《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 42 - Overgrowing faction and a lot of patting


Overgrowing faction and a lot of patting

Hiro’s POV:


Two days later when we returned all we saw was a crowd around our silent little house. Although I haven’t made any weapons yet but the sample weapon visibly had its effects. We shrouded ourselves with dark magic and went inside only to cause a clamor among those who were there. I guess Rayner and his friends didn’t hold their mouths. We also realized that we were in need of a receptionist or accountant or something like that to know who has brought the necessary metals or herbs if we don’t want to meet with everyone all the time.

What about Foalin? If we can provide her with better payment then I’m sure that she would come. (Alice)

That might be so. Let’s ask her later and we also need another place for these things! I don’t want to see so many people in our courtyard!! (Hiro)

Rayner and his group came in front of us.

“Hello! We are done with collecting the necessary amount! When can I get my weapon, armor, and pills?” (Rayner)

“I should be done with all of your weapons in at most a day but I have some things to take care of. But even like that, it’s going to be ready by tomorrow.” (Hiro)

“Great! Thank you very much!” (Rayner)

They handed over what they have collected from their storage rings and we also stored it away. They were at relatively high levels so they had enough points or money to trade for or buy a storage ring. We quickly flew away from the gathering group and went towards Echo Desert Pillar. When we were far enough we also stopped using Dark Magic. After going inside we found Foalin but she had a student before her so we waited. After ten minutes she was finally free. We don’t like waiting.

“Hello, Foalin. Are you interested in another job?” (Alice)

“Hello, what kind of job?” (Foalin)

“We need a receptionist… How much do you get for working for the school?” (Alice)

“Ehm. fifty Energy Converting pills per month... It’s low but I should be happy that I get that much considering my talent..” (Foalin)

She had a sad face on which made even me somewhat sad. I’m not the sympathetic type but sometimes it happens even to me. Alice was the same. Since we can help her out then why not!?

“If you help us out then you can get more than that. For now, I’m not sure about the amount but I can be sure that it’s going to be over one hundred and that’s the bottom.” (Alice)

“O- One hundred!? For someone like me!? I’m in!” (Foalin)

Huh? That was quite easy. Well, it’s twice as much as she gets so no wonder. (Hiro)

“Then wait for us for a bit. We are soon coming back and then you should come with us.” (Alice)

“Okay!” (Foalin)

She was in a good mood as she answered happily. Getting a new job with double payment surely feels good. Although I’m wondering about her workload... We quickly left Echo Desert Pillar and flew to Radcliff’s house. It was much bigger than ours and the natural energies were thick in the surroundings. Being at the ninth stage surely came with advantages. His house was four times as big as ours with four times as big courtyard as ours. We quickly went inside like some intruders and barged in on him. He was meditating in the living room. What else would he do...?


“Hi! We need you, my good friend!” (Hiro)

I want to use him.. Hahaha~ It’s not like we are in such a deep friendship for now. He is benefitting from us while we are doing the same thing. Of course, I know that he would help us out if we were in such a position and we are the same. Though right now it’s likely that we are too weak for that.

“H- Hi. What can I help you with?” (Radcliff)

“We need a director for our faction. You can also get a weapon and armor such as this.” (Hiro)

I said as I threw over my spear to him. He grabbed it only to open his eyes widely.

“W- What the hell! Such weapons cost many millions in Echo Desert Pillar and they don’t have four enchantments not to talk about inscriptions! It’s good if you can find a weapon with a single one!! Where the hell did you get this from!? With this and your cultivation method, I could surely beat that damned bastard!! He killed my brother for a treasure! I need exactly a weapon like this!” (Radcliff)

“Then this is a perfect chance for you to get your hands on it. Also, these weapons are made by us. I guess I haven’t told it to you yet. But I’ve done it just now! Hehe~” (Hiro)

“And what do I have to do as a ‘director’? I’m not going to jump into some kind of shit river!” (Radcliff)

“Ehm.. you don’t have to do something like that. What the hell do you think about us!?” (Alice)

“I’m sorry master!” (Radcliff)

“Don’t come with that to me!” (Alice)

“ *Cough* Anyway, you are going to become a poser for us! You are going to be the image for our faction, someone at a high level. Like that, we won’t have to care about those who want to destroy our factions, because most of them are going to turn back, and using our weapons you can beat up those who don’t.” (Hiro)

“That’s all?” (Radcliff)

“That’s all!” (Hiro)

“Could you promise it to me?” (Radcliff)

“Do you seriously don’t believe in your master?” (Alice)

My little angel refuted back at the best moment.

“Ugh. I do..” (Radcliff)

Our exploit is done! (Alice)

Let’s go! (Hiro)

“Oh by the way. What kind of weapon do you need? You will have to get the material yourself for it but at first, describe it to me.” (Hiro)

“Hmm. I’m using a greatsword so I need that. I’m sure that you know what kind of enchantments and runes are good for it so do it as you wish.” (Radcliff)

“Okay~” (Hiro)

We left him, went to Societal Cross and changed the post about it. We deleted the part about looking for a Director and added Radcliff’s name instead. This didn’t mean that he was at the highest position in the faction as we were its creators but the data about that is secret for now and Radcliff is at the second highest position after us. After being done with the data modification we also asked the receptionist about how can we get an area to build on for our faction. He said that we can buy it and after listing every possible place we picked a big one at a good place for one million points.

Now we were left with 4 300 000 but that was alright as we can get as much as before in at most a day now that we have advanced so much. After doing so we also modified our post about the location of the faction. We picked up Foalin who in the meantime left her job as a school receptionist at Echo Desert Hall and left with us. Her memories about the tower weren’t erased since many cultivators at the ninth stage also knew it. The school simply liked to keep a mysterious face about that tower and most of the cultivators also helped in it.


We flew to the place we have just bought and built a nice and big building on it. The back of it was a house which was constructed by Foalin as she is going to live there. After flying back to our courtyard we have simply flown the whole building into the air surprising those who were inside.

“What the hell are you doing!? This is The Lawless’ property!” (?)

“We are its creators and I’m just moving the building to another location. You can make your orders and everything else there.” (Hiro)

“Oh okay..” (?)

Of course, we covered our bodies once again. After putting down the building at its new location we told Foalin what she has to do. We were about to go back to our house and start working when a woman flew in front of us.

“Are you the owners of this new faction?” (?)

“Yes, but who the hell are you?” (Alice)

Since she didn’t have a friendly demeanor there was no need to be friendly.

“Hmph! I’m called Anne Lamar from The Jade Eagles faction. I’ve heard that there are some brats who think that they can become someone great even though they are still wet behind their ears!” (Anne)

“Pfft- Such a lame sentence!” (Alice)

“You bitch! You are courting death!” (Anne)

Hearing Alice’s voice clearly told everyone that she is a female. Also, we didn’t have to fear this woman as she was only at the fifth stage with fifty-six percent converted. We can easily beat her even alone.

Let me play with her. (Alice)

Okay~ (Hiro)

Alice took out her bow which gave off a powerful aura, surprising Anne.

“Hahaha~ After I beat you I’m going to take your weapon! It’s going to be very helpful to me. I even have a skill which I can use with it!” (Anne)

“Take it if you can. Though we can do another one anytime..” (Alice)

Advertising yourself? Well, it’s a good moment as there are quite a lot of people. Show them the power of our ‘weapons’. (Hiro)

Fufu~ We can exploit her too in a way! She came at the best moment! (Alice)

Alice didn’t wait any longer and released three Dragon arrows towards Anne who had a kodachi as her weapon. She barely had enough time to deflect two of Alice’s arrows only to get pierced into her thighs by the third one.

“Is that all? You sure are great. Kyaa! What are you doing at such a time!?” (Alice)

I pinched her ass while she was being mighty which caused a cute yelp from her.

“Hahaha~” (Hiro)

“You are looking down on me!” (Anne)

Seeing that we ignored her she became angry.

“Could you shut up already? Hey everyone looks at the quality of the weapons you can trade for!” (Alice)

She shouted towards them. Although we wanted to advertise it, it was so obvious that even I feel a bit shameful... To cover our shame Alice quickly finished this battle. After shooting another three Dragon arrows towards Anne but with much more power behind it and it was also mixed with Chaos magic, her weapon was broken into pieces upon contact. Alice quickly released the other two arrows and only the Chaos Bolts exploded on her body which caused a lot of damage but still didn’t kill her.

We saw that the crowd had a longing look and they quickly flooded Foalin and then left to collect the materials. We are going to have a lot of work to do. We didn’t want to waste any more time so we went back to our workshop with the new materials and started making the new weapons, armors, and pills. After a day of work, I was done with all of them just like Alice. We went into the building of our faction without covering ourselves since no one knew who we were. After going through a backdoor we stored the new weapons in the building and notified Foalin that the owners can take it away when they come.

Afterward, we took the memory crystals and found out that we had about four hundred orders and about three hundred of them has also brought the materials. It was a good thing as this meant that we are going to be rich but it also meant a lot of work! For now, we didn’t make our own pills and Alice has joined in smithing too as that took more time. Finding herbs was harder so even the others couldn’t bring in that much so easily. Since we had every knowledge connected both of us can concoct, enchant, inscribe or smith too. It’s just that we liked sharing the work.

After five days we were done with everything only to find another workload with even more orders. The forthcoming month is going to be hell... But the good side is that we will be able to advance through the early and middle stages quickly! Since we have got so many resources we were able to concoct some tens of millions of pills only after a few days! But trouble never missed us as it came in the form of a person called Fu Xiao. I was wondering when he would come. I guess killing his little brother and sister didn’t leave us in a good light. We were in our own house and we were handing over Radcliff’s new weapon to him.

“Come out you two! It’s time for you to learn your place!” (Fu Xiao)

“Look. He came for you as a practice dummy!” (Alice)

“... Hahaha, okay okay, I get it. I’ll go.” (Radcliff)

We followed him out of our house to greet our new guest. Surprisingly he had a jade eagle badge pinned on his chest which slipped by my attention last time we met. Maybe that Anne didn’t come without a reason?

“What does the vice-captain of the Jade Eagles has to do with two juniors?” (Radcliff)

Oh.. now I get it. Is this going to become a war between our factions!? Let’s escalate this thing! (Hiro)

That’s alright but first, we should advance a bit. I don’t like being protected by others than you. (Alice)

Then what should I say? I don’t like being protected even by you! It’s hurting my male pride! (Hiro)

It’s not like I had to do something like that.. (Alice)

Yes. Though don’t misunderstand me. When we are fighting in a battle, you covering my back feels good. That’s different. (Hiro)

I know! Why are you explaining it to me? (Alice)

I guess it’s a habit from my past life? (Hiro)

“You have nothing to do with them, Radcliff. Leave now if you don’t want to become my enemy! It was offending enough that you helped them out last time!” (Fu Xiao)

“I don’t have anything to do with them? You are wrong at that! They are my masters, they have made new weapons for me and I’m also the director of their faction so I’m related to them in numerous ways!” (Radcliff)

“Hey wait, you two! Now that I think about it how did you know that we are the owners of this faction!?” (Hiro)

“Hmph- I was at the Societal Cross when you have created it but you didn’t notice me. Since you didn’t even use wind magic to cover the sound I overheard it.” (Fu Xiao)

“And so, in the end, why did you come here? To get a new weapon?” (Hiro)

“Obviously no! You bastard! I came to-” (Fu Xiao)

“To kill us on school grounds which is against the rules? Or do you want to tell me that we have broken some rules even though we have done everything according to them? What can you do here if you don’t want to order weapons or something like that? Or could it be that you want to become friends with us?” (Hiro)

“*chuckle* What a shame! *chuckle*” (Alice)

Since he wasn’t able to refute my words he tried to cover his shame with rage. That’s also a natural reaction among humans. I don’t know if it’s different with beastmen or elves as I haven’t interacted with them too much.

Hey! We have completely forgotten about Pat! We should visit our little tiger cub! I’m sure that she hasn’t advanced enough to resist my strength! At that time hahaha! (Alice)

Now that you mention it we haven’t talked with Wilhelm either ever since the incident at the arena even though we are at the same place. (Hiro)

Right. (Alice)

Fu Xiao shot an attack towards us but it was quickly crushed by Radcliff’s greatsword. Our weapons were indeed powerful! Seeing that it again wasn’t his time to kill us he left with a hpmh though unwillingly but quickly. I don’t know what should I say about this.

Shall we visit Wilhelm and then Pat? We can take a break. It’s not like we’ve guaranteed any amount of time to make their weapons in. (Hiro)

Okay. (Alice)

We flew over to his place which was more like a village. There were many little courtyards with little two or three room houses on them. The whole place was bustling with life and almost everyone had the badge of our faction..? They were happily showing off their new weapons to the other cultivators. This made me feel good but also weird. Those are crap with only a single enchantment! I even recognized the weapons we have stolen and enchanted, inscribed then gave them away. We had to pass them on somehow! It freed us from a little work.

Though it’s not like they were bad weapons. It’s just that they weren’t made by us. We landed on the ground and walked towards Wilhelm’s house. Some of them recognize us from the arena so they quickly made a path for us. After knocking on his door he opened it and let us in. We are so polite! We have knocked!!

“Hi. What brings you here?” (Wilhelm)

“Nothing. We came to intrude on you! How are your days are going?” (Hiro)

“At least don’t call it intruding. But nothing serious. I converted 22 percent of my Space Energy into World Energy! I’m also being looked at up by the others here and you won’t believe it! I’ve become a second-grade member of The Lawless faction! Now I can trade for weapons with two enchantments and inscriptions! Have you two joined yet?” (Wilhelm)

He was talking proudly about how he became a second-grade member while I didn’t know how to hold back my laughing. Alice simply turned her back and went out of the house and came back a bit later after using wind magic to cover her voice. Good for her.

Laugh in my place too Alice! (Hiro)

Haha okay! (Alice)

“... No, we haven’t joined it yet. But you know how it goes. We are True Divine Beasts so we have our own means.” (Hiro)

“Oh. I get it. Good for you I guess. I heard that Radcliff who helped us out at that time became the director of The Lawless! I’m sure that he can get even better things than us normal members! If only I would have been faster then I too could have become a core member. Those people are still showing off how they have got to be third-grade members overnight!” (Wilhelm)

“Don’t worry. You can become one such member sooner or later!” (Hiro)

“Yeah but I have to collect many materials, which takes quite a lot of time. Their prices are high but it’s still worth it in the end because we can get it only through grinding for materials for some days!” (Wilhelm)

“*chuckle* Good for you.” (Hiro)

“Should we help you with collecting the necessary materials? We haven’t gone out for quite a long time. It’s time for us to change that.” (Alice)

“Oh, that would be great! If you have nothing to do then let’s go right now!” (Wilhelm)

Yeah, we have nothing to do just about a few thousand weapons, armors and millions of pills to concoct… that’s surely nothing! (Alice)

Whatever. Let’s hang out for little then we can get to work once again. (Hiro)

We left the newcomers little village and went towards the beastmen’s continent to invite over Pat Cooley too. Wilhelm would wait outside until we get her to come. We reached the continent in a moment and Wilhelm landed on an island nearby to wait for us while we changed into our battle forms to look like beastmen. It was only a plus that we were stronger like this. Instead of having 3,1 Crypt we had 3,4. With so much strength and our techniques and body advantage, we can contend with someone at the early sixth stage.

Now that I think about it, we could have contacted her through our steles too… (Hiro)

Yes but then we wouldn’t have seen this continent! (Alice)

We left him there like a luggage and flew towards Pat. We also contacted her and asked her about her whereabouts.

“Hello miss cat!” (Alice)

You just couldn’t leave that out, could you? (Hiro)

No. Let’s see her reaction! (Alice)

“Fuck you! Where are you! Let me beat you up!” (Pat)

“Hahaha come if you can do it.” (Alice)

Since she too was in her school we couldn’t go in without fighting our ways in so we sent her our location in the end. A few seconds later she appeared in front of us in her tiger form and the first thing she did was to send a Paw energy attack towards Alice. Of course, it was only a playful one. Alice quickly swung her hands and cut the incoming Paw Strike into to two halves.

“Come to your dear mommy! Let me pat you, Pat!” (Alice)

“*growl* Do you want me to attack you seriously!?” (Pat)

I feel sorry for her. She didn’t know her fate but I did! Alice quickly flew over and restrained Pat with her energy. She really became a three-star divine beast but it was still not enough to fight against us especially now that we had more strength than her. The poor woman couldn’t move under the effect of Alice’s Dragon Qi. No one below our strength could move if we wished it. Once we are on the same level as the others or above them then that meant that we can completely subdue those people.

“Release me you bitch!” (Pat)

“You have such a dirty mouth! Do you need to be patted? Don’t worry I’ll soothe your rage!” (Alice)

Alice went over and started caressing her head, her back and even her tail which caused no little grunting from Pat. but she wasn’t able to resist.

“Release me! N- NO! Not there! Uh~ You are such a vile dragon!” (Pat)

“Fufu~ but you are enjoying it don’t you!? When I saw how tiger cubs look like from Hiro’s past life I immediately grew to like them! I’ve always wanted to pet a tiger and although you are bigger than a normal tiger… but you are still as cute!” (Alice)

“I’m not cute! I’m a ferocious Moon Tiger!!” (Pat)

“Sure, sure..” (Alice)

Yes. She had black fur covering her whole body and she was a three-star divine beast called Moon Tiger! She indeed took that Divine Blood and consumed it. The attack she has used before looked different from the one she used when she was fighting with Saramir. This was completely black except that it had some silver colored spots inside the energy paw. Her body too had some silver colored spots.

“Nyaa~ Release me already!” (Pat)

“?!?! What was that!? Have I just heard an 'nya~' ?” (Hiro)

“N- No!” (Pat)

“Fufufu~ see? You are enjoying it!” (Alice)

“N- NO! It was because- because of it… felt good, behind my ears..” (Pat)

“Okay~” (Alice)

She started scratching her behind her ears and I saw joy in Pat’s tiger eyes.

“Uuuh~ I can’t go before divine beasts anymore! How am I supposed to meet with any of them!?” (Pat)

“Don’t worry, we aren’t going to tell this to anyone. I don’t want to share with others your fur!” (Alice)

I too want to pet a furry animal. I liked dogs in my past life and I’m missing them a bit! (Hiro)

We will find something good for you. But you can’t pat a woman! (Alice)

You know that I didn’t want to.. (Hiro)

I do. (Alice)

Anyway, let’s go. Wilhelm is going to rot if this goes on. (Hiro)

My patting time is more important! (Alice)

Hahaha okay! (Hiro)

After another ten minutes and a completely satisfied Moon Tiger later we flew back to the island where Wilhelm was waiting for us. Upon seeing us he had an enraged face.

“What the hell were you doing for such a long time! Ten minutes!? We aren’t at the third realm!!” (Wilhelm)

“Cultivators at the third realm wouldn’t have been able to travel such a distance even in half an hour..” (Hiro)

“Who cares!?” (Wilhelm)

“Shut up male! It was a girls’ thing alright!?” (Alice)

Uhh. Hearing such a beauty bark at you quickly destroyed his.

“Why did you invite him too?” (Pat)

“We are helping him out. After collecting some materials he can get better weapons from a faction in our school.” (Hiro)

“Why don’t you ask--*muffled sound*?” (Pat)

Alice quickly covered her mouth and also used wind magic afterward. Although Wilhelm knew that we can smith and concoct pills he didn’t realize that we were the ones he is trying to get weapons from. Maybe he could get it for free if he did! That’s not right! I guess he didn’t think that we can make such weapons. Even though we have two with four runes and inscriptions. It’s completely not obvious… Well, it’s better for us if he is stupid!

“Ask what?” (Wilhelm)

“Nothing!” (Alice)

“?... Okay..” (Wilhelm)

“Whatever. Let’s go or we are never going to finish it. We still have work to do after this!” (Hiro)

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