (Hiro)

*Sigh* Yes. Whatever. I won’t kill someone for such a stupid reason. (Alice)

No. We kill others for even stupider reasons… like looking lustfully at you.. (Hiro)

Hahaha~ I can’t deny that. But who cares!? They are irritating me! (Alice)

“Ny- *cough* It has a somewhat sad history but it’s nothing out of the norm..” (Pat)


Hey, my mind ears… don’t shout so suddenly.(Hiro)

Sorry. I’ll reward you later as an apology. But what was that ‘mind ears’?... (Alice)

Oh~ (Hiro)

He didn’t comment on my question. Whatever. We were in our human forms right now except Pat. Not every human was a hardcore beastmen hater. I guess this? How is he called?

“Hey, Wilhelm! What’s his name?” (Alice)

“Huh? Oh, his name is Hill Dow.” (Wilhelm)

Hill Dow. Okay. So I guess he has notified the beastmen too about this event. But I think that he isn’t such a good kind of person as he seems to be. My female and dragon instincts are telling me otherwise. We will see about it, though. We moved deeper into the mass of humans and went to the front of them. I was ogled by quite a lot of males which didn’t make me feel well but after a glare from my draconic green eyes and Hiro’s murderous aura, they quickly turned away. All five of us stopped there and after another five minutes, Hill Dow finally started this shit. I hate waiting... It’s the most unproductive activity in the universe!!

“Hello, everyone! I thank you for coming here. The upper floors of this dungeon have been covered in sand and dust for too long of time! I think that it’s time for us to advance, move forward and uncover the treasures this dungeon contains! Are you in!?” (Hill)

“Yaay!” (Everyone except us..)

They looked at us...

“What? But I don’t like yaaying.. “ (Alice)

“*mumble* They are total weirdos. We should stay far away from them. *mumble*” (?)

“*mumble* You are right. Who knows what’s inside their heads.. *mumble*” (?)

“I’m not a weirdo, fuckers!” (Alice)

“Ehm... Anyway. Let’s go in.” (Hill)

Alice. This was a good scene! Thanks for making me laugh! (Hiro)

It wasn’t my intention you know? But if it makes you happy then gladly~ (Alice)

Haha~ I’ve learned it long ago that sometimes it’s better if you stay silent. This was one such case.. (Hiro)

I know. I’ve learned many things from your memories but you too couldn’t hold your mouth sometimes. This was one such case okay? I’m not perfect.. (Alice)

No one is honey. No one is! But to me, you are perfect hehe~ (Hiro)

That! I know! (Alice)

“Would you stop being all lovey-dovey?” (Pat)

“But we didn’t even talk!?” (Alice)

“No, but your eyes were burning with your love and you should have seen the way you were looking at each other. I thought that I might see an adult scene if I don’t stop it now!” (Pat)

“W- We didn’t intend to do that. Here...” (Alice)

“So you did want to do it?” (Pat)

“N- No?” (Alice)

“Obviously no. We aren’t like that!” (Hiro)

“What are you standing there for?” (Wilhelm)

Oh right. He was also here. Poor guy has such a weak presence. Or is it because he is a male? Somehow I can’t bother to remember them. This is Hiro’s fault.

“Nothing. Let’s follow them..” (Hiro)

We left the hall and went through the huge double doors which were about one meter thick! They looked really magnificent. Behind the doors was a world of sand, dunes, and dust. There was no life to be seen on the whole floor. After everyone came through the door the dungeon has talked which was a bit surprising.

“I welcome everyone... in me? Haha~ Anyway there are a lot of you. More than what is the norm but I wonder how many of you are going to stay alive. But I won’t be your biggest enemy. As I’ve seen it through my life your biggest enemies are always among you. I wonder who is going to be the at this time.” (Dungeon)

I have an idea.. (Alice)

And I have the same idea.. (Hiro)

Did you say this just so that your line is going to be a bit longer than mine? You seriously said this out of that reason!? (Alice)

N- No! (Hiro)

*chuckle* (Hiro)

He was in the mood to play around with me. I don’t mind it, though. Sometimes a little bit of unserious bickering can feel good. There was nothing in the universe which was in bigger harmony than us. The dungeon didn’t talk anymore and all we saw was a huge army of sand monsters crawling out of the ground. The desert was devoid of life a moment before yet now it’s filled to the brim with sand monsters. There were scorpions, bugs, crocodiles, snakes, spiders and even some crabs. All of them were about two to eight meters tall covered in sand-colored scales.

These monsters were only at the first stage. Considering that this dungeon had twenty floors this was really easy but if the highest floor others have reached is only about the tenth then I’m sure that there are many dangerous things in this dungeon. This place makes me remember the first dungeon we have ever been to. As the others charged into battle our group was still standing at the back.

“Shall we go?” (Alice)

“Should we use our battle forms?” (Hiro)

“Let’s do it! I’ve been itching to release my form for a while. Being among humans can be quite restraining in its own way.” (Alice)

“Can I sit on you, Pat?” (Alice)

“*Growl* There is a line you shouldn’t cross.” (Pat)

I’ll get a mount for sure in the future. My life story isn’t a life story without a mount! (Alice)

We will get you a mount. I want one too... But that’s possible only in the next realm, unfortunately. (Hiro)

“Mhm. Let’s go or I can never get my new weapon..” (Wilhelm)

We reached the front lines in an instant leaving behind everyone in the dust. We transformed into our battle forms on the way and we didn’t even use our weapons to kill. Our claws, tails and superior strength was more than enough.

Should we use our clones? (Alice)

I think that we should hold onto that for now. Who knows what’s going to happen. Holding a trump card is better. (Hiro)

You are right. (Alice)

Hill Dow was pushing forward just like us among these trash mobs with the help of his little team. Before going into the dungeon he seemed to be really friendly with them. It was nothing like the face he was showing to us strangers. Although that too was smiling but it hid darkness. I can pick on it quite easily. Especially considering that he has looked into my eyes. No lie can escape my sight. He is planning something vicious. The only question is what it is.

The first floor was quickly finished followed by the second, third, fourth… The bosses and the monsters were continuously dropping herbs, metals, pills, be it Energy Converting or Restoration or Healing pills. Of course, the Energy Converting pills were rarer and it was also harder to get because many tried to get a hold of it. Naturally which was in our close proximity fell into our hands.

There is another one! (Alice)

A woman wanted to grab onto it but I gently slapped her hands away from it and Hiro has successfully taken it and also consumed it. We didn’t put them away for later use. Why should we? We had numerous minds so using one to convert our energies wasn’t hard... We were doing that all the time anyway as we weren’t using normal Space or World Energy but Dragon and Hydra Qi. She glared at me but she wasn’t powerful enough to fight with us so she moved on. Right now we were fighting on the eleventh floor. The monsters were at the fourth and fifth stage.

Wilhelm and the other low-level cultivators were only killing the trash mobs we have left behind being at the first, second and maybe third stage. Wilhelm was faring well on his own level but he had only a powerful technique to attack and defend, not to advance. His real disadvantage was that he wasn’t able to cultivate as quickly as divine beasts did. Originally they were on the same level with Pat but since then she has left him behind. This might be sad in a way. I mean had to leave behind Ellery too and I’m sure that Pat and Wilhelm too, are going to be left in the dust in the future.

To be honest, everything has two sides. Although we can advance much more quickly than the others but we can’t create as many friends, enemies, life experiences as the others for exactly the same reason. What is the meaning of it when we leave them behind so quickly? Just think about Ellery. She too has been with us only for such a short time yet we can’t even meet for who knows how long. It’s good that I have Hiro. I’m so glad that we were born at the same place. Imagining my lonely, boring life without him feels like a tragedy to me. I don’t want to live such a life.

Ahh~ Hiroo~ (Alice)

What the hell are you doing?! (Hiro)

Sorry. I have a mating season! (Alice)

At such a time!? (Hiro)

I coiled my tail around his waist to make him feel closer to me. I was in need of physical contact! He also coiled his tail around mine making me feel elated and happy. I don’t get why but I felt good from this. We were slaughtering the monsters in our ways. Truth be told the necessary materials has long been gathered but this was a very profitable place so we didn’t intend to leave just like that! After fighting through the floor and completing the twelfth floor something completely new welcomed us.

I have a feeling that the shit is going to fall from this point on.. (Hiro)

Yes. Maybe this is also the reason why no one has gone further in this dungeon.. (Alice)

What was in front of us was something new in the form of tunnels. They looked like ant tunnels and there were hundreds of them.

“Let’s begin the game! I shall test you in different situations. I wonder how you are going to fare. As you can see there are many tunnels going slowly upwards. At most ten people can go into a single tunnel. Choose your team wisely or go alone. It’s your choice. Of course going alone is going to be harder but you won’t have to fear your back from your comrades.” (Dungeon)

“Which way should we go?” (Alice)

“It doesn’t matter. Let’s just pick one randomly.” (Hiro)

“Shouldn’t you move in bigger groups?” (?)

After hearing us saying that a random woman voiced her opinion. She was at the fourth stage. I don’t mind it too much if she wants to come with us but she better not tries something funny.

“Nah. We are fine like this.” (Alice)

“Can I go with you, please? My group has been badly wounded by the monsters in the battles and they turned back.” (Woman)

“I don’t mind if you join but you should know it better than to try doing something funny. I won’t hesitate to take your life and believe me, I can do so in a single moment.” (Alice)

“I- I know, I’ve seen you fight so I wouldn’t dare to do something like that. My name is Rosetta Bank. It’s my pleasure to be in your group.” (Rose)

“Welcome~” (Everyone)

Now we were five and she wasn’t so weak either. Truth be told she had more worth at the moment than Wilhelm. It’s wrong to say this but that’s the truth as Wilhelm won’t be able to fight from this point on. But even if she was stronger she still knew her place. Power was everything in every universe, world or anything that can be found out there. She saw our battle capabilities which made her know who is the stronger one even if we were only at the second stage with 27 percent converted. Yes. Through these long battles and after eating so many pills we were able to convert 27 percent of our energies.

(AN: If you are curious about how many Crypts of strength they have then you always have to add 0,6 → 27 = 2,7 Crypt + 0,6 = 3,3 and multiply it with 1,1 to get their battle forms’ strength and 1,25 to get their monster forms’ strength. B.F.: 3,3 * 1,1 = 3,6 || M.F.: 3,3 * 1,25 = 4,1)

We went inside the tunnel at the rightmost. No one has entered that tunnel before so we could go completely alone though most of the battles were going to be fought by us and maybe Rose. It depends on what the dungeon is going to throw at us. We were walking for about two minutes when the ant-like tunnel widened out creating a bigger cube-shaped room. In the middle of it stood a fifteen meters tall troll with a big club in its hand. It had a terrible smell nothing like the masculine fragrance I can feel on Hiro which I love so much~

Our tails were still coiled around each other. I loved feeling Hiro’s fragrance. Every woman love smelling nice smells and I was no different. Cultivators weren’t smelly because their bodies were purified at the Foundation Realm, not like the mortals… but Hiro always had such a nice smell. When we were having sex my mind and nose was always filled with it. It’s not like I’m the only one with those pheromones. He too has them…

We can’t do it here Alice. Wait a bit more, please. I too feel like that but we have to restrain ourselves! (Hiro)

I know~ (Alice)

I can’t help it. I am horny. I’m sure that this is the worst mood before a battle but whatever. It’s not like this troll was a high-level one. It is only at the early third stage so even Rose or Pat can take care of it. I walked in front of the troll and it quickly swung its club towards me. I didn’t even bother to defend as it smashed into my right side but the club broke into pieces. Seeing such a scene the troll didn’t react. It was created by the dungeon so it was nothing out of the norm.

I swung my tail towards its head with a speed it couldn’t perceive. My axe like tail beheaded the monster in a simple and swift move. My scales are really no joke~

“W- What? Just like that!? Even if it was only at the third stage, it would have taken much more for me to kill... Just what are you two?” (Rose)

Let’s go. (Hiro)

We moved onwards and found many such rooms on the way. The monsters inside them were continuously increasing in strength reaching the peak of the fourth stage at the last room. After walking for another two minutes we found that the ant-like tunnel came to an end and widened out into an enormous floor. But this floor was different. It had a thousand meters tall, fifty meters thick walls on it creating a huge maze. We have heard many monster screams from the inside. We tried to fly but an energy field restricted us in flying higher than twenty meters. We tried to break it but it was for naught.

About the walls? Although we were able to penetrate about thirty meters deep into it but the hollows we made, quickly regenerated forming perfect and smooth sand walls. I wonder what’s waiting for us inside it...

Let our journey begin!

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