《Breaking Syd》Chapter 7: ~A Night of Syn~


Chapter 7: ~A Night of Syn~

Murder changes you, it stains your soul and troubles your conscience. Syd came to the unfortunate conclusion that even if her soul was stained, the conscience is clear. Maybe there was just something wrong with her head now, maybe it was the gamer's mind, and maybe it was just who she'd been all along. In the end, it didn't really matter. Syd felt that she'd done what was needed to survive.

The lesson she'd had with Riley about just how fucked up some people are had really done its job. It would seem that not trusting strangers is a sad truth of the world, and it just gets worse in the abyss. How many times during that one week had Riley told her not to trust anyone... at least a hundred. Riley knew her well, Syd liked to trust, she thrived on trust. Not trusting would probably have been difficult for her, that is, if her parents hadn't suddenly dropped a proverbial bomb the way they did.

So Syd had options now. Stay in this shitty hotel room and wait for the abyss to come, or make a run for it. Dye her hair, wear a wig, change clothes and get color contacts. The only one who knew enough to track her down was probably Riley, and she doubted the woman would do that. Syd would have to leave behind all that sweet ass she'd been lusting after at school, but there was plenty of ass in the world.

Glancing at the bathroom mirror from her resting place brought up another problem. Her real name didn't feel real anymore. In fact, she was almost positive her real name was actually Syndra Shyael. That begs the question, who the fuck names their kid Syndra Shyael? In hindsight, fucking twenty-twenty bullshit again, the name Syn certainly suits her more now. So that was it, one decision made, Syd died with her parents. Syn lives in the abyss, Syn's one bitch you don't want to fuck with.

The decision was final. Time to train, time to wait, time to live on the other side. The first thing to do was get better armed, you couldn't always count on people being idiots, so she wanted a nice pointy weapon, or two, or three. Glancing around for something to write on made her laugh. Why the hell hadn't she put something to write with and scribble on in her inventory yet?

'Oh well,' she thought. 'What have they got lying around for me to scribble on?'' Another devious smile graced Syn's full lips. Her azure eyes danced with amusement as she pulled out something that almost all hotel rooms have.

Lucretia Valentine, vampire and local abyss representative for the Scottsville New York area, was feeling very confused. After the order had been handed down to make contact with a new natural power user, she had gotten a personal summons from the vampire princess herself. That just doesn't happen, ever.

Curious about why she was being summoned, and not at all connecting the dots to her new assignment, she had obliged, as was her duty. She may not serve as a chevalier anymore, but the loyalty to royalty isn't something that fades. The topic of discussion had set her on edge right away, it would seem there was a leak somewhere, because the princess did indeed know her orders.

Sydney Kael, an unassuming local high school girl had developed powers. Nothing out of the ordinary there, it happens. What doesn't happen is having her cousin Moira, someone known for their icy and indifferent personality, gushing like a normal schoolgirl over the new power user. The reason for Moira's change in attitude?


Sydney Kael was on the radar of nearly every changer clan in Scottsville before she even became a power user. That, in and of itself, is not so rare. Humans with extraordinary talents are sometimes converted to the changer clan's species so that their talents may be used for the good of the clan.

Lucretia herself was now intrigued, so she had asked Moira what talent this Sydney girl possessed. The answer was... amusing, to say the least. It would seem that dear Sydney is a bit of a casanova. Being up for conversion by every major clan because you're a hardcore lesbian who gives mind-numbing orgasms out like candy, is rare indeed.

Lucretia was nearly sixty years old by now, incredibly young by vampire standards, even younger than Moira, and that woman was going to high school at the moment. So she couldn't claim to have no interest at all in the girl if rumors proved to be true, but that wouldn't be enough for her to listen to Moira's request just yet.

Of course, if Moira hadn't convinced her to change the girl, then this scene she'd just walked in on did. Lucretia had made haste to the hotel where she was supposed to find Sydney Kael at, however, Sydney had gone out. The object of Moira's desire hadn't just up and left though, oh no, it would seem Sydney doesn't give a damn what people think about her.

Sitting on the empty bed, was a single sheet of paper with her cell number. Why was this even more amusing to a vampire? The girl had written her number on a half printed torn out page from the bible.

Syndra had left her hotel room and made a beeline for the nearest mall, about thirty minutes on foot. Once there, she whipped a ski mask out of her inventory and put it on. If she could kill someone, she could steal.

Normally you'd be worried about alarms and getting caught, but Syn wasn't concerned. The crime rate out here in rural new york was staggeringly low, and no one would rob the mall, well almost no one. After all, the mall is a bunch of rented space to people just trying to make a living. Well, they can make a living, but Syn has to survive. The only big shop in the mall has their own security, and that's best buy. Syn had no reason to steal from best buy, so she really didn't give a damn they had security.

With the mask on she waltzed right up to the shutters and hit them with her high level lift spell. Riley had told her to practice this one a lot. It was so easy to knock people off their feet with a little lift, nobody ever expects to be forced in that direction. Still, the shutters groaned, and remained down.

Shrugging her shoulders, she made her way to a maintenance entrance. Another simple gravity spell she knew was coming in handy now. She hadn't learned to do small, precise things yet, but flooding a lock with mass effect fields to break it was very easy. With a quiet pop, her path inside was no longer barred.

The mall at night was different, no more hustle and bustle. No small children playing on the merry-go-round. No couples sucking face in the food court. Just Syn, the stars above, and silence, by the gods this was turning her on.

Syn didn't bother with the cameras in general, they'd spot her, but big deal. In an effort to make it look like she didn't know her way around the place, she ran in random directions and sometimes took a useless detour. Her targets were three shops in particular. The oriental place a.k.a. lots of pointy things to play with, the redneck owned gun shop — god bless you rednecks, and books-a-billion.


As she made her way to the first place, a nice set of skates caught her eye. Sadly, Syn was still a high school girl, so she broke the glass and took the skates. Feeling a bit bad about it, she dropped a couple hundred bucks on the spot before making sure there were no cameras on her, and equipping her toys. It wouldn't do to have people seeing a pair of skates magically resize themselves to fit her feet.

Now happily skating through the mall, Syn was back on track, first stop, pointy instruments of doom. This one, she also felt bad about. The old couple who owned this shop were absolute sweethearts, and they'd always had a nice thing to say to her on a bad day.

Looking around the shop, she could easily tell what was worth taking and what wasn't. Observe was paying in dividends tonight. Especially when she'd set her eyes on the cheapest katana in this place. It was plain, undecorated, and completely unassuming, but thanks to 'observe' and 'structural analysis', she knew better.

Master Forged Japanese KatanaThis blade and many others like it were created for a single purpose, to cut, maim, and kill. A common soldier once wielded this weapon, and his experience has forever tempered its steel.

Syn was happy with her findings for tonight. She had gotten plenty of real throwing weapons, that had nothing at all to do with her nerdy ninja desires, and a nice sword. On her way out she spotted the picture of the happy couple who owned this shop, and promptly banged her head on their counter. Quickly adding up how much she owed them, Syn doubled that number, then dropped thirteen hundred and fifty-four dollars behind the counter.

As she skated out of the shop her wisdom stat increased by one, it brought a smile to her face. That smile turned to a grin when she unlocked the skater passive ability, suddenly, she was much better at this skating thing. Keeping on task, Syn directed herself towards the gun shop.

It was actually only two stores down, so no big deal. The problem was that this place had a gate, and shutter. The gate was easy since she just broke their lock again and slid it to the side, but the shutter was a bit of a bitch, she had to bend down and help her lift spell pick it up, then shimmy her way under it, and be careful not to let it slam shut with her still in there. That had been a bit scary.

As soon as Syn was inside she whipped out a flashlight using the old bag trick, and spotted their security camera. With a twist behind her back, she snapped the camera like a twig and let it hang there uselessly. This place was different from the oriental shop, it actually had a camera because these weapons were meant to be used.

As soon as Syn finished running around snapping locks, she started cramming guns and ammo into her inventory. She had no clue how to use any of it, but it couldn't hurt to take it all. The two perverted bastards that owned this place were rather well known, and they'd get no love from her. The bonus, every single knife and machete in this place was real and high quality, god she loved red necks right now.

For shits and giggles she whipped out an American flag she'd picked up at the sports center, and replaced their southern flag. Syn couldn't wait to see the look on the first person's face when she pulls out a freaking rocket launcher. Seriously, where the hell did these guys get a rocket launcher from?

Her last stop was the book store rip-off. They didn't have tons of entertainment stuff, but there were plenty of manuals around. Without giving it much thought, Syd went straight for aisles with things on different martial arts, firearms safety, cooking, and D.I.Y. stuff. She would be living alone from now on after all.

As Syd started to exit the shop, a section of the store that she hadn't been allowed near before stood out. It was a shining beacon of perversion, the adult section. There was no question in her mind on what she had to do next.

Syn took her time browsing books about female sexuality, and chucking every lesbian porno book she could find into her inventory. A few, had even been skill books, she couldn't wait to learn those. As thanks, Syn felt it was only appropriate to drop a couple thousand bucks on the cash register as she skated away. It had been a good night for her, and all her future lovers. For the first time she was thankful that men like lesbians too, that was probably why there was so much material for her to study.

Maybe it was because her mind was on tits and ass at the moment, or maybe it was just Syn being herself, but she ended up staring at the lingerie shop displays as she slid by. Whoever watched the video of her hitting a center stall full speed and flipping over their counter while leering at female mannequins was gonna lose their shit laughing at her. As compensation, Syn ran inside the underwear store and looted some of their finer pieces, for the greater good.

Just before she got out of the mall Syn spotted a European armaments shop, she had totally forgotten that English speaking people make weapons too. 'Welp, may as well loot their shop...'

Syn happily zipped around an empty parking lot as she watched the sun rise. She felt so free right now. A night of relaxing looting was just what she needed to get her spirits up a bit. The loony grin on her face had nothing to do with the fact that she was mentally going over different lesbian skill books she'd learned last night. Now if only her conscience hadn't cost her nearly seven thousand dollars in the process.

Her musing was interrupted by the sound of a cell phone ringing. Syn had expected the caller to be Jules or Riley, not L. Valentine. Suddenly the new techniques she'd been having fantasies about fled her mind, there was only one other person who would have her number right now...

"Any relation to Moira Valentine?" Syn asked cheerfully.

Whomever was on the other end of her phone took a moment to compose themselves. "Cousins — I believe you were expecting me."

"When you gaze into the abyss..."

"... the abyss gazes into you." Lucretia responded succinctly. "Forgive me, we were led to believe that you had no previous dealings with our organization."

Syn muffled her phone until she could stop giggling like a madman. "I don't, I just wanted to say something suitably dramatic," she explained honestly. "I'm in a really excitable mood right now, and I'm tired, balls I didn't realize how tired I am."

Syn took that moment to plop down and start massaging her legs, she really didn't think it would be wise to sleep anytime soon. Not until she could find someplace safe. So for now, she'd live off massages.

"I see..." Lucretia wasn't quite sure what she had been expecting from Sydney Kael, usually new power users are more panicked. "I understand that you're weary, but I was hoping to meet with you as soon as possible." Once again, the abyss rep went over what she was about to say in her head, there really was no good way to get this next part across. "It would seem that you've drawn a lot of attention to yourself, so the sooner, the better."

Syn paused and looked back in the direction of the mall. "Oops..."

"There are at least seven different clans after you at the moment, and only two of them are the friendly invite sort. Can we meet?"

"I'm about five minutes from the hotel, but I don't wanna go back there if people know about it. Is that where you are?" Syn asked politely.

"Yes, you have a meeting place in mind?"

Syn tilted her head back and forth a few times before coming to a decision. "The park a few miles south. Nice place, I like the swings. See you there."

Lucretia was about to respond, but before she could Syn hung up on her. In her mind she was going over the location. If she didn't know Sydney Kael was just a regular high school girl, she might've suspected a trap. The park, particularly the swings, were wide open to attack. Definitely a nice place to set up illusion barriers.

Syn had made it to the swings in less than a minute. As soon as she sat down, she inspected her massage skill, it really was coming along nicely.

Massage (Passive) Lv.43 ~ 56.34%Massage is an ancient skill used through the ages to relieve fatigue. It's now possible for you to cure body or joint related negative status effects.-Your target's fatigue recovery increases significantly.

-Gets rid of 0.47% fatigue per second.

Not even half way to what she assumed was max level and it required less than four minutes to take away her need to sleep. Sometimes, she really loved being a game character. Sleeping was nice and all, but it would suck to get caught off guard that way when she didn't technically need to sleep.

While waiting on Lucretia to show up Syn tried to think of how she'd been caught. There was no way this was about the mall, that was too fast. So it had to be about the assassin, but again, she knew there was no way they'd know it was her. Unless some sort of magic was involved. Also, Lucretia had mentioned friendly invites, why would there be friendly invites to a murderer. Perhaps there was another reason people were after her. Maybe gravity magic was super rare?

*cough cough*

Syn looked up to see a slimmer, but taller version of Moira, the same rose-gold hair and delicate features. Only, her piercing red eyes were on full display here. This woman's eyes made her heart race.

LV.??? - Lucretia Valentine

Definitely not someone she wants to fuck with.

"Nice to meet you?" Syn left the question hanging.

The woman smiled down at her. "The L. stands for Lucretia. The pleasure is mine, Sydney Kael."

Syn flinched, upon spotting Lucretia's inquisitive look, she spoke up. "I was thinking that you could help me set up some things in a different name, but from what you said earlier, the name Sydney Kael is all over the place already."

Lucretia understood why one would choose to do that, it wasn't uncommon. "To protect your family?"

"Actually," Syndra took a moment to think about how to phrase this. "My family already disappeared yesterday." Seeing Lucretia cringe meant that she had gotten it across the way she'd wanted it to sound. "Do true names have power or anything in this world?"

"Yes, true names can be used in a few different things. Mostly to enforce a geass. Nothing too malicious happens."

Syndra shook her head sullenly, looks like it's back to calling herself Syd for now. No way was she letting people know her true name when it had been so conveniently hidden all this time. "So... why are people are looking for me?"

"Ah, yes..." Lucretia wasn't quite sure how to put this. "This started before you became a natural ability user," she slowly began. Syd wasn't liking the sound of this, did someone know about her origins? "It would seem that you impressed many women from different changer clans, they all want to add you to their own ranks." Syd had a look of utter confusion on her face until Lucretia added the next bit. "Including my cousin Moira..."

Syd had the good grace to blush, but her rosy cheeks didn't last long, she had just spent a few hours perusing much more perverted stuff than anything she'd ever done. With a growing grin, she asked, "would you like a demonstration?"

Lucretia sputtered out a half-hearted rejection. "I'm here on business, and to deliver a message from Moira, that's all." Syd rolled her hand, prompting Lucretia to continue. "This card is all the information you need to contact us, or find and use our online services. In the modern world, we have real time auctions hosted over the internet, and sell nearly anything."

Lucretia took a deep breath. "Which means we also sell information — your personal profile already has many hits." Syd didn't like the sound of that, but there was little she could do about it. "The abyss organization tries to remain a neutral party in all dealings, we merely profit off the proceedings, and facilitate transportation. There are also options to handle all of your banking and personal obligations, such as taxes."

"Is it possible to pay for everything in cash?" Syd asked hopefully, she really didn't want to do any banking.

"Yes, there are cash on delivery options available in most cases," Lucretia answered as she pulled out a vial full of red liquid. "This, is a gift from Moira. She implores you to join the vampires, and assures you that among us, you will be safe."

Syd shifted nervously as soon as her observe skill told her what was in the vial. "Is that Moira's blood?"

Lucretia nodded in confirmation. "Yes, if you are to join us, simply drink the blood."


'Good,' Lucretia thought. 'She's taking this seriously.'

"Weaker during the day, stronger at night. Blood isn't necessary, but it does make us stronger. People don't get turned if you bite them, it is perfectly acceptable to take a lover from a different species. The older you get, the more vampiric abilities you'll unlock. Moira's father is known for turning into shadows. However, many of our weaknesses, other than burning in the sunlight, are mostly true. Bibles and the cross don't hurt us, but garlic and wooden stakes do."

"Immortality?" Syd asked skeptically.

Lucretia shook her head sadly. "No, that would imply that we cannot die. We are everlasting, but not immortal. Do you have an answer for me?"

Syd gingerly twirled the vial in her fingers, an action that nearly gave Lucretia a heart attack, it's very rude to treat the princess' blood in such a way. "I'll consider it, I also know where to find the vampires if I choose to join. Thank you for warning me about my current celebrity status," Syd responded sincerely.

"Then this is where we part ways for now. I wish you luck, Sydney Kael."

Sydney choked down a gasp as Lucretia dissolved into a storm of bats and flew away. She had not expected that.

"You can come out now," Syd called to the darkness. "It always feels like I’m being stalked when you're around, Lucia."

Long arms covered in white fur wrapped around Syd's midsection a few seconds later, she could feel Lucia's hot breath upon her neck. "You've never let me get this close to your mouth before," she commented idly.

"I've never considered turning you before," Lucia admitted candidly. "Wanna be a wolf? It's great you know?"

Syd wasn't feeling threatened at all, she knew Lucia well enough to know when the girl was in a happy mood, and this was definitely a happy Lucia wrapped around her. Another odd thing was that she'd never heard Lucia say more than two or three words at a time before. Full sentences? Someone is feeling talkative tonight.

"Partial transformation?" Syd asked, raising an eyebrow at the rough paws that were making muffins on her toned abs.

"Yup, this is one of the simpler tricks," Lucia confirmed. "Imagine my surprise when mother ordered me to go bite the new gravity witch running around town, and it turned out to be you."

Syd chuckled ruefully, it would seem she wasn't supposed to get a choice here. "Why haven't you bitten me yet?"

Lucia slowly traced the nape of Syd's neck with her canine teeth. "I like you, and I like that you like me, so I don't want you to hate me."

Syd nodded quickly, desperately trying not to let Lucia get to her. She was darn glad that she'd gotten to know Lucia before. The only reason she wasn't being gnawed on was because a girl liked her, thank god.

"We're always very careful with our germs," Lucia began, "because infection is so easy." She licked the back of Syd's neck and trailed kisses towards her shoulder.

Syd resisted the urge to moan as Lucia gave her a hickey. After silvery-white hair left the corner of her vision, she asked. "I take it you're being careless right now since I'll probably not last the night without being changed into something?"

Lucia nodded succinctly as her fingers began to trace Syd's glossy lips. "I also know you'd love being a wolf, but the choice yours. Either way, after tonight, I get to kiss you… even if it hurts."

The smile on Lucia's face, such a sweet smile full of honest yearning made her want to make good on that kiss right now. Turning away from Lucia's golden eyed gaze was more difficult than she'd like to admit, but Syd somehow managed it. Before Syd could ask for some time alone to think, she felt Lucia's fingers under her chin, forcing her to look up at the girl again.

"Now watch me walk away," Lucia growled deeply. "I know you love the show."

Syd could only gape in astonishment as Lucia seductively, slowly, prowled away from her. At some point the wolfish woman had gotten out of her pants. It's one thing to watch Lucia's rear walk away in a pair of jeans, but it's damn near unbearable to see that same thing done in white garters.

Name: Syndra Shyael

Class: The Gamer

Title: Goddess Slayer

Level: 18Health 340/340

Mana 2574/2574Strength: 29

Vitality: 34

Dexterity: 24

Intellect: 117

Wisdom: 57

Luck: 16Points: 39

Money: $4,800


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