《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 37 - Silverleaf School (Time of opness :D)


Silverleaf School

Alice’s POV:


About fifty percent of this planet was ocean but even like that the human continent had a size of 3,116 billion square kilometers. An there were two other such big continents. What was even more ridiculous that the area of this Silverleaf School took up a quarter of the whole human continent and the other three schools were the same. The beastmen’s was called Cold Maple School and the elves’ school was called Lynmead.

If we were to unfold Posnoth planet's map on a page then we could say that the human continent was on the upper left side, the beastmen continent on the upper right side while the elven continent was in the middle bottom. The climate of this planet was quite similar to Earth where Hiro lived his past life which was quite rare as up till now the planets we have seen had an average of sixty-seventy degrees of celsius temperature.

Seeing with my own eyes such a nice planet with so many climates was a new thing to me and even Hiro was somewhat happy to see a planet like this after so many forests. Before anywhere we went we’ve seen only greenery, trees, trees and trees. Silverleaf school had many climates over its area too as there were icy and snowy mountains, seas with life under them, deserts, forests and lowlands too! I was hyped to go there. The center of the school was on such a lowland but there were also many quarters on the nearby mountains.

But that was at the center and after arriving at the school gates we would have to travel many kilometers till reaching that place. Of course that wouldn’t take long. There was a huge wall reaching about five hundred meters in height spanning through the whole human continent cutting of the area of the school from the remaining area. Only students and elders were allowed entrance to the school grounds or the descending cultivators from higher realms. The principal of the school was also one such person.

From the information crystal we’ve also got to know that there is a tunnel which is opened all time, connecting the fifth and the fourth realm which makes it possible for cultivators to come down easily. Cultivators at the fourth level can’t go up because we don’t know the necessary laws to move around in the free space. That’s an ability only cultivators at and above the fifth level has. Trespassing to the lower realms is much more harder as they say because the boundaries are way too thick. Of course there are rare cases where some people descend to such low realms too but it’s likely to be only because of such reasons why that person descended to the second realm who helped Wu Shan.

To get some hidden treasure.. In my opinion if Ellery reaches this realm then probably her father is going to visit her because as I saw it they have a good relationship. She talked with her father while she was with us almost daily. I hope she didn’t tell him when she was so scared of us that she peed herself… but I guess that no one would be stupid enough to tell something like that to her parents. Now that I think about it she never talked about her mother. I wonder what’s up with that.

Anyway we went close to the gates where stood many young looking cultivators. We have seen them coming in and out continuously and all of them had a silverleaf emblem pinned on their chest just like our guild badges. Some also had guild badges too and some of them had another badge on their chest. It has had the shape of two crossed swords with an infinite mark behind it. This was the emblem of the School of Eternalists.. I’ve seen them only now yet I’m already disliking them.


They had such arrogant faces as they walked around proudly. We went close to the gates where we’ve gained many curious or other kind of looks.. The guards who were at the second stage stopped us. There were other people like us too who didn’t have badges though not too many of them.

“Halt. No trespassing is allowed for non-members! If you came to take entrance exams then go five thousand kilometers to the right. There you’ll find a personnel taking care of these things.” (Guard 1)

Without saying a word all of us left and went towards the place the guard pointed us. The others has also done the same but we were way quicker than them as they were left in the dust. Although they too were quick and arrived after us only 1-2 seconds later but we could have left them behind even more if we would have had to fly for a longer time. The whole travel took us only a ridiculous one second. We were the first to ask the receptionist guy about this entrance exam thing.

“Hello. We would like to take the entrance exam.” (Hiro)

I felt that others were looking at my back, ass and thighs which was uncomfortable. While Hiro asked his questions I turned around and shoot Dragon Arrows in between the legs of everyone who was looking at my bottom. Of course I aimed only at the ground as a warning. I saw that their faces were pale and I wasn’t able to sense those looks anymore. Humph. That’s better.

“Come my love. We are leaving for now.” (Hiro)

“Okay~” (Alice)

We quickly flew away and went into an inn. I also know what Hiro knows so he didn’t have to tell me that there is an entrance examination at every weekend. It was two days away from us so we simply resided in an inn for the time being and started meditating and converting our energies. We also tried out this Energy Converting pill and it indeed helped us greatly. We are so poor.. I mean our remaining 44 578 000 gold coins would be enough for now but later on we are going to be in need of Energy Converting pills all the time!


“Hiro. I’ve got an idea. Since we can create factions and groups in these schools why not make one ourselves? Then we could command those under us to pick the necessary herbs for me to concoct pills. In that case they would be happy if I were to give them some as a payment and we could also easily get our hands on the herbs! You could also make them armors or weapons in case they were in need of it.” (Alice)

“That’s a good idea but I think that we should get a bit stronger because for now it would be hard to control anyone above the third stage.” (Hiro)

“Of course. I’ve just mentioned it.” (Alice)

“Okay. Then let’s do that.” (Hiro)

Two days later after a lot of ‘meditation’ or more like *cough* we left the inn. In the end we had to clean up the room because it was reeking from the stench of love… We arrived before the school and there were about two thousand possibly new students. This number wasn’t surprising as there were thousands of worlds connected to this one. The levels before this one were like the warming up before the real deal. Our strength and abilities would grow exponentially from the fifth level onwards. And I mean thousands of tons after each stage.


I had my bow and sword on my back just like Hiro had his spear. Everyone was talking loudly making the whole place lively but this was bothering our ears. Why do people have to talk so much and so loudly at that before something is about to happen? After standing there for fifteen minutes some people finally came out in the air and everyone went silent. Ten of them were at very high stages reaching seven, eight or even nine. Those were the elders who might be interested in taking a discipline and they were the ones whose responsibility was to examine our ages.

The other fifty cultivators were all at the second stage and they are going to be the ones responsible for examining our combat strength. Even if your age was good enough if you were bad in fighting and using your strength then you have no way to get in. There was no school which was in need of losers. The truth is that you can still decide to attend the school and you might get some benefits but you’ll have to work at places like the receptionist guy. Who would waste his or her time to be a receptionist at these times? Only those who didn’t have the necessary qualifications!

An Elder at the ninth stage started speaking. Of course he didn’t look old. In fact he looked to be about twenty- twenty-two years old which was a great performance. These ‘elders’ are also members of the school but all of them are at high stages of the World Founding Realm and they have high positions in the school. These people could also decide your fate in the school easily as they could give you the chance to attend Silverleaf School instantly or they could expel you easily too.

If we were to get on the wrong side they could easily forbid us from even taking the entrance exam! This elder had a normal face, lean body, blue eyes and black hair. Or I don’t know. Maybe others would say that he was handsome but to me only my Hiro is handsome~ Grr my mate~ If I could take out my tail then I’d be sure to tease him with it now.

“Alright, silence everyone! Line up in ten lines and let’s start with the age examination. I hope that those who are older than 400 years didn’t dare to come here to waste our times. We don’t need old and slow cultivators. We need only the best ones! Now line up!” (Elder 1)

After he said so the battle has already begun as who would be the first to be examined? Everyone wanted to be the first because that would mean that you were stronger than the others. We walked towards the front and when someone wanted to get in our way we simply kicked him or her to the side. I was dealing with the females while Hiro was dealing with the guys. I’d be lying if I’d say that we had enemies. We simply went through them as if we would be smashing mirrors with a hammer.

We didn’t even need to use our weapons against these weak people. There was a woman who had an ‘interesting’ look on her face when she saw Hiro.

What? You bitch come here!

I quickly kicked her in the stomach with more power than the others and she was shot to the back of the almost formed lines. Know your place.. Maybe she will have to take this exam the next week but I don’t care. No female can touch a dragon’s property!! Not like males can either.. We were at the front of two lines. I stood in front of a female elder while Hiro was in front of the elder who spoke for the first time.

When they used their mind powers to examine our auras their eyes almost rolled back. With wide opened eyes they looked at us then said.

“What monsters! Go behind us and wait for the combat exam. If you are good at fighting then I would like to take you as my apprentice!” (Elder 2)

The woman who examined me shouted which caught many people by surprise.

“These two came together.. Is she the same as this guy?” (Elder 1)

“Yes! I’ve never seen such a monstrous talent!” (Elder 2)

We didn’t care about being apprentices. There aren’t many things they could teach us… We went behind them and after embracing each other we stood there silently. They saw this but didn’t say anything as they continued their examination. There were two idiots who were older than four hundred years and they were quickly sent away shamefully. What did they expect I don’t know. They started shouting that they were very good at combat and that they were wasting real talent for these ‘children’ meaning those who are young.. Like us.

Sore losers. After five minutes all these lines of people were examined. The same elder who talked before spoke again.

“Alright. Now move and form fifty lines and start your combat exams. You have to be able to take at least three hits from your combat examiners. He looked at me and Hiro as he continued with expectant eyes. If you can then you can also beat your examiner but that’s quite unlikely haha- If you want to surrender because let’s say the third attack would kill you then you just have to raise your hand and shout ‘I surrender’. Of course that means that you’ve failed your exam.”

The same lines were formed again as before and no one fought this time with each other. Everyone remembered who was the person before him or her. We didn’t even move as the others stood behind us in a line.. I went forward and a guy was in front of me with a proud look on his face. He was at the early second stage like everyone other examiner with 20 percent of converted World Energy.

“After counting down from three the match begins! If you can take three hits from me then you have completed your combat exam. Good luck you cutie!” (Examiner)

“Beat him up. Unfortunately I can’t since I have other opponent.” (Hiro)

“I know honey, don’t worry.” (Alice)

He counted down as he released his aura. I did the same as his was simply pushed back which surprised him greatly. On the other side Hiro did the same. Ahh~ That’s my husband. I took out my bow used my Dragon’s Head skill and numerous energy dragons started rotating around my body. When he said out ‘start’ I controlled one of these rotating dragons to fly to its right place at my bow. It quickly formed into an arrow which had a dragon head as a tip.

We didn’t need physical forms for these attacks like mortal’s arrows to be pointy. What mattered was the strength and energy contained in our attacks! Seeing such a majestic attack was surprising for him as he felt the energy which should come from a first stage cultivator with ten percent of conversion. Hiro’s examiner also looked my way instead of starting his examining.. Whatever. Then I can watch as Hiro beats him up.

“Hurry up my love. I too have to take this exam.” (Hiro)

“Okay~” (Alice)

He tried to make his examiner remember but he was way too focused on our battle to care about it… My dragonic primordial and ancient aura was wholly released from my arrow and I shoot it towards the guy in front of me as I also used penetrate and pierce runes. He had a shield and a sword with one-one runes on it which was toughness and sharpness respectively. Since I was proficient at inscription myself I sensed that those runes were much weaker than what I can do. This was a live combat exam so I didn’t go easy on him.

I aimed immediately at his heart and head as I quickly shot two arrows. I also used a little trick to bind his feet so that he can’t move.

“Don’t die please!” (Alice)

I warned him with my mind power as my voice wouldn’t have been quick enough. He tried to move but thanks to my little trick skill which is also a reason why I chose to use a bow he wasn’t able to move his legs. He moved his shield in front of his body as he snapped his head to the side. The arrow I shot at his head slightly grazed his whole face and his right ear was torn off in the process. My second arrow hit his shield and penetrated it as it also struck his body luckily it was weakened enough to not reach his heart. At least that shield was good to defend against a single shot..

The higher grade a metal was it would better channel our energies so since my bow was made of a first grade metal thanks to my darling I was able to shoot stronger arrows. Even though my arrow didn’t pierce his heart but it made a gaping wound on his chest as he was propelled backwards. He flew through the air as he fell on his back with a loud puff. Even the ground cracked slightly under the force as he struck the ground. He grunted heavily and grabbed to his right ear or where it was supposed to be. I guess it wasn’t painless.

“Sorry! You said it was live combat so I aimed at your vital points! Are you alright?” (Alice)

“I think that you have just destroyed his remaining pride as a male.. But it was so perfect! I love you!” (Hiro)

“Urgh. Y- Yeah I’m alright! Sorry Elder Radcliff! I- I’m in no condition to continue on with this examining!” (Examiner)

He said as he stood up and ran away.

“Okay. You can leave but call someone to your place.” (Radcliff - the one who talked for the first time)

Humph weak willed, loser. He has no place here! What kind of warrior would run away like this after a simple wound like that!

“He ran away because of the shame he felt but whatever.” (Hiro)

“Just attack that guy already. I don’t want to stand around for the whole day.” (Alice)

“Ok.” (Hiro)

He did as I said as I felt his aura being released.

“Okay I won’t wait for you anymore. If you want to watch my wife then do it but I’m going to pierce your eyes in the process!” (Hiro)

“O- Oh sorry. It was an interesting fight. W- Wait what am I talking? What the hell do you think of yourself!” (Examiner 2)

Hiro used Hydra’s heads as they coiled around his body and his spear. He summoned six of them at the same time. Using our own attacks wasn’t suspicious as for example Wilhelm’s Solar Energy is originating from another True Divine Beast called Phoenix. If he becomes proficient enough in using it then he will be able to form phoenixes out of those attacks. Of course it’s never going to be as powerful as the real deal since it’s just a human copy. Others can simply think that we too have got our hands on such ‘powerful’ skills.

Hiro lunged at his examiner who didn’t even count. That guy also had a shield and a sword with the same runes. I guess it’s the standardized weapon for examiners. He flew slightly into the air to reach a tremendous speed and use its force to attack. The guy with the shield was surprised as he had barely enough time to raise his shield to his chest. He also swung his sword in his right hand with a downward slash. Hiro controlled two of his Hydra’s Head around his spear to defend against the incoming sword as he shot his spear towards the top of the shield.

Since the spear had great penetrating power and he shot it at the weakest point of the shield the examiner guy was caught off balance as the shield on his left hand also cracked under the pierce and penetrate effect of the rune and his enchantments. Four other Hydra’s Heads flew towards the guys upper body as it broke his two arms and struck his chest. If not for Hiro taking its power down a notch the examiner would have an empty chest.

But even like this his chest was bent in and his ribs broke into two or even three pieces. Using our bond I felt everything Hiro felt, the force feedback, the shaking and that cracking feeling was clearly given back through his spear. He shouted out in pain.

“ARgh!” (Examiner 2)

Hiro rotated his spear just as a show as he put the tip of his spear to the examiners neck.

“Such a show off! Oh my god! But it indeed looked good.” (Alice)

“You know that I didn’t rotate my spear for that reason.. I needed to disperse the force that I wasn’t able to release because I had to restrain myself..” (Hiro)

“I know but teasing you felt better.” (Alice)

“Just you wait.” (Alice)

He came next to me as he gave a gentle kiss to my forehead. At such a moment some people became really shameless as:

“Elder Radcliff! This guy should be expelled and forbade from entering the school. He clearly didn’t even wait for my counting as he simply attacked me!” (Examiner 2)

“Shut up. You are shaming our school greatly! Disappear from my eyes and call someone to your place!” (Radcliff Elder)

We both nodded at him as a thanks for siding with us and the examiner guy didn’t dare to talk back as he simply ran inside the school. Soon two others came back. Of course the other forty-eight did their jobs and the examination was going quickly. I’d like to say but we were quicker in beating them than how they attacked three times.

“Can’t we go inside or something? Why do we stand here?” (Alice)

“Because you can never leave behind the damned procedures as long as you are among the humans.” (Hiro)

“So bothersome.” (Alice)

I said as I pouted.

“So cute.” (Hiro)

After half an hour everyone was done and we were left with a meager amount of seven hundred people.

“Alright. Now that we are done with this part too all of those who were successful follow me!” (Radcliff)

He flew quicker than what the others could follow but we were still able to follow him and he raised an eyebrow at us when he saw it. The other elders went a bit slower so that everyone would be able to reach the necessary place. After a few minutes we reached the center of the school which wasn’t a big performance considering our flight speed. In the center was a huge building. It was one thousand meters tall and it had a circular shape with a diameter of five hundred meters!

“Come inside” (Radcliff)

We followed him and soon the others has also arrived. We lined up like good children again and Radcliff started speaking.

“Okay. Those who are here has successfully got in the school but staying in isn’t such an easy task either so you have to work hard! There are regulations in the school. For example you have at most three years to convert one more percent of your energies into World Energy reaching eleven percent of conversion. These time frames are going to increase after each percent but not enough for you to take it easy.” (Radcliff)

(AN: He said three years but that was in this realm’s time meaning 189 Earth years for a single percent. 3*12=36*64=2304*30=69120/365 = 189)

“Although this isn’t relevant to you right now but that’s also a rule that you can’t attack unreasonably cultivators below you with two stages. For example if I were to attack any of you then I’d be kicked out of the school. But be careful because your seniors has many advantages they can enjoy. For example with a good reason I could easily expel any of you and let’s be honest about ourselves. Any of us could easily set up the others to find a reason to expel our enemies.” (Radcliff)

“Also fighting inside the school is allowed as long as no one is dying and the difference in stages aren’t more than two. Of course if you still want to fight then you can go to the arena which location of you’ll soon learn and you can fight even to the death there. I won’t talk anymore as everything is inside the rule books you will get with your badges. Seriously read them. Now come here in lines and receive your Silverleaf School badges then you are going to be lead to your rooms soon enough.” (Radcliff)

“You do know that if they won’t allow us into a single room then we are leaving the school right?” (Alice)

“I know. How could I ever sleep without you!” (Hiro)

We didn’t hurry up as others ran to get their badges. Some were also asked by elders if he, she wanted to become their apprentice and all of them happily agreed. We don’t need teachers who would teach us how can we convert energy quicker and easier or how to collect and use our energies to get better results. Although these things had to be learned for normal humans and some were better while some were better at it we weren’t humans.

We were able to perfectly control our energies and cultivate the energies of the universe. As the ‘gods’ of our divine races naturally we would know the best in the world how to cultivate! No human, beastmen or elf can reach or go over our levels when it came to cultivating, energy controlling, releasing or whatever you wanted to know. If anything we could teach all of these humans or even cultivators at higher realms. When we have finally got our badges Radcliff asked us if we would like to become his apprentices.

“You two are very good. I’ve never taken an apprentice but if you two would like to then I could take both of you.” (Radcliff)

Everyone went silent even the other elders. I guess he is a big shot.

“Now we are in shit. How are we supposed to turn him down? We would look arrogant but even his cultivation is a mess in my eyes then what does he want to teach?” (Hiro)

“Yes. And the worst is that everyone is looking so if we were to turn him down then that would be quite shameful for him.” (Alice)

“Whatever I won’t waste my time. No one can tell me what to do!” (Hiro)

“Sorry but we aren’t interested in it. Please take no offence.” (Hiro)

“Sorry.” (Alice)

We heard murmurs like ‘are they idiots’ or ‘they are done for’ but nothing like that came.

“Haha- alright. I can feel that your cultivation is very stable, maybe even more than mine so no problem. You are indeed prodigies. I took no offence in your words.” (Radcliff)

“Fuck yes! A good guy! He didn’t look lustfully at you and he isn’t an asshole!” (Hiro)

“That’s true.” (Alice)

“I’m sure that he too has a dark side but who doesn’t have? As long as it doesn’t concern certain topics I don’t care.” (Hiro)

“Thank you very much for your offer.” (Hiro)

Both of us were looking straight into his eyes deeply and he didn’t break eye contact even once and there was really nothing malicious hiding in them. He has a strong will for sure but keeping eye contact with two monster’s eyes such as ours wasn’t something that someone could do if he or she would have malicious ideas. Although our auras were weaker in power than millions of cultivators as we were still at a relatively low realm but if it came to our presence itself then it was more powerful than anyone else’s.

Not even a ninth level cultivator could look deeply into our eyes and cover his or her real thoughts. This was also an ability of our race. On the other hand, our new ability made this one hundred percent sure. Since we took that white pill in Vertshadow we were able to read other’s memories for five seconds. We also did this when we fought with Ed and James and did it now too. What he thought was:

How should I get them to help me in cultivating without shaming myself? They have such a perfect and stable aura which I wasn’t able to sense even from the principal who is at the fifth realm. I bet that even she would like to get help from these two if she were to ever see them.

Just how the hell are they so good at cultivating? My energy and aura is like a mess compared to theirs yet I’m the ‘elder’ this is laughable! No wonder they beat those poor examiners. I have to get their help somehow but aaargh! If only the feeling of shame wouldn’t exist! Everyone could advance more easily! I swear that shame is only dragging everyone down!

Even when they fought their energies were perfectly in control and when this boy spinned his spear his remnant energy from him holding back was also dispersed perfectly. If not for me being at a much higher stage I’d have thought that he is only showing off like the others as I wouldn’t have felt anything from the whole process. They are connecting their energies with their weapons and attacks so well! I need that skill! I want to be stronger to take revenge for--

Was what we heard as he was thinking in his mind. We didn’t listen in on anymore as we aren’t going to use this to peek on people’s privacy. All this thinking took at most only half a second in his mind since it was way quicker than speaking. You could imagine how much five seconds mean. This is why that pill was so hard to get. Knowing what your enemy thinks and listening in on his plans for five seconds? It was obviously a cheat!

But getting even more unfair wasn’t against our codes or morals! After hearing him talk like that we knew he wasn’t the bad guy. I used my hand to gesture for him to come closer and when he did so I leaned to his ear to whisper. I couldn’t use my mind power because that would have been heard by other elders but using wind magic I can cover it.

“We have a problem. You know we both love spending long ‘loving’ nights together so I was wondering about these accomodations. Can we stay in the same house?” (Alice)

He leaned back with a red face and this time Hiro listened in on his thoughts out of curiosity. I guess me leaning over so close to him and whispering something like this into his ears was a bit too much for him.

W-What’s with this? She has such a nice smell. And why is she telling such things to me! Argh! I have to calm down! Okay so think clearly. Huuh- (Radcliff)

Was what I heard through Hiro. I was in the mood to laugh at his reaction but that would have been weird as I wasn’t supposed to hear other people’s thoughts.

“Uhm- I’m not sure if you should share informations like those with me but everyone is supposed to have their own rooms or if you are good enough like you two then you can get even houses-”

Both of us looked at him pleadingly.

“-but I can organise a house for you two to share. But you are going to be indebted to me!” (Radcliff)

Yes! A good way to ask them privately to teach me the right way of cultivation! I could become much quicker than the others at cultivating! *pant* I can’t wait! I need to start it now!! Let’s go already for fucks sake!! (Radcliff)

“Okay. We are alright with that as we are really in need of being together. We would have to leave the school otherwise.” (Alice)

“DON’T!” (Radcliff)

He shouted as he put his hands to his mouth.

“I mean you shouldn’t as this is a very good place with many benefits for cultivators like you. I’m sure that you can get back everything with interest at this place!” (Radcliff)

“Pfft he slipped quite strongly but look at his embarrassed yet composed face. He speaks so calmly haha.” (Hiro)

“Since you are going to take care of the things we won’t and we are going to help you if you are in need of it!” (Hiro)

“That’s the right way. Now take your badges or do you want me to hold onto it forever? Let’s leave!” (Radcliff)

“Okay.” (Hiro)

“Hahaha this is a good guy. But you should never lean so close to males. I mean you are such a seductress. After sniffing your fragrance even only once he was already starting to lose his calmness quickly.” (Hiro)

“Fufu~ I know and I’m not going to but it was really hilarious to me.” (Alice)

“I have to agree with that.” (Hiro)

We took our badges and pinned it on our scaly armors. Though I had a bit of problem with this as it was bulging out way too much.. I saw many sneaking glances… Grr. Stupid males. Of course Hiro was no different as he was staring at them straight and in front of everyone without hiding it! The he even grabbed the my right tit and helped pinning this shitty badge on it.

“Ahn~ Be more gentle.” (Alice)

“You know the wind barrier is down..” (Hiro)

“Fuck!” (Alice)

As I looked around that everyone was looking at me. I felt shameful as I hid behind Hiro and we quickly left the scene! Running is shameful but useful!!! With gritted teeth I said to Radcliff to:

“Move because I don’t want to stay here!!!” (Radcliff)

“O- Okay!” (Radcliff)

Hearing my urging at least he understood my position as he picked up on his place and we quickly left. We got out of the building and we followed Radcliff to a mountain.

“Okay. This place is going to be your quarters. I’m going to take care of the things so all you have to do is move in. I’ll be honest since there is no one around this place. The truth is that I want you to help me out with a thing…” (Radcliff)

“Argh it’s so hard to say! This might be shameful but I have to admit that your auras and energies are way too pure! The other elders were only at the eighth stage at most so they weren’t able to sense it so clearly but I can because I’m way too much stronger than you!. My wish is that you two teach me how to cultivate! Also could you not tell this to everyone?” (Radcliff)

“Haha. That’s courageous. Others wouldn’t have dared to put aside their shame and ask for something like this. But this is quite a long process you know? As learning it the right way is harder than you think.” (Hiro)

“I know, I know. So are you going to help me?” (Radcliff)

“Of course! You’ve just saved our night life!” (Hiro)

“Why are you two showing off all the time? What are you, perverts?” (Radcliff)

“We aren’t!” (Hiro) (Alice)

“.....” (Radcliff)

You are! (Radcliff)

“Ugh! Can you hear that? We are busted!” (Hiro)

“Whatever! I’m going to be proud to my mating season! Which holds for all years round…” (Alice)

“Anyway when can we start? I really want to learn!” (Radcliff)

“Do you have something you want to reach or gain? Because I’m not going to give knowledge into those hands who are going to use it for wrong things.” (Hiro)

“Uhm. That depends from whose perspective you look at it. But you know I don’t want to share my past with someone I’ve just barely met.” (Radcliff)

“Haha- that’s alright. Only look into my eyes and tell me your reason!” (Hiro)

He did as Hiro said and told him.

“I want revenge!” (Radcliff)

“For what?” (Hiro)

“Because of a person who killed my brother to steal a treasure and thanks to that now he is at the top and a bit more powerful than me!” (Radcliff)

“Since you didn’t lie and I find that reason approvable I’m going to help you out.” (Hiro)

Lying to us while you look into our eyes was impossible like I said it before. This ability is called Eye of the Truth which is a basic for every True Divine Beast. However good of an actor you are, however powerful, old, experienced or whatever you are. You.Can’t.Lie.To.Us!

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