《Breaking Syd》Chapter 5: ~Of Farewells~


Chapter 5: ~Of Farewells~

Thanks to Riley pointing out the perks of having a game character's body, Syd ended up being trained very intensely. She was forced to reverse her BMI manipulation — at the time it was 7% — and activate gravitic ring. Between her body being heavier than usual, and training in a high gravity area, Syd had a hellish few days.

There weren't even any breaks from training because of two things. One, massage really did make it where she didn't need sleep. Two, she'd managed to get the rest of the week off school. Syd sat down and showed her parents that yes, she had at some point memorized all of the textbooks, and she was bored with school.

That was two lies that she sort of told her parents. One was a lie of omission, no way she tells her parents it took her one day to memorize those. The other lie, was that school is boring. Seriously, where else would she pick up all those cute girls.

Another thing Syd did was flip through the entire gravitas grimoire. She couldn't automatically learn all of the spells, but knowing them was definitely giving her something to look forward to. She'd already played with a few other basic spells, one of them was even banned from use by Riley. That woman didn't like Syd stealing her glazed donuts from twenty feet away.

As Syd's understanding of gravity magic grew, she came upon an important truth. Changing the real mass of an object or person is nearly impossible. What she was doing had been literally using magic as a sort of interference buffer between the gravitational pull of objects. It was still odd to her, thinking that gravity magic wasn't actually controlling gravity, it was tricking gravity into doing what you wanted it to.

By the end of her precursor studies Syd had managed to gain a few useful spells. Pulling, throwing, lifting, and flooding small areas with gravity were beginner things. As with all things, practice makes perfect. She literally celebrated when smashing a soda can with gravity became possible. Something about gaining levels making spells suddenly stronger really appealed to her.

It may also be worth mentioning that Syd had been keeping her circuits active and using structural analysis every chance she got. If they were gonna be any use to her, the circuits and analysis, then she needed to do two things. Get used to the feeling of heat on her tramp stamp zone, and level the hell out of structural analysis. It was during a bout of gamer induced kleptomania that Syd realized something very important she had forgotten about magus crests.

Crests were passed down to heirs for more than just increasing od and mana levels. It was about having a literal inheritance of spells. At some point in life the current bearer of a crest was expected to copy some, if not all, of his or her spells into the crest, thus passing those spells on to their heir. Like the Tohsaka crest and grandr curses.

So that begged the question of how they did it. Syd honestly had no clue, it was just a bit of lore. So she had prayed to the goddess, and received a quest. Said quest resulted in Syd being 'punished' again, but in her mind that was well worth it. She had gotten her hands on the details to forge spells into her blank crest.

From that day on structural analysis was done almost on reflex. All she had to do was heat up a circuit, find the spell, and activate it. All the spell's relevant incantation and thaumaturgical process were stored within, so boom, auto-casting. An interesting thing she had found was that magecraft was a heck of a lot more complicated than magic.


Magic was basically just knowing what you want, then enforcing your will in a really blunt manner. Magecraft was complicated, it was created in a world that worked against spell casting. As a result magecraft required all sorts of technical information, she just knew it would take her years to develop an original spell if she tried, so she didn't. Whatever magecraft she got by luck was all she would use.

Both of them knew that her time with Riley would be much shorter than other power users. Syd being able to learn so quickly made sure of that. One of her gamer features even helped, she could pull up a gods be damned world map.

The thing would absorb information from any map that she got her hands on, then display it with perfect accuracy. So no sitting around forever learning the 'where to and where not to go'. Riley had just gotten her agency maps for the entire world, and stuck them in Syd's head.

Then it happened, the longest hours of her life, sayonara first love...

"You should leave home for good," Riley began, "visit, but don't live there."

Syd refused to look Riley in the eye, she stubbornly continued to rest her head on the woman's shoulder. "Why?"

"Trouble has a way of following people home," she explained with absolute seriousness. "Your parents are normal people, in fact, if you can, use the abyss services to get everything set up as Syndra Shyael."

Syd stopped hugging Riley and turned to walk away. She only got a few steps before Riley gave her one last warning. "I'll be reporting your existence today, so expect the local abyss representative to show up within a week."

Syd had learned about all of it from Riley. People had been calling the other side many things over time, like the hidden world, or purgatory, but it would seem that thanks to a certain shady company going by Abyss, the name had stuck. They always contact people new to their world and explain their services, so she may as well get it over with.

Another thing to worry about was getting stronger. Riley had flat out explained things in a way that made sense to Syd. Many people from the abyss, were a lot like those disgusting first rate magus from the nasuverse. They'd have no qualms whatsoever abducting and experimenting on someone with such a useful power like her.

So it was of great importance that she keep exactly what her power is secret, for as long as possible. Riley was even taking one for the team by playing dumb and claiming that she'd been told Syd's power was gravity magic.

"On that note, take this." Riley tossed Syd a hotel key. "It's for the local place, that's where I'll be reporting your residence as. Good luck trying to get your parents to let you leave home."

Syd took one look at the key and sighed. The hotel right by their bar, the one where she'd first met Riley, had the woman done that on purpose?

"I want to live on my own." No use beating around the bush she figured. May as well just get it on with.

Her parents exchanged a long look, nodded, then turned back to her. Damn she hated it when they did that. Oh look at us, we can read each other's minds. "Okay," her father said, making her gape in surprise. Of course that couldn't be the end of it.

"Just tell us your reasons," her mother added.


Syd took a moment to organize her thoughts. She'd planned for trench warfare here, not close combat. "Well, there are a few..." Her parents egged her on by rolling their eyes in sync, sons a bitches. "...I'm a lesbian." Ah, the satisfaction of turning the tables, how she loved it. Look who's gaping now biotch.

Sadly, her wisdom stat chose that moment to inform her that bringing up sexuality as a reason for leaving home, is not a smart move. Syd's forehead promptly met the dining room table.

"Just kidding..." Syd tried hopefully.

Great, now her parents have their 'yeah right motherfucker' faces on.

"How long have you known?" Her father was the first to recover his senses.

Syd decided to just go for broke. "Since a few weeks after my eighteenth birthday. Ironclad Rule #2 didn't count anymore so I tried to get a boyfriend... that failed spectacularly."

"I can't imagine why," her mother deadpanned.

"I can," dad chirped helpfully. Thus earning himself a slap upside the head from mom.

"Okay, shelve the lesbian thing for now. We've got bigger problems." Syd begged.

"Problems?" mom asked with a twitching eyebrow.

"Yup, monsters are real. I know gravity magic. Being in the same house with me is dangerous for all of us." Syd promptly cast a grav ring right on the table. Her mother barely slumped, but good old dad had the grace to smack his head on the table. "I want to move out in order to protect us all."

Her dad was rubbing his forehead and laughing. "Monsters are real!? Cool!" he shouted.


Good ol' mom, keepin' her bitch in line. "No lies?"

Syd shook her head, sometimes it was nice to be a member of this family. "Only truth."

"What do you need?" she asked.

Syd took a moment to marvel at the stoic woman sitting in front of her. "I'll be gone by dinner. I've got plenty of cash, and a way to make more if need be."

"Just like that?" dad asked.

"Just like that," Syd parroted.

Her mom and dad looked back and forth at each other, grinned wickedly, then spoke in unison. "I guess that means we're done here."

Syd's eyes must have popped out of her fucking skull when their names changed to LV.??? - ??????? ???????. Her state of shock didn't get any better when they both just faded from existence right in front of her. Once the initial shock did wear off, her response was as eloquent as always.

"What the fuck!?"


Genesis : ???Sometimes you meet someone with a mysterious past. Sometimes, you realize that person is yourself. Who the hell are you? Who were your parents? Why is this happening? You've been left with too many questions, and no answers. Life isn't always fair, but in this case, life made you its bitch.

- ???

Completion award:


Sydney was back in her room, on the bed, wrapped up in her comforter. Her mind was racing. She had memories of a full and mostly happy life. They were her parents, them disappearing and probably not being human wasn't so bad right?

If it was so alright then why was she crying. That damn wisdom stat was messing up her thinking again, so now she had bullet points.

One, her normal life was fucked.

Two, Syd's lover had basically chosen her job and spouse. Okay, she couldn't really fault Riley for choosing her career and husband. In fact, she felt kinda bad for asking Riley to run away with her in the first place. Gods be damned first love and romance novels.

Three, she'd never see mom and dad again. They were gone. No more family dinners or rowdy breakfasts.

Four, her parents were more than less likely not her birth parents. They were also probably lying about a lot of things.

Five, lots of people are gonna want to experiment on her, and not in the good way.

Fucking hindsight, twenty-twenty bullshit. 'Focus on the good things,' she thought sadly.

One, she is The Gamer. Period.

Two, she can use magic. See point one for an explanation.

Three, money, money, money. Once again, see point one.

Four, no more ironclad rules. Freedom!

'Freedom feels so hollow when it just reminds you what you lost to get it...'

Gazing out her bedroom window was nearly as depressing as thinking of her parents. The curtains on Riley's window were closed, Syd didn't even know the woman had curtains. Obviously, going right back and freaking out less than an hour after saying goodbye would suck. This was a huge problem though, and it would be something she could use help with. In fact, Sydney was sure Riley would understand.

That was the problem though, she couldn't go to Riley now. Syd needed to leave the woman, and if she went back now then Riley may very well become her crutch. The woman had a life without her, and it just wouldn't do to depend on her for everything. Her parents vanishing was peaceful enough, nothing too big was changing, sure it was a little screwed up, but she could deal with it.

Syd looked away from the window and went over what she should do next, it was raining far too soon...

Sydney moved through her home like a zombie on a mission. Every little thing that she could think might be useful was getting chucked into her inventory. There was actually a pretty scary moment where she realized that there was definitely one more door on the ground floor than there used to be. A door that she couldn't remember, like something you see out of the corner of your eye, but never look at.

Syd didn't even open it, she turned tail and ran. Maybe one day she'd come back...

Outside of her home, and slightly out of breath, Syd yanked her cellphone out. It was time to call in a favor.

"Hello?" a slightly high-pitched voice answered.

"Hey, perv."

There was a long pregnant silence, before a squeal assaulted Syd's ear through the phone. "Oh my god, Syd. How've you been, bitch?"

Juliet, her first friend. They hadn't spoke since last summer, and they hadn't met for more than three years now. What to say?

"My world kind of crashed and burned..." Smooth Syd, real smooth.

"Is everything... forget that, stupid question. What do you need?" Juliet asked somberly.

"A place to crash tonight, I don't wanna be alone."

"You know the place Syd."

Sydney took a deep breath, why had she ever doubted her friend. "I'll be there in two hours... It's good to hear your voice Jules."

With that, she hung up the phone and whipped her fake parent's keys out. She'd always liked driving her mother's Honda. Nice small car with good mileage. Syd wasn't sure what she would do with her dad's monster of a truck.


You have encountered Dark Rider!

Syd's heart about leapt through her chest as soon as the window popped up. She was just minding her own business, driving down the highway. A monster? Seriously?

The quick paced galloping of a horse steadily getting louder alerted Syd to danger. Ignoring the fact that every car around her had suddenly disappeared, she glanced at her rear view mirror.

One of the scariest things ever was coming up on her. Bathed in a cloak of shadows with the biggest scythe she had ever seen, was a giant man whose features couldn't be seen. Of course he had to be riding on an equally giant horse with red eyes, black hair, and steam coming out its nostrils. Syd could almost swear she saw him smile as it reared back and swung the scythe down in a vertical motion.

Syd veered her car right just in time to avoid being impaled on the blade, then she jerked left to slam into his horse. The thing toppled over in a spectacular display of pain that brought a sadistic grin to her face. That grin lasted all of two seconds before 'Death' landed on the roof of her car. Just before his scythe came back down she hit the breaks. Physics kicked in and the son of a bitch went flying off the hood.

Syd slammed her foot on the pedal while raising her right hand to hit him with grav ring. In less than three seconds the nine foot giant in black was attached to her hood. At four seconds it was under her wheels, and at five seconds he was dead.

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

She took her time to slow down and park, her car was pretty banged up, but hey, she was alive. Hitting reverse, she slowly backed up to where the monster had died. Sure enough, right on the ground was a wad of cash.

Four grand and three levels from one monster, this reminded her exactly why low level people don't go to high level zones. Assuming that the highway was just a high level zone, Syd quickly chose to take the long way to Juliet's house.

The rest of her ride in was uneventful for Syd. All the way up to the gate of Juliet's home was nothing but peaceful riding. She really had a newfound love for mellow rides after the adrenaline rush of her last battle wore off.

In front of her now, through a cast iron gate, Syd could see the acres of forest that Juliet's parents had built their home on. She loved playing in these lush green and brown forests of pine. Before she could even reach out to tap the intercom someone buzzed her in.

Syd drove at a sedate pace and allowed her mind to wander towards simpler days. Chasing other children through these woods, climbing pine trees and swinging about, riding dirt bikes up and down ditches, her first broken arm. Playing hide and seek for hours on end. All smiles, laughs, and shouts.

This was a sort of reminder that Juliet's family was rich beyond rich. They didn't really have a physical security presence, since those people lived in cabins spread throughout the woods, but within a minute of any alarms going off, the entire estate would be covered in armor wearing bodyguards with high-caliber weaponry. If it wasn't for the fact that she was sure Juliet wouldn't be a viable target for people coming after her, than Syd probably would've just gone back to Riley — screw the consequences.

All of her musing abruptly stopped when she spotted the home. Fourteen massive pillars of hand carved oak lined the front like a monument. Large circular ornate wooden doors that had been too heavy for her to open as a child remained closed. Off to her right she spotted a spec of blonde, Julie had been waving her down.

She quickly hooked a turn and followed her friend to the car port. One of six giant twin sized garage doors screeched as it rose to let her in. The inside of their garage was what you would typically expect. Large, square, and gray.

As Syd stepped out of her car she was hit by a blonde missile, the girl was easily a foot shorter than herself. The scent of peach shampoo quickly overpowered everything else. Syd honestly stood there for a moment too shocked to respond. It was nice to be hugged by a friend right now.

The moment didn't last though, bright blue eyes, brighter than her own azure eyes, glance up at her. "Syd..."

Sydney gathered Juliet up in her arms and sat on the hood of her beat up Honda. "God I missed you Jules."

Juliet chuckled and stared at Syd's car. "What happened to your mom's Honda?"

"Hit a real monster," she said blandly. "I'm sorry I haven't called you in a while..."

Juliet shrugged as she let go of Syd and leaned against the car. "That goes both ways, I guess we've just been busy."

Syd toyed with her broken mirror, she'd really busted it on that horse. "You have no idea."

Juliet smiled as she grabbed Syd's hands. "Come on, you look like you could use a bath."

Syd raised one eyebrow and refrained from being an honest person. Jules was hot, no need to tell her about the whole lesbian thing just yet.

"We can swap stories while we sweat away our woes."

Syd grinned like the cheshire cat himself. "I like the sound of that."

Syd had gotten used to not looking at people's floating I.D. while she talked to them, so it was a real relief when she saw Jules name.

LV.9 Juliet Dauphine

Now that she was a bit older, Sydney could appreciate some of the art Juliet's father had left scattered among the giant hallways of their home. The man was an amazing artist, sometimes you would walk by a piece and just know that he meant for you to hear the resounding tap of your shoes against marble floors being bounced between pieces.

Less than five minutes of walking, and one giant spiraling staircase later, Syd was standing in a room full of cubicles. She was actually shocked when Jules just started tearing her own clothes off and lazily tossing it about. Normally she had to work to get a girl to do that. Of course now she was feeling guilty, not guilty enough to look away, but still guilty.

Making haste to follow, Syd quickly disrobed. "Still into the whole 'Bucking Broncos' thing?"

Juliet froze on the spot and glared at Syd. "We shall never speak of that again."

A wry chuckle escaped Syd's lips. "I have a slight confession to make," Syd began, drinking in what may very well be one of her last good looks at the french beauty's smooth curves. "I'm a lesbian."

Juliet froze again. "Really?"


"Huh, did not see that one coming."

Syd's head cocked sideways causing her straight black bangs to slide away. "Why not?"

"You were always a lot more hands on with the boys than me. I remember the raving about how you were almost eighteen the last time we talked," she calmly explained, doing a little twirl and gauging Syd's reaction. "Thought you'd have a boyfriend in days."

"That makes two of us," Syd admitted, prying her eyes off her posing friend. "What the hell are you doing?"

Jules laughed, it was the sort of musical laughter that only goddesses can make. "You can look, but you can't touch. I like having someone admire me for being me, not just because I'm..."

Syd waltzed by Jules and sat near one of the showers, rinsing off before entering a bath is common courtesy after all. "Problems?"

Jules followed Syd in and began to lather up some soap, just like old times she was scrubbing Syd's back. "Marriage partners all sucked, they just want my money, and contacts. Anyone I try to even give a chance either looks at me like an idol or a slut. It's getting absurd..." she trailed off, noticing something entertaining, "... I like your tramp stamp. Have you been working out?"

Syd chuckled ruefully and changed topics. "Is it really that bad, no good guys around?"

Jules wasn't used to anybody ignoring her questions, she found it oddly refreshing. "I tried a few of your old friends, they were all horn dogs. One of them even had the gall to claim he'd slept with me."

Syd cringed something awful at that. Jules had dug her nails in a bit. "What did you do about it?"

"I saw a gynecologist and got as official a note as possible saying that I'm still a virgin. Then I started a smear campaign. He dropped out of school and moved away last I heard."

Syd sighed wistfully while taking a closer look at her friend. "I would totally worship you like the goddess that you are, and I'd expect nothing in return."

Jules managed a small blush as she finished rinsing the soap off Syd's back. "I'm tempted, but we've been friends for way too long. I've never even considered searching for a romantic partner in women before."

Out of habit they switched places and Syd began to lather soap onto Juliet's creamy white skin. Her 'massage' skill also kicked in on reflex. "We've changed you know, if that wasn't already obvious from seeing me."

Jules fought down the urge to moan, no one had ever touched her like this before. "So you suddenly realized how great I am?"

"Nothing like that," Syd shook her head negatively. "I've always known you were great, it was only when I realized that I 'like' like girls, things changed. Now you're more than that kind, fun, gentle, and beautiful — it's why I stopped calling last summer. I doubt I'd be able to stop myself from hitting on you."

Jules started to push back into Syd's amazing fingers. "You got taller."

"You got shorter."

"Where on earth did you learn to do this?" Jules finally gave in, it was an incredible massage.

Syd felt a pang of sorrow well up as she rested her chin on Juliet's shoulder, pulling the smaller woman into an embrace. "Tell you in the bath?"

Juliet nodded dumbly, this was not how she was expecting their reunion to go. Normally they'd be watching movies, reading books, or playing games. Pigging out on junk food and gossiping about their lives. What the hell could've made cheery, bubbly Syd, sound so forsaken.

Name: Syndra Shyael

Class: The Gamer

Level: 17Health 340/340

Mana 2354/2354Strength: 29

Vitality: 34

Dexterity: 24

Intellect: 107

Wisdom: 56

Luck: 16Points: 34

Money: $11,202


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