《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 25 - Calm before the storm? (Part one) [Edited]


Calm before the storm (Part one)?

Alice’s POV:


The next day we woke up in a happy mood and fresh mind! Our bodies recovered over the night after a good rest. After waking up, we thought about going into the Herb dungeon to train. Since we advanced to the third stage, we could go into the deeper levels of the dungeon. It was full of powerful monsters, so training there would come with benefits and we could also get our hands on some herbs in the process.

[Hiro, should we invite Ellery? She seems to be a nice person.] I asked Hiro seriously as I finished wearing my clothes and armor.

He looked at me with his brows raised and then answered aloud. “*Chuckle* Are you being desperate to have a friend? But it won’t come like that, you know?” He said after laughing at me.

“I- I’m not being desperate, alright? I just want to get to know her more,” I said while pouting.

He chuckled once again as he waved his hand and then said. “Don’t be stupid. I know it. Hehe, I was just teasing you and “ - he shrugged his shoulders while saying - “you can call her for all I care. It’s not like you need my permission.”

“Uuu- stupid Hiro. I know that I don’t need your permission and I could also learn about it through our bond, but that would be boring. I too, need to talk with someone and you are perfect for such a purpose, aren’t you?” I said and then questioned him as I tilted my head to the side.

He stopped in front of me and patted my head. He held onto my chin and after a loving kiss on my lips, he thought - So cute… Once we return, I’ll love you with my all. Also, since we are going to fight in our human forms anyway, Ellery surely won’t become a burden.

He knew that I was hearing his thoughts, so he simply answered in that form. I hugged him tightly, and after half a minute, I released him. “Ah, much better. Let’s start the day!” I said in a good mood, feeling encouraged to start the day. I’m truly very happy that Hiro is with me.

“Okay, now go and invite her,” Hiro said as he slapped my butt and then sat down with his legs crossed. I left the room and flew towards Ellery’s house, while I felt how Hiro started peeking at me.

[Hey. What are you doing? Do you think that I wouldn’t notice?] I questioned him, even though I didn’t really care about it. I would never mind sharing something with him.

[I- I don’t know what are you talking about, my waifu.] He answered with a small stutter, in a playful mood.

[Erm… I don’t believe you?] I questioned him as a small happy smile slipped onto my face unconsciously

[You do!] Hiro tried forcing his truth on me. I chuckled as I stopped in front of Ellery’s door. At that time, I didn’t know… I had this habit because of Hiro, that I always swung open the door without caring about what others did. [No, you are simply as arrogant and uncaring as me. Don’t blame it on me!] Hiro said afterward, after hearing my thoughts. The problem was that…

Ladies have desires as well… Hiro was also looking through my eyes. When he saw how I opened the door, he started laughing loudly, but upon noticing what I saw, his face froze. He too, saw Ellery doing something he shouldn’t have seen… I stood there with a blank face for a few seconds and then I slowly closed the door, with a small a ‘S- sorry’ escaping my lips. I went back to Hiro’s side, who was already waiting for me outside.


I embraced him with misty eyes as I said -“I- I screwed up! I’m sure that she won’t dare to look me in the eyes for a while! How could we be friends like that?” Seeing my pitiful face and feeling my feelings, he patted my head as he started soothing me.

“*Chuckle* Don’t worry, Alice. I’m sure that your first friendship isn’t going to end so quickly and cruelly. Just give her some time and I’m sure that she is going to be back up! And remember, considering what she has seen yesterday, it’s still better than that... Shouldn’t we feel shameful after that? Now we are equals, so this is actually good!” His words pulled me in and I couldn’t help but feel hope.

After a few seconds, I saw Ellery leaving her room and landing in front of us with her head hung down. “L- Listen, I’m sorry! I’ll knock next time, okay?” I asked with a small stutter. She looked up at me with her misty eyes. She looked at Hiro as well and her face only turned even redder. She knew that we were soul bonded, so she probably thought that Hiro saw her as well. She was right on that...

“U- Uhm. I’m sorry that you had to see something like that. Well, I also saw something at night… so could we forget about it? P- Please!?” She had hopeful eyes and a hopeful face, while she put her hands together and leaned slightly forward.

Seeing her reaction, I turned towards Hiro with a happy face as I shouted in a low voice. “Yes! We should forget about it! So, Do you want to come with us into the Herb Dungeon? I wanted to ask that...” I questioned her with a smile on my face. I still felt slightly weird, but things were smoothed out nicely!

“Sure thing! Let’s not wait any longer and move,” Ellery clapped her hands together with a smile on her face as she turned around. To be honest, her body was still visibly stiff and she probably felt awkward too. Not wishing to spoil her fake good mood, we started following her, but suddenly something important came to our minds.

“Oh wait, What about Melleri? Is she going to stay here? Alone?” I asked with my brows raised as I turned around. Hiro shrugged his shoulder and then took out a communication stele. After contacting Max, we waited for him to get back and then went towards Herbal Garden.

We soon arrived at the entrance and entered it. This time, we didn’t transform. We were natural born fighters in our monster forms, but fighting in our human or battle forms was a bit harder and gaining expertise in our other forms was a must! We might be talented, but if we never fight in our human or humanoid forms, then we could never appear in front of humans.

We had only three hundred golems of strength in our human forms, so we were able to fight on the first five floors. Not so surprisingly, we weren’t much stronger than Ellery since she was a genius. She was at the peak of the third stage, so she should have had two hundred and eighty golems of strength, but instead of the average amount, she had three hundred golems of strength. She had twenty more strength than a normal human! That bonus alone, was the strength of a three-star divine beast, without transforming!

But we were still more powerful than her since we were only at the early third stage. If we were to be at the peak of it, we would have three hundred and twenty golems of punching strength. With two points four million tons of strength, we could easily crush even a mountain! Though we could do it easier by controlling the elements… Not to mention, that we still had our battle forms and monster forms.


We easily swept through the first floor since it was filled with monsters at the third stage. Nothing which was at the same stage as we had a chance! Ellery was following us and she easily killed the monsters that attacked us as well. After spending a single hour to reach the fourth floor, we finally slowed down our advancement and we continued moving more carefully.

We were on the fourth floor and all of the monsters were at the fourth stage. Ellery was faring well. She was using a unique technique, which was probably inherited from her family. You could say that it was a skill set, which came with her aura. It’s not hard to guess where the ‘Gold’ name comes from. When we fought, she always covered her whole body in a gold colored energy which radiated a powerful aura.

This strengthened her body and increased her defensive abilities. I have also seen her use it several times as ranged attack, just like our skills. She always collected a gold colored energy into a single focused point and then shot it towards her target. Up till now, she used only piercing kind of attacks, so feeling curious, I questioned her after finishing my actual enemy. “Ellery. Can you use your attack in an area too, or is it only for focused attacks?”

“Yes. I shouldn’t tell this to anyone since this is our family’s skill. Especially not about how it works, but since you have even better skills, I don’t think that my father would mind it,” She said with her brows raised. We promised that we weren’t going to talk about it to anyone. After being together with someone only for so long and then trusting the person would be idiocy. I have a positive opinion of Ellery, but that doesn’t matter that I can trust her so easily.

She nodded upon hearing our promise and then continued - “This skill was created by my father. Where he came from was a world with different kinds of names than where I lived when I was young,” She said while making a thoughtful face, thinking about something.

“It was called... Chinese or so he said,” She said with a serene face, as she remembered its name. Hearing this, I felt restlessness from Hiro’s mind, but he didn’t cut into her words, for now. I too am curious about this, since I know where Hiro lived and everything he knew in his past life.

Ellery continued as she put her hands on her hips - “In that country this ‘gold’, as he called it, was used very much in something, called novels. I’ve never really understood when he spoke about those things. What were those novels? I didn’t even understand it. He said that he was the one who renamed his first name as Gold,” Ellery stopped for a moment and sighed loudly.

Cultivators don’t have time for things like writing novels, so I’m not surprised that she doesn’t know of them. I too would have never known what it was if not for Hiro’s memories. Hiro was more and more restless to start his questioning… but Ellery continued after clapping her palms together.

“Anyway, I can use this gold energy for anything I wish to. Although I like using it as a piercing kind of attack since usually that comes in handy, but I can also form it into a field-like form, which shape and size can be defined by me. This technique uses the gold energy in the universe, which is unknown by most of the cultivators.”

“I don’t know how my father learned of this ‘element’, but he said that even metal is being formed when a star turns into a supernova, which is called ‘gold’. He said that this gold energy is a part of the Universe Energy and people at the top levels, do know about this, only we, low-level cultivators don’t.”

“So my father taught me how to sense this gold energy, but he prohibited me from cultivating it. He said that I can’t use it before reaching the middle stages of the Space Founding Realm because it’s more powerful than normal energies and I’d lose my mind. Then all I had to do was to learn how to control it. Ever since then, I’ve been using this gold energy.”

“It is much stronger than these normal ‘fourteen’ elements, though I don’t even know why curse is being called an element… Just who the hell named it as an element?!” Ellery finished her explanation about her skill.

”So that’s how it is. From my memories, I know that at the fourth level, we will have to learn controlling chaos element too, which is a mix of every element, though it’s too potent for us at this level. It can be used only after we learned how to use our domains to the fullest.” While I said this I felt that Hiro really wanted to ask her so I stopped talking. [I’m sorry, Hiro!] I apologized for holding him back. He didn’t even listen as he started.

“This is all nice and good, but I want to know more about your father. I know many things about those ‘novels’, and I know of many other things.”

After saying so, he looked at me for confirmation. He thought of something... I shrugged my shoulders as an answer. It doesn’t matter to me and I trust Ellery that much anyway. It was Hiro’s decision. Hiro nodded and then started speaking.

“The truth is that I was reincarnated and after hearing what you said, it’s very likely that your father has done so too. That’s why I want to know everything concerning this. On that planet, people weren’t able to cultivate because there wasn’t Universe Energy. I really want to know if your father knows about the secrets of that place.” Hiro said as he slightly leaned forward unconsciously in his curiosity.

“Huh? My father? Reincarnated? That’s really interesting. He never told me anything about such a thing,” Ellery made a surprised face and then made a thoughtful face, trying to think of anything, but she wasn’t able - “To be honest, he never really talked about his past. I know that he is coming from a place called China and that he renamed himself as Weston Gold. He also said something like... that he has got a weird name with a ridiculous meaning and everyone was laughing at him because of that at where he came from.”

“He also said that this china was on a planet which is called Earth, but I don’t know at which level this planet is. My father knows that it’s in a big world, created by a powerful fighter, who left behind many treasures in that world and many people want to get in there, but it’s very hard to do so. When we get there, I’m sure that my father can tell you more about these things,” Ellery finished her explanation.

“Great! Now at least I have an idea of where to look for it! So was it in a created world? But even then, there should be Universe Energy inside it. Why was it devoid of it?” We started walking, while Hiro started thinking seriously about the mysteries lurking behind the Earth. He was about to smash his head into a tree, but before I could laugh, he stepped to the side.

I looked at Ellery, only to notice that her face turned into a slightly sad one. She too was anticipating Hiro’s accident. Yes, I’m a terrible, gloating person… though it depends on what I see. Usually, I enjoy laughing only at these kinds of little things, though I can laugh at even the worst kinds of misfortunes if they happen with those I hate. Hiro had numerous minds at this level, so he was able to look out for his surroundings. He looked at me with furrowed brows, and then at Ellery. He knew that we wanted to laugh at his misfortune.

“You two evil girls! Do you want to be punished? Hahaha,” Hiro threatened us while shaking his pointing finger and then laughed. But upon hearing the word ‘punished’, Ellery’s face turned flushed red. Ellery probably remembered about what she saw last night. Seeing this, I elbowed Hiro into his side, which made him realize his mistake. He scratched the back of his head, while I leaned towards Ellery as I said in a low voice. - “Could you forget it, Ellery? It’s really embarrassing for me too so…”

“I-I’ll try…” She said as silence took over our group. Hiro patted my back and gave a kiss on the side of my head. I felt much happier and refreshed just from that alone. Hiro suddenly started talking - “Ellery, you don’t have to mind such things. We are soul-bonded, so it is natural for us to have lots of sex. These themes can be quite awkward and shameful, but it is natural, so don’t mind it. We are open minded people, so you can simply do as if nothing would have happened.”

I wasn’t sure of her reaction, after hearing his words. I feared that she would turn even more embarrassed. She kept looking at Hiro and her eyes turned into an enlightened one as she said. “You are right! It’s natural! Let’s just ‘don’t care about it’. We could try forgetting it, but it wouldn’t work anyway…” She said in a visibly much better mood as her dark clouds disappeared.

[And here I thought that it wouldn’t work. You are the best.] I said through our bond as I gave a kiss on his face.

“Hehe, you were doing it again,” Ellery suddenly remarked while looking at us. I asked her what she meant and her answer was - “When you are talking to each other through your bond, you are always making that happy, satisfied, and fanatic face. I can easily tell when you are talking to each other after being together with you only this much.”

I was surprised upon hearing her words and I couldn’t help but look at Hiro for confirmation. He also nodded his head as an answer with loving eyes. “It seems like my face shows it all… but I can’t help it. I’m loving him so much~ Fufu,” I admitted my feelings without any shame. I’m always going to be proud of our relationship! He is my husband! Ellery chuckled as I finished my sentence, while Hiro hugged me strongly. It didn’t continue on for long because we were interrupted by a monster.

It was a plant-like monster with a big flower head, but it had huge and sharp teeth inside its mouth. It had a thick ‘stem’, which was more like a neck for gulping down its meal. I don’t want to get in there... It also had four whip-like arms swaying around it and those tentacles were full of thorns. I wouldn’t want to be hit by that thing. As it noticed us, it whipped its tentacle towards us.

Hiro used Hydra’s Paw to cut the tentacle into pieces. This monster had three hundred golems of strength, which meant that it was at the mid-fourth stage. It wasn’t too powerful, but it was still quite hard to deal with. While Hiro blocked its attack, Ellery formed a disc-shaped golden colored energy and attacked the monster from above. I started circulating my energy, turning it into Dragon Qi. This was nothing new. Hiro also had a similar kind, called Hydra Qi. Every divine beast used this kind of energy, which was much more potent than what normal cultivators used.

We have to convert fifty percent of our Space Energy, to create a single percent of Dragon Qi. This is its purest form, exclusive only to us, True Divine Beasts. Normal divine beasts can’t create energy, as pure and powerful as ours. This isn’t possible for normal cultivators because their bodies would explode from such a huge concentration of energy.

I had about seventy percent of my energy converted into Dragon Energy and I was slowly converting all of the remaining Space Energy into it. We used up a lot of energy when we fought against Frank and since we spent the night doing something else… we didn’t have time to fill up ourselves yet.

Ellery is doing the same, but with a lesser conversion rate, which means that her energy is weaker and less pure than ours. But it was still more than enough to raise her above the average cultivators. As her attack was about to struck the monster from above, it was stopped by two tentacles of the plant monster.

I charged towards it as I pulled out my katana from its scabbard which was on my back. I poured my Space Energy into Force, Sharpness, and Toughness Runes on my weapon. I also used my Dragon Qi to clad myself in an aura, which was similar to Ellery’s, but mine had a more primordial, wild and ancient feeling and naturally, it provided me with more strength and defense.

Hiro was running right behind me, which made me excited… What the hell am I thinking of right now?!? AAARGH! I cleared my thoughts to focus on the battle. I swung my katana horizontally towards its fourth tentacle, which was still free. It was pulling back its third tentacle, which Hiro blocked, but it was way too late. I cut off two of its tentacle-like arms at the same time and Ellery also shot two balls of golden energy towards its remaining tentacles. The attack was accurate because it struck the monster’s tentacles and tore them off.

Although it started growing it back, but it had only its mouth to attack and defend. Hiro jumped over me and raised his hammer above his head and then swung it downward, toward the plant monster… the poor thing didn’t have a bright future. Hiro smashed his hammer into the monster with two hundred and thirty golems of strength, with an addition of sixty golems, thanks to our abilities. After such a hit, not even this monster could stay alive. It was smashed into a green pulp, with its core broken into pieces.

His attack also left behind a crater, which was at least as big as what a falling meteor leave. There was - two points one hundred and seventy-five million tons of strength - behind his attack. It was easy to imagine the outcome. Its corpse turned into a drop! Although it wasn’t a very rare herb, but it was still better than the usual herbs. I could make pills which would further our cultivation with it.

We soon reached the end of the fourth floor where stood a four-legged pig-like monster, but it was made out of vines and tendrils. It was at the early fifth stage! The dungeon doesn’t necessarily reward you highly if you reach deeper floors. It also depends on how you perform at your own level!

If we would be able to kill this boss while being only at the third stage, then I’m sure that we would get something extraordinary! We didn’t hesitate, so Hiro charged at the monster. While running, he shot fireballs, dark balls and death balls with diameters of twenty meters towards it, as easily as breathing. These elements were effective against plant types, so naturally, he used them.

This monster had three hundred and twenty golems of strength while we were left with a pitiful amount of one hundred and seventy… I don’t even know what are we doing in our human forms here, but whatever. Let’s kill it like this! At least our elemental attacks aren’t weaker than before, but unfortunately, it didn’t matter too much for this monster since anything at such a stage was quite resistant against elements.

The pig-like plant monster shot out arms made out of tendrils and vines to block the magical attacks. Although its vine arms were destroyed by the powerful magical attacks, but it almost instantly grew back. Upon seeing this I realized that this monster is… a disgusting creature. It’s the type which is easy to destroy, but hard to kill.

We can’t kill it without smashing its core and considering that it can easily regenerate and it is twice as powerful as us, we are in for a good battle. Knowing Hiro’s intentions, I did what I had to. I used Hydro Mind through the array Rune of my katana, which made it easier to cast it. Our mind powers were stronger a bit than the monster’s, so it was stunned for about one second. It had to clear out the mind power I shot into its body forcefully or else its mind would be destroyed, resulting in its death.

While it was standing there unmoving, Hiro swung his hammer downward, while he jumped into the air. The hammer landed on its body destroying a lot of vines. It didn’t give out any noise since it was a plant type… Ellery shot a piercing type of attack, but it wasn’t able to penetrate deep enough to reach its core.

“Seems like we will have to attack it consecutively to reach its core,” I voiced my opinion with my brows furrowed as I saw that the vines on its back were already completely covering its core. It seemed to be brand new.

“I think so…” Ellery also furrowed her brows and confirmed with a nod. The monster reacted quickly and smashed its vine arm into Hiro. Luckily for us, domains decreased only the strength you can release, not the toughness of your body or else Hiro would have been dead by now.

Hiro flew through the air as he spun in the air and landed in front of me, on his feet. He had a small gash on his stomach, even though he wore armor. Luckily, his wounds were quickly recovering. He looked down with his brows raised as a smile crept onto his face. He poured his Hydra Qi into his body and into the Recovery Rune. His wound quickly regenerated, along with the armor he wore. “Your Rune is great Alice!” He complimented my work, even though he could have done the same.

“Can I also buy an armor from you?” Seeing this, even Ellery wanted to get one, but it was understandable since we were quite good at what we were doing. If not for the armor, then Hiro would have been heavily wounded.

“Don’t worry Ellery. We will make you one~” I answered her with a smile as I cracked my knuckles. She seemed to be happy upon hearing it, but we didn’t have time to chat because the monster was already charging at us. A bloodthirsty smile crept onto my face as well and both all three of us released our bloodlust. The monster shot two vine arms towards Hiro, while we had to evade its charge.

He swung his heavy hammer and the force behind it was enough to stop its vine arms. We barely had enough time to jump to the side. Our reaction time is fast, but our bodies can’t follow it so it’s hard to dodge. While we jumped to the sides, we also cut into its side. I did it with my katana while Ellery formed an energy blade made up of her gold energy.

The monster quickly healed, which made my head spun. How are we supposed to kill this? Hiro quickly sent his plan into my mind and I transmitted it to Ellery by using my mind power. The boar ran past us, so now it was behind us. Its two tree trunk like tusks were dangerously pointing at us, which I didn’t like.

We grouped up and stood in a single position. The boar charged at us, probably thinking that it could kill all of us with a single charge. We didn’t have much time to move, so as soon as it moved even a tiny bit towards us, we were already all jumping into the air to attack it from above. Unexpectedly, it extended two wine arms out of its back, screwing up our original plans. It grabbed onto me and Ellery and started crushing our bodies. At that time, Hiro swung his hammer on the top of the boar’s head, crushing it in the process.

We quickly cut ourselves out of the monster’s grip and landed on the ground. It turned around with its hollow eyes. I felt enraged! This shitty monster always stopped us with its stupid vines. I covered my whole body in my Dragon Qi and activated Dragon’s Descent. It was our most powerful skill, after our martial arts, though we can’t use those before reaching the fifth level. These low levels were only for ‘children’.

I formed a huge Dragon’s Paw and smashed it into the side of the monster. It was blasted away from the huge force behind my attack and fell on its side. Hiro was already waiting for it on the other side as he also swung his hammer in an arc and struck the other side of the monster. It flew backward and landed in front of me with a loud thud. I used Dragon’s Wings to cut it into two halves, though my attack was stopped after about twenty centimeters.

Ellery jumped up and thrust her golden colored, blade shaped energy into the back of the monster. I followed her suit and thrust my katana into its back. The boar sprung up from the ground and was about to kick us with its hind legs, but Hiro used Hydro Mind on it. While it was stunned, I loaded my Dragon’s Tail into my katana and shot it as a penetrating attack. My katana entered deeper into the monster, almost reaching its heart.

Ellery used her gold energy to smash on the handle of my katana. I left enough space for it so that my hands wouldn’t be crushed by her attack. This pushed my katana even deeper into the monster and when it was about to stop being stunned I too used Hydro Mind to stun it again. Hiro was already above the monster with his hammer raised into the air. As he fell downwards he too used all of the runes he had on his hammer.

I poured huge amounts of Dragon Qi into my Sharpness, Force, and Toughness Rune, along with my Dragon’s Descent to protect myself from the forthcoming shockwave. Hiro was about to struck the handle of my katana with a huge force, but suddenly, a vine arm appeared and smashed him to the side, along with us.

My katana was still pierced deeply into the monster and even though it was very close to its core, my katana didn’t reach it. We all landed on the ground with a loud thud. I had to cover Ellery since her defense was nowhere near ours. Hiro was quick enough to pull his hammer into a defensive position, so he escaped without anything serious.

I, on the other hand, first smashed into Ellery, and then flew through the air with her behind me. But this much was easily manageable for her. I was injured slightly, even though I had so many defensive abilities activated and I even wore an armor. The armor on my back was in tatters and a gash appeared on it as well. It tickled… but my wound was already recovering.

Although my recovery was a bit slower than Hiro’s, but it was still ‘way too fast’.

[Are you alright Alice?] Hiro’s immediately asked with a worried tone, feeling restless because I was slightly hurt, even though it wasn’t even serious.

[I’m perfectly fine, honey, don’t worry. Haha.] I answered with a small laugh. I truly wasn’t wounded seriously. My wound has almost completely disappeared.

A deep growl came out of Hiro’s body. He was enraged. He charged frontally towards the monster, which did the same. I was startled for a moment, but after checking out his thoughts, I calmed down. When the boar almost hit him, he slid on the ground, right under the monster. As it passed over him, he grabbed into a tendril on the side of it with his left hand and used the moving force to propel himself up on the side of the boar. As he flew upwards with his whole body, he used only his right hand to swing his hammer.

It struck my katana right in the middle, and it pierced into the vine monster’s core. The vines quickly went back into its core and then the core broke into pieces. We knew where its core was because every monster that was made by a dungeon, had its core at the center of its body. It soon turned into a stream of energy and then it turned into a big herb, which looked similar to a tulip from Hiro’s past life.

It had six leaves, which meant that I could make six pills out of this! As Hiro picked it up, information flooded into his mind about the herb. It was called Six Leaved Mantra Ginseng. It could be used to create pills, which would further our cultivation! We needed exactly things like these. Hiro came over with a happy face and then told Ellery what it was.

Ellery looked back and forth between us and the herb. Realizing her thoughts, I said with a small smile. “Haha, don’t worry. We are going to share it with you. You also took part in killing it and we wouldn’t mind sharing it with a friend.”

When she heard the word ‘friend’, a smile slipped on her face. It seems like she thinks of us as friends, though I’m sure that it’s not such a strong friendship since we haven’t known each other for such a long time. Well, that is probably going to change in the future.

[Hmm. So now she is also my friend? Hehe~] Hiro started joking with me. I wouldn’t be happy if he were to have a female friend. I don’t like when other females are around my mate. Not because I don’t trust Hiro, but because I don’t like the idea of any woman getting a liking to him.

[No! Okay, I’m just kidding… Just don’t make her into your bedding woman…] I said jokingly.

[I’d never do something like that. And what’s with you? You pervert. All you are thinking of is things like those...] Hiro started bullying me in such a cruel way.

[I- It’s not true! I’m thinking of other things as well, alright?] I refuted his words, but he simply laughed out loudly, while waving his hands.

While we were bantering we suddenly sensed someone running towards us from behind, with great speed. A beautiful woman with silver hair and red eyes appeared behind us as we turned around. She had a big chest and a sexy figure. Her face was also beautiful, but what was really bad that we weren’t even able to sense her. This meant that she was at least at the eighth stage, but she didn’t emit any killing intent or bad intention. I hope that she came with good intentions…

What was intriguing was that I felt an aura coming from her, which was similar to ours, but weaker. This meant that she was also a divine beast. I guess she felt our aura. Was that the reason why she came here? Soon, I sadly had to see, a large group of powerful cultivators coming out of the resting room, which was leading to the next floor. They soon lined up behind her. There were about fifty beastmen and the weakest of them were at the fifth stage.

If they want to do something bad… then we are in big shit.

[Don’t tell me that we’ll have to use that phoenix medal so soon…] I thought unhappily, with a small grunt escaping my lips.

[I hope we don’t…] Hiro agreed, feeling slightly anxious and with a click of his tongue.

I wasn’t covered in anything and I saw a few lustful looks being directed towards me, which didn’t feel good.

[Seems like I’ll have to kill some bastards who doesn’t know their places and where to look.] Hiro thought unhappily, with a small growl.

I looked at the twenty-years-old looking woman in front of me as I asked politely with my head tilted to the side. No need to die if not necessary… “And how might we call you?”

“Pat Cooley,” She said with a smile on her face while all of us were left with a surprised look on our faces. We didn’t expect such a thing.

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