《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 41 - Becoming Faction Leaders


Becoming Faction Leaders

Alice’s POV:


What welcomed us was a room filled with many things and there was also a list of how they are called or what can they do. We saw numerous weapons, armors made of grade one metal. Some of them were made from Durinium just like our weapons. There were many pills of every kind gathered into piles. There were also other things such as cultivation techniques, skills and we even saw a mind attack which is a first for us. Of course, it didn’t matter to us as ours were stronger and this was also true to our cultivating methods and normal skills.

In a way this is sad. Even though there are so many ‘treasures’ here, they are worthless to us though I’m not complaining! (Alice)

Yes but I’m sure that there are other things too. Come let’s look around. (Hiro)

“You can look around and if there is anything to your liking then you can ask me about its price though seeing your weapons and armors I have a feeling that you don’t need any of those.” (Foalin)

“Yes.” (Alice)

“Can I have a question? I know that I’m not really supposed to pry into your things but I’m curious and since you two are kind-” (Foalin)

“Just say it already.” (Hiro)

“O- Okay. So where did you get your equipment from?” (Foalin)

“We made them.” (Hiro)

She opened her eyes widely upon hearing my answer and she asked-

“Are you a smith?” (Foalin)

“Yes. I’m making the weapons, enchantments while Alice is responsible for inscribing and pill concocting.” (Hiro)

“You sure know many things..” (Foalin)

I saw that there was some envy in her eyes but it didn’t matter. That’s natural and there is a positive kind of envy too. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. After looking around the room completely the best we found was an Energy Converting pill which is twenty times as potent as the normal one but its price is twenty-two times as much. But even if it’s like that we are still better off with that.

When we need millions of pills what are we supposed to do with that? Stuff our mouths for a whole day to consume them all? Since we were only at the height of 3000 meters and this tower had a height of 20 000 meters I’m sure that the real deals are higher up but we don’t have enough points for that. Since we weren’t in need of weapons, armors or any kind of skill at this level we went with the pills. From the 8 060 000 points we had, we could have bought 20 150 Low Energy Converting pills. Such an amount would be enough for us to convert 30 percent of our energies. But that was nothing much as advancing at the early stages are easy.

“We would like to exchange our points for Middle-level Energy Converting pills.” (Alice)

Since we didn’t want to bother with consuming pills for a whole day as stuffing so much into our mouths would have been taken a long time we rather wanted to exchange for Middle-level Energy Converting pills. We would have bought 916 of such pills which is 100 more than what’s necessary to convert 30 percent of our energies but our dreams of advancing quickly and easily were destroyed with a single sentence from Foalin!

(AN: 21 266 Low lv. Pills are necessary to convert 31 percent while 1064 of Mid-lv. Pills. On the other hand to reach 30 percent of conversion 16 324 Low lv. Pills are necessary or 816 Mid-lv. Pills. Their prices are 400 and 8 000 respectively. You just have to divide 8 060 000 with 400 or 8 800 to get their prices. That’s how I’ve got 20 1500 and 916.)


“Sorry, but you can’t take that much as it’s against the rules. I’d like to help you but one person can take only 200 of Middle-level Energy Converting pills or 4000 Low level per month also if you have taken one of them then you can’t take pills of a higher or lower level.” (Foalin)

“What?!” (Alice)

“Sorry but as the demand is high but the production is much lower we have to restrict our output. If cultivators from the higher realms would help us out then we could provide everyone with the necessary amount of pills but they too have their problems so we can’t help it.” (Foalin)

A month here meant five years in the mortal world! We were only twenty years old and waiting so much would be a nightmare for us! Although this amount might be enough for normal cultivators as they can take half of month to consume it and another half to get enough points for the next month. They can spend many years like this but that wasn’t the case for us! We could advance much quicker than the others but we also in need of huge amounts of energies!! Advancing only thirty percent in five years!? That’s against our beliefs!

I’m a dragon god! Why should I waste so many years for only thirty percent and it’s only going to take much, much more at the higher percentages and stages! We have to do something!

“And what about herbs and things like that? Can we exchange for such things?” (Alice)

“Hmm, we do have herbs and you can exchange for some of them but we don’t have too much of that to sell either. You know how it goes. If we don’t have herbs to make pills from then we can’t sell it either… it would only make the monthly set even lower.” (Foalin)

“So no herbs?” (Alice)

“So no herbs!” (Foalin)

“Ugh. It seems like we will have to go to dungeons and alike to get enough for ourselves.” (Alice)

“Don’t cry, my love. We can advance quickly even without them and I’m sure that we are going to find a way to get more pills!” (Hiro)

“Yes!” (Alice)

He hugged me to his bosom and we heard someone cough.

“ *cough* I’m still here.” (Foalin)

Now that I think about it, we sounded like some drug addicts.. (Hiro)

“S- Sorry!” (Alice)

We separated and after getting our pills we left the place. We were left with 6 300 000 points which were a lot. We didn’t even have to care about collecting them for a while. After leaving Echo Desert Pillar we went to our house to fuck then we started consuming the pills we have gained. We sat down on our bed back to back and took out our pills. 916 pills still made quite big piles in front of us so we set to it immediately.

As the energies of those pills flooded my body I felt a rapid change in my energy. I consumed the World Energy which was inside these pills and I too also started to convert my energy. It was much more easier with the help of the ‘alien’ World Energy. My strength was quickly growing at the first some percents as it wasn’t so hard but as I continued on it was getting harder and harder and I had to consume more pills. Considering our talents after taking two days to convert our energies we were able to convert 25 percent instead of 24 percent which we were supposed to! Now we had the strength of someone at the third stage not considering our own skills!


The only downside is that we can’t get so many pills from now on for a relatively long time! I hope that we can find something good… (AN: Since you need 1,3 times as much pill after each stage then type in a calculator 20 * 1,3 then start pressing enter and do it 90 times to reach 100 percent. You’re going to see how many pills are necessary even for a single percentage… Here is a link to my gdrive document about this if you are interested in it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gapy-HLx3RWiCTP-vZDjNlRL4YMOnGzg1__RHDOXYYw/edit?usp=sharing)

Waa, what’s up with me!? I’m still in the mood to hug you! (Hiro)

Then do it but even I’ve got in the mood for it... And something more… (Alice)

I can’t help it. It’s been two days which is way too much time if you count it in mortal days!! I can’t separate from him for so long without repercussions! After satisfying those ‘repercussions’ we left the school because we sensed something good. We didn’t forget those two little bastards who dared to threaten my mate even though they did it only in their minds! You might say that we are the evil ones but I’m a dragon! What did you expect? That I’m going to be a little angel!? Time to shed some blood...

Since they were marked with our mind powers and they weren’t able to sense it we simply followed after them. We reached them in half a minute far away from the school and I greeted them.

“Hello you two~” (Alice)

“Hmm? Oh, you are that sex- beautiful girl! Haha, nice to meet you! What can I help you with?” (?)

One of them answered back with a ‘respectful’ demeanor but I picked up on what he wanted to say...

“Ehm the thing is that~ could you die?” (Alice)

“Huh?” (?)

“Don’t huh to me. Just die you fucker.” (Hiro)

He couldn’t wait any longer as he stabbed his spear through the poor guys head instantly. I shot a Dragon’s Wings with my arms towards the other one and it cut him into two halves. Both of them died a quick death.

We are so evil~ They didn’t even make a move yet we killed them~ (Alice)

And? Who cares? They should have known it better than to use their mind powers to chat right in front of us and such things at that.

Then suddenly out of nowhere came a guy charging at us with a spear in hand. As it stood he would hit me if I didn’t evade which of course was an easy thing. He wasn’t a high-level cultivator but at that time Hiro grabbed my ass with his left hand and rotated us then with his right hand used his spear to throw it at the charging guy. He made something terrible while doing this saying:

“My right-hand kills while my left-hand feels ah-” (Hiro)

His spear throw killed the guy but this line also killed me…

“.....” (Alice)

“.....” (Hiro)

“Sorry I don’t know what came to me.” (Hiro)

“You are terrible at rapping. What was that ah- to begin with? And this whole line.” (Alice)

“Nooo!! Don’t repeat it at least! The shame!” (Hiro)

He put his hands on his face and I felt through our bond that he felt shame… no wonder though he doesn’t have to be shameful in front of me.

“I have to erase this from your memories!! And from mine too..” (Hiro)

“L- Let’s just forget it okay?” (Alice)

“Yes!” (Hiro)

His face was still red and I couldn’t help it. I slipped…

“Pff- pfft hahaha” (Alice)

“You are so cruel.” (Hiro)

“Sorry~ Anyway time to loot them. Their things can be given away later.” (Alice)

We found a spear, a sword, and a saber. All of them had relatively good armors compared to the norm. After Hiro enchants them and I inscribe them, they are going to be quite good armors. We intend to create some ‘factions’ which we would use to get our hands on herbs and metals. The rule would be that if they can bring metals or the necessary herbs to us then Hiro would make them weapons or armors while I would concoct pills. Of course, we would set a necessary amount if they want to get something. The difference would be our profit!

How much more should we ask from them I wonder? Too much is wrong but considering what they are going to get… maybe we should ask for about one-third more than what’s necessary? (Hiro)

No way! Half is totally okay. Where can they get armors or weapons with so many enchantments and even I’m going to inscribe them with one or maybe two runes? That price is totally alright! (Alice)

Okay. Then let’s go with half of it. Everyone should be happy with that. If we are going to have good traffic then we can get quite a lot of materials. From so much, it’s going to be easy for you to make pills and for me to have many metals! (Hiro)

It was night time so we went back and ‘slept’ till morning. With the rising sun, we also moved to a building called Societal Cross. This wasn’t a huge building like the others but it was still important for many cultivators and now that’s the case for us too. It was about twenty meters tall, twenty meters wide and forty meters long. Like most of the buildings, this too was made up of huge white stones.

We found a receptionist and submitted our faction which is going to be called The Lawless. After submitting the faction name it’s going to be put out among the other factions. There are ten factions and it’s a rare occurrence when a new appears because usually they are crushed by the old and powerful ones. There are things like classes in this school where cultivators can learn about energy control, little pointers about cultivation methods and such but since we don’t need help in any of these we aren’t attending them.

This is also a reason we don’t know anyone here. Others are attending those classes and the more talented ones are revered while we, on the other hand, can get famous only by slaughtering these pigs who call themselves geniuses. On the board where the ten factions are listed in a ranking ours were at the bottom. I’m sure that someone is going to try crushing us too but they can come anytime. Except when we are making love. Don’t bother a lusting dragon!

Under the name of the faction we also stated this:

The Lawless

This faction is created for the reason to gather cultivators who want to get good weapons or pills for free. All you have to do is provide the necessary amount of materials which are going to be stated if you join.

We are going to ask for a little more than what is necessary which is going to be our profit. We can make any kind of weapon, armor or pill as long as you have the materials! We also need a director as we don’t want to bother with controlling the faction.

We don’t have any laws except that you must hand over the necessary amount of material to get the thing you want. If you want to join then come to the Unwelcoming Hillside mountain and we can talk about it. If you want to become the director then you have to be able to beat at least people at the sixth stage. That’s the minimum.

We welcome everyone, A., H.

That’s how our mountain was called. Although it was a nice place but the natural energies were relatively scarce there and someone was funny enough in the past to give this mountain such a name... It didn’t matter to us as we don’t need areas with abundant Universe Energy since we need to convert our energies not cultivate it and we aren’t really staying at our house, to begin with. The mountain being deserted only made it better as we weren’t very social…

We went back to our house and after about thirty minutes there came, a group of cultivators. Since we didn’t want to be known widely, we have shrouded ourselves in dark magic making it impossible to look through it. The ones who came were at the fourth - fifth stage numbering at eight people. They quickly came in and we met with our first possible members. When you start something new it’s always a little nerve wracking even if you don’t care about it so much. We were the same at this time.

“Hello. Are you two the faction creators?” (? Guy)

“Yes, we are. Are you interested in joining?” (Hiro)

“First do you have a sample? I mean we came because we are in need of weapons, pills, and armors. If your work is shitty then we are leaving.” (? Guy)

He had about 59 percent converted so he was the ‘leader’ among them.

“Since we don’t have sample items I can only show you my own weapon or some other weapons that we found and enchanted and inscribed with runes. Are you okay with that?” (Hiro)

“Yes.” (? Guy)

These starting moments are so bad. Hiro was like an item being put on sale! My mate was being measured up by others which I didn’t like but we have to bear with it for now. If they don’t know our products we aren’t going to have any traffic but once words get out about our weapons etc. then I’m sure that many cultivators are going to come in flocks to get one. Fufu~ at that time we are going to be the ones to select who can join and who not! Hiro handed over his spear and after grabbing it the guy opened his eyes widely with his mouth wide opened.

Since our weapons were bounded with our bloods we didn’t have to fear anyone stealing it. The formation on it could prevent that because it would turn into liquid and flow back into our hands. Seeing the four enchantments and inscriptions on it his hands shook and a longing fire was burning in his eyes.

“Oh my god!! This is ridiculous!! Such a weapon is worth way more than what I can get from Silverleaf points! Can you really make such weapons?” (? Guy)

Hiro called back his spear into his hands startling the guy but he had an even happier face after seeing this.

“We can but the thing is that I won’t make it into as powerful as mine. That would be like giving weapons into people’s hands who might become our enemies later.. But fear not because I can guarantee one-two or three enchantments with the same amount of inscriptions. Those things can also be selected by the customer.” (Hiro)

“And what is going to regulate how many enchantments and inscriptions you put on them?” (? Guy)

“There are going to be three grades in our faction and you can get one in the third grade, two in the second and three in the third grade. If you want to get into a higher grade then all you have to do is to buy our products. You have to buy three weapons or armors to get into the second grade and five to get into the third grade. The core members who are going to be the first ten members can get into the first grade immediately. The director can get anything with four enchantments and inscriptions which are exclusive only to that person.” (Hiro)

“Of course that person too can get only one and he/she will have to pay if maintenance is necessary. I’m sure that you’ve seen the necessary requirements to become the director.” (Hiro)

Hey, shouldn’t we contact Radcliff? I’d rather make such weapon and armor for him than to some new unknown strangers.. (Alice)

Oh, you are right though I don’t know if he is going to become the chairman of our faction. (Hiro)

We don’t know if we don’t try. (Alice)

…. This was almost as bad as my ‘rap’ shit. (Hiro)

Uuh I know. *sob* Such a low class saying.. It was like a copy paste text!! (Alice)

Don’t cry honey, I too have such terrible moments. Maybe everyone has! (Hiro)

While we were having our tragedy they became excited that they can join our faction and get to become first grade members immediately.

“I’m joining! Take me in!” (? Guy)

After he shouted so the others also made a clamor and started voicing their agreements. We have memorized their auras to remember them and gave them the badges of this faction. Every faction had a badge which also differentiated its members from members of other factions. Ours had a circular shape and there was a sword pierced into that circular ‘planet’. The ones they have got also had three stars at the bottom meaning that they were first grade members. These were sealed with our unique Dragon and Hydra qi so no one can falsify it.

“Okay, we are all done. Now you can tell us what you need then we are going to tell you the necessary materials and when you are done with collecting it we are going to make them.” (Hiro)

“Great!” All of them shouted.

“By the way, I’m called Rayner Barberi. I’m glad to join!” (Rayner)

After him, everyone introduced themselves to us even though we didn’t even listen to their names so it’s likely that we won’t remember it. We are so terrible. Whatever... They were looking at us with inquiring eyes waiting for us to tell our names. Sadly for them, we ignored their inquiring eyes.

“Thank you for joining. Now please tell me what do you need.” (Hiro)

It was weird to see a talking black cloud but I was one such black cloud too. After all of them described the weapons and armors they wanted Hiro told them how much metals and which kind should they get.

“Hey and what about those pills?” (Rayner)

“I was about to mention it because what are really necessary for us are herbs, not metals.” (Hiro)

He looked at me and I joined the fray by telling them what kind of herbs they should gather. Since we can hunt cores ourselves we don’t need those.

“Okay. I’ll make sure to gather everything!” (Rayner)

He was hyped to leave and gather everything so that he can get his hands on his new possessions. The others also followed suit and left the place. Since we didn’t want to repeat this process we flew to Echo Desert Pillar and exchanged for Memory Crystals for 1 000 000 points. We have bought 500 000 pieces which should be enough for now. It’s not a single use item so we can use it to receive the orders then reset them. We made a building on our courtyard for now with a name board on it saying ‘Ordering House’.

We put down the Memory Crystals there and stated everything in another Memory Crystal which had another board before it saying ‘information’. All of those Memory Crystals were bounded with our blood making it impossible to steal. They can crush it though but then they can expect losing a life too.. If there would be an order then we can simply know about it through the Memory Crystal.

Anything can be bounded with your blood as long as you have enough of it… but luckily we had high regeneration abilities making it easy for us to bound so many things without dying of blood loss. Hiro quickly made a sample weapon and put it out in the ordering house for everyone to see and inspect. The rules about member grades were also stated clearly. For now, we have left the planet to hunt for monster cores as those were necessary for me to concoct pills.

Two days later when we came back with many low and mid level monster cores we have found something unexpected. Although we knew that it’s going to be a big success but that it would be like that in such a short time? That! We did not know! There were many orders and the first batch of people was already there with the necessary materials.

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