《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 27 - What is it like to be Over Powered? [Edited]


What is it like to be Over Powered?

Alice’s POV


The remaining two weeks swiftly passed by. We consolidated our strength at the fifth stage and also reached the middle of it. Our strength also increased to three hundred and seventy golems of strength, which meant that in our monster forms we had five hundred and forty golems of smashing strength. Adding to that our skills, a swing of our tail could easily crush anyone at this level!

We knew that our enemies were soon going to come because the remnant of Wick’s mind power was rooted deeply enough into Hiro’s sea of consciousness. Since we didn’t want to drag Max and Ellery into it, we prepared to move to some other place. But Ellery just had to leave her room when we were about to leave, which resulted in her questioning us. “Where are you going?” She asked as she put her hands on her hips.

We looked at each other, not really knowing what to do. We could lie, but we don’t like doing so. We are honest people, so the most we would do was leave without a word. But we felt wrong when we lied, so we told her the truth.

She made an unsurprised face and after nodding once, she said. “How cruel… did you want to leave without telling me anything? I reached the fifth stage too, so I’ll be useful. I’ll go with you.”

We weren’t sure if she should come with us because we didn’t know what was waiting for us. That being the case, I shook my head sideways, while saying - “Ellery, we don’t know how many of them are going to attack us, nor their strength. I also don’t think that they are going to simply stand there and wait for you to kill them, even if you are the daughter of Weston Gold.”

She furrowed her brows upon hearing my words and then opposed me strongly - “Don’t drag my father into this. I’m going to help you and that’s that. You have no saying in this.”

That being the case, I felt helpless. In the end, I sighed heavily and then after a shrug of my shoulders, we turned around to leave. But at that time, Max also appeared beside Ellery and told us that he was going to come with us as well.

“Let me join too. If not for me, then you two would have never been found by them on this planet. You could have cultivated calmly and then kill them when you are powerful enough. You also helped me and Melleri when we had nothing to do with you, so I’m just paying back.” He put his hands on his hips, just like Ellery, while he kept on with his reasoning, making it clear that he wouldn’t stand back either.

“...” We looked at them with furrowed brows and then Hiro exclaimed with his arms spread widely - “What’s with this?!”

“Nothing,” Both of them said at the same time. Melleri ascended in these remaining two weeks, so only Max and Ellery were left with us. Max reached the fourth stage because he gained enlightenment. Ever since the day we came here, he was advancing by leaps and bounds. Of course, this wasn’t going to hold on forever, but he wasn’t going to stay an ordinary cultivator from this point on. Probably his basic training speed has increased too. It was likely that he would reach much greater heights than he was supposed to.

Once he tasted how advancing quickly felt, he would believe more in himself, which in turn, would make his cultivation quicker. Of course, there were physical bounds so no one could reach the tenth level just by thinking about it, even if the person in question truly believed in himself or herself. But the speed, at which they advance could be greatly increased if their self-confidence was stronger.


This again shows how much everything is about your own beliefs. The universe is really interesting. I don’t know why, but when you think positively and want to reach something, then it’s usually going to happen one way or the other. It might come differently than how you imagined it, but the end was still going to be the same.

It was as if you would be pulling the good things towards yourself if you had a strong faith. Is this controlled by someone? Or is it that everyone can control their lives and fates but it rarely happens? I don’t know, but for now, all I can do is believe in ourselves!

“Well… if you really want to help, then alright. Though we are still going to move because I don’t want to ruin our house. Maybe we should move to another planet? Hehe,” I answered and then after thinking of something, I started laughing evilly.

“Do you mean that you want to go to the beastmen’s city?” Max realized what we were thinking of and then voiced it aloud.

“Why not?” I questioned, noticing that he wasn’t too happy about it, but after doing so, I realized. He wouldn’t be able to come with us, in that case. It’s likely that he would be attacked and killed by the beastmen. If only… After thinking of something, I looked at Ellery and then Max. Max looked like a thirty-five years old guy. Since he advanced so quickly, his appearance turned younger.

“Why are you looking at me?” Ellery questioned, feeling threatened after seeing my look.

“Fufu~ Would you happen to accept new family members? If you allow Max to join your family then we could go to the beastmen’s city. They wouldn’t dare to kill someone who has the protection of someone from the higher realms. Although descending isn’t that easy, but it’s still manageable and they wouldn’t bet their lives on trying it, just to kill a random human.”

Those who come from higher levels, usually have some kind of treasure on their bodies that would record their surroundings if something were to happen to them. Someone at the fourth level could easily cover a whole sector in the third realm with their mind power and even some of the neighboring ones. Such being the case, the murderer would have no chance left to escape.

“Also, if you accept him, then he could train with your technique, which in turn, would make him even stronger. Let’s say that you would gain a strong bodyguard. Considering that he doesn’t have a background, it would be better for him too. Don’t you think?”

“Ehm... I’m not one to decide about these things, so I’m going to ask my father. He is the one who created this technique, so I’m not going to hand it over without his consent.” Ellery furrowed her brows and after making a thoughtful face, she explained her situation.

“Then go and ask him. Shoo-shoo” I answered and then waved my hands, indicating for her to leave. She turned around and took out a stele. She asked her father and came back with a smiling face as she nodded towards Max.

“Max? What do you say?” Hiro asked, after knowing that Ellery could do it.

“I’m okay with it. I’ve known her for quite a long while and she is a good person, so I have no problem with following her. This could also help me create an image for myself. If that were to come true, then maybe Melleri would have it easier as well.


“Great!” Hiro said with a smile and then after waiting for Ellery to transfer the details about her technique through their mind powers, we left. For now, it was impossible for Max to learn using this skill because it would take time, which we didn’t have much of. Before we boarded our Spaceship, we activated the Diversion Formation around our house and then went towards Droner to wait for our enemies’ arrival.

This Diversion Formation was the same that was automatically generated when I or Hiro was born. It did what its name said. Diverted the monsters, humans, beastmen, and anything that was alive. We weren’t too deep into the forest and since our mind powers were as powerful as someone’s at the eight stage, it was natural that no monsters would invade our territory. They will subconsciously turn the other way if they walk into the formation.

Droner wasn’t far away from Cyder, so it took only half an hour for us to reach. We went straight to a city and rented three rooms in an inn. It wasn’t hard to find a city. With our powerful mind powers, we could easily cover an area of two million kilometers, which was about one-third of the planet. Naturally, we would find a city in such a large area. Finding an inn wasn’t hard since we just had to search for buildings which had many people inside it. Such places could be only the guild houses, pubs or inns.

We had to wait for two days before Hiro felt that the unknown guy released his mind power. From such a large range he can’t control the remnants of his mind power. The most he could do was to release it and feel where it was at that time. Before that happening, Wick’s mind power would stay masked by Hiro’s, so he couldn’t sense his whereabouts. Even when it slips out of Hiro’s body, he will be able to sense Hiro’s position, only for a moment.

Since it was so deeply rooted into Hiro’s mind, he wasn’t supposed to feel anything. It was supposed to simply leak out without him noticing anything, but that wasn’t the case since our mind powers turned even more powerful than that Wick’s. He was stupid enough to underestimate our races.

Although we would have to travel for one and half an hour to reach this place, but that wasn’t the case for them. Only half an hour later, their spaceship appeared above us. We didn’t go into an overly-populated city since they would have turned around, probably. We sensed that there were a lot of people in that huge spaceship they came with. This city was optimal for us since the beastmen would take care of the weaklings, while we could focus on the powerful cultivators.

Frank jumped out of the spaceship right above the inn we were in and a large army of humans followed him. The beastmen were startled at first and then enraged. I guess they thought that ‘how dare these humans attacking our planet so brazenly’. Anyone would be enraged by such a thing. We didn’t turn into our monster forms for now. If we can get experience by killing them, then why should we?

“Let’s go and kill them all!” Hiro was the first to shout with an excited face and then he ran out of the building.

“Where are you two damned monsters! You took away my treasure and even killed my men. Now it’s time for you to die!” Frank shouted angrily, even though he was about to die the last time as well. Wick also appeared and upon noticing Hiro, he immediately charged towards him. Wick had three hundred and ninety-five golems of strength, while he was only at the early-seventh stage. He had fifteen more golems of punching strength than the average cultivators, even now.

We used our battle forms to lessen the burden on our bodies. In Wick’s domain, we were left with only two hundred and eighty-seven golems of punching strength, but it was enough against these weaklings. We simply intended to evade Wick’s attacks and take care of these humans. Wick shoot a blade of water towards Hiro, but it simply went through his body and cut a human into two halves. “Thanks for killing your own men! Fufufu~” I shouted with a small laugh, feeling happy that he was a sore loser.

“You bitch! Just you wait until I catch you! I’ll make your body mine and you are going to serve me as long as you live!” Wick shouted angrily, but that was a mistake. Shouting something like that in front of Hiro was tantamount to a deathwish. Hiro swung his hammer downward and crushed the body of a cultivator at the fifth stage, with a single attack. They didn’t have a chance against the strength he could release through his hammer. Hiro snapped his head towards Wick and growled in a deep voice.

“You’ll pay for what you said…” Not saying more, he engaged in battle once again. He swung his hammer in an arc, smashing numerous humans with a single move. Their blood, bones, and guts were flying through the air after each of his swings. Wick and Frank had only so much time left until we would finish killing these vegetables. I felt the need to fight beside my dearest husband, so I quickly leaped up to him. While in the air, I spun in the air and chopped off a few dozens of heads. My movements were accurate and quick.

We didn’t learn martial arts yet either, but we could at least use our bodies perfectly. These stupid humans though? They knew nothing. The beastmen in the city also constantly attacked the humans. I guess most of them were here as a cannon fodder to stop the incoming waves of beastmen. Wick tried attacking us numerous times, but not only the waves of humans were in his way, but even we were in perfect sync, making it possible for us to simply evade his attacks. All he could do was kill his own people with each of his strikes.

Wick roared out angrily with a red face. He probably felt ashamed that he wasn’t able to kill us, even though we were only at the mid-fifth stage, while he was at the seventh stage. A genius like him was supposed to mow us down like grass. After his roaring, he made a huge, swirling ball of red energy and shot it towards us. It was his skill, probably. We dissolved this body of ours and made clones of ourselves further away. His attack struck our places, but all it killed were humans, once again.

“ARGH!!! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL! DIRTY BEASTMEN! DIRTY DIVINE BEASTS!” He shouted while holding his head with a crazed face.

We only had to look out for the attacks that came for our vital points. We weren’t True Divine Beasts for nothing. We had powerful auras covering our bodies, which also protected us and we even had our armors and scales. If they can damage us even after that much, then I’ll let that be their present...

We simply had no enemy on this battlefield. We just had to wait for them to run out of cultivators and then I will see about how he was going to ‘break my mind’... Hiro was raging inside, so not even god could save this stupid Wick and Frank duo, though the latter, strangely enough, disappeared from the battlefield. He was probably hiding, waiting for us to die. After evading Wick’s latest attack, something unexpected happened. Another spaceship appeared and a cultivator at the eight stage jumped out.

Like I said before, there weren’t many powerful cultivators in the city. The highest was only at the fifth stage. We couldn’t go into a more powerful city or else they wouldn’t have come. That guy started killing beastmen left and right. Max and Ellery were around us and they were also slaughtering the humans, especially Ellery. She was using her golden energy to pierce one or even numerous people at the same time. Max also used it from time to time, but only rarely since he was learning to use it on the spot.

With the new cultivator’s help, Wick was finally able to encircle us. A few humans were standing around us, while Wick was standing in front of us and the new guy was behind us. “Now I finally caught-”

“Shut up…” Wick started saying his expected line, but not wishing to hear it, Hiro rebuked him. This caused Wick to open his eyes widely. The beastmen didn’t dare attacking Wick and our new enemy since they feared death.

[I guess it’s time to show them that they shouldn’t mess with an ‘idiot couple’. Right? Honey~ Fufu,] I laughed happily in my mind. A smile slipped onto Hiro’s face after hearing my thoughts and all he did was that he turned back into his true form with a loud roar. Following suit, I turned into my true form in the same manner, which caused everyone to stop for a moment.

We had much larger bodies than before. When we reached the fifth stage, we grew to twelve meters high and fifty meters long in our monster forms. Not noticing such huge monsters, was impossible for the humans. We will be able to decrease our size even to the size of a human after the fifth level, but until then, we will have to bear with our huge bodies.

We didn’t hesitate to attack Wick, which made it clear for the beastmen that we are with them. In our monster forms, at the mid-fifth stage, we could still release three hundred and sixty golems of strength, while being pressured by a cultivator at the eighth stage, who had four hundred and ten golems of punching strength. If he were to use his skills, we would have to be careful, but Wick? He can’t do anything against us.

[I’ll play with the big guy, you can take care of him, but don’t kill him,] Hiro thought in a commanding voice. A shudder ran through my back upon hearing his tone. I felt excited and… I better not say it aloud.

I answered with a small laugh, saying ‘alright’ and then swiped with my paw towards Wick. He made a startled face upon noticing my increased speed. He wanted to jump to the side, but using one of Hiro’s minds, I cast a Dragon’s Wings and shot it towards him. If he were to jump to the side, then he would get himself killed on the spot. Feeling the energy of my attack, he also realized that it was better to take on my paw strike since I used only my psychical strength.

He held up his spear to protect himself and he was able to stop my claws, which were almost touching his face. I was using my full strength to pressure him and he was barely able to hold me back. I opened my mouth and used Dragon’s Breath with less force. It struck his body and he crashed into the ground. I quickly landed in front of him and put my right paw on his body. He tried to thrust his spear through my paws, but it was a futile attempt since nothing without the strength of four hundred and twenty golems could break through my scales.

Even counting his skills, he didn’t have that much, not to mention that he wasn’t able to use his skills because I was too quick for his taste. “ARGH! W- What are you!?” He shouted out in pain, feeling his body slowly being crushed under my weight and strength. I pulled my mouth into a smile, probably… and showed him my razor sharp teeth. Just a move and he would turn into mincemeat. Knowing that his death was in front of him, he made a terrified face. Ah~ I like seeing such faces when the people in question are my enemies.

Meanwhile, Hiro held back the guy at the eight stage. After flying towards him, he had to carefully dodge his attacks and it was hard for him to do anything. That being the case, he quickly got annoyed. Now that I was ‘free’, I turned my head backward and looked towards our most powerful opponent. Knowing my intention, Hiro quickly prepared everything. He used four of his heads to attack with Hydro Mind and he used only a single one to look out for his own safety.

Hiro directed his bloodlust towards the guy at the eight stage, along with four Hydro Minds, which caused him to get knocked out for a moment. At that time, I also used Space Breath, which was a powerful attack of my race. It consumed a large amount of energy and I’d turn quite weak after it at this level and stage, but I’d be alright. When Hiro was only diverting the guy’s attention, I collected about seventy percent of my Dragon Qi and focused it into a single point.

After feeling that Hiro shot his mind attacks, I quickly opened my jaws and shot it towards the person in question. My attack simply went through it, not causing any damage, but that was how it was supposed to be. Hiro landed in front of me and grazed Wick’s body with his teeth to paralyze him completely with his poison. As Space Breath disappeared, in its path, space broke into shards and a gray matter flowed out from beyond it.

It covered the guy completely, which was equal to death. No one could survive that thing. Anything it touched, dissolved into nothingness, along with his or her mind, soul, and body. Knowing that he was done for, we focused back on this dear, little, puppy, Wick! His face made it clear that he was in terrible pain, thanks to Hiro’s poison, not to mention that I probably broke a few of his ribs.

[You see that?] Hiro questioned me through our bond while three of his heads were turning towards me. I turned towards where he was looking and I found Frank, who was trying to run away by using the remaining humans as cannon fodders. Hiro forced his scale covered mouth into a smiling one, which looked really creepy. He had to tear a few muscles to do that, but it didn’t matter much to him with his quick regeneration...

He jumped into the air and flew towards Frank with a lightning-fast speed. He flew past him and caught him between his claws, accidentally also cutting him at a few places in the process. He turned around in the air and flew towards me. Now that the guy at the eighth stage was dead and Wick’s domain wasn’t working thanks to him being completely paralyzed, no one here could hurt or resist us. He landed next to me and after biting Frank’s shoulders, he shoved him next to Wick, while I raised up my paw.

Using wind magic, I started talking with an inhuman voice - “Well-well if this isn’t our little friend who caused this whole mess for us! What do you have to say as your last words?” I questioned Frank as I also licked him. A lick in this form was equal to an attack. His skin was shredded into pieces.

He screamed out in pain - “Stop it! Please! I’m going to leave and never come back! Wait no! I’ll serve you just please let me off!” He started pleading just like most of the people would do at such a moment.

“Ehh~ But I don’t want to,” I answered and then bit off one of his legs. I started chewing it loudly to make him fear me more, and then I gulped it down. His blood sprayed on my chin before I used fire magic to seal his wound.

“I remember you said that you had an elf as a captive. Is that true? Did you do something to her?” I asked as I tiled my bloody head to the side.

“N- No! I swear! She was supposed to be Wick’s after we- we…” He started denying it to my happiness. No one could lie while looking into True Divine Beasts eyes. We had the eyes of truth with the most powerful curse. All it did was make it possible for us to sense if someone was lying. After reaching ‘we’, he started hesitating to continue with a terrified face.

“After you killed us, right?” I questioned him as I put my jaws closer to his body.

“N- No!” He shouted out with a panicked face, but at that time, Hiro also joined with an annoyed voice.

“Don’t lie to me you rat,” He said, which was followed by him, tearing off his other leg and a part of his sides.

“AAARGH!!” His scream bothered my ears, so I quickly put him into my mouth and started rolling him on my rough tongue. I felt how more and more blood was flooding my mouth, which felt tasty. His screaming started subsiding slowly. He was probably losing his consciousness. I turned around and looked into the eyes of the remaining humans as I started chewing on Frank loudly, for everyone to hear. Hiro also topped this off by using four of his heads to ‘grab’ onto Wick’s four limbs and raise him into the air.

His teeth bore deeply into his limbs, which caused him to scream out in pain and then he tore off all of his limbs with a single move. He did it carefully, making sure that his upper body would stay intact. Using his fifth head, he closed the jaws of death on Wick and then started chewing loudly on all of his body parts. The remaining humans made terrified and terrorised faces as they all fell to their knees, surrendering. They clearly had no will to fight.

Truth be told, I saw a few of them who had delicious smells, so I quickly ran over and ate them, though with less torturing. I simply chewed on them once and they were gone. Like little snacks. They should have never come here. They tried fighting against us, which made them worthy of death. Hiro also went for them, but he had five heads, so he was much quicker.

The kneeling humans didn’t even resist, knowing that they didn’t have a chance. Such being the case, we shared the pieces of the last human we ate and then I transformed back into my human form and jumped onto Hiro’s head. I sat down there, with my legs crossed. I soon noticed that I was caressing Hiro’s scales unconsciously. It was cold and rough, but it felt good to the touch.

I looked towards the humans and a few of them looked up to see what was going on. They were surrounded by the beastmen and we were in front of them, but no one was moving. Though, the humans were shivering in fear. I guess we weren’t really attractive right now since the blood of their friends and fellow comrades were still covering my body, and Hiro’s scales weren’t clean either. There were a lot of guts and blood on the ground too, making us look like some kinds of devils.

I clapped once, causing everyone to look towards me. “So~ Since you attacked us I’d rather kill you all, but I’ll give you a chance. It’s going to depend on the beastmen,” I said with a smile on my face with my palms still together.

“I ask every beastmen here! Do you want to capture these humans and punish them, make them into your slaves or whatever you want to do? Or do you want me and my husband to eat all of them?” I offered up two choices. That’s why I said that it was depending on the beastmen.

Hearing my questions, the humans turned towards the beastmen and started shouting with terrified faces. These ants were quite funny~ “PLEASE, PLEASE CAPTURE US!” They kept shouting and some of them even started kowtowing while saying - “Yes, we are going to serve you!!”


“I feel like I’m being hated by these humans...” I remarked with a slightly unhappy voice, which bore an unexpected result.

“No! We love you, Miss! We are going to serve you if you want to, so please don’t eat us!!!” The humans started shouting such things. I was sitting on a high horse… but it felt good. Well, I too can enjoy myself sometimes, can’t I? It’s not like I went around bullying people.

“Fufu~ So? What do you say?” I questioned the beastmen with a smile on my face as I threw my hair over my shoulders.

After looking at each other, the beastmen nodded and they said that they are going to punish them and make them serve them with pitying faces.

This wasn’t surprising as having servants would surely be better than having to do everything alone. Things like servants were more usual at the higher levels. The darkness of intelligent beings come out the higher they go. The strong would make the weak serve them. When we are mortals and weak, we don’t really dare to do things like these or we simply still have enough feelings to at least not make others serve us.

Of course, this wasn’t necessarily true as Hiro’s memories shown it too from his past life. Humans created titles like kings and nobility and made others fall under their own rule. Just like religions, which were meant to divide humans and make it easier to rule them. Was population too high? Let’s go to war in the name of ‘god’! Bullshit. They created beliefs for others so that they could control them by the will of a false ‘god’. When the time of churches fell, they created democracy. They were falling from one hole into the other.

But here, it wasn’t like that. Are you strong? Stronger than the others? Then you can do whatever you want to! Fuck the others and what they think! That was how it worked! Imagine living a life without listening to stupid explanations in schools, to stress on finding and getting a job, to have enough money to fend for your family. You could do anything here if you were powerful enough! Naturally, this way of life also had many drawbacks, but in my opinion, it was still much better than that boring way of life on ‘the Earth’... stupid mortals.

[That was a really nice monolog, Alice. I can see that you understand it! Hehe~] Hiro laughed happily in his mind.

[Of course honey, of course!] I thought, feeling happy.

“Okay, since that was your decision, we’re going to let you off the hook. Though it’s sad that we can’t eat more of you since you taste so good when we are in our monster forms… but since they said so, you can go,” I said, faking an unhappy face, just to play a little bit more with them.

[How cruel. You don’t even care about it yet you are still scaring them by saying things like these.] Hiro chuckled in his mind, knowing me all too well.

“Oh, by the way… if you ever dare to attack us in the future, you are going to die a painful death, without exception. To make sure that we can identify you, in case you might still try doing something like that, I’m going to mark all of you with my mind power. Now come here one by one and then you can leave from my part. Those who don’t come are going to be eaten~ hehe,” I threatened them with a not so sweet smile on my face.

Upon hearing my words, they quickly sprung up from the ground and rushed towards Hiro’s paws. Hiro put down his head and I simply stepped to the ground. Using my mind power, I forcefully sent my mind power into theirs and then sealed it. It was probably painful, but no one dared to scream.

To be honest I could also use this to destroy their minds. They can’t clear this out before reaching the eighth stage, but at that time we are going to be at the next level, so I don’t care what are they going to do afterward. Even that’s possible that none of them are going to stay alive, but it doesn’t matter to us.

[I bet that at other times they would look lustfully after you seeing how you are swaying your hips with each step you take. But right now, they are shaking because they are fearing you that much,] Hiro thought.

I chuckled upon hearing his thoughts and thought - [What can I say? It might be true.]

[Oh, being modest? Although you look so beautiful,] Hiro started complimenting me, which made me feel slightly weird. I was happy that he loved me and my looks so much, but it still felt weird.

[S- Stop complimenting me. This isn’t the time for that!] I exclaimed upon realizing that I would turn horny if he were to continue.

[Alright, alright,] Hiro answered as I finished marking all of the humans, present. There were only about thirty people left, so it didn’t take much time for me. Their original numbers were about a thousand yet they were so few left.

“Ellery, Max. Come and board our mount! Hehe~” I used my mind power to tell them to come. They made disgusted faces when we at the humans, but that wasn’t surprising. While now… they were making unsatisfied faces, realizing that they really didn’t play an important role this time. They were like stupid background characters, which probably annoyed them.

“I’m not a mount… but I’m going to allow them to 'mount' me this one time,” Hiro sent his thoughts towards them with a small grunt, while I was able to hear his thoughts.

“Woohoo! I’m going to ride a Hydra!” Ellery shouted in our minds as an answer, annoying Hiro by doing so. I’m always supporting Hiro, but I couldn’t hold back myself from chuckling upon hearing her.

“*Growl* Maybe I shouldn’t let anyone on me?” Hiro growled unhappily, which scared the humans present, who didn’t know anything about what was happening.

“Would you not allow your dear wife on your head?” I questioned Hiro jokingly as I started petting his scale covered head, with a smile on my face.

“There is no chance that I’d do something like that~” Hiro answered immediately, not wishing to miss out on my ‘riding’.

“See? You know that it’s very good when I’m ‘riding’ you. Fufu~” I said as I gave a kiss on his scale, which was cleaned by his Hydra Qi. I put my face on his scales and used it as a large bed. I was lying there, sprawled out when Ellery couldn’t hold it back anymore and said through her mind power with an annoyed face.

“Could you stop you damned love-birds. At least don’t convey your thoughts to us too when you are talking about such things.”

Max simply laughed at this whole thing loudly, which caused the humans and beastmen to look weirdly at him since they weren’t hearing us talking. It seemed like as if he would be laughing at nothing, out of nowhere. Considering that the ground was bloody and gory I could say that he looked creepy… I heard mumblings like.

“You can never know which one is the craziest!” One of them exclaimed silently, while others questioned things like - “What’s with him? Has he gone nuts?”

They used wind magic to cover their voices, but I could easily listen in on their conversations since our elemental bodies were completed long ago. I could only laugh at hearing this. Ellery and Max jumped on Hiro’s other heads. Hiro flew into the air leaving behind everything that happened here. I slumped down on his head, slowly falling asleep. That attack took its toll on me and I was only acting since I didn’t have a lot of energy left in my body. Hiro raised some of his scales on his nose to cover and fix my body on his head.

We were able to slightly move our scales and we could even shoot them out as projectiles, so it was no big deal. Under our scales, our whole bodies were covered in a green liquid, which was in reality liquefied energy, but it had a jelly like texture. I felt as if I’d be lying in a bed made out of jelly. Our scales are good for taking on the damage and this jelly layer is good for dispersing the force behind the attacks. We have another layer of scales under this jelly-layer, but that’s somewhat weaker than our outer scales and also it’s connecting tightly to our inner, thick skin.

We aren’t normal Divine Beasts. We have much stronger defenses and attacking powers too. Normal dragons don’t have this jelly layer and they have only what we have under it. Scales connected straight to their skins. When we are in our battle forms or monster forms, we can completely pull our outer scales together and cover our whole bodies. Like that, no one can stab their weapon through among our scales.

The liquefied energy covered my whole body and that warm energy was also healing me and recovering my lost energy. Feeling this soft warmness, I quickly fell asleep with a peaceful smile on my face. Hiro was my only and dearest husband~

For now, we had only one thing left to do.

Destroy the Shrill Moguls clan!

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