《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 36 - Getting new weapons!


Getting new weapons!

Hiro’s POV:

We landed on Posnoth after two weeks of travelling and went straight towards a dungeon called The Smoldering Vault. This was a dungeon which was similar to the ‘Metal Dungeon’ at the third realm. We needed weapons so we didn’t hesitate to get into it. We can trade for better weapons later in the school or better metals maybe? I don’t know what they have to offer but I’m very curious about it as it’s been many years since I’ve attended to a school but that was completely different and boring.. Stupid Earth.

Dungeons at these realms were much more numerous but now that I think about it.. Can’t we buy metals too? The monsters on the first floor were at the second stage and the floor was full of people.. It’s unlikely for us to change into our monster forms here… and if the first floor is at such a level it’s likely that we can’t get good metals out of this place. We quickly turned around awkwardly before anyone would see this shameful movement and ran away! After flying for a moment we arrived at a human city called Tagend.

Fistly, we went towards the guild at the center to update the color of our badge. Walking around like this only made it known for everyone that we are fresh meat. We put away our badges for now.. We went into it and took the examination test and after overwhelming the examiner in our human forms with twelve against one we gained our Junior Level, cyan colored badge. Hmph. We would never be at such a low level as cadet. That’s for noobs and rookies! Of course our examiner was very surprised when our clones appeared but he had no way to beat us even though he was a junior himself.

We left guild and walked around in Tagend. At first we found a pharmacist shop and went inside. This is day is going to be a big date with my Alice~ When we entered the shop we saw a forty years old looking woman. She was at the fifth stage of World Founding Realm. Our looks would become older than a teenager only if we aren’t quick enough to advance to the next stage. Wilhelm was a teenager looking guy too just like Pat, me and a lot of other people. Those with lower talent and slow progress would start aging.

If you see someone as old as 70-80 years old mortals that would mean that person has a very low talent and it’s likely that he or she won’t be able to reach the next stage before dying or that person is going to be very close to dying before advancing. Those cultivators are usually very greedy, and evil as they are trying to hold onto their dear lives with all they have got. Dying in a battle is better than dying of old age and feeling how your end is creeping closer day by day.

She was at the fifth stage so her lifespan is 3200 years. You looked like a middle aged person only if you are at the middle of it. This meant that she was about 1600 years old. We were only about 20 years old counted in Earth years and the time was counted everywhere compared to the mortal world’s time. This was to make everyone remember how much we have progressed since leaving our mortal shells, our weakness behind. If our age would to get out, the elders would likely to fight over us to take us as their disciples. We will see about that though..


[[AN: Sorry but again a bit of counting. They have spent about three years and 2 months at the 2nd realm → 3,2 years * 12 (to get the number of months) = 38,4 * 4 (because a day is about 4 times longer there) = 153,6 * 30 (days are one Earth month) = 4608 / 365 (to get the number of Earth years) = 12,6 years. (This is an about time but cultivators wouldn’t care about 1-2 months of difference..) Then they have spent about 6 months at the 3rd realm which means 6 * 16 (4*4 is 16 so days are again about 4 times longer in the 3rd realm than in the 2nd realm) = 96 * 30 = 2880 / 365 = 7,8 years. 12,6 + 7,8 = 20,4 years old! Obviously there are months with 31 days and other things to count too but this is only a general time counting.]]

“Good morning dear customers! My name is Lucy. What can I help you with?” (Lucy)

“Good morning Lucy. What kind of pills or herbs do you have?” (Alice)

“I have anything from restoring, healing, to converting pills! What do you need?” (Lucy)

“Converting pills? What are those?” (Alice)

“It’s not like I’m not able to find it out as it’s name says it clearly but let’s be the ‘curious’ type for now.” (Alice)

“Oh my? Are you two new to this realm yet you are already junior level members of the guild? I’m sure that you two are geniuses! The converting pills are good for what their name says as they help you in converting your Space Energy into World Energy. If you consume twenty of such pills you might instantly convert one percent of your Energies into World Energy. I don’t know how much you know about World Energy but it’s much more powerful than Space Energy. Even one percent of it equals about fifty percent of what you had before!” (Lucy)

She explained everything to us nicely. We do have a lot of money because of going to Vertshadow but I wonder how much that is in this realm. We had about 50 million gold coins. Later we learned that at most five people can go into Vertshadow at the same time so if you aren’t a genius and you aren’t able to beat the monsters then you have no chance to get money or good items out of it. So that dungeon was actually a good place for getting money, items, weapons, armors, pills and anything you were in need of as long as you were a genius.

“How much are these pills?” (Alice)

“The Space Energy restoring ones are cheap with only one gold per pill, the Mind Power restoring ones are five gold coins per pill, the World Energy restoring pills are pricier as the herbs are hard to collect… so it costs a hundred gold coin per pill and the Energy Converting pill costs even more as it could shorten your cultivation with a huge amount of time.. So it costs five hundred gold coins.” (Lucy)

“Are you interested in buying any of them?” (Lucy)

“The prices are growing by quite a lot but I can understand as it could increase your cultivation speed by quite a lot. I’m sure that many geniuses are struggling to get money and buy these pills and get above the others.” (Hiro)

“Or maybe they are using those points Wilhelm talked about to exchange for these pills.” (Alice)


“Oh yes, that’s even more likely. I guess these shops are for the average cultivators because I don’t see any young looking humans around this place. Most of them are 30-50 years old looking.” (Hiro)

“We would like to buy two Energy Converting pills.” (Hiro)

“You aren’t on Earth to pay for a ‘girl’ and we share everything you know..” (Alice)

“I know but the others don’t know about it! How would I look if you would be the one to take out the money?” (Hiro)

“That’s also true..” (Alice)

I quickly took out 1000 gold coins and handed them over to her. I sensed that she used her mind power to count it then put it away. After she went to the back of the store and brought out two Energy Restoring pills but while she was at the back two 35 years old looking guys came in. They dared to check out my Alice’s thighs and tits in front of me!

“Learn where to look monkeys. Do you want me to poke your eyes out? Never again check out my dear wife.” (Hiro)

“Hahaha- Did you hear that Ed? what’s up with this brat. Do you not know your place? You are only at the first stage while we are at the third. Do you want to die?” (?)

“Haha he clearly doesn’t know it James! He even dared to question our actions.” (Ed)

At this time Lucy came back and heard what they said. Of course she would.. None of us used wind magic to keep in our voices.

“Please don’t fight in my shop. If you have problems go to the arena. Also Ed and James please restrain yourselves..” (Lucy)

“What? But he was the one who started it! Also how could he take even a single hit from us? We can’t go to the arena while he is so weak. We would be laughed at for attacking a rookie! But this girl could come with us to play around!” (James)

Hearing them say this I was about to attack them but the word ‘arena’ caught my interest so I discreetly sent a mind message towards Lucy. These monkeys had weaker mind powers than us so they weren’t able to hear my question or even sense my mind power.

“You said arena? What is that place?” (Hiro)

I saw that Lucy became surprised when she saw that Ed and James didn’t even sense my mind power which meant that mine was stronger but she answered nonetheless.

“Cultivators naturally have grievances and the arena is for that reason. You can fight even to the death in that place without destroying the city or hurting anyone in the process. There are also championships sometimes in the Arena and you can watch these championships or simple brawlings too.” (Lucy)

“Okay I get it. Thanks for the information.” (Hiro)

“No problem.” (Lucy)

Now… Should I beat them up? I don’t like how they looked at Alice! I know that it’s going to be an usual thing as we aren’t wearing capes and she is way too beautiful but since I can beat them up then I shouldn’t hold back!

“What do you say Alice?” (Hiro)

“Whatever you do I’ll follow you. But killing everyone for looking at me lustfully is going to be a hard thing.. You should kill half of the male population.” (Alice)

“*sigh* What you said is true. I’ll take a step back for now.”

Lucy handed over our pills and I stored it then after embracing Alice’s waist I was about to left with her when-

“Hey-hey boy. What do you think where are you going? You had a big mouth yet now you want to leave without paying up? Leave the girl here then you can leave~” (James)

“What do you think! Get out of here!” (Lucy)

She wanted to help us but it didn’t matter anymore. I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Come with me to the arena. But be warned that you are going to walk into your death.” (Hiro)

“Hahaha if you want to die so badly then we are going to help you out! But we are going to give you half an hour before killing you. You can’t complain in that case that we didn’t give you enough time to enjoy that girl for the last time..” (Ed)

Such a spoilsport bunch of people..

“Sorry Alice but I can’t take it!” (Hiro)

“Fufu don’t mind it. It only makes me go if my mate is so defensive of me but you know about that.” (Alice)

“So which one of them should we pick them out for first? We can’t change back into our monster forms here.” (Hiro)

“Let’s kill that James. But be careful because our weapons might be a bit weaker than theirs. We are really in need of new weapons or metals..” (Alice)

“Then after half an hour you are going to die. Spend your time wisely.” (Hiro)

We left the shop and went towards a weapon shop. They thought that they would be able to find our auras and didn’t even check that we had stronger mind powers but it didn’t matter as I’d be the one to find them when the time came. We had to buy weapons anyway or this one might not be strong enough to bear our strength.

We went inside the shop and it was similar to my workshop at the back while at the front there was a pult. There were many weapons on the walls and on the pult and I can sense that there are even more at the back. A burly, muscular guy came to the pult from the back room and welcomed us.

“Hi. Do you want to buy something?” (Smith)

“Do you have a spear and a bow? If you have metals to sell then I’m interested in those too.” (Hiro)

“I have all three of them but why the metal? Can you smith too?” (Smith)

“Yes.” (Smith)

“Hpmh. Whatever, wait a moment.” (Smith)

After about a minute he lined up all of his spears and bows that he had. There weren’t many bows as that wasn’t a popular weapon among cultivators because a kind of attack was necessary to use them but all of our attacks were compatible with bows too so Alice’s enemies are going to be screwed in long range. Alice chose a bow quickly which was made of a metal called Durium. This was a relatively normal realm but it was still among the better ones. It cost 50 000 gold coins and I too selected a spear which was made of the same metal. The spear cost a bit more as that was a more popular weapon reaching 51 000 gold coins.

There was no need to spend too much money on these as I would make our own weapons soon enough. There were no enchantments or runes on them but we would do that before the battle.

“So what kind of metals do you have?” (Hiro)

“What grade do you need? I have some 2nd grade metals too, though I have only a little amount of it but if you have enough money…” (Smith)

There were more grades in metals too. There were four grades called first grade, second grade, third grade and fourth grade. The first grade was enough to handle the strength of cultivators at the 9th stage the second grade for 7 - 8th stage the third for 4 - 6th stage and the fourth for 1 - 3th stage.

“How much do they cost? The second grade ones?” (Hiro)

“Ugh. Since those metals are harder to get and since they can serve you for hundreds of years without becoming blunt edged it’s quite pricy.. It costs 250 000 gold coins.” (Smith)

“What do you say Alice? Should we buy that or should we look for stronger metals which we could use till the end of the fourth realm. Or maybe we can get our hands on some legendary metals in the future and use that.” (Hiro)

“Don’t ask me. You are the one to make our weapons so you should know what to do.” (Alice)

“This was a lot of help… then I’ll buy first grade metals and make an alloy out of them! But that’s after we have joined the school. Who knows what can we get from there.” (Hiro)

“I can’t help you with this but I can help you with ‘other’ things~” (Alice)

She said as she sneakily put her left hand on my right thigh. I’ve got a boner just from her doing that..

“E-Ehm it’s okay but I changed my mind. We don’t need that for now so I’ll buy it later. Thank you for the weapons and goodbye!” (Hiro)

I quickly turned around and left.

“Where are you running honey~? You can’t escape.” (Alice)

“I’m just trying to cool my head down.” (Hiro)

“You should inscribe the weapons after I’m done with the enchantments. Come and let’s get to work.” (Hiro)

“Okay. Though I wonder what kind of ‘work’ you want to do.”

“Argh! At least stop releasing your pheromones! My nose is so full of them that I’m bursting!” (Hiro)

I flew away and she came after me quickly. We landed outside the city and I’ve got to work. My spear was enchanted with Toughness, Pierce, Penetrate, Energy Stealing and inscribed with Toughness, Pierce, Penetrate, Hydro Mind runes. Alice’s bow was enchanted with Pierce, Penetrate, Addition, Energy Stealing and inscribed Pierce, Penetrate, Strengthen, Hydro Mind. The other all what their names were while ‘Addition’ on Alice’s bow was to make it possible for her to add her skills to the bow as ‘arrows’.

“Such interesting enchantments to your ‘spear’ as ‘toughness’ or ‘pierce’ and ‘penetrate’ I wonder what they are good for~” (Alice)

“....” (Hiro)

Using the Addition enchantment she is able to add things like our scales to the arrows. What kind of arrows would she use you ask? She can convert her Dragon’s Head skill into an energy arrow which would make it into a tremendously powerful and penetrating arrow. Strengthen rune only increased the strength behind her arrows. Using both of these she is able to shot an arrow with about 2,2 Crypt of strength! Although this was less than what our new enemies at the third stage had if this were to struck them cleanly then they would naturally gain serious wounds or even die. They didn’t have as powerful and tough bodies as we had.

Our monster bodies can’t be penetrated as long as the attack has less strength than 2,6 Crypt even if it’s a piercing attack!

The truth is that while the others used World Energy of which one percent was enough to 50 percent of Space Energy from before.. But our Dragon and Hydra energies were the same. Energy.. My ancestors wouldn’t be happy but I’m going to call it qi from now on! Fuck my ancestors! So now that we have World Energies we can convert fifty percent of our world energies into Dragon or Hydra qi too. Since we didn’t have so much World Energies right now this would be a long process but you could imagine if they call this ‘World Energy’ so powerful then how powerful our qi is going to be.

Although they said it jokingly but we indeed had a very short ‘session’ which only made us crave each other even more. We have to kill them quickly because we’ve got in the mood for it way too much! We searched for their auras then flew to them.

“Come you bastards! We have things to do so it’s time for you to die!” (Alice)

She shouted at them as we landed right next to them. They were surprised by this as she didn’t even say a word before. They followed us towards the arena and we quickly flew to the center of it. Luckily for us it was empty right now. The arena was a big circular building without a roof. It had a diameter of thirty kilometers which was huge for mortals but for us even a second would be enough to travel it through.

“The winners get everything while the losers die and lose everything alright?” (Hiro)

“That would be such a waste! Why don’t you bet that girl?” (James)

My eyes twitched while my hand was shaking from the rage I felt. I talked while gritting my teeth.

“Alice… Let’s kill him first. I want to destroy him.” (Hiro)

“Okay honey but let’s hurry up because I’m way too- let’s say in the mood.” (Alice)

“No way. I’d never bet my love on anything. We are going to fight with my condition.” (Hiro)

In my opinion only idiots would bet their loved ones on things like these. Even if I’m sure in winning just like now I’d never bet Alice on anything. To begin with that’s so cruel. I’m crazily in love with her and I feel like Smeagol felt upon seeing the ring from the Lord of the Rings when I look at Alice.

Ah~ I’m totally crazy.

“Hiroo~ Please don’t make me even hornier with thoughts like these. I too feel the same way.” (Alice)

We really wasn’t in the condition to fight. Alice jumped back and took out her bow while I charged towards them with my spear in hand. Her bell was tied to her bow so when she took it out I heard it’s sound. It calmed and soothed my mind while I saw James and Ed getting annoyed. This Jagged Bell of Rage and Cold was indeed a good item. They also reacted and took out their weapons. James had a lean body while Ed had a muscular, burly body and their choice of weapon was corresponding to it.

James took out two daggers while Ed took out a two bladed axe. James charged towards me and slided on the ground wanting to slide under me and cut my ankles but Alice has long ago shot her arrow and it pierced James right leg, pinning him to the ground. I activated Pierce and Penetrate on my spear and moved it towards James’ head. Alice also shot another arrow towards Ed to stop him from swinging his axe at me.

James had a surprised and terrified face but he was quick enough to snap his head to the side and my spear pierced the ground. I used my spear as a rotating point and lunged with my feet towards Ed who has arrived right above James’ head who was lying on the ground. I kicked Ed into the face with a double feet kick. James wanted to jump up but Alice was shooting another arrow. He quickly laid back down to the ground to evade her arrow but since he has done so the arrow hit its intended target.

The arrow pierced straight into Ed’s… crotch. Ugh Alice. That was such a cruel shot. Ed screamed out like a pig which is being slaughtered. James was finally able to stand up but I was quicker because as soon as Alice’s arrow pierced Ed I pierced my spear straight into his heart with the back of my spear. When Alice shot her arrow I had pulled out my spear and since there was a little knife like blade at the back of my spear it was perfect for me to use as I didn’t even have to turn around my spear.

Since Ed’s heart was pierced and he wasn’t exactly a True Divine Beast like us he died on the spot. Seeing this James was terrified and enraged at the same time. The bell which was ringing on Alice’s bow did its job perfectly. Even though he was a shady assassin type of fighter he charged straight towards me as if he would be a warrior. I used my Hydra Qi to form Hydra heads around my spear. With each of my attacks these Hydra heads would shoot out and attack at the same time.

I rotated the spear in my hand in 360 degrees as I also cut Ed into two halves making sure he died. I stood face to face with James. He was very stupid. I don’t know how did he reach this realm but this was a terrible mistake. He was face to face with me simply turning his back to Alice? To make sure that it would hit I used the Binding Clock on him. He stopped for a moment as Alice’s Dragon Arrow pierced straight through his brain. His brainmatters splashed on my chest and face and blood sprayed out of his neck as his whole head exploded.

“You could have killed him more cleanly. In a way where I won’t get all bloody.” (Hiro)

“Please don’t talk. What if it goes into your mouth. Also hurry up. We have ‘matters’ to take care of!!” (Alice)

I used my energy and water magic to clean myself. Using our energies is a perfect way to clean ourselves as it can completely clean and purify our bodies. This was quite a short fight but they underestimated us way too much and we had quite a lot of treasures on us. We didn’t even get to use everything we had yet they died! What about my Hydra’s heads and the dragons which were coiling around Alice? We summoned all this power only to kill them so easily.. We quickly left for a forest nearby and had our way.


The next day with clean armors, weapons and bodies we went back to Tagend city. We looked around and found a shop where we were able to buy spaceships. The one we had was quite slow compared to those we can find here. These ships also had Domain Crystals in them which was good for storing Space Laws. Using these laws the ship would slightly bend the space making our travelling time shorter. Our flight speed was so quick not only because of our mind powers but also because of our complete domains. Using the Space Laws we were able to fly with a much more higher speed.

The cheapest spaceship cost 1 million while the most expensive one cost many millions. Of course those were huge in size and very luxurious. We needed only a little one for two persons and a quick one! We’ve got it only for two million gold coins.. Even though this was enough for 4000 Energy Converting pills! Of course this didn’t mean that we could convert two hundred percent of our energies into World Energy. If that were to be the case then this whole level would be a joke.

Although Lucy said that twenty is enough for us to convert one percent but that’s only at our stage with ten percent of conversion! The required amount would increase by about 1,3 times as much at each percent! This means that we need twenty-six Energy Converting pills to reach 11 percent of conversion but we would need 34 to reach 12 percent, 44 to reach 13 percent, 57 to reach 14 percent…

So of course advancing wasn’t such an easy thing as we would need millions of these pills at the later stages. We stored the spaceship in our storage spaces and left the huge store. We didn’t have to hide it too much as there were unexpectedly quite a lot of storage rings.

We went into a shop before and the storekeeper said that many fifth level cultivators descend from time to time through a dungeon and they sell these rings to specific cultivators who had good relationships with them and the storekeeper said that he was one such lucky person.

Although ours had a much bigger storing capability but others wouldn’t know about that as the spaceship we bought was quite little in size. We like little and comfy spaces so we had no problem with it. Since it was about four meters high and nine meters long and an average Storage Ring had at least 10 cubic meters of space storing it away wasn’t weird.

Of course there were storage spaces with bigger sizes too but those cost millions. We also found a metal shop where I in the end wasn’t able to restrain myself and bought a first grade metal called Durinium. We left the city and after a whole week of smithing I was able to make our own new weapons. I also added a sword for Alice in case someone were to get close to her.

Our enchantments and inscriptions didn’t change. Now there was only one thing left! To take the entrance exam!!

(AN: I don’t own the pictures, they are here as illustration. Hiro’s spear and Alice’s sword:


Alice’s Bow:

http://www.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-s-Bow-CLOSED-500769650 )

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