《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 28 - Knocking on the door [Edited]


Knocking on the door

Hiro’s POV:


I flew out of the city and transformed into my human form. I raised up Alice’s body into a princess-carry and she unconsciously coiled her arms around my neck. A smile slipped onto my face when I realized that she was hugging me out of reflex, even while asleep. I gave a kiss on her forehead and she started smiling.

This was the first time that she was sleeping without me. It felt weird. I’ve got used to her being in my mind all the time. When we bonded, we were happy, but it still felt slightly weird. I mean, we knew that we couldn’t hold secrets, we couldn’t hide our feelings. We were out in the open, completely naked. It wasn’t bad since I knew that Alice loved me as I was. But simply knowing that alone made me feel slightly weird. But now? Instead of her mind, there was only emptiness.

She was sleeping peacefully. She wasn’t fumbling in my mind, which after so much time, felt terrible! I took out our spaceship and after all four of us boarded it, we went back to our house. I tucked Alice into our bed and laid down next to her. I put my right arm under her head and pulled her body on mine. Her soft breasts were touching my right side and I couldn’t help myself from grabbing the right one. So soft! I thought while feeling her body. I’m such a pervert... I felt her warmness reaching me, which made me feel great.

Her sleeping face was really cute. Ugh… I better sleep or I might get horny. She is like a candy. I thought as I quickly stopped what I was doing. If I were to continue, then I’d be left here with my raging lust, all alone. My right hand was nowhere near as good as her. I wouldn’t be satisfied by it anymore! I stopped thinking and in a few moments, I quickly fell asleep. Alice provided me with so much calmness. I could sleep any time in her company.

I opened my eyes the next day and I felt her consciousness stirring. I felt like a child before opening his present at Christmas. I couldn’t wait for her to open her eyes. I was missing her mind. A few seconds later, which felt like an eternity, she opened her eyes. Her long eyelashes moved upwards, along with her eyelids. Her beautiful green eyes looked straight into mine. “Morning, dear,” She said with a smile and immediately attacked my lips.

While kissing, I put my left hand on the left side of her face and pulled her body closer to mine. She breathed deeply because she was out of it. As we parted for a moment, I coiled my arms around her back and then we continued. Our kissing soon turned into hot, juicy, and loving sex.

Two hours, and lots of sex later, we came out of our house only to see Ellery and Max fighting. I was startled for a moment, not knowing what was going on, but I soon realized that they were just sparring. Well, they aren’t bonded and they aren’t each other’s halves either. They could hit each other, while we couldn’t. Our hearts would break…

Ellery shot a huge ball of golden energy towards Max, who formed a thick, golden wall in front of him. The golden ball crashed into the golden wall, which was shattered into pieces and then continued its way towards Max. It struck his chest and after flying through the air, he landed on his back with a loud thud, which was followed by his grunt.


“Ugh… you aren’t sparing me, are you?” Max said with a painful face. He didn’t have serious wounds, but it probably hurt him. Ellery walked over and helped her up from the ground. They finally noticed us, but Ellery’s words blew away our heads.

“Oh! The love birds. Good morning. You should really make a formation around your rooms or something. Alice was moaning so loudly that if we were to be in a city, then everyone would have heard it…” She said with her head tilted to the side and an evil smile on her face. She was waiting for our embarrassment, but to her displeasure, we didn’t feel like getting embarrassed at the moment. It depended on our moods.

“Well, we could and we should, but since we haven’t done such a thing yet, we can’t help it,” Alice said with a smirking face upon seeing Ellery’s unhappy face. I simply chuckled upon hearing their cat-fight.

[I’m not a cat. I’m a dragon!] Alice corrected me immediately. She didn’t like to be called a cat while she was a dragon. [Who are you lying to? I don’t even care about what name you give me. You could even rename me for all I care. Anything goes for you, dear~ hehe,] She said such a sweet thing. I turned towards her as I felt my love welling up in me once again.

Noticing it, Ellery quickly held up her arms and said as she started waving them - “Wait, wait! Not here… I get it, I get it. You have no shame at the moment, so stop what you were about to do. Please leave me pure.” Her words made us laugh and then we told them why we came.

“Anyway, we came here to tell you that we are leaving. We are going to destroy that Shrill Moguls clan and save that captured elf,” Alice said as she crossed her arms in front of her big chest and then she added - “You two can stay here and train. This time we are going alone.”

Upon hearing - “destroy that Shrill Moguls clan” - Max’s ears twitched. I guess he still didn’t let go of his hate, though it was no wonder. If I were to have a daughter, then the person who would be daring enough to try abducting her, would die a very painful death. No one can touch my child! Or children… I don’t even dare thinking of Alice’s reaction…. Just upon the thought of her wrath, a shudder ran through my back. I’ll be sure to educate my child in the future. I’ll be a caring and loving father!

[Fufu, I’ll make sure to provide you with a child. We can always decide in the future if we want more…] Alice remarked with a small laugh, feeling happy.

“Shrill Moguls? Could you let me in? I want to kill them with my own hands!” Max quickly said with a raging face.

“... I said just now that you can’t come with us this time,” I told him with my brows furrowed.

“But I want to!” Max said with willful eyes, not stepping back. Even though he was always so silent.

“What are you a kid?” I questioned him, trying to go on a different path, but it backfired.

“Are you really the one asking that?” He asked with a surprised face with his eyes opened widely as he spread his arms.

Hearing his questions, Alice couldn’t hold it in and she started laughing. “Pfft, Hahaha! Now you’ve got it, Hiro!”


I looked at her with a betrayed face as I said - “I can see that you are enjoying yourself…”

She didn’t buy it since she knew everything about me through our bond… so all she said with a bright smile on her face was - “I do!”

I sighed loudly upon realizing that I lost this battle. I sighed loudly and then said - “Okay, let’s go then. But be careful. I don’t want them to capture you and then blackmail us with you. I’m an honest person, so I’ll tell you. If you were to be captured and Alice could get in danger because of you, then I wouldn’t even hesitate in abandoning you. I’m not a good man and I’m no hero.”

“Don’t worry, I’m clear of that. We aren’t married, so you don’t have to worry about me! Hahaha- I respect your honesty and I think that knowing what’s your real thoughts are better than believing in false truth. In my opinion, an honest friend whose bounds I know is better than a ‘friend’ who is hiding his or her true feelings, being there like a viper… I wouldn’t be able to trust such a person,” Max said, surprising even me.

“I’m glad that we are of the same opinion,” I said with a nod of my head and a smile on my face, after feeling surprised.

“I too am coming! Hehe,” Ellery said with a stupid smile on her face while dancing around Alice in a circle. I wasn’t even surprised and I didn’t bother with them anymore. We boarded our spaceship and flew towards planet Sypno. It took only two hours of traveling, which we used to meditate.

After landing, we went to Erihall city and then traveled northwards from then on. Charles and Frank were going that way when they wanted to get to their headquarters, so their clan should be that way.

We used our mind powers to sense our surroundings and we felt a place in front of us, which had many cultivators and there was also someone at the eighth stage. It was possibly Frank’s father. “I think that we found him,” Alice remarked with a thoughtful face. But the problem was that it was far away. It would take days for us to reach.

At the moment, we had three hundred and seventy golems of strength, which meant more than two points seven million kilograms of strength. Each step we took, propelled us forward with so much force. It could be said that when we were running, we were ‘flying’ very close to the ground at high speeds. Each step would propel us forward with kilometers and when we had to change directions or we were slowing down we just had to ‘jump’ another one. Such being the case, we were able to run with five hundred kilometers per hour.

When we were flying!? It was even faster since we not only didn’t have to evade the trees, and we didn’t have to care about wind resistance either thanks to our domains but we were even flying by using our mind powers and domains! Thanks to that, our flying speed was much greater than our running speed, reaching a shocking speed of two thousand kilometers per hour! And this was only the beginning. We were still just ‘children’.

Knowing that our travel would take long hours or even a day, we boarded our spaceship and flew towards our destination. We didn’t have to fly for a long time before reaching it. All it took were a few minutes. After leaving our spaceship, we saw a huge castle-like building with tall walls. It also had a few guards on it.

Somehow it felt like this whole place was vicious. The usual green, peaceful aura, which we’ve been enjoying up till now was nowhere to be seen. The huge and ancient trees were cut out. The whole place was devoid of greenery and it was surrounded by a gloomy air. The ground was dry and infertile. This meant only one thing and that the death element was way too abundant here.

“Let’s start the ‘party’, hehe,” Alice said while laughing evilly. She wanted to kill everyone here. I have no idea why would they choose a place like this as their headquarters. I’d never want to live in such a place. I like feeling the odor of nature. I like feeling how its energies are seeping into my bones. I always felt more... alive when I was one with nature. Yet this place… I was disliking it very much, so I shall destroy it completely!

Killing the ‘ants’ was quite easy for us since we had complete control over the elements. It’s just that we have never used it to such an extent as we were going to. It’s not like we weren’t able, but we simply didn’t have the time for it when we fought. I and Alice started collecting our Universe Energy and added the elements to them.

The whole area started swirling with fire, water, earth, nature, dark, light, lightning and all kinds of elemental energy streams. Of course, the guards picked up on this and noticed us. Even liquefied elemental energy appeared. We created huge pillars made out of the elements, be it fire or whatever attribute it had. Seeing thousands of meters high elemental pillars appearing all around their camp, surely didn’t escape their sight.

Their clan headquarter was arranged in a circle and it had a diameter of four kilometers. We completely surrounded it from every way by creating a cylinder of elements, also covering the sky. Seeing that, many of the guards started shouting and screaming in terror. Of course, they were the weaker cultivators. The stronger ones wouldn’t die from something like elemental attacks because they would be powerful enough to resist.

Frank’s father, Cale Orchard also flew up into the air, from one of the houses in the center. He tried to control the elements, but we were one stage higher than him when it came to elements.

We imbued our mind powers into those elemental walls to avoid attacking those who were captives or prisoners. We controlled those walls and made it slowly move towards the center. It closed in on the people who were inside and we soon heard screams of pain, terror, and agony. Everyone, who wasn’t powerful enough to resist our attack, died. [Let’s not waste such a huge amount of energy.] I remarked as we started compressing these huge elemental pillars into a single, tiny ball. After being done with that, we felt great pressure from that ball. This was chaos magic, which was exclusive to cultivators at the fourth level!

It was a swirling bulb of energy, with different colors. With a smirk on our faces, we shot that ball towards Cale. Terror appeared on his face upon seeing it flying towards him. Normally, you wouldn’t have time in a fight to do something like this, but since we attacked from far away, we were able to do it. Sweat was pouring down on his forehead as he quickly turned to flee. But he didn’t get further than a few meters, which was nowhere near enough.

That chaos ball was a mix of every element. It was very powerful and… volatile. The Chaos Ball exploded right behind his back. Fire, Water, Earth, Darkness, Light, every kind of element spread through the surroundings, destroying everything above the ground. It quickly disappeared, but behind it was a hole. A crack in space. That was why chaos magic was dangerous. Cale was sucked into that crack, disappearing completely.

We transformed into our monster forms and charged towards those who were at the seventh stage. Now that Cale was gone, we had a hundred and twenty golems of strength. The cultivators at the seventh stage, who had only a hundred and eighty to a four hundred golems of strength, had no chance against us. It didn’t take long for us to tear those humans into pieces.

After finishing them off, we moved and killed every other cultivator. They tried to escape, but it was just a futile attempt to save their lives. We killed all of the. Ellery and Max fought alongside, also killing many cultivators.

“Finally... They are all dead. *pant**pant*” Max grunted while breathing heavily.

“*Pant* Yeah, killing so many of them - *Pant* - tired me out. Max, you fought well. *Pant* You are getting quite proficient at using my family’s gold energy technique,” Ellery agreed with Max and then complimented his proficiency with a smile on her face. Both of them sighed once loudly and put their hands on their hips. Max thanked Ellery and then looked towards us.

We were back in our human with only our tails out, but we were completely fine. Although we too expended a lot of energy, but our regeneration speed was quick. Seeing this Ellery and Max looked at us with disgusted faces.

“Damned monsters...” Ellery remarked with an envious face, while her brows were twitching from time to time.

“Fufu~ Are you jealous?” Alice said with a small laugh as she put her right hand in front of her mouth.

“Yes, I am!” Ellery exclaimed honestly as she opened her arms widely.

“Alright, we chatted enough. Let’s go and look around this place, find those prisoners, and then release them,” I said with a serious face as I started walking towards a catacomb under the ground. Alice quickly ran after me, fearing that she would be left behind, even though I’d never do such a thing. She coiled her tail around my waist and then walked beside me. Ellery and Max also followed us with helpless faces on.

Since we were completely out of mind power, pulled four pills out of our storage space and threw half of them towards Ellery and Max, while we also gulped down one - one. I felt my mind power being restored with a wonderful speed. The Chaos Bolt didn’t destroy everything. Cale’s castle was still standing there, proudly.

The castle was made out of gray colored stones, which were two cubic meters. As we went deeper and deeper there was less and less light. I really don’t get how can they live in a place like this. I like darkness and shady places too, but not in this way. I also like being in tiny, comfy and cozy places with at most a dim light, but it must have a ‘home’ feeling to it. Our little house inside that tree is also quite dark, but it has a nice and cozy atmosphere. It’s completely different than this huge, empty, dark space, not to mention this rotting world around it.

When we reached the end of the corridor, Ellery scanned the castle with her mind power and went through a door. Behind it, there were stairs going downwards. I fear what might we find here… Alice snuggled up to me. She felt uneasy. [Hiro, I hope that we aren’t going to find things that I don’t want to see here.] Alice remarked in my mind as her tail twitched around me for a moment.

[I hope so Alice.] I answered as I petted her back.

Though we didn’t have to wait any longer to find out since we arrived. On the left and right side were two - two cells, in which were three people. One cell was empty. In those three cells were people. Two of them had one arm cut off by a saw? I think. The others were also beaten up. One was a female though... Poor people. I thought while I sighing loudly. People like those were everywhere. You could never know what was living inside people’s mind.

Although I wanted to try out how killing and fighting felt, but never this shit. I would never kill random people just to make myself feel better either. These people were sick in the head. Sicker than me.

When the prisoners noticed us, all of them started shaking out of fear. There was a door at the end of the corridor where I sensed another presence. I guess the elf was in that place.

“Don’t worry. We aren’t going to hurt you. You’re all going to be released. The Shrill Moguls clan is also no more. We have eliminated them so you can freely leave this place soon enough and live your lives…” I told them with a soothing smile on my face, but they didn’t seem to be too convinced. I walked up to their cells and opened it one by one. After doing so, I stopped in front of them, grabbed the handcuffs on their hands and used my mind power to release them. These handcuffs could be opened by anyone as long as that person wasn’t the one wearing it.

It consumed the mind power of the one who wore it and by using that mind power, blocked the elemental and space energies around them making them unable to use it or cultivate with it. If an outsider’s mind power broke this circle then the handcuffs would open up automatically. They weren’t able to tear these handcuffs off either because these weren’t metals of the mortal realms. I can’t tear my armor either with my bare hands either, so how could they break these metal handcuffs?

Feeling that their powers were once again flowing through their bodies and that they were able to control it, made them feel elated. I don’t know for how long were they closed in here, but getting back their freedom is probably a good feeling. I used some of my power on the guy whose arm was cut off. All he saw was that I made a huge green swirling ball, which had a powerful aura coming from it and that I threw it towards him.

He closed his eyes and covered his body with one of his arms, fearing his life, but he soon stopped standing in that stupid position. He opened his right eyes to look around and then the left.

“Hahaha- don’t worry. That’s just going to heal your body, though it’s going to take a few weeks, but your arm is going to grow back.” I answered him with a laugh, though he surely didn’t find it funny.

“R- Really?” He questioned me with a hopeful face. I threw another such ball towards the other two while answering him with a yes.

“Thank you very much!!!” All of them shouted loudly with a small bow.

I looked at the last door and walked towards it with Alice in tow. I slowly opened the door and saw the first elf in both of my lives. She was indeed a beauty, though it didn’t matter to me as I had Alice, who was above everyone for me, whether be it personality or looks. She was at the third stage and was sitting on top of a comfy bed and even her room was nice. She looked up at me with terrified eyes. Alice walked up to her and broke her handcuffs into pieces.

The elf looked at us with a surprised face. “T- Thank you. Who might you be?” She asked while looking at me fearfully.

“I’m Hiro and she is Alice. We came here to destroy the Shrill Moguls clan and also save those who were captured,” I introduced ourselves and told her our reason for coming here. She nodded once, but she visibly didn’t trust me as much as Alice.

She looked to be sixteen to eighteen and considering the rarity of such a thing, she was probably a child, not a very talented genius. Usually, only True Divine Beasts were talented enough keep their youngest form. She was actually older than us since we weren’t so old, though our bodies were grown up and our minds were much more advanced.

“Don’t worry, now you are safe. We aren’t going to do anything bad with you,” Alice soothed her nervousness with a smile on her face. I turned around and left. To be honest, I completely scanned her whole body with my mind power, so I knew that she was ‘clean’. She wasn’t touched by anyone yet, which I was glad to know since I hate rape. Through Alice, I listened in on their talk.

“What’s your name and how did they capture you?” Alice asked with a smile on her face and her head tilted to the side.

“I’m called Norfindir,” She answered in a much better mood, which came after I left. She also touched Alice’s hands. I have no idea why was she so touchy with her. “I lived with my parents on Lark when a group of humans attacked our hidden village. That village was my birthplace. We, elves, are stronger than humans so the others were able to fight them back, but I was captured and taken away. Afterward, the humans took me here and locked me up.”

“I’ve been here ever since that day. That Frank came in sometimes to- to do bad things, but it never went further than touching... And once he even brought with him a guy called Wick. He said that I’m going to be his for my first time-” She started spilling the beans without stopping, which felt completely unreasonable to me, considering that she has met Alice just now. At the end of her sentence, she started tearing up, so Alice stopped her.

“Don’t worry Norfindir. We have killed both of them so now you are free to go back to your planet,” Alice said while caressing the top of her head, with a motherly smile on her face.

“Really?” Norfindir asked with a hopeful face, and Alice answered with a yes.

“But… I can’t go back home!” She said with a despaired face.

“We are going to take you back if you allow us to do so,” Alice offered up our help.

[How nice of you Alice. Hehe~ You just want to see their village.] I told Alice jokingly, to lighten up her mood a bit.

[I- I’m not! Haha~ Well, I do want to take her back as well.] Alice answered with a small laugh as a smile slipped on her face, unconsciously.

“T- Thank you very much! I’ll be grateful. Although I can’t reward you, but maybe my parents can-” Norfindir started talking bullshit, but Alice quickly stopped her.

“We don’t need that. We just wanted to help you out. It doesn’t really matter to us. At least we can also see an elven village. That’s enough reward for us.”

Norfindir told her that it was okay, with a nod of her head.

After they were done talking over she came out of the room. She had long green hair with long pointy ears. She had a nice figure with a nice size… Her face was also charming with thick lips and thin brows. She had golden colored eyes.

She is a beauty indeed, but like I said she is nowhere compared to my Alice! Alice has wider hips and rounder, tauter ass. Her legs also have better shape and her tits are also bigger plumper and rounder. Her face is also more beautiful compared to this elf. Fufu~ What elf!? My Alice is the best! I thought in my mind as I started comparing them out of curiosity.

[W- Would you stop flattering? Also, it’s wrong to compare women, don’t you think?] Alice stopped my thoughts. I already had more than twenty points, which made Alice much better. And it was with a single glance at that!

[Okay~ Let’s go then. I want to destroy this place and restore nature here!] I answered her, feeling proud of Alice.

We went out, along with the newly freed prisoners and after using the earth element to swallow this whole castle under the ground it turned into a huge barren land. Alice used nature magic to grow a lush forest in its place, which was the same as everywhere else.

“Do any of you want to temporarily come with us or do you want to stay on this planet. You could start a new life here,” I asked as I looked at the other three. They looked at each other and decided on the same thing.

“We are going to stay. We don’t want to bother you. We thank you very much for saving us. I’m called Andreana and they are called Salmon and Leonard. If you ever need our help, then you can come find us.” She said as she pointed at herself then at the other two guys. We could easily find them since it wasn’t hard to remember to their auras. Also, it was likely that they were going to stay in this area for quite a long while. Though it’s not like I’d need their help for anything.

“Okay, then we will take you to the closest city and then leave,” I told them with my hands on my hips.

“That would be more than enough,” The woman answered with a nod of her head.

We boarded our spaceship and after leaving them at Erihall city, we flew towards Lark to take back Norfindir to her family!

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