《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 29 - Miss Alice the Dragon Teacher [Edited]


Miss Alice the Dragon Teacher

Chic Wilhelm’s POV:


It’s been more than a day since Wick left with that Frank. To be honest, I don't like Wick. He is a rapist bastard, who can allow too many things for himself. But I felt a bit worried. Pat Cooley was a big enough problem for me and if there were really two other Divine Beasts, then it was better for me to take care of them somehow.

Exactly with that reason, I sent a few of my soldiers to the Malmstad clan to inquire about how Wick’s hunting would go. Somehow I had a bad feeling. These divine beasts are always so weird and powerful. Even though I’m a ‘genius’ among humans, but I still have no way to fight with Pat. Ever since Wick said that one of them was a Hydra, while the other one was a Dragon, it just made this whole thing even messier in my mind.

I was in my own room when the people I sent came back, with Wick’s sister in tow, only to tell me that Wick died a day ago. We always create Soul Jades in our own clan or family, which would break if we were to die, so she’s got to know it quite easily. Tracy sat down on a chair without asking for it… all of them are so rude… I asked if what I heard about Wick was really true and she answered as she crossed her right leg over the other.

“Yes. I’m sure that it has something to do with those two monsters. Wick wouldn’t have been stupid enough to go into a city, which had powerful beastmen in it. That’s why I’m sure that he was killed by those two bastard monsters,” She clicked her tongue while frowning with a clearly annoyed face. I too was annoyed by her...

“That’s interesting because I’ve sent a cultivator at the eighth stage with him and he didn’t come back either. Do you want to tell me that two divine beasts at the third stage killed a cultivator at the eighth stage? Not even I would eat that…” I told her with a skeptical face.

If the really killed someone at the eight stage, then they are even worse than Pat Cooley. She is causing me more than enough headaches... I don’t know at which stage they are, but it doesn’t really matter. They were at the third stage last time, which makes me think of two possibilities. Firstly, there is the possibility that they are advancing way too quickly. Secondly, there is another possibility that they can kill people, more than one or possibly two stages above them.

Lastly, I don’t even want to think of this, but it might be that they have both of these traits. If that were to be the case, then I fear that we, humans, are in huge trouble! I thought quickly in my mind, fearing the worst. Only divine beasts have such miraculous powers. I have to go and look over the information about divine beasts. I don’t even know what is my new enemy and I have to change this! I continued my thoughts, but I was interrupted by this stupid Tracy.

“Wilhelm? Are you here?” She poked my shoulders while leaning forward.

“Ah! Sorry, I was thinking about something. For now, don’t do anything rash. If they were really able to kill the cultivator I’ve sent with Wick, then we are in big trouble. We might face monsters worse than Pat Cooley...” I said as I felt cold sweat on my back.


“Is it that bad?” Tracy asked with unbelieving eyes. This idiot knew nothing. She was living her small life with the help of her parents and my clan. All she is doing is lazing around and doing nothing. At most she is fucking around with the weak newcomers. Disgusting bitch.

“If it’s like that then it is,” I answered her with a frown, wishing that she would leave already.

“Okay. Then I’m going to stay at our headquarter and wait for your decision,” She said with a smile and I felt truly wonderful. Finally! She is going to leave!

“Yes. I’ll notify you in time,” I told her with a smile, though what I thought of was entirely different. Even if someone were to pay for me… I wouldn’t tell anything to her! Go home and enjoy your idiotic life. You are surely going to die sooner or later… With such a personality, you surely don’t have a bright future.

She thanked me and then left. I rushed straight towards the library. There were many leaders before me in the past. All of them always took note of the new things they experienced in the wars with the beastmen. But there were even more things. Whatever new information they’ve got to know about was usually noted down! There were notes about divine beasts too, so maybe I could find something more about what exactly I was facing.

I’ve started searching for words like ‘Divine Beast’ in the books with my mind power. I soon found a section where were two little books about divine beasts. There were names, dates on every page and also what they discovered or learned of. I’ve read it through using my mind power and learned everything there was to learn about.

As it turns out, there are many kinds of divine beasts and they can be categorized into three classes. One-star, two-star, three-star. Pat cooley is a two-star divine beast, called Heavenly Tiger. She is indeed way more powerful than average cultivators. Although rare, but she could be said to be a common kind of tiger among the divine beasts. There were quite a lot of her kind. But what really caught my interest was the note of a predecessor of mine, called Lorraine.

She wrote that she came across a guy, who was the son of someone from a higher realm. I guess she wasn’t allowed to use his name… As the notes stated, that guy said something about True Divine Beasts. These notes were saying that there can be only a single one of those creatures and that their strengths were way above anything a normal cultivator could imagine. They were able to fight with cultivators who were more than two stages above them and that they were advancing very quickly. I don’t know why, but I have a gut feeling that this has something to do with those two.

They could also be three-star divine beasts or something like that, but somehow I don’t feel that to be true. What is really worrying me is that there is a note at the end, written with red ink. It said the following thing…

Don’t ever make an enemy out of them.

Could they be really those legendary creatures? But that shouldn’t be the case. Two of them appearing at the same place should be impossible. There were only about ten to fifteen True Divine Beasts at most in the whole universe. At least the notes claimed that. I’m just overestimating them. Yes. That must be the case. The note also said that they couldn’t be counted as beastmen or humans, more like a different and unique race. There is no chance that two such beings would appear together, especially not as a pair of lovers.


Maybe they are three-star Divine Beasts, which means that I have to kill them before they join the beastmen’s side. If that were to happen, then I fear that the humans would face extermination in this world. And then nothing would stop them from extending to the neighboring sectors. If we wanted to keep up the steady amount of human ascenders, then we had to defend the new, human cultivators as well. Only idiots would go and fight alone in this crazy world.

If the new humans were to die out, then sooner or later, we would completely disappear! Of course, this would probably affect only a few sectors, but it would be a great loss. I have to be the one to stop them before it all goes wrong.

I left the library and mobilized the humans under my lead. We have to find them and then kill them. But before I could go anywhere, I was notified that the Shrill Moguls clan was completely destroyed. Although I didn’t mind that evil clan dying, but… they were the enemies of those two! Maybe I can find a clue about them if they were there! I quickly left my place and flew towards the place where the Shrill Moguls clan was supposed to be.

All I found were trees instead of the castle that stood there not long ago. They destroyed a whole clan without a single person escaping. I used my mind power to scan the trees. They had to be grown by using nature magic. If that’s the case, then they had to use their unique Space Energies. It’s unique for everyone.

This might take a few days, but I should be able to form a picture of their auras using the remnants of their space energies. When I’m done with that, I’ll have to find them by searching for their auras. After successfully extracting the remnants of their Space Energies, which were connected to the elemental particles, I left. All I had to do was to form a picture of their auras by using the acquired Space Energy samples and then hunt them down. I couldn’t let them grow!!!

------------ Alice’s POV --------------------

Our travel to Lark took only half an hour since it wasn’t a faraway planet. We didn’t have to travel too far away. These planets weren’t farther away from each other than the Moon from the Earth. While being on Sypno, we were able to see each planet when the sky was clear of clouds. It was a truly wonderful view.

Lark was the same as the other planets. It was covered in greenery. Although Norfindir didn’t know the other planets, but she at least knew about her own planet. After guiding us towards the right place, we quickly reached her birthplace. It was a small village, which was well hidden among the towering trees. They built houses inside and around the trees the tall trees.

We jumped out of the spaceship with Norfindir in my arms since she couldn’t fly yet. Hiro stored the spaceship, which caused a huge clamor among the lining up elves. They were preparing to fight. I guess humans are really infamous here… though we aren’t humans. After stepping into our battle forms, we flew closer to them. Seeing Norfindir in my arms, they loosened their grips on their weapons, but they were still ready. One of them stepped forward and shouted.

“Who are you and what do you want? Also… could you release her?” The elderly looking elf questioned with a shout and then continued while he was pointing at Norfindir.

“Before asking for introduction you should introduce yourself… Also, I don’t think that it would be good if I were to release her since she can’t fly,” I answered with a deadpan face. Upon seeing his twitching brows, I started laughing and then continued - “Okay, okay don’t look at me like that. I’m called Alice, he is called Hiro and they are called Ellery and Max. Don’t worry. We saved her from a human clan not long ago and decided to take her back to her home village.”

Hearing my answer he waved his hands and the other elves put down their weapons. But they still held onto them, ready to fight at any given moment. It was interesting to see them coordinate as if they would have been a trained army from the Earth. Cultivators didn’t really train together. Maybe at the higher realms, it was different. I don’t know about that though. I guess this was because they were attacked by the humans or the beastmen regularly.

“Is this true?” He asked while he was looking at Norfindir with a frown and his head tilted to the side.

At that time, one of the soldiers jumped forward, shouting at her with his arms spread widely. “Norfindir! My daughter! Are you alright?”

Seeing him charging at me, I was literally startled for a moment. In my surprise, I threw Norfindir towards him, which wasn’t really a nice thing to do. What was even weirder was her reaction… She looked back at me while flying through the air, with a sad face. It was as if she didn’t want to separate from me.

But after feeling her father catching her and embracing her, she shouted. “Father! Yes! What they said was true! They destroyed the whole clan of people who captured me and after releasing me they even took me home! Captain Isil, please don’t be rude with my savior!” Norfindir continued with a frown on her face. She kept waving her hands, with threatening hand movements. She was like a child, throwing a tantrum.

Hearing her words and seeing her reaction, he chuckled silently, and then looked at the soldiers behind him. “In that case, I thank you very much for going out of your way to help her. I’m called Isil Garith captain of the elven army in this village called Nelh Ennore. We really appreciate that you brought her back home because her parents’ minds took a heavy blow when they realized that she was taken away,” Captain Isil said with a small bow, in a grateful manner. At that time, her father also finished his ‘reunion’ and started showering us in his thanks.

Since we didn’t intend to stand there forever, I quickly stopped him. “Okay, okay please stop with the thanks. We helped out of our own will, so you don’t have to thank us so much.”

The soldiers loosened their grips on their weapons completely and let down their guard. I looked at their faces and it was visible that when they looked at me or Ellery, they felt at ease. But when it came to Hiro or Max, they looked at them with mistrustful eyes. I guess they aren’t happy that my mate is here, but that is wrong!

“Hey! What’s with those looks on your faces? Hiro is my lover and you can’t look at him like that. If we aren’t welcomed then we aren’t going to stay any longer. Also, you are very wrong if you think that he is interested in your stupid elven women!” I shouted angrily upon seeing their reactions. My words surprised everyone. Isil also looked at me with his eyes opened widely. Probably they weren’t expecting my outrage.

“Alice... It’s okay. They can look at me however they want to. Haha,” Hiro remarked while caressing my back and laughing. He didn’t care about it and I also felt it.

“But I don’t like it, so they can’t!” I exclaimed, still feeling unhappy.

[HAHAHA- What’s with this tantrum you are throwing?] Hiro laughed in his mind, while a smile slipped on his face, unconsciously. I didn’t answer his question because he knew that I felt annoyed by these mongrels. Hearing my words, Isil looked around himself, with a frown on his face. Those who were mistrustful looked away and left their places. Afterward, every soldier present left and went their own ways.

“Hmph- Don’t look at my mate like that. I went easy on you so be happy,” I threw such words after them as I crossed my arms in front of my chest with a threatening look on my face. Dragons are protective of their treasure and Hiro is MY treasure! They aren’t allowed to have bad thoughts about him!

“Stupid lovebirds…” Ellery chimed in with a provoking smile on her face. I shrugged my shoulders as an answer, which caused her to open her mouth widely. Did she think that I’d deny it? Fat chance!

“Hahaha. You are so silly, Alice, but I like it!” Hiro exclaimed while laughing happily. He said that, but he felt truly happy that I was on his side. He also embraced me as a reward~

[You are one to talk... when a lustful look at me could make you go on a rampage and kill the offender.] I remarked through our bond while feeling happy that I could be in his arms.

[I- I can’t deny it…] Hiro said with a small stutter, realizing that he had no way to defend himself. He is so defenseless when it comes to me. My.Little.Vulnerable.Hiro~

“Come, follow me, saviors! Please accept my invitation for a meal. We would also gladly provide you with a place to stay! This day is worthy of celebration!” At this time, Norfindir’s father also chimed in and invited us.

“Well, why not? If you don’t mind it, then we are going to intrude,” Hiro said as he stopped hugging me and turned towards him, while still embracing my back. Noo~ That warm feeling went away. I thought unhappily with a bittersweet taste in my mouth.

“Haha, you can’t intrude because I’m welcoming you anytime! You can stay for as long as you wish to!” Mr. Father said while laughing happily.

After thanking him, we followed him into the forest and flew straight into one of the houses, which was inside a tree. It had a similar design compared to ours, though it is not like you can change too many things inside a tree house... The only difference was that its rooms were arranged differently. He led us to a corridor, which had eight doors.

“Our and Norfindir’s room is the first two on the left. You can choose any other room,” Mr. Father explained while pointing with his hands towards their and then the free rooms. I couldn’t help but think of bad things. [And what if we wanted to stay in their rooms? Haha, I really would like to see his face!]

[Alice--- Behave yourself you, little devil!] Hiro rebuked me, but I knew him better. He too was thinking of such ideas. We were very similar and he couldn’t change that!

At this time, Ellery suddenly betrayed me! “Mr.?” She questioned while slightly leaning forward with her head tilted to the side and her brows raised.

“Oh, pardon me. I’m so rude! I forgot to introduce myself. Just call me Elamir,” Norfindir’s father finally told us his name. But the betrayal came afterward!

“Mr. Elamir. I think that you shouldn’t allow them into this part of the house because they are way too loud at night. They should build a house somewhere else. I’m sure that you don’t want your daughter to hear what I heard every night!” She said with a ‘helpless’ face with her arms crossed in front of her SMALL chest. Stupid Ellery! Flat! Board! I thought of offensive words while looking at her.

“E- Ellery! What the hell! You devil! Are you betraying me?!” I shouted at her while holding onto her shoulders and shaking her body.

“I’m sorry, Alice. But it’s better for you too,” She said as she put her hands on mine and made a ‘sorry’ face… But my eyes saw that she was lying! No one can lie to me! Just you wait…

“Ugh. Okay. We will go and make our own house,” I faked my emotions and said with my head hung down.

“Y- You don’t have to! We don’t mind-” Elamir tried to defend us with a pale face, but I interrupted him. My target was Ellery, not him!

“Nah- we are leaving. Don’t worry, it’s really better for us as well. I can be quite… wild~” Ellery’s hidden smirk didn’t escape my eyes. I saw her from the corner of my right eye! I’ll make this little prankster pay! Though what she said was true...

I took hold of Hiro’s hand and pulled on it, leading him out of the house. I saw that Elamir was feeling unpleasant because of how things turned out, but if I think about how much more unpleasant it would be the next morning, I can’t help but agree with Ellery. Maybe she really saved us…

Since we also have a tree house, we didn’t want to repeat the same thing. Instead of that, we landed on the ground and after using our mind powers, we took our way towards a good place. It was a cave, which had crystals in it, lighting up the whole cavern. I looked really beautiful. My body could be taken in such illuminating lights by Hiro~ How romantic~ I’ll love him a lot.

[No, that’s not romantic. That’s straight perverted. If we were to… I don’t know… have dinner? That could be counted as romantic.] Hiro denied my kind of romance.

[No! Everything a girl finds romantic is counted as romantic! You don’t understand!] I explained it to him, while we hid the cave with a formation and made it cozier.

Hiro shrugged his shoulders saying - [If you say so…] Knowing that he understood, I continued on with our things with a smile on my face. I couldn’t help but start crooning in my happiness. I knew many kinds of music thanks to his past life memories. Seeing me swaying my hips from behind, Hiro couldn’t stop himself from attacking me. A pair of tired hips later, we flew into the jungle. Fifteen minutes later, we came back with plushy monster hides. We also made a soundproof formation, which stopped anything from leaking out. Fufu~ Now we can finally release our feelings to the fullest!

We went back to Elamir’s house, but this time a woman was also standing there in the hall, with Ellery and Max. Just as we entered, we saw the woman start shouting happily, while hugging Norfinidir. “Thank you very much for saving my daughter!”

Ellery and Max didn’t notice us, but they answered her at the same time. “Miss Vandir. We weren’t the ones who saved her. We only helped a little bit.” Max was the first one to notice our presence and he quickly said, while pointing at us - “They are the ones!”

The woman walked up to us and bowed in front of us, deeply. “E- Eh? Please, it’s unnecessary!” Hiro exclaimed while waving his hands in a panicked way. She thanked us once again and then finally stood back straight.

Her face was a grateful one, but it soon started twitching and turned into an enraged one. “E- Elamir!? Why did you not offer them with a place to stay at!?” She shouted at her husband while turning around. I guess she didn’t come back long before us... Hearing what she said, he looked at us, and then with a red face at his wife. He probably didn’t want to tell her the reason of why we weren’t in their house, especially in front of us. But he had to say something!

[We should help out the poor guy. He only got back his daughter so he shouldn’t face a wife’s tribulation.] I advised to Hiro, but honestly… I found this situation funny, though Elamir didn’t…

[It’s good that I don’t have to face things like these. Being in sync sure is great~ My Alice is the best.] Hiro started pouring honey on my heart, with such words. I must focus!

“Miss Vandir, right?” I questioned her with a smile on my face. After seeing her nod, I continued - “He offered us with a place but we didn’t want to intrude because we can be… loud.” I finished my sentence with a slightly stiff, but serious looking face.

[You are quite shameless, aren’t ya’?…] Hiro remarked jokingly.

[No… this feels terribly awkward. Look at her stupid face! She doesn’t know what to say! I should have stayed silent… Her awkwardness is only making things worse, which in turn, is also affecting me! Quickly! I- I can’t hold my mask!] I answered Hiro, but at that time, Elamir finally broke the silence with his quick reaction. My face was already getting redder...

“Alright! Haha…” He said with an awkward laugh and then continued - “Do you want to look around the village? I’m going to be your guide in that case, though there isn’t much to see.”

Vandir finally returned and seconded Elamir’s words. That stupid feeling finally disappeared. *Sigh* I’m still just a little dragon! If I were to be a True Dragon, then I’d have stated my feelings proudly! Yet I felt slightly shameful… I thought unhappily. I must grow up.

We left the house, with the parents in tow. What was weird was that Norfindir ran up to me, and then coiled her arms around mine. Hiro was on my right, while she was on my left. I looked at Hiro with my brows raised, not really knowing what to think.

[What’s with this touchy girl? We haven’t even talked so much. We just saved her… Am I that lovely or what? But I don’t think that...] I started guessing, but I quickly denied those thoughts.

[What are you talking about? It’s obvious that she is a clever girl, who realized the might of your beauty. I’m kneeling before you-] Hiro started explaining stupid things, so I quickly shoot him.

[Shut up, please… I might turn ho- horny…] I snuggled up to him while saying. He had such a good smell~ Ah~ I’m in eternal love with my mate. Hiro petted my head with his tail, and then we coiled our tails together, into a tangle.

Elamir led us around the village. There really wasn’t much to see. Houses, houses, and houses… The only thing that differed was the center where we found a training ground. The soldiers from before were also there, training. The ‘mistrustful’ elves were no exceptions. Most of them were at the fifth stage, while some of them were at the sixth stage. There were only two at the seventh stage and only their captain was at the eighth stage.

The elves were fighting bloodily and unsparingly. ‘Nature loving’ and ‘calm’. Just like people on the Earth thought… They didn’t seem like that to me. They were more like the ‘demons’ in my opinion.

As we went closer, they also noticed our group and stopped fighting. Captain Isil stepped forward and spoke. “Hello. Being on a tour?” He asked with a smile on his face. He held no ill will.

[Why would he? He was just asking something… don’t be so suspicious.] Hiro remarked sneakily in my mind.

“Yes. Something like that. Training time?” I questioned him with a smile while elbowing Hiro’s side. He grunted silently and then started chuckling. Isil raised his brows for a moment, and then answered while shaking his head sideways, with a knowing smile.

“Yes, but they still have a long way to go. Their reaction time is slow and they can’t bring out as much of their strength as they are supposed to,” He sighed loudly, visibly feeling dissatisfied. At this time, a young-looking elf at the sixth stage, who could be counted as ‘talented’, stepped forward.

After looking at Hiro and then me, he said with a proud face. Such a generic… “Captain Isil! I think that you are being unfair. I’m sure that we are still better than they are!” He exclaimed while pointing at us. No, at my darling? Huh? Does he have a problem? I’LL GUT YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT! I thought while gritting my teeth.

Hiro also started his speech. [*Growl* No one can point at my Alice! I’ll cut off his finger and-]

[Nah, stop. I’ve got in the mood to beat him up!] I quickly stopped him. It was better if I go or else the guy wouldn’t live… But it might be painful anyway… It was better to irritate only one of us. He could have pointed at Hiro and enrage me. He could have pointed at me and enrage Hiro. But doing so with both of us was a capital offense and the worst decision! Luckily for him, we didn’t want to kill them randomly. For now.

“Captain Isil. Do you mind if I were to have a go with him? I think that I might be able to learn something from his greatness,” I questioned Isil with a gentle smile, but he probably picked up on my true feelings. My smile was cold and evil.

“Hahaha- don’t go too rough on him, please. He is a good kid. It’s just that he has a big mouth and no real strength to support it, but at least, he likes his birthplace and helps the other elves. He still has a lot to learn…” He answered with a small laugh and also explained a few things about the boy. Well, I guess I can go easier on him.

“Okay~” I said as I started walking towards the battleground while swaying my tail happily.

“I’m here, you know? It’s wrong if you think that you can beat me with your meager fifth stage cultivation base!” He exclaimed loudly, but suddenly I heard a clicking noise. It was Hiro… He slapped his forehead.

[God! Why are you punishing me with such lines? Did he buy it on the Internet?] Hiro thought grumpily.

[Or you just read too many novels?] I remarked, half questioning him. He laughed and told me that maybe he did.

“Oh? But I said that I want to learn from you,” I told him with a smile as my tail started swaying more quickly than before. I felt slightly annoyed.

He opened his eyes widely for a moment and then he started talking bullshit. “You little… I’ll teach a lesson!” His words were rewarded with a mountain-like bloodlust.

[*Growl* Another threatening word towards you and he IS going to mind me.] Hiro was barely able to control himself. I didn’t take this boy’s words to heart and laughed at him. Naturally, this only enraged him even more.

The onlooking elves stood in a circle around us, which had a diameter of one kilometer. Such an area was average or even small for cultivators at our level. Also, considering these huge trees, they had to cut out only a single tree to free up enough space for this training ground.

It seems like this idiot forgot one thing. That we were the ones who killed the whole clan, which took away Norfindir from their village.

Ellery and Max were looking at me expectantly. Their eyes were telling it clearly. They were waiting for a good show, while Elamir had a worried look on his face. I don’t get why… What’s with them? Did they forget what we did? It seems like I’ll have to make them remember.

I activated my battle form and my scales grew out of my body, covering it completely. My tail also hardened and turned into a real weapon. I smiled with my scale covered mouth, which probably wasn’t the most ‘inviting’ view, considering my razor sharp teeth. In my battle form, he was a slightly bit stronger, but considering my skills, it was pointless to even mention.

“Come at me, sensei~” I joked with him, which only annoyed him further. His face turned red in rage and he charged towards me with an overhead swing. I used my tail to whip his leg, which made him get off balance, but before he could fall, I kicked him in the chest, making him fly backward.

He flew through the air and landed on his back with a loud thud. Since I didn’t want to kill him, I didn’t fill my leg with Dragon Qi. What he got was my pure strength. The strength of a dragon! He grunted in pain and put his hands on his chest. There was a thin line of blood on the sides of his mouth and he even coughed once as a result. He probably had a small internal injury.

Oops~ Maybe high heels have good penetrating power, especially because I focused my strength on my heel… I better be careful or I might kill this loser accidentally.

“What are you doing? You charged at me with wide opened arms, while shouting like an idiot. This only makes everyone alert of your position if you are trying to sneak attack. Also running with an overhead swing is like a suicide attack. You were running at me with a ‘board’ on your chest, telling ‘come attack here’. Also, you didn’t even look out for your legs, so it was easy to get you off balance,” I started with destroying his stupid pride and big face.

[Ugh. You're not sparing his pride. This is my woman!] Hiro exclaimed happily, which made me chuckle.

“Don’t be so full of yourself! I was only careless!” The boy shouted as an answer while standing up and dusting off himself. He licked the sides of his mouth and gulped loudly. I saw wrath in his eyes because of the shame I caused him. He can recover from the shame, but he can’t get back his life once he dies. It was better for him as well. He IS going to remember. He attacked me once more, but this time, he didn’t charge with an overhead swing.

The truth was that he also had a katana as a weapon, so this was a battle between our weapons too. He held his katana beside himself while charging. Well, that’s better because he has more space to move and react to my tricks. At least, he isn’t completely stupid, though he still has more to learn.

“Your legs are too widespread. What are you a girl waiting to be taken?” I shouted upon seeing his mistake and then whipped his leg with my tail. This time, he reacted quickly enough and almost dodged it, but I was still able to hit him.

His legs were shaken thanks to my attack and while he was focusing on regaining his footing, I jumped into the air. I spun in a circle and swung my katana towards his left side. He barely had enough time to raise up his weapon and block my attack. Although he defended himself successfully, but the blunt side of his katana smashed into his face since he had no way to stop the strength behind my attack. He flew through the air twice in a row and landed in the same manner. I was cruel enough to catch his leg with my tail and smash him into the ground.

“Hey, sensei. Is this a flying lesson or what? I didn’t know… Could you teach me?” I questioned him meekly.

[Ha! Buuurn!] Hiro shouted in my mind.

[Would you stop, Hiro? It’s wrong!] I rebuked him, feeling annoyed by his constant shouting. Naturally, I wasn’t endangered. He wouldn’t do such a thing. If anything, then he would control my body.

[But it feels good! And it’s not like I’m saying it aloud.] Hiro defended himself, though it was unnecessary as I have never felt wrath towards him in the first place.

There was a red line on the left side of the boy’s face, which appeared because of the blunt side of the katana, hitting his face. He was seething with rage. He was so enraged that flames came out of his nostrils. Oh~ Is it time to use magic as well?

“Having your emotions control you while you are in a battle is tantamount to suicide,” I said with a small smile after taunting him so much.

Although Hiro and I too were angry also angry many times in the battles we fought, but that didn’t mean that we charged in or attacked mindlessly even a single time. Both of us were quite cold blooded, so even if we were angry, we could still control ourselves. Hearing what I said, he finally realized that I was teaching him. His angry face also calmed down and turned into a more serious one? Ho? Could it be that he can learn? I guess Isil spoke the truth.

He slowly walked towards me, with his weapon in his hands, though it had a crack after taking my hit. My katana was of a much higher quality. But still... that was the right way. He wasn’t fighting me in my monster form, so he could come closer without rushing straight into his death. He was fighting a humanoid, not a monster, though I did have a nice, long, and sharp tail.

When he stepped into my reach, out of fun, I whipped his face with my tail to test the waters. I saw his eyes twitching and feeling the burning mark on his face where my tail struck, made him angrier, but he still controlled his anger. Good.

My tail was much quicker than any part of my body. I dare to say that not even Captain Isil could follow the exact movements of my tail!

[How cruel of you.] Hiro chuckled while saying that in my mind. Such a liar...

He swung his katana from above and I deflected it. While his defense was left open, I rotated in a circle. My strength and momentum increased, but this time he was prepared for it. He was already standing in position, waiting for my attack to arrive. My katana struck his katana and although he was pushed back and the crack on his weapon turned longer, but he took it on. Next one is probably the last… How sad, I wanted to play a bit more with him… Stupid low-class weapons! I thought, feeling angry that it would end so quickly. I was barely able to do anything!

[Not everyone has such a great husband as you! My nose is getting longer after such a lie… Oh my god! It’s already over two meters!] Hiro started thinking of such things, but after hearing him saying it so believable, I couldn’t help but turn around for a moment. He was waiting for me with his tongue out…

Stupid Hiro.

I focused back on the boy and then said - “Seems like you aren’t completely stupid. I was starting to think that this was a flying training ground. Haha.”

This time he didn’t turn enraged, nor did he start cursing or shouting. Instead, he had a bewildered face. I smiled mysteriously as I said - “What? Are you surprised? The universe is huge. You can never know who you are fighting with and this isn’t even close to my maximum strength. You should always go all out and fight seriously or you might get burned in the end.” He probably felt perplexed because he was one stage higher than me yet he was still pushed back.

It was time to end this play, so I charged at him with my katana at my left side. When I was close enough to him, I slid on the ground, right under him, and kicked out his legs from under him. He would have fallen into my blade - which was pointing towards the sky - but I kicked him in the stomach, making him fly into the air. While he was falling down, I spun on the ground like a breakdancer and kicked him in his side. He crashed straight into the group of elves at the side, meanwhile, I landed on the ground gracefully, with my legs closed.

Hiro started clapping… alone… Luckily for me, the others followed him suit. It would have been such a shame! The people who he crashed into, helped him up. He jumped towards me with his katana beside him, while I took a defensive position. And then… before he could reach me, I used earth magic and made a wall of earth appear in front of him. He crashed through the wall with a surprised face and then all he saw was my tail coiling around his neck and smashing his face into the ground.

I also cut his katana into two halves, cutting off any chances of him fighting. I turned his body over and pointed the tip of my weapon at his face. He made a startled face for a moment, but then he calmed down. He looked up, straight into my eyes. I saw that there was a new feeling growing in his eyes. It wasn't wrath or hate but wanting. He wanted to gain strength and power.

[At least he doesn’t want to get his hands on you.] Hiro was still thinking of punishing him, even though he was beaten up enough already. Maybe I’m too light hearted… and nice!

[Good for him.] I still agreed with his words. Somehow this ‘nice’ person has a weirdly strong echo in my mind. It’s as if… my body would be denying it! I guess I’m not...

I simply sheathed my katana as I turned around and went back to Hiro’s side doing all this while being completely mute. The others didn’t say a word either. Isil went to the middle of the crowd and started talking.

“I hope that this was an eye opener for all of you! You should never get over in your heads and get full of yourselves. There are always weirdos and powerful people who are going to be stronger than you. As Miss Alice also said, it’s better if you always go all out against your enemies, so that--”

We didn’t listen to his explanation any longer as we simply left. “I feel like I was also slightly insulted in this single monolog… I’m not a weirdo,” I told Hiro silently, while slightly pouting.

Before we could go any further, the guy I’ve beaten up also came forward and slightly bowed in front of me. “Thank you very much for your guiding. My name is Rilmawiel. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

I simply nodded at this with an unbothered face. I’m not necessarily the polite kind of person...

“Can I have a question?” Rilmawiel asked after straightening up with a curious face.

“Say it,” I answered with the same kind of face as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

“You said that you weren’t even close to using your full strength. Could you show that to me? I want to see what is your real strength. If you don’t mind it...” He questioned me with a pleading look on his face.

I looked at Hiro with my brows raised. [Should we?]

After shrugging once, he answered through our bond. [Well, I don’t see anything against it and it’s not like they are going to know our true race. At most, they are going to think that we are divine beasts. There aren’t many people at these lower realms who know about True Divine Beasts. It’s rare knowledge here. Mostly only people like Ellery know about it. So it should be alright…]

“Well… I can’t show it ON your body or you would die, but just showing it TO you is alright. But you will have to hold your mouth or I’ll make sure that you can’t talk anymore…” I threatened him with a serious face.

“I’ll!” He exclaimed with a happy face. What now? He looked like a little kid...

Just as he finished his word, Hiro’s head split open as five Hydra heads came out of where his neck and head was supposed to be. His hands and legs transformed into scaly paws with huge claws. Wings grew on his back with a wingspan of more than one hundred meters. Seeing this the elves freaked out quite a bit and some of them even touched the handles of their weapons. As Hiro transformed into his mighty looking true form, everyone went silent.

“So. This is what I meant, though I’m a Dragon, not a Hydra, but it doesn’t matter that much…” I remarked upon seeing him finishing his transformation. I pointed at him while I kept explaining and also remarked that we could kill even Captain Isil.

Rilmaiwel looked at his captain with unbelieving and questioning eyes. Isil started scratching his skin and then said with a helpless look. “Unfortunately, feeling the aura that’s coming from his body, I have to admit that if the two of you were to attack me, I’d probably die.”

I saw wanting in Rilmaiwel’s eyes. He wanted to get more powerful. I guess this isn’t such a bad thing in the end. What Isil didn’t know that we could probably kill him even alone… Hiro transformed back into his human form and we silently left the training grounds and went back to our own cave.

It was time to have some… fun~

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