《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 39 - Score System and fighting in the arena!


Score system and a fighting in the arena!

Alice’s POV:


We quickly read the rule book over using our mind powers to know everything about this place that’s necessary. The most important rules were those that were stated by Radcliff before and to our despair we didn’t find anything about the point system at this place. It was stated that we have to go to the Echo Desert Pillar to get points or exchange them to the possible items.

I guess we can get information about how can we get those points at that place too. We quickly left our house and went towards Echo Desert Pillar. It was in the middle of Echo Desert which was devoid of any life. Not even monsters were found on the way. It was about 40 000 kilometers away so it wasn’t an instant travel but it didn’t take too long of a time either.. After 6,6 seconds later we arrived at our destination. We saw huge tower reaching into the sky which stood 20 000 meters tall! It was a huge and magnificent building and its outside was covered in glass.

The sun was reflected back to every way making it into a shining tower. Mortals would burn to the death from the heat this tower was reflecting not to talk about the light. I wonder how it looks at night. I’m sure that it’s beautiful in the moonlight!

“We will have to come here and look at it.” (Hiro)

“Uhn.” (Alice)

We quickly went inside and found many people there. Many were coming in or going out and we also saw a lot of faces which were among those that are new just like us. Those that were behind us in the lines were also here. Upon seeing us they respectfully bowed towards us with cupped hands. ??! Of course not all of them. Most of them simply walked around or talked without bothering with us which somehow felt better. But in a way the respect too felt good. It’s just that it was weird. I haven’t been respected before!

“Because you are a lustful dragon haha~” (Hiro)

“And so?” (Alice)

“Haha~ come let’s ask those receptionist looking people.” (Hiro)

There were about ten pults with a receptionist behind each one of them. We swiftly went up to a middle aged woman who was the only one free at the moment.

“Hello you two. I haven’t seen you here. Are you new?” (Woman)

“Yes we are. I’m Alice and he is called Hiro.” (Alice)

“Okay. I’m called Foalin. Nice to meet you. But girl; what a beauty you are!” (Foalin)

“Please, you are making me embarrassed..” (Alice)

She looked at Hiro playfully then said-

“Be careful or others might steal her from you!” (Foalin)

“Haha- That’s only possible if they kill her and me in the process..” (Hiro)

“E- Eh? Are you soul bounded?” (Foalin)

“Yes.” (Alice)

“That was unexpected. That’s quite a rare choice you know? So what can I help you with?” (Foalin)

“We know hehe~ We would like to learn about this point system as we are fresh enrollers.” (Alice)

Before she could answer she was interrupted by a big muscular guy coming behind us telling us to-

“Move out of the way. You are keeping up the line!” (Retard 1)

“Go there - she pointed with her finger towards a door - and you can get information about the thing you have asked. Have a nice day!” (Foalin)

She hurriedly finished her sentence as she was looking at us with worrying eyes and we moved aside for this pighead to get his turn. Foalin was a receptionist at the middle age and she was only at the second stage. This pig head was at the third stage so I suppose Foalin was fearing him or our safety as we are ‘weak’ new students. Whatever.. She was nice to us so we are going to come to her the next time too.


She had long blonde hair similar to mine but hers wasn’t as rich and shiny as mine. She had blue eyes, middle sized boobs and a quite good looking figure. It’s just that her body was aged. She needs a good upgrade in ‘talent’ or more like will and then she could become a beauty! We left towards the door she pointed at and went inside. There was a room of five cubic meters and there was only a crystal ball at the center of it. There was a woman and a guy inside. When the woman was done with touching it she left then the guy did the same. Both of them were newcomers. We also did it then left with our new found knowledge.

To get Silverleaf points there were numerous ways. One such way was to kill monsters and sell their cores to the school. You could also sell your own hand made weapon, armor or pills to trade it for Silverleaf points. How many points we have is going to be appeared in the same way as how many guild points we have. The only difference is that we aren’t going to have a total point counter like in the guild as it doesn’t matter.

If we were to be punished for breaking some laws then that could also mean that we would lose a few percentage of our points or in the worst case all of them. Just think about how you are trying to gather enough points to buy a weapon and then you are suddenly punished for your mistake and lose all of your points. Then you can start the whole gathering from zero.. We have to spend our points before causing trouble!!

You can also gain points by betting! As you know there is the arena where many battles happen between cultivators because of their disagreements. You can use that to gain points if you bet on the right person. Naturally the loser has to pay you out while the winner gets everything. If there are bigger battles then there are events created by cultivators where the masses can bet. The last way to get points was paying in gold! 1 gold coin means 1 Silverleaf point but it’s worth to change.

Because the prices were lower compared to what the outside markets had. For example the Energy Converting pill didn’t cost 500 points but 400. Considering how many pills cultivators needed at this realm it was easy to imagine that even fifty points/gold of decrement was worth millions of difference! For example at 25 percent you would need 1024 Energy Converting pills to reach 26 percent of conversion. It really differs greatly if you multiply it with 400 or 500 and the difference is only going to grow! (AN: If you forgot you need 1,3 times more pills after each percent.)

The most interesting thing was what can we trade for and how much we can get after the traded items! For example we can get 100 scores for a monster core at the first stage with ten percent of conversion. If it’s at the first stage but with fifteen percent of conversion then we can get 250 points. This means that we can get an additional thirty points after each percent converted! If we can kill a monster with 80 percent of conversion then we can get 2 100 points!

And we can travel around this whole mini galaxy to find monsters. There are many planets overran with these monsters, treasures, dungeons and many things! Of course at this realm there are quite a lot of families with proud children… but as of now we haven’t met any of them which is great. Maybe that pighead was like that but I don’t know about that.


You could trade your points to get new armors, weapons, pills, rare treasures but those are hidden and you can look at them only if you have the necessary amount of points. But those prices are numbering at 50-100 millions or even more. For now we should get our hands on more of these pills or the necessary ingredients to make them. If I want to concoct an Energy Converting pill then I have to get at least one monster core which depending on the percent of energy converted inside can be enough for ten or more such pills.

So to make an Energy Converting pill it is necessary to use one percent of World Energy which can’t be restored.. That is the reason why we pharmacists used monster cores not our own energies as that would drop our cultivation! Who would do such a thing? It was also necessary to get three other herbs called Black Cardamom, Assilica and Erreway. As we were leaving Echo Desert Pillar we heard something interesting.

“Did you hear it? There is going to be a great battle between Chic Wilhelm who is a genius among the younger generation and another guy called Fu Huan! I heard that Fu Huan has a great feud with Wilhelm and that he is similarly powerful compared to Wilhelm!” (Guy 1)

“Oh? I know them! I had my enrollment exam with them. Both of them performed great. They were taken as apprentices by two elders and they are advancing with a speed uncomparable even to us! Do you know the reason of their feud?” (Guy 2)

“Yes! I’ve heard that when Wilhelm was about to kill a powerful boss in a dungeon Fu Huan ambushed him and stole away the boss’ core exchanging it for scores. Wilhelm almost died in the process. This has happened six days before and now that Wilhelm has recovered he wants to take revenge!” (Guy 1)

“Hm honey~ Should we attend this wonderful ceremony? I’m curious about it.” (Alice)

“Of course! We haven’t been to the arena anyway. It’s time to explore this school!” (Hiro)

We followed after those two and arrived to the arena in a short while. What we saw was a huge circular building with a diameter of 150 kilometers! This was a huge area for mortals but for us? It was nothing big. We could run through it in two seconds at most and only the slowest ones needed so much time. There were many seats all around the arena so we sat down at a random place. There were quite a lot of people coming but most of them were at lower stages.

“I guess cultivators at higher stages aren’t interested in seeing a ‘low level’ battle. But I always like to see good shows like these!” (Hiro)

“When I was mortal I always loved seeing when someone fought but in reality, out of real hate or rage! Not like those box matches which were organized. Those are shit in my eyes. I only like to see real battles!” (Hiro)

“Stop it. I feel like shedding blood! I’m a True Divine Beast and ever since we had that entrance exam we haven’t done anything interesting! I feel like going up and killing everyone inside the arena!” (Alice)

“Ugh. Now I’ve got in the mood for that. Isn’t there someone who wants to hit on you or something? We could enjoy ourselves in that case!” (Hiro)

“Yes! Yes! Someone~ Come and try picking on me arrogantly!” (Alice)

“Hahaha” (Hiro) (Alice)

I felt restless. My body was shaking and my lips were dry. I don’t get this but sometimes I get really in the mood to fight a bloody battle but at this time I want to use my body, my bare hands not my skills or bow! It’s such a weird feeling. It’s rare when I get so aggressive but it still comes to me. I just can’t do anything about it. My primordial instincts are screaming at me! I can only hope that someone dares to pick on us!

Soon we saw Wilhelm fly into the arena with a spear in hand and another guy followed after him. He had a lean body similar to Wilhelm and he was using a rapier as a weapon. Both of them had piercing type of weapons and lean bodies so this is likely to be a battle of speed.

“Hello Wilhelm!” (Hiro)

Hiro sent him a mind message and Wilhelm turned towards us and nodded as a greeting but he didn’t send back any message to Hiro and his face wasn’t that happy right now. It’s not like we are in a such a good relationship with him anyway… but it’s because of this Fu Huan. If something like that were to happen to me then I too would be angry. A lot of newcomers came here and many cultivators were at the second or at the third stage. Those should come and bother us so that we can~

“You are going to pay for what you have done you damned bastard!” (Wilhelm)

“Haha- you are just a loser so why should I care about you. You might be a bit better than the others but you are still going to die!” (Fu Huan)

“We will see about that. Last time you were lucky as I was tired and unprepared. We will see about how you are going to fare in this battle now that I’m not with my back to you!” (Wilhelm)

They didn’t talk any longer as the battle started. Although outsiders can interfere but it’s very rude and you are going to lose a lot of face by doing so. They charged towards each other as their auras bursted out of their bodies and their unique energies covered them. Wilhelm released his Solar Energy originating from the phoenix and we felt that it was more powerful than what Fu Huan used. He had a blue light covering his body and it flowed around his body like water but sometimes lightnings flickered inside that blue water like energy.

This had a dragonic aura which meant that this was originating from a dragon! What was the most hilarious in these attacks that if someone uses attacks originating from our ‘tree’ then we can control their attacks too. If Fu Huan were to fight against me I could completely deprive him of his dragonic aura making him into a below average cultivator. Since I have perfect control over it he wouldn’t even be able to sense who stole his energy. I could also consume it and restore my own energy with it.

It’s likely that this is also a reason why the other divine beasts under us feel so much reverence and respect towards us. If I wish so then I could deprive even a three star divine beast from its draconic power and Hiro has the same case. If only I’d be a cat type then Pat would have had…

Hehe~ But it doesn’t matter I’ll pat her anyway! (Alice)

This is also all because of the draconic energies are originating from us True Divine Beasts. It’s like we are the essence of their attacks so naturally we can control it better than them. This is a trait and unique ability true to only us True Divine Beasts. There are no other, similar things like these in the world of cultivation. I looked at Hiro then at Wilhelm.

“Fufu~ Should I help him out? It would be so funny looking at Fu’s head when his attack fails to work as he wants it to.” (Alice)

“That would be indeed funny but you should do it only if he is in trouble. Otherwise we shouldn’t interfere with a warrior’s fight.” (Hiro)

“I know, I know. I’ll help him out a bit if he is on the losing side but nothing more.” (Alice)

Wilhelm’s skill had more strength behind it a bit as Fu’s was originating from a one star divine beast while Wilhelm’s was from a two star divine beast but Fu Huan was exactly at the second stage with twenty percent converted while Wilhelm had nineteen percent of his energy converted into World Energy. Considering the difference in skill they are likely to be at the same level so this is going to be a battle of skills.

Wilhelm didn’t go near Fu since he had a more powerful skill, shooting from afar was to his advantage. Of course Fu Huan knew this so he charged at Wilhelm trying to deflect or evade Wilhelm’s solar beams but it wasn’t such an easy thing to do. Those solar beams were powerful and very quick so he wasn’t able to defend against them perfectly. His right shoulder was damaged alongside with his left leg.

All this has happened in milliseconds and as Fu reached Wilhelm, he used the superior reach of his spear to stab towards Huan who leaned to the side with his upper body to evade the incoming spear strike. Since his stab missed Wilhelm used the force behind his attack to jump into the air over Huan. If he would have stayed in that position while Fu was inside his reach then he wouldn’t have been able to attack or defend.

He somersaulted in the air with his sides and landed right behind Fu as he again tried to skewer him. Fu quickly rotated and moved his sword in a circular way to behead Wilhelm. Since he was in a stabbing movement he had no way to stop his movements but if this goes on then he would be beheaded. He quickly rolled to the side as a scratch appeared on his face made by the tip of Huan’s rapier.

Wilhelm used the solar energy to cover his spear in it which was new from him as we haven’t seen this from him when he fought against the elves. I guess he learned to control his solar energy better since then. Using this move he started a flurry of piercing attacks pouring on Fu Huan who was starting to get overwhelmed. He was slowly pushed back and his biggest mistake was when he stumbled because he Chic uses a bit of earth magic. Wilhelm was about to pierce his head when a woman jumped in and kicked him back!

She was similar in looks to Fu Huan but she was at the third stage of World Founding Realm so Chic didn’t stand a chance against her.

“Could this be our moment to satisfy ourselves?” (Alice)

“Haha- your eyes are shining like stars! He too helped us out so I guess that we should help our benefactor.” (Hiro)

“Who you are lying to? You just in the mood to spill some blood.” (Alice)

“That might be so. Although I had an aggressive mindset when I was a human but I’m even worse now that I’m like this. But I don’t mind it! We should always accept ourselves! I’m not one who is going to doubt himself. I’m always going to accept myself!” (Hiro)

“Well it’s not like we have such terrible personalities to begin with or do we?” (Alice)

We quickly flew right next to Wilhelm who was struggling to get up from the ground. The woman who came used Chaos Magic to stop Wilhelm from killing Fu Huan.

“Who are you two?” (Woman)

She looked at us with suspicious eyes as she questioned us.

“Shouldn’t you name yourself before asking for other’s name?” (Hiro)

“This was so lame..” (Alice)

“Sorry..” (Hiro)

“I’m called Fu Xiulan. Now that you know my name leave if you don’t want to be hurt.” (Fu Xiulan)

“What if we don’t?” (Alice)

“She said it just now..” (Hiro)

“O- Oh. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to her.” (Alice)

“You sure are arrogant for two brats. I can clearly sense that you are only at the first stage which means that you are new at the school yet here you are daring to talk back to your senior?” (Fu Xiulan)

“AHH! Please don’t start senioring to me!” (Hiro)

“Do you want to fight? Since you have attacked our benefactor we think that you should pay for it..” (Hiro)

“We are such bullies.. I really feel like a bad girl here but… whatever I still want to do this!” (Alice)

“Hahaha! Can you hear it people? These two don’t know their places. Okay I shall teach you who you shouldn’t joke with!” (Fu Xiulan)

We heard many murmurs and some even laughed thinking that we are going to die by her hands. Not even the newcomers who saw us fighting thought that we are going to win in the forthcoming battle but I...

“Yes!” (Alice)

I slapped to my mouth but it didn’t matter as I wasn’t able to hide my happiness. She looked at me with a weird face followed by many spectators.

I’m not masochist.. Don’t look at me like that! (Alice)

“Let’s fight!” (Alice)

Let’s save what we can! (Alice)

“Haha- okay.” (Hiro)

“I don’t like hitting girls so I believe that you should protect yourself. Alice is going to be the one to kill you okay?” (Hiro)

“Hahaha- you are idio-” (Fu Xiulan)

We didn’t let her speak any longer. Hiro charged at her as his aura was released and Hydra heads started coiling and rotating around his body. His whole body also became covered in his energy. I also took off my bow from my back and quickly aimed at her. Hiro reached her in a moment with a speed that shouldn’t be possible for cultivators of our levels so she was surprised but she wasn’t a ‘genius’ for nothing as she quickly reacted and pulled out her sword to take on my husband.

Hiro’s muscles bulged on his right hand and on his legs as he jumped a bit into the air and pierced from above with his spear. Since we were able to fly we didn’t have to fear being caught off guard in the air and killed in the process. She used her superior force to push aside Hiro’s spear but the Hydra heads crept down on it and charged at her wide opened defenseless body after her horizontal swing.

Hiro got out of the way as he landed on the floor close to Xiulan and used his leg to make her stumble as he kicked her legs after rotating in a circle. Using up the force behind her swing in the process. She defended against the Hydra heads and swung her blade downwards to stop Hiro’s leg by cutting it off. But I wouldn’t let her to damage my darling! My arrows also arrived in front of her as her sword was hit by one of my arrows it was knocked to the side and almost slipped out of her hands.

The flurry of dragon headed arrows I’ve been gathering arrived in front of her in a moment. She opened her eyes widely after sensing the energy in those arrows as that shouldn’t be someone at my level should be able to do. She used a huge bolt of Chaos Magic to blast my arrows in every way. One of them would have had hit Hiro if not for me controlling it to perish. No friendly fire~

Chaos Magic was very powerful as it was a collection of combined elements. It was a very uncontrollable kind of magical attack but it had tremendous power behind it. If you didn’t care about your surroundings or friendly fire then it was perfect. The space also cracked for a moment in a tiny area but it was nothing dangerous. Though what she didn’t see was me shooting an arrow towards the onlooking Fu Huan. My arrow quickly pierced his two legs pinning him to the ground and I also blocked his Draconic Martial Skill so he wasn’t able to fight back.

When we landed Hiro put a Healing Pill into Wilhelm’s mouth which contained a little bit of his aura making it much more potent. Wilhelm charged at Huan who was now pinned down. Since the explosion blocked Xiulan’s view she wasn’t able to see him. Meanwhile when the Chaos Bolt exploded Hiro rolled behind Xiulan. Wilhelm quickly pierced Fu Huan’s head with his spear. It exploded upon contact as the solar beams blasted his head into pieces making his brainmatters fly everywhere.

This was noticed by Fu Xiulan but it was too late.

“NO!!! How dare you to kill my little brother! Do you know who we are!?” (Xiulan)

“No, nor do we care.. I hate when someone says ‘do you know who I am?’... Who the fuck you would be? A fucking human who can die. I don’t care about your background bitch!” (Alice)

“I- I am the sister of Fu Xiao! Now that you have killed our little brother you are going to die! He is at the ninth stage so you have no chance! You are going to die a painful death by my brother’s hands!” (Xiulan)

“Ehh- sure? He too can go and die for all I care.” (Alice)

None of us were scared of him. If all comes to push and shove then we can simply leave the school and hide away in the galaxy till getting strong enough. But for now we don’t have to as Radcliff is here!

Fufu~ Hiro’s investment is already worth it! (Alice)

“You are such a bad girl. I didn’t intend to use him!” (Hiro)

“Haha, sure sure.” (Alice)

“Okay now that he is dead you too should die.” (Alice)

Hiro connected Radcliff just in case if this Xiao were to come here. He doesn’t want me to get hurt so he didn’t even ask me about this. Though it’s not like I care. I never bothered with things like ‘but you didn’t tell me!’. We have a similar mindset so we wouldn’t do something the other wouldn’t want to do. This is why being together with your other half is once again such a good thing!

I poured my Dragon’s Heads into my bow creating many energy arrows and I also infused Chaos Energy to them and just to be sure I used my Add enchantment to add our scales to all three of the arrows I’ve created. Hiro attacked her back so she had to turn around but she was constantly looking out for us. I quickly shot the three arrows then charged at her with my own body. I didn’t even pull out the sword Hiro made for me.

Hiro swung his spear and Xiulan deflected it. She turned around to defend against my arrows but all of them quickly exploded on her weapon making it blast away from her hands. Hiro stabbed his spear right through her stomach when I also arrived. I used my bare hands to pierce her chest with them and Hiro also did so with her head. Since her brain and heart was pierced she was dead anyway but we torn her into two pieces vertically.

I felt as her blood gushed on my hands and some of it also sprayed on my chest. Hiro was no different as there was some blood on his face too. We put away our weapons into our storage spaces. Her corpse lied on the ground in two pieces when an unknown guy with a quite similar look to Huan also arrived at the scene. I saw that he had a despaired face when he saw Xiulan then he looked at us and seeing the blood on us his face became murderous but at this time Radcliff also arrived on the scene.

Now I felt much better. I wasn’t able to use my Dragon body for a while which would have such side effects like this. Both of our heads became cooler after finally spilling some blood. It doesn’t have to be human as we could have done so with a monster too but since she was here and she was also the enemy of our benefactor…


“I was in the mood for it~” (Alice)

“Haha you are even making fun of him.” (Hiro)

He was enraged after hearing my taunt and he was about to charge towards us when Radcliff shot a Chaos Bolt towards him. It quickly arrived at his face and he defended against it. What was the best that he too had the same draconic skill Fu Huan had. If that’s the case he has no chance against Radcliff as I can restrain his skills. If he can use only his physical strength or normal skills he used before getting this one then it’s likely that he is going to become an average cultivator.

“Don’t try to hurt my masters!” (Radcliff)

“.....” (Hiro) (Alice)

“What are you doing here Radcliff!? And what the fuck are you talking about!” (Fu Xiao)

“What are you trying to do in the arena when there are juniors fighting! Do you want to attack them? That would mean that you want to break the rules of the school!” (Radcliff)

Saying it out loud in front of so many people made his words heavier so he had to step back for now. Though I’m sure that he is going to find faults with us but whatever.. When the time comes we are going to kill him too. But we have to be careful. Just in case.

“N- No. What are you talking about. I just came here to save my little brother and sister but since I have arrived late I’m going to leave for now but you two!- he said as he pointed at us - make sure to hide or you are going to die by my hands sooner or later!” (Fu Xiao)

He didn’t forget to threaten us as he flew away.

“Huh? That’s it? We have slipped away quite easily. At these times he should have tried to attack us crapping on the rules!” (Hiro)

“But it didn’t happen like that. Don’t cry over spilled milk. You still have the chance to enjoy a ‘cliche’ scene later on!” (Alice)

“You are terrible at soothing others but I don’t want it to happen like that. It would only cause us more trouble.” (Hiro)

“You know this might be worse. He seems to be the ‘viper’ kind of person who is waiting in the shadows for you to stumble only once then you are going to be bitten!” (Alice)

“Thank you Radcliff!” (Hiro)

“No problem. Is he your friend?” (Radcliff)

He said as he pointed at Wilhelm. We didn’t really know what to say. It’s not like we know him. Although we could call him a friend but that would be like the other ‘mass friends’ which most people have. It’s not like we are in such a good relationship but Wilhelm saved the day by answering the question with an expected answer. Who wouldn’t want to be the ‘friend’ of someone who might be to your help in the future?

This is why I don’t really believe in friendship. There are rare cases where its true but most of them are only a way for the other to kill time with someone or to climb up on your back. It’s kind of ridiculous. This one is such a case but we don’t really care or mind it. We too were helped out and we too want to use others to our own benefits. That’s normal among intelligent beings. You don’t have to be a human to be like that.

“Yes, I am. I’m called Chic Wilhelm. I helped them out once in the lower realm and now they helped me out. I thank the both of you for that. Finally I was able to kill this bastard! After I talked with you I went to a dungeon where he ambushed me after a long fight. I was barely able to come back alive and I had to spend all of my points on healing pills to get back into top shape.” (Wilhelm)

“By the way… What kind of pill did you put in my mouth? It had such a great effect as if would have been your m- I mean Alice sure is a Master of concocting haha!” (Wilhelm)

“... Yes she is. But it was the only one so don’t ask for more. Only if you want your ‘favor’ to be balanced hehe~” (Hiro)

“Thanks not. I’ll use that later.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s so sad. Don’t you want to use it now?~” (Alice)

“Ugh. No, miss sunshine..” (Wilhelm)

“Look he was captivated.” (Hiro)

“Fufu~” (Alice)

“Anyway! Sorry for disturbing you Radcliff. Now if you don’t mind then we are leaving to hunt some monsters. It’s time to gain some points and exchange for treasures!” (Hiro)

“No problem master!” (Radcliff)

All four of us flew out of the arena and started walking as we still chatted for a bit more. Many onlookers from before followed us suit and they had admiring faces when they looked at Radcliff or us but they were also fearful.. I wonder why!?

“... What’s this thing about master?” (Wilhelm)

“Nothing!” (Alice) (Hiro)

It’s not like we are going to tell the way of perfect cultivation to everyone. They might be able to realise it as time goes by but for now we are going to hold onto every advantage we have. Of course even though we told it to Radcliff this still doesn’t mean that he can be as fast as us. We have parallel minds making us much more quicker. There is no human mind which is even close to being quick enough to keep up with us.

“Suspicious…” (Wilhelm)

“You are just imagining things.” (Alice)

“Don’t you want to clean yourselves?” (Radcliff)

“What are you talkin-” (Alice)

“Oh! Oops~” (Alice)

I looked around and I saw that the people avoided us as they wore threatened faces when they looked at us. I’ve heard whispers like:

“Look those two were that. They are only first years yet they have torn a third stage cultivator into two pieces with their bare hands! Be careful with them!” (?)

“I think that we are going to be remembered by many at the lower levels..” (Alice)

“That might be. Anyway let’s move already! We need to get points! I want to know what are the hidden treasures that can’t be seen before having enough points!” (Hiro)

We quickly used our energies to clean ourselves.

“Now if you don’t mind we are going to hunt!” (Alice)

“Okay but be careful!” (Radcliff)

“*nod*” (Wilhelm)

We swiftly flew into the air and left the school grounds. We left the planet and flew to close by planet using our spaceship. This planet is called Fochorix and it’s a planet similar in size to Posnoth except that it was overrun by monsters and it had a chaotic wildlife. It’s time to hunt!

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