《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 40 - Hunting for scores and being famous?


Hunting for scores and being famous?!?

Hiro’s POV:


(AN: MINOR CHANGE! Italic without “” marks means H || A talking through their bond.

Talking through their bond

While “talking with others telepathically” happens in this form. So bond (Alice) or (Hiro) and “telepathically talking” (someone))

We soon arrived on Fochorix. What welcomed us was a planet which of about ninety percent was water. This was a water world with deep oceans. The deeper you went the more powerful monsters you found. We jumped out from the spaceship high up in the air and enjoyed the feeling of freefall without stopping ourselves using our domains.

We dived into the ocean with a large and loud boom as the water splashed everywhere but it wasn’t painful to our powerful bodies as we easily resisted this. And we can merge together with the water too anyway so we had no way to get wounded from something like this.

Where should we go? (Alice)

I don’t know. It’s water everywhere… (Hiro)

You don’t say!? (Alice)

Come here you little! (Hiro)

Hahaha~ (Alice)

After chasing her and playing around for a bit we went towards a random way. We sensed many monsters all around us so it wasn’t hard to find monsters. We were 500 meters deep when the first death seeker appeared in the form of a huge whale except that it had razor sharp teeth and a much more powerful and tougher body. It had twelve percent of energy converted so we were able to kill it quite easily.

I stabbed its stomach full of holes and Alice pierced its heart with her sword. We took out its core which was in its head. Since this wasn’t a monster created by dungeons we had to search for its core but after it died it was easy to find with our mind magic. When a monster dies its mind is also going to be destroyed in the process so there is no mind power which can resist ours to search through its body for its core which has the remnants of its energy.

We left the corpse of the monster there and waited for other monsters to appear. Why would we go around if after some waiting we can kill hordes of monsters? These were all crazed monsters with an infinite appetite so it didn’t matter if they ate a moment ago. If they feel the smell of blood then all of them are going to come. In five minutes there were hordes of monsters killing each other for the corpse but we also joined in on the fun. We didn’t come here to look at monsters fighting.

I was using my spear and Hydra Qi to form Hydra’s head, tail, paws, and wings and I was continuously pouring all of my attacks towards these monsters. Since the place was filled to the brim I didn’t even have to aim as my attacks always hit a random target. When we saw a monster sinking down we quickly searched its body and tore out its core using our mind powers then stored it in our storage spaces. Since all of these monsters had AT MOST about 15-16 percent converted we had it easy as nothing can fight us equally as long as its power isn’t more than ours by a large margin.

We had exactly 1,6 Crypt so none of these monsters stood a chance. After half an hour of slaughtering finally all of them died but at that time something not unexpected has happened. More powerful monsters slowly started appearing as they started creeping up from the deeper parts of the oceans. We are building a fucking pyramid!... of monsters. These had about 16-20 percent converted which made our battle harder.


An alligator-like monster swam towards me and arrived in front of me in a flash with its jaws wide opened. Since there was no one around… out of fun I changed into my monster forms and tore it into many pieces. Its body was torn apart in a flash which surprised and scared the surrounding monsters. My body was 108 meters tall and 455 meters long. Such a huge body appearing out of nowhere would naturally scare them. Although these monsters were also big and had huge bodies but as I was a True Divine Beast mine was even bigger.

Alice also followed me and the two of us made short work of these trash mobs in our monster forms. We haven’t fought in our monster forms ever since coming here so we felt like releasing some ‘stress’. After killing the second round of monsters we changed back into our human forms and went farther away from the scene The last batch had about 23 percentage of their energies converted so the next would be hard to deal with in our human forms. We used our monster forms only at the end of this group... We had about 100 cores at each percentage adding up to a sum of about 402 000 points.

We sensed something unexpected when we moved back. We sensed other humans grouping in a single point. They weren’t much stronger than us considering energy conversion percentage so we can beat them if necessary.

Should we look at them? (Alice)

Yeah, let’s go. Maybe they have found something good and fighting over it. If it’s really good then we might as well… (Hiro)

Fufu~ let’s go. (Alice)

We moved towards where we sensed them which was actually about five thousand kilometers away from our original location. We arrived there in a short amount of time only to see them fighting against each other. No after careful examination I was able to see that three of them attacked a single one who had a black stone in her hand. Two of the three attackers were female while one of them was a male. Alice quickly shot an arrow towards the three who thought that they can take on her attack.

The guy used his shield to ‘stop’ Alice’s arrow but is simply went through it and it also pierced his left upper arm. He wanted to scream out a bit in pain but we were in the water so the sound didn’t really transfer. All of them stopped as they looked towards us.

“What are you fighting for?~” (Alice)

She sent a mind message towards them to inquire about why they were fighting. After feeling the energy behind Alice’s attack I’m sure that the guy knew that he isn’t her opponent as he would be crushed in a single attack. He and the other three looked at us nervously. They clearly didn’t want to tell us what they are fighting for which means that black stone might be something extraordinary.

“What are you being silent for? Answer my wife!” (Hiro)

I poured oil on the fire by pressuring them even more. But at that time the girl who was besieged by the others answered us quickly.

“Please help me out! I found a good treasure and these three wants to take it away from me and even though I’ve offered that I’m going to give it to them so that they would let me go they said no.” (Besieged woman)

“How should we call you? I’m Hiro and she is Alice.” (Hiro)

“E- eh oh sorry. My name is Adeline Harcourt. I- I’ll pay you but please help me out!” (Adeline)


She swam next to us swiftly. The other three also came closer but they didn’t dare to attack after seeing how a single and casual attack of Alice’s could have killed their friend if not for Alice not aiming at his vital points.

“How did you get into this mess and what is that black stone?” (Alice)

“This black stone is a Spell Crystal containing a powerful curse. You can learn it in the same way you can skills from tomes.” (Adeline)

“Oh? Curse? What kind of curse? Or do you know its name at least?” (Hiro)

I was looking straight into her eyes so she wasn’t able to lie to me. Although this wasn’t known by others but our ‘passive’ ability is that we have a curse on our eyes called Curse of Truth. Whoever looks into a True Divine Beasts eyes is going to be affected by it. This is a very powerful curse and not even a tenth level cultivator could lie to me without me noticing. This didn’t mean that the person can’t tell lies. But I’m going to know if it’s like that. Of course if my target had equal or lower strength than me then the person can’t even lie to me.

“Yes. It’s called Ethereal Delusions. It makes the target having illusions. The target’s ears are going to ring non-stop and they are going to feel nauseated. If someone were to be hit by this curse in the middle of a battle you can imagine the consequences. Originally I was alone but when I met them we fought together against some monsters and after I found this Spell Stone in a cave they wanted to take it from me.” (Adeline)

“At first I said no and so they wanted to kill me. I have a big sister in the school called Lucette Harcourt who is at the third stage. I guess they feared that I’m going to tell them off to her and since not even school rules can protect them… they wanted to take care of me!” (Adeline)

“To be honest I too would have decided to kill you in that case but what I would have done differently is that I wouldn’t have tried to steal it from you if you were the one to find it.” (Alice)

Oh! Alice is a good girl now! (Hiro)

All this while we didn’t hide our messages so the other three also heard everything. They had nervous faces when they looked at us and finally one of the three took the courage to talk.

“If you want that stone you can have it. Just let us leave could you?” (Woman)

I don’t really care if they live or die but they are likely to conspire against us after this and since we have Fu Xiao as the enemy, maybe we should take care of them... We looked at Adeline with inquiring eyes.

“You can have this stone as a payment but help me take care of them if possible!” (Adeline)

As usual, when you see a chance to take revenge you hold onto it. Her answer was as expected this.

“You heard her. We have enemies anyway and we don’t want to leave any more snakes behind our backs and we can also get our hands on a good skill.. Sorry guys but life is never fair and equal.” (Alice)

“Fuck you damned bastards! We aren’t going down without killing at least one of you!” (Guy)

“Do you want to die nameless? I don’t care about them as they are like indexes in your memories but you might care so if you want to be remembered by someone then name yourself.” (Hiro)

As I finished speaking I saw them gaining a ferocious look like cornered beasts. It’s a natural reaction. In their opinion although little but at least one of them has a chance to escape. When you are cornered that’s when your ‘friends’ betray you to save their own lives. This isn’t despicable as that’s how intelligent beings are especially cultivators who value their lives the most. All of them are greedy and selfish. Of course there are true friends, family… lovers who would really die for the other’s sake but those are rare.

Interestingly enough this is a more common thing among mortal parents. Not here, though… alienation sure is powerful. What they didn’t know was that they had no chance to escape because we weren’t your average kind of slightly more powerful cultivators. If that had been known by them then they would have begged for their lives since usually, that’s the next step. Or maybe not. It’s not like I’ve been in such a situation in reality up till now so I can’t know it for sure.

Don’t bother with them. We would forget them anyway. (Alice)

But we are cultivators so we can’t really forget- (Hiro)

Who you are lying to. Ignorance is bliss! (Alice)

That’s also true (Hiro)

(AN: This was spoken through their bond.)

We moved swiftly and killed them in a short amount of time. I charged at the guy and pierced his head in a swift move making his head explode. He was so slow.. Alice also released two arrows straight towards their heads and their heads exploded upon contact. We have perfect control over our energies not like the others so our attacks don't come with destroying the nature though we can’t destroy anything here as we are in a huge ocean.

Seeing us being done so quickly surprised Adeline and was looking at us with wide opened eyes. Considering that they had fifteen percent converted and we had the strength as if we would have sixteen percent converted our killing speed was unreal. It should have taken more to kill them for a normal cultivator with the same difference. Having superior weapons and control made a huge difference.

Since Alice’s bow was made of a grade one metal it channeled her energy better making her attacks more powerful than a grade two would. After robbing them of their possessions we flew out of the ocean to talk. They didn’t have anything of worth from our point of view but we can pass on these things for quite a lot of points but this isn’t surprising because they were at low stages meaning that they haven’t been here for too long.

I simply don’t like asking for things so I didn’t remind her about our deal… Even when I was a mortal child I’ve never asked my parents for sweets or anything else. Even my mother mentioned many times that it was a bit weird how I’ve never asked for anything even though I was a child. I on the other hand always felt weird when I went into a shop and saw other children simply put anything they want into their shopping bag. I’ve never been like that.

I guess I am the weird one. Well, whatever it’s not it matters though I still have this habit. After not saying anything for an awkward two seconds which seemed to be much more than it was I saw realization in her eyes. She saw the light!

“S- Sorry. I almost forgot it. Here is your reward for helping me out. I’m really grateful to you for saving my life.” (Adeline)

“No problem. It came with rewards too so it was our pleasure.” (Alice)

She handed it over to us and there came the awkward silence which was expected by us. I can talk very much if I’m in the presence of my ‘friends’ or real friends, family. It doesn’t matter but when it comes to strangers I’ve always felt weird in my past life too and it didn’t really change ever since then. Luckily or unluckily Alice was the same so we didn’t know what to say and as usually, it is with human psyche if you see more people than you with the same kind of feeling then you are going to be affected by it.

Since she saw two of us feeling so awkward she too started feeling awkward but luckily after five seconds which seemed to be an eternity I opened my mouth to say:

“O- Okay. Now we are going to hunt a some more monsters. Have a nice day…” (Hiro)

Kyaaa this was such a lame finish! We are too unsocial in some cases! (Alice)

I know right? This is so terrible! My face is burning in shame! Let’s leave quickly and leave behind our social skills!! (Hiro)

Aww we are so bad at these things. This is your fault! Your past has affected my personality! Maybe I’d have become a dragon who has good social skills! (Alice)

Dream on honey. (Hiro)

The only good side of this is that I can be with you~ I don’t mind even if you have changed me or not because I feel the happiest like this. I can’t imagine a future without you. (Alice)

Nor do you have to. I’ll make it sure that we are going to be eternal! We can live together forever! (Hiro)

Uhh~ 💗 (Alice)

After I answered Adeline we quickly turned around and flew away and stopped only after about twenty minutes of flying. It’s better if we go to the other side of the planet! We don’t want to meet her so soon after such a weird scene.. We stopped and carefully studied this Spell Stone. These stones can contain single use skills just like for example our Hydro Mind.

When she handed over the Spell Stone information flooded our minds about this curse, its name and how to use it. Curses were different from normal skills or mind attacks as both of them were quite easy to defend against. As long as you had enough strength or mind power you could stop them or crush them but this wasn’t the case at curses. Calling curses were quite hard and needed time but they were the most powerful kind of attacks.

Using them in the middle of a battle was literally impossible unless you had someone to cover you or you had parallel minds. Luckily for us we had both.. Now even I can do it without Hiro having to ‘give’ one of his minds to me as I too had two minds. Curses were made up of the matter beyond the space which can’t be controlled by anyone. It was said that thing beyond space was the thing which kept the promises and oaths true. I don’t know if it’s like that but for now I don’t care.

This meant that we have a new way to use a powerful attack. We had two very powerful curses in our inherent memories but we can’t use them for now. This, on the other hand, wasn’t such an overpowering curse so we were able to use it. When we want to use a curse we have to control Space Energy which is the lowest kind of energy… to form an array out of it. When these secret arrays are formed they control the energy beyond the space to make a simple line of light which enters its target.

Upon entering its target the person can defend against the curse with his/her own energy or mind power or both but usually, it’s bound to fail. Truth be told no one knows the real way to defend against curses or even if someone knows that person won’t tell it to anyone. I’m no different as I don’t know about it either but even if I’d know I wouldn’t tell it to others. Maybe to the ones that are closer to me. These Space Energy arrays are quite complicated and they are made up of thousands of formations compressed into a single one.

Creating new curses is the hardest thing to do in the whole universe because you have to create a powerful combination of formation which can crack the space, call forth the power beyond it and make it do what you want to. Something like that was straight impossible for us. I guess the creator of the universe should know about it but that’s very far away from us so that’s unknown for us.

This Ethereal Curse had only a temporary effect and it was also easy to cast so that’s the reason they wanted it so badly. If it would have been your usual long curse then they wouldn’t have bothered to care about it so much. But this curse can be cast easily so it could mean a lot of help in a battle! And to us? If we combine it with Hydro Mind, our mind reading ability and Binding Clock I wouldn’t dare to face ourselves.

“Learn it. It doesn’t matter which one of us does it anyway. I’ll…” (Hiro)

“You’ll? You will hug me while I do it? Fufu~ I can hear your thoughts you know?” (Alice)

“Yeah. But I really got in the mood to just Luv you! I want to hug you so much!” (Hiro)

“So good for me. 💗 Come I’ll love you back with all of me.” (Alice)

She used her mind power to learn the curse and I also learned it as she has done so. We stayed flying there in the air hugging each other. I don’t know why but I’ve just got in the mood for it. Sometimes I’m so unpredictable. It happens to me at times that I have a sudden mood swing and all goes wrong or the other way around. Since we were alone together I have no way to have a bad mood! I was happy and loving so I wanted to hog her all to myself and as expected from my other half she didn’t say things like ‘I’m not in the mood’.

She simply reciprocated my feelings unconditionally. Ah~ I love her so badly. After taking a little break from this never ending struggling through life we went back to do it once again. After killing thousands of monsters all around this planet for days we have collected about two thousand of the cores at each percentage. We did the same tactic again and again but doing so was tiring and boring so we decided to go back to the school for now.

We should be able to get a huge amount of Energy Converting pills from the number of points, we are going to get for this and after we consume all of them we can advance and hunt stronger monsters once again which is going to bring even more points to us. We left Fochorix and went back to Posnoth. When we arrived at the school we were looked at by many people. Some had envious eyes while some had respectful, admiring.

Of course, this was only among those who were new as the older ones wouldn’t ‘get so low’ to respect someone who is ‘weaker’ than them. We heard whisperings like-

“Look those two are the ones. They killed a cultivator at the third stage with only ten percent of their energies converted! I heard that many elders are interested in taking them as their apprentices!” (?)

“I’m so envious. It would be so good if I were to be selected to become an elder’s disciple!” (?)

We were able to hear them as they used their mind powers to ‘hide’ their chatting from us. Those who were here had a habit of being more powerful than the others making them think that the others can’t hear them even though there are many that are more powerful than they are. I too wouldn’t dare to use our mind powers to talk as there are many cultivators at the fourth stage and above.

Though one of such mind messages pricked my ears…

“Ooh look at her ass! I bet that she would feel great in the bed! And those tits and full pink lips.” (Death seeker guy)

“If only they wouldn’t be so powerful! We are only at the second stage so we don’t too much chance. I heard that they beat those who were examining the newcomers in a single move!” (Death seeker guy 2)

I quickly told my ‘problem’ to Alice through our bond.

*growl* Alice I- I want to kill! Lusting after you is one thing but they are talking about how they should take care of us!! They are courting death! (Hiro)

Kill them. I don’t care. Wait. Now that I think about it they are threatening my mate!! FUCKERS! They have to die! (Alice)

Since we were on school grounds we can’t kill them so we marked them with our superior mind powers without them noticing.

Just you wait when you leave school because you are never going to return fuckers! (Hiro)

I’m in~ (Alice)

For now, we went towards Echo Desert Pillar to exchange for Silverleaf points. We quickly arrived at the place and went straight towards Folian. It was ‘weekend’ time where most of the cultivators took a day off and went to arenas, pubs or such places to enjoy themselves. Of course, there were still people who were exchanging for points or treasures but there were barely some of them.

“Hello Foalin” (Alice)

“Hello” (Hiro)

“Hello, you two. Are you back to exchange for some points?” (Foalin)

“Yes. We’ve made quite a lot so we can advance quickly for now.” (Alice)

What was particular about this level that it was very easy to advance at the start but it was much more harder the higher you went. The difficulty increased by many times after each percent compared to the lower levels. We would need tens of millions of pills to convert a single percent. Of course we can do so without pills too but it’s going to be slower like that but considering that we can kill so many monsters it’s going to be easy for us to literally jump over this whole level! Or that’s what I wanted to believe but our dreams were soon crushed.

Alice took out cores we had numbering to 46 000!! You could imagine the pile of cores that appeared out of nowhere. Foalin opened her eyes widely upon seeing it and it was surprising even for us as we haven’t seen it out of our storage spaces. It was like a mountain. The people who were in the building also made a clamor as they were talking loudly with each other.

“What the fuck? Just how many monsters did they kill?” (?)

“I don’t know man but that would take years for me. They are real monsters!” (?)

Well we are.. (Alice)

“Uhm wait a moment. - she counted our cores with her mind power - Okay you have 2000 of each core with 11 to 23 percentage converted so adding it up means 8.060.000 points in total! Oh my god, you really made it big! I’ve seen such huge amounts traded in at once only among cultivators at the ninth stage!” (Foalin)

She had cold sweat on her forehead as she announced the points we are going to get.

“What can we trade for from so much? I’m sure that we should be able to get some things with better quality!” (Hiro)

“Y- Yes you can. Come with me and I’m going to show it to you but at first I’m going to store these cores as I’m supposed to and transfer your points to you.” (Foalin)

“Thanks~” (Alice)

She stored it away in a storage item which had the shape of a barrel. Somehow I have a feeling that it has a huge space inside it. She then used an unique formation to seal the points that were transferred to us. Now both of us had 8.060.000 points! This ‘not halving the points’ rule was a really good one! This also incited others to work in teams. I guess at the higher realms cultivators who can work in teams are necessary. I wonder how powerful those harbringers are. (AN: Just to be clear I know that it should be spelled as harbingers. I created my own word for it.. I have so much creativity with these….)

We followed after her through a door and went upwards in this tall tower. After reaching the height of about 3000 meters which was nothing compared to the tallness of this tower we went through a door. It’s interesting that we came only this far. This means that there are still many things to discover! She opened the door and we saw a similar scene to what we saw in Vertshadow dungeon’s resting rooms. Now let’s browse among the things we can get our hands on!


(AN: How many points they get after a core with x percent converted. It’s incremented by 30 after each percent as you can see and they had 2000 of each core. That’s how I’ve got 8.060.000 points in total.

Percent % 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Points 130 160 190 220 250 280 310 340 370 400 430 460 490

What they robbed can be used later as ‘presents’ for those who might want to join to their ‘factions’ but that’s for later. )

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