《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 38 - The way of cultivation is a way of life!


The way of cultivation is a way of life

Hiro’s POV: (Sorry but there is going to be bigger info dump about cultivation (Chakra)).


Radcliff wanted to leave but something came to my mind so I asked him about it quickly.

“Hey Radcliff. I have a question. Can we modify the house or at least the courtyard? I wonder..” (Hiro)

“You haven’t even seen it yet you are already asking that?” (Radcliff)

“I’m not saying that I want to but can we?” (Hiro)

“.... If you are strong enough then you can do anything in this school. I’m sure that you too know that even if you kill someone who is two stages below you but you are powerful enough even among these geniuses then you won’t be expelled. Maybe you can get away without even getting any punishment so do you think considering your talent anyone is going to be daring enough to say something about you, modifying the house?” (Radcliff)

“And to begin with.. This is just a fucking house. We cultivators can build them in at most an hour..” (Radcliff)

“Well that’s true. In that case we might modify it if it’s necessary.” (Hiro)

“Do whatever you want to. Though you aren’t really well known yet so don’t do anything outrageous and also don’t build outside of your assigned areas. That would be disrespectful towards the school which on the other hand might have heavier consequences. My advice is to always ‘respect’ the rules of the school!” (Radcliff)

“Okay, Thanks!” (Hiro)

As soon as I finished talking he flew away like a bolt of lightning to take care of our things!

“We have to be quick or else we can’t even enter the house before he is back! At that time we will have to teach him!” (Hiro)

“That’s not necessarily the case. What if I do what we have to and you help him out?” (Alice)

“That’s also a possibility.” (Hiro)

We quickly went inside. The whole area took up about a hundred square meters which was more than enough for us. Even five meters is enough for us so what are we supposed to do with so much? Then we went inside the house which had two floors and it was about twenty square meters. This was indeed a nice place! It was a cozy house. On the ground floor was a spacious hall and a guest room, a little dining room, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. Kind of… all of these were needless as we didn’t even need to eat anymore and we can clean ourselves by simply using our energies.

But we were happy to find these as we love bathing and we also like eating delicious food. Being a mortal sucks for many reasons but some things that are originating from there are still one of the best things! The living room was actually a place which was comfortable to meditate in. On the next floor we found three bedrooms, a bathroom on the upper floors and a similar living room. We need to rebuild this floor! But before we could do anything Radcliff was already back..

Why is he so fast!?

“It’s because he wants to learn too badly.” (Alice)

He literally charged into the house..

“*pant* I’m here! So? When can we start?” (Radcliff)

“...” (Hiro)

“You are such a worthless guy!” (Alice)

“Ha! Burn!” (Hiro)

Hearing a girl say something like that while looking straight at his face hit his heart heavily. He had a despaired face. If I were to be alone I wouldn’t want a beauty to tell me that I’m worthless either. That would be so crushing! Since I had Alice even if someone were to tell me I wouldn’t care as I have her.


Sorry Radcliff! I can feel your pain!

“W- What? Why? I didn’t do anything wrong!” (Radcliff)

“Don’t take it to heart my friend. Let’s get to work. Alice is going to remodel the first floor.” (Hiro)

“This didn’t make me feel any better.” (Radcliff)

As we left the house Alice started rebuilding the upper floor. What she was doing would be called telekinesis on the Earth but it was nothing difficult for cultivators. She left the place with a simple bedroom and put our bed into it which was much more fluffier, squishier and softer than this ‘thing’ which was provided. She moved the bathroom right next to our bedroom. The remaining space was used to create a workshop but of course without walls to separate us.

This took only about thirty minutes counted in mortal world’s time. Meanwhile I also told Radcliff a better way to cultivate. The better it was the less time it took to fill your body with Universe Energy. The other cultivators were much more slower than us because of this reason too. We had wider Energy Veins and we had bigger Energy Storing capacity too. This meant that we could fight for a longer time than other cultivators.

While we had to meditate for five to ten minutes to fill ourselves even though we had much larger storage capacities the others might spend a whole day meditating sometimes or even more. On the other hand, we were able to repeat this process at least five times a day while others did it weekly or every third day.. It depended on their way of cultivation. This is the reason we are so much quicker than normal humans, elves or beastmen. There are seven chakra points in our bodies and of course this is known by every cultivator but what does it have to do with cultivation?

(AN: I warn you that what I’m going to write isn’t necessarily accurate because I did modify some of the information known about chakra to my liking as my imagination allowed it. But mostly it’s close to the original.)

That we channel and consume the energies of the universe through these points. These entry points are also greatly affecting our personalities. Why is it that we are supposed to lose most of our feelings as we are growing stronger yet everyone is so ‘colorful’? Why is it that there are only ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people and not people like me who is none of the two? Maybe there are. No. I’m sure that there should be but they are so rare.

It’s all because of these seven chakra points being unbalanced! You can also consciously scale your aura and energy in a way you want yourself to be. Cultivators always argue about the correct sequence as it can differ in their opinions.

When you cultivate you have to fill these in the correct sequence with Universe Energy but since we aren’t powerful enough yet to cultivate the Universe Energy we can cultivate only parts of it in forms like Elemental Energies at first. Now at the fourth realm we are powerful enough to cultivate the Chaos Element and the World Energy. Since I was curious I asked Radcliff about his way of cultivation.

Usually this is a knowledge which isn’t shared by others as it could mean that the others can become as strong as you if you have a better way and no one wants that! Everyone wants to be ‘unique’ and different because they don’t want to be ‘average’. Cultivators are always searching for the right way to cultivate. Since ours were perfect and he too knew that ours were better than his he didn’t have to fear sharing it with us. If anything then he is the one who is going to owe to me for telling him my ‘secret’.


“So how do you cultivate? I’m curious about it. After you show me I’ll tell you how we do it.” (Hiro)

“Okay.” (Radcliff)

The seven chakra points were the Crown Chakra, the Third Eye, the Throat, the Heart Chakra, the Solar Plexus, the Navel and the Root. All of these would add something to your personality and you are balanced if you are able to feel everything but you can also suppress any of your feelings! That’s the perfect balance. When you are no saint and white nor you are dark, evil and black but when you are gray. You can feel every emotion there is and you can also suppress them. The real way to live is to control yourself! It’s all about self-control!

The Crown Chakra means wisdom and self understanding, the Third Eye means focus, clarity and your sense of purpose of why you are living! The Throat Chakra means communication and your growth, the Heart Chakra means the two most powerful feelings love and hate, the Solar Plexus means your metabolic system, your vitality, your life itself! The Navel on one hand means your sexual desires… while on the other hand it means your freedom, mercy, forgiveness or in the ‘worse’ case your intolerance and disregard.

What can I say. I’m really balanced in these. I can love very much but I can also hate very much. Depending on the case I can be forgiving and caring or I can be intolerant and disregarding. That’s how you should be. Balanced! The last one is the Root which means your survival instincts. It provides you with self-confidence and a feeling of security or with the feeling of being lost, fear and insecurity. Fear is never wrong. It makes you vigilant which might save your life.

We are not only powerful because of numbers, because of our strength or body toughness, techniques. We are powerful because we are balanced as how the universe is supposed to be! I put my hand on his Solar Plexus to feel how he cultivates. He immediately started doing it the wrong way as he pulled the energy into the Crown Chakra at first. He divided it into two parts one to the left and one to the right equally which was at least good.

Every Chakra point had two sides and you always had to cultivate both of them! Many cultivators cultivated their energies only to one side. For example at the root only to the right side which meant the security and self-confidence which was a great mistake. After the Crown Chakra he moved to the Root and cultivated only about ⅓ of the incoming energy to the left side while the remaining went for the confidence…

He then moved on to the Solar Plexus as he poured all of his energy into the life and vitality. Why? Death is eternal! You have to cultivate that too or it’s going to bite your ass. If you don’t cultivate death then you won’t know it! How do you want to fight against something you don’t know! This is why I said that cultivation is complex and hard. Each and every one of the cultivators has their own way and they most of them are doing it in a very wrong way! Every cultivator forgets one thing. What it’s like to be Mortal!

They feel everything these seven chakra points mean and as we are growing almost every cultivator wants to push aside the feelings they don’t like in themselves. This is where everything goes wrong. I didn’t even try sensing it any longer as all he did was completely wrong. When you cultivate at first you have to control the Earth, Dirt and Sand elements into your root. That gives you the necessary stability to be confident but also fearful when it’s necessary for you to survive.

Then you have to control Fire, Light and Dark elements into your Navel which provides your burning and never ending feelings, your forgiving side or uncaring side. Then you control Fire, Magma, Nature and Death into your solar plexus which shows your burning life force and vitality but also your death. If you can see your death and feel it then you are aware of it which means that you can avoid it! Avoiding an unknown threat is harder than avoiding something you know about!

You have to control Fire, Nature, Light and Dark elements into your Heart Chakra which means your burning feelings, your balanced feelings, your love and your hate. Water and Ice into your Throat Chakra to become as flowing as the water through your life but become like ice when necessary. Cold and hard. Interestingly enough you control Dark element into your Third Eye even though you want to reach clarity, focus and sense of purpose. Are you curious why?

Can you see from the light into the darkness when you are standing in it? Not. Right? It’s the same with your clarity. You can see everything clearly in the light as long as you are residing in the darkness! And finally you control Wind and Lightning into your Crown Chakra. Your wisdom shall become like lightning, quick and powerful while your self understanding is like the wind. Sometimes strong and powerful while sometimes it’s weak as you can be lost in understanding your own self. But if you try then you are always going to find your way.

And you have to control these energies to both side at each Chakra point. Every cultivator wants to shed their mortal shells but if they want to reach true immortality then they should never abandon the real way of life. Their true emotions! As the seven chakra says from top to bottom: I understand, I see, I speak, I love, I do, I feel and I AM! As I raised my hands he stopped cultivating.

When I was a mortal I always felt all of these emotions yet somehow I was always, empty? I was gray but the most interesting thing is that I still feel all of these emotions and I’m still as gray as I was but I don’t feel empty anymore. Though this is thanks to Alice. I guess my heart chakra was unbalanced. She is my everything. The hole was filled in me thanks to her. Let’s pick out the Heart Chakra. When I was a mortal I always felt only three feelings towards other people. Love, Hate or a lukewarm nothing.. I simply didn’t care if something has happened to those people even if they died.

And so what? Many people die. Do you cry for everyone? It’s not like I knew those people that much to care about them. If I truly loved someone? I don’t even know myself. I felt familial love but that’s different. Love. Love I feel for Alice? I’ve never felt such love but hate? Oh I did feel it many times for many people. You might say that I’m evil but I easily wished for their deaths. I’m cruel and ‘evil’ but it doesn’t matter. That’s balance for you!

Maybe I felt empty because my Heart Chakra was the only thing which was unbalanced in me but now that I have Alice I’m finally in balance. Everyone is running towards immortality, chasing it like some idiots yet they can’t see that the key to become Eternal is in front of their faces. Inside them! Mortals are struggling to live more, to live a bit longer and what do cultivators do? The same thing. Even this shows that what they have to do is keep their mortality inside and shed their bodies only on the outside.

There is no immortality and there is no eternality without your insides dying. You have to die. You always have to die at some point. Only how it is going to happen is the question.

So the real question is that can you hold onto your feelings till reaching true immortality and eternality? The answer is yes! As long as you don’t abandon your own true self! They key to everything is you, your damned beliefs and your unshakeable will!

Chaos Magic is the combination of every element there is. The same combination of which a little ball was enough to destroy the Shrill Moguls clan and destroy the space around the epicentrum. At the fourth level we cultivate Chaos Magic and build it into our bodies but we have to separate its energies and store it separately in our bodies and auras.

Radcliff looked up at me with inquiring eyes.

“Everything you do is wrong.” (Hiro)

Was what I said. He stared at me with wide eyes. He was powerful among the other yet all I said was that everything he did is wrong.

“But why? How should I do it? Teach me! Make me understand your way of life!” (Radcliff)

He was focused only on learning and cultivating so he completely forgot his position but it was better like that. ‘Position’ and ‘status’? Those are laughable things. He is getting closer to how he is supposed to be.

“Why are you cultivating as you do?” (Hiro)

“Because it makes me stronger, naturally.” (Radcliff)

“What do you think? Where does your strength come from?” (Hiro)

“Of course the universe and its energies.” (Radcliff)

“And what is the universe like? Is it not balanced in everything? It goes from the lower units to the highest units and everything is in balance. You should feel fear, confidence, life, death, love, hate everything! It’s always a bad choice to abandon some of your feelings and cultivate only one side.” (Hiro)

“Your inside is always going to be a mortal and that my friend. You can never change.” (Hiro)

“My inside is always going to be a mortal? What do you mean?” (Radcliff)

“That my friend only you can understand but only when you reach eternality.” (Hiro)

“So you say that I should control the elements and energies equally to every part of my body?” (Radcliff)

“Of course! Train all of your emotions through your chakra and learn to suppress them if necessary! That’s what true balance is all about!” (Hiro)

“So I should cultivate from the Root to Navel to Solar Plexus to Heart Chakra to Throat to Third Eye to Crown Chakra?” (Radcliff)

“Yes. And do it always to both sides equally!” (Hiro)

“Cultivate death too, cultivate your fears too. Cultivate everything that is you! Only then can you become eternal and unstoppable.” (Hiro)

“You sound like an old man. Just how old are you? Are you really only 21 years old?” (Radcliff)

“Haha, yes I am but you know age and wisdom is like a river. Sometimes it’s old yet shallow and straight while sometimes it’s young with many twists and turns and it’s deep!” (Hiro)

“Haha- that’s a good saying? Where did you hear it?” (Radcliff)

“I’ve thought of it just now..” (Hiro)

“O- Oh.. Okay.” (Radcliff)

“Now go to your own way and cultivate. I’m sure that your aura is going to become purer and cleaner in a short time. Your cultivation speed and strength is also going to increase but remember that you are going to owe me! What I taught to you is worth more than you can think. You will understand it many, many years later.” (Hiro)

“Yes! Master!” (Radcliff)

My face became red a bit.

“Man. At least don’t call me master! It’s way too weird! Do you have no shame? Haha” (Hiro)

“I’ve realised some things after you’ve spoken. I’ve lived my life in the wrong way up till now. When I was a mortal long ago I was always the respectful one who didn’t care about age! I liked calling those who were wiser than me as teacher or master! So why should I change myself? Why should I be so proud? I’ll find my own way of life and cultivate in a balanced way. To feel everything I can. Because my feelings are making me real!” (Radcliff)

“Okay but get out already!” (Hiro)

“You are such a sour guy.” (Radcliff)

“Yes but being sour can also help you sometimes. Like now in cleaning you out of our house! Haha-” (Hiro)

He flew out of our house and left. I could see it on his face that he has gained enlightenment. I’m sure that he is going to break through to the fifth level in a very short time. At that time fufu we can use him!

“Why are you looking at me like that?” (Hiro)

“Because you are grinning and laughing in yourself. At least I can hear your thoughts but would it be not the case then I’d be creeped out by you.” (Alice)

“Oops. My face slipped. Well I was never good at hiding my emotions and I’m not going to do it this time either. I’ll let everyone see my feelings. What if they can see it!? Haha-” (Hiro)

“Come look at our new house! I finished it long ago so come and look at our new… love chamber~ fufu” (Alice)

“Oh- Let’s see!” (Hiro)

I quickly looked around and the whole house was a cozy place, perfect for us. She also took out our fluffy, soft bed. It has our smell.. Ah I love her fragrance. We quickly tried out the new bedroom in action and the voice sealing formation also worked perfectly. We went out of the house and realised that we forgot about our courtyard! We used nature magic to grow a big, lush and thick fence around it and used another voice sealing formation around our whole place.

We also made a little pond which gave a nice atmosphere for the courtyard and also used nature magic to grow two big willow trees on the bank of the pond. This place was really to my liking. I don’t like big places anyway. I prefer little holes where I can wrap and enshroud myself in with my own little world. And that world now also contains the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen who is my one and only love for eternity. Now all that was left to read this rules book thing and find out about how can we get these school points!

(AN: I originally intended to write about it in this chapter but this story is writing itself I swear to you. I originally didn’t intend to write about this and in such a way yet it came by itself out of nowhere! Even I was surprised by what I wrote! XD This has given a nice background for the whole cultivation world and also answered one of the main questions of this story which was again unintentional. I was just going with the flow my hands provided.. Well it’s still about 3,8k words so it’s very close to my usual minimum 4k words chapters. 37 was longer than usual anyway..)


I understand. - Crown Chakra (Wisdom, Self understanding) [Wind, Lightning]

I see. - Third Eye (Sense of Purpose, Focus, Clarity) [Dark]

I speak. - Throat Chakra (Communication and Growth) [Water, Ice]

I love. - Heart Chakra (Love, Hate) [Fire, Nature, Dark, Light]

I do. - Solar Plexus (Metabolic System, Vitality, Life Energy) [Fire, Magma, Nature, Death]

I feel. - Navel (Sexual Desire, Forgiveness, Freedom, Mercy, Intolerance, Disregard) [Fire, Light, Dark]

I am. - Root (Survival, Feeling of Security, Self- confidence or Fear, Lost, Insecurity) [Earth, Dirt, Sand]

(AN: Let’s play a game guys! After reading this chapter comment about what do you think my name means! If you can find out then you are going to get FIVE bonus chapters and I’ll send it to your e-mails or as Private Messages! If more of you are on the same opinion then I’m going to send it to all of you. :D)

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