《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 32 - We went the wrong way [Edited]


We went the wrong way

Hiro’s POV:


Our travel to the capital city of Lark, which was called Woodmerrow, took a few hours and it was nighttime when we reached the city. We slipped through the guards without their notice and got into the city.

Although we called Woodmerrow the capital city, it wasn’t official and was more like a clan. There were numerous powerful leaders in the city all having their own forces. Most of the people in the city were connected to the leading figures one way or the other.

Thanks to the memory crystal that Isil shared with us, we had got to know that the strongest elf on the planet had five hundred and sixty golems of strength. We weren’t sure whether that was true or not, but the elf in question should be really talented if that was the case. It came as a bit of a surprise when we noticed more and more people at the ninth stage.

[Elves might be the strongest race,] I thought as I transformed halfway into my battle form, which made me look akin to beastmen.

Following my example, Alice just nodded her head. Although there were beastmen who abducted some elven women, they were more prideful than most and didn’t come here regularly like humans. They would be interested in powerful females whom they respected.

Well, Alice fell into that category, but they had no chance against my dragoness!

“And what if I was interested in them~” she elbowed me.

“A good question, but I’m happy to know that I don’t have to think about it,” I kissed her forehead.

“Uh, your saliva,” she rubbed her forehead.

Every race had trashy people and only that sort of people visited the elves. Thanks to that, beastmen weren’t hated and were accepted on the planet.

Although there were a few elves who looked at us a bit suspiciously, most of them simply ignored us. Thanks to being a beauty, Alice also got quite a lot of ‘smiling guys’ on our way, but no one dared to come close to her when met my gaze. Thanks to our mind powers, the elves probably thought we were at the ninth stage.

I guess Wilhelm’s soldiers were able to find us only because they were at the peak of the ninth stage and had a bit more powerful minds than us.

If we were to reach the peak of the seventh stage then it’d be likely that only Chic Wilhelm would be able to find us or maybe not even him. We went closer and closer to the center of the city, which was on the ground. It was interesting to see considering that almost every elven village, town or city was built on the trees.

This one was different in that the whole city was on the ground and it was akin to a maze because they didn’t cut out these enormous trees and the huge roots became natural barriers. They crossed the streets and went above them at other places.

There were tunnels through some of the roots and the center of the city was at the bottom of the huge tree which the city was built around. The tree was about two thousand meters tall and its roots spread to tens of kilometers. Since the tree was a bit above the ground, they were able to build a whole city below it.

[Haah~ Such a nice smell of nature and Alice~] I sucked in the air, filled with the scent of flowers and Alice.

[Why are you sniffing me too?] she tried to push my face away.


“Haha, stop it, you pig!”

[Because you have such a nice smell too. I love it especially when-]

“Okay, okay, I know. Don’t say it. It isn’t the right time,” she put her hand over my mouth as she averted her eyes. I remembered our nights together, which slightly excited her as well.

[We are close to the middle of the city, maybe we could meet with one of these top leaders. But we will have to be careful when dealing with them,] I went on as if nothing happened.

Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she looked at me in silence. A few seconds later, she shook her head and sighed as she started to walk.

“I love you too,” I laughed.

We wanted to meet with at least one of them to tell them that humans were going to come to their planet and the main leader at that! We hoped they’d help us if they didn’t even have to travel anywhere. We were sure the elves wouldn’t be happy to hear that humans would visit their planet.

[Hiro~ Should we stir this thing a bit even more? If you know what I mean,] Alice chuckled as a sudden idea came to her mind.

[That’s a good idea. Let’s go with it,] I laughed as I imagined the future.

After doing what came to Alice’s mind, it didn’t take long for us to reach the center, but at this time, an elven guy who was at the seventh stage didn’t know his place. I was embracing Alice the whole time we were walking, which made it clear to everyone that we were a pair, yet this guy came in front of her and started flirting with her as if I wasn’t even there.

“Hello, beautiful lady. Do you have a moment? I’d like to invite you to a dinner,” he brushed his long and blonde hair to the side, probably thinking he was prince charming.

There were one or at most two restaurants in every city because even if eating and drinking wasn’t a necessity to most, eating delicious food was still a thing for most people. We liked to eat.

[Can I kill him? His face is bothering me,] she furrowed her brows as she looked up at me.

“Need confirmation? Don’t worry about it, he has no say in this!” the elven guy stated.

[Alice, I’m not sure if you should. We are here to make connections, not enemies. If he dares to stand in front of us, then he must be the son of some powerful figure. I’m annoyed by him a lot, but for now, let’s try to simply walk away and ignore him] I advised as I grit my teeth.

I could be called over-protective for sure, but I didn’t care. I was a selfish bastard and didn’t want people like these to be around my wife.

[You’re possessive as well,] Alice remarked hearing my thoughts.

As if you’d be different.

[What was it again? Yandere, right? I’m a bit like that,] I felt her grip tighten on my hand.

[I’m fine with that,] I shrugged my shoulders. A yandere dragon? Haven’t heard of it before…

We stepped aside to avoid him, but he stepped in front of Alice once again, still ‘waiting’ for an answer.

[Screw this guy, let’s see what he does after-] I thought as I leaned closer to Alice and kissed her in front of him. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes as our tongues rolled inside each other’s mouth. This should clearly show him our relationship.


[So wild and hungry~] Alice licked her lips when we separated. She was paying back because I teased her before… The elf opened his eyes wide in surprise.

“I’m married, so I’d be happy if you wouldn’t try to invite me ever again. Thanks,” Alice pulled me to the side and walked past the guy this time.

I seriously didn’t know where to put this guy. He ignored me but there was no malice in his eyes when he looked at Alice or me, so I couldn’t react strongly to his behaviour and after doing what we did, he stopped blocking us.

[This shit was so cringe-worthy,] Alice shook her head.

When we reached an alleyway and wanted to go through it, we were stopped by the same guy, but this time there were two people with him, who were at the eighth stage.

“Do you really need to be this cliche?” I held my forehead.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, boy, but I want her. If she isn’t going to be mine out of her own accord, then I’ll have to take her. I imagine she will be good in bed,” he laughed while his servants ran towards us.

Shaking my head, I transformed into my battle form with Alice in tow. I swung my tail and hammer at the same time. As my tail smashed into the guy on the left, who was caught off-guard, I broke his left arm. My hammer struck from above and bashed his skull.

Alice also used her tail to whip the other guy’s legs and cut him into two halves vertically. The right half of the man’s body fell on the ground, while the left half fell on the blonde elf. He was about to shout in disgust as all the blood and intestines touched him, but I quickly ran over and coiled my tail around his neck, choking the words that wanted to leave his lips.

I wanted to penetrate his head, but Alice got ahead of me and beheaded him instead. Raising my brows, I looked at her.

“What? I hated his guts,” she hissed.

“I can see that…”

We left the place of crime and quickly vanished among the other elves on the roads. We found a huge house in the center with guards around it, who were at least at the seventh stage. As we neared the building, the guard shouted, “Halt! This is the territory of Sir Saramir!”

“Hello. We would like to make an appointment with him if you don’t mind,” I said with a kind smile on my face.

“Ho-? Okay. Wait here for a bit. I’m going to notify him,” the guard nodded his head and left us alone with the other two.

We raised our hands when he shouted and behaved in a nice way. It was easy to make others think that you were a nice person. When he saw that we were nice to him, he didn’t pick on us either and simply did his job. Of course, this didn’t work every time since there were many weird people and there were also those who saw through facades like these.

But luckily, most of the people were living blindly. They never searched and looked behind the things. They didn’t learn from others’ mistakes. They always had to get a slap themselves to learn from it.

I had never been like that. I had always observed the people around me, their behaviours, their reactions. You could always catch them if you looked at their reactions. If you said something and they laughed at it, you thought that they found it funny, right? But the moment when you stopped to talk, you could always see everything. The slightest slip of their masks. That was when they showed their true emotions.

I also always tried to learn from others’ mistakes, so that I wouldn’t repeat them. There were cases where I wasn’t able to because I was human. I too made mistakes, even now. But most of the time it was still a success. This guy was an elf, but he didn’t differ that much from any other intelligent being. Their culture could be different, but in the end, they too were ‘intelligent’ beings with emotions, bugs in their thinking processes.

If he would have thought about it, he should have realised that I was only masking my real feelings and that I wasn’t such a nice person. There weren’t nice people at the third level. Those people died long ago at the hands of other greedy people. Nice people didn’t have places in the jungle of reality. They were going to be the ones that were stepped on by everyone.

I was one such ‘nice person’ when I was a kid in my past life, but it was no more. I had learned that long ago and I never wished to fall into that trap. I’d crack everyone’s mind who was close to me because I liked to know what I was facing. Especially now that I had someone I loved more than anyone else. I knew I always had to be careful with people around me if I didn’t want to lose her.

It wasn’t that I came here with bad intentions, but in a normal case, he should have asked more questions about me and Alice since we had never met. What kind of guard would help you make an appointment so easily with his leader, whom he was supposed to protect? That was what he was paid for.

It took about fifteen minutes for him to return.

“Okay. Sir Saramir said that you can come in right now. I’ve helped you out a bit,” he winked at us.

“Thank you very much, my friend!” I patted his shoulder and gave him a few coins.

“Haha- Follow me!” he hid it in his pockets.

All you need is nice treatment and then you’ll be like butter on bread. I thought inwardly.

People like him could only live their lives in a blind way, who would never see the big picture. Maybe it wasn’t so bad since seeing the real darkness of people could make your heart and mind turn for the worse. It’d taint you. He was still considerably ‘pure’, but in this universe, it would lead to his demise or he would never reach great heights.

I knew that in a way, I was a bad person, but I didn’t mind it. I too had good points and bad points like everyone else! I think... You had to accept yourself and have a strong will. With a weak will, you couldn’t reach anything. You shouldn’t change the way you were because of others and it was a very hard thing to do anyway.

At most, only tragedies, disappointments or very good things could change your thoughts and way of thinking, but personally, I’d rather not live them through. Instead of changing, you should wear a mask and show your preferable side to others. Don’t trust people so easily. It was better if you lived between the dark and the light and reacted according to your surroundings.You could be the one in control that way, from the background.

That was how I lived my past life and it helped me out many times. Maybe others had different opinions, but this was my way of life and how I lived. Be like water, flow as the riverbed goes and strike only when you saw an opportunity to make a new riverbed.

We followed him and entered the mansion. It was made out of spotless white stone blocks. It looked marvellous, rich and elegant. The corridors were spacious and straight. I liked symmetry so I really appreciated it! We soon stopped in front of a double door which had nice carvings in it.

Not beautiful because to me only Alice is beautiful, I chuckled as I looked at her.

[You are making me melt,] she thought with a straight face, which made me laugh.

The guard knocked on the door and a few seconds later, a hundred and eighty centimeters tall man with pointy ears opened it. He had long blonde hair, a nice face and green eyes. The first green pair of eyes I saw except for ours!

I wasn’t able to sense his strength even from up close, which was quite weird. I fear that we wouldn’t be able to kill or even stay alive if we were to fight him. Well, maybe that guard was so carefree for a reason. He was really different than those normal peak level human cultivators we killed before.

His aura was similarly powerful compared to Pat Cooley’s, but I couldn’t sense his exact power because my mind power was weaker than his. But it didn’t matter because who knew for how long he had been at this level yet for me and Alice? We knew we wouldn’t have to stay here for much longer before advancing once again. I was quite sure that this was the shortest amount of time one could spend at the third level.

“Hello, you two. I’m called Saramir but if you came to seek me out, I’m sure that you know it. Come inside,” he stepped to the side.

[I’m not going to tell him that we came to a random place which was at the center of the city because we thought that he was some kind of leader. I hope that it’s like that… It would be awkward to tell him,] I laughed in my mind.

[We might be a bit careless… Well, it doesn’t matter. We can always run away and come back for revenge if anything happened,] Alice remarked.

[Don’t be so pessimistic. Look, we were lucky enough to get in without a problem!] I replied.

[We’ll see.]

We went inside and sat down on a sofa.

“Firstly, who might you be? Secondly, I suppose you came to be hired as guards, right?” he raised his brows.

“I’m called Alice and he is my husband Hiro,” Alice introduced us. “We would like to share some information with you which might be to your liking,” she added.

“Oh? What could it be?”

“Ehm- how should I say it. I’ll be honest and tell you all that had happened. We were chased by some humans who we killed then destroyed their clans. We saved an elf and took her back to her village and now we are chased by Chic Wilhelm. I don’t know how this whole thing got to him, but it’s likely that he is going to come here to kill us or if not him, then at least some of his powerful aides,” clasping her hands, Alice said with a smile on her face.

[Even though we know why he is chasing us… AH! My Alice is a liar!]

[Stop it, you saint hypocrite.]

“We told this to you because we thought that you would be interested in taking care of them,” she added.

“So you didn’t come here to ask for my help and request me to save you but to tell me that I would have an opportunity to kill their leader. Am I right?” he raised his brows.

“My enemy’s enemy is my friend as the saying goes,” Alice leaned forward.

“Hahaha, aren’t you shameless?”

“I am.”

“And what do I get out of it?” he furrowed his brows.

“Fewer bothering humans?”

[We are really conspiring against the human race. If I was in my past life, then we would be the bad guys here.]

[We’re still the bad guys,] Alice laughed. [I’ve never been a human. I’m a dragon! I get that you are connected to them as you were one in the past, but it doesn’t matter now. Anyway, it’s not like we are going to cause their doom. If necessary, we will fight the elves and beastmen in Chic’s place, but right now, we can’t and so we have to use the elves,] she reasoned with me.

[Hey, hey. I know. I have nothing against this.]

[I know, we’re connected, but I wanted to tell you.]


“This offer of yours is ridiculous, I’m not going to help you. Also, killing him isn’t necessarily good for us. Right now, the most powerful elves are united, but once we or the beastmen get the upper hand, an inner struggle for power would start. Many elves would like to become the main leader, you know?”

[Did we seriously came straight to the leader of the elven race and got in so easily? I swear upon heaven that this is a very lucky day! This is ridiculous. If someone told me that this was going to happen, I’d have laughed at them.]

[It seems to be the case…]

“Killing him isn’t necessary as long as you can shoo them away. We are going to owe you for this,” I said.

“Well, may I could do that much, but I’ll see. You may leave, I can find you anytime since I’ve memorised your auras,” he waved his hand.

“Can we expect you to help?” Alice tilted her head to the side.

“Well, let’s say that I’ve been bored these days. But I’ll see. Oh, and catch this. You can contact me if they are attacking you. I might go there with some help,” he threw a stele towards Alice.

We stood up to leave after saying goodbye and when we were almost out of the building, we saw a guard rush towards Saramir’s room with a nervous face. Since we were curious, we stopped for a moment to listen in on them.

“My lord! Your son! Your son has been killed by somebody! We don’t know who did it, but we are trying to find the bastard!” the guard said.

“WHAT!? WHERE!? LEAD THE WAY!!” Saramir shouted.

[Ehm… I have an idea who was the killer. I guess we should leave in a calm, steady and unhurried way! Should we ‘help’ him find the suspects as well?] the sides of Alice’s eyes twitched.

[I don’t know. I think that we should just leave and not bother with this. It’s better like that. We will have to advance quickly because if somebody tells him that his son was trying to pick you up, then he is surely going to find out who are the main suspects and then we’ll be the first in line,] I thought.

[Wait, I’ve got a better idea,] Alice said amused.

Saramir came running out of the room and ran past us, not bothering with us.

“Wait! I’ve heard what happened,” Alice raised her voice.

Saramir stopped in place and turned around furrowing his brows. “Do you know something?”

They shouldn’t be able to find anything about us because we didn’t even touch his corpse with our hands nor did we take anything from him.

“Well, there was a young guy who bumped into a group of black-cloaked humans. I think they were looking for us. Then the elven boy was angered by the ‘stupid humans’, as he called them, and got into a fight. The humans rushed into an alleyway, but we simply ignored it and came here. It wasn’t our business after all,” Alice said with an apologetic tone.

“What?! Where did you find my son?” he asked the guard.

“In an alleyway…” the guard hung his head.

“Did you see the faces of these humans?” Saramir turned towards Alice.

“We didn’t,” I replied.

“Tsk. Let me see if I can find them,” he closed his eyes and we felt his senses go through our bodies. “I can’t find them… they must be strong enough to hide even from me. So be it, I’ll help you two, but you’ll be the bait.”

“What do you mean?” I furrowed my brows.

“You’ll leave the city and camp outside. Once the humans find you, I’ll pull everything out of them and if what you said is really the truth, I’ll be sure to torture them to no end! My son… he is the only thing left from my late wife yet now,” his lips quivered.

“Go now,” he pointed towards the door.

Looking at each other, we turned around and left Saramir’s house. We made a little house inside a tree and made it perfect for living. Seeing that everything was prepared, I wanted to say one of my favourite lines, “The die is ca-”

“Shut up,” but Alice didn’t like it as much as I did. “Do you want to say it as many times as many heads you have or what?” she slapped the back of my head.

“Uhm, no?” I pulled on my neck, unsure of my answer.

“No, you don’t want to because I don’t want you to,” she stopped in front of me and grabbed my shirt.

“Then yes, I don’t want to… Though you are going to be punished for it,” I grabbed her shoulders.

Her eyes ran down on my arms and stopped on my hands for a moment. “Well, I prefer your punishment over you saying that sentence again,” she looked into my eyes this time with a cheeky smile on her face.

“Do you remember that you teased me today?” she put her finger on my chest and slowly moved it towards my crotch.

I lost it…


After spending a few days there, the awaited time finally came. It was nighttime when we sensed a few people nearing our house. After contacting Saramir, we left our house to welcome the incoming humans. There stood a guy at the front with short and black hair and blue eyes. He had a lean body, but he was still muscular, and he was about a hundred and seventy-five centimeters tall, owning a ‘handsome’ face.

“I’ve been searching for you two for quite a long time. You have caused me a lot of headaches,” the man in the middle spoke.

I suppose you’re this chicken guy.

“Before you start your speech, I’d like to know the reason why you think that we are going to ‘destroy’ humanity when we don’t even care about you guys,” Alice raised her brows.

“You two are divine beasts, I imagine you want to help the beastmen like Pat. Once you grow up stronger, you are going to join that Catwoman and go against us. I don’t have any problems with you, but I can’t let you two grow even stronger,” he pulled out his weapon.

“Listen here, you are totally wrong. We aren’t simple divine beasts and we don’t intend to join any kind of race or organisation. I can forgive your mistake if you turn around and leave now, but once you start this, you are going to pay for it,” I shrugged my shoulders as I felt Saramir nearing us.

“What do you mean by saying that you aren’t simple divine beasts?” he furrowed his brows.

“We’re True Divine Beasts. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of them, though.” I used my mind power to convey my thoughts. It would be really bad for humans if he were to die. I didn’t care too much about it, but there were people like Max among them. Why should they die if we had a way to simply talk it over? Usually, I preferred simply dealing with my enemies by killing them, but in this case, I had to step back one to step forward two.

“I-I did, but how can I make sure that you two are really those legendary creatures?” he asked with a somewhat worried tone.

Does he have bad memories pertaining our kind or what?

“What do you think what kind of creature can kill normal cultivators at the peak of the ninth stage? And why did we not go to the beastmen yet if we were really the kind of divine beasts you think us to be?” I raised my brows.

“Also have you ever heard about divine beasts with three forms? Pat Cooley can turn only into her beastmen form and her monster form while we can turn into humans too,” I added as I took up my human form.

“So… are you telling me that you really don’t want to kill humans?”

“Unless they try to kills us or bother us, no. Let’s say that I too was a human in the past, but that was long ago,” I reverted.

His eyes opened wide in his surprise, but at that time, Saramir also arrived with a few elves in tow, who were at the peak of ninth stage. But something was wrong. He looked at us with suspicious eyes because a guy who came with him pointed at us then said, “They were the ones! The young master wanted to pick up that girl but she refused him. They should be the ones who killed him!”

[I guess we are busted. Let’s ask Chicken for help. Man, we are so shameless and ridiculous,] I felt like laughing. If only we knew that we could talk things over with Chic and our luck wasn’t so good as to meet Saramir, we could have got away without a fight. But why would we expect our opponents to be understanding? We were sure they’d try to kill us no matter what.

[Yes, but what can we do? We needed help in case he was to refuse our facts. Who would have known that on the way to ask for his help, some brat would try to pick on me, and then it would turn out that he was the son of the main leader of elves, Saramir. At least, our third guest has arrived as well, though the cards changed a bit…] Alice shook her head.

“You two damned brats. You were the ones who killed my son, and then you even dared to come and ask for my help? I know that he was lecherous, but he was still my son! Why did you have to kill him?!” his spit flew through the air as he shouted.

“Well, I lied to you a bit, but it wasn’t me who killed him,” Alice replied.

“Don’t lie to me!” he shouted.

I don’t think he’d believe us at this point.

[I’ve noticed,] Alice replied.

“He tried to force himself on me and then tried to kill my mate when I refused him. You said he was the only thing left from your late wife. What would have you done if somebody tried to force himself on your wife? Instead of blaming us, you should have taught him better and care more about him. You’re lacking in you parental capabilities if you ask me. Kids don’t become pricks unless their parents are doing a bad job,” Alice reprimanded him.

Saramir’s face turned more and more angered upon hearing the painful truth. “Die!” he shouted all of a sudden as he charged towards us. While they were chatting, I too talked with Wilhelm.

“Hey Chic. You could really help us out. You are going to get two True Divine Beasts to owe you with one,” I whispered in his mind.

“And what about Pat Cooley? Were you the ones who invited her? It’s going to be very hard for me to fight against Saramir, even if you help me. But if Pat joins sides with him, then we will have no chance,” he replied.

Well, it seems like he understands my implications. If he waited for us to grow and asked for a favour later, he could make his life much easier.

“Well, we were the ones to call her here because she wanted to take care of you. But I think that she wouldn’t let her chance to make us owe for her slip. I believe she’s going to help us,” I said.

“You damned brats!. You even called this cat here? What the hell were you thinking?” Saramir shouted as he noticed her coming closer.

“Pat… Ehm- the thing is that things have changed since last time. Now Saramir is the bad guy. Would you be so kind as to side with me, Hiro and Chic?” Alice evaded Saramir’s fist and asked Pat.

As she appeared a few meters behind us, she looked at everyone and answered Alice at the same time, “Why would I help these humans? If I killed them, we could take over Sypno in a year!”

“And what about the future? Don’t you think that when the other side was gone, the elves could also rise from their shadows and destroy you when you least expected it?” I questioned her, while Saramir looked back and forth between the four of us.

“Ugh, that’s also true but-”

“Also, if you sided with Chic and us, you could still keep up this stalemate, which would be good for every race because no one would die. Would you prefer a stalemate or risk a backstab from the elves?” Alice filled in for me and continued my reasoning.

“But you are trying to manipulate me…”

“Yes, but you know that our words are true, so you should let yourself be manipulated,” I nodded my head.

“This whole conversation is so stupid,” she pouted as she looked at me.

“Also, do you really want to kill us? Because if you side with Saramir, then you’ll have to,” Alice added.

“No, since you are fellow Divine Beasts, I don’t intend to hurt you. There aren’t that many of us and I believe that we should hold together!” she shook her head.

“That’s a great idea. Then hold together and help us,” my wife pressed on.

“You do know that you are terribly shameless, right?” Pat shook her head.

“Yes, I am, but you have to be shrewd and shameless these times to live,” Alice nodded.

“I’m not going to bother with you anymore and I’ll help you, but you’re going to owe me. By the way, I wouldn’t mind if you could help me kill this Chicken,” she added as she eyed Wilhelm from the corner of her eye.

“Hahaha- Sorry, but I’m not one to backstab the person who has helped me and he isn’t a bad guy,” Alice laughed.

“Uhh- fine!”

She flew closer to us with the other ten beastmen behind her. Since we used our mind powers, our conversation didn’t take more than a second.

Chic looked at us, and then at Pat with raised brows. Shrugging his shoulders, he too flew closer to us. “Amazing, this stupid cat isn’t attacking me on the first sight, even better, she is siding with me! What did you do to her?” he asked looking at me.

“Shut your fucking mouth, you damned human. You should be happy that I haven’t bitten you yet! But if you come a bit closer, we can change that!” Pat roared as she transformed into her tiger form. She turned into an eight meters tall and twenty-five meters long, black striped tiger with white fur. She looked really ferocious and…

[OOH! So cute! Once I become a big dragon I’ll be sure to pat her! Even her name is asking for it!] Alice roared in my mind.

[It’s good that she can’t hear what you just said or she would attack us,] I laughed.

“Alright, you two. Don’t fight with each other. We are going to owe the both of you… which is very sad as we hate to owe others, but we have no other choice” - I shook my head and then grabbed my hair in frustration - “Argh! If only we knew that this human wasn’t a retarded asshole! We could have simply gone to him and tell everything to him!”

“Hahaha, well, all of this is your fault! But at least, now we can take care of this super expert elf. I’ve been worried about him for quite a long time,” Wilhelm cracked his fingers.

“Do you mean that he is the rumoured most powerful elf whose strength is similar to Pat’s?” I raised my brows.

“You didn’t even know?” he slapped his forehead.

“Don’t over-exaggerate… and no. We randomly went into a big house at the center of the city thinking that it was a big shot’s house and asked for help,” I told the truth.

“Pfft- Hahaha! That’s ridiculous!”

Hearing this I saw that even Saramir’s ears twitched.

“Are you serious?” Saramir asked.

“Yes…” Alice nodded.

His eyes twitched again as he stated, “Since you dared to come here now all of you are going to die by my hands. It’s good that you came! I can take care of every leader here easily!”

“And what if you didn’t?” I asked.

“What, you ask. Then I’m going to die, of course. This is a battle to the death!”

“Ehm, can’t you die alone or something?” I scratched the back of my head.

“How cruel of you to ask me to die. But even if your wish comes true, I’m going to take you two with me since you were the ones who killed my son, you damned monsters!” he shouted as he charged towards us.

We quickly changed into our monster forms, surprising him, but it didn’t matter anymore. He and about two hundred elves at the peak of the ninth stage who gathered over time, charged at us. We were only thirty men strong, so most of the weight rested on our shoulders…

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