《Breaking Syd》Chapter 3: ~Strange Bedfellows~


Chapter 3: ~Strange Bedfellows~

Sydney took a long time getting to her secret lover's home. Instead of cutting through the backyard and hopping the fence like usual, she just strolled around the block. Syd honestly felt like taking her time was in everyone’s best interest. Still, going around the block to your neighbor's house can only take so long.

*Knock knock!*


The door swung open moments later to reveal 'Katie' in her usual suit. Seriously, so many things about the woman made sense now. "Busy?" Syd chirped.

'Katie' gave her one of those smiles that do funny things to her head, or at least they used to. "You actually caught me heading out, have to give another consultation. You're always welcome to stay though. This shouldn't take me more than an hour."

Sydney wondered what she really meant by 'consultation', but her newfound critical thinking wouldn't allow her to ask. In all likelihood, this woman could kill her with a spoon. So, instead of calling her on it, Syd just went for the usual approach.

"I was thinking I could get away with spending the night here, I'll call my parents and tell them that I convinced you to show me something." That got a raised eyebrow out of the spy. Syd was quick to explain. "I told them that I'd ask you to teach me a few things to keep in shape." At that point her voice morphed into a sultry purr. "Aside from what you've already taught me."

'Katie' shook her head while smiling. The busty redhead quickly gathered her suitcase, and smacked Syd on her rear as she walked out the door. Sydney let out a whispered 'goodbye' as she watched 'Katie' walk away, by the goddess, she loved to watch that woman walk away.

As soon as the door was shut and locked Syd couldn't help but collapse into the nearest chair. 'Katie's' home gave new meaning to the word spartan, so the nearest chair meant going all the way to her living room. Sitting there gazing at the ceiling brought up a few old memories, specific ones about 'Katie'. She'd gotten the distinct impression that the woman didn't want someone falling in love with her, then, when Syd had confessed, that impression turned out to be spot on.

'I'm sorry,' she had said. 'You don't really love me,' she had claimed. Syd couldn't help but laugh at herself now. Once again, hindsight is twenty-twenty and all that bull. 'You're a spy,' Syd thought bitterly, 'of course I couldn't love you if I didn't know the real you.'

It kinda sucked, her first love was now circling the drain. 'Should it bother me that my first love turned into my first fuck buddy?''

Her ruminations of the past were interrupted by a grumbling belly. Syd had forgotten to eat again...

Fun fact, eating became more than just eating. Syd was still getting that surreal feeling whenever she attained a well fed buff. Things like enhanced vitality for half an hour. Stuff like that was still throwing her for a loop, then again, you can only get so used to bizarre shit in less than a week.

It had been half an hour now so she still had some alone time. Not really being one to just laze about, Syd got to work. She quickly walked right by the stairwell, pointedly ignoring some erotic memories that her newfound intellect was deciding to recall in vivid detail.

Past the stairwell was the seldom used home gym, one of 'Katie's' only requirements for when she moved in. The woman hadn't realized she'd be doing her morning workouts in her room most of the time.


The home gym actually had a few useful things for her. She couldn't use the weights without a spotter, 'Katie' had made sure she knew that. They'd only been in here twice, and that was 'Katie' trying to get Syd to workout and maintain her 'youthful figure'. Now that she'd become a game character, and had some seriously messed up mechanics in her life, Syd definitely saw the appeal in working out more.

So ignoring the weights, Syd made her way to a free incline bench. By the time she got there her mistake was obvious, she'd forgotten to bring a change of clothes with her, workout clothes would've been nice.

Syd's wisdom was also telling her that it would be a waste of time to run out for a change of clothing, so she just stripped naked on the spot and started doing sit-ups. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she also realized what would happen if 'Katie' found her working out in the buff, nothing at all...


The Goddess of Gravity: Seducing the Spy, Part 1.The Greek goddess of gravity and mischief herself has been watching you for fun, entertain her and reap the rewards.

- Lure the spy into her own gym using discarded clothing as bait.

- Bonus: Get 'caught' jogging on the treadmill in your birthday suit.

Completion award:

-Exp 1000

-Luck + 1

-Bonus Reward: Spell Scroll: "Structural Analysis."

Completion failure:

-Exp 100

-Luck - 1


Sydney laughed maliciously and rubbed her paws together while reading the quest information. The excited little pervert quickly got to work when she realized that her first piece of magecraft was on the line here. Forget the inevitable fun, magecraft!

Out in the hallway Sydney came to an unexpected stop. She had to stare into 'Katie's' full body mirror. Syd hadn't really noticed how much she'd changed in the past few months since meeting 'Katie'. She had quickly shed her leftover baby fat thanks to frequent 'physical activity', and lost her pale skin from being indoors too much. Her straight black hair had also gained a few light streaks, and now, there were no longer bags underneath her azure eyes.

Syd really hadn't noticed the gradual changes till now, she supposed this was also thanks to her improving memory. 'In fact,' she groped herself, 'yup, definitely bigger now.'

Vitality + 1

Vitality + 1

Vitality + 1

Syd was worn the hell out. Her heart was racing, sweat was pouring from places she didn't know could sweat, and her legs were dying. It had been almost two hours now, where the heck was 'Katie'?

Vitality + 1

Vitality + 1

Syd was dying, or she felt that way.

'For the love of god woman,' she cried out inside. 'Where are you!?''

Vitality + 1

Syd was on her second wind, she couldn't even be bothered to remember what it was runners called this phase. That point when your running, and you hit the plateau, your legs just can't go on anymore, then boom, there it is — energy, pure fantastic energy, the strength to go on.

She was glad to have unlocked the [Jogging] and [Endurance] passives, not to mention a literal [Second Wind] skill, but it was still a relief to hear the gym's door open.

"I'm so frickin' beat," Syd commented, very out of breath.

'Katie' had a bemused smile on her lips. "I take it you were expecting me sooner?"


Quest Complete!

Level up!

Luck + 1

Spell Scroll: "Structural Analysis." Obtained.


Syd was damn thankful the book didn't just pop out of thin air here. She hadn't considered that bit. Glancing back at 'Katie' left her speechless. The woman was standing there in some very attractive black lace.

"I thought I'd join the club," she explained, waltzing towards Syd in the sultry way that only a real woman can.

Syd herself was having trouble gathering her thoughts at the moment. "I've been running for hours here, I'm really beat..." she muttered, but it didn't work, 'Katie' was still stalking her prey, "... I'm really hot and sweaty, and I even brushed a nipple once by accident, they are way too sensitive right now!"

It would seem that was definitely not the right thing to say, because 'Katie' got a very familiar gleam in her eyes. A look that says you're boned, just give up. With a yip and two squeals, Syd was pinned to the mats and completely boneless.

Syd was awoken by the soft morning light of dawn peeking in. At some point she had gotten a bath, and some rather comfy blankets, other than that it's pretty much a blur. Flipping over said blankets revealed a rather smug looking 'Katie'.

"That's not how I planned for it to go yesterday..."

"Oh, you had a plan?"

Syd pouted for a moment before smiling down at 'Katie'. "It was a glorious plan, you would've like it."

"I'm sure." 'Katie' nodded with far too much enthusiasm for it to be anything but sarcasm. "Not that I'm complaining or anything, but when did you get a tramp stamp?"

Syd's [Blank Crest] had actually slipped her mind. "Anyways," she deflected, "I was hoping that after you show me some exercises — most of which I know by now from just watching — we could, maybe, try something else?"

'Katie' was enjoying the way Syd had started to massage her shoulders, so much so that she almost missed the question. "What have you got in mind?

"Mind teaching me how to fight?"

Syd was expecting many things to happen in the next few moments. 'Katie' yelping in surprise and rolling off the bed, was definitely not one of them. As she tried, and failed to stop laughing, Syd asked, "what was that about?" 'Katie' spent a few moments staring off into space in a way that Syd found vaguely familiar. "Is something wrong?"

'Katie' swiped her hand in what appeared to be a natural motion while looking back at Syd. "Nothing, I was just..." 'Katie' stopped speaking when she'd seen what Syd had done, or rather how she had reacted.

The moment 'Katie' had swiped her hand Syd got another window in her face.


Congratulations, Riley Tombs has accepted your request for mentorship. All experience gains while studying under her shall be increased by 20%.

It had been so unexpected that Syd couldn't help but gape for a moment, and that's all it was, a single moment. It wasn't much, but it was enough for 'Katie'.


You have sensed a massive amount of Killing Intent!

"If you'd never seen it before, then you would've gaped for more than half a second," she began in a tone that sent chills up Syd's spine, "and if you didn't see it at all, then you wouldn't have looked like a deer in the headlights. Is there something you want to tell me, Sydney?"

Syd smiled wryly at the woman that had crawled back on top of her. This time, rather than fitting together snugly, she was definitely being pinned. "Don't suppose I can convince you that this isn't happening, and you're still dreaming because I gave you a world-shattering orgasm last night?"

'Katie' almost managed to keep the smile off her face, but Syd had been watching, and she'd seen the corner of her lover's lips twitch. "No, what are you?"

Syd made her best serious business face. "Human..." 'Katie' definitely didn't find that amusing if the increased pressure on her solar plexus was any indication. "... I'm serious, this just sort of happened. Also, what the fuck? There are non-humans running around here?"

As a spy, 'Katie', had been trained to spot lies, and Syd honestly didn't appear to be lying to her. "Full disclosure, Sydney, leave nothing out."

"Is it wrong that this is really turning me on?" Syd asked truthfully.

'Katie' couldn't help it that time, she laughed, then glared back at Syd.

"I love what laughing does to your..."


You have sensed a massive amount of Killing Intent!

"Five days ago I was having this crazy dream, I'd thought nothing of it at first. You know, just figured we played Helios Online a little too much that night. I dreamt that I was in the game, fighting monsters and hanging with my friends, normal shit." Syd could see 'Katie' giving her a 'hurry up' look, so she cut to the point. "I woke up as a game character, totally weird right?"

'Katie' didn't bother saying anything, she just dug her knuckles into Syd's ribs.

"Ow, ok, ok, so basically I've got all this weird role playing game stuff happening in real life. The long vacation weekend had just started, school was out, and I freaked. It's why you didn't see me all weekend, I ran off to be alone for a while. See if I could get my head screwed on straight. Then I come back, wake up, get ready for school, and spot you..."

'Katie' had the decency to blush. "You 'spot' me all the time, why did that stop you?"

"Above my head I can see Syndra Shyael, a.k.a, the name I didn't know was my real name. Don't ask, I'll tell you later. Guess what I saw above your head?" 'Katie' had been getting paler and paler as Syd went on. " LV.17 Riley Tombs," she finished bitterly. "Something you want to tell me, Riley?"

Syd saw some of the tension leave Riley's body, the woman wasn't coiled like a spring anymore. As soon as Riley's chin was resting on Syd's chest, and the two were comfortably entwined again, she spoke. "It's my job, it's part of the oath. You don't tell, you can't tell, that's all, so don't take it personally."

Syd ran her fingers through Riley's ginger hair. "You don't seem surprised about the weird shit happening to me?"

"I believe you," she said, quietly, "it's definitely one of the more unique ones, and it's weird, but there have been tons of powers that manifest in random people. They always get involved in my side of the world, a side I'd hoped you would never see. You're not leaving my house until we sit down and go over some maps. There are places you need to know to avoid now."

Syd giggled far too much for how serious Riley's last statement was. "Sorry, sorry, it's just that I've been avoiding going anywhere all day. After I met up with you this morning I got the 'massage' passive skill. Things kind of snowballed from there, I literally ended up in a random encounter fighting seven of the biggest little junk nibbling rats I have ever seen."

Riley went pale again, she knew exactly what Syd had discovered, they played games together after all. "You got sucked into a random encounter?"

Syd nodded sullenly. "Gods be damned ankle biting rat bastards."

Riley stared right into Syd's deep blue eyes with her own green orbs. It was so intense that Syd could feel the tension, they'd never gazed like this unless it was during the afterglow, this was something only real 'lovers' do. "You don't go anywhere alone anymore, okay?"

Syd nodded dumbly, after gathering her wits again, she responded as frankly as she could. "Does this mean I get to know you now?"

Riley was a bit taken aback, but she still managed a gentle smile. "I guess so."

"What if I really love you, the real you?"

Riley continued to stare at Syd, it was just so cute the way she was pensively biting her bottom lip. "Sex," she began, shocking Syd, "lots and lots of sex. Dating can wait a few weeks. That is, if you'd still want to be my mistress?"

Syd wrapped her arms around Riley in a crushing hug, she'd totally missed the 'mistress' bit. "As long as we still get to drag some random hapless girl home for a threesome now and then."

Riley smacked Syd playfully. "Of course we can still have fun."


Hidden Quest Complete!

The Goddess of Gravity: Seducing the Spy, Part 2.The Greek goddess of gravity and mischief herself has been watching you for fun, entertain her and reap the rewards. This quest was hidden in order to not tempt the user into following a path that was not true to her own heart.

- Truth and Reconciliation.

Completion award:

-Exp 2000

-Luck + 2

-Alternate Reality Loot: "Gravity Hammer."

Level up!

Luck + 2

Weapon: "Gravity Hammer." Obtained.

Syd actually ignored the sudden pop-up. "Oh, shit."


"I have to tell my parents now. Ironclad rule number three: If you want to date a boy, you have to... ahh, nevermind." Syd smiled happily at the loophole in her parent's rules.

"Syd," Riley gave her a flat look.

"Call me Syn. Love, do you have any idea how much your real name turns me on?" she asked, distracting Riley with a searing kiss.


Riley glared at Syd who was nursing her aching head. "You've got parents that love you, don't break any of their rules."

Syd looked away, it was a very guilty look. "Okay, won't break em'. If I end up madly in love with you, I'll tell my parents before I confess — again. Deal?"

"Deal, now tell me what you've figured out about your power so far."

Syd decided to keep the brute hammer a secret till she goes to use it — purely for the laughs.

One hour later Sydney had finally finished recounting how her initial reactions and the previous day had gone for her. Riley found Syd's 'Seduce the Spy quest' particularly amusing. As if being bounced around by the now confirmed to be real gods and goddesses of the multiverse wasn't enough.

Thankfully, it would seem that sort of thing is extremely rare, and their interference is usually background noise at best. The only reason Syd was hearing about them in the first place was because of her unique power.

"Syd, send me a party invite."

Sydney stared at Riley with a blank expression for a moment before doing as told. A few seconds later there was a notice that her mentor had joined the party. Along with the notice there was a party screen for things like loot and experience distribution, hell, there was even a level sync feature.

As Syd checked out the party features, Riley was playing with her status screen. That, in and of itself, was rather amusing. Having a beautiful naked woman sitting in bed with her, playing with see-through windows, absently swaying about.

"You've got leftover attribute points?" Riley interrupted her musing.


"Fifteen vitality, strength and dexterity."

Syd didn't even bother questioning Riley, she just trusted the more experienced woman's judgement. It had nothing to do with the fact that Riley was currently topless, nothing at all.

Suddenly, her body began to change. It was a bizarre sensation to say the least, and from the look on Riley's face, just as strange to watch. Syd could literally feel her muscles twisting into corded knots, pulling tightly, then releasing the built up tension. Once all was said and done, she felt healthier and more in control of her body than ever before.


Your mentor has chosen a skill to teach! [Judo]

"Judo is a Japanese martial arts style focused on grappling, joint locks, and throws." Riley had stricken a serious sensei pose, sitting in what was obviously seiza. "I think that once you get some more versatile gravity magic, judo, shall complement it nicely."

Sydney reluctantly held up her hand to stop Riley. "As much as I would love to spend all day today wrestling with you, especially in our current attire. I have to go to school."

"I totally forgot about that," Riley replied honestly. "Okay, quick rules. I'm going to and from school with you. We will only walk directly there, then right back after school. Do not, whatever you do, react to any students that you notice are not strictly humans."

Syd smiled wryly. "Not human?"

"You'll see it yourself soon, but there are a few power holders and martial clans centered around our city," she explained patiently. "Students will include vampires, lycanthropes, nekomata, and other species. DO. NOT. REACT. TO. THEM. Are we clear?"

"Crystal, wait a sec. You knew that a lot of students at my school aren't human right?"


Syd cocked her head sideways. "You do know that most of the girls I brought back here with me, girls that we've slept with, were my classmates right?"

Riley groaned out loud. "Is that how you were picking girls up so quickly?"

"Yup," Syd chuckled ruefully, "you only said, 'As long as they're eighteen, it's okay.' Remember Lucia? That athletic beauty, golden eyes, really firm ass, wouldn't kiss." Riley collapsed back onto her bed, she'd loved that ass, you don't forget an ass like that. "I'd bet money she's a lycanthrope."

Wisdom + 1

"I'm a terrible spy, a failure," Riley groaned.

Syd absently toyed with Riley's thighs. "Mind if I help you get dressed?"

"Yes, I do." Riley answered. "Don't pout like that, there isn't enough time. We both know you can't help kissing me in places that always end up with us back in bed."

Sydney had the good grace to look a bit bashful. She'd been raised with some morals after all, no matter how much meeting Riley last summer had corrupted them.

Name: Syndra Shyael

Class: The Gamer

Level: 13Health 150/150

Mana 2222/2222Strength: 15

Vitality: 15

Dexterity: 15

Intellect: 101

Wisdom: 55

Luck: 16Points: 14

Money: $372


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